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Subject: The Ahn Boys XIV We arrived back at the house to discover Ren and Keiko waiting patiently for me at the gate. God help me I’d been so caught up in all of the other drama that I had totally forgotten about the Japanese couple. When they saw Kenjiro they brightened and Keiko addressed him in Japanese to which the boy responded to in kind. Ren apologized for not being at the house sooner but some things had come up that required his attention. He hoped that the offer of employment and living quarters was still open. I assured him that it was, that we had been out of town for 2 days in any case. I informed him that the boys and I would be leaving for an extended stay in Newport but that he could go ahead and get his living quarters in order and then start on the landscaping as he saw fit. I also told him that if he needed funds for anything having to do with the house and property to talk to Giselle about it and she would take care of it. He nodded and bowed, a behavior that I would have to get used to. In the house I directed Tobias to take Kenjiro to the laundry room and get their clothing marked and for now I would put them together in one room. Kenjiro gave me a somewhat strange look and when I asked he said, “I had thought I might be able to sleep with you Lucian.” “Indeed you will but all of you boys need a bedroom of your own or with another boy.” He nodded his head. That done I found Jesse and took him aside. “I haven’t had time to tell you that AJ wants to purchase the house in Boston, including the furniture should you decide you want to part with it plus he’ll keep any of the staff that wish to stay. His offer is good and more than fair. He’s also managed to sell the hunting lodge for a princely sum so you’ll need to sign the papers for both soon.” Jesse nodded his head. “There are a few things from the house that I want Lucian,” Jesse said, “but I don’t know where to keep them.” “Well, the beauty of it is that AJ is more than willing to let them stay at the house indefinitely, either in their current capacity or in storage; it’s your choice.” “That would be great to just leave them there for now Lucian.” I agreed with the boy. Jesse surprised me by hugging me tightly. “I am so grateful for having you in my life Lucian. Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done or what I would do if you weren’t here for me.” I hugged him just as tightly. “I love you dearly Jesse and I am honored that I get to be a part of your life.” We broke apart and sat in wing chairs. “I was wondering Lucian. Since we don’t have school like regular boys do you think it would be possible to live at all 3 places and not just visit them? I mean like a month or so in one place then the next place and so on. I love Newport the best but I love New York and I know you don’t want to give up your home here. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about and would like you to think about too.” Honestly, I had been thinking about it. I’d been thinking about a lot of things and what Jesse had suggested was at the top of the list. I broached another topic. “What about Gregory Jesse? I would like to somehow incorporate him into our household but I don’t know how and neither does he.” The adorable preteen took a moment to answer. “I love Gregory Lucian; he’s like an uncle or something.” Boy howdy; truer words had never been spoken. “I will have to think about that but I would like to have him around too.” Jesse got up to leave and I went to find Giselle but the doorbell ringing caused me to detour and upon opening the door I discovered my contractor standing there with a smile. I invited Harold in to the house and he followed me to the kitchen where we found Giselle. We spent a good 15 minutes going through what needed to be done, Giselle explained to Harold what she was purchasing and their approximate size. Harold then explained what he could do based on the dimensions that Giselle had provided him and approximately what it would cost. I gave him the go ahead. After he left I told her that Ren and Keiko had showed up after all and gave her permission to spend what was necessary to get the rooms above the carriage house in shape for them to move in. “I don’t mind if they stay up on the 3rd floor while that’s going on Giselle and of course they can eat in the house as well although you’ll be without a kitchen for who knows how long.” She then informed me that she had contacted another woman that she knew and recommended to help with the cleaning and we also verified that a professional agency would be coming in to get the heavy stuff done, such as the 15 foot ceilings and the like. Giselle and I agreed that once the professional cleaning was done that Keiko and the second woman would like be able to handle the chore. That being said I looked at my watch. “We’ve got to get going Giselle and I might as well tell