The New Lake View Gym

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This is my first submission, so feedback is welcome. if anyone thinks they could edit this, I will gladly give you a go, I’m thinking of ideas for the second chapter, possibly even drawing from real life experiences from me and close friends.

I hope you enjoy it.


I couldn’t believe the stars I was seeing; there I was, sprawled out on a wooden bench, coming round after a blackout and the star’s….. I couldn’t believe the waves were still rushing over me. That was intense, maybe too intense… and he was nowhere to be found, save the shorts he was wearing, resting limply over the edge, by my head.

I suppose I should explain.

My name is Patsy, 24 years old and I’m about 5’5″, 120lbs, dark, short hair. I had a comfortable handful of 32b’s, but now they’ve healed up, I have a perfect set of pert, shapely and full 32c’s. They’ve perked me up no end.

I live in large complex of apartments, outside of London, and I’m happy. I spend a lot of my time working out, not to get ripped or anything, I just like to stay as fit as I can, and like any woman, keep away those ‘extra pounds’. I keep myself nice and trim, without looking like a shot-putter, It’s been working great, and after heading home one night after a good session I noticed a poster up in the entrance to my building.

“Opening This Monday, the New Lake View Gym. Only 3 days to go”

How I’d missed this I don’t know, but it got me thinking, and the membership was reduced for residents, only £35 a month from £60. I could chuck in my other membership and just join up here. ‘Super convenient’ I thought. I packed in the other gym the next day.

The weekend rolled by quickly, I was busy with a few games with friends, and some shopping I needed to do for someone leaving work. I got home to find a new membership card awaiting me, a new gym bag with a selection of new gym gear.

‘That’s bloody nice of them’ I said to myself, swinging the door closed with my foot, looking over the two costumes provided, an all-in-one and bikini in the same navy blue as the Gym logo…. I wrapped up the present, a cool retro t-shirt with Bananaman on it, and decided I’d pop down and have a look at the new place; with the bikini being the better of the two, I took the swimsuit out and left it on the bed. I got my towels ready for when I came back and headed out.

Now at this point I should probably confess I have a thing about gyms. There’s something so intensely sexual about the smell of sweat from working hard, not that rank all day B.O thing, but proper hard workout sweat… It stirs something in me, makes me push myself harder, and makes me horny as hell!

I was pleasantly surprised by the layout, plenty of equipment I’m used to using, a proper little aqua therapy pool (you know, the ones that have a big jet at one end for you to swim against if you don’t want to do little lengths) as well as a larger pool with a Jacuzzi at the deep end. The steam room caught my eye, and thought I best remember that for later. With three days of not going to a gym I’m sure I would need some kind of relaxation for my stiff joints after tonight.

It didn’t take me long to find my stride, and I completed my usual regime with little fuss, but I was surprised how few people were around, even by the end of my workout. I was just standing in this massive room, wearing my bikini top and sweatpants, toweling off, with two old men walking on the treadmills and a young fella down the far end stretching, facing the opposite way to me. A young girl was using the leg machine just down a ledge from the old men, and one of the cheeky bugger’s couldn’t stop leaning forward to check out the girls rack, which was impressive (didn’t look as firm as my new puppies but the sport’s top she was wearing did make them look inviting). He kept tripping over his own feet! I had to stifle my giggles and headed back out for a quick swim.

The slightly cool water was exactly what I needed, refreshing and soothing at the same time, as well as giving a little tingle all the way from my hardening nipples to the tip of my clit. A nice present for myself after working so hard. I swam for a while, 10 or so lengths, taking it easy and trying to keep this calm feeling going as long as possible. I hung at the edge of the pool, arms draped over the lip just kicking my legs and drifting away, not quite nodding off, but just letting my mind go blank.

I don’t often get to do this, by the time I get in after my old gym routine I’d have enough for a quick shower before I had to crash to be ready for the next day. I heard a few footsteps, which slowed as they passed me, heading towards the shallow end, followed by a small creak and a little thud. ‘I’d almost forgotten about the steam room!’ I said to myself. I swam to the shallow end, slowly exiting the pool… the cooler air felt great and the water running off me had the same effect as getting in. I wrapped escort bursa my towel around me and headed up to the door.

