Sex God Saga Ch. 08

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### Sex God Saga 8

### New Normal


Theo woke up, jerked off, and sent Paris a selfie to tease him. He got a dick pic back with the text ‘I thought I was decades too old for this but here I am’.

As if the cosmos wanted justice for the Onyx Skies prince, Theo barely finished brushing his teeth when he got a shirtless flexing selfie from Fulin ‘for my twink’ with a few flirty emoji. Theo jerked off for the second time that morning.

He wasn’t sure how to respond, since Fulin wasn’t looking for naked pics from men, so he asked the Green Dawn alpha about it.

Apparently Fulin wasn’t sure what he wanted either, aside from more time with the blond’s ass. Fulin was now chatting with his ‘gay goth cousin’ to figure out how to proceed. That cousin had taught Fulin the meaning of ‘twink’ which the alpha now used like it was Theo’s new name.

The shaman had time for some errands, permanently sharing his location with Keith, which felt bittersweet. He was closer to his crush than ever and no step closer to dating him.

And things with Paris were complicated. Not that Theo minded being a rich cutie’s boytoy for the time being.

The Watcher was highly interested again. Every little dog turned Theo’s way like he was a sizzling steak, every pigeon held still to follow his passing. It was eerie enough Theo started choosing side streets.

Walking by an old guy while practicing summoning let Theo see a wisp inhabiting the senior citizen’s head — probably clinging to some pattern of thought like love, suicidality or lasting worry.

Theo could have stayed and tried to coax the wisp with words of more subtly with Atlas glyphs, but he kept walking. It was no danger, just inhabiting thoughts, not creating them. Unless it was turning into a demon…

Theo pulled out his phone to text Keith and he sensed the flicker in the air around him.

The wisp had left its host and was trailing him.

“Uh, hi? You want to come along?” the shaman said, checking if anyone could see him talk to himself. “I have some sketches in my bag I can let you inhab-“

The wisp entered his thoughts. For a second, Theo was struck by paranoia. Considering the Watcher was real, it wasn’t hard to become convince the omnipresent being had sinister intentions and had other people work for it.

The moment passed and paranoia was replaced by a much more familiar sensation. Theo got horny.

And he couldn’t stop getting horny. He tried thinking about anything else and failed. His mind returned to fucking.

His pants opened as if his hands moved at someone else’s command. He had to stop. His erection slipped from his underwear. He really had to stop. He jerked off. This wasn’t going to stop, was it?

The blond threw himself over the chest high concrete fence of a condo and hoped nobody was looking out the window or about to leave or enter.

He struggled out of his clothes. He needed to fuck Keith. No *call* Keith. For a fuck, no, for advice.

“Call Keith.”

The phone did something while Theo rolled onto all fours, now naked. He jerked off with both hands, punching himself in the crotch more than he rubbed his dick. He had to… do something? The wisp. Fuck the wisp? No, something else. Magic, bind, V, something.

The phone made noises. A voice. Theo whimpered as he creamed his load onto concrete.

Seal! He had to defeat and seal the wisp.

He tore open his bag. He needed to… fuck the bag? No, paper, draw something. Draw a wisp… fucking him?

Theo cummed again, now dry and a little painful. One hand got free. He found a pen and dragged it over paper. An Atlas glyph of chicken scratches meaning ‘fuck me’. No, wrong. A new glyph meaning ‘fuck me’. Wrong again.

Another orgasm, now more pain in his dick than relief. A glyph meaning ‘fuck off’.

Theo pressed his head on the ground, forehead touching the paper seal.

He pumped adversarial V and the wisp left.

Clearheaded but dizzy and hurting all over, the shaman stabbed his pen at the flicker hovering over him.

“Get the fuck in there you demon bitch. I swear I will fuck you up. Obey.”

The wisp’s simple mind responded to the treats and retreated into the pen, bound by Vantage for now.

Theo scrambled to find his second pen, tore a strip of paper and drew a row of locks — Atlas glyphs of ‘stay put’ — to wrap around the limiting vessel.

He was just done slipping into his underwear when Keith found him.

“Hey, nudist.”

“Uh, hi Keith. Did I manage to call you?”

The Asian wore his white biker gear again. A silver crescent dangled on his ear. “Yeah, and I only heard sounds of struggle so I came. Did the possession finish?”

Theo raised the sealed demon. “Wisp. Turned demonic right at me, I think, but I defeated it.”

Keith punched the air. “Woohoo. Little Theo’s first win. Proud of you. Uh…” He looked at the taşova escort streak of cum splattered on the concrete. “Is that what I think it is? Man, demons really want you hot and ready, huh?”

