Staying After Class Ch. 02

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Big Tits

Author’s note: All characters in the forthcoming sequel to “Teacher’s Pet” are of the age 18 or older. Also an apology, to the lovely readers that emailed me, for the long wait for this sequel. I hope that this makes up for the delay.

High school is tough. When it finally starts getting interesting, reality comes along and screws everything up.

After I left Mr. Pearl the day that he first kissed me, I walked home in a bit of a daze. I mean I had spent a fair amount of energy hating the man, and now I was all tingly from him. It just didn’t make much sense to me. So I lost myself in my thoughts of conflicting emotions for the rest of the evening. My parents were, thankfully, too busy to sense my preoccupation during dinner. After eating a few bites of truly tasteless food (could have been eating cardboard for all I could tell), I retired to my bedroom.

I shut the door and threw myself onto my sinfully soft queen sized bed and let my thoughts take control for awhile. I pondered whether feeling like I did from one kiss from Mr. Pearl meant I was attracted to Neanderthals and not enlightened, sensitive men. Then I wondered whether I should report him for inappropriate touching, when I remembered with a blush, that other than him kissing me, I had been the one groping him. Finally I let myself just think of how if felt when his lips touched mine.

I remembered the light pressure of his lips against mine. The taste of his mouth, a hint of mint and coffee. How strong his body felt when I pressed into him. I thought about the little gasp he gave when I accidentally brushed against his bulging pants.

My eyes drifted closed as I rolled over onto my back. My hands roamed down my body as my mind focused on Mr. Pearl’s kiss, his strength, his touch. My left hand unbuttoned the vest I wore as my right worked on my jeans’ zipper. My body felt like it was on fire. My fingers grazed over my hardened nipples through the lace of my bra. I gasped at the sensation when my hand pressed firmly against my tender breasts.

As my other hand dipped into my open jeans, a knock sounded on my bedroom door. Working quickly, I refastened my vest and jeans, while asking what the doorknocker wanted.

“Honey, Mili’s play is tonight remember?” My mother reminded me as she opened my door and walked into my room. I sat up on the bed as she looked down at me. “Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine, Mom, really. I just forgot about Mili’s play opening tonight.” I said, standing up. “I’ll go take a quick shower and change.” I walked to my closet to find something appropriate for my best friend’s opening night. I grabbed a sapphire blue velvet dress. Aside from the form fitting bodice, it was modestly cut to the ankle and flared out from the waist. I presented my choice for my mother’s inspection.

“Lovely,” she agreed. “I’ll go on downstairs until you get ready.” With that she left my room, and me silently cursing the interruption.

At the time I thought that the untimely intrusion into my personal time was as bad as it could get. I was wrong.

The next day I dressed, for one of the first times, with a particular need to impress. I wanted to have my brutish biology teacher to take one look at me and have only my biological makeup on his mind. I put my long red hair up in a loose knot, with careless tendrils falling around my face. Starting my preparation for my day, I put on a matching set of ivory lace panties and bra. I wore, in place of my well worn jeans of choice, an ivory, tan, and black plaid wraparound skirt. It fastened on my left side with an oversized safety pin. My blouse was a ivory silk, lace-trimmed tank top. I wore a plain black blazer over the top. To complete my new “school girl” look, I wore my knee high black boots. Looking in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel attractive.

My feeling of satisfaction was short lived.

Arriving at school, I was assaulted by the overzealous decorations filling the hallways and stairways. All the posters announcing “GO TEAM GO!” and whatever other witty catechisms that the junior and varsity cheerleading squads brainstormed to come up with. Somehow, in my complete and utter self absorption, I completely forgot that this was the week leading up to our homecoming football game. Not that I really cared, but the realization that Mr. Pearl was in fact the coach of said football team, well I started to feel the optimism I sported earlier in my bedroom fading fast.

The rest of the day passed in relative normalcy. I went to each class, answered the questions directed at me, received my high achieving grades on tests, and went on to the next class to repeat the scenario. My best friend noticed my obvious preoccupation and called me on it during lunch.

“What’s the deal, Jess?” Mili asked, apparently irritated that I wasn’t listening to her regurgitated detail of the opening night cast party.