you now that I am giving careful consideration to alternating residences.” I then explained the plan which she listened to without comment or question. The one question she did have was about her position in the house if that were so. “I would want you to stay on of course. This mausoleum needs someone to watch over it. However, if that doesn’t suit you and you wish to move on then I would honor that, wish you luck, and provide references if you needed them. She thanked me, said she wasn’t considering leaving but wanted to ask. I had already given her the phone numbers for both houses so headed out to round up the boys. Interestingly enough I found most of them at the foot of the stairs, the two large suitcases I had provided them packed and ready to go. All were dressed like young gentlemen, wearing their medium range finery. Jesse spoke for the group. “I thought that being presentable was a good idea Lucian. I hope that’s okay.” Indeed it was. “All of you are now living a life of privilege and with that comes a certain responsibility, part of which is how you present yourselves in public. You are now young men of wealth and there is a certain expectation that the world at large will have of you; that I will have of you and hopefully someday you will have of yourself. So far, you seem to have taken that task to heart. I am very proud of all of you.” They all clapped and cheered. At that moment Ren opened the door. “Your transportation is here sir.” I herded the boys outside to climb in the oversized taxi and off we went, the boys all excited. They weren’t as excited as when AJ and Willie landed the large aero plane that we would be traveling in. We all waited patiently until the door opened and Willie came bounding down the steps presenting a very dashing figure replete in pilot’s head gear and leather flight jacket. The boys all whooped and hollered and ran forward to embrace their brother, their friend leaving Kenjiro to walk with me. The Japanese boy had already been told that Willie was a brother who was now going to live in Boston. I watched as Willie spied Tobias and enveloped the lost boy in a tight hug and spun him around. About that time AJ appeared in the doorway and started down the ladder. “He’s very cute Lucian,” the boy observed. “Is that the man that is his lover?” I looked to the boy and told him that wasn’t my place to answer, that he would have to talk to Willie about that. He nodded his head. The boy was learning quickly how I did things. After the hoopla was over Willie came to me, hissed me hard on the mouth and hugged me tightly. “Oh gosh Lucian the past 24 hours had been so exciting. AJ let me fly the aero plane yesterday and let me fly this big bitch today. God I love it so much Lucian; I love AJ so much. I can’t believe how fast all of this is happening.” Kenjiro stood patiently until we were done and then I introduced him to Willie who asked if he would be staying with Lucien and the boys to which he responded with; I think so. “Lucian,” AJ said with a grin as he approached and we also hugged. “That boy is a natural Lucian I swear to God. He could be an ace pilot before he’s 16.” He paused and puffed his chest out, “Much like yours truly,” then laughed at his joke. I introduced him to Kenjiro who shook his hand warmly. Once all the greetings were over, we piled in the aero plane and were soon in the air, all of the boys chattering excitedly, pointing out this, that or the other thing that they saw on the ground. Mathias got a little worried when boys were moving back and forth across the aisle to look at things but I explained that the plane wasn’t going to tip over from the rapid change of weight. Even Jamon let out a sigh of relief at that news. The boys were decidedly quiet as we descended into Providence, their bellies up in their throats when the aero plane dropped 100 feet at a time. They clutched the arms of their seats even tighter when we landed and bounced a couple times before settling in to taxi off the grass landing strip to where two large cars were waiting for us. We all greeted Gregory, Jesse particularly hugging the man and holding on for dear life, and then Jenkins. “It appears that your collection of boys is growing Lucian,” Gregory said with a slight smile. I nodded my head then he surprised me. “It’s good that lost boys have someone to watch over them and teach them and hopefully get them to manhood as unscathed as possible.” I thanked him and then he added, “Master Jesse seems to be the happiest that I have seen him in years.” We watched the boy interacting with Jenkins and then with the rest of his boy crew. “Jesse needs you Gregory; I need you,” I said quietly. “We need to figure out how to make that work.” He nodded his head. “I need him too Lucian. Yes, we need to figure something out.” We finally loaded the boys into the cars, Jesse and me going with Gregory along with AJ, Jamon and Kenjiro. Amazingly