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Subject: A Neglected Boy The Twins LXV Please support Nifty to keep stories coming. fty/donate.html Thanks to all Nifty Staff for their help. Please remember this Story is fiction, names fabricated, locations may be accurate. Included links are fun. … There may be some sex; it will be gentle and loving. Just a reminder that the story is told by either Jake or Kori in alternating Chapters. A Neglected Boy “The Twins” ota Morning came quickly. I woke to the aroma of fresh-brewed amaretto coffee. Kori was already in the shower and Justin and Kyle were in a very sound sleep. I unwrapped myself from “The Twins” as Kori walked from the master bath, naked, looked at our sleeping boys and said . . . . “Jake, I don’t think Kyle or Justin moved all night.” …… A `second body’ walked from the master bath wrapped in a large bath towel, otherwise naked, said good morning and disappeared down the hall to `his’ bedroom. … hmmmm … but the aroma of coffee? “Oh, … Jake you’ll have to get the rug-rats up and let them shower with you there’s no hot water in the other bathroom” Kori said … then explained that Ethan had woke him earlier to let him know about only cold water in the other bath. I guess that explains things…….. I think. Today was exactly like every other day this week. Every morning was try to save hot water and shower with a friend. Kori and the rug-rats have really enjoyed it. … It looks like that will continue through next week. It seems we are at the mercy of the plumber and hope he can fix our problem in the other bathroom without ripping out a wall or something worse. For now, the water to the shower and tub has been shut off. At breakfast, we told Ethan that Kori and I have decided to stay away from training sessions for now and asked Ethan to keep a good eye on Kyle and Justin. Then said we thought it would be good for Ethan to stay with Keith for a few nights. … Oh, Ethan didn’t like that idea, … it made him soooo sad; … you could tell by the devilish smirk. Ethan spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights with Keith at the dorm, ahh Yes; I must get him something nice to say thank you. … Kori and I have been extra clean after long `hot’ showers and for some reason, he has been very horny, and I like it! … Well not all that much, .. alright, alright, I lied. I really like it when he’s in one of those ultra horny moods. Reminds me of when he was 15. …… Satisfied? Each day at 8:30 pm we run over to get “The Twins” at the pool and give Ethan and Keith a ride back to Durfee Hall. Then run home and feed Justin and Kyle. It was Thursday night when Kori came in the kitchen while I was fixing shepherd’s pie and said . . . . “Jake, .. Kyle and Justin are asleep again. Each night they come home so exhausted they fall asleep while you or I are making dinner. Jake, something else … they have both lost just over a pound, … I had them weigh when we got home.” I looked at Kori and asked . . . . “Did they finish their homework? … “No” .. was Kori’s answer. I thought, … I don’t want to be an alarmist I really don’t think Kevin or any of the coaches would ever let anything happen to any boy. In my mind, I can say that…….. Kori shook the boys awake and they did look tired but at the table they seemed happy to tell Kori and me all about how fast they were today. Kori and I were or tried to be bursa escort as excited as they were about their news. They didn’t finish their dinner and only half their cake and ice-cream even the offer of whipped-cream didn’t help. Kori and I helped Justin and Kyle with their homework and again it was 10 pm when we carried them to bed. I told Kori I decided that I would call Dr. Gregory, their pediatrician, in the morning. I called my TA to take the only class I had so I could take the boys to see Dr. Gregory. With as much as Kyle and Justin are doing with swim classes and meets Kori and I agreed a little checkup would be a good idea. The night was warm with Kori and I all cuddled up to the rug-rats. I think like Kori said the other night the boys never moved all night. We had a fun shower with all 4 of us singing under that nice warm spray. Kyle and Justin came alive when I told them no school today. Oh, they did pout a little when I said we were going over to visit with Dr. Gregory. Very interesting breakfast! Rug-rats ate like little pigs. Bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast with peanut butter, 2 glasses of milk and asking for more