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Subject: The Council of Elders Chapter 2-3 The Council of Elders: Chapter Two: Preparation for the Meeting of the Council of Elders On a glorious day, June 11th 1722…. Baron Heinrich and the most holy Reverend Emanuela Maroach were nearing the entrance to the estate of Marquis DuCoch. They could not help but notice the two wagons carrying the twelve boys who would attend the party tonight, along with Phillip and Lady Chaswick, for the amusement and gratification of the members of the Council of Elders. Already at the mansion, Mr.Bromiester, a local shopower and member of the Counci, had just been masturbated quite skillfully, by the delicate little hands of young Emma. His position at the Confectionery store, put him in constant contact with the youngest ofchildren. In the company of their mothers, they would shop for the sweet treats that they so craved. While their mothers shopped, the children would run playfully behind the counter where Mr. Bromiester would be waiting, with his trousers down to his ankles, or simply removed completely. There, behind the privacy of the glass cases holding the delightful treats, the children would kneel and take his penis into their mouth. Mr. Bromiester would continue to carry on a pleasant conversation with the boy or girls mother, while the child suckled on his member, at times, quite noisily. “The chocolate nonpareils are simply to die for, Mrs. Oshciverb.” he once said, while her eleven year old son was swallowing a hearty load of semen. And while the boy continued to nurse on the softening cock, Mr. Bromiester would simply look down at the boy and ask: “did you enjoy that little treat?” The boys and girls entering the confectionery knew that the proprietor of the shop would place his penis into either their mouth or bottom. But that did not stop them from eagerly asking their mother: “Can I go with you to the Sweet Store? Can I, can I Pleeese?” And each lad would leave a short time later, some would have his sperm in their throat, now deliciously coated with dark chocolate. For others, their tight little anus would be throbbing from the thick penis that had been thrust into them while their mother shopped. The young girls were not exempt either. Being too young or physically too small to accept his member in their vagina, the girls would hobble home, just as did the boys, trying to squeeze their buttock together, and prevent his semen from leaking out. Now, Mr Bromiester who had recently been masturbated, rested comfortably on a guest bed. Little Emma was enjoying a lemony treat that was given to her after she proved to the elder, that all his semen had been swallowed. Bromiester had looked into the young girls mouth after he had deposited his copious load, and asked that she not swallow just yet. He saw how the girl struggled to keep the thick cum on her tongue with her throat muscles clenched. He bade her to hold that position while he unwrapped a lemon drop and placed it in her mouth, directly into the puddle of sperm. He lifted up on her chin and told her to close her mouth, and swirl the lemon drop around. Then, with the lemony flavored cum coating her entire mouth, he told her to swallow. “That was delicious” the young girl said. As Mr. Bromiester napped in a distant guest room, the twelve young boys were hurried into the servants quarters. Their, they were stripped of all their clothes and bathed by the four chambermaids, supervised very closely by Lady Victoria. “A double enema for they all” she whispered to Phobe. Phobe nodded. “My pleasure Me lady. Shall I use the special nozzle?” she asked. Lady Victoria shook her head. “Save that for any of them that becomes a disciplinary problem. For the others, we want to keep them a tight as possible for the evenings entertainment.” Earlier that summer, several boys had been brought to the estate of the Baron exclusively for the express purpose of entertaining his guest, his honor, the Mayor of Towestrile. The Mayor had visited many times and was always delighted in disciplining small groups of boys. A simple one on one spanking, or an occasional use of the paddle had become to mundane for the great leader. With the aid of his friend the Baron, he was able to procure a dozen boys at one time. He would have them prepared using Phobe’s special enema nozzles. Shaped and modeled and carefully carved from ivory, the enema nozzle resembled an adult erection. The boys all too soon learned, that the model used to create the phallus was none other than, the Mayor of Towestrile. Upon arriving at the estate, the boys, as were all the others, ushered into the servants quarters and given a soapy enema. The process was