Gideon was more than willing to bursa escort ride with Jenkins. Jesse and I had talked about clothes shopping after the boys had gone through his old clothes to see if there were things that they wanted although with the amount of money they had there was no reason for them to wear hand me downs. Besides, the boys were happy with hand me downs. An hour later we pulled through the gates to Maplewood Run, the house being completely shielded from view by trees and shrubs. When we finally wound around a corner that was heavily shrubbed and the house came into view even I let out a loud gasp. It was indeed a sprawling pile of stone, some 73,000 square feet of “cottage”. It was 3 full stories tall with dormer windows even higher indicating at least a partial 4th floor. Windows closer to the ground indicated a basement as well. Jenkins had been correct in that I counted at least 9 chimney stacks and it looked like each stack had 4 or 5 flues at the top. We pulled up under the columned porte cochere at the front entry and as we got out of the vehicles one side of the 12 foot tall carved doors opened and out stepped an aged manservant in a full formal cutaway. Jesse bounded up the steps and practically slammed into the old guy. “Winthrop I am so glad to see you,” he said as he hugged the man. Winthrop of course remained totally nonplussed although he did pat Jesse on the back. “It is quite pleasant to see you as well master Jesse,” he said, stepping away from complete formality for a brief second. “Winthrop please meet my benefactor and guardian Mr. Lucian Broussard.” I extended my hand and Winthrop took and said he was very pleased to meet me. Jesse then introduced AJ and the boy crew none of whom wanted to shake hands with the ancient servant except Gideon, once again surprising all of us. The little blackbird walked right up and extended his hand. Winthrop looked down at him and offered his hand which Gideon shook with enthusiasm while Winthrop’s hand remained neutral, of course. Both Jenkins and Gregory suppressed smiles. We entered into the huge foyer where a dozen people were lined up to greet us. Most all of them knew Jesse and he went to each and hugged them, getting hugs in return. Winthrop then introduced me as well as AJ and then each of the boys by their correct name. My esteem for the man went up considerably. Jesse asked for everyone’s attention. “I need for all of you to understand something please. Mr. Lucian is now my legal guardian, benefactor, and teacher. Even though I own this house Mr. Lucian is the master. Please take all requests to him. All of these boys are my brothers. Please treat them as you would treat me. If you have any concerns please, I urge, go to Lucian with them. You will find, as my brothers already know, Lucian has high expectations of all of us, expects us to act like gentlemen at all times and does not brook bad behavior. Thank you.” People began to disperse to go about their chores. “James will show you up to your room’s sirs,” Winthrop said. “I have arranged for 2 boys to a room and I assume Mr. Broussard that you will be ensconced in the master suite of rooms.” I nodded my head and received a “very well sir.” I decided that I would need to have a discussion alone with Winthrop to set some protocol. I would discover that getting him to budge even slightly regarding his profession demeanor was akin to getting Mount Rushmore to budge. James led us up the grand staircase but Jesse could have just as well done it since it was essentially his house. In any case we were all in rooms next to each other on the same hall. The master suite was nothing short of amazing. The living area was large enough to require a fireplace on each end, the ceilings were coffered and richly decorated with elaborate paintings. Priceless masterpieces of art adorned the walls. The bedroom proper was equally huge, as was the bathroom and dressing room. The entire suite was probably 2000 square feet and being a corner suite of rooms so looked out on Narragansett Bay. I checked out the boys’ rooms, and although not as large as mine suite of rooms, Jesse’s in particular was huge. The boys also had their own bathrooms. I asked Jesse to round the boys up and come to my rooms and 3 minutes later they were all seated. “First off, school is out for the next few weeks.” I got lots of whoops and hollers. “Nudity and sexual behavior must be confined to your bedrooms unless we are in a situation that I deem safe from staff eyes. You have all learned good manners and I expect you to use them to the fullest. Everybody understand?” I got lots of head nods. “Jesse and I have discussed the notion of spending more time in all 3 residences. The Idea of living in one place for a month or 2 months then moving to the next and so one. What are your thoughts on that?” There was lots of clamoring to be heard but the essence was that all of the boys liked the idea. The next thought