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overseerCHAPTER ONE — PREPARING THE MASTER’S WIFEBagoas strode confidently though the courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah. He was a powerful personage in this Palace. Physically powerful, because he was careful to keep fit by exercise, unlike many of his peers; mentally powerful, because his youthful experience had hardened his mind until now concentration and focus came to everything he did; monetarily powerful, since in a world where a single gold piece represented riches to most men, his clothes jingled with several pieces of gold; and in a powerful position in the household of a powerful man.He left the courtyard at an extremely ornate door, carved and painted by master artists, and with the Hand of Fatima in its center. Ascending a flight of stone stairs, he came to another ornate door. Two guards with large scimitars snapped to attention as Bagoas approached and opened the door. Passing in, Bagoas was in a lavish chamber, decorated with hangings woven of camel’s hair and silk. Beautifully embroidered pillows littered the floor. On four sides of the chamber were archways, two of them hung with tasseled curtains. The side on the East, closest to Mecca, had a lattice work door in front of its curtain.Bagoas clapped his hands twice commandingly. Quickly the curtains covering the two archways were pulled back, and in each stood a beautiful girl clad in a long clinging gown. One was Saiesha, a black Abyssinian beauty whose white teeth flashed behind her dark lips. The other was Maria, a fiery Spanish girl with light brown skin, long black hair, long black eyelashes, and flashing black eyes.Bagoas, indeed, was in the harem of the Governor of Ouarzazate, an important desert Oasis of the Moors. This meant, of course, that he was like the guards at the door, a eunuch. These days he never lamented what he had lost when he was less than 10 years old, because he knew that giving up his balls had brought him to his position of power as Overseer of the Governor’s harem. Women of beauty meant nothing to him, power meant everything, so he was careful to serve Governor Glaoui’s every need.”The Governor has important guests for dinner tonight, praise Allah,” he intoned. ” You slave girls must prepare the Governor’s wife to appear at the dinner.” Both girls pressed their hands together and bowed to Bagoas respectfully. Saiesha’s clinging white gown, and Maria’s red one, had low cut necklines that showed off their breasts prettily as they bowed, but Bagoas cared nothing for that.He turned to the lattice door, and tapped respectfully on it. The curtain behind it was pulled aside and the Governor’s wife stood behind the lattice. She was a tall dark Moorish beauty. Her name was Durrah, the Pearl. The large dowry the Governor had sent to her father, as well as her stunning good looks, caused the Governor to call her his Pearl of Great Price. Like the slavegirls she was dressed in a clinging gown, but hers was of saffron color trimmed with gold braid. “My lady, the Governor requires your presence to meet his guests at dinner,” he said, bowing low as he did so.Durrah swung aside the lattice and stepped into the central room. “Then the slaves shall help me prepare,” she said. Both slave girls dropped to the floor giving her deep obeisance. Had a true man ever penetrated to the harem (which would have cost him his life) he would have noticed that the open necks of their gowns fell down showing the round mounds of their naked breasts beautifully, and kneeling down also pulled the gowns taut over their butts displaying them to great advantage. But alas, they would never see a man in here, and Bagoas did not even notice their womanly charms.The Pearl stepped imperiously into the center of the room. Without giving a moment’s thought to Bagoas, she slid her robe down over her shoulders, displaying her large round breasts, and then dropped it to the floor. As the Moors preferred she had a bit of roundness to her belly, and below that her pubic mound plucked clean of hair lying over her dark slit. The slave girls took her hands and assisted her to lie face down on the pillows.They then took up pots of unguents scented with precious myrrh and began to rub them into her body. One girl knelt on each side of the Pearl, and started massaging her neck, then her shoulders, then her back with the precious scent. They worked down almost to the mounds of her behind, and then moved down to massage her feet, then work up her legs past the knees and along the thighs. Reaching the cheeks of her ass they rubbed the unguent over the mounds, and then carefully down into the crack so even that place smelled sweet. Bagoas chuckled inwardly as he saw their fingers gently touch the rear part of the Pearl’s pussy slit. He knew she had done nothing except share dinner with her master for some days, and wise in the ways of the harem women he knew she would be feeling building sexual tension. If the slave girls pleasured their mistress a tiny bit it was none of his concern.One of the girls touched the Pearl’s shoulder lightly, and the Arabian lady rolled over for the remainder of the unguent. Thus relaxed on the pillows she displayed her female charms in great beauty, from her full round breasts with their dark nipple tips, down over her rounded belly to the soft clean pubic mound, and the top of her dark female lips between her full thighs. It was enough to drive any man wild, but no man except her husband would ever see it. Bagoas was less affected by the sight than the slave girls were.This time the slave Saiesha leaned over the Pearl’s head and began massaging her shoulders. Saiesha’s gown again fell forward to expose most of her full black tits this way, but only Maria noticed it. Maria meantime began at her mistress’ feet and worked upward. They glanced at each other, and subtly timed their work so that Saiesha was rubbing the precious salve into the Pearl’s breasts as Maria reached the top of her thighs. Bagoas watched impassively as each of them touched the proper spots, Saiesha rolling the nipples while Sara gently rubbed the pussy lips. Durrah stretched sinuously to meet their attentions. Bagoas shifted his position slightly so the gold coins on his clothes jangled together. The slavegirls quickly removed their hands and stood up, bending over to help their mistress arise.This awkward action showed all of them to great advantage, had there been a man to watch. The two slaves displayed their butts behind the thin cloth as they bent,and their breasts drooped down as their hands reached out to grasp their mistress’ hands. She in turn spread her legs and bent her knees to help her arise, spreading her pussy lips wide as she pushed up with her thighs. None of the women bothered with the graceful ways they had been taught when they were in front of only Bagoas.The Governor’s wife now stood tall and beautiful in her nudity. The slave girls picked up containers of fine powder. With brushes of the softest camel’s hair they began to gently dust it over the Pearl turning the skin glistening from the unguent into a pure soft glow. As the brushes caressed her tits and teased her nipples the Pearl closed her eyes and enjoyed it. Then the brushes swept down over her round belly and lightly touched her pubic mound. She spread her thighs to receive the brushes, which stroked her upper thighs and then gently moved back and forth over the dark lips of her pussy. Bagoas leaned forward to watch this treatment, purely with a professional look to see it done correctly.Saiesha, skilled with the dark cosmetic known as kohl, outlined the Pearl’s large black eyes so they shone even darker. Then she brushed a light red powder on the woman’s cheekbones. Next a chamois cloth was dipped in a carmine paste and it was gently applied to her lips, making them appear full and wide. Maria now took the chamois and dipped it in the carmine again, and gently painted the Pearl’s nipples with it. Finally she touched the woman’s pubic mound, silently asking her to spread her legs, and used the chamois lightly to tint the dark lips with a red sheen. The Pearl shuddered a bit as she felt the cloth over her pussy. Bagoas nodded in approval, thinking that she was now in a fine state of sexual tension to please his master after dinner.The slaves now brought forward her dinner gown, a very expensive dress made from silk brought all the way from China. It was light green in color which complimented her dark skin and hair, and set off the redness of her lips. They slipped it over her head, then brought her broad cloth-of-gold belt and strapped it around her waist. Next a cord made of the soft hide of a young camel and dyed a light golden color was d****d around her neck. Crossing it between her breasts and tying it around her waist separated her boobs and pulled the silk tight against them so the nipples stood out and their carmine makeup could be slightly seen through the thin fabric. The dress clung tight to her hips, accenting the roundness of her ass, then flared out prettily as it fell almost to the floor, leaving only her small feet exposed. She stepped into sandals studded with silver, and turned to Bagoas with a slight nod. Bagoas came forward with her veil. The Governor was obedient to the word of Allah and saw to it she never appeared in public unveiled, but his vanity ensured that the small veil was made of the sheerest black material, so that it did not truly hide her amazing beauty but perhaps just emphasized it.Extending his arm, he escorted her out of the harem, which she was only permitted to leave under his powerful protection and supervision. They went down the stairs and across the courtyard, where a large set of double doors made of rare woods and beautifully inlaid marked the Governor’s reception chamber. However, Bagoas took his mistress to a smaller door painted with elaborate designs, and they entered a small chamber with a comfortable chair and a low stool in it. Seating the Governor’s wife in the chair, Bagoas sat down on the stool. In front of him at his eye level, a panel of semi transparent lacy material had been worked into the design of the door. He knew that from the other side it was only a portion of the complex pattern. Looking in, he saw Governor Glaoui seated on pillows covered with carpets, and on each side of him one of his important guests from Rabat, the capital of the nation. No lesser guests would have been joined by the principal wife at dinner. Bagoas then quietly opened the inner door and stepped out to stand silent where the Governor could see him.Soon, the Governor said, “My friends, tonight my beloved wife Durrah, my Pearl of Great Price, will dine with us.” The guests murmured their thanks at the honor he was doing them, and he nodded at Bagoas. The eunuch threw open the door and The Pearl regally entered the room. Her chair was set some distance from the guests, as was appropriate, and Bagoas took up his position behind it.The Governor clapped his hands for the meal to begin. As the mistress of the house was in the chamber, the only servants permitted in were the junior eunuchs of the household. Bagoas had spent the afternoon drilling them in their duties and he was happy to see they remembered their manners perfectly. Although the three men dipped their hands into a common dish, the eunuchs brought the lady’s food to her table and handed it to Bagoas, who personally laid it in front of her. She only nibbled at the meal, not wanting to soil her veil or disturb the carmine on her lips.After the meal, the Governor said, “My lovely wife, we are all honored by your presence. Bagoas, take care of my wife.” At these words, Bagoas extended his arm to The Pearl and let her through the small door into the antechamber. Both of them had clearly heard what the Governor said. If his words had been, “Escort her back to her quarters,” the evening would have been over for her. But the Governor’s words instead told both of them that he expected her to return to him when the guests had left. The both sat down and waited. Bagoas put his eye to the peephole. He could hear faintly, but he heard both of the dignitaries from Rabat praising the wife’s beauty and grace.The Governor was highly complimented that he had pleased them, and replied, “Praise Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, he has truly blessed me with that woman. Her beauty, her grace and her honor are known throughout my Province.” Then, after kissing each guest on the cheek, he had the servants escort them to their quarters.Now being alone in the elegant chamber, he turned to look directly at Bagoas’ peephole. Of course, he knew all about it, and knew Bagoas and Durrah were waiting in the anteroom. He nodded slightly in that direction. Bagoas turned and extended his hand to the Pearl. As she stood up, he checked to see that she was carefully attired. Her fine silk dress still fell in delicate folds about her body, her breasts stood up between the crossing of the golden cord, and their nipples pressed forward through the thin fabric. Behind the light green silk the carmine on her nipples could be faintly seen. Since she was returning to her husband, she let the thin veil drop off her face. Her eyes outlined with kohl and her lips brightened with carmine emphasized her beautiful countenance to its utmost. To any man she was a tantalizing sight. To Bagoas, she excited nothing but his professional care.He opened the door and led her before the Governor. Bowing deeply to his master, he gave him her hand and retired discreetly to the anteroom. Once there he put his eyes to the peephole as was his duty. The Governor pulled his wife toward him, and Bagoas saw his eyes scanning her beauty. She was unveiled, leaving her reddened full lips close to his. He pressed his lips to hers, his tongue sinking deeply into her mouth. Then he pulled her down onto the pillows, her firm ass landing in his lap. He pushed her head down to one side, her legs extended to the other so she was spread across his lap. Her tits were invitingly just in front of his left hand and he reached out to caress them, squeezing gently, rolling his hand around, and pressing the nipples through the soft cloth. His right hand meantime rolled around her round belly, and then down onto her female mound and between her legs, again rubbing through the soft cloth.He pulled her dress up over her long legs, exposing her thighs which he caressed lightly. His hand moved up, pushing the dress up ahead of it and soon showed her hairless crotch and the lips of her pussy. His hand probed them, finding them wet and responsive. With his other hand he pushed the dress off her shoulder, revealing one of her large round boobs with its carmine tip to his gaze. He delighted in rubbing this mound too. Soon he swung her up and to one side, so that he could pull up his robe and free his cock from its cover. Bagoas knew his master was well armed in this area, and he saw the cock throbbing in need. Motioning his wife to stand up, he loosened her belt and her dress dropped to the floor. He stood also, throwing off his robe. He pulled her to him, rubbing against her tightly. and then by gently putting his hand on her head indicated that he wanted her to go down.Bagoas reflected that his combination of command and respect toward sex with his wife was also a mark of his politics, and had probably raised him to the high position he held. Idly Bagoas wondered which came first in forming his approach. Returning to his peephole, Bagoas watched with professional interest as the Pearl worked her way down her husband’s body. First, her tongue flicked over his nipples, then licked on down his chest and across his belly. As she approached his upright cock, she cradled his balls in one hand and pushed up slightly so the stiff rod stood out at an angle which she could easily find with her carmine tinted lips. As she ran her tongue around the circumcised head of his cock, Bagoas was impressed at her skill.Of course, he had not been able to give her any of the training that he passed on to the slave girls. Without personal experience, but with the vast store of knowledge he had received from older eunuchs as he was trained, he taught the slave girls many little tricks in pleasuring a man. Bagoas knew that the Pearl had acquired some of this knowledge by reflection. When the slave girls pleased the master with some special technique of the tongue or the pussy, the master in turn would demand the same from his wife, and she benefited in this manner from Bagoas’ instruction to the slaves.He saw her kissing gently the head of her husband’s cock, then taking it softly into her lips only to the rim left by his circumcision. By going on and off repeatedly, she heightened his sensitivity and made him force his hips toward her, driving his cock deeper into her mouth and pressing the back of her head toward him until his large member was entirely swallowed. Bagoas nodded approvingly when he saw that she was rolling her tongue around inside her mouth to give her partner more enjoyment.The Governor pulled his cock out of her mouth, and taking her by the chin raised her up until her firm tits surrounded his organ. She pressed them together from the outside, and moving them up and down stimulated him even more. He moved his hips forward and back in that pleasant valley for a bit. Then he pulled away from her, and dropped down to the pillows where he lay on his back with his masterful rod straight up into the air. She dropped down too, between his legs, and once again caught his cock in her mouth. For a few minutes she gave it deep strokes, then moved higher so that her round boobs were rubbing it. First she brushed it lightly with her nipples, then pushed the firm mounds down around it and moved up and down. Finally, she moved up more and straddled him, so that the dark lips of her pussy were right over the head of his cock.He did not immediately plunge into her, but waited while she slowly lowered herself to just engage the tip of his cock with her lower lips. From his position, Bagoas could see how her round buttocks contracted as she held the pose for a bit, then began to twist her ass from side to side making her pussy revolve on the head of her husband’s cock. Slowly then she started to move it up and down, up and down, a bit faster, a bit faster until she was riding him as he would ride a fine Arabian stallion across the desert. Her lord and master reached up to grab her full tits as she rode, squeezing and rubbing them more and more intensely. Bagoas could see his hips rise to meet her as her pussy came down, and in fine rhythm they acted together.Suddenly the Governor grasped her hips forcing himself deep into her wet depths. She wiggled her hips and Bagoas knew, for he had trained the slave girls carefully, that she had learned from them to clench her love muscles around her husband’s cock as he came. Governor Glaoui cried out, “Bismallah!” as he shot his excitement into her. Then his head fell back and he lay still.The beautiful Pearl raised herself off of him, her dripping pussy showing that she had had her enjoyment also. “My lord,” she said, “may Allah the just, the all powerful, grant us a son from this night’s work. The moon is right and I felt my womb contract as you spent your seed. All the signs are good.”The Governor sighed and said, “From your mouth to Allah’s ear. There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet. Grant that He send us a son.”The Pearl picked up his robe from where he had cast it, and helped him into it. At this sign Bagoas appeared discreetly from the anteroom, and the Pearl extended her hand to him. The Governor nodded, and Bagoas led her from the room. In the anteroom she put her dress back on, and clasped the gold belt. Bagoas then led her back to the harem. Passing the eunuchs on guard, he entered the harem chamber. Both the slave girls were reclining on the pillows. Knowing by the late hour that their mistress had enjoyed the Governor’s bed, they both sprang to their feet and bowed low to her. Then, as they had been trained by Bagoas, they led her to the pillows and made a taller pile for her hips. She stretched out on the pillows, with her hips elevated well above her head. “It is well, my lady,” said Bagoas, “for you to rest in that position for an hour, in order that the seed may flow down into your womb. See to her needs, girls.”Bowing to his mistress, and giving stern looks to the slave girls, Bagoas backed out of the harem chamber. He stopped to inspect the guards at door and approved of their condition. Then he crossed the courtyard, a powerful personage in this rich house. He reached his own chamber, and found his bed made up with silken spreads by his own servant, Hamid. The boy was training well. Bagoas has personally selected him in the slave market eight years ago, when he was only ten years old and gelded six weeks before. For four years as the boy learned his station and duties as an eunuch Bagoas watched him, and then four years ago had made the boy his personal servant. Hamid fully appreciated the patronage of the Chief Eunuch of the Taourirt Kasbah and the protection it gave him. Bagoas felt his mind drifting back to that time when he was only ten, and the slave traders cut his balls from him and slapped a stinging cream on his bleeding crotch. With his mental strength he threw that thought from his mind and brought his focus to his present position. Bagoas the nameless (for his name meant only eunuch), Bagoas the unmanned, Bagoas who will never be a warrior, but still in this place Bagoas the Powerful. He was content.CHAPTER TWO — ENTERTAINING GUESTSBagoas was powerful here. In the Taourirt Kasbah of the Governor of Ouarzazate he held an important position. He did not meddle in politics, nor war, nor finance. The pleasure of the Governor was Bagoas’ charge, for he was Overseer of the Harem. This, of course, meant he was a eunuch. He had been gelded at the age of ten, so long ago that he was able to drive the memory from his mind. His mental focus added to his power, and the gold coins he had accumulated also added to his power.He arose early in the morning, despite a late night before. Hamid, his servant, was waiting to attend to his needs and his breakfast. Bagoas then walked across the courtyard and opened an ornate door which led to the offices of his master, the Governor. He sat down on a carved stool and awaited the Governor’s pleasure. Bagoas knew that last night the Governor had entertained guests from Rabat, the capital, men so important that the master’s wife had been called to dine with them. After dinner the Governor had signaled Bagoas that his wife should stay, and thus Bagoas was up late at night to return her to the harem after the master pleasured himself with her. Bagoas suspected that the important guests would stay another night, and anticipated the need for his services for another dinner.Soon, a servant slipped out of the office, bowed and said, “Bagoas, the Governor will see you.”Bagoas entered the office and bowed low to the man seated there. “May Allah look upon you with favor, My Lord,” he said.The Governor nodded curtly and jumped right to business. “Bagoas, the men I am entertaining are of the utmost importance to me. Dinner tonight must be a special treat for them, and after dinner they must be well tended.””I understand, master. I shall prepare the slave girls to dance, and then serve your guests afterward in every way.” Bagoas clearly understood the Governor’s wishes for the satisfaction of his guests. Bowing and backing out, he then strode across the courtyard and entered another ornate door into a common room where most of the Palace’s eunuch slaves were waiting. Bagoas barked commands: “Two to relieve the guards at the door of the harem. Two to tend to duties around the palace. Two more to stand guard tonight. And my two most experienced underlings to attend to the two youngest eunuchs to be trained. And Hamid, you come with me.”As the other eunuchs left, Hamid waited for Bagoas’ command. “Hamid,” he said, “you have served me long and well. I calculate that your eighteenth birthday has come and gone. It is time for you to begin your training if you are someday to take my place.”Hamid looked at his master in amazement. He knew that merely being a personal body servant to a powerful personage like Bagoas was a great stroke of luck. But to find that he was actually to begin training to be the great one’s successor had not even entered his dreams.”Well, come, come,” said Bagoas. “We have much to discuss.” The rest of the afternoon was spent in instructing his young charge. Then as evening approached, Bagoas said, “Follow me.” They walked to the beautifully decorated door bearing the Hand of Fatima, and the two guards on duty saluted Bagoas and watched in wonder as Hamid followed him into the harem. Most of the palace eunuchs had never passed that door.Climbing the stair, Bagoas came to a common room in which fine pillows lay about on the floor. Four compartments opened off it by archways, two of which were covered by curtains. A third door, toward the East and thus nearest to Mecca, had a lattice work door in front of its curtain. Bagoas nodded, and in a low voice said, “That apartment is for Durrah, the Pearl, Governor Glaoui’s wife. We shall not see her tonight.” He then clapped his hands twice, and the curtains in both archways were pulled aside and the two slave girls came into the room and bowed low to Bagoas.One was named Saiesha, an Abyssinian beauty with black skin, black eyes, braided black hair and dark beautiful lips. As she bowed the loose top of her gown fell forward to show the fine mounds of her dark round breasts, but they had no effect on Bagoas and Hamid ignored them too.The other was Maria, a Spanish girl captured as the Moors overran Iberia. Her black hair was long and flowing, falling down to her shoulders. Long black eyelashes flashed over her black eyes, and pouty lips added to her beauty. Her bow also brought fine olive colored breasts well into view, but again no one but her fellow slave girl appreciated it.”Two very expensive slaves, my boy,” said Bagoas. “The Governor tolerates only the best. They must be well treated and well cared for. Tonight you will learn what some of their talents are.” Turning to the two girls, he said, “The master is entertaining important guests tonight. First you will dance for them, and after dinner give them the full hospitality of the palace. You must assist each other to prepare.” He said nothing else but knew the girls he had trained well understood. Bagoas motioned Hamid to a seat on the pillows in the corner as the slavegirls began their preparations.These were similar to those they had performed upon the Governor’s wife the night before, but not so elaborate or with such precious unguents. Both girls dropped their robes, ignoring the presence of the eunuchs whom they knew were uninterested in their nudity. Saiesha was a bit shorter than Maria. She had large round breasts with very dark large nipples. Her stomach was rounded as the Moors prefer, and led downward to her rounded pubic mound. It was shaved clean, and rising into it were the dark lips of her pussy. Bagoas walked over to her, ran a hand over her mound, and barked, “Shave again!”Maria stood a little taller, and was slimmer of build. Her olive breasts were not as large as Saiesha’s, but stood up firm and the brown nipples on them pointed skyward. Her waist was small, but her hips broadened out below it. Her pubic area was also shaved, and the lips of her pussy were lighter in color than her olive skin. Bagoas felt her crotch also and ordered her to shave too.The girls poured warm water from a waiting vessel, and first Saiesha lathered up her hands and rubbed the warm soap into Maria’s crotch. Then taking an ivory handled straight razor she very carefully shaved it smooth. The mound itself was gently sc****d, and then Maria opened her legs so that Saiesha could bring the razor up the inside of her thighs, and finally cut carefully, oh so carefully, the tiny hairs around the pussy lips themselves. Once Maria’s pubic area was completely smooth, she shaved Saiesha in the same way, rubbing the soap carefully over the entire pussy and removing it with the razor as she went, but so gently she left not the tiniest cut on the sensitive lips.”Come, Hamid, and learn the best way to make sure a slavegirl has shaved properly,” said Bagoas. Hearing this the girls went to the bench at the side of the room, and each raised one foot onto the bench so that her pussy was well exposed for Bagoas’ test. Bagoas pushed Hamid to his knees in front of Saiesha and said, “Rub her with your cheek. That is the test.” Naturally as an eunuch Hamid had no trace of a beard, and his perfectly smooth cheek rubbed Saiesha’s pussy and found it smooth. He then turned to Maria, thrust his cheek against her shaved mound, then down over the lips, and found it smooth also. “Every profession has its tricks, youngster,” said Bagoas. “That one I learned over 30 years ago.”Maria then picked up a pot of unguent, perfumed, but not with the expensive myrrh that the Pearl had received the night before. Quickly, not taking time to linger, she rubbed Saiesha’s breasts, belly and pussy with the pleasant scent. Saiesha then took the pot, and rubbed Maria’s breasts with their pointed nipples, her flat belly and the lips of her pussy with it too.Kohl was then applied to the girl’s eyes, making them appear even larger and darker then they already were, and a carmine paste rubbed on their lips. Saiesha’s wide dark lips took on almost a maroon tint but Maria’s thinner lips blazed a fiery red. The same carmine was applied to their nipples. Maria’s again blazed red, but Saiesha’s black nipples took on that rich dark maroon color and stood out ripe from her round black breasts. Finally each brushed the others pussy with the carmine, with the same contrast there too. Hamid watched it all, but like Bagoas he was not excited. The girls ignored him as they worked on their tits and pussies.’Now,” Bagoas said, “your costumes. Saiesha, you shall belly dance for the guests, and Maria will do the dance of the dove.” The girls turned to a chest against the wall. First Saiesha removed her belly dancing outfit, which Maria helped her put on. A filmy cloth was brought between her legs, then wrapped around her waist, making a light partly transparent covering for her ass and pussy. Over this she pulled the loose pajamas, just transparent enough to be enticing to the men who would watch. Then the heavy belt of coins was brought around her waist. They were only copper but they were polished to a high shine and jangled a great deal. The top of gold dyed cloth was brought out, and pulled up over her heavy breasts to push them up and together, creating a deep cleavage. Over this went a shawl of semi transparent red cloth, and she was ready for her performance.Maria’s costume required careful fitting. Another strip of the semi transparent cloth, white this time, was wrapped around her breasts, crossing over and under them to support and display them. The carmine nipples showed through the cloth in a most tantalizing way. The same semi transparent cloth was wrapped around her pussy and butt, but pulled in tighter so it clung to them and made what Bagoas called a “camel toe” from her pussy. It was wrapped so that long streamers trailed down the outside of each leg.Then a large piece of the fine cloth was brought out. Hamid watched carefully as it was affixed. It had several tie strings, and first the center of it was tied around her neck. It d****d down in back of her to cover her ass nicely but let most of her long legs be seen. Saiesha stretched the cloth out and Maria extended one arm. The d****ry was tied at her elbow and then at her wrist. Hamid realized that this was the wing of the dove. After the other half of the cloth was tied to her other arm, Maria folded her arms across her chest. The effect was that the double layer of cloth in front completely hid her breasts, belly and pussy but left her long legs to be seen.’We go,” said Bagoas. He led, the slave girls followed, and Hamid trailed behind. They crossed the courtyard to the immense carved wood doors of the Governor’s reception hall. Bagoas, however, led them to a small but still ornate door off to the side. They entered a small chamber with rich carpets on the floor. One chair and one stool were in it. The four of them left little room. Bagoas sat on the chair, and motioned Maria in her elaborate costume to the stool. He pointed to the floor and Saiesha and Hamid sat down.In the inner door was set a strip of gauzy cloth. Painted on the other side, it was lost among the carvings from that side. But here Bagoas could see perfectly what went on in the other room. He saw the three ancient eunuch musicians of the court preparing to play. Governor Glaoui and his guests were seated on the pillows, having finished their dinner.Servants poured fruit juices, and the Governor said, “Allah