repeated two more times. On the third time, the standard nozzle was replaced with the replica of the Mayors penis. When the boys were fully prepared, and their rectums throbbing from the recent insertion, all twelve were ushered into the Barons library. There, amongst the writings of some of the most brilliant minds of the century, the boys were told to lean over the Barons rich, mahogany desk. The Mayor would order them to spread their legs fully. If a boy did not do so adequately, he would kick the boys ankles outward, until the boys buttock protruded out and upwards, revealing the the Mayor, the splendor of their cock and balls hanging down and exposed. The Mayor would remove a book from the shelf. Typically one written by the Masters, and unfamiliar to any of the boys. He would then recite a verse. “You boy, yes you, on the far right. What is the meaning of the first verse in the Illiad”. Being that the boy was not capable of answering, since he had not only, never read a book, nor did he understand or read Latin. Thus there was little hope for the boy, except to say: “I am sorry sir. I do not know.” At that point, the book would slam shut. The boy would only hear a whisk of air before feeling the leather bound manuscript smack him squarely on the buttocks. His cock and balls, which protruded out, would feel the full impact. The boy would scream. One by one, the Mayor would ask a similarly hard question and deliver the book directly onto the boys most sensitive parts. There balls would ache and throb. Round after round the questions would pour out, faster and faster, until eventually, the Mayor stopped speaking entirely and simply went from boy to boy, slapping the thick book across their bottoms and testicles. When the boys were reduced to a sobbing and pleading state, the Mayor would drop his pants and remove them completely. Then, one by one, he would penetrate the boys, asking each one: “Does this feel better than the one Phobe gave you?” His stamina was legendary. He could go full circle around the desk, thrusting his cock into the ten and eleven year old boys over and over. Eventually, he would tire from the physical requirements of the night. Being sixty seven years old, his heart could not take much more than eight revolutions around the desk. He would select, typically the fairest of the boys, and ejaculate in him with great force. Now, the honorable Mayor sat in the Barons study, waiting for the karşıyaka escort other guests and himself to be called to dinner. He had a copy of the Bible in his hand. It was a fine copy of the King James version, bound in the finest Italian leather. He slapped it against his hand with a resounding crack. “This will do fine to teach these boys to have faith.” he said, giving his penis a long firm squeeze. Elsewhere in the Mansion…. It was not an uncommon sight to see a nude eleven year old girl running through the halls of the Barons estate. It was however, not a common occurrance to see her wearing a harness like device. And protruding from the front, a rubber replica of a stiff penis was hardly a daily sighting. But so it was on this glorious summer day, when Lady Willomine was to view this event. Calling the girl over to her, she grasped the rubber phallus in her hand to hold the girl and keep her from running off. “And where pray tell, are you going in such a hurry, Candice? I see you have the penis of, hummm. let me guess. This is the penis of young Theo, the thirteen year old nephew of Lord Graorio? No, wait. Its too large for that. No, yes, I believe this is the reproduction of Sir Thomskis grandson, fourteen year old Tadwick. Am I correct?” The young girl smiled and nodded. “And where are you going with such a replica attached to your delicate little waist. Do those straps irratate you little pussy? Here, let me straighten them out a little for you.” Lady Willomine, the matronly wife of Jurist Samual, placed her aged fingers inside the strap that ran from the dildo underneath her crotch and cut into her hairless little pussy. Freeing it from her crack, the lady repositioned it so that it cut directly into her young clit. “There, that is how it is to be worn. Now, when you thrust inward, the straps will pinch your little clit each time. And when you pull this magnificant specimen from a gentlemans bottom, the straps will pull out on your clit as well. Who is this intended for this afternoon?” she asked. “My schoolmaster, Mr. Dornthab, asked that I in particular, wear the harness and administer to him as part of my schooling. I am very embarrassed to have to do that to him, as I see him each day in class.” “Never you mind, child. Scurry into the bedroom behind me and give him a good buggering. You know