Theo started slipping his jeans over his scraped knees. “Ouch. I should start carrying band-aids.”

“Still got Blinky? A little scratch should be fixable.”

Theo pushed the pants down again and patted the pocket. He didn’t like being in underwear on the ground in front of Keith — even less than being naked in public — but he faked confidence.

A firefly buzzed from his pocket.

“Hey little bug. Help me out? I’ll give you what V I’ve got left now.”

Blinky landed on his left knee and the slight burn vanished as the wound faded among glimmer. Same with the other knee.

“Thank, buddy.”

Keith collected the spilled things. “I’m on my way to Ivory Haven. There’s more demons in storage when we can handle so we gotta bring out the trash. You should take that pen.”

“Okay, where’s your ride?”

Standing up, Theo could see the bike. He was going to get to hold onto Keith’s abs again. He was no longer possessed but he remained horny. He waited until Keith walked off before adjusting his dick so it could get hard during the ride without issue — because it would.

### ### ###

“Your turn,” Keith said as they dismounted at Elmwood Square. “Find the entrance.”

Theo summoned and they walked along the shoppers and tourists. A wisp seemed to hang out at the wall of an ice cream salon. There was a handle on the wall nobody seemed to take note off.

Keith nodded encouragingly. Theo opened the wisp-guarded door into the mage tower.

Alessandra Nelson, the heavy set ginger strike force member, was waiting for them with a Fae — a boy fully covered in flowers, or perhaps made of flowers.

“We got one more to toss in,” Keith said. “Theo says it turned right as he walked by. Might be meaningful.”

“Congrats on the capture,” ‘Sandra said without emotion and walked ahead.

Keith leaned in, his bodyspray begging to be deeply inhaled. “She’s easy to distract, don’t mind her.”

“It’s fine,” Theo said and followed.

The uni-deer Ascelin was resting under the big lilac tree where a bald man in plain clothes was playing a large harp — Crew Morgan from the shaman order.

A rainbow shone over his head, a little frog-goblin thing rested by Crew’s color-splotch covered backpack.

“Veneration for Ascelin,” Keith explained. “But his sprite likes it, too. The rainbow is Picasso, sprite of colors, the mud imp is Mire, sprite of obscurity.”

“Crew is with team beta, right? Long term cover-up.”

Keith nodded. “Together wiiiith *this* guy.”

A light-skinned African American or mixed man meditated on the other side of the lilac. He had a jar-head with a strong jaw on wide shoulders. Corn rows hung beyond those. He wore some gold jewelry with otherwise tight, simple clothing.

“Chase?” Alessandra said. “When you’re ready.”

The black — biracial? — man rose as Crew’s harp play came to an end. “Ah, you’re Theo.”

“That’s me,” Theo said. “Everyone’s heard of me, huh?”

“Only great things,” Chase said. “I’m with the Shining Dark Stygians. You’ve not partied with us yet, right?”

“No. Not even with the Onyx Skies folk and I’ve been to their place a few times. You’re not… mortal enemies or something?”

Chase laughed. Now that he stood, he was taller than it had initially seemed. His gold-chain carrying neck was decorated with a line of eye tattoos.

“I’ll have Mo put you on the list.”

“Um, okay?”

Crew’s rainbow and mud imp retreated into his backpack.

The group of Alessandra and her nameless muse-boy, Chase, Crew, Keith and Theo walked to the basement where the theme of white walls continued.

Godrick, the bald fighter in a leather coat, awaited them in a room ringed by bookshelves. With him were three carts of junk, tightly covered in paper seals. Mostly bottles and glasses, some books, and some unusual objects like a syringe and a toilet brush.

Theo put his pen among the items.

“We ask for audience with Asphodel, Lord of the Pit,” Alessandra intoned. “We come bearing gifts we hope he may enjoy. Let his pleasure pay for entrance.”

“Hear this conjurer,” the flower-made boy said. “Her words are true. The gate shall open.”

A corner of the room sagged. Bookshelves crumbled to ash or moved aside or both.

A tunnel into the ground was revealed — or created.

The older shamans pushed one cart each. Keith grabbed a stack of tied up boxes. Chase the Stygian with eye tattoos grabbed one side of a black plastic crate and nodded at Theo to take the other side.

They made their way into the tunnel of packed earth, lit in warm colors from no obvious source.

Theo was annoyed with himself. He’d tavşanlı escort have needed to jerk off again with the demon wisp gone to clear his head but hadn’t managed. Now looking ahead made him see Keith’s backside, but looking to the side made him see the much closer Chase and his nice physique.

