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Subject: “where ravens roost part 33” gay adult youth In Kansas during the dead of night the stretch limo navigated the drive into Sam’s property, headlights bright and windows down with only the sound of crickets all around them. As they hit the clearing and parked outside of Sam’s house, the moon helped illuminate a figure sat on the steps outside. “Sam!” Bubba exclaimed as he jumped from the limo and ran towards the figure, “Bubba? Is that you? I damn near shot you” Sam said as he sat his shotgun down and was soon picked up into his friends arms. “Bubba so happy to see yous, Bubba was worried” Bubba said as he hugged Sam, “Bubba put me down, I stink” Sam said. “Bubba no care, Bubba love Sam no matter what” Bubba said, “I appreciate that Bubba but please put me down” Sam said and Bubba placed him back on his feet. “Now what are you doing here?” Sam asked, “Mr. Ravencroft? Roy? What is this?” he added when Bill and Roy stepped towards him. “Son we have a lot to talk about, but the most important thing right now is you and your family” Bill said, “Now when was the last time any of you have had a bath and eaten?” he added. “Tammy has been bringing us unwanted food from the diner but it hasn’t been much, I’ve been giving it to the kids but it’s just not enough, as far as baths I’m sure you can tell by the way I smell it’s been a minute, I can smell myself” Sam said. “Why didn’t yous tell Bubba yous was in trouble? You know Bubba would help” Bubba asked, “I was ashamed Bubba, I couldn’t admit I had failed my family” Sam replied emotionally. “Let’s not get into this tonight, as I said the time for talk is tomorrow, do you agree to us taking you and your family to a hotel tonight to get you all bathed and fed?” Bill asked, “You would do that for my family? I was just sitting out here praying for help” Sam replied. “Your prayers are answered, we are here to help so let us” Roy said, “Please if you will help us then yes” Sam said, “The kids are asleep I imagine” Bill said. “Yes they are” Sam said, “Alright let’s carry them into the limo, we have Roy’s grandson with us and he’s asleep too, maybe they can sleep until we get them to the hotel” Bill said. “Thank you sir” Sam said emotionally, “Do you have clean clothes for everyone to change into?” Bill asked. “No sir all the clothes we have are dirty” Sam replied, “Alright I’ll figure out how to get everyone some clean clothes tomorrow, they might have to do without any until then, can’t bathe them and put them in dirty clothes” Bill said. “Oh I don’t think they’ll mind sir, to be honest they rarely wear any except to go to school” Sam said, “In fact they sleep naked so don’t be shocked” he added. “Nudity doesn’t bother us” Bill said, “Alright Roy, Bubba help Sam grab the kids, I’ll go fill Katherine and the driver in” Bill said. The three naked kids wrapped in blankets were quickly carried from the house and placed in the limo around Charlie, in hopes they could all sleep together peacefully. “I can’t thank you enough for this, honestly it’s been so hard” Sam said emotionally as his lip quivered and tears streamed down his face, “Sam no cry, Bubba and friends are here now, we will help yous” Bubba said. “I can’t thank you enough especially after the way I did you Bubba” Sam said, “Bubba not care, Bubba love Sam, no matter what” Bubba said. “He means it to” Roy said, “I know, he always has” Sam said emotionally. “Sam, I would like to introduce you to Katherine Ash, my future daughter in law” Bill said as the limo departed, “How do you do mam, I’m sorry to meet you like this” Sam said. “It’s nice to meet you Sam, your children are precious” Katherine said, “Thank you, they mean the world to me” Sam said. “Is this your grandson Roy?” he added, “Yes sir, that’s Charlie, I asked him to come along thinking your kids might could use a friend” Roy replied. “I’m sure they will get along great” Sam said, “You know Charlie hates clothes too, if you don’t mind him being naked around your kids he’d be much happier” Roy said. “Oh not at all” Sam Said, “I’m a hippie at heart so nudity and such doesn’t bother me, never has” he added. When they arrived at the hotel Bill quickly got them checked into a four bedroom suite and the kids were carried up all wrapped in blankets. As the kids were placed on the bed they slowly began to wake, “Poppa?” Charlie asked as he sat up and yawned, “I’m right here Charlie” Roy said softly as he knelt in the floor. “How are you Harrison” he added to the wide awake blonde haired boy with a confused look on his face sat next to his grandson. “I remember you…where am I?