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Subject: Welcome to Gayberry 21 Welcome to Gayberry � 21 Feel free to address any comments on this story to hoo. His is a work of fiction and is based on no real persons, living or dead. If you enjoy this or any of the wonderful stories here, I hope you will consider a donation to the Nifty Archive to keep the site going. It is a treasure!!! fty/ 21 The warden led the way out of his office into a hall lined with metal bars. There were a number of uniformed guards, all of whom looked fit and ready to handle any kind of problem. “Where do you find all these fit men” the sheriff asked the warden. “I only hire the fittest and most capable” the warden said. “My life depends on them being smart and sharp at all times. I pay them almost twice what other prisons pay and most of them will be here until they reach retirement age. For your own safety, try to avoid making contact with any prisoners. Just ignore the things you’ll hear. You may see or hear things that disturb you. This ain’t a Sunday school, men.” After several doors with bars opened and closed, they found themselves in a medical examination room of sorts and were introduced to Dr. Nolen, the prison’s chief physician. Eamon announced the doctor would do the induction physical exam on the coach and invited all of them to take a seat as the coach was laid on his back on a long stainless steel table. It was clear the table was cold, although the coach tried not to show his discomfort. The doctor placed what appeared to be a small white hand towel on the man’s crotch, covering his penis sand his testicles but revealing his thick, fiery bush. “The prisoner’s shock collar will remain in place during this exam and the warden will not hesitate to use it at any time” the doctor announced as he began to feel of the coach’s hairy legs from ankle to thigh. He gave an ongoing commentary as he examined the man. “This is a well-developed male who appears in excellent physical shape” the doctor dictated. The doctor checked the coach’s temperature, blood pressure and oxygen levels and dictated normal results. He explained that in a preliminary exam, he obtained an oral temperature but if there was any abnormality, he would obtain a rectal one. He further explained that a rectal thermometer generally was upsetting and he preferred to keep the incoming prisoners as calm as possible during this phase of their induction. He then felt of the man’s hairy legs up to the crotch, reporting all was normal. He then flexed each leg at the knee, bending his knee back to his chest. The doctor leered at the man’s hairy hole each time he performed these. The towel covering his crotch would move from time to time, revealing Coach’s thick, soft, uncut meat and each time the doctor would replace it. He then moved up and flexed each of the arms, reporting normal range of motion at the wrists, elbows and shoulders, noting extremely well-developed biceps bilaterally. He then listened with his stethoscope to the man’s lungs and carotid arteries, again reporting all as normal. Then the doctor began to palpate the man’s abdomen, reporting the area as supple and, again using his stethoscope, determined the presence of normal bowel sounds. Then the doctor removed the small towel which had been covering the coach’s crotch and put his hand into the coach’s full bush of fiery red hair. The coach tensed and looked as if he might strike the doctor but he didn’t. He reported nno signs of crab or lice, reporting that a surprising number of prisoners had those and required delousing before anything else could be done.The doctor then felt of the coach’s testicles and reported them as large and normal with no apparent masses or other abnormalities. He then lifted the man’s heavy penis and examined it, moving the foreskin back and forth several times. The coach began to harden and was very embarrassed to be handled by a man in front of all these other men. “That’s a nice cock on you, coach,” the doctor said. “Shame you won’t be betting much use out of it here. That asshole is another story though. I need you to turn over on your front side now.” The coach did as requested and appeared nervous about another man handling his butt although he had just had his butt thoroughly fucked by a big black dick less than an hour earlier. The doctor pulled his cheeks apart, then donned rubber gloves. He had the coach move up into a crouching position as he applied lubricant to his index finger and slowly shoved his index finger into the man’s pink perfect hole. “This prisoner’s hole appears a bit inflamed, warden” the doctor chuckles. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?” he asked, laughing. “Absolutely nothing, doctor” he laughed. “If you’re asking in your official capacity, I’ll take the fifth.” They shared a laugh as the doctor inserted a second finger into the man and began moving them in and out. It was obvious the man had found the coach’s prostate gland as he moaned softly and his cock began to rise. He was humiliated at being fingered in front of others and the fact that his cock was responding to the touch of a man. “Just relax and enjoy this, Marv” the doctor said. “It may the last fun you have for a good long time.” The doctor was now moving his fingers in and out of the man rhythmically and smoothly. It was obvious he was massaging the man’s prostate gland. With his other hand, the doctor reached around and began to move his foreskin back and forth over his cockhead. “Does that feel good, coach?” he asked. It was as if the coach momentarily forgot his situation as the doctor massaged his hard cock. Coach closed his eyes and enjoyed having his hard cock stroked. Then the doctor removed his fingers and let go of his cock. The coach gave a disappointed sigh. “Turn over on your back and come down all the way to the lower edge of the table. Now flex your knees and spread your legs” the doctor instructed. Coach, hoping the doctor might continue his hand job, complied silently. He was now on his back on the table, his knees flexed and his hole exposed at the edge of the table. The doctor took a very long cotton swab and again took the man’s hard cock in his hand. He held the cock straight as he inserted the long swab into the man’s penis. Coach grabbed the table and began clawing as the swab painfully entered his urethra. It was over pretty quickly as the doctor removed the swab. “Sorry , buddy, I know that hurts, but you handled it better than most” he said. While he spoke to the coach, the doctor’s hands were stroking the man’s hairy thighs. He removed his glove and covered his index finger with more lubricant. He turned around and winked at the warden and smiled at the others. “Now just relax, coach,” he said. “This is the best