bacon. Justin, Kyle, Kori, and I equals 1 pound of bacon. Kori was off to the University … I knew he would rather have been with us but he had a very important meeting with the department head and Dr. Susan Alcock from Brown. Justin, Kyle and I arrived at Dr. Gregory’s at 10 am. Oh, the boys pout but really, they like Dr. Gregory very much he is an amazing pediatrician and his facility is tops. Everything on-site and Kori and I like it here rather than over at the University Pediatric Center, news travels fast there. The boys headed to the playroom while Dr. Gregory and I had a nice chat. I explained about the junior swim team, how tired Kyle and Justin are, how they have lost weight but they seem to love the competition at swim events. He understood our concerns perfectly and then it was into the exam room. This is an exam room designed specifically for kids. Nothing scary. Justin and Kyle really love this room especially when they know they don’t have to get any shot. Rug-rats get to play doctor. First Justin has to get Kyles height and weight. … Seriously they do it themselves then show Dr. Gregory who writes everything down. Then it was Kyles turn, then they use the ear thermometer, ahhhh 98.6, perfect. Dr Gregory looked at their eyes and then the part that they kinda don’t like … he examined their testicles and foreskin … then asked the boys if it hurts to pull it back … shouldn’t have asked that question … nope, shouldn’t have asked that. … Now it becomes show and tell and some giggling too. Bigmouth Kyle is first and says… “heck no Doc we do it every day when we shower and it slips back when we gets a boner too.” Justin’s been trying to get a word in but Kyle just kept right on talking. He’s been kinda fiddling with his `thingy’ which is now erect and proudly shows Dr. Gregory how easy the skin pulls back. I thought I would turn 3 shades of red. Dr. Gregory is just smiling telling the boys how good that is as he’s looking at what appears to be a very nice, very hard, 3-inch erection. Justin now delighting in his show and tell presentation. Remember how Kyle and Justin were, are, have been so interested in Ethan’s circumcised penis? … Well, that was what came next when Kyle just bursa escort bayan asked …… “Dr. Gregory, our brother Ethan well, his penis isn’t like ours he’s cut he says and can you make us like that too?” …. OMG, I wish I hadn’t made this appointment!.!.!.! … Dr. Gregory must have been asked this question before … he just takes that question in stride and answers … “Sure, but I need to explain how we do it, first we…….” and begins to explain the procedure……. “No Thanks! .. Never Mind! .. I like mine just the way it is” .. Kyle says, and Justin already has his Underoos pulled back up and backed up 5 feet with everything soft. Dr. Gregory is almost laughing at this point and just told the boys that it’s probably best to keep things the way they are. I need to remind myself and Kori that we never will know what our little cherubs will say or who they will say it to, or ask questions of. What came next was the biggest surprise … but then again we’re talking about Justin and Kyle as Justin asked Dr. Gregory………….. ………………”Dr. Gregory you know when you were feeling my balls, sorry Dad says we gots to call em testicles but, Ethan calls em Rocky-mountain oysters n Antonio says we only got grapes, well, .. can you tell us when me and Kyle can squirt sperms?” … I thought I wanted to die…….Yes, .. Justin just asked Dr. Gregory when he could `squirt’, … squirt, .. squirt .. the word keeps going over and over in my mind. Dr. Gregory was smiling and took that question just like the last one as if it were asked by every boy about to be 10-years-old and said . . . . “Interesting question boys. I don’t think I can give you a date like … Oh, March 14 or June 24 … I think you have a bit of growing yet and maybe when you’re twelve.” Justin and Kyle looked shocked and very disappointed. Dr. Gregory told them just one more little test. He needed a little blood and told the boys it might feel like a pinch … Ha! … they didn’t even flinch. They were dressed and in the playroom while Dr. Gregory and I talked and waited for the results. I apologized to Dr. Gregory for Kyle and Justin’s questions and that they had an erection then he said . . . . “Jake, those two are just amazing, smart, fun, and seem to be very well `educated’. Let’s go with no apology needed. Actually Jake, it was good to see that everything in that area is just fine. The