Tomboy Makeover Pt. 01

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“Ahh… ahh…” She sneezed explosively, making her two friends start away from her on the couch and giggle.

“Jeez, Alex, warn us next time,” Sophia said, grinning. Alex rubbed the back of her neck, a little embarrassed.

“Sorry, but you’ve been tickling my face with those brushes for an hour. It’s been building up.” She reached up to wipe at her nose with the back of her hand, and both her friends let out exclamations of dismay, grabbing her arms. “What?”

“Use a Kleenex!” Victoria plucked a tissue from the box on the coffee table, using it to clean the base of Alex’s nose.

“Oh.” Alex’s embarrassment grew, a soft flush blooming in her tanned cheeks. “See, this is why I need you and Sophie. I grew up with four brothers and a dad, nobody taught me this stuff.”

“Aww.” Sophia rubbed Alex’s arm. “We would have helped sooner, we just thought you wanted to be a tomboy.”

“I mean, I’m fine with it.” Alex shrugged. “It just makes it hard to find a boyfriend when you look like a guy.”

“Makes it easier to find a girlfriend, though,” Victoria giggled. “You make the cutest boy.” Alex’s blush deepened. More than once, a girl making friendly conversation had turned out to be flirting with who they thought was a feminine guy. Not all of them had been put off by the truth, either.

“Not to say you aren’t cute as a girl too,” Sophia added, picking up the hand mirror and holding it in front of Alex. “Like, damn.”

Alex stared at herself. She had to admit, she did look… cute. They hadn’t been able to do much with her short black hair beyond tease it into something approaching a feminine style, but the makeup and clothes had transformed her from a rough, outdoorsy tomboy to an adorable, blushing girl. Her breasts would be generously described as petite, but she had a nice ass, and the dress was strategically chosen to conceal what wasn’t actually there and highlight her lean, athletic curves. “Wow. Is there any more you need to do?”

“Well…” Victoria met her girlfriend’s gaze, eyes sparkling with mischief as Alex checked herself out in the mirror. “We were thinking that we should show you how to act girly, too.”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Alex said distractedly, trying to slick down a stray hair. “What did you have in mmph-” Her eyes went wide as Victoria cupped her cheeks and leaned in, kissing her mid-sentence. She sat there frozen, her world reduced to the shock of warm lips against her mouth. Victoria pulled back a few inches, staring into Alex’s brown eyes, a smile playing over her face.

“We were thinking you should learn how to kiss like a girl.”

“Uh,” Alex managed intelligently.

Sophia murmured into Alex’s ear from the other side. “We saw you making out with that one guy, Tony whatever, and well, you were, shall we say…”

“Inexperienced,” Victoria finished. “And you wanted to be more girly, right? What’s more girly than kissing girls?” She let out a soft laugh, her eyes sparkling.

Alex just stared. This had taken a very sharp turn, albeit one that had some warning signs. She probably should have guessed something was up when they had been so ‘indecisive’ on her underwear and stayed in the room when she changed dresses. It was very hard to think with Sophia’s hot breath tickling her ear and Victoria pressed up against her, lips only inches away. It wasn’t like she was totally straight – she had come to terms with the fact that she was at least a little bi – but she had no idea how to react to two of her friends proposing to make out with her.

Going along with it seemed easiest.

“A-Alright,” Alex mumbled, and Victoria smiled, closing the distance between them again. Her heart pounded as Sophia took her left hand, intertwining their fingers as Victoria did the same with her right, both of them giving a reassuring squeeze. Victoria deepened the kiss, growing more passionate, pushing her tongue into Alex’s mouth and exploring as tiny noises escaped from between their lips. Victoria broke away to take a breath and re-position herself, shuffling onto Alex’s lap and straddling her thighs, leaning in to continue the string of kisses. Sophia nuzzled closer, brushing her lips along the curve of Alex’s neck as her girlfriend showed their friend exactly how she should be kissing.

Victoria pulled away after a few minutes, a little out of breath, a tiny strand of saliva stretching between their lips. “I hope you’ve been paying attention. Time to try on Sophie.”

Alex turned to find Sophia staring at her, lips puckered up, her eyes begging for a kiss. She swallowed hard, hesitantly leaning in. It was a much different experience to give rather than passively receive, and she was very aware of the fact that this is my friend, oh God, what am I doing and why does it feel so right?