part of the exam.” The doctor inserted his slick index finger into the coach’s pink, hot hole and the man sighed as the finger went in. It did not appear painful and the coach seemed more relaxed about being touched by a man at this point. The coach’s cock had gone soft during the ordeal with the swab, but it began to thicken and rise slowly as the doctor silently massaged his prostate gland. He inserted a second bare finger and continued to gently stroke the man’s fucknut. As he did so, he resumed the gentle stroking of the now-hard cock with his other hand. The coach was obviously enjoying the treatment and the doctor nodded to the warden who quietly walked up and began to rub the man’s chest. Then he began to lick the man’s nipples and up his neck as he teased the coach’s hard nipples. The doctor continued to stroke slowly as the warden kept licking and rubbing and nibbling. All the while, the doctor continued the man’s prostate massage with three fingers. Coach’s respirations began to increase in depth and frequency. His moans slowly got louder and he began to try to thrust to speed up the doctor’s strokes on his now obscenely swollen cock. He was nearing his climax and thrusting harder. The doctor increased his pace with his hand on the cock and the warden now had one of his ears completely in his mouth. The handsome man was close to his climax, held back only by the strokes of the doctor, who continued to pound the man’s ass with three fingers. “Oh fuck, here it comes” shouted the coach. “It’s a fucking good one! I can fucking feel it! Here it fucking comes! Oh fuuuuck!” At the instant they expected to see cum shooting out of the coach’s cock, the doctor suddenly withdrew his hand from the man’s hole and began to pound his nuts with his fist. He took his hand from the man’s cock and the guards pulled his arms to a painful position fully extended above his head. His legs were pulled down so that he was flat on the table. He was still begging the men to let him shoot even as they pounded his nut sac. Then, as the big man cursed and struggled,the warden and the doctor quickly slipped a black metal ring over the man’s cock and balls. The sheriff recognized it as a chastity device, much like the one Jimmy was wearing. In seconds, a shiny black metal cage enclosed the coach’s now soft and swollen cock. The coach was sobbing in pain , humiliation and disappointment. “You got close there, coach,” the doctor said. “That’s gonna be the last pleasure for you for a very long time, maybe forever.” The doctor washed his hands and left the room. Jimmy was terrified knowing he could easily be getting the same treatment any time. Mark looked a little sad so the sheriff hugged him, allowing the boy to bury his face in the sheriff’s chest as the guards assisted a very angry prisoner up from the exam table. “Tine to meet all your new friends, coach,” the warden said as a large door with bars was opened into a very large two-tiered cell area, There must have been 200 prisoners on two levels, most of them standing outside their cells watching the action. There were huge, muscled men and some men they mistook for women, wearing very short shorts and wearing makeup and jewelry. “Treat him nice, boys” the warden shouted. “I’m gonna let y’all decide where he sleeps.” The warden and his guests stepped back as the doors slid closed to the area. Their little group was safely behind the heavy doors but Coach was left alone with the prisoners. “What did you mean they get to decide where he sleeps?” the sheriff asked. “I meant what I said” he answered. “I’m gonna let them fight it out for rights to fuck him first. The biggest, meanest motherfucker in the place will share a bed with him tonight. It’ll be up to the coach to decide how he does. If he’s smart, he’ll find a protector and a lover. Otherwise, he gets passed around and used up.” They went back up to his office. They went into the office and took seats around the warden’s big desk which had served as a fucktable quite recently. There was no evidence of what had gone earlier. Everything was in its place on the desk and throughout the office. Randy noticed the bathroom had even been cleaned and nice fresh towels were everywhere. “Warden, I think I owe you an apology” the sheriff said. “I may have wasted some of your time and I see that your time is very valuable. ” “How is that, sheriff?” the warden asked. “When we were down in the medical exam room, I should have been thoughtful enough to have the doctor go ahead and do the induction examination on Jimmy. I had earlier thought we would take him back to Gayberry but his behavior today has been lacking in many ways. I think we should probably leave him here” the sheriff said quietly. Jimmy started sobbing. He went to his knees in front of the sheriff, begging to return to Gayberry. “Sheriff, please, let me go with you. I’ll be good. I’ll be the best” he begged.”I’ll never misbehave as long as I live and I’ll do anything you or Mr. William ask of me.” “Jimmy, son,” the sheriff said. “I’ve given you chance after chance and you’ve failed at every turn. I look at Mark sitting here and how cooperative and polite he’s been. He’s a model for what rehabilitation can do. I’m becoming convinced that there’s a point a boy reaches when it can’t turn around. When a boy becomes an animal, maybe it’s best to lock him away instead of letting him loose on society. I hate it, son, but that’s how I’m seeing it.’ “You are a very smart man, sheriff,” the warden said. “You have a job and part of that job is to weigh risks. This is a harsh, mean, terrible place. But it’s better for the animals to be locked up here together than to be out roaming our streets, preying on our good citizens. I think trying to rape an underage virgin girl qualifies as one of the worst crimes on the books. “Nooooooooo, please, don’t leave me here” Jimmy begged. “I can be better. I will be better. I promise.” “How many times have you said that, son?” the sheriff asked him. “I know” he cried. “But this time I really mean it.” “Yeah, we’re supposed to believe that” William said. “Jimmy’s been raised in a good, stable home. His father is a good citizen who has supported his family. Jimmy’s been given advantages most kids his age don’t have. He just turned sixteen and he has his own car. He has the very best clothes money can buy. He has a beautiful, clean home and a responsible mama who keeps his house spic `n span. Andwe’ve recently found out Mark’s home life has been anything but stable. A paw who goes on drinkin’ binges, tends to be abusive to his wife and kids, fucksaround with his own son, fucks his underage daughter. The list goes on, but my point is that Mark looks like he’s been able to overcome all of that and become a good kid and a good student. Jimmy