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Summercamp Chapter 4 By time.bomb

In order to evaluate the group leaders, it was pretty normal that my assistant and I joined the groups with their games every now and then.

Since today was the first complete day at camp, we decided to start with it right this morning.

I asked Rose to go to the group with blue scarves and told her I would start with the yellow group.
Of course I had chosen the group that I knew Callum was in.

When I arrived, they were just explaining a new game they were about to play. Everybody would have to partner up with somebody and then lie down on their stomachs in a circle.
One person on top on of the other, so that everyone was lying with their heads towards the centre of the circle, every pair of two with one on top of the other.
One person would be alone in the circle and he had to call out two names of somebody that would be on the bottom of a pair and they would both have to free themselves from the one on top of them.

The person that could place themselves on top of the one calling out two names is the winner, which means that there would be someone else alone who would then have to call out new names and so on.

I decided to play with them of course, but since I was obviously bigger than the 12 year old Simon I had paired with, I was going to be the bottom one.

As a leader, you”re always popular with the group though, so it wasn”t long before Kevin yelled both my name and Ruben”s, one of the two group leaders.
We both had a lightweight 11 year old boy on our back, so it wasn”t hard at all to try and escape from them.

I won and ended up on top of little Kevin.
Kevin was a very small boy for his age, if I would see him on the streets I”d probably think he was 8 or 9 years old.
He had very short, light blond hair and probably weighed less than a third of my own weight, so I decided to lean on my elbows on the ground next to him instead of just placing my body on his.

A few turns later, Tracy called Kevin and Henry. Tracy was the girl group leader, but since the group was boys only, she was quite popular too.

Kevin was under me, Henry was under Callum.
Since Henry wasn”t under another heavy adult, he won the battle rather quickly while Kevin was still trying to even move his legs under me.
I felt myself getting aroused by the thought I could control this boy so easily.

Since Kevin had lost, we had to switch places. That way, everybody got an honest chance.
So I ended up on the bottom and Kevin laid on top of me.
Callum was now the one lying alone and I hoped he would choose me. I would fight so hard to be on top of him!

Callum was looking around the circle again and called two names: “Noah and Austin!”
Yes! He had called my name!
I looked at Noah and saw he was lying under his group leader Ruben, he didn”t stand a chance.

I got up, Kevin clinging on my back and walked over to Callum.
Watching me get up so easily and Kevin trying so hard to do something about it was so funny, the whole group started laughing so hard that Noah stopped even trying anything.
With Kevin still hanging on my back, I placed my body on Callum”s and I had easily won this battle.
konyaaltı üniversiteli escort Kevin walked back to his place and lay on the ground again.

I was now lying on Callum, still a little aroused by the fact I could hold Kevin so easily just before.
Since Callum had told me he had liked the little adventure from the night before, I decided not to care about him feeling my boner and just laid my cross on his butt.

I then laid my chin on the back of his head and sniffed his hair.
I couldn”t believe myself, I was being such a perv. But I didn”t care, I was horny now and I wanted to make sure Callum knew what that meant.
As I smelled his angelic scents from his head, my boner became even bigger and I could feel it pushing up against his butt now.

And then something happened I still can”t believe to this day, but I swear it happened!

He started moving his hips!

I swear to God, I was so horny already, in this game with everyone around us where we were supposed to spectate, he was moving his hips and rubbing his ass against my leaking boner. And I had a feeling he knew pretty damn well what he was doing!

He must”ve gone on with this for about 2 minutes, he moved his hips so slowly that nobody would notice and I would just take in his gorgeous scents.

I was ready to explode.

In the meantime I had taken him into my arms, I had laid my arms before him on the ground as to say “If somebody calls your name, I”m ready for battle.”

Lucky for me and my little general down at Callum”s butt, after not too long they called out Callum”s name.
The other boy was Simon, lying underneath Ruben, so this would turn out to be an interesting battle of two small boys against two leaders.