… where’s my dad?” Harrison asked, “I’m right here Harrison” Sam sadly softly. “Charlie this is Harrison, Harrison this is my grandson Charlie” Roy said, “Hi” Charlie said softly. “Nice to meet’cha Charlie” Harrison said, “You’re naked” Charlie said with a giggle as he looked upon Harrison. “Can I get naked poppa ?” he added as he looked back to Roy, “Sure if you like” Roy replied and Charlie quickly began to strip. “Daddy” Olivia said, “Daddy is right here baby” Sam said. “Uncle Bubba!” Harrison exclaimed and ran to the heavyset man as he entered the room, “Hi little Harrison” Bubba said as he picked the young boy up into his arms. “Bubba happy to see yous” he added, “Hi Mr. Ravencroft” Harrison said with a wave as Bill entered. “Well hi Harrison you seem lively as ever” Bill said with a chuckle, “I hope that’s a good thing” Harrison said. “Daddy where are we?” Olivia asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, “These nice people have brought us to a hotel so we can get a bath and some food” Sam replied. “Oh I’m hungry” Olivia said, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” Harrison said. “I told the front desk we needed food and lots of it so it should soon be here” Bill said, “Who’s that?” Harrison asked when he noticed the lady stood in the doorway. “Oh that’s Katherine, come on in here” Bill said as he turned around, “Sorry I didn’t want to interrupt” Katherine said as she entered. “Katherine konyaaltı sınırsız escort come meet my kids, this is Harrison” Sam said as he indicated to his son in Bubba’s arms, “Nice to meet’cha” Harrison said with a wave. “This is Olivia and the other one is Allison who is still asleep, always has been a deep sleeper” Sam said. “Olivia baby this is Katherine” he added as Katherine knelt next to him, “Hi” Olivia said softly. “Hi sweetheart, my you are a pretty little girl” Katherine said, “They all take after their mom” Sam said with a smile. “While we wait on the food it might not be a bad idea to go ahead and get baths started” Bill said, “Poppa can I take a bath with Harrison?” Charlie asked sweetly. “If it’s ok with Sam” Roy said, “That’s fine with me Roy, if you don’t mind would you bathe them while I collect myself?” Sam asked. “No trouble at all” Roy replied, “Yay!” Charlie exclaimed. “Come on boys” Roy said as Bubba placed Harrison on his feet and both boys ran to the bathroom with Roy in tow. “If you like I can take the girls to bathe in the other bathroom” Katherine said, “Olivia baby would that be ok? If Ms. Katherine bathes you?” Sam asked. “Yeah daddy” Olivia said with a smile and Katherine picked her up, as she did Olivia placed her head on Katherine’s shoulder and relaxed into her. “Oh you are the sweetest thing” Katherine said as she gripped the back of Olivia’s head with her hand. “They both miss their mom a great deal” Sam said emotionally, “I’ll wake Allison” he added. “Allison baby, wake up” he further added as he gently shook his oldest daughter awake, “Dad what is it?” Allison asked groggily as she slowly opened her eyes. “You need to wake up baby” Sam said and Allison sat up, “Wait this isn’t our house, am I dreaming?” Allison asked. “No baby you aren’t dreaming, these people are helping us, this nice lady is Ms. Katherine, she is going to take you and your sister to have a bath” Sam replied. “Hi mam” Allison said as she looked to Katherine, “Hey sweetheart would you like to come with me?” Katherine asked softly as she extended her hand. “Yes mam, I’d like that” Allison replied and took her hand, “Hey Little Allison” Bubba said with a smile. “Uncle Bubba, what are you doing here?” Allison asked, “Bubba is the one that brought these people to help us” Sam replied. Katherine slowly pulled Allison to her feet and they started towards the bathroom, “I missed you uncle Bubba” Allison said as stopped and hugged the heavyset man, “Bubba miss little Allison too” Bubba said. “And little Olivia” he added as he brushed the little girl’s face with his finger, “Let’s get you bathed and you can come see Bubba” Katherine said and Allison took her hand again. “She’s really good with them” Sam said softly as Katherine led his daughters away, “Now son you just relax until a bath opens up” Bill said. “Yeah I’m really struggling to keep it together to be honest” Sam said emotionally, “Bubba will take care of Sam” Bubba said and wrapped his friend in a bear hug. In the bath with Charlie and Harrison the boys happily played together, “You know I think I’ve seen you before” Harrison said as he looked closely at Charlie, “I don’t think so” Charlie said. “Oh do you know Charlie?” Roy asked, “Let me think” Harrison replied. “Oh I got it! You were the weird little kid on the bus that never would talk to anyone” he added suddenly, “I’m not weird!” Charlie exclaimed. “Well you’re the stinky kid so there” he added and stuck his tongue out at Harrison, “Boys that wasn’t very nice of either of you” Roy said sternly. “I’m sorry Charlie I shouldn’t have called you weird” Harrison said, “I’m sorry too I shouldn’t