mersin escort has shown what a sullen little rapist he is, even though he’s the one who’s had all the advantages.” “You’ve made some very good points, sheriff” the warden said. “It is certainly your decision. I can only say that a pretty young teen like Jimmy stands even less chance of surviving a few days in here than the coach does. Those animal will tear that pretty pussy of his to shreds.” “I’m pretty torn about this” the sheriff said. “On the one hand, Jimmy’s paw has been a good friend to me for a long time. On the other hand, how will I feel if the boy goes out raping more virgins? I think the danger he poses outweighs anything else. I’m sorry, Jimmy, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave you here.” Jimmy now just sat and wept silently. He knew he had lost and felt his life was over. He knew he wouldn’t survive and would probably never see his family or friends again. “Could I just say one thing, sheriff?” Mark asked in his soft voice. “This ain’t none of my business, but I feel like I gotta speak up cause it’s the right thing to do. Jimmy ain’t always had the easiest path. He’s probably the best lookin’ guy at the high school and probably the best athlete although he’s not even a senior. A lot of the other boys is real jealous of him and they’ve give him a hard time. But Jimmy didn’t complain or fight back. He just took it. There’s been times I ain’t been as nice to him as I coulda been. I’m sorry for them times, Jimmy. I really am. And as for Jenny, I can’t say for sure, but I think she likes usin’ boys. Jenny never paid me no mind till the day after you got arrested. Then she came up to me at school several times. She was like all flirty and kept rubbin’ her hand on my privates and told me she would give me some pussy if I wanted it. I don’t think she like me but she used me. I wonder if she wasn’t just using Jimmy in the same way. Cause if that’s so, all of this may not be Jimmy’s fault. I know one thing. If Jimmy does get to go back with us, I’ll be a better friend to him than I’ve been in the past. I’ll never let some silly girl use her pussy to come between us.” “Thank you, Mark,” Jimmy said quietly. Jimmy now sat quietly, resigned that he would be left at the prison and put in the cell with all the men. “Jimmy, you better be thankin’ Mark cause that boy just bought you one last chance” the sheriff said. “You better know that this is it though. One wrong word or one wrong look and I’ll have you in the squad car and back up here with the warden’s big dick in your tight little ass faster than you can slap your mama!” The tears were still rolling down Jimmy’s face but he had a big smile now. He and Mark were enjoying a warm hug. “I can’t believe that asshole coach I fucked a little while ago spawned a boy as good as Mark” the warden said. “I guess miracles happen.” The phone on the warden’s desk rang. He answered it and looked over at the sheriff. “It’s for you, Randy” the warden said. “It’s the governor.” Randy got on the phone with the governor who explained how the warden had asked him to call. He had told him about Randy and William and that they would like for him to visit Gayberry As it turned out, the governor had been scheduled to attend an Elks Club convention that weekend but the event had been canceled following the death of one of their grand Elks. The sheriff explained that this was the Founders Day celebration and there would be a number of public events where the governor could meet every single citizen of the town. “That sounds perfect” the governor said. “Warden Eamon also tells me there is an Esquire Club connection. We know what that means, don’t we?” “Yes, sir,” Randy said. “We shore do. Although I ain’t never visited. I just been hearin’ about it from my good buddy and I’d like to know more. I got a cute little ginger boy myself and that whole thing sounds like fun.” “Excellent” the governor said. “So you can have some private events arranged as well as the public events?” he asked. “I’d love to meet your cute little son if that’s at all possible.” “Absolutely, sir.” The sheriff assured him. “Say no more. I will arrange suites at the Gayberry Hotel.” “Excellent” the governor said. “We can come in on Friday afternoon and we will plan to leave on Sunday morning. I’m afraid we will have to leave rather early on Sunday morning as I am scheduled to teach a Sunday School lesson over in Mount Pilot. I will be traveling with my friend, Jeremy Levin, who also happens to be my new Commissioner of Law Enforcement. The warden also knows Abe and can share information with you about what he enjoys. He is the man who can make sure you have everything you need to do your job. The days of scrimping on law enforcement are over in this state, sheriff. The spigot is open and the dollars will flow.” “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that, Governor North” the sheriff said. “Having you in Gayberry will make it a special day for all Gayberrians, Governor North. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to your visit and to meeting both of you!” Hanging up the phone, the sheriff was all smiles as he seemed on the verge of making a very important new friend and ally. “I think you will get along very well” the warden said. “The governor said you could fill us in on what he and Mr. Levin like” the sheriff said. “Yes, as we discussed briefly earlier, the governor loves young boys” the warden said. “His very favorite thing is a boy who is just on the cusp of puberty. He loves them smooth and is always delighted when he can find a boy sprouting his very first few hairs. I know those are not easy to identify as boys tend to get shy about that time. The governor likes them until they begin to get hair in other places, then he loses interest. But Jeremy’s tastes are different. He likes them a little older. He likes a teen boy who has some nice pit hair and pubes. The man loves a bubble butt. He would appreciate either of these handsome boys you have with you. He also likes teen-age girls who are barely in puberty. The smaller the tits the better and not much pubic hair. His tastes vary much more than the governor, but both are voracious when it comes to their sexual appetites. You can count on both men being absolutely discrete. Both are kind and gentle and neither would ever do anything to harm or damage a young one. They are fine men who just appreciate the beauty of youth.” “You think Abe might have interest in young Jimmy here?” the sheriff asked. “I think Abraham Levin would drop his teeth at the sight of that boy, particularly in that chastity cage. He loves virgins whether male or female” the warden said. “This may be the test for young Jimmy” the sheriff said. “How he treats Mr. Levin may decide whether he stays in Gayberry or moves up