willing, we shall be well entertained tonight, my lords. My slave girls have often been praised for their beauty and their dances.” He clapped his hands, and the musicians began Saiesha’s belly dance music. She stood up and Bagoas opened the door so she could swirl into the room.Faster and faster she danced, her shawl spinning around. She released it with one hand and it spread out from the other as she twirled. So fast was her movement that the men stared, trying to see her rounded breasts displayed above her top but not quite sure what they saw. She slowed her spinning, and her cleavage became more obvious. Finally she stood tall in front of the audience, then bowed low, her breasts almost spilling out of her top. Then she started moving her rounded belly in the classic rhythms, side to side and round and round. She bent backward so her belly pumped up and down and her spread legs enticed the men. Then she advanced toward them, clutching her coin belt, and turning her back danced away as she unfastened the belt and dropped it off. The thin material of her pajamas showed her legs and a bit of her butt as she rotated it.Once again she danced toward the men. In front of each of the guests, she bowed low again displaying her large tits to them. Then she bowed in front of the master, and quickly her hand went to her back and flipped the catch of her top. It fell forward at his feet, and just as it did she spun around and again danced away from the men, her bare back all that they saw. Raising her hands over her head, she undulated her ass carefully and slowly turned slightly to the right, showing a bit of the curve of her boob. Then she turned back and slightly to the left, giving them a tantalizing peek at the curve of that boob.Still undulating she then turned slowly back to the right, Her round boob appeared as she turned, first the side, then the nipple tinted maroon by the cosmetic, and finally as she turned fully the men gazed on both her fine tits swaying gently in front of them. Once again she thrust her hips toward them and bent backward, this time with her dark nipples pointing upward as she flexed her belly.Again she straightened, and turning to dance away from the men, loosened the string of her transparent pajamas and let them drop to the ground. She kicked them away and rotated her ass, barely concealed now by the single loin cloth she wore. Turning back she did the belly moves again, ending with spreading her legs and bending backward so her barely covered pussy was thrust toward the men on the pillows. She loosened the thin cloth around her hips and drew it up between her legs, revealing slowly her shaved pussy with its dark lips. Now the classic moves of the belly dance showed all of her gorgeous body to the men. She thrust her belly up and down, bringing her pussy with it. Then she rotated her belly making her large round boobs bounce and twist with it.Standing up again she continued to rotate her belly and bump her hips. She spun around so that her ass could be seen moving around and around. She clenched the cheeks of her butt, and then began bending backwards toward the watchers so her boobs appeared over her. She shook them back and forth enticingly. Turning again she danced toward each of the watching men and once more spread her legs and bent back giving them a final look at her pussy which showed just a trace of pink between the dark lips. As the music reached a peak, she danced over to the door and as Bagoas opened the door, she turned one final time, flashed her boobs at the audience and then whirled out.Bagoas was mightily pleased with her wondrous dance. He could see the Governor’s guests squirming as their cocks throbbed under their robes. But now the musicians began the soft music for the dance of the dove, and Maria stood up carefully. Bagoas opened the door.The guests saw Maria standing there, her eyes downcast and her arms crossed across her chest so her wings covered her almost completely except for her bare legs. She advanced into the room and lithely began her dance. Back and forth she went, her dark legs flashing under the white wings. She turned her back to the men, and raised both arms outward so that the gossamer fabric was spread fully. Her slim back was seen behind it, and just a hint of her buttocks under their covering. She bent forward, then swooped around to face the watchers, giving them one glimpse of her breasts covered only by the transparent fabric before she folded her wings over her chest again. She next started to fly, extending one wing, then the other, so that in the instant one went out and before the other returned, her slim olive body was displayed, with only the gauzy cloth over her b**sts and her pubic mound. She flew more slowly, leaving longer intervals of exposure, and finally raised both wings high so that her entire body was swaying slowly in front of the audience.Bagoas could see the faces of the Governor’s guests, and he knew they were highly impressed by the entertainment. Now Maria’s wings once again covered her chest, but it was so that she could remove the cloth wrapping her tits. Holding it in one hand she triumphantly raised her wings again, and her pointed olive mounds proudly swayed a bit from side to side as she danced toward the men. Turning away one more time, she unfastened the cords holding the long strip of cloth and let it drop. Her ass was now displayed with only that single strip of cloth drawn up through the crack of it. Turning again, the same cloth clung very closely to her pussy and all the men, wise in the way of the desert, clearly saw a camel’s toe outlined under it.She advanced toward the men, and brought one wing across her body. Under its cover her hand worked to drop the loin cloth. All the audience saw it fall to the ground, but she was still well covered by the wing. Slowly she lowered her hand so that her tits were exposed, then her taut stomach, and then the top of her loins but not her pussy. Quickly she swung the wing to one side, giving the men a fast glimpse of her whole body but then spun around rapidly, making both wings swirl out as she faced away from the watchers. She raised both wings high into the sky and they revealed her perfect olive skinned ass in its smoothness.Now she began to fly again, moving the wings up and down and swirling to either side. As she did she slowly turned more and more toward the audience until finally her hairless pussy was revealed as her whole body was framed by the white wings.Spinning around a few times, she worked her way to the door, and as Bagoas held it open she flew out into the anteroom. Bagoas again looked through his peephole and beheld both guests arranging their robes over the tentpoles standing up under them, and knew his charges had made a great impression.”Allah, the beneficent, the omnipotent, has blessed me with many worldly things, but I think these girls are among my finest possessions,” said the Governor. “My guests, I now offer you their services. Ben Adar, you are the senior so make your choice.”Ben Adar, ambassador of the King, replied, “The Abyssinian belly dancer would be a great pleasure to me, my host, if Allah wills it.”‘She is yours tonight, my honored guest. Saiesha is her name. And to your young friend Ben Adhem shall go the Spanish dove Maria.” Knowing that Bagoas was at the peephole behind the door the Governor made a slight motion of his hand.Bagoas opened the door and led both slave girls into the dining room, each tantalizing in her nudity. “Bagoas, Overseer of my Harem and a trusted servant for many years, my lords. He has trained these girls well, has he not?” Bagoas bowed low. He was immensely gratified at this notice, and at the nods from both honored guests. Having heard the conversation, he led Saiesha to Ben Adar, and Maria to the younger guest. Each girl knelt by the man who had chosen her, and putting an arm round him pressed her breasts into his chest and her lips against his, each darting her quick tongue into her partner’s mouth in a deep kiss.Seeing the men grabbing the girls’ breasts and pulling them closer, Bagoas discreetly said, “My lords, there are comfortable alcoves on each side of the room.” He nodded to Saiesha. She rose and took Ben Adar’s hand and helped him rise. As she turned to take him to an alcove Bagoas saw his hand already caressing her dark nipple. Saiesha pressed against him enticingly as they made their way to the pillowed area. Bagoas then nodded to Maria and she thrust her pussy toward her guest. He grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him, seeming to want to apply the same test to her pussy that Bagoas had taught Hamid. Maria took his hand, turned slightly and pulled him toward the opposite alcove. He let his hand fall to caress her round ass as they walked. Feeling this Maria put an extra swing into her strut to tease him.The Governor, having satisfied himself with his beautiful wife the night before, benignly smiled at each of his guests and sipped his mint tea. Bagoas watched as each girl embraced the man she was to entertain, rubbing her nude body against him and probing his mouth with her tongue. Then each girl reached out and pulled the curtain across the mouth of the alcove hiding the action within.Bagoas had absolutely no interest in watching the sex acts personally. Over many years his mind had developed an implacable barrier against envying other men what he could not have. But his professional duties demanded his attention. He knew that each girl had left a small gap when she pulled the curtain. On very light feet he moved to the alcove where Saiesha was employed. Peeking discreetly in the gap, he could see Saiesha already on her knees, working hard on delivering a blow job to her man. Bagoas well knew her skill at this art but stayed to watch a bit. Holding Ben Adar’s balls in one hand, she licked his hard cock from base to tip again and again. Each time her tongue left the tip to return to the base, Bagoas approvingly noted that Ben Adar’s cock twitched in anticipation. Then Saiesha opened her lips and took just the tip of his cock, only up to the ridge left by his circumcision, which Bagoas knew was exquisitely sensitive. She rolled her lips around the ridge, then began taking his dick deeper and deeper into her throat as he thrust his hips toward her, plunging it in to the base.Bagoas was satisfied that this guest was being well served, so lightly he glided over to the other alcove and peered through the gap in the curtains. It appeared that the younger guest was particularly fascinated by Maria’s lovely round ass. He had her slightly bent over and was rubbing his dick through the crack of her ass, while his hands played with her tits that drooped forward. Maria was shaking her ass slowly from side to side while his cock slid up and down. Then she turned toward him, pressing her boobs against his chest, but his fascination with that lovely moon caused him to grab it in both hands and squeeze and rub while pulling it toward him, thus pressing her pussy against his swollen dick. Bagoas stepped away from the curtain. He turned toward his master, and seeing the Governor looking at him quizzically he gave a slight nod. Governor Glaoui returned the nod, well satisfied that his important guests were satisfied.Bagoas returned to peep through the crack in the curtain where Saiesha entertained the senior official. He saw that the man was now lying on his back while Saiesha straddled his chest and continued the blow job. He was playing with her pussy, and Bagoas could see that the stimulation had opened its dark outer lips to show the pink inside. Saiesha’s head moved steadily up and down as she sucked his dick. Bagoas watched a bit, and saw her let her lips slide off his cock, then she rose up and lowered her swollen pussy lips over the hard rod. Slowly she tantalized him with up and down movement, then a slow side to side shaking, then back to the up and down. The round moons of her black butt were now where he could caress them as she rose and fell.Pleased with his charges, Bagoas returned to the other alcove. He was certain that the junior official was continuing his fascination with Maria’s moon like bottom, and indeed as he peeked in he saw that they were now in the position known as The Way of The Ram. Maria was on her knees with her head lowered to the pillows and her ass thus exposed high up. Her guest was driving his cock into her raised pussy from behind her, holding both cheeks of her ass as he did. As her pushed his hips forward and thrust deep into her Maria was shaking her ass from side to side giving him extra friction. All the little tricks Bagoas had taught her were being well used. Once again Bagoas nodded at the Governor.Again he continued his professional observation. Saiesha, he saw, was now lying on her back, with her legs raised up onto the shoulders of Ben Adar, who thrust his stiff cock deep into her pussy, raising her ass off the pillows with each hard stroke. As Bagoas watched, he pulled her hard to him and drove his cock deep into her pussy. As he started to climax, the well trained slave girl squeezed her legs together and clenched the love muscles Bagoas had taught her about, heightening his climax to its strongest. The official fell back from her, well satisfied, and casually stroked her tits and pussy as he lay back on the pillows.Having half his job well finished, Bagoas returned to the other peephole. He saw the young official leaning over Maria’s back, fondling her tits as he pushed his dick between the cheeks of her ass and deep into her pussy. He was pulling her to him and thrusting deep then she was wiggling her hips while he was deep inside her, then he would pull back slowly and thrust deep again slowly. Pleased that Maria was skilled in holding him just at the point of orgasm, Bagoas watched her at work happily. A few more long deep thrusts and Ben Adhem gave a low moan, pulled her hips hard against his cock. and the jerking of his hips told Bagoas that he was coming. He slumped across Maria’s back, and she lowered herself to the bed. His spent cock was resting in the crack of her ass.Bagoas clapped twice, and the girls helped the men into their robes as servants entered the room to escort the guests to their bedchambers. Then the two girls emerged from their alcoves naked, and stood on each side of Bagoas as all three bowed to the Governor. His eyes traveled over each of the nude bodies, examining their faces, their shoulders, their boobs, their bellies, their hairless pubic mounds and finally the pussies dripping between their legs. He nodded to Bagoas, and said, “Well done. My guests are well satisfied and I am well pleased.” Then he waved his hand in dismissal.Going out into the anteroom, Bagoas found Hamid sitting on the stool, awake and alert. Pleased that the boy had paid attention and not fallen asleep, Bagoas said, “Your first lesson, boy. There is much to learn about a harem.” He took lengths of cloth from a bag on the floor and tossed one to each girl to wrap herself. Then Bagoas and Hamid escorted the girls back to the harem. Once there Bagoas watched as each girl administered to the other a vinegar douche. Then he ordered warm water brought for their baths. He glanced at the lattice door before the closed curtain, and decided wisely that it was not necessary to pay his respects to the Governor’s wife on this night. Followed by Hamid, he crossed the courtyard a final time to his well earned rest.CHAPTER 3 –LESSONSBagoas was a person of power. Physically powerful from exercise, which some of his peers neglected; mentally powerful from hard experience and long discipline; financially powerful, as shown by the gold coins jingling from his belt; and powerful in this place where he served the Governor of Ouarzazate in a high capacity.Bagoas was Overseer of the Governor’s Harem. The Governor’s wife, and the Governor’s two harem slavegirls, were in his charge. This meant, of course, that he was a eunuch. Having learned to focus his mind on his particular tasks at hand, he seldom let his mind run back to that terrible time when, at the age of ten, slave raiders entered his village, burned the houses, and carried all the able bodied inhabitants off to their slave train. He seldom thought now of the anguish he, and five other pre-pubescent boys of the village, felt as they saw their parents chained by the necks and forced with whips into the slave trader’s train. The things that happened afterward had been long erased from his mind. He only allowed himself to remember that six weeks later he was in the slave market, being shown as a fine young eunuch. There the Governor Glaoui, father of his present master, had purchased him for his household, and he began the life that is reserved for those without balls.Bagoas put the thought out of his mind. His ability to focus on the present and to do what he must to preserve and increase his position of power meant much more to him now than his lost balls did. Through long training and experience he had learned the eunuch’s place in Moorish society, and had pulled himself up to a high pinnacle in his world. He would not let weakness of mind take that from him.His body servant and chosen protege Hamid, a fine young eunuch of eighteen years, was waiting for him as he finished his breakfast of fruit and tea. Motioning to Hamid to follow, Bagoas crossed the courtyard of the Taouririt Kasbah, where the other servants respectfully saluted him and entered an ornately carved and decorated door. Climbing the stairs he stood before another door guarded by two eunuchs armed with scimitars. They bowed to Bagoas, and by now were used to seeing Hamid pass through the door with him.Bagoas and his student entered the harem. A large central chamber had three arch ways opening from it. Two were curtained, while the third had a gilded lattice work door before its fine silk curtain. This, in the East and thus nearest to Mecca, was the chamber of the Governor’s wife Durrah, the Pearl, whom he called The Pearl of Great Price. Bagoas pointed silently to a corner of the room where Hamid sat upon a pillow. Then he scratched on lattice work door, calling softly, “My lady?” Hamid was quiet as a desert mouse when the curtain was pulled back and the lady appeared behind it. Through the lattice he could see that she was tall and beautiful , for here in the harem she was unveiled and wrapped only in a light silk robe pulled across her large breasts.”Bagoas, has my husband sent for me?” she asked.”Alas, no, my lady,” replied Bagoas. “Allah has willed that the Governor be kept busy for some days now with official business, and his orders to me this morning did not ask for any service from the harem.” He knew that in his subtlety she would understand that though her husband had not called for her, neither had he asked for either of the slave girls to be brought to him.”Thank you, Bagoas,” she replied, and let the curtain fall.Seeing the mistress served, if not satisfied, Bagoas was ready to proceed with his professional duties. He clapped his hands twice. The curtains in the two archways were pulled open, and the two slave girls appeared, each clad in a smooth flowing gown. Saiesha, a black Abyssinian beauty with large firm breasts, wore a white robe through whose thin material could be barely seen her large dark nipples and the patch of black hair in her crotch. Maria, a Spanish girl captured in the Moorish conquest, wore a red gown, and her pointed nipples poked up in the soft material in a way that would have enticed any man so lucky as to see them. Neither Bagoas or Hamid was stimulated by the sight, of course.”Hamid, today we have important lessons. You will see how the girls are prepared to serve our master.” Motioning to the two girls to move to the center of the room, he then nodded at them and they both dropped their gowns. They were totally at ease standing naked in front of the eunuchs. “Last week, Hamid, I taught you how to determine if the girls were properly shaved. Do you remember?””Yes, master,” said Hamid. He motioned to the two girls, who went to a bench at the side of the room, and each placed one leg on the bench, thus displaying their clean shaven pussies to his gaze. He went to each girl, knelt by her and rubbed his beardless cheek against her pubic mound and over the lips of her pussy. “Indeed, Bagoas, they are as smooth as a baby camel’s nose,” he said.”Good,” said Bagoas. “Now recount to me the preparation they must undergo to be ready for their duties.””First the perfumed unguents, my lord, rubbed over their body and into their breasts and the lips of their lower flowers. Myrrh for the lady, lesser scents for the slave girls. Then if it is the Governor’s wife being prepared, the girls dust her with the soft fine powder. Next the cosmetics are applied, and particular care is given to see the carmine tint for the nipples and for both the lips of their face and the ones between their legs.””Good,” said Bagoas. “And are the cosmetics for appearance only?””With well trained girls such as these, Bagoas, who have had your personal instruction, they can skillfully bring the chosen woman to a state of sexual tension by their gentle administrations of the cosmetics, thus preparing her well for her duties,” Hamid said, proud to display his knowledge.”You have learned to repeat your lessons well, Hamid. But as I trained these girls, you may need to do so yourself someday. It is not easy to train when you have not done. Therefore tonight you take the role of a harem girl, and perform the acts on your own. Maria, you shall be his subject.”Maria stepped forward, gracefully displaying her naked body. Bagoas approved of the grace, but took no delight in her nudity. Hamid took up the pot of unguent, and began to rub Maria’s body with it. Over the shoulders, down the arms, and then onto her chest, coming up around her beautiful boobs and smoothing it over them. Bagoas said, “My boy, a girl’s nipples are highly sensitive. To prepare her for her duties, you need to caress them gently as you apply the unguent.” Hamid did so dutifully, noticing that Maria’s lips parted and her eyes rolled slightly upward as he did.He then carried the unguent down over her slim belly and toward her shaved mound. He rubbed it around her mound as he had seen Saiesha do previously. Bagoas then said, “Look how her two lips are small and close together now. But begin rubbing them with the unguent.” Hamid smeared his fingers with the cream and began gently rubbing Maria’s outer pussy lips. She wiggled her hips slightly as he did. “Now,” said Bagoas, “the outer lips swell and you can see the inner lips begin to respond.” His voice was as dispassionate as if he were explaining how to pour a cup of wine. “Probe into her slit with two fingers, running them up toward the top. You will feel a small hard button there, which is the spot of passion in a woman, just as the head of his rod is to a man. Work it around a bit, only a bit, until her slit is thoroughly wet.” Hamid followed this instruction with care, although he was venturing into territory totally unknown to him. He felt Maria’s juices beginning to flow making his fingers slide more easily around her clit. “Enough,” said Bagoas. “She must only be teased, not satisfied, before she goes to her duties.””Now the color,” said the instructor. Saiesha handed Hamid the pot of carmine cream. “Only lightly, my boy, now.” Hamid took the chamois covered with the carmine color and rubbed it over Maria’s nipples. They took on a tantalizing shade of color, and were fully erect from his attentions to them. Hamid studied them curiously, impressing the lesson on his mind. “And her lower lips now,” said Bagoas. Hamid again pulled the chamois through the space between her legs, coloring the pussy lips with its vivid color. He found the hard little bump of her clitoris and gave it one gentle rub, at which Maria moaned softly.”Perfect, young one,” said the older eunuch. “You can see she is now in a high state of sexual tension. Whether she is called on to dance, serve a man orally, let him take her from in front or behind, or perform anything else to satisfy him, she will do it with great intensity. However, Maria, the master has not sent for a harem girl tonight. Are you to be left with standing nipples and dripping lips, unsatisfied?”Maria bowed low before Bagoas. Her breasts dropped forward as she did so, and Hamid noticed how she managed with grace even in the awkward position, rising slowly so that they swung nicely back into place as she faced the Overseer. “Oh, my lord, in the name of Allah the merciful, the protector of the poor, let Saiesha come to me that we may pleasure each other?””Ah, girl, you have done well tonight and helped me teach young Hamid. Saiesha, come to your fellow slave and relieve her,” replied Bagoas with magnanimity.Saiesha rose and bowed to Bagoas. She had been sitting at the side of the room with her legs pressed together. Hamid saw that the lips of her pussy also glistened with moisture and he understood that she had been stimulated by watching him attend to Maria. He wondered how it felt to react so to seeing a naked body stroked, but put the idea from his mind as Bagoas had warned him to do.Saiesha, already naked, approached Maria. She put her arms around Maria’s waist, and the two girls pressed their bodies against each other. As they rubbed their tits together, they locked lips and kissed deeply, their tongues probing each others mouths. Watching them carefully, Bagoas motioned Hamid to a seat on the pillows. The girls totally ignored the eunuchs. “Watch what she does to the other girl, Hamid. Much of what they do to each other helps them learn also how to pleasure a man,” directed the Overseer.Maria’s hands pressed Saiesha’s firm butt, pulling their pussies together. Each spread her legs, and each passed one leg between the others legs and against her pussy. Working their bodies up and down they stimulated each other gently. “A man will be pleased to be rubbed with their flowers. If his rod is not already hardened, it soon will be,” Bagoas commented. His remarks did not seem to affect the girls in their pleasure.Saiesha removed her lips from Maria’s and began kissing down her body, over her neck and shoulders and then lightly licked her nipples. As her tongue ran in a circle around the areola, and then up over the firm pointed tip, Maria let her head loll back and closed her eyes. Saiesha took the hard nipple in her lips and rolled it with her tongue, then sucked it back and forth gently. “The girls’ nipples are very sensitive, and most men like to suck them as they fondle the full breasts. Some men also have sensitive nipples and like to feel the girl’s lips upon them. The girls learn from exploring each other how to be strong but gentle at this sensitive place, and how to react when a man sucks hard,” continued Bagoas’ instruction.Then Saiesha pulled Maria down onto the pillows. Maria lay back, her full breasts pointing to the ceiling, and Saiesha spread Maria’s legs and placed herself between them. Bending forward, she began to lick the Spanish girl’s slit. Up and down her tongue worked and then it found the clit at the top of it. She placed her tongue on the hard button and rotated it gently in small circles. Maria gasped at this and moved her hips in rhythm with the Abyssinian’s tongue. Deeper and deeper into the pink pussy it went.while Maria grasped the back of Saiesha’s head and pulled it closer to her. “As she licks the other and teases the passion point, so she can do to a man’s organ also, giving him great joy,” said Bagoas.Saiesha pulled her tongue out of the slit, and rubbed her body upward across Maria’s, their tits brushing each other as she rose. Soon she was straddling Maria’s face, and the Spanish girl’s tongue licked over her dark pussy lips. Maria gave Saiesha as good as the other had given her, long licks up and down the dripping lips, then rolling the clit around and around as Saiesha shook her hips. Then grasping the Abyssinian’s butt Maria pulled her down onto her face, and probed deep into the girl’s cunt with her tongue. Hamid could see from the motion of her lips that she was sucking at the same time she wiggled her tongue inside Saiesha’s pussy. This drove Saiesha to throw her head back, roll her eyes up, and moan. “Many men enjoy driving their tongue into the girl’s slit thus, boy, and often they like the salty taste. As the slavegirls learn to react to it, they will also react to a man’s tongue and please him.”Saiesha then rose off Maria, and placing her hands under the other slave’s butt caused her to roll over. She pulled Maria’s ass up a bit, and ran her fingers down through the crack in her brown ass to her rectum. This she stroked a bit, treating it gently, and then continued her fingers on down to approach the Spaniard’s pussy from the rear. She put two fingers into the pussy and began vigorous motions, and her thumb was in the crack of the ass rubbing the hole there at the same time. Maria reacted with vigorous jerks of her hips showing her stimulation with this approach. “The full moons of a girl’s behind attract many men also, Hamid. Often they like to rub their rod through the crack between them. A girl must learn how to receive this and move to stimulate him.”Taking Maria’s ass in both hands, Saiesha rolled it about and then gently slapped each cheek. Maria wiggled her butt and the Abyssinian girl administered several more slaps, each one harder until the last made a decided smack. Hamid looked over at Bagoas, but Bagoas was impassive. Then Saiesha licked each reddened cheek, and ran her tongue down the crack of the ass, over the hole, and onto the lips of the pussy. From this rear position she stuck her tongue deep into Maria’s slit and wiggled it up and down setting Maria’s hips into a matching motion. “The Governor is never violent with his girls, but he and they understand the pleasure-pain principle and he may apply it gently. If the girls are sent to serve his guests, they may find the blows a bit harder. They need to learn to show the proper reaction to give their man his enjoyment.”All of this was quite new to Hamid. He watched with great interest and professional calm. If a young man had penetrated into the harem (at the risk of his life) the show these two girls were putting on would have driven him to heights of stimulation. To Hamid it meant nothing except lessons he had to learn.Now Maria rolled over on her back. Saiesha rose over her, and Maria slid her head between Saiesha’s legs so that the black girl’s pussy was directly over her. Saiesha then bent forward until her mouth was over Maria’s pussy. “This is the position called Congress of the Crow,” commented Bagoas. “This position gives great pleasure to both partners, Hamid. From pleasuring each other, the girls learn how to move in this awkward position with grace and skill, and how to use her tongue and lips to best advantage whether she be on the bottom or on top.”Each girl was now able to use her tongue to stimulate the others cunt and they went at it with great enthusiasm. Hamid was positioned to see the moons of Saiesha’s ass over Maria’s head, and saw Maria reach up and fondle Saiesha’s tits as they licked each other. Hamid’s head swirled with all he was seeing this evening.The girls separated, and Saiesha now reached under one of the pillows and produced a strange object. It appeared to be carved from camel bone and polished to a high gloss. Hamid saw that it was a perfect representation of a circumcised cock, although longer and wider than any he had seen on the palace servants or soldiers in the privy. Maria lay back on the pillows and spread her legs. Hamid noticed with interest that the Spanish girl had dark outer lips on her pussy, but inside it was pink. It was now dripping with juices and from Bagoas’ words during his training, Hamid knew this meant she was near climax. “Now the girls learn how to grab and squeeze the rod as the end nears,” remarked Bagoas.Saiesha took the carved cock and rubbed Maria’s wet cunt with it. Each time she moved it up and down she let it penetrate a bit more into the slit. Soon she was pushing it into the dripping pussy to its full depth, and moving it in and out with more force and speed. Maria’s hips rocked and tossed, and she moaned each time it penetrated to its full depth. Skillfully Saiesha manipulated the artificial cock, and timing herself by Maria’s reaction, finally pushed it deep into her cunt as she jerked her hips several times, and then lay back exhausted. Hamid understood that she had reached her pinnacle. “The girls know that leading their guest to the climax is their first duty. Whether or not they get their enjoyment at the end is irrelevant,” Bagoas said. “Yet if they do reach the peak along with the man, he will feel strong contractions around his organ that give him great pleasure. So the girls learn to measure the time. But if they do not reach that instant with him, they learn how to contract their inner muscles as if they do. This will pleasure most men.”However Saiesha was still unsatisfied, and pushed her pussy insistently toward Maria. Maria was lying on her back on the pillows, but she groped for the carved organ and inserted it deep into Saiesha who was kneeling over her. Up and down she moved the bone cock, and Saiesha pulled her hips up and down in time with it. Saiesha’s head lay back, and large dark eyes closed as she let out little noises of impatience. Maria moved the cock toy more and more rapidly, pushing it up into Saiesha with more and more force. Finally Saiesha stiffened and forced her pussy as deep down onto the toy as it would go, and jerked her hips several times with low moans. Hamid now knew that the slave girls had been allowed to pleasure each other to the finish. They both slumped onto the pillows, their naked bodies sprawled where they had dropped, Saiesha with her legs spread so her pussy slowly dripped its juices on the pillows, Maria clenching her legs tightly and holding her breasts in her hands.Bagoas stood up, and the girls struggled to their feet although they both seemed a bit shaky with their efforts. He did nothing but nod curtly at them, then he motioned Hamid to follow and left the harem.They strode across the courtyard and entered Bagoas’ chamber. As Hamid helped Bagoas prepare for bed, Bagoas told him, “My boy, in some harems, finding the girls pleasuring themselves would bring them to the whipping post. But here, I think that it keeps them honed and ready, and they may even learn little tricks that will pleasure the man they serve. I know that those two sometimes do it behind their drawn curtains, and I even knew where they hide their tool. Remember, that treating harem girls with understanding of their needs can make them more skillful to please their master or his guests, and that reflects credit on the eunuchs.””But what of the lady?” asked Hamid. “Does she know what the slaves do with each other?””How could she miss their moaning?’ replied Bagoas. “But she is a lady of wisdom and lets me see to it while she stays behind her lattice and preserves her dignity. The sexual activities of the girls between themselves does not bother her. But if one of them treats her with what she perceives as disrespect, I would be forced to discipline. Now leave me. Go and reflect on what you have learned. Someday you will be the teacher and will have to instruct the girls in these techniques they have practiced.” Hamid left Bagoas to retire. Hamid considered with respect Bagoas’ position of power in the palace, and resolved in his mind to some day reach the same height.CHAPTER 4 – A VISIT TO THE CITYBagoas the eunuch, Overseer of the Governor’s Harem, strode across the courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah. As he neared his chambers he motioned to the young eunuch sitting on the ground outside them. Entering his chamber, he seated himself on a comfortable seat as Hamid, his body servant and chosen protege, bowed before him.”Hamid, I have received great news from the master. He travels soon to Casablanca on business, and while there he intends to visit the slave market and buy several new household slaves. But what concerns me is that we will also visit the section of the market where the harem slaves are sold and choose a new girl for his harem. His wealth and power continue to grow and he wants to show it by his choice of select girls in the harem. Therefore I will accompany him to Casablanca, and as my body servant you will go along.”Hamid was excited at a new phase of his training. In over 8 years, since he was purchased as a slave shortly after he was gelded, the 18 year old eunuch had never left this small desert outpost of Ouarzazate. Bagoas had taught him much about the harem slave girls, and the thought of assisting in the training of a new one was thrilling. Hamid hoped some day to be as important a personage as his mentor and was learning all he could.After much preparation, the Governor’s caravan set out for Casablanca. Donkeys, camels, palace officials, servants, herdsmen all made a great crowd. The Governor’s personal wagon was impressive and had a special driver and several slaves to maintain it. Next greatest conveyance in the train was the harem wagon. The new girl would return to Ouarzazate in it, but for now its silken pillows were at the disposal of Bagoas and Hamid. As one of the least important characters in this train, Hamid was delighted to find himself in such luxury.Arriving in Casablanca after several days i, the caravan stopped at the palace of a local official who was a friend and ally of the Governor. Bagoas and Hamid, of course, were sent off to the eunuch’s quarters, where Bagoas lost no time in making his position known. He was received with great honor by Magari, Overseer of this Palace’s harem, a dark fat Nubian eunuch. Soon Bagoas was feasting, joking and gambling with the Overseer as old friends.The next morning, Bagoas told Hamid, “The Governor will be occupied today on business. Magari has graciously consented to let us inspect the slavegirls in this harem. Perhaps it will help me advise the master when he makes his choice. You may follow, but be completely silent and only do what Magari tells you to do.” They crossed the courtyard, and climbed to a door guarded by ancient eunuchs, just as it was at home. Entering the common room, they saw several of the harem girls lounging around on pillows. Bagoas nudged Hamid and pointed to a latticed door, exactly like that on the chambers of their Governor’s wife. Hamid gave a slight nod, and resolved to keep far away from that door. Bagoas pointed to a pillow in the far corner and Hamid seated himself on it, silent as the moon over the oasis.Magari clapped his hands and the five girls of the harem lined up and bowed respectfully to him. As they did, the tops of their gowns all fell forward and their breasts were displayed in a manner designed to tantalize men. Neither Magari, Bagoas nor Hamid did anything but notice the effect with professional interest. Magari pointed to the first girl in the line and she stepped forward and dropped her robe. She was a beautiful Abyssinian girl and her black skin glistened with oils she had applied to it. Her large round breasts had large areolas, dark even against her black skin, and large nipples protruding from them. Her belly was slightly rounded as the Moors preferred it. Her pubic mound was large and round, and shaved totally clean, so that the dark lips of her pussy were easily seen below the mound.”Let Bagoas see how well you are shaved, Kaneefa,” said Magari. Readying for the test well known to eunuchs, the black slavegirl went to a bench and put one foot up on it, leaving her pubic mound and her pussy exposed. Bagoas knew well what to do, and he knelt near her and rubbed his totally hairless cheek against her pussy. He then rose and gave Magari an approving nod.Magari pointed to the second girl. She dropped her robe to reveal a lithe, slender body of a fine dark coppery color. Bagoas recognized her race, but for the benefit of Hamid he said, “Ah, a Nubian from the south of Egypt, master Magari. That mix of Arabian and Abyssinian produces striking girls.” This girl had pointed breasts with large dark areolas surrounding upstanding nipples. Her belly was tight and her pubic mound was shaven as smooth as the Abyssinian girl’s. Magari motioned for her to spread her legs and she presented to Bagoas’ professional inspection her pussy lips of a darker brown than the surrounding skin of her thighs, standing out noticeably. Again Bagoas nodded in professional approbation.Now Magari motioned for two girls to stand up side by side. “Master Bagoas, a special treat. These girls are twins from the Berber tribe, captured in a raid against those thieving nomads. They are identical in every way.” The two girls dropped their robes and posed side by side, each turning slightly toward the other as they had been taught. Indeed they were identical in every way. Beautiful faces with high cheekbones, long black hair and long black eyelashes, and round breasts which were not large, but were perfectly shaped with dark nipples standing up in each of the four identical mounds. Traveling down their bodies Bagoas’ gaze passed over their tight bellies with protruding belly buttons, identical even there. But he then saw that there was indeed one difference in these twins. One of them, like the other girls, was perfectly clean shaven on her pussy mound, but the other showed a natural growth of curly black hair, trimmed back only from the lips of her slit.Magari laughed and said, “I must have some way to tell them apart! As you know, some men prefer the shaven and others the unshaven. Here a man can have both at once!” Bagoas joined Magari in his laughter. He noticed that Magari made a small sign to the girls, and they disappeared into one of the curtained alcoves.”But now,” said Magari, “the prize of the harem.” The last girl stood up from the shadows where she had been half hidden, and Bagoas gasped. This was a girl like none he had ever seen. He knew the Egyptians, the Moors, the Berbers, the Nubians, and the Abyssinians. He even had in his care in the Governor’s Palace a Spanish girl, and he had once seen in the market a girl from the far country of France, light of skin and hair unlike any Moor. But a girl as white as this he had never seen. She dropped her robe and her white body fairly shone compared to the other girls. Wonder of wonders, her hair was red, not dyed with henna as some Moorish women did, but an actual fiery red color. Her white face was skillfully made up with reddish powder on the cheeks and carmine on her lips, making them a brighter red than Bagoas had seen on dark skinned girls.Her tits were white as milk, and a pink confection of a nipple stood in the middle of each. Her tits were surprisingly large for such a small girl, and the nipples were too, but their perfection was outstanding. Her belly was smooth and white, sporting a small navel which accented its perfection. And below it, on her pubic mound, Bagoas beheld with amazement a sparse nest of curly red hair so thin that the white skin flashed behind it. At Magari’s tap she spread her legs to show a fine white pussy with dainty pink lips. Bagoas shook his head in wonderment. “Where are girls like this to be found, master?” he inquired.Magari beamed with pride at having stunned his fellow Harem Master. “She comes from a strange place, Bagoas, and was captured by Barbary pirates raiding in the Northern Seas. Her kind come only rarely to the market. Heath-er,” he said, pronouncing the strange name tentatively, “Tell Bagoas the strange name of your land.”Heather cast her eyes down, and said softly, but pronouncing the syllables carefully, “Ire-land, lord.””By Allah the beneficent,the merciful, whose name be ever praised, I must search out such a rare beauty for my master,” exclaimed Bagoas.Magari explained to Bagoas the section of the market which sometimes held girls captured by the pirates, and Bagoas noted it with care. “Feel free to examine her carefully, my friend,” said Magari.Bagoas approached the red haired girl and examined her as he would a slave in the market. First he checked her teeth, and looked carefully into her eyes. Then he ran his hands over her body. He started at her smooth shoulders, then down to her round breasts. He squeezed them gently, and rolled the nipples between his fingers. Nodding in approval, he then ran his hand down her smooth belly and even probed a finger into her navel. “She is skinny and her belly is not rounded,” he said, “but it is true some men prefer them that way.”Magari nodded and said, “Indeed my master enjoys variety in his nights.”Bagoas then turned the girl around and caressed her firm round butt. Hamid was watching from his corner the entire time, learning from Bagoas’ professional skill. Of course none of the eunuchs had any interest otherwise, and none were stimulated.Bagoas pushed gently on the girl’s back, and she obediently bent forward, presenting her white ass for his inspection. Magari handed him a pot of ointment and he lubricated his fingers before probing in the girl’s exposed pussy. She wiggled her hips a bit as he did, and he lightly slapped her butt and said, “None of that, girl!” He then reached around and felt her tits, pulled her upright and turned her around again. His hand went to her pubic mound, covered with that light downy red hair. He rubbed it gently and said to Magari, “Like none I have ever seen or felt on a slave.” Then his lubricated finger probed between her legs and pushed up into the slit there. As he rubbed, the outer lips swelled and he pulled them open so the inner lips came out, a deeper pink than the pale white skin of the girl’s thighs. Bagoas noted this carefully and then removed his hand from the pussy. His inspection finished he curtly motioned the girl back to the pillows. “I shall have to visit the pirate’s section of the market, my friend. Thank you for this information.” The Irish girl sat on the cushions looking slightly forlorn.”It is my pleasure, friend,” said the master of this harem. “And now, I want you to see something special in dancing girls.” He clapped his hands twice, and one of the identical Berber twins appeared in front of the curtain of their alcove, swaying prettily. Bagoas noticed that she was the one with the shaved pussy, and just then she swirled behind the curtain to appear again at its other side. Her back to them she wiggled her butt nicely then turned slowly showing her pretty boobs as she turned. Bagoas chuckled lightly as he saw this was not the same girl, but instead the unshaven one. She disappeared again behind the curtain. Then from the right side of the curtain her leg appeared, moving sinuously. It came out just far enough to show her shaved pussy with its dark lips, then went back behind the curtain and then from the left side her other leg appeared. But as the curtain was pulled back slowly the hairy pussy was revealed here. The leg was pulled in and on the right one of the girls appeared, her head and one tit visible above and her hip and leg below, but the curtain covering the other tit and her crotch. Slowly she pulled the curtain back. Getting the joke now, Bagoas waited to see which twin it was. Again, the unshaven pussy appeared. She withdrew and appeared similarly on the left side, her face, one tit and her leg flashing out, then slowly the curtain showed, once again, the hairy pussy. Quickly she darted to the other side of the curtain, and again pulled aside to show — a shaven pussy!Bagoas was now laughing aloud. In the corner, Hamid smothered his giggles with a pillow. Now the shaved girl emerged from behind the curtain, put out her hand and took the hand of the unshaven one and pulled her out. The both of them turned to face each other, pressing close and rubbing their tits together. In this position they slowly turned around, then began to spin until it was hard to keep track of the flashing butt cheeks as they passed by. Suddenly they separated, their butts to the audience and still holding hands. They swayed gently back and forth, and then slowly bent over. Bagoas chuckled as he made his mental bet on the right hand pussy, but as they bent and spread their legs he could see he was wrong, for between their legs the shaven mound appeared on the right and the pussy hair on the left.Now the girls turned to the audience again, and each covered her crotch with her right hand. They swayed toward the watchers, then began darting back and forth, in front of and behind each other, always covering their pussies. Once again Bagoas struggled to keep his eye on the hairy one, just as he had watched the pea under the nutshells in the market when he was young and foolish. Moving swiftly, now turning so their butts were toward him, now spinning again until he could see the hand covering their pussies, the girls presented a pretty puzzle. Then they stopped, raised their left hands over their heads, shook their shoulders so their pretty boobs wiggled, and posed with their pussies still covered. Bagoas again made his mental bet. Then the girls threw their right hands in the air, and Bagoas saw that he had won, correctly putting the hairy girl on the left.Now the girls lay on the pillows. Each raised her legs high, displaying her pussy clearly. The shaven one was pure smooth skin, and the other showed its dark lips below the curly dark hair. Each girl put her hand down and spread the lips of her cunt, showing the soft pinkness inside. Then they rolled toward each other and locked legs, so that each pussy was pressed up against a leg of the other. Quickly they began rolling over and over on the pillows, first one pretty ass and then the other on top, but always keeping their legs pressed tight hiding their pussies. One way they rolled, then back the other, writhing. Bagoas realized that a group of men watching this show, and betting on the results, would be far more distracted than he was and would have a hard time keeping track of pussy hair with their mind on flashing butts and pretty legs.The girls stopped, and lying on their sides slowly unlocked their legs and pointed their toes in the air. Bagoas clapped his hands as he had won again, keeping track of the hairy one and correctly placing it on the left. The girls now rose, panting a bit from their exertion. Holding hands, they made a delightful picture with their identical faces, identical round breasts, identical pointed nipples, and identical pussy mounds differentiated only by the hair on one. Bagoas was charmed. “By Allah, a fine show!” he said. “And an opportunity for your master’s guests to throw their gold on the table in wagers, no doubt.””Ah, yes,” replied Magari. “Betting on the hair is a popular sport among my master’s friends. Much money has been lost when a girl’s flowers turned out to be smooth instead of hairy!” Magari then clapped his hands, and suddenly all five girls disappeared behind the curtain. “Now a game to test your memory, my friend,” he said.He pulled aside the curtain and showed another behind it. This curtain had a circular opening cut into it part way up. Bagoas laughed and said, “I think I know this game, my friend. May I beg you that my young servant be taught how to play?”Magari laughed at this, He turned to Hamid trying to be unobtrusive in the corner and motioned him over. “Hamid, my lad,” he said, “if you ever hope to fill the place of such a master of the harem as my friend Bagoas, you must show your mental powers. You have been watching all these girls tonight?”Hamid was highly embarrassed to be even noticed by this Harem Master, but he shakily said, “Yes indeed, my lord.””it is well,” Magari chuckled. “Now Bagoas will have taught you that the lovely rounded rears of the girls are a great attraction to men. So here is the game. Behind the curtain, you will see five moons appear one at a time. You must use your memory, and after five have appeared you will deliver the list as you remember it.” Hamid could see Bagoas chuckling as he received his instructions Swallowing deeply he moved toward the curtain as Magari called out, “One!”Hamid had no trouble as a black butt with shiny rounded cheeks appeared in the hole in the curtain. “Abyssinian,” he filed in his mind. The butt shook around a bit, clenched its cheeks, and then its owner bent forward so her shaved black pussy showed briefly in the circle. “Yes, the Abyssinian.” Hamid felt safe on that one.Next a small pale bottom appeared in the hole. “Easy again,” thought Hamid. “The one from Ire-land.” The girl bent forward, showing pink pussy lips and a flash of light red down. Hamid was secure in his second choice.As he had feared, the next ass to appear in the hole was a dark one, possibly either one of the Berber girls or the Nubian beauty. To help him, hands came back and pulled the cheeks apart and the girl bent forward to show a clean shaven brown pussy. Hamid made a desperate guess that it was the shaven Berber twin.The next ass that appeared was identical to it, so Hamid knew this must be the other twin and his guess was correct. As the girl bent over, dark hair appeared around her pussy and Hamid breathed a sigh of relief that he had four girls in order. The next he was sure he knew to be the dark Nubian.But the ass that appeared in the opening was much darker than he had expected. Its glossy black color confused him, and the deep black pussy revealed when the owner bent over was even more disconcerting. Frantically he tried to remember the first dark ass, the one he had confidently assigned to the Abyssinian girl. Was this the Nubian, darker than he remembered? Or had he overestimated the darkness of that first black ass? He broke into a sweat, but the dark lips of the pussy finally convinced him that this was the Abyssinian after all, and the first must be the Nubian.The final ass disappeared and Magari drew the curtain. “Now, young eunuch who aspires to so much, give us your list,” he said. Hamid drew a deep breath, and then quickly said, “The Nubian, then the pale girl, then the shaved twin and the unshaven one, and last the Abyssinian girl.” At this Bagoas and Magari both laughed deeply. Hamid cringed at what they might say.”My son,” said Bagoas, “you must learn to listen to what is said. When we set you this task, we only said five round moons would be presented to you. Never did we say that each must belong to a different slave.” Then the Abyssinian girl and the Nubian emerged from behind the curtain naked. Each turned her back to Hamid and both bent over displaying their round butts to his gaze. They bent forward and pulled their cheeks apart so he could clearly see their shaven pussies between their legs and the pink insides.Bagoas laughed as the girls twitched their butts and reached down to rub their pussies. Hamid could now clearly see how much blacker the Abyssinian was than the Nubian, and how her black pussy lips were darker than the Nubian’s deep brown ones. “But, but…” he said, “were both the first and last moons the Abyssinian’s all the time?” Both master eunuchs laughed.”Yes, zonguldak escort my boy, the black girl showed your her dark moon twice. You should have gone with your powers of observation instead of expecting five different butts!” said Bagoas.Magari, the fat Harem Master, kindly said, “But you will learn, lad. When you have served the harem as many years as Bagoas and I have, each round moon, each pair of breasts, each wet flower will have its own special look to you. Intact men cannot be expected to notice the subtle differences in female flesh, because their throbbing organs distract their mind. But we who rule harems are different and have mental control they do not. Learn well your lesson, Hamid, and you will learn to profit from the difference we without balls have from those who are ruled by their cocks.” Bagoas laughed, and then bowing deeply to his fellow eunuch thanked him for the tour. Then they returned to their quarters. Bagoas and Magari spent the night rolling dice, and discussing the ways of harem girls and the men who used them. Hamid sat silently in a corner and listened well.CHAPTER 5 – THE SLAVE MARKETBagoas and his body servant and protege Hamid, as told in the previous chapter, accompanied their master Governor Glaoui of Ouarzazate to Casablanca. Bagoas was a powerful person, the Overseer of the Governor’s harem, and he and his servant had made the journey because the Governor intended to display his wealth and position by adding to his harem. They had received lodging in the eunuch quarters of the Palace of a friend of the Governor, and been entertained by their host Magari, Overseer of this harem, with a visit to his slave girls. The harem included a girl who intrigued Bagoas, a pale skinned red headed girl that Magari said came from a northern country named Ire-land, and had been captured and sold into slavery by Barbary pirates. Magari described to Bagoas the narrow alley where the pirates sometimes took their captives in the slave market.The next day Bagoas was up early, and obtained permission from his master to visit the market and find a few girls that might suit their harem. Calling to Hamid, the Overseer strode out of their guest quarters and soon found the busy slave market. They passed quickly through many stalls offering men servants, women for house and kitchen work, and a long lane offering fine eunuchs of every description. Recognizing Bagoas as one of them they called out, begging to be bought into a fine household, but Bagoas ignored them and whispered to Hamid to do the same.They came to the market for harem girls. It swirled with noise, dust, and colors of the hangings of the stalls and the scant clothes worn by the girls. Here also Bagoas was recognized as a powerful eunuch, who probably could influence his master. Hence each stall tried to attract his attention, bringing out their prettiest girls. Bagoas stopped at a stall offering black skinned Abyssinian girls, and the seller directed his three prettiest girls to open their robes for Bagoas. He nodded politely, and scrutinized the girls displaying round black breasts tipped with darker nipples, and dark curled hair on their pubic mound over their dark pussy lips. A group of idle young men gathered around, for they habituated the market just to enjoy these free shows. The seller was disappointed when Bagoas moved on. He stopped briefly at stalls displaying Berber girls, and also the Egyptian girls, from the lighter girls of the delta to the darker Nubian girls from the southern reaches of the Nile. Each of them displayed their naked charms, but neither Bagoas nor Hamid appreciated them in any way except professionally.Soon they came to an open space where a musician played on a flute and another on a drum, and several merchants had their dancing girls performing. They were all dancing totally nude, and the hangers-on were enjoying the show. Seeing Bagoas, several of the merchants rushed him to a place in the front and began extolling their girls. One pointed to a Berber girl who was belly dancing. Her large pointed tits swayed as she danced, and her belly, rounded as the Moors preferred, rotated swiftly, her hips following. Her dark pussy hair flashed, and as she bent over backwards and thrust her belly upward the lips of her pussy spread a bit to show the pink inside.Another merchant pointed to a Spanish girl, with long black hair, who had a thin gauzy scarf as her only adornment. She pulled the scarf under her tits and pushed them up and together, then let them fall as she turned her back and pulled the scarf across her butt as she shook it. Then turning again she brought the cloth between her legs and rubbed it back and forth over her shaved pussy then pulled it up to show that her lips had swollen and her pussy dripped from the rubbing.Bagoas motioned to Hamid, who was watching the show with fascination, although not reacting in his crotch like the idle men enjoying it. They moved on in the direction Magari had told them to take. They found a narrow alley, and two armed men of evil appearance lounged at the entrance. Seeing a powerful eunuch such as Bagoas, they stepped back to let him enter and even gave a slight bow as he did. As Hamid passed they glared at him, but since he was following Bagoas he passed them by.Inside the alley, there were many girls, most of them chained. Hamid saw a string of naked Spanish girls, each with a leather collar around their neck and chains connecting the collars. He noted with interest that although they all had black hair and flashing black eyes, and dark black hair on their unshaven pussies, each of them displayed a different set of tits. This variety fascinated him. A bit further on a group of Abyssinian were confined by neck stocks, their arms held up so their dark boobs showed to advantage, and their legs spread by wooden ankle stocks so their dark slits covered with black hair were easily seen. A bit further on, a tall beautiful Nubian girl was chained by her wrists and ankles in a spread eagle position. She writhed against her bonds as Bagoas watched. Her boobs moved up and down with her panting chest, and her exposed cunt, covered with dark hair, twisted with her hips as she struggled. Seeing Bagoas watching her, the merchant approached and said, “A girl full of fire, master. With proper discipline she will learn her place. An experienced overseer such as yourself will know how to train her.”Bagoas said, “Unchain her, I want to examine her back.”The merchant removed the chains on one wrist and one ankle from their hooks, so the girl, while still chained, could be jerked around to show her back. As Bagoas suspected, her back, her ass, and the backs of her legs all showed the marks of a recent whipping. Bagoas turned away, and the merchant’s assistants grabbed the girl’s wrist and ankles to fasten her chains again. The girl fought against them until the merchant wielded his whip on her ass several times, causing her to scream and cry. The assistants pulled the chains even tighter than they had been, straining her leg so far out that her pussy was pulled open by the stretch, showing the pink inside the dark lips. Bagoas walked quickly away from the scene. He said to Hamid, “Such treatment is not needed. There are other ways to break the will of a fiery girl. Fortunately our Governor is not one who enjoys seeing his harem girls thus treated.”They walked the length of the alley, surveying numerous girls displayed totally nude, posing in various more or less attractive postures. Hamid had never seen so many kinds and shapes of boobs. There were round ones, pointed ones, tits so large they sagged, tiny round tits with pretty little nipples, boobs that pointed out and up and in, all wiggling or bouncing in his head. There were butts also, large ones, tight ones, round ones, butts swaying, butts clenched, butts pulled open to show the inner hole. Pussies also amazed his sight. He saw shaved pussies, pussies covered in dark hair, pussies with hair trimmed into camel’s paths, triangles, and rounded mounds. They were large, small, tight, open, and of all colors. Dark lips, brown lips, light colored lips, but when they were spread open they were all pink inside. He felt that his education as a harem eunuch was advancing by leaps and bounds.Not finding what he was looking for, Bagoas drew one of the idling men to the side. Hamid saw coins clink, and the man pointed to a staircase not far away. Bagoas nodded to Hamid and they climbed the stairs. There were again evil looking guards whetting their daggers at the door, but seeing Bagoas they also discerned that here was a eunuch of power, probably a Harem Master, and hastened to move aside so he and his body servant could enter.There was a slightly raised platform at the end of the room, and reclining on pillows Bagoas finally saw what he sought. Four of the light skinned Northern girls, dressed in diaphanous fabrics that hid none of their charms, were on display. Bagoas strode up to the platform, and a couple of obsequious merchants rushed to his side. He beheld girls such as he had never seen before. All of them had skin much lighter than he was used to seeing even on Egyptian Delta slaves.The merchant motioned one to come forward. She glided up from the pillows and gracefully dropped her robe so she stood totally naked. Her white skin contrasted strongly with her dark hair, long black eyelashes, and flashing black eyes. She had tits that were not large, but attractively shaped and topped with a large dark pink areola and a pointed nipple. Her stomach was acceptably rounded and below it her pubic mound swelled, covered with black hair that matched that on her head. Below it the lips of her pussy contrasted in their light color. At a gesture from the merchant she obediently spread her legs so Bagoas could examine it. The merchant said, “She was captured aboard a ship from the land next to Spain, called France, my lord.”Bagoas nodded, and the merchant motioned the second girl forward. As she stood before him nude, Bagoas saw that her skin was even lighter than the first. Her hair was the color of autumn wheat, and her eyes were light brown. She was of that plump sort of figure that many men adored. Her large round breasts sagged just slightly, and the rosy areolas and large nipples would have men anxious to get their hands on them, Bagoas knew. Her rotund belly would suit the Moorish tastes. Bagoas visualized her trained as a belly dancer with that asset. The merchant motioned for her to turn around, and Bagoas beheld a truly magnificent ass that would hold and caress a man’s cock in its depths. She bent over and displayed a pink pussy with large lips, and faintly covered with light hair. The merchant said, “The German merchants like to take their servant girls on their vessels. This one was taken from a rich prize ship along with much gold.”The third girl then came forward and dropped her gown. Bagoas was stunned to see a girl of a kind he had never seen before. She was tall and statuesque, overtopping many of the men in the room. Her hair