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Subject: Team Integration TEAM INTEGRATION By [email protected] WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM [AUTHOR’S NOTE: They call the game “football” in every country of the world except the USA, which calls it “soccer.” Since my story is entirely composed of the athletes of a fictional Eastern European country, I will call it “football” here.] The reporter caught Midrah as he was en route to the locker room the first day of practice. He’d been relaxing the last two months, though careful to put in his own daily workout. The game of football demanded his sole devotion if he was to continue to be a member of the Foravian (no, it was “Forathurnian,” now) football team. And any other fate was to him was…unbearable. Football was his life, it was his honor, it was his duty. “Sor Midrah!” the reporter called. “Eh!” Midrah responded as he paused. Had to stay on the good side of sports reporters, they could make or break a career. “How do you feel about your chances this season?” Midrah paused as if he had to think about this one! “We have a strong team. Our defense is in need of more strength but the season has not yet begun. We shall prove at least as strong this season as last season I am sure.” “But with the team from Thurnia joining you this season….” the reporter began. Midrah had to turn away so as not to show a frown to the cameraman. “It is not yet time to speak of that. We shall have one team here in Forathurnia, of course, and the football team shall be a credit to Forathurnia as our team last year was a credit to Foravia. Now forgive me, I must not be late for the first day of practice.” And he walked away, ignoring the questions thrown after him, that ended only when the next team member arrived. Midrah tried not to let his doubts assail him again as they had four months ago, when Foravia was once again reunited with Thurnia. It hadn’t meant a good deal to him beyond a certain satisfaction (the two countries had been divided/established after the first World War, but they were historically one people, and their reunion was peaceable and welcomed by both countries. They would again be known as simply Forathurnia, a name they hadn’t worn since before the days of Frederick the Great! But then the problem of integration arose. How to turn Foravia and Thurnia back into Forathurnia once more? Nobody disputed that their capital should be Edelbon, for example, but how to reconcile the parliamentary system of Foravia with the fiercely republican system of Thurnia? How to balance the districts of Foravia with the provinces of Thurnia? And so on and so on, until any who debated it rubbed their head wearily. Midrah hadn’t worried until someone had reminded him that a single country meant that they should have a single football team! Competition for their positions would be terrible! Thurnia had a particularly good halfback, which was Midrah’s playing position. He had learned of this the week before, and his past week of vacation had been almost non-stop practicing…he had to be the one selected, he had to! His locker, the one he had used for the past four seasons, was gone, given to a Thurnian. All the lockers in his section was for the Thurnian football players. He had to move awkwardly among the players, men getting ready for kızkalesi escort practice, and find his new locker. He had just found it and was changing into his uniform (that at least had not changed, both Foravia and Thurnia had used the traditional colors of red and white and he had been told two days before the uniform of Foravia would be the one retained for the combined team) when the coach walked up. Both of them, actually. His own coach, Coach Testat, spoke first. “For the first few weeks of practice, we will both be coaching you as equals.” he spoke with a tone that said he didn’t care for this bit of integration either! “You of the former Foravian team are to answer to Coach Plarat as you would myself. We shall watch how you play and cooperation will count as much as skill. We must become one team. That will be our primary goal this season. So I say to each of you, you will think of us as one team and play accordingly, or you will find yourself out the door.” Midrah nodded. He was nervous all over again. “We are going to play as one team and practice as one team.” Coach Plarat said. “We shall play our members against each other in practice, as usual. But due to our numbers, we must two team groups on the field. We shall divide you into four team groups for this reason, which we will call Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Don’t worry about which of these teams you are on, they are only until we cut the team down to its proper size once more and can resume with more conventional practice sessions.” The players on Alpha’s offensive team are.” Coach Testat began. Midrah listened. He was placed on the Alpha team as halfback. But the other halfback was from Thurnia! Teamwork indeed! He knew this halfback, knew him well. Corol was the biggest threat to his own position. He not only had to be a good halfback for the Alpha Team…he had to be better than Corol! The game was rough, because everyone else on the teams was thinking the same thing he was. You had to beat out other players, you had to sparkle. Half of them wouldn’t be on the integrated team, or (what was almost as bad), relegated to secondary player status! Corol was heading his way, the ball in play between his legs. His blond hair was slicked with his sweat and he was being dogged by two Beta halfbacks. Corol was about to get cut off. And he kicked the ball right to Midrah! Midrah was so dumbfounded he almost didn’t catch it. He did, though, and passed it promptly to one of the forwards. As a halfback, his job was to get the ball from defensive to offensive, and that was how to do it! The forward, a Thurnian Midrah didn’t recognize, darted back and forth, dodged the Beta defenders, and kicked the ball. It went past the goalie’s outstretched fingers into the very edge of the goal…score! Score! Corol was near to Midrah as he rejoiced, he grabbed Corol and hugged him and Corol hugged back and that moment was the first when Midrah felt truly that their two countries had indeed become one once again. The coaches’ whistles blew and Midrah released Corol and turned to see what it was. “Time!” Coach Testat announced. “Gamma and Delta teams are to come in now.” Midrah was startled…had it really been an hour already?