the elders are quite enthusiastic about placing their own penis into the bottoms of the local children, such as yourself. I would imagine that when you are finished with him, he may do just that to you. So be good about it. Give it to him as rapidly as you can and drive it deep. It will make him spurt his semen all over the sheets, and spare you the rod that lies between his legs. At least until he regains his strength.” Lady Willomine opened the door and allowed the young girl to pass by. She looked into the room and saw Mr. Dornthab laying on the bed, with his buttocks propped up in the air with several pillows. The young girl scampered over to the bed and began climbing up and positioned herself behind him. “My lady, either close the door with yourself behind it, or close it with yourself in the room to watch us. Either way does not matter to me.” He said. Lady Willomine stepped inside the door and shut it behind her. She smiled at Mr Dornthab and walked closer to the bed. The young girl behind him had now positioned her dildo at the entrance to her schoolmasters anus. She pushed forward several times, but the nearly adult size penis would not penetrate. “You need some lubricant.” Lady Willomine said. “I shall get some for you.” Before leaving, she turned back to Mr. Dornthab. “Is that not the replica of young Tadwicks cock?” she asked. Dornthab had taken the girls fingers and placed them at the entrance to his bottom. She now had her middle finger thrusting in and out of his anus to prepare him more fully for the lubrication. “Why, yes it is. Young boy was a good student of mine for nearly four years. When I found out he had a replica made of his penis this year, I thought well…you know, we are not permitted to engage in any sort of sodomy with any of the boys, receiving that is. Mind you, I penetrated his little bottom from the time he was ten until he just turned thireen. A good little bottom he had. Very tight, no matter how often I put my penis in him. And a nice little prick on him as well. Why, I believe I was the first to actually make him produce sperm. I had just finished ejaculating in him on his twelvth birthday, and I noticed a spot of cum on the sheets when he left. Quite an honor to be able to do that. But you know the Council of Elders has restrictions on sodomy by any of the children and I respect that, Especially one of my students.” “This seems like a good alternative” Lady Willomine said. “Now, I will go fetch some lubricant for you.” On the way to the kitchen, Lady Willomine stopped young Emma and summoned her. She told Emma to run as quickly as possible to the village store, where she would find Tadwick now working as an apprentice. She told the child to bring him to the Rose Bedroom suite in the west wing without delay. Taking the oil from the shelf, Lady Willomine returned to find the young girl laying atop her schoolmaster in a sixty nine position. The girl had the elders thick penis deep in her mouth and had place the entire rubber penis into the elders throat. When she came into the room, they stopped their oral lovemaking and resumed there original position. Lady Willomine placed a large dollop of oil on the fake cock and stoked her hand over it lovingly. She suggested to Mr. Dornthab, that he place a blindfold over his eyes as a way of enhancing the experience. She told him that all the men in the Council had recommended it and were making it a practice to do so often. None of which was actually true. But the truth to be known, was that after the blindfold was in place, the young eleven year old thrust the adolescent penis into the bottom of her schoolmaster. He let out a plausible groan of satisfaction. It was also a fact, that about the same time, young Tadwick was arriving at the Estate. Lady Willomine could see out the window, that the young fourteen year old was now arriving and she quietly slipped out the bedroom door to join him. Emma bought the boy into the hallway where he was stopped by Lady Willomine. “I have a task for you young Tadwick. I do not think you will regret coming here, but you must never reveal what went on here.. Do you understand? ” He nodded without speaking. “Emma, help Tadwick remove his clothing and when you are finished, place his penis in your mouth to make it hard.” “Yes maam” she said. Emma, fully dressed in her chambermaid uniform, knealt before the fourteen year old boy and helped him remove his trousers. With his penis now free, she grasped it by the base and placed the head into her mouth, sucking on it with a loud slurp. The young boy responded quickly. His penis grew to its full length in less than a minute. Emma seemed pleased with herself. “You must not speak or utter kartal