was almost white, and she had stunning eyes which flashed blue. Her breasts were things for a man to adore, large, round, and white, with pink nipples which pointed skyward. Her belly was slightly rounded, and below it her pubic mound swelled and displayed only the lightest fuzz of hair which matched the color of that on her head. The merchant tapped her thighs and she spread her legs, showing pussy lips of the same white skin, tightly closed so the interior of her cunt did not show. Bagoas nodded his head slowly in appreciation. “The countries of the far north produce these white girls,” said the merchant, “and sometimes the pirates raid into their territory.”Then the fourth girl stood up. Bagoas recognized her as being of the same blood from Ire-land as the girl he had seen in Magari’s harem. His interest was immediately aroused. This small girl, seeing them watching her, made a strange gesture with her hand, touching first her forehead, then her stomach, and then each shoulder in turn. She tried to wrap her covering cloth around herself. Snarling, “She has just arrived. I will teach her,” the merchant grabbed the cloth and ripped it from her. She gave a little gasp, and tried to cover her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other. Two of the dirty men in the room grabbed her arms, and spread them out while putting a knee in her back to force her forward. In this position she was fully displayed. As she struggled, Bagoas saw that she had the red hair he was looking for, but cut short. Her eyes were blue and her cheeks were rosy but her skin was otherwise very pale. Held as she was, her small round tits protruded forward and their pink nipples stood out. She was thin and had a very small waist and a flat belly. Bagoas examined her pubic mound with care. Thin wisps of red hair curled around on it, partly concealing and partly revealing its white skin. Below it, the skin of her thighs was also a milky white, and the pale pink lips of her pussy contrasted a bit.Bagoas said, “I would examine her.”The merchant bowed and said, “Of course, my Lord. Allah the beneficent, the generous, has given us this girl of wonder and may Allah will that she please your master.” Bagoas had long ago ceased to believe that Allah had anything to do with the slave trade, but he simply nodded.The merchant brought a pot of scented lotion and Bagoas perfumed both his hands with it. He approached the girl, who regarded him with fearful eyes. “Release her,” he said to the pirates holding her arms. The girl faced him boldly, but fear still showed in her eyes. Bagoas said, “I will not harm you, girl. You must learn your fate and submit to it,” but saw that she understood little Arabic. First he opened her mouth and looked at her teeth, then carefully examined both eyes. Gently, he touched her small breasts. She recoiled slightly but he persisted, rolling his hands over the tits and then gently stroking the small rosy nipples. He then ran his hand down and felt the muscles of her stomach, then reached out toward her waist. She shrank back, but Bagoas was wise in the ways of girls new to slavery. Insistently he used his hands to turn her around.Her little ass was white and rounded. The cheeks pressed together tightly as she still stood there in fear. Bagoas approached, and gently pushed her head down so she bent forward and her butt stuck out toward him. He put his hand on one cheek and she flinched slightly. The slowly but firmly he pressed his fingers into the crack, spreading her cheeks so her nether hole was displayed. The girl shuddered but remained obedient. Bagoas then raised her up and turned her around again. Taking more lotion on his hands he rubbed her flat stomach, and let his hand glide down onto her pubic mound. She turned her head away, but submitted to his gentle rubbing. Bagoas wonderingly fingered the soft red hair on her mound, then let his hand slide down onto her thighs. As he pulled them apart, she resisted for a moment and tried to pull away. Bagoas held firmly to her thigh, and she relaxed slightly and let him part her legs. His fingers probed into her slit, lubricated by the lotion. Unsatisfied, he withdrew them and said, “Lie down, girl.” motioning toward the dirty carpet. Trembling, she lay on her back and, knowing what he wanted, spread her legs. Now her pussy with its light red hair was displayed to all in the room. Many of the pirates watched with interest, amazed at the gentle ways of this eunuch with a slave girl. Bagoas gently inserted his fingers deep into her cunt, and then withdrawing them spread her pussy lips wide so its pure pink inside was visible.Bagoas turned from the girl, who rolled over on the pillows groping for the light cloth which was her only covering. Drawing it about her she returned to her place, bringing her knees up to her chest to cover her little tits, and wrapping her arms around her knees. She continued to tremble lightly, and again made the strange four way gesture with her eyes closed.Bagoas spoke to the merchant. “My master will examine your wares. Bring the plump one and the red haired one to this palace.” He described the palace they were visiting and the way there.The merchant was delighted and kept repeating, “Praises to Allah the generous, friend of the merchant.”Bagoas simply said, “Be there without fail. And in Allah’s name, man, clean yourself up before you enter my master’s presence!” Then he and Hamid stalked out of the dirty room.They passed back through the slave market, and Bagoas stopped at two other booths. At one he ordered a light skinned Egyptian girl brought for his master’s examination, and at another a Berber girl. But from Bagoas’ cursory examination, hardly even probing their pussies, Hamid did not believe that his master truly favored them.The next morning, Bagoas led Hamid into the Governor’s temporary quarters. He pointed to a small stool in the corner and Hamid sat down quietly, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. Soon the Governor’s Chief Scribe entered. He was thin and squinted at the papers before him. Bagoas knew this man was the holder of the accounts and advised the Governor on financial matters.Then one of the slaves announced, “The merchants you requested are here with their merchandise, Bagoas.” He opened the door and the merchants entered. One led the Egyptian girl by a cuff on her wrist, and one led the Berber girl by a light chain around her waist. Both were d****d in a light filmy cloth. Next came the piratical merchant holding the plump German girl by the arm as she came willingly into the room. She also wore only a filmy wrap. Last was another pirate, even more villainous looking if that were possible. He held a chain which looped round the neck of the little Irish girl, whose hands were bound behind her. He jerked on the chain, even though she gave no resistance. She was dressed differently than the rest, having a green cloth wrapped over her small round tits and a green loincloth between her legs. They lined the four girls up against the wall.Bagoas nodded at the servant and he left the room to summon the Governor. Soon Bagoas’ master entered and took his seat in a carved chair. He looked over the four girls arrayed before him. Then he nodded at his Scribe, who intoned, “In the name of Allah the magnificent, the merciful, my lord the Governor of Ouarzazate has summoned you here so he may examine your wares. If the price is right he may buy.” All the merchants bowed deeply to the Governor, and all the girls except the bound Irish slave pressed their hands together and bowed also. The villain accompanying the red haired girl jerked the chain around her neck and pushed her head down forcing her to pay obeisance too.”Bagoas, Overseer of my Harem, you have inspected the wares in the slave market and chosen these girls for my consideration?” asked the Governor.”My Lord, I have. I think each of them will suit you well for a harem slave and each of them will well please your needs and your guests. Having fine girls such as this will increase your reputation among your peers and show your wealth and power. Some of them are untrained but I will undertake that duty when needed,” replied the Overseer.”It is well,” said the master. “Show them to me.”Bagoas nodded to the first merchant and he brought the Egyptian girl forward. She dropped the light cloth which wrapped her and stood naked before the Governor. She bowed deeply, making her tits swing forward and down. Then she stood straight before him, placed her hands on her hips and spread her thighs a bit. The Governor looked at her firm boobs tipped with dark nipples, at her flat belly, and at her shaven pussy whose dark lips were visible between her legs. The merchant started to speak, but the Governor waved him and his girl back to the wall.The second merchant brought the dark Berber girl forward, and she dropped her wrap and bowed. Then she stood up and raised her hands over her head, posing prettily with her large firm dark boobs pulled upward and the nipples pointing to the ceiling. She swayed her hips and opened her legs, showing dark pussy lips below the black triangle of hair on her mound. Clearly she realized the advantage she might get belonging to so powerful a man and wanted to show off well for him. The Governor looked her over, and then waved her and her merchant back to the wall also.Bagoas motioned to the third merchant. He came forward with the plump German girl. He removed her filmy wrapping and she bowed, her large breasts swinging forward as she did like two juicy melons. The Governor regarded them both closely and then said, “Bagoas, I must ask two questions. First, could this man not have bathed before he came? He truly stinks to Heaven.” Bagoas jerked his head at the pirate, and the man slunk back into the corner. leaving his girl standing alone. “And secondly, Bagoas, whence came this strange white girl? She does attract my curiosity.” “My lord,” said Bagoas, “I am told she comes from a land called Germany, far to the North. These Barbary pirates, whom Allah knows are liars as well as cutthroats, say they took a rich ship as a prize and she was aboard. See how her breasts are round and firm, and tipped with pink confections of nipples, lord. Observe her round belly, giving her a plump and pleasant look. And see the fine light hair in her nether mound and the pink flower which blooms below it. I think she would be a great asset to your harem.””You may be right, Bagoas. But I see yet one more girl of a strange pale color. Let her be brought forward.”Bagoas went to the obnoxious pirate holding the red haired girl’s chain, and took it from his hand. Standing with his back to the Governor and speaking very low, Bagoas said, “Do not be foolish, girl. You are to be sold as a harem slave, whatever you do. The Governor my master is a man of great power, but I know that even his harem slavegirls are treated well and not abused. You must try to impress him.” The girl trembled a bit, but she seemed to understand a few of his words. She nodded slightly, and Bagoas hoped that she understood the advantage she could gain by pleasing Governor Glaoui.Bagoas led the girl before the Governor and removed her top, displaying her small round white breasts with tiny pink nipples. The girl’s hands were bound behind her, but Bagoas prodded her gently and she threw out her chest, thrusting her tits forward. Bagoas could see her blue eyes flashing as she did. He reached down and pulled off the loincloth she wore. For a moment she seemed to want to try to free her hands to cover her nakedness, but then as she had seen the other girls do she relaxed and stood with her legs slightly parted showing off her naked beauty. The fine red hair on her pussy mound seemed to Bagoas to blaze forth and the pink lips of her little pussy stood out below it.The Governor said, “An even more exotic look than the other, Bagoas. This white skin, the pink nipples and pink flowers between her legs, but most of all this hair like fire I have never seen before.””My lord,” said Bagoas, “these lying scum claim that Allah put her into their hands from a vessel of a land called Ire-land. She is newly come to slavery, but I believe that I can train her to her harem duties well. Consider how her exotic looks will excite any man who sees her, and make him desire her favors, thus putting him in your power.””The first two girls do not interest me, Bagoas,” said the Governor. “Every rich man I know has their sort in his harem. But these two light ones are something to show my friends and let them try out. We must see how they perform.” With a wave of his hand he dismissed the first two merchants in disappointment. As they left the room leading their merchandise, the scribe tossed each of them a small silver piece. Then the Governor said to the pirates, “My Harem Master Bagoas will see to your girls. Leave me and take your stink with you.”After the merchants all left he said, “Bagoas, you know well that in my younger days Allah gave me the power to deal with both of these girls within the hour, but it is no longer so. And certainly neither you, nor that ball-less boy cowering in the corner who hopes I do not see him, can test these girls further. A man is required, and where shall I find one to try the test and advise me? Only Ahmed, my trusted scribe is here, so Ahmed, you will have to serve.”The skinny bespectacled scribe looked like a bullock stunned with a poleaxe. Never had his master invited him to share in any of the pleasures of the harem. Although his cock was stiff under his robes from watching the naked girls, he had been sure the Governor had not been able to see it.”Stand up, man! Take off your robe. You shall give me your opinion of the plump one.” Ahmed trembled but complied. He stood forth with his rod standing in front of him. “Ah, I see you are prepared already with a mighty pen, my scribe.”Bagoas brought the wheaten haired beauty forward. Clearly she knew that belonging to this master could be a very good thing for her. She threw her arms around Ahmed and pressed her ample bosom into his thin chest. Then she worked her body down, rubbing her boobs across his stomach and then capturing his erect cock between the two glorious mounds. Rubbing them back and forth, she began to raise him to heights of ecstasy. Then the plump girl dropped her head down, took his balls in her hand, and began to run her tongue around the ridge on his cock where he had been circumcised. His cock twitched as she did, making her grab it with her other hand to hold it steady while she licked the head of it and the opening at the end.Ahmed glanced nervously as his master, but the Governor was sitting impassive watching him receive the attentions of the plump beauty. She took the full length of his cock into her mouth and rapidly sucked up and down on it, making his hips surge toward her. But then she pulled away from his cock, and stood up before him, leaving his cock twitching. She turned her back, and presented her large round butt cheeks to him. She knew well what assets they were in this world, and she backed up until his cock was caught in the crack between them. She clenched her cheeks tightly and Ahmed took hold of her hips and thrust his dick up and down between them.His excitement growing, Ahmed reached between her legs and began to rub her pussy. As the lips swelled the pink inside of it drove him to higher ecstasy. He rammed his cock into her and leaned forward to grab the large tits and squeeze the pink nipples. Bagoas and Hamid watched impassively, but though the Governor tried to look calm Bagoas read the signs of his growing excitement watching his scribe banging the pale skinned girl.Ahmed thrust again and again into the German girl’s pussy. He rolled the melon like boobs in his hands and pulled her butt closer to him so he could go into her deeply. She rolled her ass around, and the sensations seemed to drive him wild. Fiercely he rammed into her again and again, and then clutching her boobs hard he drove into her deeply one final time and jerked as his juice poured into her pussy. Sighing deeply, he relaxed and lay back on the pillows. Bagoas took the slavegirls hand and presented her to the Governor. She bowed low, her massive melons once again swinging in front of her, and retired to sit on the pillows by the wall, spreading her legs so the men were sure to be able to see her dripping pink cunt.Ahmed sat up on the cushions. “Speak, my scribe,” said the Governor. “Or will you write for me an account of your experience?”Ahmed was still panting, but managed to gasp out, “An amazing ride, your lordship. Simply amazing.”The Governor said, “Bagoas,this girl who pleases my scribe pleases me as well. Her plump beauty would grace my harem. But this other one intrigues my curiosity. I must try her out before I decide. Ahmed, give me privacy.” The scribe gathered up his robe and adjusting it about him, left the room. Bagoas made a small gesture to Hamid and the young eunuch followed the scribe quietly.Bagoas knew that the red haired girl had witnessed the testing of the other. He whispered to her, “You can make your place here. Do as you saw the other girl do and please my lord. You will be glad if you do.” She looked at him fearfully, but then seemed to understand him. She made up her mind and nodded slightly to him. He turned her around and removed the ropes which bound her wrists. In this position she showed the small round cheeks of her ass to his master and Bagoas knew they were attractive in their pale skinned perfection. Once more she touched her forehead, then her stomach and then each shoulder. Bagoas, being a good Muslim, had never seen a Christian make the sign of the cross and wondered why she did that strange thing. Then slowly the girl turned, posing and spreading her legs slightly as she had seen the other girls do. The Governor looked greedily at her small round tits with the juicy pink nipples, and then dropped his gaze to the light red down on her pubic mound and the pink lips of her pussy. Bagoas backed discreetly into the corner, knowing that the master expected him to watch but not interfere.The Governor stood up and threw off his robes, his dark cock standing out from his black pubic hair He held the red haired girl by her shoulders and pulled her close to him, rubbing against her and bringing one hand to fondle her tits. He pressed the other hand to her small round ass and pushed it close to him so she rubbed against his stiff rod. Then he put his hand on top of her red hair and pushed gently downward. Bagoas watched, hoping she understood this signal. She seemed to resist his pressure for a moment, but then went down, rubbing her tits against his chest, his stomach, and then against his cock. She swung her chest back and forth against the stiff rod so that her nipples teased its sensitive head. Then she continued down and holding his balls in one hand began to lick his shaft.Bagoas smiled inwardly, realizing that this shrinking slave actually was quite experienced. He visualized the little Irish girl sucking the large cock of a red haired blue eyed boy from her own land. She did know what she was doing. The master’s cock found her mouth, and putting his hand on the back of her red hair he pushed her head toward him and thrust into her mouth deeply. She skillfully worked back and forth, twisting a bit every time her lips reached the sensitive head of the shaft.Governor Glaoui raised her up and putting his hands on her waist turned her around so her white ass was toward him. Pushing down on her back, he caused her to lean over and his cock moved into the crack. He rubbed up and down, and the girl began to move her hips back and forth, giving him exquisite sensations. The man then ran his long cock between her legs and rubbed it over her pink pussy slowly. Bagoas, wise in the ways of sex, could see it twitching up against the pussy each time it rubbed.Then the Governor again turned her round and put his hand between her legs to rub the wet pussy. He pushed her back until she lay flat on the pillows, and brought her legs up and spread them so her small pussy, with its light downy red hair, was fully exposed. Kneeling between her legs he let his dick just tease the outer lips, bringing out the pink of the inner lips against the darkness of his shaft. This seemed to please him, and he continued to just rub the head of his cock in her pink pussy gently. She moved her hips as he did, exciting him more and more. Soon he was thrusting deeper and deeper into those pink lips, lifting her little ass up off the pillows with each thrust. He put his hands under her butt and pulled her in toward him as he thrust. Faster and faster he moved, finally putting his hands under her back and pulling her up until she was riding his cock and pressing her taut nipples into his chest. He gave one last mighty thrust upward and came hard into her, giving a deep moan as he did. Then he relaxed back onto the pillows, his dick still in her cunt and she leaning into him. He lay there several minutes, feeling her warm soft pussy grip his cock as it softened. Then he eased out of her.Bagoas came over quietly, took her hand and led her to the wall where she sat down near the plump white girl, leaning back so her tits were thrust upward and spreading her knees a bit so her dripping pussy showed its little flash of red hair. Bagoas realized she had decided that this was the best of all her possible chances and was really trying to be the Governor’s choice.Bagoas picked up the master’s robe and held it for him to put on. He arranged himself carefully and said, “Bagoas, call the scribe back to me.” Bagoas went to the door and signaled Ahmed to enter the room. The scribe did so, his gaze lingering on the two naked girls still sitting by the wall. “Bagoas,” said the Governor, “I have chosen. The plump white one pleased my scribe well, and I know she would decorate my harem. But the little one with the flame on her head and her flowers is the one who will join my lady wife and my two other slaves. Go with Ahmed to those vile men and tend to the arrangements. Ahmed, a gift of silver for your plump white girl if you please.” Ahmed pulled several silver pieces out of his pouch and walked over to hand them to the large plump slave. She was clearly disappointed at not being chosen but the silver pieces were riches to her so she tied them in a corner of her filmy wrap. Standing up, displaying her large white boobs and her pussy with its light covering for the last time here, she threw the wrap around her and Bagoas led her out of the room.He returned the girl to her master and gave the pirate some silver, smaller than the girl had received. Ahmed came out and said, “My master has directed me to buy the small red one. She is very little and inexperienced so he makes a small offer.” The villainous pirate snarled at this, and Bagoas knew that negotiations would continue for a long time but Ahmed would get this exotic and beautiful girl at a good price in the end.Bagoas returned to the chamber where the small redhead was sitting on the Governor’s lap while he idly caressed her small round tits The master pushed her up, and Bagoas took her hand and wrapped her in a filmy scarf. The Governor ordered him, “Bagoas, tell the Overseer of this harem to tend my prize until we return to Ouarzazate.” Bagoas bowed to his master and took the girl and led her out, well pleased with this day’s work.CHAPTER 6 — TRAINING A NEW SLAVEThe caravan of Governor Glaoui was preparing to leave Casablanca for the oasis of Ouarzazate. Among the many retainers and servants mounted on donkeys and camels, the Governor’s elaborate wagon stood out as a touch of luxury. Next to it in magnificence was a gilded wagon, painted with red and blue decorations, and closely covered with finely woven tapestries so no glimpse of its interior could be seen. The Governor had used part of his time in Casablanca to purchase a new harem slave, and she was now comfortably reclining on pillows in the wagon, in the care of Bagoas, overseer of the Governor’s harem, and his servant and apprentice Hamid.Bagoas mounted the steps of the wagon, and eighteen year old Hamid followed him. Being allowed to enter the wagon meant, of course, that they were both eunuchs. None of the intact men in the caravan, except the Governor’s trusted scribe Ahmed, had even had a glimpse of the new slave unless she was swathed in a heavy robe and veil.Bagoas and Hamid, as told in Chapter 5 of this story, had visited the dark alleys of the slave market where the Barbary pirates sold the girls they had captured in their raiding. Of the girls selected for the Governor to view and try out, he had been so deeply intrigued by this exotic prize that he purchased her immediately. Inside the wagon, Bagoas saw her lying back on the pillows.She was a sight unseen in Morocco, a girl of pale white skin with short cut hair of flaming red. Even an experienced eunuch like Bagoas had never heard of the far land of Ire-land, whence she said she came. She gave a start as Bagoas and Hamid entered the wagon, for she was but newly come to slavery and little understood what was happening to her. Unveiled, she wore only semi transparent pajamas, which barely concealed her white breasts tipped with rosy pink confections. When she moved her white legs, the light red hair of her pubic mound could be momentarily seen. This, of course, had no effect upon Bagoas nor Hamid.As for the girl, she knew only that Bagoas had treated her with relative kindness after the atrocities the Barbary pirates had performed upon her, and that the Governor, in testing her before buying, had not been vicious or heavy-handed. Although she knew little Arabic, she had decided, from partly understanding Bagoas’ kind words to her, that being in the Governor’s harem was the least awful of the choices she had, and during her exhibition and testing had come to accept the task of pleasuring him as her master. Her abilities, though untrained, to take his large cock in her mouth, in the crack of her ass, and deep in her pussy had pleased him, and now she was on her way to his harem. Bagoas would have the job of training her into a proper courtesan for the enjoyment of the Governor and his guests.As the wagon lurched forward and the long trip over the Atlas Mountains began, Bagoas spoke to the girl. “What are we to call you, girl? Have you a name the Moorish tongue can pronounce?” He pointed at her and raised his eyebrows as he did so, knowing that she spoke little Arabic.In a small shaky voice, the white skinned girl replied, “Bridget, my lord. Bridget O’Reilly.”Bagoas rolled it around his tongue. “Brig-ette, Brigette. That will do. The rest of it is unpronounceable. Brigette, we must begin to teach you what you have to know.””Where do I go, my lord” the girl asked plaintively in broken Arabic.”Do not be fearful, Brigette. The harem slaves in the Taourirt Kasbah of Ouarzazate are not abused. The harem quarters are large and comfortable. There is a common room, well furnished with tapestries and comfortable pillows. Opening off it are four archways. The one in the east, nearest Mecca, has a lattice door before its curtain, and that belongs to Durrah, whose name means Pearl. She is the Governor’s wife, and he calls her the Pearl of Great Price. You will learn to prepare her properly when her lord calls her to his bed. The other three archways are curtained, and two of them belong to the other slavegirls. You will meet Saiesha, a beautiful black skinned Abyssinian with large breasts, and Maria, a lovely Spanish girl with flashing eyes and pointed breasts. Both of them are shaved in the lower regions, but I think because of the fine red hair you have there you will not be shaved.”The girl seemed to understand little of this. She repeated words she had heard in the market, “Abyssinian girl, Spanish girl, slave.””Your only concern will be to please the Governor and the men he may choose to send you to. Some men prefer their women to be shaven in the area of their flowers, and others prefer the flowers to nest in their natural setting. I think that our Moorish men will be excited by your fine red hair.” said the Overseer, pointing to her crotch. “Moorish men often also like large breasts and rounded bellies,” he continued, touching her nipples with one finger. “But your small breasts are so round, so perfect, and have such a delicate pink color in the nipples that the difference will be exciting to many, I think.”Brigette regarded him quizzically during most of this talk. She touched her pubic mound and repeated the Arabic words for “red hair,” and then following his finger said hesitantly, “nipple.” She smiled timidly as he nodded at her.”As a harem slave, Brigette, you will get used to eunuchs like me. Do not think of me as a man, because I will never use you as a man might. My interest in you is that the better you perform, the more my standing with the Governor is increased. Therefore it is my duty to teach you what I have learned in over 30 years of attending the harem.” he answered. “We may begin our lessons even as we travel.”With those words, he opened a pouch of fine wool and removed an object carved from camel bone. It was long and thick, and shaped exactly like an erect circumcised cock. He held it out to Brigette. She gasped, then took it in one hand and examined it. “This rod is what you will concern yourself with as a slave. If you can make a man’s rod throb and fill you with juice, you will have made him happy. That will make me happy. And if I am happy I have the power to make you happy. Do you understand?””Ye-e-e-s, my lord,” the slave replied hesitantly, though truly she had understood little that he said. She ran a hand up and down the smooth surface of the bone cock.”Take the end of it in your mouth, gently.” He pushed it toward her lips and she did so. Bagoas moved it in and out a few times, then drew it out and pointed. “Do you see this ridge, just below the crown? That is the scar of a Muslim’s circumcision. It can be very sensitive. Roll the rod in your mouth, and work your tongue around that ridge.” He pushed the rod into her mouth again and rolled his own tongue to demonstrate. Brigette complied, with a hesitant look at him. “This is the first step in firshaeh, mouth congress. Now begin to take it deeper into your mouth.” Brigette pushed the hard rod a bit deeper. “Deeper, girl, deeper!” said the eunuch. She pushed it in a bit more, but then gagged and pulled it out. “No, no. You must learn to pleasure a man with a big organ, girl. Some of our Moors are equipped like a bull! As we travel, you shall practice six times a day!”So the time passed while they traveled. Bagoas had learned much in his many years in the harem, and though he could not personally demonstrate, he passed on his knowledge by teaching and using objects to demonstrate. Brigette took the carved cock in her mouth, over her tits, in her pussy and in her ass many times during the several days. Bagoas was gentle but insistent, and Brigette soon learned this lesson. All of her openings would accept the long, wide bone carving to its full depth by the time they reached the harem in Ouarzazate.Hamid was often involved in the training of the girl, for it was his training also. He learned to handle the bone cock, how to move it in and out to simulate what a man would do, how to make it seem to throb in her mouth or pussy, even how to clean it after a lesson. He also helped her to learn Arabic words for all sorts of things, both sexual and not. He soon realized that she was confused at being with two men who never tried to approach her themselves, and understood that she did not know what a eunuch was. After much trying to explain to her in Arabic, he finally decided that the young girl must simply be shown. So one day when Bagoas was absent, he pulled down his white pajamas. The girl gasped when she saw his small cock dangling down over an empty sac, for unlike some nations the Moors took only the balls when they created a eunuch. She stroked it as she had stroked the camel bone, and of course nothing rose. “What happened?” she asked.Hamid said, “When I was very young they cut me.” He mimed a knife flashing, and then with one hand pretended to throw away his balls.Brigette gasped, winced, and made that strange four part sign. She seemed to be thinking, and then asked, “Bagoas?”Hamid nodded and said, “We are both eunuchs. EUNUCH,” he repeated for her, waving a hand at his ball-less crotch.Tears welled up in Brigette’s eyes. Sadly she shook her head and said, “They hurt you.”But Hamid knelt beside her, and put an arm around her thin shoulders. “They hurt me very much,” he said. “But it has provided me with much luxury now, and I am respected in the Taourirt Kasbah and someday may rule a harem as Bagoas does. We eunuchs learn to accept our fate.” Brigette understood little of this, but seemed to take comfort from being close to the young man. By the time they reached Ouarzazate after crossing the Atlas mountains, both the young eunuch and the young slave