here to Statesville.” “Sheriff, I promise you I will treat Mr. Levin any way you want me to” Jimmy said. “I promise you I’ll be a changed boy. I realize the opportunity I’ve just been given and I’ll not let you down again.” “You better not, son,” the sheriff said. “And you better also never forget what your friend Mark did for you. Ever.” The warden pulled Randy aside and gave the man his private number. He encouraged the sheriff to call any time regarding the coach’s status. Randy said he would be back in three days to pick him up and they bade each other a warm good-bye. “Warden Eamon, today has been a real pleasure” William said. “I hope you will come to see us down in Gayberry. My younger son would enjoy that dick of yours as much as my older son did.” “That Johnny seemed to love my magic stick” the warden said. “I never met a boy who loved getting’ buttfucked as much as that boy did.” “You haven’t met my younger one” William said. They all enjoyed a laugh as they walked to their car. Jimmy was not even allowed his jockstrap or shorts but made no complaint nor did he attempt to hide his chastity cage with his hands as he had previously. The sheriff felt good about his decision not to leave the boy at the prison. The mood in the car was much lighter on the return home. Jimmy and Mark were smiling and Jimmy thanked the sheriff and Mark repeatedly. It seemed Jimmy genuinely appreciated the things Mark had said to sway the sheriff in favor of letting him return to Gayberry. “It might be nice of you to show Mark your appreciation, Jimmy” William said to the boys who were in the back seat of the car. “Don’t you want to give him a little kiss?” “Yes, sir” Jimmy said. “Is that all right with you, Mark?” “You bet” Mark said. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time.” The boys embraced and Jimmy gave Mark a long, wet, passionate kiss. “That’s enough for now , boys” William said. “We don’t want to get pulled over and arrested with a naked teen in the back seat. You can put your arm around Mark, but that’s probably about all you two need to be doing for now.” Randy and Will discussed the upcoming visit from the governor and exchanged ideas on how to make the visit special for both men. William suggest that, as the races would involve all the boys in the town from the third grade to young adult men, they require all the boys to shower before and after the events. Will suggested he and sheriff could make sure the governor and Jeremy had access to the field house throughout the day so they could see pretty much all the naked male flesh in Gayberry. Randy agreed that was an excellent idea. Then it hit the sheriff that the coach had been the coordinator for all the Founders Day athletic events. Coach had all the lists for who had signed up for which events, the schedules and all the information necessary to make that portion of the day run smoothly. “It’s also really important we have access to the field house for the day. We haven’t even talked about who’s going to take over coaching the football team and the wrestling team while the coach is incapacitated” the sheriff said. “The logical choice is you, sheriff,” William said. “You were the football star when you were in high school and you played some in college too. I played a little and was on wrestling team so I can help out a little. But I think you need to take control of the athletic programs at the school for now.” “We’ll need to have the principal sign off on that decision” the sheriff said. “I hardly know the man. He’s new and I think I only met him once. It could be complicated by the fact that we’ve heard the coach’s wife and Jeffy have moved in with him after the coach went on his bender. This could be messy.” “If anyone can take control of this, it will be you” William said. “Maybe we need a meeting with him and I think we better do it fast.” “Coach Ben is my track coach” Jimmy said. “He’s been kind of a mentor for me so I’d be glad to help out if I can.” “And we call him `Uncle Ben’ Mark said. “My mom’s moved in with him and, while things have been uncomfortable and strained between him and my dad, I think he still likes me okay. I’d be glad to help out any way I can.” “Thank you, boys,” the sheriff said. “We may need all the help we can get to pull this off. The future of Gayberry could depend on how smoothly we make things run while the governor is in town. This could be huge for Gayberry or it could be a fucking disaster!” “Maybe we should invite the principal’s son to be in our young explorer group” William suggested. “That may be one way of getting to know him better and getting him to trust us.” “That’s a great idea” the sheriff said. “I ain’t heard Dopie say much about the boy except how he’s a whole lot taller than the rest of the boys and he’s already getting’ a mustache. He must be developing fast.” “Walt’s always been taller than the other boys his age” Mark said. “Him and Jeffy’s the same age but they don’t hang out much. Like most of the boys Jeffy likes to spend the night with or have them spend the night at our house. I don’t recall Walt ever spending the night at our house or Jeffy spending the night with him. Of course I guess that’s different now since Jeffy and mom are living with them. Walter’s always been a really quiet kid. Like when we all used to go to the pool together, he kept to hisself. I remember how he used to get teased in the changing room because he went in a stall to change instead of staying with everybody else. ” “That ain’t all that unusual around these parts” the sheriff said. “Boys is raised to be modest and not go around showin’ their stuff to other boys. It’s only since I met my buddy Will here that I’ve been getting comfortable with other men seein’ me without clothes or touchin’ me. Maybe he’s just a little shy or modest. Ain’t a thing wrong with that.” William looked at the sheriff and they exchanged a smile. The sheriff then put his hand on William’s thigh. The boys saw what was happening in the front seat and smiled at each other. Then Jimmy put his hand on Mark’s thigh. Mark was surprised as Jimmy hated touching other boys or being touched by other boys or men. “What’s that about?” Mark asked. “I thought you hated being touched or touching boys.” “I’ve got a lot of new things to learn” Jimmy said. “I might as well learn to enjoy them.” “If you’re serious about learning to suck cock, I’ll let you practice on me” William said. “The sheriff’s got a big piece of meat I bet he’ll let you practice on too. I sure am glad I didn’t bust that cherry this morning. If the mayor hadn’t walked in when he did, I’d have got that thing!” “That really scares me” Jimmy said. “I’m willing to learn to suck cock. I’ll escort mersin be glad to learn to be the best cocksucker around if it’ll keep me