escort any sound the entire time we are in the bedroom and you must keep this blindfold on the entire time. DO you understand. To do otherwize will me you will be banished for life from the community and could even wind up in a foreign labor camp. Do you understand. No speaking and no sound.” Tadrick simply nodded. He was led by the hand, with a blindfold over his eyes, through the wooden door towards the bed, where the little girl was sodomizing Mr. Dornhab. Lady Willomine motioned for the girl to be silent. At the same time, she manuvered Tadwick onto the bed, directly behind the child. Now, with the grace that only she could deliver, she had the child remove the fake penis, and guided Tadrick to her spot. Then, without further delay, Lady Willomine grasped the boys penis and aimed it directy at the anus of his former schoolmaster, pulling him forward until just the tip was lodged firmly. Then, taking both her arms, she grasped the boys buttocks and pulled him forward, sending his teenage cock fully into the rectum of the schoolmaster. Dornhab let out a considerable groan. “Oh my lord, that feels so good.” the blindolded man shouted. The boy needed little encouragement. Not recognizing his former teachers voice, he began a rugged and ruthless pistoning, driving his cock in so deep, that his young balls slapped against those of his teacher. Mr. Dornhabs cock spewed semen onto the pillows beneath him, and let out a pleasure filled cry. “Dont stop. Just because I have cum. Keep doing it to me. Make me cum again.” he shouted. Lady Willomine motioned for the young girl to join her at the side of the bed. The two looked at the sight before them. A fourteen year old boy was sodomizing his former schoolteacher. Tadwick did everything he could not to cry out.. He threw his head back and filled the schoolteachers ass with his copious load. The teen left his cock inside the elderly mans bottom for quite some time. Then he pulled it out. Lady Willomine took him by the hand and motioned for the young girl to take his place. She thrust the fake penis back into his lubricated bottom and pushed it in, before any of Tadwicks semen could leak out. Lady Willomine took Tadwick by the hand and led him to the door. She nodded at the young girl and motioned for her to continue. She began thrusting the fake cock back into her teachers ass as he cried out… The Council of Elders: Chapter 3 The Death of Lord Falerah. On the crisp cool morning of June 15th, 1722, The young chambermaid knocked gently on the bedroom door of Lord Falareh. Hearing no response, she gently pushed open the door and entered the nobleman’s bedchamber. She began straightening up the room as quietly as possible as she did not want to waken her employer’s guest. In a nearby bed, lay eleven year old Elizabeth Duchoch, the step daughter of Madeline and grandchild of the Marquis Duchoch. She was laying on her side in a fetal position, with a pillow between her nude legs. The chambermaid passed her by, noting without surprize, that a small puddle of dried semen lay on the sheet beneath her. The semen stain on the sheet seemed unusually large to the young chambermaid. She had, after all, cleaned the bedsheets of many noble guests who had the companionship of a local youngster during the night. The ten year old chambermaid had been told to awaken Lord Falareh for a late breakfast with Baron Heinrich and she approached his bed gently. He waslaying on his side, facing away from her. “Sir. It is time to rise for breakfast.” she said. The sixty eight year old nobleman did not stir. She shook the bed gently, trying to awaken the elderly man. He did not move. Her shaking became more violent until the prone man rolled over onto his back. His eyes were wide open, yet he did not move. She touched his arm and felt the coldness ripple through her own skin. She ran from the bedroom screaming. “Madam Edina! Madam Edina! Come quickly. Something is wrong with Lord Falareh!” One hour later….. Doctor Shrorobski emerged from the bedroom and shut the door behind him In the hallway, Madam Edina, Baron Heinrich and three of the housekeepers were waiting nervously for him to speak. “Lord Falareh is dead.” he said. The women began to sob. Baron Heinrich shook his head. “The poor devil.” he said. “It appears he died of a heart attack or a stroke.” Doctor Shrorobski said. Edina shook her head. “He was riding all yesterday afternoon. He played Cricket in the evening. He gave no signs of any illness. What could have caused such a sudden turn in his health?” she asked. Doctor Shrorobski pondered his answer carefully. “I spent a good deal of time asking that same question to young Elizabeth, inquiring as to what transpired last night. It