girl had learned much.Bundling Brigette in swaths of cloth, and throwing a heavy veil over her head, Bagoas rushed her across the courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah, the Governor’s palace. He led her up the stairs, and through the door guarded by two armed eunuchs. At the top of the stairs an ornate carved door opened into the Harem. There was a large common room, hung with tapestries and strewn with pillows. From this room four archways led into separate chambers. The one in the East, nearest to Mecca, had a silken curtain, and in front of that a lattice work doorway.Bagoas removed the white girl’s veil and covering. She was wearing a thin green dress he had given her in the wagon. Its top drooped low to almost reveal her small white tits, and it was slit up one side so that as she moved her white leg flashed out of it. This was the usual dress of the harem girls. Bagoas clapped his hands twice. From the two side arches the other slavegirls emerged. Saiesha was a black Abyssinian beauty, dressed in a white robe that pulled tight across her large boobs and let her dark nipples almost show thorough. Maria was a Spanish girl captured in the war there. She had long black hair, long black lashes, and fiery black eyes. She wore the red version of the dress, and the cleavage of her pointed breasts showed over the top of it.”This is Brigette, the master’s new purchase. She will take the empty chamber behind the third arch,” said Bagoas. “You must each get to know each other.” He placed a hand on Brigette’s shoulder, and pulled the filmy dress down, showing her small white breasts and the rosy nipples upon them. Both dark skinned slave girls gasped at her whiteness. “This girl pleases the master with her white skin, red hair, and pink nipples. You will need to learn new techniques with your cosmetics to present her at her best.” He continued to pull the dress down to reveal her pubic mound covered lightly with fine red hair, and the pink lips of her pussy against her white thighs. Brigette seemed to want to cover herself, but remembering the lessons she had learned stood for the inspection of the others.Bagoas motioned to the other two slavegirls. Obediently they dropped their dresses. Pointing to the Abyssinian he said, “Saiesha.” Saiesha had large round boobs, with dark areolas and deep black nipples standing out from them. Her belly was rounded as the Moors preferred. Beneath it her female mound was shaven totally clean, and the black lips of her pussy showed between her thighs. Bagoas then pointed to the Spanish girl and said, “Maria.” Maria was slimmer and had smaller tits, which had dark brown pointed nipples. Her stomach was flat, but the mound below it was round and firm, shaven clean so the dark lips of her pussy were seen below it.”The master is well pleased to have variety in his harem. Not for him are all the dark skinned girls with large breasts, long black hair and black nests over their flowers. The differences between you will please him and his guests. Now you two must show the new slave her place.” He left the harem and the girls to get acquainted.The next day, he returned with Hamid. Entering the common room he clapped twice, and all three girls appeared at their curtains. Brigette, seeing him, again touched her forehead, her stomach and then both shoulders and momentarily closed her eyes. The other two girls regarded her with questions in their eyes. Bagoas looked hard at Brigette, and then asked, “What is it, girl? Do you feel a pain in the head or the belly?”Grasping his meaning, Brigette replied in halting Arabic, with a mixture of fear and pride in her voice, “The cross sign. My Lord Jesus Christ, master.”Bagoas nodded slowly. “Ah, I have heard of those who call themselves Christians. They believe, as we Muslims do, in the prophets Jesus and Moses, but they do not realize that Mohammed, whose name be praised, is the last and greatest of the prophets. I am surprised, girl, that you do not call on the mother of Jesus, Bibi Mariam, who we also revere.”Brigette started when she heard that name. “Mary, the Blessed Virgin,” she said. “You know of her?””Mohammed in the Holy Quran adjures Muslims to respect all the Peoples of the Book,” he said. “The story of Bibi Mariam is very popular with our women. But here in the Taourirt Kasbah it is best if you bow to Allah, by whatever name you call him in your mind. Making the strange sign of the cross will only call attention to you.” Bagoas, like many Muslims who had been exposed to the thoughts of Islamic scholars, had an open mind toward Christians and Jews.Brigette nodded slowly, having grasped part of his meaning. She did not know what strange religion the Abyssinian might practice, and wondered if the Spanish girl was Catholic or Muslim. She realized that neither of them betrayed any religious feelings except to bow when the name of Allah was mentioned. She resolved to do the same, sending up a little prayer begging forgiveness of the Holy Virgin in her mind.Bagoas waved a hand. “Be that as it may be. Today you will learn the preparation of a harem slave to entertain the master or his guests. Hamid will show how well he has learned his lessons by directing it.”Hamid, bursting at pride with this chance to show off just as any 18 year old would, stepped toward Brigette and motioned to the light green robe she wore. Then he made a downward motion with his hand and said, “Drop your robe that all may see your beauty.” Brigette gave him a weak smile. By now she was used to being nude, so she dropped the robe to her feet and stepped out of it. She placed her hands on her hips and slightly parted her legs, standing as she had seen the other girls stand.Officiously Hamid came forward and twisted her shoulders a bit to show her small white tits to best advantage, then pulled one leg slightly forward so the tight pink lips of her pussy were well displayed. Stepping back he eyed her pose with a careful eye. Then he nodded with pride in himself and in her. “Bagoas has ordered that you not be shaved, so the light red hair of your mound will tantalize men. Then we must proceed to anoint you with the scented unguents.” He nodded at the two other slavegirls. Each picked up a pot of unguent and began to rub it into Brigette. They began at her neck, then over her shoulders, and carefully rubbed around her small breasts and over the pink nipples, which stood up at their touch. “Aha,” said Hamid, quoting the lesson Bagoas had taught him. “A fine sense of sexual tension will prepare you to please a man.” Brigette looked at him quizzically, not understanding. He simply said, “You are doing well, girl.” She nodded shyly.The slaves continued to rub her with the scent, going down over her belly and then rubbing the mound covered with silky hair. Then moving down her legs they covered her white thighs with the perfume. Finally Saiesha ran her fingers gently up between Brigette’s legs and softly massaged the pink lips of her pussy with the valuable unguent. Brigette squirmed slightly as she did this, but then controlled herself. At this point Bagoas came forward and motioned her to stand up on the bench. Bending over, he gently touched her pubic hair and brought his nose close to it. “As I thought, Hamid, those fine hairs retain the scent. Come learn.”Hamid approached the bench, and with fingers even gentler than Bagoas’ touched the fine red hair. He caught a scent mixed between the perfume and the heavier scent of her pussy juice, which was dripping slightly between the lips due to the other slavegirls’ caresses with the ointment. It was a very heady aroma and he tried to imagine its effect on a man waiting for her services.Bagoas then motioned Brigette back down onto the pillows. “You must now begin to learn the positions of the Perfumed Garden,” he said. “As no man is here to assist you, Maria shall play the part.” Understanding some of this, Brigette looked at him in wonder. Maria went to a chest against the wall and rummaged in it. She took out a device like the bone cock Brigette had practiced with, but this one was made of polished ebony wood so it gleamed darkly. The end of it, like the other, showed the distinctive ridge of a circumcised organ. Brigette was amazed to see, however, that this one was mounted on straps. She started to make the sign of the cross, but then remembered it was better not to in this place.Maria came toward Brigette. Grasping the ebony cock, she placed it over her pubic mound and wrapped the straps around her hips. Brigette was again surprised as she realized that the nether end of the device had a projecting knob on it. As she watched, Maria spread the lips of her pussy and placed this knob inside herself, so that it could rub her pussy and touch her clitoris. Her black eyes twinkling, she whispered, “Bagoas does not mind if we get a bit of pleasure out of the lessons.””Hamid,” said Bagoas, “place them in the first position.” Hamid took Brigette’s hand and caused her to lie down on the pillows. Bending her knees up to her chest, he spread her legs so her white thighs framed her pink pussy and its patch of red hair. He motioned to Maria who knelt down between Brigette’s legs, and thrust the ebony rod gently into her pussy, which fortunately was slightly lubricated from the ointments and the light rubbing it had received. “Its name, Hamid?” asked Bagoas.Hamid replied as he had been taught, “El Asemeud, the stopper, my lord.” Maria took a few strokes and wiggled her hips a bit, and Hamid saw that they both were taking pleasure from the rubbing of the black rod.Bagoas then said, “El mokefa, with toes crossed.” Hamid took hold of one of Brigette’s legs and pulled it behind Maria’s back. This pulled Brigette’s ass up off the pillows. Maria put a hand under Brigette’s ass and directed the new slave’s other leg around behind her back also, where Hamid crossed Brigette’s feet. This position pushed the rod deep into Brigette’s pussy and drew her close to Maria’s hips. Maria wiggled her hips and tossed back her head with closed eyes as they enjoyed the contact. Saiesha, meanwhile, had gone to a bench behind Bagoas. Quietly, so as not to call attention to herself, she began to rub a hand up and down across her shaven pussy mound as she watched the other two slaves.”El louabi,” directed Bagoas. “The waterpump of Archimedes.” Maria, knowing well all these positions, lowered Brigette to the bed and lay back herself, the black strapon cock sticking up in the air. Hamid pushed Brigette to where Maria lay, and causing her to straddle Maria’s hips, pressed down on her shoulders until her pussy grasped the cock. She took it entirely into herself, and Hamid then bent her forward until her white tits rubbed Maria’s brown ones.”The man will delight to feel the small mounds rub his chest, master,” said Hamid with pride in his knowledge.Bagoas then said, “Kechaf el astine, seeing both moons.” Hamid lifted Brigette up and turned her so her small ass was toward Maria’s face, and she again lowered her pussy onto the black cock. Maria lifted her hips high and Hamid pushed Brigette’s head forward and down until each was indeed looking at the others round moon.”Many men enjoy this view,” Hamid said.From the constant movement of the black rod in and out of her pussy, Brigette was extremely wet and was clearly excited. In this position she began to rise and fall on Maria’s strapon. Maria was feeling the carefully carved knob in her own pussy, and the little bump on the knob was pressing her clit as Brigette wiggled it. Bagoas and Hamid were, of course, professionally impassive, having no ability to become stimulated by whatever they saw. Bagoas had taught Hamid that allowing the girls to pleasure each other made for good order and peace in the harem, although many overseers would have seen both of them whipped if they had been caught doing this.On her bench, Saiesha was also becoming excited watching them. She had two fingers in her dark pussy now, spreading the lips so the pink inner parts showed for her to rub. She moved her fingers to the pink bump of the clitoris and began rotating it.”Now, Hamid, do you remember dok el arz, pounding on the spot?”Hamid hesitated, then slowly shook his head. “Forgive me master, I know it not.””Observe,” said the Harem Master. He lifted Brigette off of Maria. Then he pulled Maria to a sitting position and stretched her long legs out in front of her, projecting the rod upward. Guiding Brigette to sit on it, he let it enter her pussy. Then he lifted her legs until they were locked behind Maria’s back. He placed Brigette’s arms around Maria’s neck, pressing their boobs together. Maria now grasped Brigette around the waist. In this position, she was able to lift the small Irish girl up and down, and Brigette tightened her legs and was thus able to rise and fall on the black dick. They both worked hard at moving in this difficult position because their mutual excitement was rising.Seeing them becoming stimulated seemed to inspire Saiesha. Behind Bagoas’ back, her hips were straining upward to meet her fingers as they ran in and out of her pussy. With her other hand she caressed one large black breast and rolled the dark nipple around. Hamid noticed her movements and smiled slightly, then turned his attention back to his own testing.”Now,” said Bagoas, “one that many men enjoy beyond all others. El kebachi, the Ram. Hamid, I am sure you know it well.” Brigette removed her legs from Maria, and stood up at Hamid’s direction. He then made her drop to her knees and bend forward, projecting her ass into the air. He pushed gently down on her shoulders and she dropped her head to the pillows. Bustling about, proud to be showing his knowledge, Hamid arranged her arms comfortably, then went back to survey her ass with a knowing gaze. He grasped her thighs and spread them a bit wider, and put out two fingers to test the angle of her pussy and its wetness.Satisfied at last, he stepped back and motioned Maria to a position in which she had been well trained. She knelt behind the little white ass and spreading the pink lips of the pussy drove the hard ebony rod in strongly. She grabbed Brigette’s ass and rocked it back and forth while she thrust with the rod, thus giving them both the benefit of it rubbing them. “You must be prepared for a man to thrust strongly in this position,” Hamid said, “because it excites many of them greatly. Often a few strokes will suffice to bring him to his pleasure.” He was smug in his knowledge as only the young can be when they do not know how little they know.Bagoas and Hamid now watched in silence. They knew that both slavegirls were past the point of instruction now as they moaned and twisted to the thrusts of the black rod. Maria reached forward, and putting a hand under Brigette’s chest began to rub the little tits and squeeze their pink nipples. With the other hand she grasped one of her own large brown boobs and manipulated its pointed brown nipple. On her bench watching, Saiesha quickened the pace of rubbing her dark pussy. Maria thrust with her hips as Brigette wiggled her ass.Soon Maria removed her hands from the boobs they caressed and grabbed Brigette’s round white ass with both hands, pulling it to her as she thrust the ebony cock deep and rotated her own hips against the rounded end which was sunk in her own pussy. She moaned and threw her head back, her eyes closing as her hips shook with her orgasm, just as Brigette jerked her hips and screamed a tiny scream into the pillow as she came too. Hamid heard Saiesha give a slight moan as her hips rocked on the bench when she reached her own climax. Bagoas turned his head ever so slightly that way and Hamid realized he had benignly let Saiesha enjoy this session too.Both girls fell forward onto the pillows exhausted, and Saiesha’s head lolled back against the wall. Bagoas stood up and said, “So ends our first lesson. Brigette is learning well. She will soon be fit to serve the master.” Panting, Brigette made out most of what she was saying and allowed a small smile to caress her face. Brusquely, Bagoas said, “Clean yourself up properly now.” Then he gave Hamid an imperious motion and the two eunuchs strode out of the harem.CHAPTER 7 — WELL TRAINEDBagoas the eunuch strolled across the courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah. He was a person of power in this place, being Overseer of the Governor’s Harem. With him was his body servant and chosen protege, Hamid, an eighteen year old eunuch. Governor Glaoui had called Bagoas to his office this afternoon. They entered and the elderly servant nodded them to a seat. He slipped into the office, and soon returned to say, “The Governor will see you, Bagoas.”Bagoas entered the office, and bowed respectfully to his master sitting behind the desk. “May Allah, the Watchful, the Guardian, keep my lord in his hands,” he said.The Governor looked up and without preliminaries said, “Bagoas, I have worked long today and seen many people with grievances to be judged or requests to be considered. Tonight I will dine alone, and after dinner shall have one of the harem girls to my bedchamber to relax my mind.””It is well, master,” replied the Overseer. “Know now that the exotic slavegirl you purchased in Casablanca recently has been training very well. Perhaps you would enjoy her favors this night?””Indeed, my harem master,” the Governor assented. “This strange girl, of white skin and hair like flame, is very different from any harem slave I have ever known. I will take pleasure in her company in my bed tonight. Bring her to me after dinner.””As you order, it shall be done, master, Allah willing.” said Bagoas. With another deep obeisance he left the chamber. Outside he motioned to Hamid. They crossed the courtyard and climbed the stairs, passed the two armed eunuchs on guard, and entered the main chamber of the harem. As they went, Bagoas told Hamid, “The Governor will enjoy his new slave, Brigette, tonight. I know she has been well trained, and you had a large part in her training. If she does well tonight I shall mention your name to the Governor.”As told in Chapters 5 and 6 of this story, Governor Glaoui had visited the city of Casablanca and purchased a very exotic slave girl for his harem. Bagoas, with the assistance of Hamid, had been training her for the role she was to now play.In the harem chamber, Bagoas clapped his hands twice. From three curtained alcoves around the common room, the three slave girls emerged. The fourth door, in the East and thus closest to Mecca, was closed off with a lattice work. This was the chamber of Durrah, the Pearl, wife of the Governor. She was, of course, treated very differently than the slave girls. She did not respond when they were summoned. The lattice remained closed.Bagoas surveyed the three girls who presented themselves. The first was Saiesha, an Abyssinian girl of great beauty. She had been the first slave purchased by the Governor as he began his rise to power. Black slavegirls were very popular among the Moors, and Saiesha was a fine example. She had closely braided black hair above a comely face with large dark lips. Her graceful shoulders topped fine round boobs which swelled the top of her white gown, their black nipples showing dark behind the thin fabric. Her belly was rounded in the style preferred by the Moors in dancing girls, and the slit in the side of her skirt revealed a comely well shaped leg rising up to a rounded hip.The second slave was Maria, a fiery Spanish girl who was a prize of war. She had long luxurious black hair, long black lashes and flashing black eyes. Her red gown fell low in front to show a deep cleavage between tantalizing brown breasts whose pointed nipples strained against the fabric. Her stomach was flat and her legs long and lissome.However, the girl Bagoas was studying tonight was Brigette, the newest slave. He motioned to her, and she dropped her green gown to her feet and stood nude for his inspection. She had been purchased from the Barbary pirates in Casablanca, who roved and pillaged over far off seas. She said she was from a distant land named Ire-land, and was unlike any other slave anywhere in the desert. She was short and slim, and her skin was a white never seen by the Moors in this area. Her short-cropped hair was of a blazing red color, natural and not the orange created by henna. Her fine shoulders were like polished alabaster, and she had small but perfect rounded tits of the purest white. Each of them was tipped with a rosy confection which seemed to invite a man’s lips.Her small waist and flat stomach were different from the rounded shape usually preferred by the Moors, but by that very difference had a special attraction. Below her small perfect navel swelled the pubic mound. Unlike the other slaves, she was not clean-shaven in this area, but her natural fine covering of red hair curled gently above the pink lips of her pussy, framed by the whiteness of her thighs. Her exotic appearance had excited the master greatly when he saw her in Casablanca, and after trying her charms he had purchased her on the spot.Since that night she had not again seen the Governor. Under Bagoas’ watchful eye, Hamid had showed his knowledge by teaching her the duties and techniques of a harem slave. Using a carved camel bone replica of an erect cock she had learned how to take its length in her lips, her pussy and her nether hole without problems. Then with the slavegirl Maria equipped with a strap on cock of ebony, Brigette had been taught many of the positions of the Perfumed Garden, from El Asmeud, the stopper, to El Kebachi, the ram. She was adept at them all on Maria’s artificial dick. Tonight she would show how she could take the Governor’s strong erect member and pleasure him with what she had learned.Bagoas informed her, “Brigette, by the grace of Allah, the shaper of beauty, tonight you shall go to the master’s bedchamber for the first time. It is up to you to please him greatly.”Brigette was becoming more fluent in Arabic and understood Bagoas’ meaning. A frightened look passed over her face, but then she controlled herself and with a slight smile bowed to the harem overseer and said, “My lord, I am ready. You have taught me well.” Behind Bagoas’ back, Hamid flashed her a grin, because they both knew that Hamid had done most of the hard work in her training.”Hamid,” said Bagoas, “Saiesha and Maria will now prepare Brigette to serve the Governor. Supervise them and be sure it is well done.” Hamid bowed to Bagoas, and imperiously waved the three girls to the center of the room. Brigette, beautiful in her nakedness, stood in the center and the other two slaves got their equipment from the chests around the room. As they bent over the chests, the tops of their dresses fell forward to reveal their breasts, and the thin cloth was pulled tight over their butts to show their roundness. Neither Bagoas nor Hamid took the least notice of the show.The routine of preparation was now well known to all of them, although this was the first time Brigette had received it in preparation for actually serving her master’s bed. First Saiesha and Maria rubbed Brigette’s body with the precious unguents of fine scents. Saiesha began at her neck and shoulders, and Maria began at her feet and worked up her legs. Just as Saiesha reached Brigette’s small tits, Maria reached the top of her thighs. Each pulled their hands away, and began to anoint her ribs and stomach with the fine oil. Then they worked around to her back. Saiesha slowly moved her hands down, and Maria on the legs moved her hands up, until each of them reached Brigette’s pretty white ass. Now they rubbed the ointment over the moons on each side, and then their hands caressed the tops of her thighs and lightly rubbed over her pussy which showed between her legs.Brigette wiggled her hips ever so slightly as they did so. She glanced at Hamid’s impassive face. She knew that Bagoas tolerated what many harem masters would not, and let the slave girls go further in their preparation. Bagoas believed, and practice proved him right, that putting a slave in a fine state of sexual tension before she entered the master’s bed enabled her to serve his pleasure with more readiness.The slavegirls then returned to finish smoothing the oils over her front. Saiesha carefully rubbed it into the small round mounds of her tits while Maria brought her hands up the thighs and over the fine red hair of the pubic mound. Timing themselves together, Maria rubbed the lips of the pussy just as Saiesha began to massage the cream into the nipples. Brigette shuddered lightly as they did, and her eyes closed and her head rolled back. Hamid looked over to Bagoas, and the overseer nodded ever so slightly in approval.Then Hamid clapped his hands. The girls removed their hands from the white skinned slave, and picked up the cosmetics to adorn her. First her blue eyes were outlined with a green liner, not the black kohl commonly used on dark slaves. Then the carmine paste was brought out. Bagoas directed camel fat to be stirred into the paste until it was several shades lighter than commonly used. This pink color served to heighten Brigette’s lips beautifully, so Bagoas waved his hand lower. The slaves then proceed to gently wipe the pink salve onto her little nipples, and then drew the chamois cloth carefully between her legs, enhancing her pink pussy lips without overwhelming them or the red hair above them.Hamid approached her and regarded her with a critical eye. He put his hands under the white mounds of her boobs and squeezed them together to be sure that each nipple was equal in color. He rubbed her stomach and poked a finger into her navel to feel the smoothness there. He ran a hand over her pubic hair then carefully lifted his hand to his nose to be sure that the scent of the perfumed unguent lingered in it. Then he drew his fingers over the lips of her pussy, and examined the tip of his finger to be sure that it was slightly damp from her state of sexual readiness.He stepped back, and nodded with assurance at his teacher. Bagoas returned the nod and Hamid glowed with pride at his handling of this demanding assignment. He waved to the other two slavegirls and they retired to their alcoves. Hamid knew, and he knew that Bagoas knew, that the two girls would soon be pleasuring each other. Although in other harems this would have taken them to the whipping post, Bagoas was indulgent and believed that it helped keep peace in the harem.Then they dressed Brigette in her light green gown. Following this they swathed her in a black cloak, and dropped a veil over her head, to lead her across the courtyard. Outside the master’s bedroom, they removed the coverings so she stood only in the filmy gown, which clung to her body outlining her round tits and emphasizing her small ass. Bagoas tapped on the beautifully carved and ornamented door, and “Enter,” called the Governor from the other side.Bagoas opened the door. Seeing him, the Governor simply said, “I am ready, Bagoas. Bring her to me.” Bowing low, Bagoas said, “My lord, I beg to ask a favor from your munificence and mercy. This girl has been well trained, but I would ask that my servant Hamid be permitted to bring her to you and keep watch over her performance.” Governor Glaoui said, “Your protege is shaping well, Bagoas. Let him perform a harem eunuch’s duty this night.” Gratified that the Governor had a good opinion of Hamid, Bagoas bowed and motioned to Hamid to lead Brigette into the Governor’s bedchamber.Hamid placed Brigette in front of the Governor, watching her carefully and pleased as she assumed the seductive pose she had been taught, slightly turned so her breasts showed to advantage, weight on one leg and the other extending through the slit in the skirt provocatively. Then bowing low he moved backwards to where a low stool stood in the corner, partly hidden by a tapestry. This seat was provided for a harem eunuch when needed, and tonight for the first time it was Hamid’s.The master reclined on his pillows looking at the slave girl. He made a motion with his hand, and as she had been trained Brigette dropped her gown to the floor. Standing naked before him, she raised her hands over her head, bringing her tits forward. The then turned slowly so he could appreciate her full beauty. As her ass was toward him she slowly rolled it from side to side, and then spreading her legs bent slightly forward so her pussy lips projected between the full moons. Rising up she continued to turn, slowly bringing her boobs back into view. Still with her hands in the air, she posed with her legs separated so that the thin red hairs over her white pubic mound pointed down to the pink lips of her pussy. Hamid knew from his training, thought not from experience, that this display was well calculated to excite the man watching.Governor Glaoui rose from the pillows, and dropped his robe. Hamid could see that he was indeed excited as his strong cock stood up from its nest of black hair. Seizing Brigette by the shoulders he pulled her to him, pressing her tits into his chest. One hand sought her ass and pushed it forward so she rubbed against his cock. She was so small that he could easily push her back and forth to get his pleasure. His other hand sought one small round boob and began caressing it, rolling the petite nipple around with his thumb.It was clear that the exotic beauty of this girl was exciting him. Now he pushed her away from him, and down onto the pillows. Seizing her ankles in his hands, he spread her legs so that her pink pussy, dripping now, was displayed with its crown of red hair. He dropped to his knees and began to rub the red hair of her mound and then to push the fingers of his other hand into her pussy. This was like no other female organ he had ever seen in coloration, and he reveled in its beauty. As she had been taught Brigette drew her knees up to her chest in the position called el asmeud, the stopper. This showed her pussy to greatest advantage and allowed her partner to easily insert his hardened stopper into the opening.Hamid saw that he approached between her legs slowly, the head of his dark cock just brushing her pink pussy lips. Slowly he rubbed it back and forth, then inserting it just to the ridge of his circumcision, and going lightly in and out. The darkness of his rod contrasted strongly with her white thighs and pink lips. He went bit deeper, then a bit deeper again, each time pulling it out entirely. Reflecting her careful training Brigette was accepting it easily, just moving her hips gently as it was inside her, then clenching her ass muscles to make her pussy twitch when he was looking at it.He was becoming inflamed now. He slid his knees under her legs, driving his cock further into her pussy. She ground her hips now, and his passion increased as she did. He put his hands behind her back, pulling her up on his cock. Remembering her training she locked her legs behind his back in the position of El Mokefa, crossed toes. This enabled him to lift her small body up and down against his rod, driving deep into her each time. He grabbed her ass with both hands, pumping hard. Suddenly he jerked his hips up and pulled her down against his cock, as he came hard inside her. Brigette clenched her love muscles around his cock as she had learned to do with the carved ebony dick. The master took his full pleasure, then lay back on the pillows with his cock softening inside her pussy. She lay against his chest, letting her tits rub it gently and rocking her hips lightly.After a few minutes, he pushed her up off of him. She rolled over and lay naked on the bed beside him. The master let his gaze rest upon her, appreciating again her small white tits with their rosy tips, and the soft red hair adorning the mound above her pink pussy, now swollen and dripping. Soon, he waved a hand in the direction of Hamid’s seat in the corner. Very quietly Hamid came forward, took Brigette’s hand, and picking up her gown d****d it around her and led her out of the bedchamber. As they left, the Governor murmured, “I am well pleased.”Outside the chamber, Bagoas was pacing back and forth. Despite his faith in the training of both Hamid and Brigette, he wondered if he had been wise to leave the two novices alone with the master. When he saw them emerge he rushed over with a worried expression. Hamid, however, reassured him with a confident look. “The master said that he was well pleased, Bagoas.” Bagoas was relieved to hear this report, but it did not escape his notice that this was the first time his junior had dared to address him by name instead of saying, “My lord.”Brigette was swathed in the black cloak and veil and returned to the harem. Hamid grinned as he noticed the glow the other two slavegirls reflected, and knew they had used the time well in pleasure. Bagoas was curt and said, “Bathe her. She has pleased the master well.” Leaving the girls to discuss among themselves the evening’s work, the eunuchs retired to their own quarters.The next day, Bagoas was again summoned to the Governor’s office. As he entered, before