Tim And Abbie 81:  Boxing Day Comes To An End

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Meanwhile, next in line is Patti and this interesting George at the church. Patti has poo-pooed all of George’s attempts over the past few years. It appears that he thinks Patti is a desirable woman and that her husband was not worthy of her. Since he finally died, George has patiently waited his time, but Pattie has not shown any interest.George has known the family for years since the children were little. George and his wife would sit a few rows behind them most Sundays, and George envied first their having the two girls, and then later in life, Mark. George and his wife never had children.George knew the husband and father was a hard man and heard the rumors about him. Many from his wife’s catty tongue. Seeing Patti always standing tall like nothing is being spread about her increased his admiration for her.Now, both without their luggage, George had hoped that they could perhaps open to each other, but still, Patti seems to keep her armor around her.But George is determined and not ready to give up.Now, seeing Mark back in church with this mother, Patti, along with this other man, George thinks he might have a chance. It is clear that the other man is with Mark, which is interesting.Each week, George makes sure he is the one to hand Patti her bulletin and lead her to her favorite pew, which he always saves for her. Walking her to her seat, George tries to start small talk with her but still never seems to get anywhere.That is until Brian introduces himself to George during the coffee hour following the service. Chatting away with George, getting to know about the man, Brian is cheerful and mentions Patti often, bringing a grin to George’s face.The following Sunday, Brian greets George like his long-lost friend and even invites George to join them for brunch after the service. George accepts without hesitation. The table is getting fuller now, Jessica and Roger, George next to Patti, and Jennifer between Brian and Mark.Brian keeps the focus of the conversation on George, bringing out all his good points and stunning qualities. At the end of the meal, Brian states, “Jessica, I know you and Roger have plans now, and Mark and I want to take Jennifer to this exhibit I think she will like. Would it be an imposition, George to ask you to take Patti home?”George eagerly agrees, and Patti blushes at the suggestion but goes along with it.oOoJennifer is a bit surprised at this ‘exhibit’ they are taking Bostancı Escort her to. And that it appears that Brian is matchmaking again, but for her mother? ‘What am I? Chopped liver? When is going to be my turn?’ Jennifer thinks.Brian sees the look on her face in the restaurant. Later, as they walk around the art exhibit, which Jennifer does enjoy, he has a private chat with her. Mark is off looking at other displays, and Brian consoles Jennifer and promises her something is ahead for her. He asks her to please be patient. Good things come to those who wait.Jennifer, Brian realized early on, is the most sexual of the three women. He knows she is like a bud waiting to burst open and feels she is being held back. Brian tries to get her to understand that the wait will be well work it in the end.But in the same way, she is a bud that has been pollinated many times by many bees already.Meanwhile, there is Patti. Patti who has endured such a crappy life with her husband. Not knowing the joys of sex at all and finding it easier just to toss such things aside rather than experience any actual pleasure.George fell into their laps for Patti. But for Jennifer, it will take some time to find the right match. There are many aspects needed to find a lasting mate for her. Luckily, Jennifer calms some, knowing she is not forgotten. This Fairy Godmother in Brian is ensuring that all three of the damsels who have been more or less locked in the tower will be saved.oOoBack to Patti and George. When they are in the car at the church parking lot, George suggests that they stop for a visit at the nearby botanical gardens to see the fall foliage on the way home. Patti surprises herself when she agrees with enthusiasm.At the park, they stroll through, enjoying the colors and chatting amicably. When they come to a tree branch in the path, George takes Patti’s arm to help her step over it. After, George keeps her arm as they continue. Before long, they are holding hands instead.For George, it brings back old memories of when he and his wife walked together in the same way long ago. When they had first fallen in love and had a sense of companionship with each other. For Patti, it is a far-off memory, so long ago, of the tingle running through her with a young man she fancied holding her hand as they walked.