appeared, that after an extended session of sodomy with the young girl, Lord Falareh may have lay down in his bed and died. It must have put a strain on his heart.” he said. “That’s not possible. I have known Falereh for over twelve years. He has been sodomizing young boys, and occasionally young girls, nearly every night. There must have been something that Young Elizabeth did which caused this.” Baron Heinrich said. After debating the issue, the two elders decided to call in Judge Williamston to determine if a crime had been committed. Edina went into the bedchamber to advise the girl of the procedure that would occur and that she was being investigated as having contributed to the death of a nobleman. The good Doctor returned to the room to further question Elizabeth. Lady Edina remained in the room with him for the next two hours…. June 21st, 1722 in the court room of the Honorable Judge Richmond Williamston Six days later, Judge WIlliamston sat in his courtroom and banged the wooden gavel to silence the voices of the concerned citizens. He instructed the eleven year old girl to rise and face the bench. “Elizabeth Duchoch, daughter of Madeline of Newburch, you are charged with contributing to the death of a nobleman. The defendant will stand please. How do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?” The eleven year old girl sobbed uncontrollably. She had difficulty trying to stand up. Her hands were bound behind her back and her ankles were each tied to the legs of a wooden bench. Her feet were a half meter apart and she could not rise up without a struggle. The bailiff assisted by putting his hands under her arms and pulling her up off the bench. When she was fully standing, it was apparent to all the jurors that she had been impaled on a wooden post, making it difficult for her to arise. The wooden peg had been carved from the finest hickory tree in the village and was sanded smoothly. The end of the peg was shaped like the head of an adult penis and the shaft got slightly larger in girth. A generous amount of lubricant had been placed on the peg and the defendant was placed on the bench before the court came to order. kastamonu escort Her dress fell back over her nude torso as she finally was able to stand upright. “I did nothing wrong.” she said. “I want to go home.” The judge accepted her plea of not guilty and ordered her to sit down. She shook her head back and forth. The bailiff lifted her skirt above her waist, giving everyone in the courtroom a view of her naked backside. He lowered her back down on the bench, He placed his hand under her skirt, guiding the girls private area back onto the wooden dildo. No one in the room could be sure if the dildo went into her vagina or rectum. The young child grimaced as it entered and settled down onto the device, adjusting her position slightly to get comfortable for a long trial. “Call your first witness.” the judge ordered. The prosecution called Doctor Shrorobsk1 to the stand. “Doctor, can you tell the court what happened on the morning of June 15 in the bedchamber of Lord Falerah and the result of your investigation?” “On that morning, I entered the bedchamber and found Lord Falerah laying on his back. He was deceased. His body was fully nude and there was no sign of outside injuries. Based on his body temperature, I estimate the time of death as 6 am.” “I turned my attention to the defendant, Elizabeth Duchoch and examined her. She is an eleven year old girl. She was covered by a thin silk sheet and completely nude. Her pubic area had no hair and her breasts had not yet begun to develop. I uncovered her and instructed her to lay on her back, with her legs apart.” “I inserted my middle finger in her vagina to determine if there was evidence of semen from Lord Falerah. I saw none.” Judge Williamston interrupted his testimony. “And is the use of a finger in the girls vagina an acceptable method of determining this, Doctor?” he asked, “Not precisely your honor. And for that reason, I found it necessary to conduct the examination in the clinically accepted method recommended by the Council of Elders in their edict of July 17th 1702.” “I removed my trousers and placed my member in the mouth of the defendant. In a short time, it was sufficiently erect. I then placed my member, without the benefit of any lubrication, save for her saliva, to her vagina. Lifting and parting her legs as far as possible, for her comfort, I slowly put my member fully inside her.” “After several thrusts back and forth I fully removed my penis and checked to see if there was any evidence of the nobleman’s semen on my member. There was none. I reinserted my member and repeated the thrusting several times, which