out of Statesville. But getting fucked really scares me. I don’t think I could take what the coach went through this morning.” “Son, don’t worry” William said. “That warden’s got an unusually big dick on him. I doubt the governor’s assistant has anything close to that kind of meat. I’ll check in with a couple of friends up in Raleigh and see what I can find out. You’ll still need some work if you really want to be an enjoyable fuck. I have a couple of small toys we can use to loosen you up and we’ll make sure you’re nice and lubricated. Once you learn how good a dick can feel hitting your sweet spot, you might even end up loving having a man’s hard cock inside you. I’ve seen how you respond to having your p-spot massaged. You might even be able to cum without your own dick being touched in time. Trust me on that.” “I find it hard to believe, but I do trust you, sir,” Jimmy said. “I just know where I could be right this minute and what could be happening to me. I don’t want that. Ever.” They soon realized they’d had no lunch so William pulled in and he and William left the boys in the car as they went in to get food. They ordered burgers and fries sat at a table to wait on the food. “I’m really glad you decided to bring Jimmy back with us” William said. “He’s an entirely different kid than he was on the trip up t here.” “I couldn’t agree more” the sheriff said. “I was ready to leave him till Mark spoke up” the sheriff said. “I really like that kid.” “I can see that” William said. “I think you like the boy a lot.” “I really do” the sheriff said. “I’ve been thinkin’ about how I might like him livin’ with us. Dopie’s always wanted a big brother. I’ve also been thinkin’ about Kurt, that plumber’s assistant that was such a nice kid. I don’t know what’s got into me. I ain’t never even thought about havin’ more kids before.” Will smiled. “I know what’s got into you” William said. “You’re finally letting yourself realize how much you like having boys around you. They’re addictive. Why, I’d love to have a houseful. I’ve even been thinking lately about raping my wife again. I’d love to have another boy and she’s still able to have children. The only problem there is that I have no doubt my father-in-law would kill me or have me killed. He made that clear. He’s just sitting in wait till he can move in and get Billy Paul.” “Man, I’m sorry to hear that” the sheriff said. “You’re a good paw. One of the best I ever seen You’ve already taught me a whole lot.” “I’m learning from you too, buddy,” William said. “I’ve been having the same thoughts about Jimmy. He sure is a handsome little fucker and I know Billy Paul would love having him there. He still misses having his big brother at home. My drunk ass wife wouldn’t like it at all. The other reason I don’t think I’d consider putting another kid in my wife is her drinking. I’m not sure she could give it up during a pregnancy.” “William, if your wife got pregnant with another man’s son, would that bother you? “No” he said quickly. “Not for a minute if it meant I’d have another son in my house.” “I know the mayor feels the same way” the sheriff said. “I wonder if he’d feel the same way if it meant he would have a son to raise.” “I can’t speak for him” William said. “But he’s told me how bad he’d love to have a son to raise. I really doubt he’d give a shit where the sperm came from.” “Hmmm, I may just be havin’ an idea” the sheriff said. Their food came so the sheriff paid and they went back to the boys. “Why don’t we switch up and have Jimmy ride up front with me and the sheriff ride in back with Mark?” William suggested. They all agreed to that arrangement. “When Jimmy finishes that burger, I’m gonna let him chow down on my dick all the way back to Gayberry” William chuckled. Jimmy voiced no objection and, in fact, moved closer to Will. After they had their burgers, Jimmy’s head disappeared from the view of those in the backseat. Mark and the sheriff exchanged a smile as the sheriff put his arm around the boy and kissed him on the lips. When they got back to Gayberry, they dropped the boys at the jail, instructing Arney they were not to be cuffed or locked in cells. Jimmy was given a pair of athletic shorts, for which he was very grateful. They left the two boys chatting in one of the cells as they made their way to the school to have a discussion with the principal. Principal Whaley was there when they arrived and his secretary said he had some free time. She showed the men into the principal’s office which was much smaller and less well-furnished than the warden’s office they had visited earlier. They all re-introduced themselves then Principal Whaley asked what he could do for them. “I’m afraid our conversation needs to be absolutely confidential, Principal,” Randy began. “Coach Thomas is currently being held at Statesville Prison” the sheriff said. The principal looked shocked but the sheriff continued. “There is strong evidence that he has had sexual relations, some of an unnatural nature, with underage males and females. He has also been reported to have assaulted his wife and he also assaulted a law enforcement officer. There is also a pending charge of public drunkenness. As I’m sure you know, these charges could result in the man spending the remainder of his life in prison. He is currently being housed at the men’s prison in Statesville because I deemed him too dangerous to be housed in our little jail. There is also the fact that I currently have two young prisoners in my jail to whom the coach could have proven a serious threat.” “I am shocked, sheriff,” the principal said. “I knew Marv liked to drink but he had been on the wagon for a very long time. We have been friends since college but we have had our differences and have been estranged from time to time. I also have had a complicated relationship with Coach Thomas’s wife, Peg, whom we have both known since college. The fact of the matter is that Peg left Marv a couple of days ago and she and her younger son, Jeffy, have been residing in my home with me and my son, Walter. Their daughter, Betty Jean has also been staying at my place. If you’ve talked to Mark or his father, you probably know that Jeffy is most likely my biological son rather than Marvin’s. Peggy and I are at odds right now about a lot of things and one of those is who the boy should be living with.” “I understand there are complicated and difficult issues” the sheriff said. “What William and I came here about is to discuss who should replace the coach with the football team and in his position as the coordinator of the founder’s day events. I played football here at the high school and I would like to offer to step up for now and coach the team. I am also willing, with the assistance of my special investigator, Will, to coordinate