I floated was the distinct possibility of traveling across the United States by rail car. That generated almost more excitement than flying in an aero plane did. After a little more discussion I suggested that Jesse give us a tour of the house and property to which the boy readily agreed. The house had a grand ballroom, a music room, library, game room, 3 parlors or sitting rooms, a formal dining room with a table that seated 20, long galleries and hallways wide enough to drive an automobile through. The place was filled with priceless antiques, pottery and artwork, the ceilings notwithstanding. Outside the yards, gardens, and pools were amazing. There was a grass tennis court and formal croquet course. “I saved the best for last,” Jesse informed us with a grin that bordered on evil. At the east side of the house was a funnel like depression in the ground that was easily 100 feet across and probably 20 feet deep at the house but eventually leveled to match the grounds around it. Quite possibly it was a river or stream gully a few hundred or few thousand years before. As we walked down the marble stairs we could see that the house had been built right over it, bridging the chasm. Large ground to ceiling windows fronted the house, many of them stained glass that portrayed magnificent scenes. The area outside was park like with benches for seating scattered along the curving pathways that wound through beautiful gardens to and from the house. Jesse opened on of the giant glass doors and led us inside. Even I was stunned. Stretching out in front of us was an indoor pool that made mine seem like nothing more than a concrete pond. The entire area was tiled, the predominant color an amazing cobalt blue offset by a shining yellow and brilliant aqua marine. The area was laid out in 5 foot squares the interior of which were done in elaborate mosaic designs. The floor of the pool appeared to be a giant mosaic of Poseidon. The ceiling was supported by concrete arches all of which were also ornately tiled. “Pretty neat isn’t it Lucian?” I could only nod my head. I’ve used the word amazing way too many times but there it was again. WRH built one at San Simeon that was similar in color scheme but much more opulent. “Can we swim naked down here Lucian,” Mathias (of course) asked and before I could answer Jesse did. “Yes actually we can. Other family members often did, including my mother. Staff only comes down here to clean after it’s been used or, from time to time when no one is in residence.” That settled that. Back upstairs Winthrop indicated that dinner would be served in less than half an hour. I tasked the boys to begin going through Jesse’s old clothing while AJ and I ensconced ourselves in the office slash library. I commented on how dashing Willie had looked in his flying outfit. “I do love him Lucian,” AJ said quietly. “God he’s an amazing boy. I can’t stand to be away from him for even a minute. I am thankful that my work requires me to be in offices much of the time so he can be at my side as much as he wants to be.” “The boys and I will miss him terribly AJ,” I responded. “We’re going to have to figure out some way around that. You know, he’s got a birthday coming up soon if I’m not mistaken.” “I didn’t know that,” AJ replied. We talked about that for a moment then brought up the west coast trip. “I don’t know if he would want to go or not,” I said, adding that he probably would and how would AJ deal with that. The man looked positively distraught at the thought of being away from his young lover for so long. He didn’t have an answer. The answer would eventually be that he traveled with us for most of what would end up a 2 month long trip. “I am also considering a European trip although that is only a kernel of thought at this point.” At that point Winthrop announced that dinner was ready to be served so we adjoined to the formal dining room. Winthrop went to the beginning of the hall where our rooms were and rang a light little bell, which was familiar to Jesse who herded the boys downstairs. Once seated I asked for someone to say grace and Kenjiro volunteered, saying a nice little prayer in English and Japanese. Gregory spoke to him in Japanese and the boy grinned and answered back. I wondered briefly about how many people in my life spoke that language since it was now 5 and I had no idea of any a week prior. I considered learning it simply for something new to learn. “I spent a year or so on Okinawa in my early 20’s after my brief Harvard stint,” Gregory explained. “I studied a somewhat new martial art called karate, specifically Shotokan, with master Funakoshi. I had to learn Japanese.” The man was full of surprises. Dinner was served, a five course affair starting with a tomato bisque and ending with baked Alaska which surprised all but Jesse. Cooked ice cream was beyond belief to the boys but bursa escort bayan they quickly became believers. After dinner