elicited several moans from Elizabeth. I saw no evidence that Lord Falerah had ejaculated into the girl that night. To the contrary. Based on the tightness of the girls orifice, I concluded that she had not had a penis in her for at least 7 to 10 days.” “Lady Edina was present during the entire examination. After I removed my penis from Elizabeth, I showed it to Edina. She confirmed that there was no semen present by licking my entire member an engulfing it in her mouth. In addition, I might add, that she placed her mouth directly on the childs vagina and put her tongue as far inside as possible for several minutes. She will testify that she did not detect the taste of any semen in the girl.” “Did you do any further examination of the defendant” the judge asked. “Yes, your honor. I had the defendant turn over onto her stomach and raise up on her hands and knees. There was evidence of semen coming from her rectum. There was a reddening and slight swelling of the anus. I concluded that Lord Falerah had probably placed his penis in her and ejaculated that night. Lady Edina was called upon to examine her as well.” “I could not determine to what extent sodomy had occurred, so I again refer you to the edict of the Council, which required the attending physician follow a specified practice in matters such as this.” “My penis was still erect and Lady Edina assisted me by placing the head at the entrance to her girls bottom hole. She grimaced as I pushed in firmly until half or more of my member was inside her. Sensing that her anus had been recently forced open, I thrust my entire member in her several times. After several minutes of thrusting, I stopped; holding my penis very still while fully inside her.” “At that point, following our guidelines, I was able to make a determination that the girl had been sodomized during the past 10 hours on more than one occasion. I removed my penis at that time and allowed her to lay prone on the bed sheet.” “Lady Edina, during this time, had situated herself on the bed. With her dress raised up, she was holding Elizabeth’s head in such a manner so that the child was able to give her oral gratification while I sodomized her. Even after I finished, Lady Edina remained in that position for several minutes.” “And was there evidence of Lord Falerah’s semen inside her?” the Judge asked. “It was impossible to tell, your honor. As I mentioned I followed the procedure in the Council of Elders edict, which resulted in additional semen being deposited in her during my examination. My penis was coated in semen upon removal, but it was impossible to determine if it was left over from Lord Falerah or from my own testicles.” “Now, is it your professional opinion, that the defendant could in any way, have contributed or caused the death of this noble gentleman? If so, could you explain?” the Judge asked. “Your honor. The girl told me that Lord Falerah had placed his member in her bottom three times during the night. If Lord Falerah sodomized this young girl three times during the night, I do not believe it would have caused enough stress on his heart to cause his death.” “I have been with him on many occasions, where I witnessed him performing anal sex on boys and girls of a similar age. I have seen him sodomize as many as three different students from the Manalorn Finishing School. He never exhibited any difficulty in this task. On one occasion, I recall him penetrating six different students, who presented their bottoms to us. We went from one individual to another.He would fully penetrate each one, then withdraw, and I would follow. When all the students had been entered we continued a second time until we both ejaculated.” “I believe this girl caused or willfully encouraged our noble elderly friend, to sodomize her more than the three times she stated. If her conduct was so salacious that she allowed him to perform anal sex on her five or six times, then she should be charged with a criminal act contributing to his death.” The judge excused the physician and thanked him for his testimony. The prosecution rested and after a short recess, the defense was allowed to call a witness. During this time, Elizabeth remained impaled on the wooden dildo sticking up from the bench. The bailiff at one point raised her off her seat, applied additional lubricant to the post, and lowered her back down. At that point, she moaned out loud and lowered her head to her chest. Everyone in the courtroom at that point was certain of one fact: While they were uncertain as to which hole the dildo had been in prior to that point, it was now equally evident that it was in her much talked about bottom hole.

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