have called you stinky” Charlie said and the boys embraced in a hug. “Now that’s more like it” Roy said with a smile, “And you’re right I do stink” Harrison said with a giggle. “Well not for long” Roy said with a laugh as the boys broke from their hug and he began to wash Harrison. “My daddy and the mean lady wouldn’t let me play with other kids..that’s why I didn’t talk..I couldn’t make friends” Charlie said sadly. “That sucks, well I can be your friend” Harrison said, “Yes! Another friend” Charlie exclaimed with a smile. “I hope you come home with us so you can meet my brothers” he added, “Maybe you could be our brother too” he further added. “How many brothers do you have?” Harrison asked, “Six with Dwight” Charlie replied. “Who’s Dwight?” Harrison asked, “Oh he’s our big brother, he’s a grownup but he still likes to play with us” Charlie replied. “Oh that’s cool, I would like to have brothers, all I have is sisters, I love them but I much rather play with boys” Harrison said. “Are you going to wash my wiener sir?” he added with a grin as Roy neared his groin, “That’s up to you son, I can or you can wash it yourself” Roy said. “Oh you can wash it sir” Harrison said, “I don’t mind at all” he added with a giggle as he began to become erect before Charlie and Roy’s eyes. “You got a boner” Charlie said with a giggle and Harrison waved it around, “Now you got one Charlie” Harrison said as he noticed Charlie was now erect too. “Oh yeah!” Charlie exclaimed, “Yours is bigger than mine though” he added with a sigh. “I kind of like it” Harrison said with a grin, “Charlie you still got a lot of growing to do yet son, and Harrison is older” Roy said. “Yeah Charlie I’m nine” Harrison said, “I’m only six” Charlie said. “Same age as my little sister” Harrison said, “Here we go” Roy said as he gripped Harrison’s boner with the washcloth and swiped it clean. “You keep doing that sir and I’m going to get my tingles” Harrison said with a giggle, “I’ll keep that in mind” Roy said with a laugh. “Now don’t forget my balls” Harrison said with a grin, Roy gripped the loose fleshy sack with the washcloth and gave it a quick scrub much to the enjoyment of Harrison. “Ok now turn around” Roy said and Harrison turned around so Roy could wash his back side, As Roy neared the boy’s konyaaltı türbanlı escort butt Harrison spread his cheeks wide. “I guess you want me to wash that too” Roy said a chuckle, “Yes sir I need my hiney shiny” Harrison said with a giggle as he looked behind him to Roy. As Roy neared Harrison’s butt the boy farted and Roy saw cum expelled from his hole, “Excuse me” Harrison said. “You know son if you go to the toilet after anal sex, it will be a whole lot easier on you” Roy said softly as he began to wash the boy’s butt. “Hey how’d you know what I did?” Harrison asked, “Because it’s cumming out of you” Roy replied with a laugh. “Oh yeah Bubba said you do humpies with your daddy” Charlie said, “Uncle Bubba knows that’s a secret, I can’t believe he told” Harrison said bitterly. “Harrison son it’s ok, don’t be mad at Bubba, our family and yours share the same ways, so as long as you want to do it, it’s fine with us” Roy said. “Of course I want to do it, I love my dad” Harrison said, “Then you have nothing to worry about” Roy said. “Yeah at home we all play together, it’s fun, and grandad did humpies with Ian” Charlie said, “I want my poppa to do humpies with me but he says I’m too little” he added sadly. “He’s right Charlie, humpies with dad isn’t as easy as it is with my friend Adam, but when my dad is inside of me it is the best feeling in the world” Harrison said. “I know but I can’t wait” Charlie said, “Just enjoy doing stuff with brothers for now Charlie, don’t rush things” Roy said softly. “So you and your brothers all play around like that Charlie?” Harrison asked, “Yep we all do humpies and suckies together” Charlie replied. “Man I can’t wait to meet them now” Harrison said with a grin, “It’s a lot of fun” Charlie said with a grin. “You both are really pretty young ladies” Katherine said softly as she washed Olivia, “Thank you mam” Allison said with a smile. “Our momma used to with us but she passed” Allison said sadly, “Bubba was telling us about her, her name was Pauline right?” Katherine asked. “Yes mam” Allison replied emotionally, “Oh sweetheart don’t get upset” Katherine said as she saw Allison began to cry and stood up quickly. “There there sweetheart” Katherine said as she hugged Allison tightly, “Why sissy crying?” Olivia asked. “Allison’s ok sweetheart don’t worry” Katherine said reassuringly as she hugged Allison, “I’m sorry mam” Allison said as she pulled away from the embrace and wiped her eyes. “I just miss her so much and she always used to bathe us like this” she added emotionally, “It’s ok sweetheart, there’s no shame in crying, if you need to talk later