The Man and the Model Ch. 02

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Next morning, John, the lonely advertising man, woke up and admired the sleeping curvaceous model whom he had met on the train and befriended the previous day. John wanted to check how many people had seen the sexy video clip of her parting her thighs that they had uploaded on the internet. Without waking her up, he slipped out of the bed and opened his laptop and proceeded to see the number of hits of their video. There were only a disappointing 15. He had sent it to friends and if they liked it they would forward it to others and…

“Hey, good morning. How many hits?” she asked, standing nude behind him.

“15. Don’t worry, there will be more soon,” he tried to console her as she rubbed her thighs on his back.

“That was just fun. Nothing will come out of that. What I want is a chance to meet someone who will give me work, ” she said playing with his hair.

“I know a photographer who may be of help,” he said thinking of his friend James.

“Can you introduce me to him today, if possible?”

“Ya. I will try,” he said and went to the bathroom thinking she was fast, unabashed and manipulative, asking him favors without a moment’s hesitation.

Later when he emerged from the bathroom she offered him a glass of orange juice.

“Can I stay here with you? I mean move here, bring my things. I don’t want to see that landlord anymore,” she said.

Here was another move on the chessboard. How could she come up with ideas and suggestions nonstop?

“Ya, sure. There is a spare key which I can give you. Feel free to move in,” he smiled, kissed her and left for work.

He needed to think about this woman. Was she taking advantage of him? He must have felt something amiss when she was prepared to do a sexy video on the train with him soon after they met. Of course, she was using him! The only consolation was that she was not lying, hopefully, and was quiet straightforward about her life. Now, what would he lose if he introduced her to his photographer friend or Pendik Escort let her stay with him? He needed a woman at home, someone whom he could fuck at will instead of trying to hook up with someone at work or at a bar. So he decided to let nature take its own course.

During lunch he got a message from her saying she had brought her things to his apartment and hoped to see him in the evening.

That reminded John that he should speak to James about Roxy. He found James discussing a photo shoot with a client and waited till it got over and told him briefly about Roxy, sparing him the details about their living together etc. James said he was ready to meet her and John sent a message promptly to Roxy to meet them at a bar in the evening.

Later at the bar after the warm-up conversation, Roxy showed James her photographs and he appeared frankly impressed. Roxy was sitting between John and James and had her hand on the new acquaintance’s thighs. Oblivious to that, James browsed the photographs as John noticed Roxy trying to cozy up to James.

“I like the pics. You have a nice body. Let me see what I can do,” James said and excused himself to go to meet a friend who saw him and raised his glass in a hello.

“Oh Roxy, I forgot to tell you, he is gay,” John said.

“Oh, god! Why didn’t you tell me before. Did I make a fool of myself?”

“No, he is cool. Don’t let it worry you.” he told her as James returned.

“Give me time, I will work out something,” James told Roxy and they had one more drink and parted.

When John and Roxy were on their way home, she asked again: “Do you think I acted silly?”

“No, You merely touched his thighs and that happens a lot,” he took her hand and squeezed it. He should never expect her to be restrained in making friends or offering sex to come up in life, he told himself.

Lovemaking that night was normal: he mounted, pounded, poured and they went to sleep.

Next morning when they were having Kurtköy Escort breakfast, a call from James came as a surprise to them. He wanted to meet Roxy and shoot some photographs. She was so excited and kissed John, thanked him and prepared to go to the photo shoot.

At office, Carrie the secretary of the boss, met John and exchanged a few words of gossip which was their frequent routine. Who was sleeping with who, who couldn’t have an erection and who was frigid. She was a bit plump, nice, always smiling and comfortable to have around as she would giggle at whatever was said whether it was a joke or not.

“Heard James is shooting with a new model,” she said in a secretive tone which he found amusing.

“Really, where?” that must be Roxy he thought but acted surprised to keep the informer in good humor.

“Not here, I presume at his house,” she whispered back.

They spoke for a few more minutes and John left for his room. Carrie was friendly, sometimes overdoing it and her behavior almost bordered on being nosy. Rumor had it that the boss was banging her, among the other women he had. She was just a snack for the boss. But as far as John and Carrie were concerned, there had been nothing more than a friendly drink now and then. He had thought of sleeping with her when he would get desperate, imagining taking her from behind which was big and round. but now after Roxy had walked into his life, he brushed such thoughts under the dirty carpet of his mind.

He didn’t hear from Roxy till 4 in the evening when she messaged him that her work was over and she would be waiting for him at the house. She looked tired but happy and after dinner, which he had bought, she stripped and lay on him, taking his erection inside her wet pussy. He held her ass and raised himself to meet her tired vagina and after a few thrusts, the dull ritual was thankfully over.

Almost immediately, he heard her steady breath and watched TV for sometime before falling asleep.

For Ümraniye Escort the next two days she left for the shoot with James, apologizing to John that she couldn’t spend more time with him or give him quality sex. John assured her everything was fine and all that mattered now was her career.

The third day, she was very happy as James had assured her that he would show her photographs to his boss and other contacts he had. That night they drank wine and sex was amazing, She sucked him wildly and raunchily and sat on him and roared her way to orgasm. After another round of wine, he took her from behind, grabbing her hair and slapping her ass till it turned red.

Lying by his side she drawled drunkenly: “I want your boss to like me and give me work, John. You and James have been great. I wish I could give you and James a thank-you fuck.”

Before he could reply, she was asleep. What the hell, he thought, that was a great fuck!

Next morning he left for work and met James who said he had given Roxy’s photos to the boss. The whole day went by without any message from Roxy and when he returned home, she was not there. He had no idea where she would have gone and her phone was switched off. He called James who said he had not heard from Roxy.

He woke up next day almost expecting to see Roxy lying next to him, but emptiness had returned to its rightful and favorite place next to him in his bed. Her leaving was unimaginable as things were going her way at present, she had no misgivings and finally her suitcase was there.

At office, Carrie buttonholed him and whispered: “Do you know something? The boss is not here today. I heard he is shacked up with the new model.”

John was aghast. New model meaning Roxy? Shacked up with the boss. He knew she was fast, but…

He put the question to James.

“No, man. I tell you, I gave the photos to the boss and that is it. I never took her to meet him,” James said.

There was no reason why James should lie and none for Carrie also. Carrie spoke to car drivers, lift operators and almost anyone one could imagine. Her information should be correct. In the absence of any other plausible explanation or phone calls from Roxy, he assumed she was with the boss.

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