he could even bow or call on the name of Allah, the Governor said, “Bagoas, this white slave of mine is a possession of exceptional beauty. Like the wonderful carvings, the colorful calligraphy, the carefully arranged flowers of my palace, she must be appreciated by others. I have sent messages to the Governors of the two nearby oases, inviting them all to dine three days hence. Make sure that this little beauty is prepared to decorate my chamber.” He then explained carefully to his harem master what he wanted.On the third night, as ordered, Bagoas and Hamid went to the harem and began the ritual of preparation for all three slave girls. As they were rubbed with the scented unguents and bedecked with the cosmetics, he carefully described their duties for the evening to them all. When they were prepared, each brought to a state of light sexual tension by the gentle rubbing of the creams, they put on their thin dresses and then the dark veils in which they appeared in public. They were hustled across the courtyard and into the small antechamber adjoining the Governor’s reception room.Here Bagoas seated himself in a chair, Hamid on the low stool, and the three girls on the pillows on the floor. Bagoas put his eyes to the strip of gauze mounted in the door. He knew that on the other side it was hidden among the ornate carvings of the door and painted so that it was invisible, but from this side he could see clearly into the room. He saw the servants removing the remains of the common dish into which the three Governors had dipped their right hands to eat.Then Governor Glaoui began a discussion with his guests. “Governors,” he said, “Allah the ever-living, the self-existing, has placed each of us in positions of power and wealth. It is only right that we celebrate his beneficence by surrounding ourselves with things of beauty.” His fellows nodded in agreement. “Each of us delights in the ornate carvings of our palaces, in the beautiful calligraphy in which the ninety-nine names of Allah are written on our walls, in the flowers which decorate our chambers and the gold and jewels which decorate our wives. It is only right that our harems contain possessions of great beauty also. I have visited each of you and been entertained by your slavegirls and know that they are flowers of the finest. But tonight I want to present you with a beauty you may not have seen before.”His guests murmured their interest. Governor Glaoui made a small gesture of the hand, which Bagoas observed through his peephole. Taking Brigette, in her clinging green gown, by the hand, he opened the door and led her through it into the audience chamber. In complete silence he brought her to the middle of the floor, and then retired discreetly to a stool in the corner.To the Governor’s delight, both of his guests gasped at the sight of this exotic white-skinned girl with the hair like flames. She took the graceful pose she had been taught, raising her hands so that her gown pulled tight across her small round boobs, making their nipples poke through the thin fabric. She shifted her weight to one hip, letting leg slide through the slit in her skirt, revealing its paleness all the way up to her hip. Her red hair flashed as she shook her head and her blue eyes gleamed. The men’s eyes were riveted to her body in amazement. Then very slowly, she lowered her hands to the shoulders of her gown, and pulled down so that inch by inch her pale chest and the round mounds of her white tits became visible. As the thin fabric slipped gently over her small erect nipples, rosy in their pinkness, she was gratified by the rapt attention on the men’s faces. As Bagoas had directed her to do, she then turned slowly so that her bare white back was to the admiring audience. The gown continued to slide down and the crack between the white moons of her butt became visible. The cloth slid down over the roundness of her ass, and revealed her white thighs and legs. Finally she let it fall to the ground and raised her hands in the air, shifting her hips gracefully.”Beauty in all things is given us by Allah, whose name be praised,” said the master of the palace. “When I found this girl in Casablanca, being offered by the Barbary pirates who captured her in far seas, I knew that she should grace my harem.”Both of his fellows seemed speechless in their delight. They stared at Brigette’s white body in amazement. Then she began slowly, slowly, to turn toward them. With her hands raised, her small round tits became visible a bit at a time, their pink nipples slowly coming into view. Her rounded hips turned to bring into sight the small mound of her pubic hair. She knew that the guests were mesmerized by the soft light covering of red hair above her pussy. She continued to turn until she was facing them again, and gracefully spread her legs slightly so that her pink female lips were visible against the whiteness of her thighs.Each of the visiting Governors sighed. Bagoas’ practiced eye could see that their robes stood up in front supported by a hard tent pole. Quietly he rose and went to the small door of the anteroom. He opened the door and the other two slaves slipped out, beautiful in their nakedness.Saiesha, with her black boobs and shaved pussy, drew near to the man on the left. Maria with pointed boobs and dark nipples, and dark lips under her shaved pubic mound, came to the man on the right. Neither man pulled his eyes away from Brigette’s beautiful nudity for more than a second. Each slave girl reached under her man’s robe and began to massage his hard cock with her hand which was oiled for the purpose. Both men sighed at the attention. One of them put out his hand to caress Saiesha’s big nipples, but still gazed with admiration at the white-skinned slave.Brigette began to sway her hips, spreading her legs further and bringing a hand down to caress the light red hair above her pussy. As she did, the other slave girls pulled up the robes of the watchers and began to lick the standing cocks they saw. Still the men’s eyes were riveted on Brigette’s show. She turned again, and bent over. Spreading the white cheeks of her ass, she projected her pussy toward her audience, and clenching her butt cheeks made it twitch. Saiesha and Maria, well trained in firsheah, the art of mouth congress, began to run their tongues around the sensitive ridge where the Muslim men had been circumcised. The men were jerking their hips to meet the sucking, but still watching the exotic girl showing them things they had never seen.Brigette now knelt on the pillows, her red hair and pink pussy showing between her legs. She grasped her white tits in each hand and began to fondle the tiny pink nipples which stood up hard on the mounds. The slave girls took the guests’ cocks deep into their mouths and began to move up and down. They knew that excitement was growing as Brigette continued to display her naked body. Brigette leaned back and let her hand caress the outer lips of her pussy, causing them to swell and reveal the deeper pink of the inner lips. Gently she fingered her clitoris and damp juices dripped down onto her white thighs.”Allah, the satisfier of all needs, truly has created a thing of beauty, my friends. Enjoy what you see,” boasted the Governor. He knew this night’s entertainment would be talked about throughout the desert this side of the Atlas Mountains. As Brigette writhed on the pillows, pulling her pink pussy open wider and wider and rubbing with more speed, the slavegirls matched her exertions with their lips and tongues. Both guests were now fondling the dark-skinned slaves’ boobs and asses, but still with their eyes fixed on the white and pink confection before them. One, and then the other, pushed the girls heads deep into their crotch and spent their juices into their mouths.Seeing this, as she had been instructed, Brigette rose into her graceful revealing pose, and stood quietly in front of the three men, swaying slightly. Saiesha and Maris withdrew in silence as they had been told to. The Governor beamed with joy at the success of his exhibition of his beautiful new possession. He took a piece of gold from his purse and tossed it to Brigette. Bagoas rose from his stool and led the girl out of the room by the hand, her white ass twitching to the end as it said goodbye to the watchers.Bagoas listened through the door to hear the guests heaping praises on his master’s choice of slavegirls. He was well satisfied with the night’s work, and knew that the success of this dinner party would reflect to his credit and increase his power in the palace even more. This was a eunuch’s reward, for only power could excite him. With Hamid’s help he escorted the girls back to the harem, and then retired to his chamber, filled with pride in a job well doneChapter 08Rewarding the RaidersThe Taourirt Kasbah in the desert oasis of Ouarzazate was abuzz with rumors. All in the fortress knew that the nomadic Berber tribes around the oasis had refused the authority of Governor Glaoui. In the morning the garrison’s eight soldiers had loaded their ancient muskets and ridden off. The palace servants and junior officials all surmised they had been sent to teach the Berber rebels a lesson.Bagoas sat under a tree in the courtyard, and listened to every word that was said. Beside him his body servant and protege Hamid was full of excitement. As always, however, Bagoas was dispassionate and his face and manner revealed nothing. Bagoas was a powerful person in this Kasbah. Physically powerful, because unlike many of his peers he exercised daily; financially powerful, since he had many gold pieces dangling from his belt in a place where even one was riches; mentally powerful because from a very young age he had trained his mind to focus on his goals and shut out distractions; and powerful in this palace because of his position under the Governor.Bagoas held the power of Overseer of the Governor’s harem. His duties brought him into frequent contact with the master, and he was high in the Governor’s esteem. Overseeing the harem meant, of course, that he was a eunuch. Foundation of his mental power was that he now framed his mind to consider the loss of his balls many years ago to be the price he paid for the power he now enjoyed. Never did he allow himself to think of what he did not have, because he was intent on preserving and increasing the power he did have.Suddenly there were wild yells from atop the walls, and the courtyard was filled with people scurrying up to see what was happening. Bagoas arose and motioned to Hamid to follow, and made his way up the stairs to the top of the wall. Lesser servants and petty officials made way for him in his dignity, and he took a prominent position where he could see well. In the distance a great cloud of dust was rising from the desert. Soon it could be seen that a large herd of camels was being driven toward the Kasbah. Behind it appeared the Governor’s soldiery, mounted escort zonguldak on their fine Arabian steeds and waving their ancient muskets.Hamid was watching open mouthed as the camels and those driving them forward approached. He saw the soldiers drive the camel herd into the corral and turn them over to the Governor’s herdsmen. Then, whooping and shouting and waving their muskets in the air, they spurred their horses toward the gate of the Kasbah. Suddenly Hamid felt a tug on his shoulder.”Don’t stand there gaping, boy! Hurry! We will have much work to do!” said Bagoas.Hamid did not understand what work his master needed to do, but Bagoas moved rapidly down the stairs and Hamid followed. Quickly they crossed the courtyard and entered an ornately carved door. Climbing a flight of stairs hung with fine tapestries, they reached another door before which two armed eunuchs stood guard. Bagoas hardly nodded at them as he burst through the door with Hamid panting behind.They entered the common room of the harem. It was hung with brilliant tapestries and the floor was strewn with silken pillows. Four archways opened off of it, the one in the East hung with a fine curtain and closed by a wooden lattice. This chamber, being closest to Mecca, was the one reserved for the Governor’s wife Durrah, the Pearl of Great Price. But today, the mistress stood in the middle of the common room with the three slavegirls who occupied the other lesser chambers.”What is it, Bagoas? What does all the noise in the Kasbah mean?” Durrah asked quickly. The slavegirls gathered around her to hear the answer.Bagoas bowed deeply to the lady, and replied, “Allah, the Victorious, the Compeller, has given the Berber rebels into the Governor’s hand, mistress. The soldiers have returned from chastising the nomads and brought with them a great herd of camels to add to the master’s wealth.””Allah be praised!” exclaimed Durrah. Then she nodded wisely. “Then I suppose the slave girls will be needed quickly. Later the Governor will send for me, Bagoas. I shall await in my chamber.”Hamid heard her remarks with confusion. He did not understand what the camels and the soldiers had to do with the harem girls. Bagoas looked at his bewildered protege and said, “Ah, Hamid, now comes a part of the harem duties you have not yet observed. The soldiers have well earned a reward. The risks of battle always raise the men’s juices, and now the slavegirls will release their energies.” He turned to the slaves and said, “Prepare quickly. The soldiers are entering the courtyard even now.”Saiesha, the senior slave, rushed to the chest by the wall. She was a black Abyssinian beauty such as many Moorish harems included. Her hair was braided, her lips were full, and her large boobs strained at the top of her dress. As she bent over the chest, her plump ass was displayed behind the tight fabric. It would surely excite the imagination of any man, if a man had ever penetrated into the harem, which would have cost him his life. Bagoas and Hamid took no notice and felt no interest except a professional one.Saiesha seized a pot of sweet smelling unguent from the chest. Meanwhile the second slavegirl, Maria, a fiery Spanish girl captured in the wars, dropped her red gown to the floor and stood naked in the middle of the room, her pointed nipples and shaved pussy waiting the attention of Saiesha. The Abyssinian hurried to her, and dropped her white gown to the floor also. With practiced fingers they began to anoint each other, rubbing the precious unguent over each others naked bodies. Over the tits, down the stomach and into the navel, around the cheeks of the ass and down into its crack, and carefully rubbing the shaven mound and the lips of the pussy. So quickly did they work that they had little time to savor the caresses as they did at other times. Knowing there was no time for their natural juices to flow they were careful to apply plenty of the ointment to their pussy lips.Hamid was staring at this in amazement, and he saw that so too was Brigette, the newest slavegirl in the harem. “Brigette must come too,” announced Bagoas. “See to her, boy, and quickly.”Hamid was well trained in preparing a girl to serve the master’s bed, but he had never seen it done with such urgency. He stepped toward Brigette, and she dropped her light green gown to the floor and stood naked for his attentions. Only recently had she been purchased in Casablanca, from the notorious Barbary pirate’s slave market. In her halting Arabic she said she was from a far land named Ire-land. Girls of her sort were very rare, and there were none like her anyplace on this side of the Atlas Mountains. As the two dark skinned slaves prepared each other, Hamid took the pot of ointment and began to smooth it into Brigette’s pale white skin. He rubbed it into the white mounds of her small tits, and circled her pink nipples carefully. Then down over her white stomach he went, and lightly rubbed her pubic mound which was not shaven, but still kept its exotic covering of fine red hair. Hamid knew that this pubic hair would keep the scent of the ointments and mix it with her pussy juices. Right now he had time only to rub it gently into her lower lips and insert his lubricated finger softly into her cunt, hoping that there was enough lubrication from that to make her duties easy.The other two slaves took up pots of black kohl and lined their eyes with it. Then a cosmetic of carmine was applied to their lips, nipples, and pussies. It left Maria decorated with bright red, but on Saiesha’s blackness turned a deep maroon. Hamid knew that Brigette received different cosmetics. A green eye liner was applied, and a pot of the carmine mixed with camel’s fat to lighten it gave pink highlights to her lips and nipples which did not overwhelm her whiteness. Finally he dipped into the pot one more time and lightly touched her pussy lips to enhance their pinkness against her white thighs.”It is enough,” Bagoas cried. “Quickly, to the audience hall!” He grabbed heavy dark cloaks and wrapped each naked girl, and then threw heavy veils over their heads. He took the hands of the first two, and Hamid grabbed Brigette’s. Down the stairs they went, and across the courtyard at a fast pace. There were no eyes to observe, since the Governor was greeting his soldiers at the gate and everyone was watching. Hamid heard the Governor say, “My brave soldiers have done their duty with great honor. They shall be rewarded as they deserve.” The rest of the speech was lost as they hurried on. At the great carved and painted doors of the audience hall Bagoas turned aside to a smaller side door, still ornately carved. He and Hamid led their charges into a small antechamber.Bagoas quickly removed the veils and cloaks, leaving the slavegirls completely naked. He opened the door to the great hall and swiftly led the girls to a pile of pillows at one end. Here he and Hamid arranged the three nude girls in an artful display. Quickly then they left the room and retired to the antechamber.The door of the small room had a gauzy insert in it. Painted on the audience chamber side, this portal was practically invisible. But from this side the eunuchs were enabled to observe all that went on in the hall. Bagoas permitted Hamid to peer in. Saiesha and Maria were apparently talking to Brigette, trying to explain to her what was happening. The girl’s grasp of Arabic was week, but Hamid could see her eyes widening as the other slaves talked and illustrated what they were saying with gestures. Nodding at Maria, Brigette settled back on the pillows and arranged herself so that her small tits and red haired pussy were easy to see. She appeared to understand what was required of her.The door to the audience hall burst open. The Governor stood there and behind him were the eight soldiers, dirty, sweaty, and some stained with blood. The Governor stepped aside and the eight soldiers immediately rushed for the girls. Behind them the master stepped back and closed the door.The heat of battle had indeed generated another sort of heat in these men. The scent of their lust rose from them like a cloud. Three of them ran toward Saiesha and threw themselves upon her. One grabbed her big tits, one thrust his hand up into her pussy, and the third seized the cheeks of her ass and spread them roughly. He pulled up his robe and thrust his dick between her cheeks. The one at her tits followed suit and his naked cock rubbed up and down between her boobs. The third lay down on the bed and pulled her hips toward him so that her pussy took his stiff rod. All three of them jerked their cocks hard in their haste to come.Three others grabbed Maria. They threw her to the pillows face down. One pulled her hips up toward him and roughly thrust his cock into her pussy. The second took her by the hair,pulled her head back and thrust into her mouth. She reached out a hand to grab the third’s hard shaft and began to pump up and down as he roughly fondled her tits.This left two, who headed for Brigette. They stopped momentarily in their rush, confused by the soft white skin and red hair of this little girl. But then they grabbed her too. One took her by the waist, and taking one of her little pink nipples in his mouth sucked hungrily. Seeing what the other girls were doing, Brigette grabbed his cock and began to stroke it. The other grabbed her pussy with one hand and her ass with the other and fondled both at once.Hamid watched in amazement through the gauzy panel. This was something he had never seen. Only twice before in his eight years at the Kasbah had the soldiers been called into action. He had seen them return, and be greeted by the Governor, and told they should now have their reward. The full form of that reward was now enacted before his eyes.Saiesha was now prone on her back. One of the soldiers drove his cock hard into her pussy, his bare butt twitching between her legs. The second was lying across her boobs, pressing them flat as he worked his cock back and forth while Saiesha fingered his anus. The third straddled her shoulders and thrust his cock into her mouth. The soldier behind Maria was lifting her entirely off the ground and penetrating deep into her pussy. The one at her head was on his knees and her mouth worked busily on his hard shaft. The third was fondling her boobs roughly as she jerked him off with one hand.A soldier was sitting down on the pillows with Brigette in his lap, thrusting up hard into her pink pussy. Meanwhile she cradled the other ones balls in her hand and sucked his dick deep into her mouth. All of the men were now groaning with excitement. She reached out to the one that Maria was jerking and stuck a finger into his anus. This attracted his attention so he backed toward her slightly, shoving his butt toward her so she could reach between his legs to pull his cock, and bending down to grab Maria’s nipple in his lips and shake his head hard as Maria gasped.The soldier straddling Saiesha’s shoulders reached over to grab Maria’s other tit and squeeze it. The one who had been rubbing his dick on Saiesha’s boobs became dissatisfied with that and pushed his mate out of her pussy so he could hungrily stick his tongue into it. The man pushed away reached over to Brigette and started to suck her little pink nipple. Feeling that she reached out her other hand to stroke his cock.Hamid was still at the peephole, his head spinning as the men moved from pussy to ass, from tit to mouth, from girl to girl. The gentle sensuous sex that Bagoas had taught him about was very different from this wild orgy. He could see that Saiesha and Maria were well used to it, and Brigette was learning from their example.Now the men were changing places. The one who had Maria’s ass backed out of it, and Saiesha pulled herself away from the one deep in her pussy. She and Maria rose to their knees without letting go of the dicks they held in their hands. They faced each other so their boobs pressed together. Each stuck her ass out and a soldier began to rub his cock in the crack of each one. A man stood on each side of them and two different hands grabbed his cock and worked up and down around it. Then each bent her head to seize a dick in her mouth and sucked hard. The two of them were still keeping six men busy.Seeing this Brigette came over to join the party. She grabbed one of the men by a cheek of his ass and forced her way in beside him. His hand went down to her pussy and started to rub. One of the men who had been with her came up behind and thrust his cock into the crack of her small pink ass and began to rub. The other, feeling a bit left out, forced his way into the mass and grabbed one tit each of Maria and Saiesha.All Hamid could see now was the dark asses of the men, thrusting themselves in every way against the girls. The air was full of their grunts as they rushed toward climax.Now the three girls turned around, and each selected a man and pushed him down on the pillows on his back. They climbed aboard his cock and began to thrust up and down. Maria and Brigette faced their men, and Saiesha presented her dark butt to hers. They stuck out their hands and each grabbed whatever cock they could find and each took another hard rod in her mouth. Using the sex muscle control they had learned from Bagoas, they squeezed hard as they moved their hips, and very soon all three of the men they straddled yelled and jerked into their pussies as they shot their wads.Now the girls rolled off the three spent men. Each lay on her back and drew another man between her legs. As those thrust their hard rods deep into the pink wetness, the two remaining men worked on the girls’ tits with their hands and mouths. Maria and Brigette grabbed the cock of one of them, working together to establish a rhythm. The third thrust his rod into Saiesha’s mouth and as one cock drove into her cunt she sucked the other in with the same timing.Soon the man driving hard into Brigette’s pussy under its mound of red hair grabbed her hips and pushed deep as he came. He rolled away, and the one that she was jerking along with Maria dropped his head between her legs and sucked hungrily on her pussy. Next the one between Maria’s legs also reached his climax, pulling her hips close to him as she rocked them back and forth. He too rolled off on the pillows. Saiesha removed her mouth from the soldier before her and he moved to lie on top of Maria, rubbing his chest against her tits as he thrust his large dick deep into her dripping pussy.The man sucking Brigette’s pussy turned so he could shove his cock into it. Saiesha’s penetrator now grabbed the dark moons of her ass and forced them down onto his dick as he too had a crashing climax. As he lay back on the pillows exhausted, Maria and Brigette used all the tricks they had learned under Bagoas’ teaching to rush the final soldiers to come. Both men did so at the same time, Brigette’s man raising her small ass well off the floor with his final deep thrust.Eight men now lay sprawled on the pillows, gasping. Bagoas entered the room and dropped towels on the floor. “You have been well rewarded for serving the Governor,” he said. “Now clean yourselves off and go to your barracks.” He extended his hands to the girls and they followed him to the small anteroom door, the men’s eyes watching their twitching butts all the way.Bagoas returned to the audience chamber and made sure the men had cleaned themselves to some extent, and donned their dirty, sweaty and blood stained robes. Then he went to the large doors and knocked lightly. A servant opened the door, and at Bagoas’ nod ran to fetch the Governor.In a few moments Governor Glaoui entered the room. He looked at his soldiers and said, “You have done your duty well, and by Allah’s will have brought wealth and prestige to this fortress. After battle, you received your just reward. Go now.” Bowing to the Governor, the eight men left the room.”Bagoas,” the master said, “I would see the slavegirls.” Bagoas bowed and went to the small door. Opening it he waved the slaves into the room. They entered, naked as they were, with dripping pussies. In a line they bowed to their master. He looked at them and said, “You have served these rutting fools well. Only by great service to the Kasbah have they deserved your favors. They will come to you again only in their dreams. I am pleased with you.” Opening his pouch, he tossed each girl a piece of silver. He waved his hand and Bagoas led them to the anteroom, but the Governor called to him, “Bagoas, stay.”Governor Glaoui continued, “Bagoas, the dirt and blood of battle raise some men to heights of lust and they rut like goats. But for me, it is the knowledge that my wealth as well as my power have been increased this day. To know that I rule this valley and that all in it tremble to obey my word is what excites me. Bring my lady Durrah, my Pearl of Great Price, to me in an hour. We shall take our pleasure in a way these lustful fools do not know.””Allah, The All-Powerful and the Creator of All Power, be praised, my lord. It shall be done as you say.” Bagoas backed away from his master bowing, and entered the anteroom.Here the girls were giggling among themselves and displaying their pieces of silver, which would purchase for them many small treats and luxuries. Saiesha said, “One of those men was hung like a bull! I thought he would split me in two!”Maria laughed and said, “It was the one who thrust so far down my throat! It is good that Bagoas had us swallow that carved camel bone so many times or I would never have been able to take it.”Saiesha returned, “And the smell of them! Even with all the perfume Hamid slathered on Brigette they still stunk!” Even Brigette got in the game. “One of them had lips so rough that I think my nipples will feel it for days,” she said.”Your nipples?” retorted Saiesha. “I think he sucked your sex bump so hard that you will feel it down there too!”Hamid was sitting on the stool, listening to all this in awe. Although he had helped Bagoas train the girls, and it was of course necessary to use professional harem words to do so, he had never heard talk like this. The girls were showing him what went on in the harem after he and the overseer left.Bagoas smiled indulgently. Then he said, “Quickly, girls, into your veils. You are done but Hamid and I still have work to do.” The girls covered themselves with the dark cloaks and threw the heavy veils over their heads. As they emerged from the anteroom they could see through their eyeslits that many of the people of the Kasbah were loitering around the courtyard. Bagoas, Hamid, and his charges, were followed by many knowing eyes as they moved to the great ornate door of the harem. Most of the men of the Kasbah envied the soldiers their reward.Climbing the stairs, they entered the common room of the harem. The slavegirls removed their veils, and each retired to her own chamber, exhausted with their day’s duties.Bagoas then turned to the East, the direction closest to Mecca, where Durrah the Governor’s wife had her chamber. He scratched gently on the lattice work door and said softly, “My lady?”The curtain was pulled back and the lattice swung open. Durrah the Pearl stood in the doorway completely naked. “Bagoas, I was sure after this day’s work that my husband would seek me,” she said.”My lady, by the grace of Allah, the Highest, the Greatest, your husband has gained a great victory today. He has asked for you to join him in his bed to celebrate,” the eunuch answered. “But the slavegirls who usually prepare you…””I know,” she broke in. “They have performed their duty and rewarded the soldiers this day. The poor things must be soothing their sore parts even now. Tonight, Bagoas, it must be your duty to prepare me for my husband’s embrace.”Bagoas bowed low to his mistress. He had, of course, trained all the slaves in their duty, so he well knew the steps taken to prepare a lady for her husband’s bed. Taking Durrah by the hand, he led her to the pillows where she reclined face down. Bagoas made a motion to Hamid, who went to the chest and produced a beautifully carved alabaster pot containing an unguent scented with precious myrrh. Bagoas spread this costly stuff over the Pearl’s back and rubbed it gently in. From her shoulders he worked down to her lower back. Then he began at her feet and worked up until he was smoothing it into her thighs. Next he spread it over the round moons of her ass. His gentle fingers ran into the crack and saw that even that place was sweet smelling. Finally he reached between her legs and smoothed it on the lips of her pussy which caused her to moan lightly.Then he touched her shoulder and she rolled over. Now he spread the myrrh over her stomach and hips, then ran his hands up to cover her boobs with the sweet smelling oil. He rubbed the round tits well, and then dabbed his fingers in the ointment again and rubbed it into the dark nipples. The Pearl writhed gently under his touch.”Ah, Bagoas,” she said, “what a touch you have. It is a pity it is only your professional duty and means nothing to you otherwise.””My lady,” he replied, “I try to do well the duty assigned to me by your master and mine. Nothing else is important.” As he spoke, his fingers trailed down across her stomach and he rubbed the sweet unguent into the dark lips of her pussy. Bagoas knew from experience that a woman who was in a state of sexual tension would be well prepared to service a man. He rubbed gently, and inserted two fingers just deep enough to feel her wetness starting. That was what he needed to know.Hamid was watching all this, for it was his job to learn how to become a harem master some day. The Pearl’s beautiful body, her reaction to Bagoas’ expert touch, the way her boobs moved to his hands and her hips pressed her pussy up to meet his touch, had no more effect on Hamid than they did on Bagoas. His interest was professional only, just as it would have been if he was a potter’s lad watching the clay turning on the wheel or a goldsmith’s apprentice observing the yellow metal heated and poured into the mold.Bagoas now helped the lady to her feet. Her dark pussy lips opened as she spread her knees to rise, and the pink interior was briefly