Expecting the old men to have wandered past me, especially considering one of their fondness for the ‘younger lady’, I was pleasantly surprised to see the young fella sitting in the far corner of the steam room, although the steam stopped me from getting a good look at him. Not much taller than me from the looks of it, maybe 5’11”, kind of portly — looked like a beer belly really – but the rest of him seemed nice enough. He barely looked in my direction, a serene look his face. I turned the steam up a tad and went and sat in the opposite corner, laying the towel down first.

My earlier swim had left me with an itch to scratch, and the heat of the room wasn’t helping. After quickly peeking over to see if I would be spotted I slowly began running my fingers down my chest, just letting them caress me slightly. Not over doing it, almost feather light, I began grazing my nipples with my fingertips.

I heard a slight cough and darted my eyes to the other corner, but there had been no movement. I thought I noticed a little smirk between what looked like a handlebar mustache but other than that, nothing.

I continued my gentle ministrations, slowly working myself lower till the edge of my bikini caught against my nails. They continued forward, passed the tiny strip I leave myself until my ‘self-warmed’ folds parted and the slick slit welcomed my finger, almost grabbing it as I slid into myself. It had been a while since I last ‘helped’ myself out, or had anyone else to help me for that matter, so my body reacted in kind.

Without so much as a rub of that wonderful soft spot I started shaking, little mini climaxes rippling through me, lighting a fire that required more. I slipped a quick glance to my steam room companion but he was no longer in his corner.

Assuming he had left and I didn’t notice, hopefully giving him a cheap thrill, I began to lie down across the bench prepping myself for a more intense workout of my aching body, when I put my legs across someone else’s. A bit taken-a-back I withdrew only to have a hand placed on my knee.

“Don’t stop.” the request stated, and as much as I thought ‘fuck off, you weird perv’ there was something about the tone of his voice, controlled and commanding, I just laid back, closed my eyes, licked my lips and carried on.

I was being impatient, driven by my now ignited libido and this stranger’s desire to watch, I plunged two fingers into my now dripping snatch.

I must have looked like one of those tarts off that babestation channel. I was roughly grinding my fingers against my g-spot as his hands began ascending my legs. His fingers made it into the waistband of my bikini bottoms and before I could do anything he ripped outward, tearing the sides apart and dragging them away from my body. I swear the climax that hit me…god…. was just as unexpected as his actions. Could I really be being turned on by this treatment, why did I like it so much?

As his hands smoothed over the flat of my lower stomach, my hands possessed shifted upward, pulling the material of my top over my firm breasts, my nipples poking hard to the sky. I gripped one tightly as his hands ran slower, back down the insides of my thighs, cupping my knees and gently easing them away from each other, exposing the waterfall pouring from my moist wet cunt.

His eyes sparkled and his grin, the same one I thought I’d noticed earlier, re-appeared amidst that facial hair. He jerked back, and grabbed one of my feet, his tongue outstretching to lick across the bottoms of the tips of my toes, the sensation would have caused me to pull back, had I not been twisted my nips so hard. Instead it started little twinges in my thighs, like I had been straining them for too long. He began tracing up along my calf, nibbling every now and then.

Kissing the back of my right knee elicited a short gasp, almost a moan as I felt my pussy clench in anticipation of what was to come… and I wasn’t disappointed.

His tongue had made it to its destination, and was proceeding to lick around its prize, teasing me further making me whimper. Slowly he ran one long lick downwards down my slit, from my pulsing clit to my damp hole, pushing as deep as my fingers went, licking upwards and rubbing that spot again… pushing nearly as hard. I started groaning as he continued, tracing his fingers up the back of my legs, tickling me to the point of delirium. When he flicked his thumb over my tight little pucker my body reacted hard, pushing as far down as possible to try and capture it in my tight anus. I failed however as he pulled back, removing his tongue and his hands from my body.

I looked up at him, almost unknowingly still twisting my nips between my fingers and thumbs. He lent over me, and staring into my eyes slowly ran his hand up my chest, over my hands and squeezed my fingers bursa escort harder together…. making me wince and gush at the same time. One of his hands continued, caressing my cheeks, running over my lips, he again pulled away when I tried to suck them into my mouth, now salivating at the first thought of finding out how hard his cock was.

