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Subject: The Boston Tea Party Chapter 19 This is a work of fiction. All characters herein are also fictitious so, if you think you can identify a character because of some similarity, you are in error. Some characters have been borrowed, with his kind permission, from Jacob Lion’s story “A Neglected Boy”. There may be some references to sexual practices in the text but it will be of a gentle and loving nature and not remotely pornographic. If you are looking for pornography, look elsewhere. Some of the characters are minors so , if it is not legal for you to read this story, please don’t. Otherwise, I hope you will enjoy it. If you wish to send feedback, you can contact me at lfa4321jonah@outlook . There are pictures of some of the characters in this story on Jacob Lion’s website. bly/ Please remember that Nifty is kind enough to publish these stories for our enjoyment, but the only income is donations. We need to keep this site going so please consider donating to Nifty fty/donate.html The Boston Tea-Party Chapter 19 by Jonah May day dawned bright and early. Well all days dawn early, but I was awake to see this one do it. Christopher had got up to go pee, but instead of coming back to lie in the TV room he had wandered through the kitchen and the mudroom to the side door. I thought I’d better go find him. He was outside naked, looking around at the darkness and listening to the silence. Well, now we both were. Not a word was spoken. Neither of us wanted to break the spell. We were not cold. The air felt warm and the night felt friendly. A million, million stars gazed down on us. There was a horse awake in the stable, or maybe not awake, but dreaming. There was an owl somewhere nearby. A Christmas tree smell was in the air. The Eastern sky was turning grey and Somewhere in the distance a cockerel acknowledged it. Christopher took my hand and we walked naked across the yard to the stable. Behind the building the hay felt warm and we sat with our arms around each others shoulders and watched as the grey turned rosy then violet then blue. A skylark soared joyfully and sang of the beauty of this May morning. Soon other birds were adding their weight to the dawn chorus. The first rays of the sun peeped through the tree trunks and the cute little fair-haired boy rested his head against my side and closed his eyes. I hugged him and then standing, carefully lifted him in my arms and carried him into the house. I lay down beside him and cuddled the little boy. Kori turned and snuggled up behind me. It couldn’t last. “Up!” Kori whispered in my ear, then “C’mon Liam, work to do”. Suddenly everybody was either up or getting up. There will be a day when Kori lies in bed and lets everybody else do the same. It will be the end of civilisation as we know it. Work clothes for me, Kori and Liam, and out to the stable. Not even stopping for a cup of tea. Yes, you read that right. Liam izmit escort bayan is actually in motion with no cup of tea inside him. I’m not saying he was awake, mind. I wouldn’t go that far. Horses out and stalls mucked out. I actually finished before Kori and was saddling Dusty when he came out. He inspected the girth and tested it before he would let me mount. Then all three of us were in the saddle and walking down to the old orchard. As before we turned at the bottom and as we started back Liam put Finley into a trot then Kori, then me, except that although Dusty tossed his head as usual, I must have snatched at the rein as he did so. He started to rear, changed his mind and slipped sideways. It was too late. Although he had done his best to prevent it, I was heading sideways for the ground. It came up quickly and painfully, my left arm and left hip making contact almost simultaneously. I rolled onto my back and a soft muzzle prodded my cheek. The horse then prodded my rump as I lay on my back. In compliance I rolled to my stomach and lifted myself to my knees. “All right, boy, its all right” I told the big friendly horse who was trying to assist me. Liam appeared, sans horse. “Are you OK?” he said anxiously. “Best ask Dusty”, I replied, “he seems to know more about it than I do.” Using the horse for support I clambered to my feet. Kori was still mounted. “No bones broken then?” he said. I shook my head. “Good,” he replied, “Liam, can you check that saddle?” Liam did so while I patted and talked to Dusty “Right then, up you get”, said Kori. I knew enough to do as I was told. Liam walked back to Finley, who was standing waiting for him. I was sure I’d have a bruise on my backside and one on my left arm, but climbing back on felt right. All three horses walked back to the paddock and Liam dismounted but Kori said to me. “Not you Simon. You still owe Dusty a trot, take him back down again, only this time don’t get off until you get back here”. I turned Dusty and walked him right back to the bottom. He was being gentle, I could tell. When we turned at the bottom I put him to a trot. He tossed his head but seemed surprised. Then he trotted up as if it were Christmas morning and he’d just been given his favourite present. Kori’s warning was unnecessary. I didn’t want to get off – ever – and it seemed that Dusty didn’t want me to. As we trotted up I could see that everybody else was up and loading things into the minibus. I didn’t care. Here was what mattered. Boy and horse were a team, and that was how it should be. We entered the paddock at a walk and I dismounted and led Dusty to his stall. He got a good brushing down that morning and he loved it. How do you say goodbye to a friend like that? I’m not telling you. That’s between me and Dusty. Jake had got breakfast ready and Garret had made tea. Don’t ask me where he learned to do that, but he did, and it was not half bad. izmit eve gelen escort In fact Jonah pronounced it good. By half past eight we were almost ready to be on the road. Kori