Trying Trial Separation Pt. 02

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An estranged young wife meets a black from the past

Author’s note: This is more of a love story than a fuck-fuck-fuck story, although there is plenty of sex. In Part 1, Todd Russell shocks his wife, Jenny, when he abandons her and their two kids for a trial separation. Reading Part 1 is recommended but not totally necessary.

Part 1 is posted in the “Loving Wives” category. Part 2 (this part) will be found in “Interracial Love“. Look for them there, or click on “PenPal2001″and find them in the listing of all my stories.

Please tell me what you think. Take a second to vote, and your comments and feedback are always welcome.

Levon calling

A week after her 10-year high school reunion, life had returned to normal for Jenny Russell. She was at home with her two young daughters, and her estranged husband, Todd, was living a mostly care-free life at his buddy’s house.

Then her phone rang. It was a number that she did not recognize, but she answered it anyway. A man with a smooth, deep voice was calling.

“Hi, Jenny? It’s Levon Washington, from high school. I saw you at the reunion but we never got a chance to talk. You were quite the social butterfly that night!”

“Oh, hi Levon. I remember you! You were on the basketball team, right?”

“Wow, Jenny, you do remember. I heard that you’re not with Todd anymore, and I was wondering whether I could take you to dinner sometime.”

Jenny was shocked.

“Levon, how did you get my number?”

“Your friend, Lisa Brannigan, gave it to me. I hope that’s okay.”

“Oh no, Levon, it’s no problem.”

Jenny did not know what to say or do next. She could hardly believe that Lisa would give her number to a black guy that she just barely knew 10 years ago. Jenny decided to get off the phone with Levon so she could get on the phone with Lisa.

“Hey Levon, I was just about to do something and I can’t talk right now. Can I call you back a little later?”

“Oh sure, Jenny. I’m sorry if I caught you at a bad time. But please call me back when you have a minute.”

Jenny promised that she would call back, then she immediately called her friend Lisa.

“Lisa, I just got a call, out of the blue, from Levon Washington. He said you gave him my number.”

“Umm, yeah, I did, Jen. I hope you’re not mad or anything. I was talking to him at the reunion, and we saw you dancing with Curt, and he said that you were one fine looking woman and he wished he had your number.”

Jenny laughed. “He said that? Really?”

“His exact words,” Lisa replied. “I figured that since you’re a ‘free woman’ nowadays that maybe you’d like to hook up with him.”

“But Lisa, Levon is black!”

“Well, duh!” Lisa said with a chuckle. “Do you have something against black guys? I don’t suppose you’ve ever fucked one.”

“Lisa! I don’t believe you! No, I’ve never been with a black man. I suppose you have?”

“Oh yeah,” Lisa responded. “I don’t know how many I’ve ‘been with’ but I can tell you that I’ve fucked quite a few! Everything you’ve ever heard about getting fucked by a black guy is true. They are amazing when you let them get between your legs! You really have to try it, Jen!”

“I don’t know, Lisa. I’ll have to think long and hard before I even call Levon back.”

Lisa laughed loudly. “You’ll be thinking ‘long and hard’ when you get a look at his big black cock! He really wants you. I know for a fact that he does.”

“Okay, Lisa, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Oh, we’ll definitely talk later, because you’ll want to thank me for giving Levon your number!”

“Goodbye, Lisa.” “Bye-bye Jen.”

For the next three hours, Jenny’s thoughts went back and forth as to what to do. She decided that she had to call Levon back. It was the only polite thing to do. But if she did, Levon would ask her to go to dinner. Jenny had never once in her life considered doing anything socially with a black man. And if she went to dinner with him would he expect something more? Jenny decided that she would call Levon and politely decline his invitation. She went to the recent calls list on her phone, created a new contact for Levon so she would know if he ever called again, then she pressed “call”.

“Hello Jenny,” that same deep, smooth voice said again. “I’m so glad that you called me back. I’m sorry if I caught you off-guard before.”

For the next few minutes, Jenny and Levon chatted. Levon did not mention dinner again. There was just small talk. A mention of the reunion brought more talk about high school. Levon reminded Jenny that they were both in the same Geometry class with the meanest teacher in the school. They both started to laugh and the laughter continued as they reminisced about other classes and teachers and classmates. Before they knew it, they had been on the phone for an hour. Jenny was really enjoying herself when Levon changed the subject.

