Sharing the Wealth Pt. 02

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This story is a sequel to ‘Sharing the Wealth.’ You will understand this story’s plot and characters better if you read that one first. If you didn’t like that story, you won’t like this one. Also, I have switched from first- to third-person narrator, just to try it out. And the kinks are rougher here, also an experiment.


“I can’t believe you guys actually live like this, Helen.”

Amanda and Helen were having coffee in Helen’s kitchen Saturday morning. The kitchen was comfortable; tidy and well equipped. “Yes, well, it works us. And I must say I’m delighted — relieved, even — to let you in on the secret. You see, when William and I came to terms, he agreed that whether anyone found out about our arrangement was entirely up to me. But we both thought it was risky to involve friends, family or colleagues, so we haven’t. Except you now, of course.” Helen was referring to her dominance of William, her husband, and to events of the previous evening, when Amanda had been allowed free, anonymous use of William for several hours in a hotel room before she and Helen revealed her identity back at home.

“Did you guys talk about it after I went to bed?” Amanda asked.

“No, we went to bed, too.”

“Do you think he’s pissed?”

Helen shrugged. “Doubtful.”

“Think he’ll be embarrassed to see me this morning? Sorry I have to leave so soon.” Amanda had planned to spend the weekend, but problems at work summoned her back. She had just finished changing her flight.

Helen smiled. “Embarrassed? Let’s hope so. In any case, I have a plan for the morning that should do the trick.” The women were dressed casually in jeans and simple tops, Helen a fitted T-shirt and Amanda a white tank top. At Helen’s mention of a ‘plan’ Amanda felt a tingle. Indeed, she had been tingling all morning, whenever she thought about the night before. She’d had tingles enough by now that her underwear was damp and threatened to visibly moisten her jeans.

“Where is he? Still in bed?”

“No, I sent him out on an errand. He should be back soon.” She looked at her watch and added, “Heaven help him if he’s not.” Amanda would leave for the airport in 90 minutes.

William arrived home a short time later and left a package in the living room. He was dressed for early summer, in khaki shorts and a golf shirt. “Hello?!” he called. “I’m back.” Helen responded, “We’re in the kitchen.” William went to the kitchen, hoping for a normal morning, but no longer sure what normal was. As soon as he entered the room, Helen pointed first to the floor, then to her foot. Amanda watched with delight as William knelt and kissed Helen’s bare foot with its perfectly polished toenails. “Good morning, ma’am.”

“Her, too!” Helen admonished him when he began to rise. “Manners, William. My goodness! We have no secrets with Amanda.”

Amanda eagerly extended her foot. “Feels like old times, eh, panty boy?” She smirked as William kissed her foot and said, “Good morning, Miss.”

William rose and asked if there was any coffee left. “Not so fast, mister. I’ve a bone to pick with you.” Helen set down her mug. “Go bring me the strap. And lose the shorts!” William was surprised, to say the least, and full of dread as he left the room. He knew better than to protest, dawdle, stall, or otherwise keep his wife waiting. He quickly returned sans shorts and carrying a leather strap. He wore snug yellow panties with tiny orange polka dots and a white satin bow. The panties were sheer and did not hide his locked penis. Helen rose and took the strap. She pointed to the sink and said sternly, “Grab the sink, William.” He turned, bent at the waist, and placed his hands on either side of the stainless steel sink. He knew what was going to happen and was trembling.

“Now, William. You do know what this is about, don’t you?”

“Yes ma’am.” His voice cracked.

“Tell me why you are being disciplined.”

“I … I was late getting home last night, ma’am.”

“Lateness of the hour is not the issue. Tell me what you did wrong.”

William could barely speak and was afraid he might cry. “I stayed too late at Share the Wealth with Miss Rebecca,” he whispered.

Amanda gasped. “Helen! No!! That was my fault! I…”

Helen turned to Amanda and calmly raised her hand. “Mand,” she said, “Please.” She returned to her trembling husband and said, “William, please tell us whose fault it was.”

“Um, m-mine, ma’am.”

“Thank you. Now drop your panties.” William bared his behind. “Hands on the sink. Do not let go.”

And William’s punishment began. Helen swung the leather fiercely, expertly, and relentlessly at William’s exposed ass. The room grew loud with the crack of leather slapping flesh and howls from William. Immediately he was crying — sucking air between sobs, dancing from foot to foot — as Helen’s blows rained on his flaming red backside. Amanda watched William’s ordeal in horror.