…but he was sweating tarsus escort profusely and ready to take a rest. He walked back to the lockerroom and found Corol by his side. “That was a great goal.” Corol said. “It was terrific.” Midrah agreed and held up his hand palm outstretched, and Corol slapped it. “I hope we both make the team.” Midrah said. “We work well together.” “Me, too.” Corol agreed. Then he sobered. “The competition will be very fierce.” he said. “Our coaches are right that we must come together and form a single team. The integration of our countries must be reflected in the integration of our football team. Half of us must give way to that vision, the vision of team spirit.” “We certainly showed them team spirit.” Midrah laughed. Corol reached down with both hands and pulled off his jersey over his head in one fluid, smooth motion. The move accentuated his chest muscles, as they swayed in harmony. The move reminded Midrah of how Corol had moved on the field. The way he had curved as his body moved, all the muscles cooperating in one action…to send the ball his way! Corol lowered his arms and the jersey fell off of one arm and ended up in his left hand. His chest was hairless, sweat-shiny, begging to be touched. And Midrah touched it, his fingertips contacting one nipple. His hand had moved without his deliberate intent and he looked up, somewhat startled at himself, into Corol’s eyes. But Corol wasn’t looking at him, his eyes were closed in bliss, his head uplifted, and as Midrah looked at him, Corol let out a low, sighing sound of pleasure. “We have an hour.” Midrah said. “I think we should spend this time building some team spirit.” “Gladly.” Corol said and with that one word, he fell to his knees. Midrah was surprised, he had expected some interval of prelude, kisses, touches, strokes. As it was, he was watching as the blond-haired halfback knelt before him and those hands, those marvelous works of art and form, brought down his shorts and his protective cup, those hands that cupped his ballsac and lifted his prick upwards, those fingers that stroked his shaft into glorious life, those lips that…. “Oh, God!” Midrah groaned as Corol’s lips closed upon his manhood, the wet magnificence of satiny grip that moved and in its wake was joy and delight and desire! Midrah looked down with lust-glazed eyes at his new teammate, his former adversary, his new comrade, his competition, his lover. Looked at the silken lips that slid upon his organ, bringing it to delight, the eyes above a piercing blue that looked trustfully up at him. Midrah’s hand reached up and threaded into that slick mop of exercise-induced-sweat-soaked hair, letting his hand feel the head nursing his prick, sliding over to caress the outer edge of the ear. Corol’s hands cupped Midrah’s buttocks, and Midrah was startled to feel his anus exposed to the air, and then promptly sealed again by a moist tongue! “What is this?” “My friend Sidren.” Corol explained, his lips mere millimeters from Midrah’s glans. “You don’t mind if he joins us, do you?” And he returned his attentions to Midrah’s cock. God, he was being sucked in front and probed from behind! That tongue was threatening to impugn the integrity of his sphincter, anamur escort break inside all by itself! Midrah was overcome with conflicting sensations, moist nursing on his cock and moist probing of his ass. “Oh, God, yes, more, yes.” He murmured. He wasn’t surprised when Sidren ceased probing his butt and stood up. The cock that next probed at Midrah’s butt was even less surprising. With Corol’s mouth on his prick, he was ready for just about anything! He leaned forward and felt the thick shaft spreading his anus, dilating his sphincter and opening him, the warm column entering him. Corol’s mouth on his shaft was speeding up and Midrah, his ecstasy driven by the speed of Corol’s lips and the dong driving into his ass, quivered, shuddered, groaned, and climax struck him with the force of a comet impact. He could only groan as he squirted his load down Corol’s throat, Corol diving down and taking Midrah deep and holding him there, so that Midrah’s jizz went straight down his throat, and Midrah felt the convulsive movements as Corol swallowed his jism. Done, tired, gasping, Midrah would have nearly fallen down, but Sidren held him upright at the hips and he could only bend forward, and Corol’s head and back supported him for a time, then Corol squirmed out from underneath him and Midrah put his hands on his knees and looked up, to see Corol standing up, pulling down his shorts, bringing out his prick. It was waggling in Midrah’s face and he groaned, his mind dazzled by his ejaculation, his senses reeling, and in that befuddled and bemused state, he took Corol’s cock and sucked on it while Sidren continued fucking him. It was a marvelous feeling, this being filled from both ends, this bonding with these new teammates, this new level of existence, he was bursting with new life, new joys, new hopes and new possibilities. Corol and Sidren seemed to be in synch, their groans heterodyned each other, and their bursts into Midrah’s body were as near simultaneous as matters, his mouth filled with hot, salty jizz at the same time he felt the sting of come pumping into his ass. He was filling up with hot athlete jizz, bursting with football player manjuice, he shuddered and felt an odd sort of mini-climax which was his body loving this moment, delighting in its submission to these two studs. He drank Corol’s jizz and looked up, a foolish grin on his face. “I am glad you and I are now on the same team.” “Yes, if we stay on the same team.” Sidren put in. “Half of us will soon be out of work.” Midrah sobered. “That is true. Still, what can we do but each of us do our best and hope that we are kept on the new team.” “I cannot bear the thought of not being on the team.” Corol said almost plaintively. “Nor can I.” Midrah admitted. “If I lose my place on the team, I shall find a job as a football coach.” Sidren said confidently, and he stood up and strode out like he was king of the world. Or at least, like a man who had just fucked someone. “It would not be the same.” Midrah said to Corol. “It would not.” Corol agreed. “But the coaches did say that the primary necessity for the new integrated team of Forathurnia is to exhibit true teamwork. So let us return to the field and show everyone how well we work together.” “That sounds good to me.” Midrah agreed. And the two former enemies walked out with their arms around each other, as combined as their countries were, ready to face the future together. THE END Comments, complaints or suggestions? E-mail the Author at [email protected] WWW.TOMMYHAWKSFANTASYWORLD.COM

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