we will” Katherine said with a smile. “Thank you mam” Allison said, “Now let’s finish getting you girls nice and clean, I think I just heard the food arrive” Katherine said with a smile and continued to wash the girls. Once all the kids were washed and dried they began to run about the hotel room naked. “Come on and eat” Bill said with a chuckle as he called them into the kitchen to eat, “Wow! Look at all this food” Harrison said when he saw the spread. “What did you order ? the entire menu?” Roy asked with a laugh, “Basically, I wanted there to be enough” Bill replied with a laugh. “Sam come and eat” he added, “If it’s ok with you I’ll go ahead and bathe, y’all eat as much as you want and I’ll have what’s left over, main thing is my kids are fed” Sam said. “You sure? There’s plenty here” Bill said, “I’m sure” Sam said with a smile and went to walk away. “Bubba go with Sam, want to take care of Sam” Bubba said, “Bubba I don’t need you to bathe me” Sam said. “Bubba take care of Sam!” Bubba exclaimed, “Alright Bubba if it means that much to you, come on” Sam said and they left for the bathroom. As Sam sat in the water, “Bubba really you don’t have to do this” Sam said, “Bubba want to take care of Sam” Bubba said as he began to wash Sam. “Bubba..I don’t know what to say..I never meant to hurt you, you know that right?” Sam asked emotionally, “Bubba knows, Sam just no love Bubba like Bubba love Sam” Bubba replied. “You know momma told Bubba to tell you, but it was dumb, Bubba shoulda known Sam couldn’t love Bubba” he added, “But Bubba I do love you, I’m just not sure I’m in love with you, you have always been special to me” Sam said. “I mean when I look back at my childhood you were always there running right behind me” he added with a smile, “Yeah Bubba never could catch Sam” Bubba said with a smile. “Yous was Bubbas only friend Sammy” he added, “You haven’t called me that since we were kids” Sam said with a chuckle. “You were the best man at my wedding, an uncle to my kids, heck you were the only one I had sex with up until I met Pauline” he added. “Yeah yous never could leave Bubba’s overalls alone” Bubba said with a chuckle, “Hey you enjoyed it just as much as I did” Sam said as he joined in the chuckle. “Yeah that’s when Bubba knew he loved Sam” Bubba said, “You mean you’ve loved me since we were kids? You never told me that” Sam said emotionally. “Bubba always love Sam” Bubba said, “You have always and will always mean something special to me too Bubba” Sam said. After Sam was clean Bubba lovingly dried him off and the pair went back into the kitchen to eat. Soon after they started Charlie, Harrison, and Olivia asked to be excused, they ran from the room and soon a loud chorus of giggles rang out as they jumped on the bed in the adjacent bedroom. “Hold on let me put a stop to this, it’s way too late at night, they need to get to bed” Sam said, “I’ll come with you to talk to Charlie” Roy said and the pair left together. As they approached the open door they heard, “Would you like to play with my kitty?” Olivia asked, “I’ve never played with a girls kitty before” Charlie replied. “Oh no, O.” Sam started to say but Roy’s hand on his shoulder stopped him, “Sam our families share the same values about sex, if you don’t mind Charlie playing with your kids, then let’s just let them konyaaltı ucuz escort be, they won’t hurt each other” Roy said softly. “No I don’t mind, Pauline and I never hid sex from our kids, we all slept in the same bed from the day they were born, and the kids began to copy what we did” Sam said, “To us it was just natural” he added. “Eventually we all shared in our love together” he further added, “You know honestly Olivia would probably really appreciate if Charlie would play with her like that” he continued. “Oh why’s that?” Roy asked, “Well Harrison used to play with his sisters but ever since he met up with his fishing buddy, he stopped” Sam replied. “That’s Adam?” Roy asked, “Yeah how’d you know?” Sam asked. “Oh Harrison was talking about him in the bath” Roy replied, “Ah yeah but I think they spend more time having sex than they do fishing” Sam said with a laugh.”Why did Harrison stop when he teamed up with Adam?” Roy asked, “Well he says he loves his sisters but it feels a lot better when he is with a boy” Sam replied. “Or a man?” Roy asked, “It’s fine I told you we all share in the same values, just letting you know so you don’t have to hide it from us” he added. “That’s a relief, thank you Roy” Sam said as they started back to the kitchen, “You’re welcome Sam” Roy said as they walked. “But you really should make him sit on the toilet afterwards though” he further added with a chuckle, “We normally do, but sometimes he just falls right to sleep” Sam said as he joined in the chuckle. “Hey you go on and eat, let me take the kids some lube” Roy