‘Why did I end it with that young man? And all for Mark’s father? Boy, did I Bostancı Escort Bayan make a big mistake? But that is in the past now. And while yes, older and probably past most things, George does seem like a genuinely nice man. If he is interested, I should give him a chance,’ Patti ponders.And so it begins, some movies, then plays, walks in parks, dinners out, Patti and George spending more and more time together. And not just together, but with the family. George joins them for dinner during the week, Sunday brunch, and soon the ultimate – George is included in Wednesday full family dinners. But that isn’t really the ultimate. That happens a couple of days later.Patti and George are becoming closer and closer, now seeing each other almost every day. To the point that yes, they kiss when meeting and saying goodbye and hold hands most of the time. This leads to a couple of afternoons of pretty heavy petting sessions in the parlor as they watch television while the girls are at work. Patti and George know it is time to move further.Patti knowing this day is coming, buys new sheets and a comforter for her bed. If she had more time, she would have bought a new bedroom set to completely remove reminders of her dead husband. But the sheets change things a lot. As does the negligee, she gets in sheer pink and is cut low. She has never worn anything so daring, but she wants to look alluring for George. Both Jessica and Jennifer will be at work all day, and Jessica will probably be with Roger in the evening. Jennifer hopefully will be out with friends after work for drinks, so George and her will have plenty of time.But she is torn. Should she greet George in such an outfit or have him wait while she changes? After going back and forth several times, she welcomes him in her usual attire when the day arrives. He has a bottle of wine with him and some top-end tequila with a couple of silver shot glasses. George suggests putting the tequila and glasses in the freezer for later.Patti kisses him warmly, and they sit in the parlor having a glass of wine first. It is not quite noon, and Pattie is a bit nervous. Then Patti excuses herself and tells George to give her about fifteen minutes and then come up to the bedroom.He smiles at her as she leaves. He is getting excited about what is ahead but is a bit worried. Truth be told, he has never been with a woman besides his Escort Bostancı wife all these years. George is very attracted to Patti and has been aroused several times with her, but will he be up to par for the actual opening night? He has thought of Viagra as an enhancement but does not want to go there.As he climbs the stairs, he is eager though somewhat hesitant that Patti might be displeased with what she sees. He can’t believe that they have come this far, this soon, actually. Thanks all to Brian. So what will be, will be.He enters the bedroom with the glasses and wine in his hands and sees a vision before him. Patti in her negligee is beautiful. There is a glow about her. George sets down the wine and glasses on the side table and steps to kiss her deeply.Running his hands up and down her back and squeezing her ass cheeks, realizing she has no underwear on at all. Coming apart some, George starts to fumble with his buttons to take his shirt off. Pattie joins him, and soon his shirt is discarded, and his undershirt quickly following.Patti runs her hands over his chest. Yes, the hair is grey now, and he is a bit flabby, but that adds to the softness she feels. Patti squeezes George’s nipples, and they do respond and get hard quickly.George has opened the top buttons of her nightgown so he, too, can play with her breasts and nipples. Caressing them and then squeezing them sends ripples through Patti’s body as they become firm and hard.Next, George’s pants are undone and off. He is completely nude in front of Patti. She pushes him back from her just a foot or so and looks him up and down. Yes, he is an older model, but a vintage one, she thinks. Well preserved and from the look of things right now, in full operating order.George, not knowing what is going through Patti’s mind, but from her smile, he takes she is approving. He says to her, “Well now, you have had your look-see, now I think it is my turn, my girl.” With that, he unbuttons the rest of Patti’s gown, which drops to the floor.“Baby, you are beautiful,” George exclaims. He reaches out to caress her breasts, then down over her hips and thighs, moving to cup her ass cheeks as he pulls Patti to him, his hard cock pressing against her wet mons.They fall back on the bed, bodies pressing against each other, feeling the burning intensity building between them. This in itself is wonderful. They do not need to do anything more. But, hell, they will.George surprises Patti. After a prolonged kiss, he moves down, sucking again on her breast. Next, he goes further down, kissing her stomach and then licking through Patti’s mons. Finally, Patti feels him spread her lower lips, and for the first time in her life, Patti experiences a man going down on her.

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