It took me a few seconds to realize that someone was talking to me, and looking down I wondered where the Hell the tray of odorous güvenilir bahis siteleri food came from. “What?” I asked, not trying to mask my confusion.

“Well, I was asking what is wrong with you,” Mili said, attempting to draw my focus from the disgusting food on my tray back to her. “You’ve been in your own little universe today.”

Looking up, I saw an actual flash of concern on Mili’s face. Frowning she kept my gaze, while I searched for an explanation that didn’t mention my irritation with a possible rendezvous with Mr. Pearl.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired.” I answered awkwardly. Grabbing my fork, I tried poking around on the plate.

“Tired? From what, you didn’t stay for the party last night, even though Joe was totally asking about you.” Mili said, her concern forgotten as she started her recounting of the previous night’s party.

Happy to have at least gotten her off of the subject of my weird behavior, I halfheartedly listened to her story, feigning interest in Joe (who the heck is Joe, I was wondering). I smiled as she talked about him monopolizing her time asking questions about her cute redheaded friend. In my head, I was seeing a completely different picture. One of me, the cute redheaded friend, and a certain very mature member of the faculty.

The day moved on with no further indication that anyone noticed, or cared that I was acting differently. I did get a few appreciative glances at my new look. By the end of the day, I was feeling semi-normal. I tried putting the kiss far from my mind, figuring that it was a one time thing, regardless of what we had said. Walking into the biology classroom, I had pretty well convinced myself that it really was just a fluke. At least until I saw Mr. Pearl’s face when he looked at me.

A slight flush spread against his normally tanned face. His eyes were slightly glazed, like when he had kissed me. He took my whole outfit in, from my perfectly mussed hair to the knee high boots, and from his expression I could tell he was approving.

Realizing his mouth was open in a gape, he quickly closed it and tried composing himself for the rest of the class. I took note of his obvious discomfort with a smile. For the first time since seeing the loud decorations announcing homecoming’s approach, I felt empowered. During the course of the lecture on the exact path our impending dissections were to take, I caught Mr. Pearl glancing in my direction. I’d catch his gaze, and lick my lips sultrily. Several times I managed to make him lose his place in his well rehearsed lecture.

After class was officially over, instead of his normal flirtatious banter with the class groupies, he retired to his desk. His desk was located at the back of the room facing our backs. As the majority of the class settled into the usual joking, gossiping and laughter, I noticed three of his usual fans move toward his desk. Rolling my eyes, I drew the latest book I was reading from my bag and started to open it to my saved place. I was startled out of this simple task by Mr. Pearl’s voice telling his little groupies to return to their seats, he was busy grading papers from another class. I’d never heard that one before, I thought.

The last ten minutes passed very slowly. My mind couldn’t seem to wrap around the words on the page I was reading, and I found myself rereading the same sentence too many times to count. I started to put the book away just as the bell finally rang. Everyone cleared out, for once no one straggled behind, except me. I was still tucking my books away, when I felt him behind me.

I turned around, and found myself almost eye level with his waist. Looking further up, I saw his eyes glittering. He bent down, taking my hands in his as his head leaned in to mine. This time I was ready for his lips, I kissed him with all the passion that he had kissed me with the day before. He released my hands and I wound them around his neck, playing with his hair at the nape. His hands went to my waist. His hands against the silky material of my tank sent waves through my stomach. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced with mine.

I felt one of his hands drop to my knee. The feel of his bare skin against mine made my thighs tingle. As we continued kissing, his hand roamed up my leg, skimming my thigh, and nudging my legs to separate. My legs parted, knowing that what I was feeling now was nothing compared to what I would be feeling soon. His knuckles grazed against the lace of my panty covered mound as we heard the door of the classroom open. We yanked apart, him standing quickly as I returned to straightening my bag and under the desk, my skirt.

“Uh, Coach,” I heard one of the football players say uncertainly. “You said you’d be in the weight room after final bell.”

Mr. Pearl cleared his throat and answered impatiently, “Yes, I know, but Jessica had a question concerning class. I’ll be there when I’m finished.” He said dismissing him.

I stayed down until I heard the snap of the door confirming that the intruder canlı bahis siteleri was gone. Sighing I stood up, gathering my bag and my blazer. “Well, at least we’re consistent.” I said, with a hint of sarcasm and more than a little bitterness.

