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Subject: Sams discovery at the pool – part 2 Gay – Adult-youth : M/b This is a work of fiction between boys and a man. If this is not your type, please find a story that is, there are plenty to go by. Do not repost without authorization. Also, please donate to Nifty to keep this archive alive. Donate, if not for you, for any young guy discovering his sexuality who just wouldn’t be able to pay for such a service, it needs to remain free. ————– Sam’s discovery at the pool 2 I went downstairs and saw the boys playing Fifa. I quickly past them as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, my mind was still drifting on the images of these two boys naked. I was still in some sort of a daze. I needed to take my mind off it ASAP. Once I was done, joined them on the couch, sat between them, and took a controller. “All right kids, time to defend your honor and tag team against me”, I said, smiling. They finished their game and started one where they were on one team and I was in the other. I really had trouble focusing, feeling them on my sides, images of their naked bodies flashing in my mind. Needless to say, I was not a the top of my game. With no surprise, the boys beat me in the first game and were ecstatic. I finished my beer and grabbed another while they cheered and gave themselves high-fives. They taunted me and we started another game. It was much harder now against the two of them. They were making coordinated plays and I had to pay attention and play my best. I managed to focus enough to win the second game. “Aw man, that was close”, Will said. “Yeah, this is fun. Much closer than 1v1”, Jamie said. We played several matches, some I won, some I lost. Plus, the more beers I drank, the less good I was becoming. We really had a lot of fun. Eventually it was getting late. “All right guys, I’m getting tired”, I said. “Awwww”, they both said, looking disappointed. “There’s always tomorrow, I’m not working so you guys can try again”. They then closed the TV and went upstairs. “Good nite”, I yelled as they were walking up the stairs. “Nite”, they answered. Now I knew it was late but I wasn’t feeling that tired. I still felt the stress from performing well on Fifa against the boys. I opted to smoke some weed to relax. I rolled up a joint and silently made my way outside in the backyard. I knew the side door squeaked a bit and I hoped the boys didn’t hear it. The air was so warm tonight. I smoked my weed, taking deep breaths, feeling better. Once I was done, I was pretty high and made my way inside and to my room downstairs silently. I went on my computer and looked at some gay porn. I just clicked on the video featured on my favorite porn site. Some guy was fucking another one in the ass. It got me hard but my mind always drifted back to the boys this afternoon. I paused the video halfway through, feeling I was not really watching it, and put the computer on sleep. I got rid of my clothes and lied down on my bed naked. I’ve been sleeping naked ever since I can remember. I love the feeling of cold sheets on my naked body. As I was staring at the ceiling, images of earlier today came back flashing in my mind, mostly my little brother’s huge dick. He’s a stocky boy, with a big dick to match. I still couldn’t get over the fact that my thirteen year old little brother was more of a man that I was. I took my hard dick in my hand and started jacking off. I could picture the two of them clearly in my mind, naked, under the showers. Two young studs with hot dicks washing each other. I wondered how big they got when they’re hard. I then remembered Rick’s batman escort hard dick when we were fourteen, big and hard. Fueled by these images, I came in no time. I took a few tissues and cleaned the cum on my belly and on my dick. A few minutes later, I was still unable to sleep, still haunted by today’s events and I was starting to get hungry. I put on some briefs, climbed the basement stairs and went to the kitchen. I ate some cookies and drank some milk. When I passed the stairs to go back down, I heard the boys talking faintly upstairs. I wondered what they were talking about. Since I was high, this suddenly interested me greatly where I would’ve normally just ignored it. So I got closer to the stairs to hear better. I could barely make out what they were saying so I climbed a couple of stairs silently, thanking the fact that they were solid and didn’t creak. “Shit man, I can’t believe yours is bigger than mine and you’re a year younger”, Jamie said. “Rob once told me we were lucky cause we have big dicks in our family. I was younger and he was much bigger than me then so I took his word. Hey do you think Sam can hear us?”