To A Special ‘Angel’

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Well, how is my ‘New Beginning’

It had been sweltering for the last few days of my holiday. A holiday I needed after the courts had finally rid me of my violent husband. A change of life, no more having to lie about things or needing to explain my movements to anybody. My children were now in there twenties and although myself already past my fiftieth birthday, well life was taking a new pathway that only I knew where it was going.

Really it had been a non-eventful week so far, found myself walking a lot; the scenery really is second to nowhere that I know. A time for reflecting, wondering as well. Really although I should have been excited and relieved, lots of times I look back and wonder whether I made the right decision to leave what security I had behind for something, well something that could be just as horrible, or even worse.

I was lucky that my hotel had air conditioning, otherwise I doubt whether I would have shut my eyes for all the holiday, my mind playing those tricks that still expected a banging of my locked door and a drunken, screaming man outside demanding what he had a right to. A right! He gave those up eighteen years previously when phoning my work up declaring I had caught a virus. A concerned college came and visited me and he was suddenly confronted with a badly battered me.

If I could have remained hidden from the world, well who knows where I’d be now. But without my knowledge I was visited by the local police and a doctor who has now become my closest friend. She took photos of the bruises, but I insisted that nothing be done to my husband, mainly for the sake of the kids. To be fair, he hardly ever got another chance throughout our marriage together. I had been advised that no matter what, I had to throw something, anything at him if he started it again.

A misaimed plate was sent smashing through my window and startled neighbours were the next to see the battered and almost reclusive me.

Also, it was nice that the hotel was very quiet, evenings were spent at the bar, usually alone but often over the course of the evening I was joined by other probably lonely people. One guy, Mark I think his name was became friendly over the few days we were together. He was down that way on business, obviously married, but he was my free meal ticket. Although we spent hours talking and drinking one night feel sure my depression was contagious and although, looking back he kept bringing up the ‘s’ word, we were soon off that and talking about my boys or his work or whatever. Needless to say a hug and a peck on his cheeks were going to be all he was going to get from me that night . Wednesday evening and he ignored me completely, almost laughing for the first time that week I noticed he had picked up something off the street and the champagne bottles were building up on his table. Not sure whether it was jealousy or the intense heat that görükle escort night, but hearing them laughing together made me feel decidedly uncomfortable even being in the same hotel as them. It was hot and my silk loose dress was sticking to me as I decided to stroll along the beech. Had used a box of tissues drying my face when from the night sky a heavy drop of rain hit me on my shoulder, another and then lots. Suddenly the coolness took over as I held my hot face up to the sky so as to invite the rain to wash my face free of all my pent-up feelings inside.

The sky was suddenly alight and thunder was all around. The few pairs of lovebirds making love within the dunes were dashing for the sanctuary of the hotel. Like a fool I was facing into the wind, dripping wet, but I felt so free and no one else mattered in this world.

The heavy rain and crashes of thunder prevented me hearing somebody approaching me. Reaching for my hand it was Angel, a very smart woman I had met in the bar previously. We hadn’t talked much then, didn’t this time either. She like me seemed to be at one with the storm.

We carried on holding hands as we both decided the weather was here to stay and coldness had taken over and my body was suddenly feeling very chilled from the relentless rain. Looking for warmth now we were huddled together as our bodies left a trail of dampness on the cold marble floors. Passing the couple in their booth as without speaking we went into the lift and as if by some kind of fate stayed close as we went to my room together.

Peeling my dress off, Angel did the same and leaving our clothes in a damp pile on the floor we both went into the bathroom and moments later we were under the warm running shower together. This suddenly became a very sexual situation, well at the time that is how I took it to be. Angel standing astride me and with soap on her hands was washing my hair as slowly her hands moved down my body and she was coating the rich lather onto me.

With each soft caress of Angel’s hand on my body it brought a gasp from within me and when her hand touched my most intimate part, instead of feeling shocked I actually opened myself for her. Our eyes were locked together as I felt Angel now deliberately sexually arousing me. The feeling’s of our closeness was just out of this world and with a deep breath I naturally put my arms round Angel’s body and we were suddenly locked together in the most passionate embrace I could ever remember.

Suddenly the shower was a silly place to be and with our bodies now free from the lather we turned it off and still locked together and dripping wet we guided each other to my large inviting bed. The only movement Angel did was to reach out and turn off the bedside lamp and in complete darkness our locked embrace continued. Only the blue flashes of lightning lit up my bedroom and I could see and bursa escort bayan feel the passion that we were generating together.

Breathless, Angel’s wet hair was the only cold thing on the bed as it tickled its way down my body. Stopping to engulf my eager nipples that were begging for her attention. I squirmed and my body arched as Angel’s tongue made me scream out in excitement.