He ran his hand back over my face, slowly watching me beg with my eyes and groans, until he rested down the side of my neck, now glistening with sweat and condensation.

He traced round the front, carefully wrapping his fingers round my throat.

As he squeezed I could feel the air slowing, not made any better by my panting. He grabbed one of my hands with his free one and slowly started lowering it over his body. He did indeed have a bit of a gut on him, marked with some scars that were soft to the touch.

I could just about get a decent breathe as he forced me to wrap my hand around his cock, to which I mindlessly started stoking through the fabric of his shorts. I brought my other hand down to push his shorts out of the way, relieving what felt like a sizable lump. Again, I wasn’t disappointed.

I traced my hand up his length, must have been pretty much 8 inches long, and my hand fit round it comfortably. A long vein running up the side, and a hard bulbous head treated my fingertips and I again moaned, slightly cut off by the extra force he began applying to my windpipe.

I swallowed, and I could feel his hand pushing back, he clenched harder, making it a strain to take a breath, but also make me clench his rod harder in my hand. I began circling the helmet with my free hand, making him shudder under my contact. I felt his hand sliding back down my side, hitting my most sensitive zones along the way making me squirm, but he went straight past my pussy and instead moved down to his side. He grabbed a towel that was resting there and lifted it to my head, covering my face so I couldn’t see, while at the same time tightening his grip around my neck.

Wrapping the loose ends around the back of my head, which lifted of its own accord, he tied the ends together, tightly wrapped around my throat, and took his hands away.

It was like he disappeared… I began to whimper, hoping to feel him again soon. I felt him run his fingers into my hair as he grasped a handful of it and roughly pulled my head back. He brought his hand around the towel and stuffed my bikini into my mouth, gagging the noises I was making bar the straggled groans coming from deep in my throat. He turned me over and again licked from my feet all the way to my now exposed backside, red from the rubbing of the wooden bench, and began nipping at my soft cheek flesh. He pulled my onto my hands and knees and unceremoniously pulled apart my ass cheeks and spat directly onto my winking rosebud. His hand disappeared for a second and I clenched my buttocks, knowing, hoping, what was about to come. WHACK, the hand came down on my left buttock and then gently rubbed the freshly spanked skin. I felt the warmth of his hand disappear again and then felt the sting as it reconnected with my bottom. I bucked in anticipation as I felt his hand disappear from my tender skin and drew a sharp breath in as he spanked me again.

The shock rippled through me, over my engorged clit, and up to my now tender nipples.

I couldn’t believe the effect it had on me, the pain was incredible, but the warmth it created spread directly to my cunt, making it flare open begging him to stare and take it. This coupled with the darkness, slight muffling of noise and my rapidly quickening, thus straining, breath was all to intoxicating.

I felt his hand grab around the knots of the towel and tugged back as he pushed forward, popping the head of his rock solid cock into my tight little pucker. I yelped into the cum soaked pants in my mouth.

He instantly slowed, not pushing any harder. He still grabbed the knot and I pushed back against his cock. I don’t know why. I was effectively being raped by this guy.

I didn’t know his name, and had barely taken in his face, so why did I push back?

His rod slowly inched its way into my tight rear end, the searing pain subsiding the more buttons he pushed on the way in.

He bottomed out, excuse the pun, and began a considered, delicate rocking motion, hitting areas I didn’t know existed. I was blown away; he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back again, keeping up the torture on my tired throat, and kept up this simple action. I was on fire; I pushed my hands under myself and found my clit, pushed hard against the hard surface.

I rubbed; I rubbed fast and hard, trying to eek the most out of this incredible feeling. I could feel it welling up in me, I knew it was coming. The fire in my belly told me that I was running out of time and control and soon I would feel that incredible feeling wash over me again. I knew it would be earth shattering bursa merkez escort bayan as he kept up the same slow rhythm driving me more and more insane.

He felt it to, I could hear him chuckle quietly.