“So, canlı bahis what do you think, Jenny? Can we talk about those crazy high school days a little more over some dinner?”

“I don’t know, Levon. You know I’m still married to Todd. It’s a trial separation.”

Levon tried to keep it real friendly when he pressed Jenny a little harder.

“I wasn’t sure about Todd and you, but it looked like you and Curt were pretty tight the other night.”

“It was just dumb luck that Curt and I reconnected. He’s gone back to Seattle.”

Levon gave it one last shot. “Well, how about sharing some of that dumb luck with me? I’m not talking about anything serious, just a chance to eat with you and talk about that stupid Geometry class some more.”

Jenny had to admit to herself that talking to Levon was a lot of fun, and there was really no reason why they couldn’t sit together and talk more in person, so she accepted the dinner invitation. Levon would pick Jenny up at her place Saturday evening.

It’s a date

When Saturday arrived, Jenny had the jitters. Going out with a black man was way outside her comfort zone. She wanted to call Levon and cancel their dinner but she didn’t have the nerve. At that point, she felt that she had to go through with it. She spent most of the day running errands with the kids. In midafternoon, Jenny drove to her parents’ house to drop the girls off for an overnight. While the girls ran off to find their grandpa, Jenny chatted with her mother.

“So, what do you have planned for tonight?” Jenny’s mother asked. “Are you doing something with your friend Sandi, or maybe with Todd?”

“No,” Jenny answered. “I’m going out to dinner with someone from high school.

“Is it a man or a woman?”

“It’s a man, Mom.”

“Oh, so you’re going on a date.”

“No Mother! It’s not a date! Well, I guess you might call it that. But I’m just going to have dinner. A girl’s gotta eat, right?”

“Jennifer, you know that your father and I love Todd, and we’re hoping that you two can straighten things out and get back together soon.” Then, after a pause, she looked Jenny straight in the face and said, “Just don’t fall for someone new.”

“Don’t worry Mom. I’m not going to.”

It was late afternoon when Jenny got home. Levon would be there to pick her up in two hours. She was getting more anxious and stepped out onto her patio to smoke a cigarette. After taking a shower and doing her makeup, Jenny put on her new halter top party dress. She knew that Levon had undoubtedly seen her wearing it at the reunion, but it was her newest and nicest dress, so he would be seeing it again.

Right on time, Jenny heard her doorbell. She still had butterflies, but after taking a deep breath, she opened her front door. There stood Levon Washington, wearing a dress shirt and slacks, and holding a bouquet of flowers. Jenny’s first thought was that Levon was very black, darker than she had remembered. The next thing she noticed was his bright smile. It was a nice big smile and it made it a lot easier for Jenny to smile back.

Jenny was reminded of why Levon was on the high school basketball team when he stepped in and leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. He was well over six-feet-tall. Jenny asked Levon to take a seat in the living room while she put the flowers in a vase. She thought about offering him a drink, but she didn’t feel entirely comfortable being alone with him, so she set the flower vase down on the coffee table and announced that she was ready to go. Without touching her, Levon led Jenny to his car.

As he drove, Levon turned toward Jenny and said, “I never noticed the tattoo on your arm the other night. It so colorful and it looks great on you! Somehow I knew that you were a woman who liked flowers, and I’m so glad that you wore that dress! I’ve been thinking about that dress and how beautiful you looked in it since I saw you at the reunion.”

“Oh, thank you, Levon!” Jenny said, smiling widely. “I’m glad you like my dress. It cost a lot of money so I need to get some wear out of it! You know, I wish that you had said something to me at the reunion.”

“I wanted to, but you were busy with Curt and it didn’t seem like a good time for me to butt in. Now, I think that tonight is the perfect time for me to butt in!”

Jenny laughed out loud. “I couldn’t agree more, Levon. Tonight is the perfect time!”

Levon drove to one of the most popular restaurants in town. Jenny was a little worried that she might run into someone that she knew there. She concocted a little speech in her head, where she would say that they were high school pals who didn’t get much chance to talk at last week’s reunion, just in case anyone saw her having dinner with someone other than her husband, and a black man at that.