and I walked Christopher back to the trailer park and didn’t recognise the trailer. Freshly laundered and ironed curtains were at the windows and the inside looked spick and span. Mrs. Plover thanked us for bringing Christopher back and said goodbye to me. Then I got a kiss – two kisses if you count Christopher – then Christopher presented me with a pencil sketch of Dusty. I could tell it was Dusty because every hair was in its right place. Even the expression on his face looked right. This, in assorted tones of grey, and in two dimensions, was a living animal. When we got back the minibus was ready to roll and Jake was anxious to get started. It was gone nine and the Interstate could be busy. Peter presented Pete with a model that he and Neil had been working on. It was a railway terminus – a British one, with stone walls and a pitched overall roof. The very sort of thing that the Great Western Railway used in Devon and Cornwall. “Now he’ll have to let us have a layout,” I said to Pete. “Don’t worry,” said Jonah, “I’ve been talking to Neil. I know how we can do it”. Kori and Liam were coming to the airport with us, but we had to say goodbye to everybody else. There were tears. We had to physically detach Ning from Sammy. Riku kissed everybody – tearfully. I’d never seen a Japanese cry, but this little boy did. Garret shook hands with me, then changed his mind and hugged me and finally kissed me. Then we were on the road. The minibus seats seemed hard to my bruised bottom, but I didn’t care. I was sitting next to Kori – to beautiful Kori. I was sitting next to him for all too short a time, but I was going to savour every moment. I gripped his hand and felt the pressure as he squeezed back. We didn’t need to speak to each other. Neither could tell the other anything that he didn’t already know. The late Douglas Adams once began a book with the words, “It can hardly be a coincidence that no language in the world has the expression ‘as pretty as an airport’ “. He had obviously been to Boston. Logan Airport is not pretty. I doubt it was ever intended to be. It isn’t as if anybody ever sees much of it anyway. Being effectively on an island its approach by road is by way of a series of tunnels and flyovers. It’s not the most inspiring way to see Boston. We were in the departure lounge with our luggage checked in by quarter to one and happily shopped and explored and chatted. I don’t know a lot about politics, but I do know that transatlantic friendship was very strong in our party. At a quarter to two, our United flight was called and we had to make for the departure gate. There were tears. Nobody was willing to shed tears. We all smiled through them, but there were definitely tears. izmit otele gelen escort It occurred to me that I had never seen Kori cry before. I had always assumed it was something he didn’t do. Kori was the strong one. Well there were tears. We shook hands, we hugged and we kissed and we departed. They could follow us no further. As we boarded the big Boeing 777-300 we took a last look at America.. It had been our home for the last fortnight and we loved her and her people. We settled into the Polaris style seats. It would be ten-thirty tomorrow morning when we landed in London, and I’m sure Pete couldn’t wait to be emailing his American friend again. When will we next see our American friends? I hope it wont be long. THE END – FOR NOW. If you have enjoyed this story you will probably enjoy previous stories by the same author on Nifty’s Gay Adult/Youth Archive. Letter from America, Stranger on a Train, Marooned, also The Pen-Pals, on the Gay Young Friends site. For a much longer story by a different author, I would recommend A Neglected Boy, by Jacob Lion. I’d like to thank Jacob for his help in writing this. I couldn’t have done it on my own. The Boston Tea Party – Dramatis Personae: PROFESSOR EDWARD ALVES: Mentor of Jake at Yale University (and, at one time, of Jonah at Cambridge). Known to Jonah and his boys as “The Professor”, AIRLINE CAPTAIN, AIRLINE FIRST OFFICER, BAPTIST PASTOR, NEIL CRAWFORD: Neighbour and former schoolfriend of Jake, JONAH CUMMINGS: Graphic artist from Harrow, England. Foster parent of Luke and guardian of Simon and Pete, LUKE CUMMINGS:Ten year old foster son of Jonah, IAN DAHLQUIST: Student of the Professor. HON LI: Brother of Ning Chunhua and uncle to Ning, GARRET ITO: Sixteen year old friend of Jake, Kori and Liam. Son of Yori. Mixed Japanese/Chinese blood, RIKU ITO: Thirteen year old cousin of Garret and nephew of Yori. Japanese, YORI ITO: Japanese father of Garret and uncle and guardian to Riku, ABE JONES: Railway volunteer at Scranton, KEVIN: Swim instructor at the Clarion, PETER KHAN: Nine year old brother of Simon,and ward of Jonah. Simon generally calls him Pete, SIMON KHAN: Thirteen year old orphan; Ward of Jonah, KYLE, JUSTIN, KENT,ARRON & CODY: Boys in Kevin’s swim team, DEPUTY BOB MORGAN: Ashfield Deputy attached to Northampton MA sheriff’s dept. , NING BAO: Eight year old Chinese friend of Liam. Generally known as Ning, MR. MURCHISSON: Chief executive and partner in Phillips-Murchisson, an IT equipment manufacturer based in Boston Ma., NING CHUNHUA: Ning’s mother, sometimes known as Mrs. Ning,CHRISTOPHER PLOVER: Eight year old attendee of Ashfield Baptist Sunday School, MRS. JOAN PLOVER: Mother of Christopher, SAMMY PORTER: Ten year old friend of Pete. Still recovering from a serious back injury, KORI PREYDON: Orphaned Twelve year old ward of Jake, MR. PRINCE: Vice principle of the school attended by Liam and Ning, and Jake’s superior, JAKE ROBERTS: School-teacher of Ashfield Massachusets. Foster parent of Liam and guardian of Kori, LIAM ROBERTS: Orphaned ten year old foster son of Jake, MRS. ROBINSON: Peter’s mother, PETER ROBINSON: 12 year old schoolfriend of Kori, with a crush on Neil, MR. WUTHERALL: Owner of general store in Ashfield,

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