I had Callum in my arms and I felt him starting to pick up the fight. I saw Simon doing the same, both boys were struggling to get out of the grip of their partners.
I allowed Callum to turn around so I could look him in the eyes and held his hands above his head where I pinned them to the ground.
Fuck, this was so hot.
He smiled at me and started grinning while trying to free himself from me.
By now, I had no idea what was going on with Simon and Ruben, it was just Callum and I.

Somehow, Callum managed to crawl away from me from underneath.
At this point, we were battling a little outside of the circle, Callum still pinned down by my hands on his shoulders.
I still had no idea whether Simon might have been ready or not.
Callum was very agile and tried everything in his power to win this battle. He managed to crawl up a little, which was further away from the circle at this point.

At a certain point in the battle, as it happened, I had Callum”s belly right in front of my eyes, his t-shirt crawled up just enough for me to see his abs.

I was so horny, everything around me was all fuzzy at that moment. All I could think about was Callum, how I was holding his arms, how I had him in my grip, how hot his abs were, how I heard his moans while he was trying to get away from me and how he smelled heavenly.

I couldn”t contain myself and ended up licking his belly button.

To everyone around us, I tried to make it look like it was just my head bumping into his stomach during the battle.
To Callum and me, this was the horniest moment of probably both our lives.

It didn”t even last a full second, but I was so shocked by myself that I had done that, that I immediately looked around me if anyone noticed anything.

– “You can stop now, I won!”
Simon was practically yelling from his new position to us. Since all had been fuzzy around me for a few seconds, I had no idea if maybe he had said that a few times already.

I looked at Callum, wondering what he thought about our battle and he grinned and laughed at me kurtköy escort as if he was having the time of his life.
Good! He had really liked this too. He would definitely like what I had in mind for him that evening then.

Since Callum had lost the battle, we had to switch places though.
So that meant that Callum was now lying on top of me.
Too bad, I liked our previous position better but I”m still not complaining.

It was so awesome feeling his tender body on top of mine and I was still horny as fuck!
I couldn”t wait until this evening, how on earth was I going to wait until this evening after what had just happened?

I had to think of something how I could be alone with him during the day.

At lunch, I had to hand out medication again and I passed by Callum.
– “So, Callum. You having fun already?”
– “Yes, Austin! It”s awesome here! We”ve been playing games in the morning and Ruben says we will continue building our huts in the afternoon. I love it!”

Hm, he was enthusiastic over building that hut, I couldn”t take that away from him just because I couldn”t wait until tonight, right?
I mean, I had been waiting for so many years to do what we will do this evening, how could I not wait a few more hours?
I decided to ask him anyway.
He was in between his friends though, so I had to find a way to ask him without raising suspicion.

– “Rose will be running some errands right after lunch and I wanted to rearrange the stock room while you guys would be resting in bed.”

On camp, after lunch, we would always have the children lie on their beds to rest for a half hour.

– “I could use some help with that. If you would like to help me, that”d be great.”

I hoped he understood my message.
I smiled at him and didn”t dare to wink, afraid the other boys might suspect something.

– “Oh, that sounds like fun! Can Simon and Sam come?”

Fuck, why did I even say it like that?

– “You know what, the stock room isn”t that big, there”s really not much room for 4 people to be in there. But if you”d rather be with your friends in your room to talk, that”s fine too.”

I was so very desperate and horny, I decided to go for it.

– “We could have some fun in there, just us two, right?” And I winked.

My heart was racing, what if any of the other boys saw me winking? I sounded like a real perv saying that.

Luckily, I found out that children are really oblivious to these kinds of things.

I saw Callum getting the point.

– “Oh! Eh… yeah, just us two then, eh… okay, fine.”
– “Great, I”ll see you after lunch. I”ll come to get you out of your room.”

But now I had to make up some errands for Rose. I had nothing prepared for her so I ran to the meeting room and grabbed a piece of paper.
I wrote down everything I could think of we might need later this week: medical stuff, snacks for the children, …

I ran back to the lunch room and went to sit on my chair next to Rose.
– “Hey Rose, would it be okay if you could go and run some errands after lunch?”
– “Yeah, sure, what do I do?”

I handed her the note.

– “I”ve made a list of everything we need, the address of the mall is on there too. You can ask the hotel owner to borrow his car, that should be fine and here is our debit card.”