Soft noises escaped their locked lips as Alex tentatively pressed her tongue forward and had Sophia eagerly grant it access, letting her friend taste the sweetness of her mouth. Despite her impromptu lesson, Alex was still an görükle escort inexperienced kisser, and Sophia brought her free hand up to weave her fingers in her friend’s short hair, guiding her lips. Victoria moved to nibbling and nipping at the sensitive skin of Alex’s neck, sliding a hand over her body, feeling up her lean curves. Alex gasped and squirmed underneath her, and Sophia continued to trade hot, increasingly messy kisses with her, gently directing her mouth.

“You know, there’s a lot more we could teach you about being girly,” Victoria murmured in her ear, trailing her nails across Alex’s toned stomach.

“Like how to act when you’re with a man,” Sophia said breathlessly between kisses. “Victoria’s pretty good with a strap-on…”

“She’s not half bad herself.” Victoria’s voice dropped to a sultry whisper. “We could show you how to moan just right…”

It took a second for their meanings to sink in, but as soon as it clicked, Alex tensed, pushing away from Sophia’s lips. “I- I-I don’t-” she sputtered, suddenly feeling pinned underneath Victoria. Kissing was one thing. The thought of getting fucked by her friends was… honestly a massive turn-on, but not something she was in any way ready for. Just as she was about ready to panic, Victoria giggled, and Sophia’s seductive look cracked into a grin.

“Your- your face!” Victoria cackled, clutching her stomach. “Oh, you are too adorable!”

The confusion that Alex was feeling must have been visible, because Sophia spoke up after a few moments of her girlfriend’s laughter, amused as well. “Relax, we were joking.”


“Mostly,” Victoria added, wiping at her eyes.

“Mostly joking,” Sophia amended.

“The offer’s still on the table, is what I’m saying.”

“Vicky! Look at her,” Sophia said, her stern tone undercut by the fact that she was still grinning. “She’s clearly not ready.”

Alex felt like she was blushing to the roots of her hair. She turned away from the two of them, feeling much more embarrassed about what had just happened now that she was out of the moment. A hand cupped her heated cheek, and she reluctantly allowed her head to be moved back to face Victoria. “Teasing aside, we did help you, right?”

“Yeah,” Alex mumbled, not sure where to look, her eyes being drawn back to Victoria’s lips. “…thanks.”

Sophia squeezed her hand. “We’d be happy to do it again.”

“We’ll help with anything.” Victoria winked and slid off Alex’s lap, giggling at her friend’s expression.

Part 2.

Contains mildly inebriated consent and some body worship.

“Aww, Alex,” Sophia said sympathetically. “No luck again?”

She shook her head, angry tears in her eyes as she sat at the bar. Despite getting dolled up with her friends’ expert help and being as feminine as was possible for her, she’d scared off yet another guy. She downed her drink to drown her frustrations, letting out a heavy sigh as she set down her glass.

Alex was drunk, horny, and had just been shot down for the third time that night. Victoria saw the chance she had been waiting for.

“You know…” she said, reaching over to put an arm around her friend’s shoulders. “You could just come back to our place if you’re tired of this. Have some wine. Relax. Give up on men for a while.” Her tone made it blindly obvious as to what she meant by that. Sophia rolled her eyes, smiling at her girlfriend’s antics.

Alex wavered. She knew, sort of, what she would be agreeing to. The idea had both terrified her and been the object of her masturbation fantasies ever since it was proposed. It had been way too long since she’d had a good fuck, and, well… a roll in the hay with her friends wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Far from it, even if it meant her first time with a woman would be with two women.

“Can… Can one of you drive? I’m not really up to it,” Alex mumbled, not looking at either of them. Victoria broke into a grin as Sophia’s amusement turned into shock.

“You’re sure that I won’t be, like, getting between you two?” Alex asked anxiously as they led her down the hall, each of them holding one of her hands.

“Well, you will be at some point tonight,” Victoria said, smirking. “But no, we can share you. You won’t cause any problems.”

“We both love you,” Sophia said as she pushed open the bedroom door. “I mean, you’re still our friend, but you can be… a little more.” She turned up the lights, making the room just bright enough to move around in. “Is that good? I figure you don’t want it blinding.”

Alex nodded mutely, allowing Sophia to pull her to the bed as Victoria went to dig through the closet. Her heart was slamming in her chest, her breathing shallow, and Sophia gave her clammy hand a reassuring squeeze.