Ripping, and that’s exactly how it felt, his marvelous cock out of my ass he pulled the knot away, undoing the towel and the dim light of the room blinded me. He lifted me up, pulling my legs passed his shoulders and sat down. He wrapped my knees around his neck, locking my ankles together so I wouldn’t fall and I perched myself on his legs, elbows on his thighs.

His incredible tongue darted out again, harder than before, and with a lack of control slavered all over me, there was no inch of my cunt or ass he wasn’t covering with his actions. I hung there, whimpering and gasping breaths. It was the first time I’d been able to breathe properly for 10 minutes, and I planned on making the most of it while I could.

It was then that I looked forward, and the glistening head of his cock sat inches from my face.

I knew it had been in my ass, and I knew I didn’t want to experience that new adventure anytime soon, but as his hands trickled down my back, and with his tongue still driving me closer, building up that feeling in my stomach again I found myself relaxing forward. The musk of pure sex, that damned workout sweat and clean ass wafted quickly into my nostrils and I found myself gasping, saliva dripping over my top lip and up my cheek.

His hands had made their way to my neck again, slowly drifting from the nape to my back making me relax even further. He started pushing me forward and down, his cock now rolling gently across my lips. The heady rush of blood running back into my head was making me lose clarity again, so quickly after regaining it.

He clamped down on my pussy. Sucking hard he moved a hand to my ass and slowly worked two, maybe even three, fingers into my dark passage. It felt incredible. I opened wide; my tongue went out and licked the tip. This got the reaction I wanted.

After all this I craved his cock, I needed to feel it inside my mouth, to taste his pre-cum dripping off that engorged helmet. He grabbed my hair again…

“Tell me what you want.”

That tone again, I felt my legs start to falter. “Tell me what you want!” he said again.

“I want to taste that big cock.” I whispered back panting as his fingers kept working my ass, and now pussy, as he slid way passed the knuckles into both holes at once.

“I couldn’t hear you, tell me again, tell me what you’re gasping for.”

“I want to feel that cock slide into my mouth,” I said “I want to suck it and lick it clean of our juices.” a little louder that time.

“Keep going, steam room whore…” he chimed in, the word whore making me moan louder.

“I want you to make me cum as I suck you, begging for it with a mouth full of your hard cock. I want you to….” and with that he rammed his cock upwards, and my head downwards. It hit the back of my throat making me gag hard. I spluttered but he didn’t let up.

“I know you enjoy the lack of breath you horny little bitch, try this on for size” he said as he slowly inched his pelvis forward and my face back onto his cock.

It rubbed against the back of my throat again, and I tried to get used to the feeling, after a short while he inched a bit further, lodging the head in my throat.

I was being strangled from within.

I could barely get a whiff of air passed the pulsing head, just enough to keep me awake, but not for long.

He pulled out, and then pushed back in. Deeper this time than last, less gentle as well. He repeated this, again and again, his fingers keeping me on the edge of exploding. I needed this now, I began to moan between gasps, I began to plead for him to fuck my face, and I began to beg for him to ram his fingers into me.

“Do itff… you fucki… pfrick,” I got out “makef me come all ofer your faish you arsh-mmrrmmph-hole!” I begged.

This seemed spur him on as he began pushing his cock into my throat, fucking it like it was a wet cunt, until I felt it…. I was losing it completely. His tongue clamped on my clit, his fingers pushed deep and just writhed around inside me.

I was done for.

I felt him twitch, and as much as I had been forced to get used to it, the pulsing made me gag again.

And that was it. The gagging set him and me off. I began to cum like I never had before… My cunt, pointing upwards, squirted a waterfall of cum into the air, falling onto my back, evaporating quickly against our hot skin, the bench and walls. His face was drenched, and he drank it up, he clamped back onto me and sucked as hard as he could, drinking every little bit he could.

Simultaneously to drinking me dry, he had forced his cock as deep as he could into my throat. I couldn’t breathe; I could barely keep the Grey from fading in over my eyes as I felt it.

The Final Twitch.

He held it there, large and solid in my throat until his cum began to spew into me. I choked and he slipped free. I wriggled free quickly and slumped on the floor.

He just aimed downward and the second shot went partly into my open mouth and partly over my cheek.

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