said, “Wow you all are as open minded as you say” Sam said as they parted ways. “Here you go guys” Roy said as he entered the bedroom with a jar of coconut oil and placed it on the bed. “Thanks poppa!” Charlie exclaimed as he looked up to Roy, “Well you kids just have fun but don’t stay up too late, it’s way past your bedtime already” Roy said. “Yes sir, soon as we get our tingles it’s lights out” Harrison said with a giggle, “I normally fall asleep anyway” he added. “Well alright then” Roy said with a chuckle and left for the kitchen. ““Charlie you say you do humpies right?” Harrison asked, “Yep” Charlie replied. “You ok if I play back here ?” Harrison asked as he rubbed his finger over Charlie’s butthole. “Yep go ahead” Charlie replied, “Don’t mind if I do” Harrison said and grabbed the jar of coconut oil. “That’s it Charlie” Harrison said with a smile and slipped his slicked up boner into Charlie’s butthole, which set off a chain reaction of moans. The chain reaction of moans continued as Harrison began to gently pound away inside of Charlie with his hands gripped the little boy’s hips tight. “Oh man Charlie your butt feels so good” Harrison moaned, “It’s like a warm bear hug on my wiener it’s so tight and warm” he continued as he began to thrust faster until the sound of skin slapping skin became audible. The chain reaction of moans got louder and more frequent, Harrison with a firm grip on Charlie’s small hips keeping him in place as he pounded away, Charlie moaning his head off. “Oh yeah Charlie” Harrison moaned with his body slouched forward and head down eyes closed as he rocketed into the young boy with all the youthful vigor his body had. Both boys moaned their heads off loudly, “So good….hmmmm..just so good..yeah!” Harrison called out until he boygasmed deep within Charlie with a guttural moan. Both boys soon collapsed where they were as they panted, “Man you’re really good at humpies Harrison” Charlie said with a smile, “Man your butt may feel better than Adam’s, I didn’t think that was possible” Harrison said. “Course Adam’s IS the only butt I’ve ever been in” he added with emphasis, “Alright let’s go to sleep” Harrison said as he turned out the lights and climbed in bed, soon all three kids were sound asleep. “It got quiet” Bill said, “I guess they are through” he added with a chuckle. “I can safely say they enjoyed themselves” Roy said with a laugh, “Of all the noise and commotion” he added. “I’m glad to hear my kids so happy” Sam said with a smile, “I think it’s time we all get to bed” Bill said. “Come on Roy, you’re with me but keep your hands to yourself I’m too tired for that” Bill said with a chuckle. “I make no promises” Roy said with a grin, “Oh brother, goodnight everyone” Bill said as he and Roy left to go to bed. “Come on Bubba I know you want to sleep with me” Sam said, “Bubba coming” Bubba said. “Goodnight baby” Sam said as he kissed Allison’s head, “Goodnight Dad” Allison said as Sam and Bubba left to head to bed. “How about you sweetheart? You want to go get in bed with your sister ? or you can have the other bed and I’ll sleep on the sofa here” Katherine asked. “If it’s alright mam I’d like to sleep with you” Allison said, “You know.. if that’s ok” she added softly. “Sure sweetheart I don’t mind let’s go to bed” Katherine said softly as she and Allison headed to bed in the last available room. “You know sweetheart I just thought of something, I didn’t bring any pajamas because I thought I’d be sleeping on my own, would it make you uncomfortable if I slept in my bra and panties?” Katherine asked. “To be honest, if you wouldn’t mind would you sleep naked like I am? I’m so used to my family sleeping naked, it might be odd if you have clothes on” Allison replied. “Oh..ok” Katherine said, “If you’re sure” she added. “Yes mam” Allison said and Katherine began to disrobe, “Do you need to talk about your mom tonight? I know you were upset earlier” Katherine asked. “No not tonight but thank you” Allison said softly, “Well if you ever do I’m here’ Katherine said as she removed the last of her clothes and became naked. When they got in bed together Allison rolled on to her side and Katherine on hers faced opposite directions. As Katherine tried to fall asleep she heard the faint sound of crying, “Allison sweetheart is that you?” Katherine asked as she rolled over behind Allison, “You sure you don’t want to talk?” she added. “No..please just hold me..like my mom” Allison replied emotionally and Katherine spooned up behind Allison with her arm draped over the emotional girl to pull her in close. “Shh now calm yourself so you can go to sleep” Katherine said softly as she held the young girl tight, soon she heard the faint coos of sleep as the young girl had fallen asleep and she followed soon after.

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