the weekend’s events. It would be helpful to me to have any files and paperwork the coach may have in the field house.” “I think that is a very generous offer, coach” the principal said. “I have found a substitute to teach his classes, but it is a female and she certainly could not assume his coaching duties. I will gather up all the files and information from the field house office for you if you’ll give me a couple of hours.” “Absolutely, sir,” the sheriff said. “I appreciate that. There is also another matter we would like to mention. Will here led a scout troop when he and his sons were in Raleigh. We don’t have anything like that around here so we were thinking we might start an explorer group for our sons and a few of their friends. Our plan is to keep the group small for now and expand slowly. My son, Dopie, has mentioned that he would very much like for your son to be a part of the group. He seems to like your boy a lot and we would like to have him.” “I don’t know about that” the principal said. “I very much appreciate the offer but Walter is a bit of a different boy. He tends to be quiet and he doesn’t make friends easily. He is very private and I’m not sure he would be interested. I will certainly talk to him about it and if he is interested, that will be great.” “Sounds good” the sheriff said. “Will and I have several more errands to run this afternoon. Would it be possible for us to stop by your house to pick up the information you are gathering later today?” “I normally wouldn’t mind that but I am embarrassed to say my house is in an awful state just now. To be completely honest, I asked Peg to move out after I left for work today. She and Betty Jean live like pigs. I don’t know how the coach put up with them for all these years. She has lived with me for short periods over the years, but she has gotten worse with time. She’s still a beautiful woman but now it is all about her. She’s going to look good when she goes anywhere, but she refuses to clean the house, wash clothes, take things to the laundry or even use a broom, a mop, of a vacuum. Walter and I do not live like pigs and I have no intention of doing so. I asked her to be gone when the boys and I get home from school this afternoon. I also told her that Jeffy will be staying with us now and she pitched a fit so I have no idea what I may be facing at home.” “Please don’t worry about that, sir,” the sheriff said. “That’s what a sheriff is for. Will and I will come by shortly after school. It sounds like she may be out of control. We have had reports that she may even have been somewhat violent in the past. I think I would sleep better tonight knowing that you, your son, and Jeffy are safe before I go to bed. Why don’t we come by about 4:30? That will also give us a chance to meet Walter.” “That sounds very good, sheriff. Here’s a card with my address. I look forward to seeing you gentlemen.” “And we look forward to meeting Walter” William said. “I hope I ain’t bit off more than I can chew” the sheriff said as they left. “I think we may need to go down and see the mayor. Maybe we need to get together tonight after dinner and just have a chat. Can you and Billy Paul come to supper at our house tonight?” “I don’t see why we couldn’t” William said. “I think I’ll ask the mayor to join us after supper” the sheriff said. “I’m really worried that the mayor will find out about his wife fucking Colonel Watkins” the sheriff said. “What I’m most worried about is that he’ll find out that I knew about it and didn’t tell him as soon as I knew. That could ruin our relationship and I’ve worked too hard to have that happen. You remember when Colonel Watkins said he’d fathered all them boys?” “Yes, that’s pretty remarkable” William said. “Sounds like he could put a boy baby in just about any woman.” “As bad as the mayor wants a son, he might not have a problem with his wife fucking a man who could almost for sure put a son in her” Randy said. “You sly dog!” he said. “You’re thinking about some way to let the mayor know his wife is fucking and to also let him know the man might be able to knock his wife up with a son!” Exactly!” the sheriff said. “He gets his son and nobody else ever knows it ain’t really his. His wife likes all the stuff that goes along with being the mayor’s wife so she ain’t gonna tell who the real father is. The mayor sure as hell ain’t gonna let on that his wife had a baby by another man and the Colonel ain’t likely to talk. He’s supportin’ enough children as it is.” “It just might work” William said. “I’d sure let him knock my cunty wife up to even have a chance at having another son. Nothing in the world would make me happier.” “If you mean that, it could work, friend,” the sheriff said. “You know how handsome and charming the man is. If you could get him to seduce your wife, then he knocks her up. She can’t cry rape to her paw cause the Colonel can admit the affair to your father-in-law. Then get your father-in-law to put your wife in rehab while she’s pregnant so she don’t drink nothin’ while she’s pregnant. Then you get a son out of the deal plus getting’ your wife out of your hair for several months.” “It might just work, you brilliant devil!” Will said. “It’s sure as hell worth a try. Let’s go have a chat with the mayor.” “I’d like to stop in at the court house for just a minute, if you don’t mind” the sheriff said. “I want to see if that fucking idiot deputy got the bed like I told him to and I really want to check on Mark. I’m a little afraid he may be worrying about his paw up in Statesville. We probably ought to get that band off of Jimmy’s nuts too.” “If it’s still there” William said. “We didn’t cuff the boy so he may have clawed or cut it off. I’m not completely convinced about that boy yet.” When they arrived, the squad car wasn’t out front. That was unusual, but he figured Arney had needed to run an errand. They went in and Jimmy and Mark were both doing some school work. Mark said a friend had offered to bring some books by and he didn’t want to get too far behind while missing classes. “That’s a real smart thing to do” the sheriff said “I’m real proud of you for thinking of that.” “Jimmy’s studying too” the boy said. “He’s diagramming some sentences. He’s much better than I am but he’s been helping me.” “I’m proud of both of you boys” Will said. “Jimmy, did you take that band off of your balls? It’s bound to be hurtin'” “It’s feeling tight, sir, but I haven’t touched it. I didn’t have permission. I did complain to Mark but he told me you two wouldn’t endanger us so I trusted him like I trust mersin escort bayan you.” William pulled the boy to him and kissed him right on the mouth. Then he knelt before him and pulled out his pocket knife. Jimmy didn’t flinch at all as the man put his knife near the