As soon as they were seated, Levon ordered a bottle of wine. As they perused the menu and ordered their food Levon made sure that Jenny’s kaçak iddaa wine glass stayed full. Once again, they talked and laughed about high school. When their food was served, Levon said, “let’s talk a little about us.”

“Well, I think you know my story, Levon. Todd got me pregnant in our senior year. He was my first, and my only. We married right after graduation, before my oldest daughter, Cassie, was born. Heather came along two years later. I thought our marriage was okay, then a few weeks ago, Todd said he wanted a trial separation and he left me.”

Levon got serious and said, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your husband must have lost his mind.”

Jenny smiled meekly and said, “Okay Levon, now tell me your story. Is there, or was there, someone special in your life?”

A melancholy expression overtook Levon’s face before he began to speak. “Yes, I had someone special once. Back in school, I’d always hoped to get a college basketball scholarship, but I didn’t, so after we graduated I joined the Army. It was good for me and I liked it. After basic training, I was stationed in Germany – it’s beautiful there – and I met a woman. She was in the service too. We fell in love and we got married. Life was great for a couple years, then she got her orders. She was deployed to Afghanistan. Her assignment was supposed to be a fairly safe one, but you’re never safe in that part of the world. She was asleep when the rocket attack came. They tell me that she never felt a thing when she was blown to bits. I stayed in the Army for another hitch, then I moved back here a year ago. I’ve got a good job and a nice apartment. My wife and I promised each other that we would move on with life if anything ever happened to either of us. So that’s what I’m doing. I’m getting out and dating – the ladies seem to like me – but I haven’t found anyone that I’d want to settle down with.”

Levon had been staring into space as he told his sad story. When he focused on Jenny again, he saw that she was wiping tears from her eyes with her napkin.

“Jenny! Honey! Don’t cry! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Let’s talk about something funny again. I remember when you got busted for smoking in the bathroom. Tell me about that!”

“Oh my gosh!” Jenny said, starting to smile again. “I’m surprised you remember that fiasco! It wasn’t very funny at the time!”

Jenny told the story about being caught smoking in the girls’ room. Levon laughed when Jenny dramatically described how terrified she was when the principal called her mother to report the misbehavior and how she was grounded for a month. Jenny chuckled that she smoked a lot that month, and kept smoking until she got pregnant. Then she became an ardent anti-smoker until Todd left her and she foolishly picked up the habit again. Levon said he did not smoke, except for weed now and then, but he told Jenny to feel free to have a cigarette if she ever wanted one.

It was nothing but more good times, and lots of laughs, that Jenny and Levon shared for the rest of their dinner, along with another bottle of wine. The more she talked and laughed with Levon, the more comfortable Jenny became.

Levon placed one hand in the small of Jenny’s back and they walked out of the restaurant. Jenny stopped half-way through the parking lot and turned toward Levon, telling him that she hadn’t had such a nice dinner in an awfully long time.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Levon said. “I haven’t had such a beautiful dinner companion since I can’t remember when.”

Levon started to lean down toward Jenny, who knew then that a first-time-kiss was coming her way. In a welcoming gesture, Jenny rose to her tiptoes and met Levon’s lips with hers. The first kiss was short and sweet. The fact that she had just kissed a black man reverberated in Jenny’s brain, and she knew immediately that it was something she enjoyed, and would want to enjoy again. A second kiss followed soon after and it lasted much longer.

They got into Levon’s car, but he did not start the engine right away. Levon turned toward Jenny and spoke.

“You know, Jenny, back in school I thought you were the prettiest girl there. I wanted to ask you out, but I never did. If I had asked you to go out with me, would you have gone?”

Jenny smiled. “You want the truth?” Levon nodded a yes.

“No,” Jenny answered. “No. Dating black boys was just not something that I would have done back then. Even now it seems kind of strange to me, and I was going to tell you ‘no’ when you called the other day. But talking to you on the phone I realized that we have a lot in common, and I like you, even though you’re black and I’m white.”

Levon laughed. “Even though I’m black?!”

“You know what I mean!” Jenny said, smiling and touching Levon’s arm with her hand. “You’re going to have to cut me some slack, Mister, but if you do I think we could have a lot of fun together!”