foreskin pulls back easy and the boys seem to be a good size for their age and height. Now for the questions you and Kori have………….” Dr. Gregory continued … “I know about the junior swim team and it’s difficult but, to be honest, both boys are in excellent physical condition. Overall body tone is exceptional, for their age … wow, little six-packs developing looks like you and I could take some lessons from them. As for them being tired well, goes with the amount of training they’re getting.” … Just then the blood results came back … Jake, tell Kori nothing to worry about … everything is perfect. I shook hands with Dr. Gregory and Justin and Kyle gave him a big hug and we were off. It was time for lunch and what could be better than Chuck E. Cheese for burgers and games then home and Marco would be there soon. The boys ordered burgers and extra-large fries. I text Kori with the good news and just watched the rug-rats inhale their lunch. As Kyle and Justin escort bursa were playing games I thought if everything is so good and they’re in perfect health … then why don’t I feel better? I looked at my watch … panic … we’re late. I latched onto the two Korean boys dragged them out the door and into the SUV. It was a mad dash to the campus to get Ethan and Keith then home before the Judge dropped off Marco. As I hurried all I heard from the squirts in the back was . . . . “Dad you’re gonna get a ticket” …… damn! they can be real brats. I pulled to the curb where Keith and Ethan were waiting shaking their heads and Ethan pointing to his watch … Ha! … just as Ethan reached for the door I pulled forward … little tyrants were laughing and saying . . . . “do it again Dad.” Ethan and Keith were laughing when they `finally’ got in saying … “very funny Jake” … then said they were starved. When aren’t they starved? Then Kyle and Justin had this amazing story of how Dr. Gregory felt their balls and looked at how their skin pulls back. Keith and Ethan were laughing until Kyle said . . . . “but Ethan n Keith when you do it to us it feels way better.” ………. I heard a smack and Kyle hollered … “Ow, what’s that for?” The subject turned to Pizza or Chinese take out very quickly and the decision was Chinese. Rug-rats already ate … but they wanted some pork egg foo young so takeout was another large order. Great wall of China loves us. We arrived home with enough food for 8 and it was a good thing because as we drove in so did the Judge with Marco, Lorenzo, and Antonio and 2 large pepperoni pizzas. I was slightly surprised thinking Kori and I would only have Marco. The Judge explained he had an important meeting tonight and would be back to get Antonio and Lorenzo around 10 tomorrow morning and was gone. Ok nothing new it’s been like that with kids in and out forever; I’m used to it. The food was from one end of the table to the other and the 7 boys eating and talking, without breathing, at the same time, nonstop. The most exciting news was that story of the visit to Dr. Gregory and how he felt their balls. As the magnificent 7 were inhaling their food my cell phone rang. More exciting news! Kori just announced that, Dr. Sue was coming for dinner and he invited her to stay the night. Thanks Kori! Three hours to their arrival … and the house is a mess, it’s Friday, after all, it’s been a busy week. Geeeeze, we’ve got work to do, laundry, clean bedrooms, clean and dust the living room, let Sue have Ethan’s room, Oh … that requires serious cleaning and disinfection and put a new Febreze plugin, ahhhh the Mountain Fresh one.. While the boys were finishing eating, I walked down to the rug-rats room … Akk! .. OMG it was a complete disaster. Clothes everywhere beds were all torn up and they’ve been sleeping with Kori and me, how can the room be a disaster? I marched back to the kitchen and began clearing the table, removing plates and glasses. I received some dirty looks as I pulled the pizza box from the table with 3 pieces still in the box. I looked at them and said . . . . “team meeting Now!” I continued ………. “Listen, … Kori just called and is bringing Dr. Sue home for dinner and to spend the night……” …… immediately I was interrupted with cheers and questions. Marco and Lorenzo had met Dr. Sue in Italy, Ethan had spent time with her at the dig site and really liked her and Antonio and Keith wanted to know all about her and the rug-rats were just excited because she was so nice to them and gave them “stuff”

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