Helen was efficient and it was over fairly quickly. When he heard her put the strap on bursa escort the table, William knew it was safe to let go of the sink and rub his burning bottom. He turned to the women with a wet face — tears, snot, and drool. “And now what have you to say?” asked Helen.

William rubbed away the mess on his mouth, caught a ragged breath and said, “I’m very sorry, ma’am. I will try to make sure it never happens again, ma’am.” He spilled more tears as he pulled up his panties.

“Very well, William. You may get your coffee and take it to the den. Mandy and I are going to talk some more.”

The women watched in silence as he fumbled awkwardly with a mug and the coffee pot before stealing out of the kitchen. Once he was out of earshot Amanda hissed, “Jesus Christ, Helen!! How could you do that to him?! Did you see his ass? How could you do that? Seriously, how could you do that?! I wouldn’t do that to a dog!!”

“Neither would I,” Helen replied. “But William is a man. And my husband.”

“You just whipped the shit out of him! And I told you, it wasn’t even his fault. He was late because of me! I told you last night. I thought you understood and it was OK.”

“Yes, well I expect William thought the same thing,” Helen replied. “Mand, I did understand and it was OK. For you. Not for him. It was my rule. He broke it. Normally I would have taken care of this on the spot — that’s the best way. But it was late, and anyway I decided I wanted you see it.”

Amanda stared at her friend. “You wanted me to see it? Helen, what the fuck? You thought I would enjoy that? Like watching you whale on his ass is gonna get me off?”

“Take it easy, Mand.” Helen paused and sipped her coffee. “First of all, it was not a show. I would have done it whether you were here or not. Though actually,” she added slyly, “I do think some women would be very turned on by watching.”

Amanda rolled her eyes. “I’m not turned on.”

“Fair enough. But, second, it wasn’t that bad. William has had worse, believe me. And he does enjoy humiliation. Having you watch it was much more humiliating.”

“Helen, you are NOT saying he enjoyed that. No way. He was practically in tears before you even started. Shit, I was practically in tears. I felt so bad for him.”

“No, I’m not saying he enjoyed it. But trust me, if he had been unlocked, his dick would have been rock hard — until the strapping took effect, of course. And I guarantee you: if he was allowed to masturbate? He’d eventually jerk off remembering it.”

Amanda raised an eyebrow skeptically. “You don’t let him jerk off?”

“Of course not! Well, not often. And only in my presence. My God, Mand, what do you think the chastity cage is for?”

Amanda took a deep breath, considering. “I guess I thought it was just part of the kink. Humiliating, like you said. Like panties and a butt plug.”

“Well that’s why I wanted you to see this, Mandy. After last night, you thought you knew us, but you don’t. Kinky or not, this is real. I am dominant. William is submissive. He is the best man I know — intelligent, caring, loyal, happy, creative; there is no one I would rather live with. But I am fucking dominant, period. I have zero interest in being married any other way, even to William.”

For a moment Amanda just gazed at Helen. “Wow…serious shit. Maybe I needed that in my marriage.” She grimaced ruefully. “Too late now.”

“Well, it’s not for everyone. I’ve known couples who say they’re into it, but really it’s a lark — a ‘kink’ as you say — a sex game, and they switch up the roles and have a laugh.” Helen shook her head. “But trust me, when it’s for real, and you’re the dominant one, then yes, you absolutely must be willing to ‘whip the shit out of him’ sometimes. It doesn’t work otherwise. I make a rule. If he breaks it and there is no penalty, then there may as well be no rule. What’s the point of that? I know therapists tell couples to talk things through, you know, communicate; if someone does something you don’t like, discuss your feelings. Fuck that. That presumes we are equals. We are not, and we both know it. Either I am in charge or we are not married.”

“But does the penalty have to be so … I don’t know … so harsh? I mean, couldn’t you still be in charge but just take away something he likes, just like you don’t let him jerk off?”

“Well, of course, some punishments are harsher than others. And there are carrots as well as sticks.” Helen swept her arm, gesturing at the room. “As you can see, we live in a normal house, not a dungeon. There’s no rack, no torture chamber. And we have plenty of fun together — Share the Wealth is fun, don’t you agree?”


“But trust me, Mand, there have got to be punishments he is very fucking afraid of. Otherwise it doesn’t work. You’re back to playing a game and I’m not interested. William knows I am not the least bit afraid to punish him. I will do it without hesitation or apology and he knows it. The first time I don’t, we’re finished. It’s bursa escort bayan essential.”

“He said you peed on him or something once. That was one of those times, I take it?”