“I’m sorry, Jessica,” Mr. Pearl said, sounding almost defeated. “Maybe we should take it as a sign.”

Settling myself that this was the end before there could be a real beginning, I had to agree. “Yeah, we probably should.” I started to walk away, but didn’t get far before I felt him tug me back against him.

“I never took you for a quitter.” He said, taking my mouth again as he pulled me against his hard body. I moaned as our bodies connected. His hands reached down, cupping my ass. My hands roamed up his chest, settling on his cheeks. Our mouths teased one another, nipping at lips and tongues. Our hands clenched against skin, pulling closer to each other. Hearing the slamming of lockers outside the classroom and other end of the day noises, finally drew us apart.

Our breaths labored, we smiled at each other. I pulled away and gathered my things. “I’m not a quitter.” I said confidently.

“Me either,” Mr. Pearl answered. “Which is why I’m not ready to pull the plug on this yet.”

Leaning against one of the student desks, my arms crossed over my chest, I asked, “So what do you propose?”

He leaned against the window ledge and mimicked my pose. His hand idly ran through his short cropped hair, thinking of a possible solution to our current dilemma. After several seconds of silent contemplation, during which I was able to study his immense sexiness, Mr. Pearl finally spoke.

“We could meet up earlier, before school.” He offered.

I raised my eyebrows at this completely unacceptable answer. “You want me to wake up earlier than necessary to come to school?” I asked, trying to make sure I heard him correctly.

He chuckled, obviously finding my disbelief at his suggestion funny, and made another proposition. “OK, then we could meet after football practice.”

I bit my lip, trying to decide if this new plan was more agreeable. Running the possible scenarios through my head, most of which had a very sweaty and very hot biology teacher, I smiled and nodded my agreement. “That seems like a better idea.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” He said, smiling back. “I should get going to the field, before another overanxious player bursts in again.” Pushing himself away from the window ledge, he moved closer to me. His hand caressed my cheek as he leaned in and let his lips slide against mine. Barely allowing me to feel his touch, he stood up. “Do you think it will be a problem for you to come back around six?” He asked, with a slight undertone of anxiousness.

I closed my eyes, to allow myself to recompose from his sudden departure. Opening my eyes, I noticed he was studying me intently waiting for my response. “I don’t think that will be a problem,” I said, licking my now dry lips. “In fact, I’m sure it won’t be.”

“Good,” he started with a smile. “Now get out of here, you little temptress, I need to get back to work.” He swatted my swaying behind as I turned to walk out.

I rubbed my butt in mock pain. Before leaving the class, I offered him a simple parting of, “See you at six.”

I had around two and a half hours to kill before meeting my teacher for some after hours tutoring. If I were one of the groupies, I could show up on the field to ooh and ah over his stunning display of masculinity. Since I wasn’t a groupie and the thought of watching men and boys fight over a ball wasn’t on the top of my list of favorite pastimes, I needed to find something else to occupy myself with.

I decided to go home and grab something to eat, maybe change my clothes. This would also offer me time to explain my evening excursion to my parents, should they have any interest. So I headed home. I heated up some spaghetti, that must have been what had no taste last night, and sat at the kitchen island eating and browsing through some catalogues. As I was finishing my “dinner” and started to clean up what little mess I had made, my parents arrived home. Seeing that I had eaten prior to our ordained dinner hour, my father asked if I had plans for the evening. I explained that I was going back to the school to help my biology teacher prepare for our following weeks dissections. Knowing what an overachiever I was, my parents weren’t very surprised at my extracurricular activities (if they only knew).

Looking at the kitchen clock, I realized that it was already half past five. I excused myself, explaining that I needed to change before going back to school. Didn’t want to ruin my outfit, did I? So I jogged up the stairs and picked out more comfortable clothes. First, I changed into a pale pink satin bra and boy short panty set. Then I put on my pink yoga pants with a white t-shirt that offered “Do you believe in love at first sight, Or should I walk past again?” I finished with white canvas shoes and freed my hair from the bahis firmaları loose knot, letting it fall around my shoulders. Last I grabbed a denim jacket from my closet, the evenings were getting cooler, and headed downstairs.

“When will you be home, honey?” My mom asked as I was grabbing my car keys and purse from the kitchen.