revealed. Again neither eunuch took any joy from the sight.Taking a soft camel’s hair brush, Bagoas lightly brushed a soft powder into the lady’s skin. He circled her nipples gently, then down over her stomach and swept the brush softly across her pussy lips. He motioned to Hamid again, and the lad brought the cosmetics from the chest. First Bagoas applied the dark kohl around the lady’s eyes, making them stand out in a way that appealed greatly to men. Then a pink powder was brushed onto her cheeks. Finally Hamid handed him a pot of carmine mixed with camel’s fat. This he applied to the lady’s lips to tint them a bright red. Then her nipples were treated the same way, and finally a chamois cloth was dipped in the paste and gently rubbed over the lips of her pussy. The lady closed her eyes and enjoyed his gentle touches. Bagoas felt the juices of her cunt beginning to flow.Now she stood nude, and was at her most alluring. Her natural beauty was enhanced by the scented ointments and the striking cosmetic colors. The light glow of the body powder only reflected the light glow of her state of sexual readiness. She was a woman to drive a man wild. To Bagoas, she was only a work of art that he had completed, readying it for its proper use. He helped her into a saffron dyed dress, and took a cord of camel hide dyed gold to criss-cross her tits and make them stand up through the thin cloth. Then all this beauty was covered with the dark cloak and the heavy veil, and they crossed the courtyard and entered the hall outside the master’s bedchamber.Bagoas removed the heavy covering so his mistress’ beauty once again was revealed. He tapped on the bedchamber door, and the master opened it so his lady wife could enter. He held out his arms and she melted into them, while his lips sought hers gently. He looked over her shoulder at Bagoas and said, “I am well pleased.” Then the door swung shut.Bagoas and Hamid sat down on the stools in the hallway. They would probably be there a long time.CHAPTER 9 — DISCIPLINE IN THE HAREMBagoas the eunuch, Overseer of the Harem, ran across the courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah. His body servant and protege Hamid followed him. They had been summoned with great urgency by one of the eunuchs that stood guard at the doors of the harem. As Bagoas climbed the stairs to the ornately carved door he heard screams coming from behind it. Brushing past the other armed guard, he burst into the harem.The common room of the harem was large, decorated with beautiful tapestries, and had fine silk pillows strewn on the floor. Standing in the middle of the room, screaming, was Durrah, the Pearl, wife of Governor Glaoui. She was a tall and gloriously beautiful Arab woman. Her fine gown of expensive fabrics was besmirched with a large spreading stain of purple g**** juice. This was why she was screaming at the slavegirl who stood quaking with fear before her.”My lady, my lady,” said Bagoas, “what has distressed you?””Can you not see, blind fool of a eunuch? This clumsy slut has ruined my gown!”The cowering slavegirl was Saiesha, senior among the harem slaves. She was a black Abyssinian beauty, with tightly braided hair, black eyes and stunning dark lips, and heavy boobs which strained at the fabric of her gown. Bagoas could see that the other two slavegirls had backed up to the benches at the side of the room, as far as they could from their screaming mistress. Maria, the slim Spanish slave with pointed nipples showing through her light gown, hid her black eyes behind an arm. On the other bench was a small white girl with red hair, clad in a green gown. She was in tears and hiding her face. This was Brigette, newest slave in the Governor’s harem.”My lady,” he said, “I am sure it was an accident. The gown can be sent to the fuller’s for cleaning…””Do not try to exonerate her, Bagoas! Her clumsiness is unforgivable! She must be taught a lesson!” screamed the lady.Bagoas was appalled at this fury. Normally the Governor’s wife was even tempered and tolerant of the slaves. He reflected that in recent days, she had returned from dining with her husband in a grimly silent mood, while on night after night her husband had called for a harem slave to be sent to his bed. Ruefully he decided that some quarrel with the master must be the cause of her anger at the girls. She was taking it out on the first one who made a mistake.”Saiesha, go to your chamber. Maria, clean off your mistress’ dress. Brigette, fetch a new one from the chests,” said Bagoas calmly. He hoped his tone would soothe the angry lady.But as Saiesha turned to go, Durrah screamed, “Where are you going, slave? You are mine to command! Stand before me!” Quaking, Saiesha returned to stand in front of her mistress. Bagoas was amazed to see the lady reach out and slap the black slave hard across the face. He started to step forward. “Do not interfere, Bagoas,” his mistress exclaimed. “You are only overseer here. But in the harem I am the ruler!” She had never talked to him this way before. “This girl is mine to punish, and I will see that she learns a lesson she will not forget!”Fearful, Bagoas stepped back toward the door. Hamid hid behind him, not even wanting to be seen.”You have ruined my dress, clumsy slave! Now drop yours to the floor!” ordered the lady. Saiesha looked at her in wonderment, but seeing determination in the lady’s face, she put her hands to the shoulders of her white gown and dropped the top down. Her heavy round boobs were revealed, with their large dark areolas from which her nipples stood up firmly. Durrah fixed her with a fierce stare and she continued to let the gown drop. Her belly was rounded as the Moors preferred in their dancing girls. Below it her pubic mound was clean shaven, and the dark lips of her pussy could be seen under it. As she bent forward to bring the gown to the floor her boobs swung out like ripe melons. She straightened up and stood before Durrah completely naked.”Fat pig!” screamed Durrah. “Go stand against the wall!” Saiesha turned and walked to the wall, which was ornately painted with quotations from the Holy Quran. Standing against the wall, her shapely ass was presented to the Pearl’s view. “Put your hands on the wall!” she was ordered. She reached forward, placing her hands at shoulder height on the wall. “Higher!” screamed the mistress. Saiesha stretched her hands up, leaning closely against the wall for balance.Bagoas watched in amazement as the Governor’s wife undid the strip of camel hide dyed gold which criss-crossed over her breasts. She doubled it over and then swung it rapidly through the air with a whistling sound. Saiesha shuddered but dared not look around. Once again the camel thongs whistled through the air, but did not touch Saiesha’s skin. “I will not sully myself by punishing this slave. You, girl, come here!” Durrah cried, pointing to Maria.”You will whip this clumsy Abyssinian slave. You will whip her heavily without mercy, or you will find yourself against the wall also! Lay it on!” Maria took the thongs which her mistress held out to her. Slowly, she moved toward where Saiesha cowered against the wall, her hands high up above her head and her bare back, ass and legs waiting the whip. Maria drew back the whip, and swung it against Saiesha’s back. It made a sharp snap as it hit her, and the Abyssinian girl cringed but was silent. “Harder!” screamed Durrah.Maria swung the whip against Saiesha’s back again. Again it snapped and Saiesha cringed but made no noise. “Whip her on those black mounds!” yelled the maddened lady. “Make her feel it!” Maria began to apply the whip to Saiesha’s ass, laying on several heavy strokes. With each smack of the whip Saiesha clenched her butt and pressed against the wall. As she heard the whip whistle she would try to lift a foot and turn a bit to avoid the direct lash. Maria could see welts forming across Saiesha’s ass. Still the slave girl did not cry out. “I want to hear her cry!” screamed Durrah. Maria swung the whip again and again, against Saiesha’s back, ass, and upper thighs. The black girl cringed, hugged the wall, and twisted, but would make no noise.”Worthless weakling!” cried Durrah. “You are not putting your strength into it, or she would scream! I warned you that you would take her place! Remove your robe!” Maria looked at the Governor’s wife in shock. Seeing vicious intent in her eyes, she haltingly let her red gown drop to the floor. She stood there tall and proud, a slim dark beauty. She had long black hair, long black eyelashes, and large black eyes which flashed even in her fear. Her tits were of medium size but finely shaped, and tipped with pointed dark nipples. Her belly was flat and her pubic mound rounded below it, shaved clean. The dark lips of her pussy filled the space between her brown thighs. She was a fine slave of much value, but now the maddened lady saw only someone to punish.While her attention was on the new victim, Bagoas hastily turned to Hamid cowering by the door. “Run and tell the Governor’s secretary what is happening!” he whispered. Silent as the moon over the oasis, Hamid slipped out the door and began to run.”Against the wall, worthless one!” ordered Durrah. Maria moved to the wall next to Saiesha. She pressed her boobs and pussy against the wall so her brown ass was pulled in as close as she could, though she knew this would do no good. “Raise your hands, slave! Let the other one go.” Saiesha looked tremblingly at Maria, pressed against the wall. Then she moved across the room where she stood gazing at the other slave with pity. Her hands gently rubbed her welted ass.Now Durrah looked to Brigette, cowering on the bench and crying. “What makes you cry, little one?” she taunted. “You will learn what happens to slaves who deserve punishment. Come here! It is your turn to swing the whip. Are you a big enough girl to bring pain to this slave?” She held the camel hide thong out to Brigette. Slowly and reluctantly, the white slave girl stood up and moved toward her mistress.Bagoas stood against the wall with his arms folded, maintaining a dispassionate appearance. Everything in his mind, however, was revolted by the Pearl’s disciplinary orders. First he knew the price paid for each of the slaves, and understood well that they were among the Governor’s most valuable possessions. He did not want to see them damaged and reduced in value. But also, he was one of the harem masters who believed that treating the girls with the respect they deserved as valuable objects only increased their value and their ability to perform their duties. He believed that a harem slave who only allowed her body to be used from fear was not going to pleasure the man she served.He knew his slavegirls were thought by the Governor’s guests to be among the best they had ever had, and he believed that his method of treating them was the cause. He really cared little for the girls as human beings, but he knew if they performed well as sex objects, it reflected to his credit as Overseer of the harem. Each time the Governor was sated by a slave, each time one of the Governor’s guests complimented a slave’s sexual performance, Bagoas gained prestige. In the Taourirt Kasbah, prestige with the Governor meant power. It was the only way a eunuch could become powerful, and Bagoas meant to see it continue.However, the harem overseer was powerless to interfere with the wife of the Governor. He could only serve her, never command her. Therefore he stood helplessly by while she screamed at the hapless slaves.Trembling, Brigette took the thongs in her hand. She looked at Maria, stretched against the wall with her hands high against it. Maria’s naked brown back, her firm ass, and her thighs were all exposed, waiting for the lash. Brigette swung the thong, but at the last instant pulled it aside from hitting Maria’s back. “Fool!” yelled Durrah. “Do you want to take her place? Strike hard, or you will feel the bite next!” Frightened, the Irish slave sent up a silent prayer to the Virgin, and then swung again. The thong bit into Maria’s back, and she jerked and twisted. “Again!” ordered the Pearl.Brigette swung three more times, each time leaving red welts against the brown skin of Maria’s bare back. After the last blow Maria began to moan. This excited Durrah, and she ordered, “Let her round mounds feel the lash! We will show her they are for more than twitching at rutting goats!” Brigette struck lower, across the round cheeks of Maria’s butt. Maria twinged each time she felt the thong, and tried lifting one leg at a time and twisting her ass to turn the blows slightly away from the same cheek each time. Long red welts appeared as stripes on her ass. After several strokes, the pain was so great that she took her hands down from the wall and put them across her behind, trying to shield it from the next blow.Brigette struck the palms of her hands, but Durrah was infuriated. “You think you can protect yourself, slave? Come here!” Maria turned away from the wall. She was covered in sweat and tears, which dripped down over her tits and trickled off the nipples. Durrah pointed to the table in the center of the common room. “Bend over that, slave of no worth!” she said. Haltingly, Maria bent over the end of the table. “Stretch out her hands, pale one!” was directed to Brigette. Brigette took Maria’s hands and stretched her arms until she could grasp the other end of the table. The Spanish girl was extended as far as she could go, her tits pressed into the cool marble of the table top and her butt extended. Durrah examined her from behind, and then ordered further, “Spread your legs! I want a toe to touch each table leg.” In great fear Maria spread her legs the full width of the table. This left her pussy exposed and forced backward by her awkward position.”Now strike hard!” the Governor’s wife ordered Brigette. “Let her feel pain instead of pleasure between those legs!” Brigette shuddered at the thought of striking Maria in such a hurtful way. Seeing the vicious look on Durrah’s face, however, she swung the thong. It wrapped around the Spanish girl’s butt and slashed against her pussy hard. Maria screamed and lurched upward. Then she held hard onto the table edge and awaited the whistle of the thong again. It struck her two more times. Each time she lurched up, but then sobbing bent back over the table.”Enough!” cried Durrah. “Her wailing disturbs my ears.” Shaking, Maria stood up and seeing Durrah had no more orders, moved over to sit by Saiesha on the pillows. But the Pearl was not finished. “So you two think that now you can sit on soft pillows and rub your asses? What of this small white girl? Does she think she will escape? The two of you can prepare her to receive her share.”She motioned the two naked and welted slaves to Brigette. Slowly they dropped the light green gown that Brigette wore as she trembled under their hands. She stood straight in front of the mistress. Her skin was of the palest white, like the alabaster vases which decorated the palace. Her small tits were round and firm, and her nipples jutted out of them like little rose buds. Her belly was flat, her waist was small, and her navel was beautifully shaped. Below that her pubic mound was not shaved like the other girls, but had its natural covering of light hair, flame red in color. It drew attention to the white curve of her thighs framing the pink lips of her pussy.The Pearl laughed. “Pale, skinny, and hairy!” she exclaimed. “Hardly worth the food it takes to keep you alive! Now you shall learn as the other slaves have. You, Abyssinian, hold her arms.” Brigette was so small that Saiesha overwhelmed her as she took her wrists. Saiesha placed Brigette’s hands around her own ample waist, hoping that the touch would bring comfort to the little slave. Thus bent over Brigette’s white ass cheeks projected out where the thong could reach them easily.The mistress tossed the thong to Maria. Maria reluctantly approached Brigette and prepared to whip her. As she did, Bagoas heard a tiny sound behind him. He turned to see the harem door moving silently open. Maria swung the thong and it struck Brigette’s naked white butt, leaving an angry red welt. Brigette stifled a scream. Durrah laughed and said, “More, more! Let her feel it as you have. Put your pain into hurting her, slave!”A soft voice from just behind Bagoas responded to her. “My lady wife, who ordered the slaves to be whipped? That is not what I have approved.” Indeed, Governor Glaoui, alerted to events in the harem by Hamid’s breathless report, had come quietly into the room and observed the orders his wife gave and their effect. The Governor strode forward and examined Brigette’s welted ass, then Saiesha’s pattern of welts. He motioned gently to Maria and she turned to show the red stripes on her brown back, ass and thighs.Shaking his head, the Governor said in a mild voice, “Damage has been done to my valuable property. Bagoas, my harem master, I trust you have not failed in your duty to protect my precious things?”Bagoas, shaking inwardly and struggling to preserve his appearance of calm, bowed to the Governor and began, “My Lord, in the name of Allah the Watchful, the Judge of all, I did not…”The Governor interrupted his harem overseer. “Indeed, Bagoas, I know your care for my property all too well. I do not think you would have permitted this to happen unless orders came from someone else.” At this, he turned and fixed his gaze on his wife.She remained imperious and haughty, and said, “My husband, you need not concern yourself with minor affairs in the harem. One of these worthless slaves spilled g**** juice, ruining an expensive gown. It was necessary that they learn the consequences of mistreating me and my belongings.””Your belongings, my dear?” asked the Governor, his voice mocking. “But all here in the harem are MY belongings alone. That includes your poor dress, these valuable slaves, and also my lady wife. Allah has given them all into MY care and under MY authority are they dealt with.”The lady’s look of disdain was fast turning into one of disbelief. She knew that no person in the palace could challenge her authority except the Governor himself. She had never thought that she needed to fear that.Implacable, he continued. “Look at them. Crying, tearful, so hurt that they may come to me with fear instead of opening to me happily. Not only that, but also marked on their beautiful round moons. It will be some time before I can offer them to my friends. Think what your anger has done to my pleasure, lady wife.”From disbelief, Durrah’s face was rapidly becoming one of fear. She had never been spoken to in this way before, and she was unsure what her husband intended to do.The Governor surveyed the three slaves, cowering on the pillows and hiding their faces. “I think, my lady, that you alone have chosen the method by which they were taught. Now, perhaps, it is time you learn a lesson also.”Durrah gasped, and brought a hand to her face. She was appalled to think what her husband and master might say next.”Bagoas, pick up the thong. Now, my lady, please remove that stained gown. It does not become you,” ordered the master.Durrah shrank back in fear. But her husband’s gaze was fixed on her, and she feared disobeying him more than anything else. Shaking, she slowly unfastened the straps of her gown and let it drop down to her waist. The charms that had made her the Governor’s selected bride were thus displayed. Her shoulders were flawless and the brown skin of her chest flowed down to ripe full breasts, showing dark areolas and nipples. Under her husband’s cold stare, she let the gown fall on down to the floor. Her belly was rounded to the Moorish taste, and below it was her pubic mound, plucked clean of every trace of hair. The tops of her dark pussy lips were visible between her legs. Her firm thighs and long legs completed the picture of a perfect Moorish beauty. This was why her father had demanded such a large dowry that the Governor referred to her as his Pearl of Great Price.But now his Pearl was trembling, her hands shaking at her sides as she did not dare raise them to cover her exposed breasts. “We could not mar such beauty in the way you have damaged my slaves, could we? Bagoas, bring that thong to bind her hands.” Bagoas was trembling inwardly as much as the lady was, but he exercised strong self control to keep it from showing. He carried the camel hide thong, now covered with blood, to the Governor. “You do not dare bind her, Bagoas? I must do that task myself,” said the Governor, chuckling a bit as he did. He approached his wife and gently took her hands and tied her wrists together in front of her.He took hold of the thong and led her to the table in the center of the room. “You thought it well to display a slave girl on this table, my lady. How much more will you decorate the room by showing us your glorious moons as you bend over it.” Tears welled in his wife’s eyes, but in fear she did as she was ordered. Her fine brown ass was displayed prominently as she bent.”Come here, slaves,” ordered the Governor, waving to the three girls cowering against the wall. Fearfully they carefully approached him, and he placed them where they were arranged in a line behind Durrah’s naked butt. “Bagoas, you are a fine judge of women. It is your duty. You have carefully selected my three slaves, but I chose this Pearl of Great Price myself. Now come and look at the work we each have done. Your three choices are the most beautiful slave girls anywhere on this side of the Atlas Mountains. My guests always compliment me when they share the slave’s favors. Even trembling and marred by the stripes of the whip they are beauty to the eyes.” Bagoas bowed, and chose his words with great care. “My lord, Allah the Clement, the Equitable One, has certainly rewarded his faithful servant with beautiful possessions. That I was able to help you obtain such riches gladdens my heart.””Ah, Bagoas, my honorable harem master. Your words are true. The slavegirls are a decoration and a treasure to the Kasbah. But now, eunuch, consider the Pearl you see before you. I know you have no interest in beautiful breasts, swelling rear moons or fine lower flowers except as your duty directs you. But tell me of this woman I have chosen.”Bagoas dug deep in his mind for the most flattering things he could say with discretion. “My lord, truly the All-Compassionate Allah guided your hand when you saw this woman. All you gave for her was small compared to the great beauty and prestige she brings to you. Beside her the slavegirls are as nothing.””Bagoas, you have said true,” replied the Governor. Hearing their conversation the Pearl began to relax a bit. Perhaps her fears had been greater than needed. She knew her husband valued her beyond all things.”Therefore,” the master continued, “we must be careful indeed that no mark shall disturb her perfect skin. I think the thong must be discarded, and only hands shall strike that delectable bottom.” He turned to look at the quivering slavegirls. “She ordered pain to my lovely possessions. Shall you not take your turn and inflict pain against her?” Horrified, the slaves backed away and cowered against the wall. They would never dare raise a hand against their mistress.”What, you have no taste for it?” said the Governor. “You were entrusted to Bagoas’ care, and she caused him to forsake his responsibilities, thereby dishonoring my harem master. Bagoas, will you strike the blows?”Bagoas shuddered inwardly, but tried to maintain his composure as he bowed low to his master. “My Lord, forgive me…” he began.The Governor chuckled again. “I see, I see. There is no one who will dare help me teach a lesson to this my property. It seems I must do it myself.” Durrah shuddered to hear these words. Never had she felt discipline or pain before. The humiliation was worse than the impending blow.The master moved to a position behind her. Opening his palm, he swung his hand against her ass. A strong slap resounded in the room, and Durrah screamed. The slavegirls winced and cowered further back on the pillows. Bagoas stood by the door, arms folded and face impassive, but his mind in turmoil at a sight he had never thought to see.The master swung his hand again. Again his wife screamed. Her ass was turning red from the slapping. He struck again, and she tried to move away from his hand. He grabbed her hip to hold her still and struck once again. Her scream filled the room.”Did the slaves scream like this, my lady wife? Did their asses burn as yours does? Did a small cup of g**** juice warrant this punishment?” He swung his hand twice more, and stepped back to observe the redness of her ass. “Bagoas, release her hands and lead her to her chamber,” he ordered. Bagoas gently raised the sobbing woman and freed her from the thong binding her. He opened the lattice work door of her chamber and pulled back the curtain.Durrah gained a bit of control. Still naked, and with her stinging butt bright red, nevertheless she pulled herself up to her full height and passed into her chamber with all the dignity she could muster. Bagoas let the curtain fall and the lattice door closed over the muffled sobbing coming out of the room.The Governor looked sternly at Bagoas. “It is well, harem master, that the boy was sent to me. You have done your duty. Nothing more need be said of this matter again. See the slave girls well tended.” With these words he left the room.Bagoas struggled to control himself, breathing deep breaths of relief as his master departed. Looking at the three shivering slave girls, he said, “Get the soft ointments from the chest. You can tend to each other.” Saiesha went to the chest and removed a pot of unguent. “No,” Bagoas directed her. “There are pots of precious myrrh, which have never been used except on the mistress. Today, they are yours for they will help ease your welts.” Saiesha looked at him in amazement, but then picked up the alabaster pot of myrrh and moved to comfort the other slave girls with its soothing warmth. Each welted ass was covered with the precious paste, and the girls began to feel relief. Soon they were rubbing the warm ointment into breasts and pussies as well. Knowing how pleasure can follow pain, and wise in the ways of the girls to comfort each other, Bagoas turned and walked from the harem.Hamid was waiting in the courtyard. As Bagoas approached Hamid looked at his teacher in wonderment. “You did well, lad,” Bagoas told the young eunuch. “The master has set things straight in the harem. This afternoon’s ill work will pass. Nothing more need be said.” Shaken in mind and soul, but still still struggling to maintain firm control of himself, Bagoas retired to his quarters attended by his servant. Bagoas sat in the shade of a tree in the central courtyard of the Taourirt Kasbah in the desert of Morocco. He was a large person, well muscled due to his frequent exercise. Near him sat his body servant and protege, Hamid, just turned 18 and learning his trade. Hamid was fortunate to be apprenticed to such an important person as Bagoas, for Bagoas was Master of the Harem for Governor Glaouri. Someday Hamid aspired to such a high position himself. This meant, of course, that both Bagoas and Hamid were eunuchs. Their only path to power was through the favor of the Governor. Bagoas was careful to preserve his standing in order to enhance his power.His face was impassive as he sat under the tree, but his mind was deep in careful thought. Things had not been the same recently in the Harem, and he sought the reason why. Only a few days ago, as told in Ch. 9, there had been a terrible scene when Durrah, the Pearl of Great Price, wife of the Governor, had flown into a fury and whipped the slave girls mercilessly. Something was clearly wrong between Durrah and the Governor to send her into such a mood. But Bagoas had no idea what it was, and his mind was troubled to know how it might affect him and his position in the palace.As he pondered his options, a slave came and bowed before him. “Master Bagoas, His Excellency will see you.”Bagoas got to his feet. Often at this hour of the morning he would consult with the Governor regarding a choice of girls for the evening’s pleasure. He entered the Governor’s office, bowed low, and said, “May Allah the Fashioner of Forms bless Your Excellency with all good things.”The Governor looked deeply at Bagoas for a moment. Bagoas wondered what he was thinking about so seriously. Then, waving his hand as if to dispel troubling thoughts, the Governor simply said, “Bagoas, prepare all three of my harem slaves to serve me in one hour.”Bagoas hid his surprise. The Governor was not a young man, and he was a person of fixed habits. Each evening he called either for his wife, or for one of the slaves. Each evening he took his pleasure, as the Quran allows. Then he sent the girl back to the harem and went to bed.But three girls, and not his wife, and in the morning? Never had he taken pleasure in this way before. Was there some reason for this? Did it somehow relate to the troubles in the harem? Bagoas’ mind was in a whirl but he carefully held his face impassive as he bowed and murmured, “As you say, it shall be done, Excellency.”He walked across the courtyard deep in thought. As he passed the tree he waved to Hamid, who followed him in silence, but full of curiosity. Passing the armed eunuchs on guard, Bagoas and his apprentice climbed the stairs to the harem.The central room, hung with tapestries and furnished with low pillows, was empty. Bagoas imperiously clapped his hands twice. There were stirrings behind three of the curtains. Bagoas, in a calm but commanding voice, said, “What, still dozing? Quickly, quickly, there is business to do.”One by one the three slaves emerged from behind their curtains, a bit disheveled but doing their best to appear attractive. The first out was Saiesha, the dark Abyssinian girl. Since her hair was braided into rows of wheat, she did not need to worry about arranging it. She had thrown on her gown of clinging stuff, which dipped low in front to show much of her large boobs, and accentuated the wide spread of her hips. Next was Maria, the fiery Spanish beauty. Her black hair showed signs of having been hastily brushed and was still standing wild around her face. Her pointed tits strained at the thin fabric of her gown.Finally the third curtain parted and the newest slave girl, Brigette, emerged. She was a small girl of white skin and red hair, the prize of the Governor’s harem. She said she came from the far country of Ire-land. Bagoas had purchased her from the notorious Barbary Pirates, and she realized that life in the Governor’s harem was far preferable to being a toy of the pirates. Her green gown clung to her small tits and the tiny buds of her nipples pressed through it.”Quickly,” ordered Bagoas, “prepare to serve the Governor. We have but an hour. Hamid, assist them.”The girls looked at him in surprise. Hamid rushed to the chests along the wall and began taking out precious ointments and scents. Then he turned to the girls and said, “You heard the Master. Quickly, drop your gowns!”This new tone of command in the apprentice seemed to amuse the girls. Quickly each loosened the top of her gown and dropped it to her feet. Hamid regarded them with a professional eye. Of course he felt no stirring in his loins at their nudity. To him it was merely a tool of his trade.He examined Saiesha, and saw a beauty with shining black skin. Her teeth flashed white behind large lips. Her magnificent melons bore large round nipples of a mahogany color. Her belly was rounded, just to the taste of the Moorish men. Her clean shaven pubic mound swelled between her legs, and the dark lips of her pussy protruded from it. Her long legs were plumb and well shaped. She was a fine specimen of the Abyssinian slaves who were very popular in Morocco.Next Hamid regarded Maria. The fiery Spanish girl was thinner than Saiesha, but still possessed of fine pointed tits and a small rounded belly. Her skin was bronze color and her pubic mound was smooth and sat above large protruding pussy lips.Finally he looked at Brigette, the newest and youngest slave. He had helped her accept her fate, and adapt to life in the harem, and there was a sort of special bond between them. This girl was exotic for the Moroccan desert. Few had ever seen a girl with skin so white, small tits topped with such rosebud confections, a small firm white belly with a little sunken navel, and especially the nest of fine red hair which stood above her pink pussy lips. She was the only unshaven girl in the Governor’s harem, although some Moorish men liked unshaven slaves because of the contrast with the Muslim women who all carefully plucked their pubic hairs.”Let me inspect your flowers,” demanded Hamid. Bagoas smiled at the progress his shy apprentice was making. The girls obediently went to a bench and put one foot up on it, thus opening their pussies for Hamid. He tested the first two girls in the age old way of eunuchs. As he had absolutely no beard, his cheeks were soft and