boy’s nut sac. “Is it okay to cut this band off the boy, sheriff?” William asked. “Sure thing” the sheriff said. William cut the tight band from the boy’s nuts. He knew it was painful as the blood rushed back into the area but Jimmy didn’t complain. William rubbed his big balls to try to alleviate the pain. Jimmy smiled at him. “Thank you” he said quietly. “Have you boys noticed if a bed has been delivered since you came back?” the sheriff asked. “Not since we got back, sir,” Mark said. “But neither of us has been in the back room. William and Randy went into the backroom and a very nice king-sized bed had been delivered. It had a very nice mattress and fit nicely into the room with plenty of space to spare. Both men sat on the mattress and gave it their approval. “I wish we had time to bring those those boys in here with us and have a little afternoon orgy” William said. “We don’t have time today but there ain’t no reason we can’t do it in the future” the sheriff said. “You realize we now have a quiet, private place either of us can bring anyone we please anytime � night or day. I can do as I goddamn well please without them pryin’ eyes of that old bitch at my house. I’ve about had a bait of her bullshit!”” “It’s nice to know there’s a place where we men can do whatever we like” Will said. They walked out to the main area and the sheriff asked the boys if they knew where the deputy had gone. “That woman that plays the organ at the church came in all excited and made Arney take her somewhere in the squad car” Mark reported. “I don’t know where they were going but the lady was real excited and Arney seemed in an awful hurry. That was about an hour ago and he ain’t been back yet.” “Who knows what those two idiots may be up to?” the sheriff said. “See you later boys. We’re off to see the mayor.” They walked the short distance to the mayor’s office and were taken into his office immediately. “Mr. Mayor, we have great news and some not-so-great-news for you this afternoon” the sheriff began. “I’m in the mood for good news”he said. “Let’s do that first.” “Excellent” William said. “The good news is that the honorable Governor Hayden North will be making an official visit to Gayberry on Friday evening and will be staying through Sunday morning. He will be attending all of the Gayberry Founders Day activities.” The mayor stood up from his desk and clapped his hands. “Please tell me this isn’t a joke” he said. “The new governor is the most popular figure in our state. I’ve called countless times inviting him to just drop in and I’ve had no luck in even getting through to him.” “It isn’t a joke” the sheriff said. “The warden up at Statesville turned out to be an old friend of William’s. He is also a friend of the governor and they made a connection today. It is also going to mean Gayberry is likely to get all the equipment we’ve been requesting for so long with no results. The governor will be bringing his law enforcement commissioner with him. I spoke directly with the governor and he said he is looking forward to meeting you!” “This is an auspicious day for Gayberry, men” the mayor said. “We must make the most of his visit and put on our best face. “You are probably not aware that Coach Thomas is in the prison and he was coordinator for all the sports events on Founders Day” the sheriff said. “William and I will be taking over that and running that event. The principal is on board and we expect he will be turning over keys to all the athletic facilities at the high school.” “Wonderful!” the mayor said. “I’ve heard the man can be difficult. If you have any problem at all, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll be happy to intervene.” “I think we should organize a small parade for the morning before the athletic events and I think you are the only man who can run that” Randy said. “Consider that done” the mayor said. “I will get on that as soon as you men leave here. Anything else?” “Well, there is one more thing” the sheriff said. “I know that Tara Bedford has been more or less in charge of the Miss Gayberry Pageant for years. I think we need someone who can perhaps put a new face, a more exciting, professional face on that.” “But Tara Bedford will be so disappointed” the mayor said. “After all, she was the first girl to hold the title and she’s been in charge for so long.” “I totally understand, Mr. Mayor,” the sheriff said. “But you surely must agree that it’s been dull as dirt for years. Isn’t it time we have someone with more dramatic flair who can emcee with some excitement. Ms. Bedford’s voice is old and tired and irritating. We need someone younger who can create more excitement. Mrs. Bedford’s interest is in making the pageant all about herself. I was thinking we might consult with Mr. Churchill, the drama director at the high school and at least get his suggestions.” “That is a brilliant idea” the mayor said. “I’ve never been a great fan of his because he is a little too `swishy’ for my tastes but if anyone will know how to add some pizzazz to the pageant, he is the one. And we can still let Tara Bedford make an appearance onstage at the crowning.” “Excellent ideas, men” the mayor said. “I remember we asked Velma Sue to crown this year because last year’s winner is ummmm, very indisposed. We don’t want to disappoint Velma Sue, do we? And that is the perfect solution to Tara Bedford. She is one of the true Gayberry treasures � a woman of honor and intelligence.” “Oh no, we can’t disappoint Velma Sue the sheriff said. “And it will be nice to not only have the governor in attendance but to have a more special program. I’d like it to be a night to remember, especially since your daughter is one of the frontrunners and may very well win the title.” “Oh, do you really think so, sheriff?” the mayor asked. “We would all be very thrilled. I like everything you have said. Just run with all of your ideas and if you run into any problems, all you have to do is let me know and I’ll put the muscle of the mayor’s office behind you. Trust me on that. I’ll get on this parade idea immediately. This is all just so sudden and exciting! You know there are already whispers about our young governor being the next president. The trend now is toward young, exciting, handsome men and we can ride his coattails. You know, I had a dream the other night and I saw my face on the cover of Time magazing. Perhaps it wasn’t a dream but a prophecy.” “It is indeed, Mr. Mayor” the sheriff said. “And now for the other news. I’m afraid you may find this a bit distressing, but if you will just think about the information without acting rashly, you could very well come out with something you’ve been wanting for a very long time.