Jenny moved her face to meet Levon’s, kaçak bahis and when their lips connected Jenny pressed her tongue into Levon’s mouth. It occurred to Levon that Jenny really did want to have some fun, and he tickled Jenny’s tongue with his. Sitting in the car in the restaurant parking lot, the two French kissed for several long minutes. Levon finally broke away and spoke.

“So, Jenny, what would you like to do now? And don’t say, “Take me home, black man!”

Jenny laughed. “I won’t be saying that. Not for a while, anyway. You told me that ‘the ladies seem to like you’. Why don’t you show me why?”

With a wry grin, Levon said, “That’ll be easy, white girl! But hey, I saw how well you danced at the reunion with Curt. I know a dance club that we could go to for a while.”

Jenny said that was a great idea, and after one more kiss, Levon cranked the engine and drove to the dance club. It was a predominantly black club that Jenny had heard about but never visited. Everything Jenny had ever heard about the club, and its patrons, was negative and she was nervous about being there.

When they exited the car, Jenny reached into her purse and brought out a cigarette and lighter. “You sure you don’t mind?” she asked. Levon answered, “No. It’s okay.”

After lighting her cigarette and taking a long drag, Jenny asked, “Do you really think we’re going to be okay here? I’m not too sure about this. I feel like I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb.”

Levon laughed loudly. “Oh, you will. You’ll stick out alright, but not just because you’re white. You’ll stick out because you’ll be the best-looking woman in the place! But it’s all good. The brothers know me pretty well here, and they know that I expect my woman to be treated with respect.”

As Jenny took another drag on her cigarette, she was taken back a bit to hear Levon refer to her as “my woman”. Levon put an arm around Jenny and led her into the club.

Jenny’s initial apprehension was not curbed when she saw a sea of black faces, and most of them seemed to be staring at her. As Levon took her by the hand and led her through the place to find an empty table, Jenny did notice a couple of other white females. As soon as they took their seats a cocktail waitress approached and took their drink orders. The drinks arrived, they each took a sip, then Levon stood up and said, “let’s dance!”

“It’s not exactly my kind of music,” Jenny spoke into Levon’s ear. The DJ was playing a hip-hop tune that Jenny had never heard before. When they reached the center of the dance floor, Levon smiled and started moving with the driving bass beat. Jenny followed his lead and in a couple of minutes she was shaking and grinding with the best of them.

They danced to another song, then went back to their table to have another sip to drink. Levon put an arm around Jenny and drew her close for a kiss. As she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Levon’s, Jenny imagined that everyone was watching her. She popped her eyes open and discovered that she and Levon were being ignored, for the most part. She began to feel more at ease and sat there, drinking and kissing, until Levon led her back to the dance floor. They danced for another hour, with a couple of breaks.

Jenny excused herself to use the ladies’ room. She had to pee, but she also wanted to have a few minutes to sit by herself, even if it was on the toilet, and contemplate how her date with Levon was going to end. She could ask Levon to drive her home and finish the evening with a kiss on her doorstep. That might be the best thing, she concluded. Or, she could invite Levon in for a while. She also considered that Levon might invite her to his apartment. That would put him in control and he would very likely want to have sex.

Jenny thought about how her friend Lisa, who gave Levon her phone number in the first place, had raved about sex with black men, telling her she “had to try it”. Jenny admitted to herself that she was curious. She also admitted to herself that she was quick to surrender her body to her two previous extra-marital lovers, Bobby Mitchell and Curt Anderson. Jenny decided that she would just wait and see how the rest of the night played out.

When Jenny returned to their table, Levon stood and held her chair as she sat. Jenny was glad that she had taken a few minutes to ponder the possibilities when Levon put his arm around her and spoke.

“Jenny, I hope that you’ve enjoying yourself half as much as I am. I’m not really ready for this evening to end. We can stay here, have another drink and dance some more if you like, or we could go to my place. I’ve got a little bit of everything to drink, and I could put on some different music.”

Jenny smiled, silently noting that being taken home to her house was not even an option. She surprised herself when she heard her own voice saying, “We can go to your place.”

Just right

As they rode in the car, Jenny wondered whether Levon’s apartment would be a place where she would feel comfortable. She was pleasantly surprised when he turned into an upscale condominium complex. “This is a nicer neighborhood than mine,” Jenny observed. “You must do all right for yourself.”

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