we went to the game room where some boys shot billiards while others played checkers. I started to show Jamon, Tobias and Kenjiro how to play cribbage. I had asked Gregory to join us and he started to decline but Jesse insisted so he did. He and Jesse snuggled up to a chess board and began a game. Talk was light as was the atmosphere and the boys’ laughter and play was like music in the cavernous room. “Can we go swimming Lucian,” Frankie asked about an hour. That got a chorus of yeah’s and similar responses, whatever games they’d been involved in soon forgotten. I saw no reason to deny them although the time was pushing 8 pm. Jesse invited Gregory to join us but the man balked, using the no swim suit excuse which of course fell flat. “I think I’ll pass this time around but I appreciate being asked.” Jesse led us to a set of stairs, a back way downstairs and 5 minutes later we were in the pool room stripping clothes off. Kenjiro was the only one that hadn’t had much opportunity to explore other boys so he took the time to do that, when he could. Since the others were acutely familiar with each other’s bodies they stripped and dove into the pool. The Japanese boy waited for me before getting into the pool and I wondered again if he was going to try and lay claim to me. The boys all frolicked around and in doing so lamented the lack of toys or things to play with which made me consider trying to find some beach balls and the like when we hit Providence for clothes shopping. We played in the pool for a good hour, AJ and I taking each boys’ arms and legs, swinging them and tossing them from the pools edge into the deeper water. That got plenty of laughter and giggles. “Gosh if Mr. Gregory was here we could get a good game of knights going,” Edward commented. I told him that he, Tobias and Willie and Jamon could manage nicely. “Only if Kenjiro will play,” Willie said. It took some pleading but the cute little Asian boy capitulated and soon the game was on. Needless to say little Gideon didn’t have strength to do much but he put up a valiant effort. AJ and I laughed and cheered everyone on. “It looks like Kenjiro wants to make you his man Lucian,” AJ observed quietly. “Yes it does.” I then shared with the man what had transpired thus far with the boy. AJ opined as how that was going to be interesting and I quite agreed with him. The boys finally tired and got out, went about drying themselves off and I found it interesting that no one got a boner, there was no sexual play or even a suggestion about having sex. I considered sitting down and chatting with them and as that thought faded away I further considered having meetings weekly or more frequently if needed. Perhaps I could use it as a civics lesson around democracy and that sort of thing. “Let’s make sure the towels go into the laundry room please,” I reminded them. We dropped said towels off in the commercial sized laundry area at the foot of the stairs that led to the kitchen wing. The boys announced their hunger so I found Darius and he pulled out some cupcakes for the boys. By the time we finished it was moving toward 9pm so I decided to call a halt to the day’s activities and head upstairs, the boys following like baby ducklings. AJ and Willie headed to AJ’s room and Kenjiro and I went to mine while the rest of the boys paired, trebled or any number of other coupling combinations amongst themselves. I didn’t need to know the details. Somehow the rest of the boys knew than the Japanese boy wanted to be alone with me for at least one night so that didn’t present itself as an issue. In my bedroom we stripped and tossed underclothing and shirts into the hamper that would go to the laundry and folded our slacks. Kenjiro seemed a little reserved and I asked if he was okay. He nodded his head. “Yes Lucian, just a little nervous I guess.” I stepped up to the boy and embraced him and Kenjiro hugged me back. “It will be my first time,” he said softly into my neck. I rubbed his head and his back. “I know and we’ll go especially slow; alright?” He nodded his head. I gently disengaged from enough to put my finger under his chin and tilt it upward them give a soft kiss on the mouth which the boy responded to. “Come,” I said, taking his hand, “let’s go to bed.” In the bed Kenjiro and sort of moved into each other. I slipped a leg between his and put his top leg over mine. I held him gently as we kissed, soft little kisses. I put a hand alongside his head to gently rub and just hold him as we began kissing a little harder. Kenjiro had an arm across my upper back but moved it down to hold onto my butt, to rub and knead the flesh. It didn’t stay there very long but snaked between us to take hold of my hard cock and feel up and down the length. “I can’t believe how big your cock is Lucian. I can’t imagine it fitting into my butt. Is it going to hurt much?” “Well, the word “much” is very personal and very relative Kenjiro. I