“Nervous? I know a good cure.” Sophia cupped her cheek, leaning in. Alex responded timidly at first, but Sophia gradually drew her into a series of burning, breathtaking kisses, reducing bursa escort bayan her world to the warmth and pressure of soft lips. She weaved her hands in Sophia’s dark, curly hair, holding her close and seeking more of her sweet taste. Alex barely noticed when the back of her dress was unzipped and didn’t protest as it was pulled down her shoulders, following Sophia’s gentle guidance to lift off the bed and let it slide over her legs. Her underwear was black and lacy, far more slinky than she was used to wearing, and she shivered as Sophia’s hand trailed over her bare, toned stomach.

“Your abs are so sexy,” Sophia murmured between kisses, tracing the defined muscle with a fingernail.

“I know, right?” Victoria said, settling in on the other side of Alex. “The first time I saw her shirt ride up I almost swooned. I don’t get why you don’t show them off, you’d have all the ladies drooling. In more ways than one.”

“I- I get enough attention from women…” Alex mumbled, heat rising to her cheeks. She could feel that Victoria had stripped down to her underwear. “Guys don’t really like them…”

“Well, men are idiots,” Victoria said dismissively. “I think we already decided that tonight. They don’t like it when you’re sexy in the places they’re lacking.”

“Yeah,” Sophia murmured. “Alex, could I… would it be weird if I…” She trailed off, her voice dwindling into embarrassed silence.

“What?” Alex asked, confused. The Sophia who was so confident a moment ago had now turned away, blushing in the dim light.

“Soph, you can ask her,” Victoria said gently. “It’s not bad.”

“Yeah,” Alex said, still unsure. She reached out, resting a comforting hand on Sophia’s back.

“Well… could I… kiss your abs?” Sophia mumbled, looking down.

Alex blinked. Of all the possible questions she had been thinking of, that was not one of them.

Victoria leaned in to whisper in Alex’s ear. “She likes doing that kind of thing. She’s really shy about it. You don’t have to let her, but trust me, it’s nice.”

“Uh… I mean, sure,” Alex said after a moment, the surprise fading. “I just… wasn’t expecting that.”

Sophia visibly relaxed. “Okay.” She turned back to Alex with a smile, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Do you want to lay down?”

Alex allowed the two of them to guide her backwards, shifting her body until she could recline fully over the covers as Sophia settled between her legs. Her heart was starting to pound again, a nervous tension making her chest feel tight. She wasn’t thinking about what came next when caught up in the thrill of making out, but now she was lying on a bed between two friends who had offered to fuck her. This night was only going to get more intense, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready.

Soft lips brushed against her stomach, beginning to plant deliberate kisses on each inch of muscle and making Alex squirm against the ticklish sensation. Victoria leaned over her, long blonde hair curtaining her face as her hand found Alex’s and weaved their fingers together.

“You can still say no whenever,” Victoria said softly. “We want you to have fun. We won’t hold it against you if you want to stop.”

“Mmhmm,” Sophia hummed in agreement, planting a kiss on her friend’s navel.

“Okay,” Alex breathed, some of the tension leaving her body. More than just the mix of alcohol and unsatisfied lust pushing past her inhibitions, she realized she wanted this. People she loved and trusted and, yes, was attracted to wanted to make her happy. She was still nervous, but it was shifting into a more shivery, excited kind of feeling. When Victoria just continued to watch her, she murmured, “You- You can keep going…”

Victoria smiled and leaned down to kiss her, hair tickling Alex’s face as lips did the same to her stomach. She gasped into Victoria’s mouth as a tongue darted into her navel, and she heard Sophia giggle, feeling more hot licks over her midriff as her friend lavished it with attention. Alex didn’t really get why Sophia liked it, but it was nice. Even if the actual sensation was more weird than anything else, this worship of her body and the affection behind it made Alex feel good in a way that she’d never experienced before. Hearing Sophia compliment her body was one thing; feeling it was quite another.

The kisses and licks started to move lower, leaving her stomach wet and cool as the breath caught in her throat. Now each touch sent tingles shooting through her body, making her twist into the bed as Sophia kissed her mound through her underwear. Victoria’s tongue pushed forward to explore her mouth, muffling her soft noises while Sophia slowly tugged down the waistband of Alex’s panties. Her fingernails gently raked down her friend’s thighs, raising goosebumps as the fabric slipped lower and finally off.

“I see you took my advice,” Sophia murmured. “Nice and smooth.”

Victoria pulled away for a moment to say, “Aww. I kinda liked her little bush, it was cute.”