. “Dude, he’s two stories down, plus he’s probably out cold, I saw him go outside and smoke a joint a while ago. When he smokes, you could drive a train in his room he wouldn’t even realize it. I sometimes go play on the tv downstairs once he’s out and he never wakes up, even if I put the sound on, or go pee in the bathroom next to his room”. What? He does that? I had no idea!, I thought. And more so, he knows I smoke weed! Dang it! “Talking about Sam, did you see his dick at the pool?”, Jamie asked. “No, did you?” “Yeah, in the shower”, Jamie answered, grinning. “Oh, how big was it? It must be big”, Will said, a bit excited. “No man, hehe, it’s tiny!”, Jamie said, laughing. “What? No way!” “Yeah way, it’s barely bigger than my thumb”. “Shut up, you’re full of shit”. “Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit. But it didn’t look more than three inches and it was thin”, Jamie said. I then silently went downstairs and back to my room. I got rid of my briefs and lied down in my bed, pulling the covers over me. I looked at the ceiling thinking. I though I had done a good job of hiding myself today. I didn’t want to be too obvious about it so it’s no surprise one of them was able to see it. I felt weird knowing Jamie knew he had a bigger dick than me. I didn’t like that it was like that, it should have been the other way around. I then heard a noise that pulled me out of my thoughts. My bedroom is at the other end of the house downstairs. You had to cross the family room to get to mine. But it was aligned with the stairs and I could see shapes coming down the stairs. I always left a faint light on in the stairs. I saw both boys in their underwear trying to make the least amount of noise and come my way. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I then felt a hand on my chest, shaking me. “Sam, you awake?”, Will asked. I decided to see where this was going and pretended I was sound asleep. He shook me some more, a bit harder. “See? Out cold. He had like five beers and smoked weed so it’s no surprise”, Will said. “All right, now let’s see what he’s got so you can finally believe me”, Jamie said. “Wait, I can’t see a thing”, Will said. I heard him turn on the light on my desk next to my computer. “That’s better”, Will said. I opened one eye just a little to see them standing next to my bed, in their boxers. They had large bulges at the front. This made me hard almost instantly. I quickly closed my eyes despite bayburt escort my desire to see more. I then felt my bed sheets being shoved away from my body, all the way down to my knees. “Hey, he’s naked”, Jamie said. “And he has a sleep boner, haha”. I could almost feel my little brother’s gaze on my small dick. It sent shivers down my spine. “Damn, you were right. He IS really small”, Will said. “Isn’t it? Mine was that size when I was like eleven years old, hehe”, Jamie said, laughing. “It’s really thin too. Like a hot dog sausage. How long do you think it is?”, Will asked. “I dunno, he probably has a ruler on his desk or something”, Jamie said. I heard Will go next to my desk. “Yeah, there’s two. A small six inch one and a twelve inch one”, he said. “Get the six inch one, for him it’s more than enough”, Jamie laughed. I then felt a hand on my dick and the feeling of the plastic ruler against my dick. “It’s… four point five inches”, Will said. “Is that small?”. “I don’t know… well it sure looks small”, Jamie retorted. “How big are you Will?”. “I don’t know, let me check”. I then felt the hand release my dick and heard the sound of underwear being pulled down low. “This ruler is too short, my dick goes way beyond it”, Will said. “Well take the other one”, Jamie said. I heard Will move to my desk and heard him come back close to us. I opened an eye ever so slightly to see what was going on. For a fraction of a second, I could see my little brother putting the ruler above his huge hard cock. “Humm okay. So it says… eight inches. What about you?”, Will said, handing the ruler to Jamie. Jamie took the ruler and put it above his respectable cock. “Six inches”, he said. “Cool, I win. AND my dick is fatter than yours”, Will said, proudly. “That’s hard to say”, Jamie said. “They look similar”. “Here”, Will said, moving right next to his friend, offering him his dick. “Hold it and compare”. Both boys had almost forgotten about me. I could see Jamie take hold of Will’s dick with his left hand and hold his own with his right, with my squinted right eye. “Dammit, you’re right. Yours feels fatter. I can’t close my hand around yours and I can on mine”, Jamie said, sounding horny. He kept holding the two cocks and gave them a little jerking motion. “Let me hold them too”, Will said. He then took hold of both cocks and stroked them a little. “This feels good”, Jamie said. “Yeah”, Will said. I then felt a hand on my dick. It was trying to wank me off. “Hehe, he’s so small, I can’t use my whole hand to jerk him