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about” the mayor said. “Well, sir, I need to inform you it has come to my attention that your wife has been unfaithful. The good news is that no one else knows in the town so your reputation is safe for now. It has come to my attention that she has been visiting Tara Bedford for some time and they have been having sexual relations.” “That no good fucking lesbo carpet muncher!” the mayor said, pounding his fist on the desk. “I tried to go down on that bitch one damn time and got labeled by her parents as a fucking pervert and she’s letting that cranky, meddlesome old bitch eat it whenever she wants it. She banished me from our bedroom when our youngest daughter was born and I haven’t touched her since. And she’s letting that old bitch lick her pussy whenever the hag wants it.” “Yessir, I’m afraid so” the sheriff said “but that isn’t all. Your wife has recently met a man and has begun having sexual relations with him. I know this to be true but no one else in the town knows it, sir. We can keep this quiet and you could be the winner in this situation.” “The winner?” he asked. “How the hell do you figure that? I could be ruined.” “No, sir,” the sheriff said. “You’re far too smart a man to be cuckolded. You can turn the tables. I have been investigating the situation and it turns out the man has fathered four sons and no daughters. The man’s father sired 7 sons and his grandfather even more. There are no daughters in the man’s family tree.” “So what?” the mayor asked. “This man is fucking my wife who won’t even fuck me.” “Think about it, mayor,” the sheriff said quietly. “I think I can convince this man to impregnate your wife. She currently has him pulling out to avoid pregnancy. He can be convinced to sabotage that and can likely impregnate her very soon if you can just get an idea when she has her period. He can impregnate your wife. Once she finds out she is pregnant, he will ditch her. She will have to come to you and admit adultery. She will not likely do that and lose everything so she will come to you and have you fuck her so she can claim the baby is your own. You get a son to raise as your own and no one is the wiser. How does that sound to you?” “A son! I’ve always wanted a son” he said. “More than anything in the world. I’d do it but are you sure you can convince the man who is fucking my wife?” “I am reasonably certain we can convince him together, sir,” the sheriff said. “I think we should meet on my front porch after supper and have a little talk. To be honest, William is considering the same plan with his own wife. She won’t fuck him either. He raped her to get Billy Paul and her father has threatened to kill him if he ever touches her again in that way. He is not a nice man. If he can get this man to seduce her, he can end up with another son and that is what he wants more than anything. Just think of it, gentlemen � Franklin Delano Dykes, Junior. What a beautiful sound!” The mayor was silent for a moment. “I’m in” he said. “I don’t even care who she fucks as long as I get the son I’ve always wanted and I deserve. I’ll be at your house after we finish supper and I look forward to meeting the man who could seduce that human ice box I’m married to.” “We will see you this evening, Mr. Mayor” the sheriff said as they were leaving. When the mayor opened the door for them, young Jenny came rushing in the door carrying a long dress bag draped over her arm. “Daddy!” she called excitedly. “Miss Eva finished my gown for the pageant and it’s so beautiful. I just had to show you. Hello, Sheriff Gaylor! Who is your handsome friend?” “Oh Jenny, darling” the mayor interrupted. “This is Mr. William Walker. He will be assisting the sheriff in making the decision on Miss Gayberry, dear. Say hello.” “Why, Mr. Walker,” the girl said, bowing at the waist. “It is such an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir. Sakes alive, I do declare the two most handsome men in Gayberry will be judging this pageant.” “Jenny darling,” the mayor said, encircling the girl’s tiny waist with his arm, “these fine gentlemen have just informed me the governor of our state is coming for a visit and will be in attendance at the Miss Gayberry Pageant! Wouldn’t it be a thrill to for your momma to see her daughter crowned in the presence of the Governor of North Carolina!” “I’m near speechless at the very thought, daddy! Don’t you gentlemen want to see the gown we had made for me to wear?” Jenny asked. “Not a single other soul in the world has seen it. You will be the absolute first ones.” “Well, of course” William answered quickly. “How could we refuse such an honor, sheriff?” Jenny started to disrobe right there in front of the men. “Jenny darling, is it really appropriate to change in front of these men or in front of your own daddy?” the mayor asked. “Pshaw, daddy,” she said. “Don’t be silly. You’ve been seeing me naked since I was a baby. And these are two of the most honorable men in this community. You don’t expect them to try to jump on me and rape me now, do you? They aren’t a thing like all these teenage boys in the town trying to tear my panties off and stick their nasty little boy thingies inside of me.” “Why, no” he sputtered. “Of course not.” The mayor couldn’t take his eyes off Jenny’s pert young body as she shed her school clothes down to only a lacy bra and panties. She was not in the least shy about showing her body. As a matter of fact, she caught William’s eye and looked straight into it as she slipped a finger under the waistband of her delicate panties and lowered them, showing William a flash of her very soft, blonde pubic hair. She then lifted the leg of her panties, flashing her pink cunt for just an instant. The girl had almost no tits at all. She really was a beautiful girl with her golden blonde hair. The mayor took his seat behind his desk to hide his erection. The girl put on her dress and had William zip the long zipper in the back of the gown. The girl stunning in yards and yards of pink tulle with a sparkly bodice and a sweetheart neckline. All of them complimented her highly and the men eventually took their leave. “What a little tramp” the sheriff said when they were out of the office and out of earshot. “That girl was ready to fuck both of us. She’d do anything to win this shit.” “You’re almost accurate, sheriff. “She’d have fucked the two of us and sucked her daddy’s dick if it assured her the win. That girl was just dying to climb up on that desk and spread that pretty blonde pussy for both ofus.” “If the governor’s Law Enforcement Commissioner is the perv the warden told us he is, Gayberry may have all the equipment it needs for the next 200 years. That little girl needs to fuck Mr. Levin’s nuts off!” William said as he and the sheriff howled with laughter.

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