“This bursa escort is cuter. And more fun to play with…” She gave a soft giggle, and Alex flushed as Victoria’s tongue pressed back into her mouth. She didn’t normally shave down there, and apparently the two of them had caught a glimpse during one makeover or another. The thought of Sophia ‘playing’ with her made her quiver with tense anticipation, but her friend seemed to have other plans, shifting her attention further down yet skipping over her puffy lower lips to kiss and nip at her thighs. Each little touch made her twitch and let out small gasps, the sensations unpredictable when she couldn’t look down. She could feel Victoria smile against her mouth, and the blonde shifted positions, moving to straddle her chest with warm, bare skin. Hands slipped behind her back to unfasten her bra and tug away that last bit of clothing, exposing her small breasts and leaving her totally naked under her friend. Victoria pulled back to look at her, both of them breathing harder

“God, these are adorable,” she murmured. “Are they sensitive?”

“Y-Yes,” Alex managed, shivering a little as Sophia nibbled at skin inches away from her swollen heat.

“Then maybe I’ll…” Victoria trailed off as she leaned down, taking a hardened nipple between her lips. Alex could feel the bud being licked and sucked, gentle bites sending shocks of pleasure through her body and making her groan. Victoria let out a low chuckle from deep in her throat, switching to the other breast as her hand came up to massage the one she had left damp with saliva.

Alex moaned and writhed under the attention from both of her friends, the last of her nervousness burning away in the face of the needy heat growing between her legs. The stimulation felt good, but it was nowhere near enough to get her off. They seemed content to tease her, either unaware of or enjoying her increasing desperation. Victoria’s warm weight held her in place, grinding into her body and devoting her mouth to pleasuring her breasts. She was enjoying it, too; Alex could feel damp fabric where her friend’s panties rubbed against her stomach. Sophia’s affections had left her own thighs wet with saliva and arousal, her friend’s mouth moving all over her sensitive skin without actually touching her aching heat. She squirmed under the frustrating pleasure, her breathing growing ragged as her hands gripped the bedsheets, and finally whined, “Please…”

Victoria released her nipple with a soft pop, her eyes sparkling with mischievous amusement as she met Alex’s gaze. “Please what?”

Alex’s face, already hot, felt like it was burning. “P-Please do more…”

Victoria leaned down until her mouth was level with her friend’s ear. “Please do more… of what?” she teased, her breath warm against Alex’s skin.

Oh God, she’s really going to make me say it… Alex turned her head away, her heart stuttering. Sophia gently blowing a stream of air over her ignored clit made up her mind, and she mumbled, “Please… make me come…”

Victoria kissed the side of her head and pulled away grinning. “You heard her, Sophie.”

“Mmm,” came the reply, and Alex moaned as a hot tongue ran up her slit, finally giving her the pleasure she craved. She tried to lift her hips into the touch, seeking more, but the weight on her stomach kept her pressed firmly to the bed. Victoria returned to toying with Alex’s breasts as her girlfriend begun to slowly, methodically lick upwards from the bottom of her heat, lavishing each inch of sensitive skin with equal attention even as Alex squirmed, her clit throbbing and begging to be touched.

As much as the teasing was hard to bear, Alex had to admit it made the feeling that much more intense when Sophia reached her swollen nub. The gentle kiss was like a white-hot spark shooting up her spine, making her gasp. She was always embarrassed about being vocal, but she couldn’t hold back her moans as her clit was finally touched, kissed and licked and sucked until she was seeing stars. Victoria’s mouth worked in tandem with her girlfriend’s, building up the hot pressure in Alex’s abdomen as all three bundles of nerves were stimulated at the same time.

Before long, it was too much. Alex went rigid, her back arching off the bed as her mouth opened in a wordless cry. She shuddered and spasmed against their hot tongues, her toes curling into the covers, her mind going white for what felt like minutes of unending ecstasy. Eventually, she flopped back, struggling to inhale as she came down from the pleasure.

“Fuck, Alex,” Victoria murmured, rubbing a soothing hand over her friend’s heaving chest. “Breathe. Breathe. That’s it.” She planted a kiss on her collarbone and shifted off of her to cuddle up against her side, stroking her stomach. “I can’t believe you came so hard.”

Sophia moved forward to lay across from her, sandwiching Alex between warm bodies. Her lips and cheeks were glistening in the low light, covered in her friend’s juices, and she was grinning. “Enjoying yourself so far, Alex?”

“Yes,” she managed, panting. “Yes- fuck, yes. Thank you. It was so good.”

“Ugh, you are too adorable,” Victoria murmured, kissing her side. “Saying thank you. How can you be so cute and sexy at the same time?”

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