“Tell me something about yourself,” Chase said.

“Uh. I d-draw okay, I work at a coffee shop-“

“I’ve read that much,” Chase said. “Come on, you’re apparently a total cock slut, you can’t act shy now. What are your hopes and dreams? Or is it all cock?”

Keith up ahead chuckled and Theo was embarrassed enough he stopped being horny. Then he got horny *from* the embarrassment. Fuck.


Chase grinned and was dangerously sexy doing it. “Forgot we Stygians can see the mood in a room?”

“That w-was a demonic wisp of… repeat thought. W-what about you? Are you ancient? The Shining Dark coven is mostly new Stygians, right?”

“I’m old enough to get bored of chasing chicks. You’re easy, right?”


“He can be uptight,” Keith said, turning to walk backwards. “Surprisingly so.”

“Careful,” Godrick warned. “Don’t trip.”

“I won’t,” Keith said. “But Theo trips over his tongue a lot. And don’t get your hopes up, Chase. He’s already got two boyfriends. One outranks you and one is Tank.”

“He’s not…” Theo started. Should he defend Tank’s straightness? No, this was a fun conversation and he was already a wet blanket. “I wish,” he said instead, trying to sound mock-wistful.

“We enter the Pit,” Alessandra said.

The tunnel lead into a cavern of concentric rings of high shelves where prison vessels dwelled. Hundreds of them.

As they reached the center of the shelf rings, human-looking beings in the clothes of scholars of various eras from antique to Victorian emerged and wordlessly picked through the offerings. Muses of collection, serving Asphodel in this demiplane.

Theo helped open the crate he’d carried as one muse grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away.

“Uh, what? N-no.”

Theo tore himself free and the muse gave a quizzical look, then returned to examining the offerings.

“Well,” Godrick said. “That was fucking *bizarre*.”

“I wonder,” Alessandra said, “if that’s worth adding to the report.”

Godrick drummed on the handle of his cart. “Your Lady Hierarch would be upset if you don’t.”

“Can you not call Brielle the ‘lady’ hierarch?”

Theo raised his hand. “Can… can I ask about that report and my file in general. Is it possible to, like, *not* show it to everyone?”

Alessandra hummed. “We don’t tend to keep files secret within the order but I’ll ask Greyson. It makes sense to be sensitive with your…”

“Nice ass,” Godrick said, “as my little birdie would call it.”

### ### ###

It was pull day for Theo and chest day for Mako, so their routines overlapped enough to chat.

“Oh, by the way,” Mako said, sitting on a chest press bench, “I have a little warning.”

“About?” Theo asked.

“Well, maybe it’s nothing but I see Jun over there, making his way over, chatting with a million dudes every step, and he’s probably interested.”


“In you, dummy.”

“H-he’s bi?”

Mako chuckled. “No idiot, not interested in sex. He’s just crazy curious. He can run his mouth for hours, as you can clearly see. And you got interesting.”


“Everybody with access to the Harpersfield shaman chat group got asked to close any open files about you cause they were about to get set to password protected.”

“Yeah, I requested that.”

“So naturally, everybody frantically took a look before it was gone.”

“Oh. Oh no. That backfired.”

“No shit. I was the first one there cause I’m always at the computer. View count was eight then but shot up fast. So, Jun, right? Probably going to want to pick your brain.”


“He’s harmless. If you want to change the subject with him, talk about workouts.”

Theo had just started single arm lat pulls when the Kim brothers stepped up to either side of him.

Bloomdancer Aaron with a baseball cap on top of his distractingly handsome face leaned in, sweet body spray and fresh sweat wafting from his red gym top along with body heat.

“Just a warning, Jun’s planning to chat you up later.”

Theo turned his grunt of exertion into a groan. “I was warned, okay? Can I get more than that? Some help?”

“Well, you were chiefly interesting because you were new to the Mysterium and in desperate need of a personal trainer-“

“Double kill,” Duke Kim butted in. The fake blond, tattooed physique builder gave Theo a poke in the back to correct his posture on the machine.

“But now,” Aaron said, “everyone’s read your file. Pretty sure Tank’s phone was blowing up. You accomplished the impossible.”

Duke tekirdağ escort chuckled and gave Theo a smack on the shoulder. “Tank’s the straightest guy I can imagine and he’s talking about you like *that*? We’re impressed, you know.”

“I don’t actually,” Theo said. “I don’t have access to the shaman intranet for another week or two.”

Aaron waved his hand. “Apparently you’re ‘heaven’. Or your ass is anyway. Never knew Tank had such a poetic streak.”

Duke nodded at his brother. “We even talked about, like, chatting you up for a test ride. Haha.”