can’t say how much it will hurt or even if it will hurt. I’ve been surprised by boys who have taken me inside of them and did so easily so you never know.” I gave him a couple more kisses. “But I will do as much as I can to lessen the pain by trying to get your lust level up as high as possible before I penetrate you,” I told him. Kenjiro nodded his head. “I trust you Lucian and all the boys say you’re very gentle with them.” That said the boy put his mouth against mine and began kissing me again with as much energy as he ever had. After a moment the boy backed away. “I want to suck on your cock Lucian,” he said so I rolled onto my back and the adorably cute little Nipponese boy have his way with me. I loved watching a boy work on my crotch but watching a new boy do it, a boy that had almost no experience at cock sucking and such, well that was really a pleasure. The boy moved between my legs and propped himself up on his elbows, pulled my stone hard cock upright and lowered his mouth. He managed my entire cock head and a little bit of the thick shaft, bobbing his head. The feel of his sweet lips sliding back and forth over the sensitive ridge was incredible. He moved my foreskin up and sucked on the nipple of flesh then retracted it and went back to working on the head. When his mouth got sore Kenjiro stopped and simply licked all over the head and cleaned up whatever precum had seeped out. He did some licking on the shaft as well and even moved down to lick on my heavy balls and nip at the skin with his lips. After a good 6 minutes of play he said his mouth was sore and crawled up and lay his body on mine and we went back to kissing. The little hot boy ground his little ass around as we made out, mashing our cocks together and caused me to try and remember to teach him about frottage. My hands were busy working up and down his back and onto the brown skinned globes of his slender butt. Goddamn I loved playing with boys’ butts. I finally rolled him off and onto his side. “I need to work your delicious cock Kenjiro,” I said then slid down his body and went to town. As I said, the boy had a nice cock going on, a moderate 6 plus inches of thick flesh that filled my mouth admirably. I was able to take him to the root which prompted lots of moaning and his hands to go to the sides of my head to gently hold me. My free hand worked on his sac, rumpling his balls in my hand and gently tugging on them. After a moment I moved between his legs, pushing on one gently to get him to move, which he did. Once settled in I admired his crotch, the very smooth sac of balls hanging down and resting against his body. Just below the bag was the beginning of his butt crack separating the globes of his butt cheeks. I leaned in and began licking the satiny soft skin of his sperm makers, pushing the orbs around in their velvety container. I nuzzled my face between his balls and his inner thigh then licked up and down in the crease causing him to squirm and giggle. I finally lifted his balls and licked the underside which against caused the boy to moan. I worked on his perineum, heading south to the hidden core of his body. “Pull your legs back baby boy,” I commanded and he did so quickly, then revealed at the delicious puckered morel of his asshole. Of course there wasn’t a hair in sight. I moved closer and began licking, pressing my tongue against the very aperture of entrance. “Oh gosh Lucian, oh gosh,” the boy groaned. He reached down and pulled his butt cheeks farther apart and moaned even louder as I worked the entire area, savoring the taste of boy hole. I finally stopped and moved away from the boy, my goal to grab the KY. Kenjiro watched, knowing what I was doing. “Can I ask you a question Lucian,” the boy said tentatively. “Of course sweet boy.” “Can you put it in me and fuck me when I’m on my face; fuck me from behind?” I was a little surprised at that although there isn’t any real reason why I should have been. “It’s just that, it’s hard to explain but I want you to take me. Not hard or painful but I want, I need you to be forceful with me. Don’t ask me what I want you to do to me or even if I’m okay when you’re doing it. Just do it. Is that okay Lucian?” I nodded my head. The boy wanted me to be dominant with him, to take charge and make all the decision about what would happen. He wanted me to be forceful but not vicious or intentionally causing pain, although some pain was going to be involved. I was surprised that he’d waited until then to tell me that but hell, I could adjust. I went to the bathroom and brought back a towel and draped it across pillow. “Come, lay across here boy,” I said in a commanding but not stern voice. The boy did as I requested which caused his little butt to be sticking in the escort bursa air somewhat. I had him reposition slightly so that his tender balls hung against the end of the pillow and weren’t mashed by it. Using my hands I got