Helen blushed. Much as she had shared with Amanda, she hadn’t shared that. “Yes, that was serious.”

“But what about the rest of it?” Amanda asked. “You told me you fool around with other men.”

“Hmph.” Helen raised her eyes to the ceiling. “Mand, that’s the only part that is a game. That’s just big-dick sex for me and humiliation for him. And who cares, really? Let me tell you …” she paused to chuckle, “…this one guy last year? He was this macho alpha buck who totally loved the idea that I was fucking him and cuckolding William and he’s way into the whole power trip. Until he sees me with William, supposedly humiliating him, but all of a sudden, wham, he gets it. He gets that I love William even though I’m humiliating him. He sees that William loves me. And before you know it — the guy starts wanting to be William. He gets it and suddenly he’s yearning to be a little bit beta!”

“You’re kidding!”

“No. And well, bully for him, but I had no interest. He’s not William. He’s gone.”

Amanda sighed. “I’m not sure I could do it.” Then she smiled brightly. “But it sure was fun bossing him around last night!” She paused, then said thoughtfully, “You know, that was the best sex I’ve ever had, and I didn’t even get laid! Maybe I need to give dominance a try.”

“Mandy, last night wasn’t dominance.”

“What? Yes it was! He was naked, handcuffed, licking my feet…” She pulled out her phone to check the time. “Shit, I should have taken pictures!”

“No need. Yes, of course, I know. William was submissive, but he was submitting to me, not you. You were superior but not dominant. And anyway, he gave it to you.”

“Really? You think I wasn’t dominant?” Amanda was mildly offended. “Helen, you weren’t there. I made him lick my asshole, for Christ’s sake! I sat on his face with his tongue up my ass! How is that not dominant?!”

Helen turned her head and called through the doorway, “William! A word in the kitchen, please!” William promptly appeared, apprehensive about the summons. Helen made him kneel before addressing him. “William, last night you did everything ‘Rebecca’ asked of you, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He began to worry. “I mean, I tried to, ma’am.”

“And why did you do that?”

“I was doing what I thought you wanted, ma’am.”

“Not for your own pleasure?”


“You enjoyed it, did you not?”

“Well, yes, pretty much…”

“William. Tell Amanda and me what you enjoyed most last night.”

“Umm, well, you know …” Helen cocked an eyebrow at his hesitation, and he understood he had to continue. “Well, I guess, um, the analingus.”

Helen opened her mouth in mock surprise. “You don’t mean to say you enjoyed licking Rebecca’s ass? Even her asshole? Pray, how can that be?”

“Well. Um, it was Miss Rebecca’s. And err, very beautiful. I…well, you know, a beautiful woman’s ass is just incredibly special to me, and um, one of the very best things…” he stammered, before quickly finishing, “and her asshole is totally the center of all that.”

“Thank you, William,” Helen dismissed him. When he had gone, she turned to Amanda with a confident smile. “You see, Mandy? He adores ass. Well, he pretty much adores the entire female anatomy — I should know. You thought you were forcing him when really, you were handing out his favorite candy.”

Amanda’s jaw dropped. She stared at the spot William had just left.

Helen laughed. “Oh, it’s OK. But like I said, that wasn’t dominance. It was more like a kinky first date. My little willie was wooing you with his subby act.”

Amanda spluttered, “I thought I was so mean and bitchy…I was feeling fucking sorry for him.”

“William really is submissive, but he’s also good at playing the submissive. He knows just how to make you feel superior. And he’s sooo proud of his oral skills, like he thinks his tongue is God’s gift sometimes …”

“And I fell for it,” Amanda fumed. “I felt so fond and protective of him by the time he left…”

“Well, he gulled you, Mand. But like I said, that’s OK. He did as I instructed (except for going overtime), and you had a lovely experience…”

“It’s not OK!” Amanda was visibly annoyed and felt her anger rising. She slammed her phone onto the table, stood up and faced the door. “William!! Goddamn it! Get your ass back in here!” she yelled.

Helen watched, curious, as William reappeared and Amanda pointed in anger to the floor. William knelt. Without explanation, Amanda grabbed an ear and used it to drag William forcefully out of the room. Alarmed but silent, William scrambled on hands and knees to where Amanda led him.

Which was to the bathroom. She directed him to a spot in front of the toilet. Pushing down her jeans and panties, she planted herself on the stool. görükle escort bayan She grabbed both his ears, pulled his face toward her spread thighs, and began to piss, loudly and forcefully. “You hear that, panty boy?” she snarled. “You see that? That’s my morning coffee!” She yanked his head still closer to her pussy. “You think that’s sexy?”