“Crazy huh?” Aaron said. “But you can’t be that good, right? Neither of us wants a dude-mouth working between our legs. Sorry to disappoint.”

“No loss,” Theo said, trying to sound casual enough to play over what a massive loss it was.

“Don’t kid yourself,” Aaron said. “You want this.”

The prettyboy Bloomdancer hit a lazy side chest. His pecs bulged and Theo started a new set to keep his pleading expression from giving him away.

Duke chuckled. “Plus, we weren’t sure if Tank would be okay with that. Does he own your ass now?”

“I-if anything,” Theo said, “I’m dating Paris. Maybe officially? Not sure.”

“Did you take Tank’s real monster?” Duke asked. “We all know he’s too big to fit pussy. That meathead douche. We once thought he’s gay with how dick-obsessed he is but it took you to turn him.”

“I didn’t *turn* him,” Theo said.

“But you took the whole thing?”

“I… yes?”

The brother laughed. “Fucking unreal,” Aaron said. Duke vaguely measured along Theo’s back, probably seeing how far inside him Tank had been.

“Hey, maybe you can turn Jun,” Aaron said. “Vienna’s back with Jason.”

“What does that mean exactly?” Theo asked.

“Honestly, not sure. I don’t get their arrangement. I’d never share with a guy.”

“Hey,” Duke said. “We were going to share Theo. Hahaha.”

The shaman stepped off the machine and slipped between the muscular Primals. His face nearly crashed into immense pecs under a long black shirt. The shirt ended just below the crotch, hiding short shorts. Naked legs big enough to make old oaks blush ended in worn out sneakers.

“Oh, h-hi J-Jun.”

### ### ###

Theo’s mattress had a cover by now. He was naked, the room hot and humid from his lost-in-thought blow drying.

Paris picked up. “Hey, babe. I was just thinking of you. What’s up?”

Theo suppressed a squeal, only letting out a huff. “Always thinking of me, aren’t you?”

“True. So, phone sex?”

“Um, I was going to talk about my day?”

“Hung out with Tank?”


“Someone else? More guys hooked on you?”

Theo sighed. “Know Jun Ho?”

“Dusk Howler alpha? Makes Tank look small? Yep. You fucked him?”

“No. Ugh, can you take your mind out of the gutter? But also, I wish. I fucking wish. He invited me to the Smiling Panda after gym, along with Mako.”

“Nice. Romantic dinner.”

“No. He invited me into the *kitchen*. Mrs Yoshida lets him do his mealprep there before they clean up for the day. Apparently Mako started that trend. Have you ever seen twenty pounds of plain chicken breast come out the oven? It’s so unappetizing.”

Paris laughed freely. “Doesn’t he talk like a waterfall?”

“Mostly. I think Mako saved me by giving me things to do. I have a fridge full of bodybuilder meals now. I can basically live off Jun’s crumbs. Anyway, he didn’t mention my ‘file’ even though everybody else is obsessed with it-“

“Should have left that alone. I could have told you secrecy makes people looks even harder.”

“Yeah yeah, but Jun never talked about it. He just kept, like touching me. Shoulder rubs, head pats, standing closer than necessary.”


“I know. He kinda tossed me around by virtue of his size. Even Mako thinks he was being flirty.”

Paris took a moment to answer. “You could tell him off.”

“He’s a Primal. He could third-eye and see I’m lying. And he hasn’t said anything yet, really. And he’s hot in a weird, too-much way. Like Fulin dialed up to eleven, except Fulin’s already dialed up to eleven, if you get me.

“Just suck his dick.”

Theo sighed long and dramatically. “I don’t want men going insane at me like… well, like you and Fulin. But if I hold back it’s going to be disappointing — for both of us. And he’s straight so there’s a whole struggle I’m going through with Fulin already. Like how do I respond to a nude from him if he isn’t actually into my body?”

“Are you naked?”

“I… yeah. You?”

“Yep. Phone sex?”

Theo chuckled. “Sure. Not the answer I wanted but probably what I need right now.”

“Are you hard?”

“Getting there.”

“Who do you think of when you jerk off?”

Theo’s mind briefly flipped to Keith. Should he politely lie?

“You… are somewhere in there,” the blond said.

The prince laughed. “Fine by me. Be a slut, even in your dreams. Which dick do you think of?”

“Uh, various?”

“You like Tank’s monster.”

“Well, yeah…”

“Think of mine now, slut.”

“Okay. I mean, yes sir.”

“Describe it. Tell me what you’d do with it.”

Theo’s dick went rock hard. He licked his lips and started fantasizing.

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