him to move his legs wider and bent at the knees so it looked somewhat frog like. I slathered my cock with the KY then knelt between his spread legs and pulled his cheeks open and went back to licking and slurping him, working down onto the underside of his sensitive balls then back up. Kenjiro moaned even more and louder, pushing his ass backwards into my face, and I knew that part of it was his being dominated. While still licking at his hole I slipped a lubed finger into his hole and I didn’t do it slowly but I also didn’t just cram it into him. Once I was in up to the knuckle I started finger fucking the little Asian. Kenjiro’s arms were wrapped around another pillow, his face buried in it but as I fingered his tight little hole the head turned to take in air as well as to moan softly. I kept up my licking, getting lube on my tongue which was of little consequence. There was something erotic to me about licking a boy’s hole and my finger at the same time. As I worked my finger in and out of him I added a twist to it, rotating back and forth, and in the process I grazed across his prostate which elicited a louder moan and a slight pressing backward of his butt. It didn’t take long before Kenjiro was ready to lose his virginity. “I think you should put it in me Lucian,” he finally panted, “I can’t last much longer.” I slathered my cock with the KY and got into position. “Fuck my ass like this Lucian, fuck me like a little slut boy.” Well now, that caught me way off guard. But hey, it was Kenjiro’s fucking, he got to choose what he wanted. I got behind him and teased his hole with my cock head, poking around it, putting the very tip in and taking it out. I poked at the underside of his smooth hanging nuts as well and judging by the moans and grunts coming from him, the Japanese boy liked how it was playing out. “Oh God Lucian please put it in me and fuck me. I need your cock in my ass Lucian please.” Still I teased him a little bit more, working the boy into a frenzy. “Please Lucian I need it, I need you to fuck me Lucian, I need to be fucked, please.” I’d played this sort of game with boys before. It seemed to me that Kenjiro was a submissive, at least in the bedroom. “Goddamn Lucian, stop teasing me and fuck me, please fuck me Lucian.” I pushed hard and went inside the boy a good 3 inches and stopped. “Fuck, that hurts,” he cried out. I knew that but I only stopped for a moment to give him at least some time to adjust to me, but only a moment. I put my hands on his narrow hips and proceeded to push the entire 9 inches up the boys’ ass until my fuzz was touching his brown skinned butt. “God Lucian,” he mumbled but didn’t say anything about stopping so I didn’t. I started to fuck the boy, pulling a good 5 inches out of him before sliding it back inside. I got a nice steady rhythm going which much have worked out fine for him because I could hear him mumbling below me although most of it was unintelligible. Things like “yes” and “oh god” and just plain “mmm” along with various grunts and groans and moans. Fucking a new boy was always fun for me. I mean, fucking any boy was fun but a new boy was just a little more special I guess. I rubbed a butt cheek as I loved Kenjiro then switch off and rubbed the other one. At times I would rub up onto his back too. I started to fuck the boy hard, holding him in place and slamming my cock back into his tight little ass while pulling on his hips. I felt my body start to ramp up toward cumming. I crammed my cock into his ass and ground my own around in circles before going back to slamming the boy. “Fuck Lucian I’m starting to cum I’m starting to cum.” Kenjiro then all but screamed out as he began discharge sperm out onto the bed covers. His asshole constricted against my cock each time he squirted and on the 3rd one I started cumming. “God what a fuck you are Kenjiro,” I growled as I began pumping jet after jet of gooey goodness into the boy. I felt at least 8 pulses but of course have no idea how much liquid that might entail. I continued to fuck him but eventually began to slow down and finally stopped. I stayed in place, lodged deeply inside of Kenjiro’s body, not too inclined to leave the tight warm hole. “Can we move so I’m flat on the bed Lucian?” I said we could and a moment later he was flat and I was lying on his back. “Gosh I love the weight of you on me Lucian. It feels good. I kissed his neck causing him to giggle and squirm. “I like it too Kenjiro especially being buried inside you at the same time.” We lay there quietly for a brief bit just catching our breath. “You’re still hard in me aren’t you Lucian?” “I am baby boy; that I am.” “I am still hard as a rock too. Perhaps you could fuck me gain.” “Perhaps I could Kenjiro. How about on your back this time so we can see each other face?” The boy didn’t seem to need any time to consider the question but simply said okay. “How do you feel about trying some