William did not respond but stared at the stream of urine; he was close enough to smell it. As soon as she finished, Amanda pulled his face into her dripping pussy. “Lick it, shithead!” she ordered. William complied, already familiar with the acrid taste.

He lapped timidly. Then Amanda, not at all timid, grunted and began to move her bowels. “Oh dear,” she whispered near his ear, “I think that coffee really IS working.” William recoiled, but Amanda held his head firmly and began pushing. “Stay right where you are! Nngh. Here it comes…” A shiny brown dome stretched and distended her anus, growing slowing until it protruded obscenely. At that point she stopped pushing and asked, “So, you think female assholes are beautiful, panty boy? The center of the fucking universe, huh? Well, take a look. Have a sniff! That’s my asshole, doing what assholes do. Do you still love it?!” Her log remained suspended above the water, half in and half out of her body. “Do you?!” Amanda boxed his ears — “Tongue out!!” — and rubbed his face on her sopping cunt. “Think about what’s happening, panty boy. What’s happening is you’re giving me head while I take a shit. What does that make you?” A moment later the stinking log finally splashed into the bowl. “Lick me and don’t stop!” William licked obediently; she held his head and farted copiously into the bowl, now letting everything go. William briefly wondered if he would be sick from the gas and the shit. Still he licked her pussy while she forced out two more turds. When she was empty, she flung him away and rose. Amanda bent over, swung her ass towards him and snapped, “Wipe me.”

William did so, silently and carefully, using the pre-moistened wipes that Helen preferred. When he stopped, she asked, “Is it clean?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“It fucking better be.” She pulled up her panties and shimmied into her jeans. “Look at me!” William lifted his eyes to hers. “I want you to remember this the next time you French my asshole, panty boy.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“And now you’re going to go back out there and tell Helen exactly what just happened in here. Got it?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Stop calling me ‘Miss.’ That was Rebecca. I’m Amanda and you will call me ma’am, just like Helen.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He heard the toilet flush as he left the room.

By the time Amanda got back to the kitchen, William had given his report and been dismissed. Helen was chuckling. “You devil!”

Amanda couldn’t help smiling. “Not dominant, huh? Not dominant? That right there was me, not you. Willie gave me nothing. I fucking took it!”


“And it felt … wow…it felt pretty great!” She hesitated. “But oh God, that was nasty. I mean, I was just pissed … probably went a little overboard, to tell the truth.”

“A valuable lesson for our William, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, but he’s yours, not mine. And he didn’t really deserve it. He was just doing his job last night.”

“No, no, no. Don’t go there. No regrets, Mand.”

Amanda drew a deep breath. “OK. You’re right. But now I really have to get going.”

“I’ll drive you.” Helen called out, “William, put your package in the car!” She turned back to Amanda and winked, “William has a going away present for you. We both hope you’ll find a use for it back home.”

Amanda gathered her belongings, a coat, carry-on bag and a backpack, in the living room as William returned from the garage. Helen said, “William, Amanda is leaving. You should give her a kiss goodbye and thank her for visiting us.” William nodded, “Yes, ma’am.” Amanda giggled and began unbuttoning her jeans. She stopped suddenly and said, “Whoops! My phone. It’s in the kitchen.” She hurried to the kitchen. Waiting for her return, Helen and William heard her exclaim, “Shit! My flight’s delayed.” She walked slowly into the living room staring at her phone.

“Oh dear. For how long?” asked Helen.

Amanda scrolled, intent on the screen. “Don’t know yet. Wait!” She looked up with a skeptical grimace. “Looks like only an hour, if they’re not lying. Could be worse, I guess.”

“You can stay here, of course. Or would you rather just get to the airport?”

“To be honest, I could use another cup of coffee.” She winked at William. “That first one just went right through me.”

“Of course. But we can do better than that. William? Where is Amanda’s present?”

“In the car, ma’am.”

“Go get it.”

The women were back in the kitchen when William returned with the package he had brought home earlier. He placed it on the table and waited for instructions. “Oh, Willie, that’s so nice,” Amanda cooed. “What is it?”

“Open it,” Helen suggested. Amanda tore off the wrapping and opened a small box. Inside was a dildo, a harness, and a tube of lube. Amanda laughed and help up the dildo, “That’s fucking awesome!”

“And now we even have a little time to break it in. Would you like to try it out?”

“Oh, hell YES,” Amanda cried.

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