off”, Jamie said. I then felt him use his thumb and two fingers to wank me. It was starting to feel good. “Hehe, I have to wank him like a little kid”, Jamie said. This made Will laugh, the way only boys do, in a high pitch. “Dude, let’s go back to your room and jerk off”, Jamie said, releasing my dick and pulling my bed sheets over me. “Mmmmk”, Will answered. I opened the other eye to see better and saw Will go to my desk and turn off the light on it. He must’ve touched my mouse because my computer turned on and the screen lit up. Will then looked at my computer questioningly. I then had a flash of horror realizing I had the video of two guys fucking when I put it on sleep, the boys would see it! “Oh shit”, Will said. “Dang, what are they doing?”. “They’re fucking, duh”, Jamie said. “Yeah but it’s two guys and he’s fucking his bum”, Will said. “Yeah, it’s butt fucking”, Jamie said. “Shit, I didn’t even know you could do that”. Both boys were looking at the video, playing with their hardons. “Dude, let’s bebek escort go to your room, I don’t want to make a mess in your brother’s room”, Jamie said. “We’ll come back tomorrow to see if he has more stuff on it if he leaves. Let’s go”. “Okay”, Will said, putting his dick back in his underwear and turning off my computer. It was now dark in my room and I could see both boys’ silhouettes with very tented underwear go up the stairs. I couldn’t believe what just happened. These two kids had looked at my naked dick and measured it to see how small it was. I was blushing madly thinking about it. I wish I could have seen their hard cocks better. My eye was open only slightly, not giving me all the details. I couldn’t believe Will had eight inches where I only had four and a half. God I wanted to feel both their cocks. I also wondered how they felt about the video. I knew they were probably jerking off in Will’s room. I remained naked and went up the stairs, silently. I was hoping they were already busy with jerking off so they wouldn’t pay attention to any potential noise. I wanted to see them again and hear them. As I was getting up the stairs to the second floor, I could progressively hear the unmistakable sound of fapping. “I wish I had a computer in my room”, Will said. “Yeah, that’d be awesome”, Jamie added. “Hey, do you think we could do each other like earlier?”, Will asked. “Sure, here let me do you” Jame said. “It feels so much better when it’s someone else doing it”, Will said with pleasure in his high-pitch voice. I really wanted to see this so I risked a peek. I could see the bed from the side, the two naked boys lying on their back, looking at the ceiling. Jamie was holding my little brother’s huge cock and jerking him off. From this vantage point, I could only see the tip of Jamie’s cock and half of Will’s. “Oh Jamie, keep going”, Will said, enjoying the feeling his friend was giving him. Jamie went a bit faster, making my brother squirm as he started moving his feet and curl his toes. Jamie continued for a moment until Will stopped him. “Here, let me do you”, Will said. Moving his friend’s hand and taking hold of his cock. He then started wanking Jamie’s dick the same way it had been done to him. “Oh yeah, it feel nicer when it’s someone else, you’re right”, Jamie said. Will continued jerking off his friend, going a bit faster. After a moment Jamie moved his hand back on my little brother’s dick and masturbated him at the same time. Both boys were taking sharper breaths, breaking the silence. “If this feels good, imagine how it feels to fuck”, Jamie said. “Yeah”, Will said, between little sharp breaths. “Do you think your brother would let us do it to him?”, Jamie asked. “What? Sam? I don’t know. Why?” “He has videos of it, he must know about it and surely does it”, Jamie said. They then started going faster. The first one to cum was Jamie. He shot several spurts on his belly. He never stopped wanking off his friend, going even faster to bring him over the edge. “Ooh shit, I’m cumming”, Will squeaked with his high-pitch voice. He then shot a copious amount on his chest. I was surprised that he could cum this much, I was expecting dribbles. “Phew, that felt awesome”, Will said. “Yeah”, Jamie answered, exhaling loudly. “Give me a dirty shirt on the floor”, Will said. I then moved from the doorway before I could be seen. I quickly tip-toed back to the basement and lied down in my bed. I started jerking off furiously recalling the images I had just seen. I came a few minutes after. I cleaned myself and was finally able to fall asleep. To be continued… ——— Liked this story? Please let me know your ota I really enjoy people writing to me about my story. Don’t hesitate to write and say a few words 🙂 Don’t underestimate the power your words of encouragement have.

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