She looked at the note and didn”t seem to think much of it.

– “Consider it done!”
– “Great, thanks.”

It looked like I had it arranged: my first alone time with Callum.

After lunch, all the children went up to their rooms as I followed them.
I saw Callum talking and laughing to Simon and Sam as they entered their room. I hoped I wouldn”t raise suspicion.

I followed them into their room, my heart was pounding in my chest.

– “Okay boys, ankara kurtuluş escort everyone in their own beds right now! You can talk, you cannot play games, okay?”

I walked up to Callum and grabbed him by his shoulder.

– “Are you still up for it, Callum?”
– “Yes, I am!”

The other boys saw me leaving the room with Callum.

– “Hey!! Why doesn”t he have to rest? It”s the most boring half hour of the day!”

I turned around.

– “Well, I have some chores to do and Callum is going to help me. Maybe tomorrow someone else can help me, but only one helper at a time because it”s not playtime, understood?”

– “Can I help you tomorrow?” Sam exclaimed.

Sigh, these boys…

– “We”ll see. If I have chores tomorrow, you can help me. Now, to your beds everyone!”

I left the room with Callum in front of me.

Since some of the group leaders were in our bedroom, I couldn”t go there.
And I told some people I would be in the stock room, so I didn”t really have much other choice then to go there.
It”s not really the most romantic place, but it was the place that would raise least suspicion.

I guided Callum to the stock room with my hand on his butt. As if to emphasize the smoothness of a boy”s butt, he was wearing one of those smooth soccer shorts again. How lovely to be rubbing my hand over it and the best part: he felt it, looked at me, smiled at me, said nothing of it and just walked further.

On our way to the stock room, we passed by the meeting room to take a few blankets with us.
We entered the stock room and the first thing Callum said was:
– “Woah, this is huge. Why shouldn”t the four of us be able to do it?”
– “Callum, didn”t you get my secret message at the lunch table? The stock room doesn”t need to be rearranged. I was just looking for an excuse so we could be alone somewhere.”
– “Oh, right. Yeah, I got that, I just… Never mind.”

He was getting nervous.
I locked the door behind us, we wouldn”t want any spectators.

– “Take it easy, sport. Don”t be afraid. I like you, so I”m not going to hurt you, okay?”
– “Yeah, I know that, it”s just… I”m nervous I guess.”
– “It”s fine, Callum. We”ll do everything at your pace, okay?”

I spread out one of the blankets on the ground and we both sat down on it.
I ordered him to take of his shoes and socks, to not make it dirty.
Of course I had more reasons for him not to wear too many clothes.

– “So tell me, Callum. You told me you liked it, what did you like best?”
– “When you touched me there, my willy became hard. It felt really good when you played with it like that.”
– “Did you play with it after I caught you last night?”
– “No, I haven”t been alone much.”
– “Do you want me to play with it now?”
– “I… Guess?”

He said that with a questioning tone to his voice.

– “If you”re not sure, we don”t have to do this, okay?”
– “Okay, yeah… No, I think I”m sure. It felt good… So why not, right?”

I moved in his direction and moved my right hand towards his face.
I touched his cheeks, they were so soft, my pants were getting smaller.
I looked him in the eyes and said: “Look, if I do anything you don”t like, you just tell me, okay?”
– “Mhmm”

I moved my hands towards his stomach and managed to take off his soccer jersey.
I saw his body yesterday in his bed when I was handing him is medication, but in this setting it was smoking hot!

– “You just lie down, okay? I brought a few blankets, you can put this one under you head to make it comfortable for you.”

He did as instructed, he was lying with his naked smooth torso, wearing nothing but his soccer shorts with a pair of briefs under it and his yellow group scarf.

– “Just try to relax, put your hands behind your head and close your eyes.”
He put his hands behind his head, making his smooth armpits strikingly visible.

I just sat there for a second, looking at all this boy beauty. I couldn”t believe I was actually about to do this.
I had fantasized about this moment for countless times, I wanted him to enjoy it too and I didn”t want to rush him into anything.
If he”d like this too, he might come back for more.

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