gymnastics,” I asked him. “What do you mean?” I explained just what I meant and he said he’d like to try it. “IT” was changing position without taking my cock out of him. The simplest way was to get him on his knees then I would hold him and drop back onto my butt and maneuver onto my back, all the while stuck together by my cock in his ass. Once on my back he could spin around, which he did. “Oh gosh this is nice Lucian. Perhaps I could take a moment to fuck you.” I told him I thought that was a splendid idea and he proceeded to do just that. It’s funny how Mother Nature takes over in situations like these. I didn’t need to give the boy any directions what so ever. He just did what came natural and what felt good to him which was to start moving up and down on my cock. The he moved his narrow hips to and fro and all the while his raging hard cock was bobbing in the air. I saw the residue of cum from his first sperming, most of it probably on the bed sheet. Kenjiro fucked me like that for a good 5 minute, his hands on my chest for balance. Every minute or so he would lean forward and we’d kiss, mouth open tongue battling things that left us both panting for air. Kenjiro’s legs finally got tired and he voiced it. “Can we change and put me on my back please Lucian; my legs.” We managed to do just that and I slipped my arms under the boys’ legs then planted my palms on the bed and proceeded to fuck the shit out of him. Watching his face as I plowed his little butt was pretty amazing, but then it generally is. I loved watching boy go through all their emotion while they got a real good fucking and I gave the boy a real good fucking. Kenjiro cried out multiple times over the next 10 minutes. He growled on more than one occasion when I ground my ass into him, forcing my cock to hit every wall in in his rectum. I fucked him good and hard and he seemed to want more. It was pretty incredible for boy who had been a virgin not a half hour before. “God I’m cumming again Lucian I’m going to squirt my sperm again,” he panted and so he did. This time the convulsion of his asshole on my cock didn’t take me over the edge and I kept of fucking the boy. Sweat began to bead on my forehead, I could feel it. Kenjiro began whimpering and at times seems to have fainted although I knew that he hadn’t. It was an amazing fuck for me too, one that I hadn’t experienced in a while. Kenjiro was different than the rest of the boys. I had him pegged for a submissive, although not in a negative way. The boy didn’t want to walk hand in hand he wanted to be led, to be told what to do. He didn’t particularly want to share sex he wanted to be taken. I knew that I could engage him roughly although not to a point of sadism or any of the darker sexual behaviors but where the other boys crave love and attention Kenjiro didn’t want that, he wanted to be pushed, to be a subservient to his lover. I acquiesced to his carnal desire. I began to fuck him hard, to slam my thick cock into him and as I was getting close to cumming the boy screamed out that he was cumming yet again. Now that was a first for me. “He you are Kenjiro, another load of my sperm,” I groaned and with that I began firing more cum into the boy. I felt another 7 or 8 pulses before my orgasm was over and I was left panting and gasping for air. I continued to fuck him but finally slowed down and stopped. I felt like I’d run a marathon. Kenjiro just lay there with his eyes closed, again, seeming to have fainted. His hands rested against my forearms and I could feel the fingers twitch slightly. He finally opened his eyes and gave me a lopsided grin. “That was incredible Lucian. My god I came 3 times.” I lowered his legs and then my body and we kissed, nice little post sperming kisses. “I think my asshole is going to be sore in the morning but it will have been worth it.” I let my weight rest on him and the boy sighed contentedly and idly rubbed my back. “I’m not going to be your only boy am I Lucian?” I raised my head to look him in the eyes. “No Kenjiro, you can’t be. All of the boys need their time with me and not just for sex but for love and cuddling and all of the things that they miss, especially the younger boys.” He thought about that for a moment. “I don’t think I want to have sex with the boys Lucian. I don’t think they will be able to understand my needs and I don’t think the boys would be able to meet them.” I agreed with him. “What am I going to do Lucian?” I honestly didn’t know and I told him that and then it occurred to me that perhaps Gerald would know someone who had used Mrs Ahn’s services that might be interested in having a submissive boy. I could inquire and I believe that Gerald would understand the fine line between submissive and slave. Meanwhile I would do what I could to satisfy the boy. It had been an exhilarating experience and one that I wouldn’t mind revisiting.

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