“I’m not sure. It shouldn’t be too late. Maybe nine?” I said, wondering how long I would be out.

“Ok, well be careful and drive safe,” my mom said, kissing my cheek as I headed out the door.

I made quick time getting back to the school, living only a short drive away. The building was mostly dark, but a few lights flickered here and there. The parking lot had quite a few cars, probably because of the student play that was having its run for the next few weeks. I parked at a discreet distance and made my way to the side entrance closest to the biology classroom. Opening the door, I slid inside without seeing anyone in the lot or near the building. I walked up the flight of stairs to the hallway outside Mr. Pearl’s class.

Stepping up to the glass window of the door, I noticed that the room was fairly dark. Opening the door, I started to wonder if he had changed his mind about meeting me. I walked further into the class in silence, looking around for signs that he was there. The silence was eerie. I started to feel certain that he had decided against meeting me. As I turned to leave, a slant of light at the back of the room caught my eye. I could tell it was coming from the storage room behind Mr. Pearl’s desk. Why there was light coming from the storage room, I could only guess.

I walked toward the light, dodging desks. Coming to a halt just in front of the door, I placed my hand on the knob. Before I could turn the knob, the door opened, bathing me in soft light coming from inside. Startled, I looked up into the amused eyes of Mr. Pearl. “I’ve been waiting for you, Jessica,” he whispered, his voice husky. I noticed that he hadn’t changed after practice. He was wearing a form fitting t-shirt and sweatpants with a pair of tennis shoes.

Stepping aside, he pulled me into the small room with him. I could see that he had put some effort into making the room comfortable. Thick blankets lined the hardwood floor, three small throw pillows were positioned at the edge of the blankets farthest from the door. The light came from two battery operated lanterns, letting the room be lit without the harsh florescent glow of the overhead lights. I smiled with appreciation that he had tried to make this memorable for me.

“How did you?” I asked, gesturing with my hand at the scene before us.

“Well,” he started, pulling me to him and cradling my chin in his hand to hold my gaze. “I thought that since you’ve been more than patient, it was the least I could do. The stuff was in my truck from a camping trip that I never put back away.”

Leaning his head toward mine, his lips grazed mine, tempting. My arms went around his waist and roamed up his back. My fingertips teasing at his hard muscles under the shirt. The kiss deepened, his tongue exploring my mouth and teasing my tongue. I moaned as he moved his hands down my body, skimming my breasts and hardened nipples over my smooth, flat stomach, around to my slightly curved behind. His hands cupped my ass, pulling me against him, letting me feel how hard he was beneath his pants.

Shyly, my hands lingered at the upper portion of my teacher’s body. My fingertips teased at his neck, smoothing down his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound against my hand and back up his back. My lower stomach was pressed against his crotch, feeling his excitement. I felt my own wetness growing, a gentle throb pulsed between my legs.

He pulled away from me, causing a whimper to escape my lips. Confused, I looked up to see if he could explain why he stopped. He reached down and pulled my jacket off, tossing it behind him onto a cabinet. Taking his cue, I tugged his t-shirt free from his pants, pulling it up and over his head. I played my hands against the bare muscles, teasing at his pebble like nipples. Smiling at my newfound forwardness, he his hands to the hem of my t-shirt. After pulling it over my head and free from my hair, I heard his breath intake.

“Wow,” he exhaled, “you’re more beautiful than I imagined.”

Glowing in his compliment, I barely noticed the removal of the rest of our clothes. Standing before him, completely naked, I was surprisingly at ease. Looking at his naked body, taking in the length of his hard cock nearly shook me from that comfort. He was big, bigger than I imagined men to be. Looking back, I can say it wasn’t more than 8 inches, but at the time it seemed a foot long. My expression must have betrayed my feelings. “I promise, I won’t hurt you.” Mr. Pearl vowed.

Taking my hand in his, he guided it to his length. It was surprisingly soft, with a hint of the veins lining the shaft. He closed my hand around his cock, pleased when I started exploring up and down the shaft. I leaned over to attempt a better look in the dimly lit room. Tossing my head to move my hair from my face, I noticed a drop of clear liquid on the tip of the head. I wondered what it would taste like. Bending lower, I flicked my tongue out, licking the drop.

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