I was pinned to the bed, unable to respond as leaving my excited boobs her lips, tongue and wet hair continued it’s path downwards making my stomach shudder as Angel seemed to lick on every square inch of me. I had my hands now gently resting in her hair knowing that soon she was going to be at my sex entrance and was not sure how that feeling was going to affect me.

Licking and kissing, her ultra soft face was now on my shaved mound, Angel’s tongue was tracing along the creases of me as holding tightly now, my fingers were clenching the back of her head. Feeling Angel’s hands helping me to open my thighs, I willingly surrendered to her. With an almighty crack of thunder that deafened my screams I looked down in the flash of lightning to see Angel’s tongue as it entered into my open lips. More screams, more thunder and lightning, I was soon pulling at Angel’s hair making her stop.

A worried face looked up at me, my juices gleaming around her mouth as I pulled her up to me. Thinking she had done wrong probably, Angel nestled her face into my neck gently kissing me by way of an apology. We still didn’t talk, I was unable to anyway, and catching all the breath that was available between our overheated bodies.

We lay there a while, my heart was sill pounding and my breathing was making Angel’s hair tickle as it rested on my excited nipples.

From somewhere I plucked up courage, wanting so much to give those feeling back to Angel and without any resistance I pushed her body over and was suddenly face to face with her. With the room again lit up by more thunder it was the first time I really saw her face, her lovely gentle smile as I lowered myself onto her and uncertain at first our lips were suddenly together. The heavy taste of me was evident as Angel’s tongue searched inside my dried up mouth. My hands searched over Angel’s ample body, she is larger than me and as my hands explored her heavy boobs I sensed Angel gasp for air as I expertly squeezed her nipples, knowing exactly the feelings she was experiencing.

Plucking up courage, but wanting to so desperately, my mouth moved to Angel’s neck and her skin was so soft and light as I planted small kisses on her body that seemed to bring small sigh’s from Angel’s lips. Brushing her responsive nipples with my hands, Angel’s sighs were suddenly louder as I kissed one of her nipples and could feel her excitement as I suckled on it, sending vibrations through her body.

My body was heating up knowing bursa escort that I was going places I had never been, as my tongue excited Angel the way she had to me moments earlier. I could feel her nerve ends tingling in her stomach as my fingers reached her golden bush of pubic hair and not thinking one of my fingers felt underneath and I was greeted with a gasp from Angel as my finger felt between her saturated libido. Teasingly I inserted it into her, knowing she was at the height of her sexuality now with my lips now licking at her open thighs, the aroma of her wetness was intense and filling the air.

Opening Angel wide a flash of lightning in the room once more revealing to me Angel’s gorgeous inners. With Angel now wriggling her body around I felt in complete power as my lips met hers. A moan from above, which I ignored and my tongue suddenly was licking along the length of her long open sex lips. For the first time I heard Angel murmur something. Only a long sigh with my name included in it, but knowing I was pushing the right buttons carried on. With Angel’s sigh’s becoming more frequent I was having too much fun to carry on, so left her alone to rest while my tongue explored downwards licking and kissing along Angel’s thighs.

The sheer pleasure I know I was giving Angel made me want it to last all night. The atmosphere was very hot and the curtains blowing in the wind as the lightning was still lighting up Angel’s body. Glistening now in her perspiration as I was now kissing lower and remember a time I had my feet sucked by someone. That time was so nice that I really wanted to please Angel that way. Licking downwards I could see that Angel now had her hands covering her sex and the loud sounds of her fingers mixing with her juices gave me as much excitement as it must have given her. With my tongue searching around her toes Angel was now building herself up. Her breathing becoming erratic now and satisfying mumbling’s of my name in her short breathing only heightened the situation for me. With the room alight by the storm I watched as Angel’s fingers circled around her clitoris and quickly I knew she was bringing herself to her orgasm. I so wanted to share it with her, but was kneeling, looking down on her, I was unable to move as her groans and moans turned to screams of delight and we were both breathless in Angel’s orgasm.

Still no words were exchanged; we were both motionless, I was looking at her fingers, motionless now, just hiding herself. Suddenly I could hear the lashing rain outside, as another crack of thunder seemed to bring us both back to life.

Feeling chilled now, must have been the early hours of the morning, we sat together, a blanket wrapped around us both, Angel’s arm wearily wrapped around my body. My head resting in her nape as we watched out the window the storm gently subsiding. Words didn’t mean anything that night, as I lay back onto the bed completely contented.

Sunlight blasting through the open windows and Angel curled up with her leg and arm holding me tightly was the first thing that I remember of Thursday. But Wednesday would go down as the first day of a new beginning.

Pat xx

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