smooth. Rubbing them against the girl’s pussy enabled him to assure himself that the pubic mound was totally hairless and smooth also. First at Saiesha, and then at Maria, he pronounced himself satisfied.Brigette, of course, did not get this test. Instead Hamid gently ran his hand over her soft hair, merely making sure that it was neatly trimmed. Softly he ran a finger over her slit and caressed her clit for just a second, flashing her a small smile as he did so. Although he could not take pleasure himself, he knew what the girls enjoyed. Brigette smiled back at him in her winning way.He stepped back and nodded. The each girl picked up a pot of unguent and began to prepare each other. Saiesha and Maria, from long practice, knew just what to do. Each rubbed the precious scent into the others body, covering the belly, then softly caressing the boobs with the smooth stuff. Turning one at a time they rubbed it into the others butt, and then turning once again they finished by massaging it into the smooth pubic mound and over the pussy lips. It was clear that each of them took some pleasure from this. Bagoas was one of those harem masters who believed that letting the girls reach a state of sexual tension made them better at their duties.It fell to Hamid to anoint Brigette. He did it with loving care, not only as a professional duty but because of his affection for the young slave girl. He smoothed the ointment carefully over her belly and then her small tits, caressing the pink nipples gently as he did. Then he rubbed it into the small firm cheeks of her ass, letting his finger penetrate to her nether hole and rubbing that well so it would be good smelling should the Governor choose to enter that way. Finally he softly caressed the tops of her thighs and worked his way to little pink pussy, rubbing a finger into the slit and rolling her clitoris around just a bit. Bagoas noticed the special attention he gave the little Irish slave and smiled.Bagoas was not sure just what the Governor planned, so he selected clothes for the girls carefully. Saiesha he directed to don her belly dance costume. It was a tight top which pushed her tits together and gave her a deep cleavage, jingling with coins. Below she wore transparent pajamas and a broad gold belt which supported a loincloth of blue fabric.Maria donned a long red skirt of semi transparent material, slashed up each side so her long legs flashed out of it as she walked. Around her boobs she wrapped a long white scarf of thin material. A tortoise shell comb and a bright flower held her long hair up.Bagoas hesitated over how to dress the Irish girl. Finally he simply offered her a tunic which was made in two pieced, tied only at her shoulders and at her waist. Her smooth white sides and shoulders were thus well displayed, and her white legs moved gently below it.Bagoas was regarding the girls with approval when he heard the sound he had been dreading. The lattice in the fourth doorway was being drawn back. Turning, he saw the Governor’s wife, Durrah, the Pearl of Great Price, standing in the doorway.”Bagoas,” she asked imperiously, “what is the meaning of all this activity so early in the morning?”Gulping, Bagoas replied, “His Excellency has need of these three slaves, My Lady.””What?” questioned the Pearl. “He sends for three miserable slaves and not for his true wife? How dare he, you fool of an eunuch?””My Lady, in the name of Allah the Gentle, I know it not. I obey the orders I receive,” murmured Bagoas, hoping to turn away wrath.”Before you allow the girls to go into him, tell him that I must talk to him at once, Bagoas. Do not fail me in this!” she practically screamed.Bagoas bowed deeply and said, “My Lady, it shall be done without fail as you say.”Durrah glared at Bagoas, then at the three girls, and then gave a poisonous look to Hamid. Then she retired into her chamber.Quickly, Bagoas and Hamid swathed the three girls in heavy black veils and robes and hurried them across the courtyard. They entered a small door to the side of the main audience chamber. The girl’s veils were removed and the sat on the floor of the small chamber. Hamid took up a low stool, and Bagoas seated himself in a chair by the opposite wall. Here there was a door, and it held a tapestry decoration. One small spot in the tapestry was open and covered with a thin transparent mesh. Bagoas could thus look into the next room, but from the other side it appeared as just part of the design.Soon Bagoas saw the Governor dismiss the petty chief he had been talking to. Then His Excellency turned toward the hidden door and motioned with his hand. Bagoas slipped through the door and approached him. Bagoas bowed low, but before he could speak, the Governor abruptly said, “Bagoas, my mind needs entertainment as my body needs pleasure. Are the girls ready to dance for me?””Indeed, Your Excellency. You know well Saiesha’s skills as a belly dancer, and the fiery dance of the Spanish girl. I regret that your newest slave is as yet untrained in the dance,” the harem master replied.”Then she must be my comfort as the others dance, Bagoas. And that boy of yours, how is he doing?” inquired the Governor.”He fares very well, sir. Some day he will be a full fledged harem eunuch of great skill and knowledge,” Bagoas replied.”It is well. Today let him do his duties. He can remain in the eunuch’s chair while the girls serve me. You must take some well deserved rest,” said the Governor calmly.”My lord…” began Bagoas.”Yes, indeed. I believe you have a favorite seat in the shade under a tree in the courtyard. Go there now, Bagoas, and sit down and relax. Relax well, my harem master. Let no one call you from your rest except me. Do you understand me well? Remain calm and repose in your seat under the tree until I call for you myself.”Bagoas was bemused at these strange orders, but he bowed low and said, “So may Allah, the Strong, the Steadfast, let it be, Your Excellency.”He backed out of the chamber, and held a whispered discussion with Hamid. Hamid led the girls through the door, and Bagoas, filled with misgivings, retired to his seat under the tree.Hamid, amazed at the boon that had been bestowed on him, but shaking under his new responsibility, shooed the three girls through the door. Lining them up in front of the Governor, he bowed low but was afraid to say a single word.”Hamid, your charges are well prepared, I see. You have done your duty well. Take the eunuch’s chair,” he said. Hamid, gratified that the Governor addressed him by name. moved to the curtained alcove where a chair was prepared. Here he was unobtrusive but could observe all that went on.”I wish to be entertained this morning, to relieve my mind and give it peace. You shall dance for me. There is no music but the rhythm should be in your head. You,” he pointed at Brigette, “come here with me. Let us have the belly dance first.”Brigette knelt on the cushions next to him, gracefully as she had been taught. He slid a hand through the open side of her tunic and lightly caressed her small breast. Not sure what to do, she reached out a hand toward his crotch under the robe, and found his rod already beginning to harden there.Saiesha swirled into the middle of the room and began the classic belly dance of all the East. Back and forth she went, and as she came forward always bent over so her massive cleavage seemed ready to spill in his face. Soon she leaned into him, and opened the clasp of her top. It slid down over her melons, revealing her dark areolae and nipples. She shook them at him and then pulled his head between them so they made soft pillows on each side of his face. Brigette watched all this with interest, and as Saiesha danced away felt the Governor untie her shoulder strap so her small pink boob was in his hand.Saiesha swirled around the room, her large boobs swaying back and forth. Brigette felt the Governor’s cock getting harder and pressing against the fabric of his robe. Now Saiesha loosened the string of her transparent pajamas and they fell away, leaving her clad only in the broad belt and thin loin cloth. She danced back toward the Governor and straddled him, her pussy just at his head level. She rubbed the thin cloth against his face and then slid down causing her belly to slide over his face and them lose it in her boobs. Brigette barely had time to get her hand off his cock as Saiesha’s pussy began to rub it.Now she danced away again. She swiveled her hips and the back of the loincloth swung each way, showing delicious flashes of her round black ass as it did. Now she pulled that portion out entirely and her twin moons beckoned as she bent over and briefly flashed the dark lips of her pussy through her legs. She moved back to the Governor, kneeling in front of him so he could grab both her butt cheeks in his hands and pull her belly to his face. She took one hand and put the remaining part of the loin cloth in it, then she stood up and slowly backed away. He pulled the loincloth until it suddenly fell away, leaving her pussy exposed beneath the heavy belt.Saiesha swayed back and forth, thrusting the pussy toward him and away from him. His hand moved under Brigette’s thin robe and found her small round ass and began caressing it. With his other hand, he lifted his robe and Brigette got the hint, pulling it up until his cock was exposed. It danced in the air, so she grabbed it and began to rub up and down.Now Saiesha danced closer again, straddling his hips and letting her pussy lower toward his stiff rod. Brigette removed her hand to let Saiesha’s wet pussy begin to rub back and forth over the dark cock. She never let it enter her, but only took the very tip between the dark lips. Soon she arose, and danced back into the middle of the floor. Bending forward she displayed her broad ass, and reached between her legs to insert two fingers into her pussy.Seeing the cock throbbing once again, Brigette took it in her hand and began to lightly tickle the tip of it with her tongue. She knew the opening in the end is exquisitely sensitive so she ran her tongue over that softly. Now Saiesha saw Maria moving toward the dance floor so she retired, shaking her boobs to let Maria perform.Maria had the thin shawl wrapped over her boobs, and that almost transparent red skirt which showed her ass off through it, but was just dark enough to make her pussy slightly hidden. She came out swirling which made the skirt billow out and show her bronze legs to good effect. Dancing wildly, she let the scarf slip off her boobs for a moment and then cover them again, repeating it as she swirled. The Governor had now completely opened Brigette’s tunic so she shrugged out of it. Her lips found the ridge on his cock which was the scar of his circumcision. She had learned that this spot is very sensitive in Muslim men, although she did not remember it was so in the uncircumcised boys of Ireland. She sucked up and down, letting her lips tickle that ridge, and felt the master reply with thrusts of his hips.Maria now had the shawl over her head and each time she spun around her pointed boobs with the hard nipples flashed. Slower and slower she spun, and closer to the Governor she approached, until she was close enough to lean over him and let her boobs droop toward his face. He pulled her to him and, one at a time, sucked hard on the large pointed nipples. Meantime Brigette took his cock deeper into her mouth and moved it in and out more rapidly.The Maria danced away again, twirling so fast that her skirt rose enough to display the cheeks of her ass and her shaven pussy as she spun. Watching this, the Governor pulled Brigette into his lap, turning her over so her pussy was just at his side, and began to rub it softly. Brigette knew that the juices of her pussy would be adding their smell to the perfume trapped in her red pubic hair and she knew this scent enticed men. She maneuvered so that his finger carried the juices up into the hair each stroke.Now Maria lifted the filmy skirt over her head, and pulled off. Instead of spinning now she began to sway, opening her legs wider each time so her pussy was spread more and more. The Governor increased the speed and depth of penetration of his fingers in Brigette’s pussy. He motioned with his hand and Saiesha and Maria both came down onto the pillows too.Hamid was watching from his chair, growing more and more amazed at the performance. He had seen each of the girls perform alone, but never together. True, they had once serviced the Governor’s soldiers together, but that sweaty orgy was not to be compared to this service of their master.Hamid saw the Governor still fingering Brigette, while Saiesha rubbed her boobs over his head and thrust her nipples into his mouth. Maria meantime was between his legs, rubbing her firm ass over his cock rhythmically. His other hand grasped one of her boobs and was pulling the nipple. Then with some sense of timing, they all turned. Brigette put her mouth back on his cock, Maria thrust her pussy into his face, and Saiesha presented her broad ass to him to spank. Striking blows at her ass, thrusting into Brigette’s mouth, and penetrating Maria’s pussy made a rhythm almost like a dance.Once again the girls moved as if on signal. Now his finger was in Brigette’s nether hole which she was glad Hamid had perfumed. Saiesha climbed into his lap and took his cock deep inside her while her ass was toward him. Maria knelt with her back to him, her butt rubbing against his arm as he reached between her legs to finger her cunt. Hearing him breathing more rapidly each girl began swiveling her hips so he was presented with the view of a small white ass, a broad black ass, and a tight bronze ass all moving and clenching. He cried out and thrust hard into each of them, shooting himself into Saiesha’s depths and pulling each of the others hard against him. Then he lay back and slowly caressed each round butt cheek in turn, breathing slowly.Hamid came forward and held out his hand to raise each of the girls. Brigette gently pulled down the Governor’s robe. Then they all went out into the side room. As they left, the Governor called, “Hamid, have your master come to me.”Quickly Hamid swathed the three exhausted girls in their heavy robes and took them into the courtyard. Seeing Bagoas seated under his favorite tree, he reported, “My lord, His Excellency will see you now.” Then he rushed on to the harem with the three slaves.Bagoas had indeed rested under the tree. But he had also observed much activity in the courtyard which did not leave his mind at rest.He entered the audience chamber and approached the Governor. Bagoas bowed, and said, “In the name of Allah, The Bestower, The Exalter …”‘Yes, yes,” snapped the Governor. “Bagoas, tell me of your peaceful rest under the tree in the courtyard.””My Lord,” said Bagoas, “I know not what to report. I saw much strange activity in the courtyard, but as you ordered I did not leave my seat.””And what, my harem master, did you see that disturbed you?” the Governor inquired.”Your Excellency, may it please Allah, I first saw two messengers rush out of the courtyard and bound onto racing dromedaries which were waiting there. Nothing carries news so fast as our dromedaries, but I know not what message they bore.””Ah, but I do, Bagoas. The message will reach its destination before any other news can.””Yes, Your Excellency if Allah wills. Next I observed, to my amazement, the harem wagon with its horses appear at the gate. Never before has that wagon moved without my order, Your Excellency, but today I saw two lesser eunuchs with it.””Ah, Bagoas. Think not that your authority has been usurped. But today it was I who gave orders to the eunuchs.””May Allah, the All Praiseworthy, bless your every order, My Lord. But I understood it not. Even more to my amazement, I then saw two armed eunuchs emerge from the harem, and a woman veiled and swathed in black robes was rushed into the harem wagon. I know not what woman that could have been, for the three slave girls were even then with you, and none that I knew left in the harem but Durrah you r lady wife, may Allah the Giver of Life be with her ever. I admit, Your Excellency, my mind is all awhirl. Nevertheless I kept my seat and waited your call, knowing all will be made clear when Allah wills it.””Yes, yes,” snapped the Governor. “I know, I know. Blessed be the name of Allah and Muhammed his prophet.” He waved his hand and picked up a parchment from the desk. Bagoas could see that it was vellum of the finest, and that a red seal of large size was at the bottom. He recognized an official message of the greatest importance, but could not see how it might concern him.”Bagoas, I have momentous news for you. Sometime back, we entertained envoys from the Sultan himself. I discussed much of importance with them, and I am sure you recall that the slavegirls of the Harem entertained them in great style. You outdid yourself that night in providing such entertainment. As the envoys were pleasured by the slaves with their mouths, their breasts, their round moons and their female flowers, I knew that they were pleased and impressed.” (See Chapter 2 of this story.)Bagoas bowed deeply, but before he could murmur thanks the Governor continued. “Little did I know at that time that you, my Harem Master, were under their eye as well.”Bagoas gasped in astonishment. What could such a revelation forebode?”I knew from my sources in the Palace that my governance of this province had the Sultan’s eye, but little did I hope that he would need to check on conditions in my Harem. Clearly,” the Governor continued, “you and your treatment of your charges met with their approval. They must have reported it to the Sultan. My sources tell me that it was the final step needed.””My…my Lord, I do not understand…” muttered Bagoas.”Do you not, Bagoas?” queried Governor Glaouri. “The Sultan needed to know that my Harem was well managed and my Harem Master capable and honorable. This document from the Palace itself informs me that he has granted me the honor of one of his daughters in marriage!”Bagoas gasped. This totally unexpected news now made it all clear! Durrah the Pearl was being superseded by a royal bride! No wonder that she was distraught and angry. Pictures whirled through the mind of the Harem Master. So much would now fall on him. Nothing in his long experience prepared him to dismiss one highly placed bride and install a royal one in her place! Carefully he pulled his face into an impassive expression and stood tall, crossing his arms, though his knees shook.”I know, Bagoas, that you will be able to see to all that needs to be done. I had the girls brought here to me, for I knew of no other place they could be safely kept during the change. My wife Durrah, guarded by your eunuchs, has been escorted to the office where she was informed by Ahmed my Scribe that I have formally divorced her this morning. Her father will be told by those fast camel riders you saw, and that wagon in the courtyard is even now bearing her back to her father.. Have the slavegirls quickly pack all her gowns, ointments and cosmetics, and send them after her. Later we shall discuss how to welcome my new wife.”Bagoas was stricken to his depths by this amazing news. Carefully he bowed deeply, not trusting himself to speak, not even to invoke the name of Allah. Rigidly keeping his face impassive he backed out of the audience chamber. Then he collapsed onto a nearby bench to compose himself. It had been many years since Durrah came to the harem as a virgin. How would he handle the training of a new wife, a daughter of the Sultan himself. He knew that his greatest delicacy would be called upon.He sighed. First things first. The wife’s chamber must be cleared in preparation for its new royal occupant. He gathered his wits about him, pulled himself up to his full height, and strode into the courtyard. Hamid was relaxing under the tree, having delivered the girls to the harem and knowing nothing of the news. Bagoas motioned to him imperiously and led the way up the stairs to the harem. There the three slavegirls were lounging on the pillows, d****d only in soft cloths after their busy morning.Bagoas came quietly into the room. He stood at the door and looked over the three tired girls. Hamid stood quietly behind him. Then, in a soft voice, he spoke. “By the will of Allah, the Compassionate, the Strong, His Excellency has divorced his wife Durrah.” Hamid gasped behind him, and the three girls started up from their cushions and looked in confusion at the lattice door of the wife’s chamber.Bagoas continued, “She is even now on her way back to her father. Her chamber must be cleared of her possessions and they must be sent after her.” Wisely he thought he would withhold the rest of the important news for the time being.”It is only recently that each of you has felt her wrath under the whip. I know that you can have no love for her. When things are done hastily, sometimes something is broken or lost. If this happens to any of Durrah’s precious things, it is unavoidable.” Bagoas had been inflamed inside at the terrible punishment vented on the slaves, and he knew that now they would understand his invitation to comfort themselves with what they might find in Durrah’s chamber.”Hamid, assist them,” he commanded, and then withdrew from the central chamber. Outside, on the landing, he glanced around him and then pressed a certain tile in the wall. Silently a narrow door slid aside, and he slipped into a confined space. On the opposite wall he rotated a tile slightly, and had a view into the chamber of the Governor’s wife itself. No other eunuch, and certainly not Hamid, was entrusted with the secret of this peephole. Now Bagoas waited to see what would happen.At first the mood was somber as they opened chests. But soon, as girls will, they began to talk among themselves and giggle. Tales of Durrah’s foolishness and bad behavior and haughty ways were told. Hamid listened and laughed along with the girls. Soon the girls found a saffron gown, slightly stained as with wine. It was bound with a thong of camel’s hide dyed gold. Saiesha held it up and said, “Here is the very gown the high bitch wore!”Maria grabbed the gown and held it in front of her. “What foolish slave has ruined my gown?” she cried, in imitation of Durrah. She swung the thong through the air making it swish. “Up against the wall, girl. You shall suffer!”Saiesha giggled. Getting in the spirit of the game, she dropped her gown and put her hands on the wall, sticking her ass out and wiggling it. Maria looked around, and seeing Hamid watching in awe, suddenly tossed the stained gown to him. “What are your orders, our mistress?” she giggled at him.Hamid looked astonished, but then decided to get in the spirit of the game. “Make her cry out, bitch! Swing harder!” he called.Maria drew back the thong and made it swish through the air with an evil sound. But it cleared Saiesha’s ass by half an inch, and then as it lost its force trailed slowly over the black moons. Feeling the touch, Saiesha let out a blood curdling scream and twisted her ass around as if it felt all the fires of Gehenna. Then both of them giggled.”Not hard enough, fool!” cried Hamid. “You shall feel the lash yourself for that. Drop your gown.” With amazing bravado, Hamid himself reached out and pulled off Maria’s gown. “Here, little one, do you have the strength to make her cry?” he called, throwing the thong to Brigette.Brigette was laughing now. She looked at Maria, who was seated on the bench with her legs in the air, her pussy spread open. Brigette carefully dragged the thong over the slit and at the top looped it around the clit and wiggled a bit. Maria threw back her head and closed her eyes.”Be careful, fool, you will kill her!” screamed Hamid, laughing. “You must soothe the hurt you have caused! Get down and comfort her.” Brigette knelt between Maria’s legs and began licking her pussy. Maria writhed in delight.Hamid pointed at Saiesha. “Your punishment is not over yet, black one! I shall yet make you scream!” He advanced on her menacingly. As he reached her he grabbed one boob and rubbed the nipple roughly, while thrusting his other hand into her crotch and squeezing her pussy. Although he had never experienced it himself, he had watched men and their ways with women, as well as the ways of the girls with each other.Saiesha laughed. She soon screamed loudly and twitched her hips. “You have made me scream, mistress!”Maria also screamed, and tossed her hips up toward Brigette’s tongue. “Oh, the pain, the pain,” she moaned.Brigette giggled and turned to the chests. She rummaged through them and found urns of precious ointments. “This will ease the pain,” she cried. Each of the girls grabbed a jar, and soon were massaging it into each others tits, bellies, assholes, and pussies. They moaned and giggled as they did.Hamid was standing gazing at all this. He had seen the girls use the ointments before, but Bagoas had always motioned him out of the room before the end.Saiesah She tore the dress away from Hamid, and her hand went to the hem of his robe. Hamid pulled away for a moment. Eunuchs are very careful to never appear nude before anyone else. Although he had once undressed for Brigette, otherwise he had never experienced personal nudity. However, Saiesha was insistent and whispered to him. “Come and undress like the rest of us. None of us will ever be men. You are in good company!”Hamid had never heard such words from a woman. But in the spirit of the moment he accepted them, and let Saiesha pull off his robe. Muslim eunuchs have only the balls taken, and he stood thus revealed with his small cock dangling over an empty sack. Saiesha ignored this, and spun him around until his ass was toward her. She began rubbing it with the precious myrhh. Pushing him forward she inserted a well-lubricated finger in his nether hole and began to thrust it in and out. Again Hamid was amazed. He had never felt anything like this.Maria saw what Saiesha was doing, and she repeated the treatment with Brigette. She removed Brigette’s thin robe and bent her forward, and inserted a finger into her behind also. The two senior girls smiled at each other as they went about their work.No one had ever explained to Hamid that he had a prostate gland still working despite his emasculation. Evidently Saiesha sometime in her background had learned prostate massage and was now vigorously stimulating Hamid’s. He was actually feeling some sort of excitement he had never before known.Maria knew that Brigette and Hamid were close friends. She released Brigette, and moved toward Hamid. Maria pressed her boobs against Hamid’s chest, and pulled Brigette down onto her knees. Brigette saw Hamid’s small flaccid cock dangling hopelessly, and began to lick and tease it as she teased the Governor’s. Of course, nothing happened in the way of a rise. Nevertheless Hamid was well aware of the gentle touch and attention from Brigette and it pleased him.Meantime Maria and Saiesha were kissing deeply and Maria was massaging Saiesha’s big tit. Brigette reached up her hand and began rubbing Maria’s pussy.Hamid’s mind was in a whirl. He did not know what he was feeling or what to do. Blindly he lowered a hand and caressed Brigette’s red hair softly. Then he pulled her up until her mouth left his useless cock and she kissed his belly and chest all the way up, giving him great pleasure. He found her small breasts with the hard little nipples and began to rub them softly. Brigette moaned so he continued with more force. She pressed her body close against his, and her mouth found his and he felt her tongue roving around in his mouth. The feeling was very pleasant, even if not arousing.Saiesha’s hand was now squeezing his butt while her finger continued to massage his prostate. Brigette was squirming against his limp cock and he felt her wet pussy juices warming it. Maria’s pointed nipple was hard against his shoulder. He felt her wet pussy pressing his side and began to poke two fingers into it. The feeling of being at the middle of an orgy, just as the Governor had been, threw his mind into ecstasy. A tension was building in him from Saiesha’s massage, and suddenly to his amazement he felt a huge convulsion shake his body and his hips twitched forward. Brigette pressed her wet pussy on his cock and he felt something flow out of it.Behind him Saiesha laughed. Maria joined her, but Brigette looked down at the dribble on her pussy and gasped. “Hamid!” she exclaimed. “They didn’t take it all away from you!””But…but…” Hamid stuttered. “Bagoas taught me never to expect to be with a woman. I don’t understand.””Hamid, our lovely boy,” said Saiesha, “you don’t know that I grew up in a harem. My mother was a harem slave to a wealthy man, and we had many eunuchs in attendance on us. A wise old woman taught us that when an eunuch’s balls are taken, only a part of him is gone. Within the nether hole is a small round lump, and a well taught woman can stimulate it to produce fluid. We often sported with the young eunuchs this way. It is said to be pleasurable to the eunuch, even though he never knows the full pleasure that a man takes. Did you enjoy it, Hamid?””Yes…yes indeed,” gasped Hamid.”Then you must visit us regularly. The fluid can never quicken a woman’s womb, but if it is not regularly stimulated it will dry up. Most likely Bagoas is far beyond such a feeling. But you can continue to enjoy it when he knows not,” counseled Saiesha.Behind his screen Bagoas had watched the whole thing. He now smiled a wry smile. Saiesha’s secret was no secret to many senior eunuchs. Most of them, like Bagoas, had experienced it in their youth. Most of them, like Bagoas, gave it up for they found it no substitute for the power and prestige that came to a powerful eunuch and realized how it could allow women to entrap them, just as men were entrapped through their cocks. He would allow Hamid this small consolation for a short time, and then talk to him about it. He quietly slipped out of his hiding place and descended to wait beneath his shade tree to hear what sort of tale Hamid would tell.A Visit to The Sultan’s HaremBagoas reclined on the silken cushions as the decorated cart jounced along on its journey. He was a personage of power in his world, but his world was about to change drastically. The first ten chapters of this story tell of the power of Bagoas, Overseer of the Harem of Governor Glaouri in the desert oasis of Ouarazate. His life was good and his position enviable. In his domain, what he ordered got done immediately. He had the respect of the servants and also of his master. All that he did, he did well, and that pleased the Governor.With Bagoas in the cart was Hamid, his eighteen year old assistant and protege. Of course, since both of them had access to the Governor’s inner Harem chambers, they were both eunuchs. Bagoas had lost his manhood so long ago that it was only a hazy recollection to him now. His life was that of an eunuch, and rising to his high position was, in the way of his kind, some compensation for what he had never experienced. For Hamid too, although the pain was sharper in his mind, the present and the reality were more important, and he rejoiced in the favor of this important eunuch and his future prospects if he performed his duties well. Both of them, then, accepted their lot, and sought only to preserve and improve it.Bagoas thoughts now turned on how best to do so in the new situation which presented itself. The Harem at Ouarazate was not large. It consisted only of three slave girls, all of them well trained and of great renown among the rulers of all the oases in the desert, for Governor Glaouri was hospitable and often entertained his peers. Sharing of the harem slaves was the fitting end to his entertainment. The girls were accepting of their position and the good treatment they received, and peace normally reigned in Ouarazate’s harem. That was the way Bagoas liked it.But now in the matter of the other room of the harem, the room of the Governor’s wife, there had been no such peace. As told in Chapter 8 of this story, the Governor had stunned everyone in the Southern desert, including Bagoas, when he summarily divorced his wife, Durrah the Pearl, and packed her off back to her father. Even more stunning was the news that Governor Glaouri had been honored by the Sultan with one of that royal majesty’s own daughters in marriage. Before he really had time to grasp all the implications, Bagoas found himself in the harem wagon, on his way to Rabat to pick up this eighteen year old virgin.It had been years since Durrah came to the harem. Bagoas flinched as he remembered the task of preparing her for her duties as the Governor’s wife. While he was well used to training slave girls, a virgin bride was a whole different matter. zonguldak escort bayan Bagoas knew that some aged crone from the royal harem would be chosen as the virgin’s chaperone, and that everything would pass through her. He was determined to hit the right note with that woman, enlisting her help instead of her opposition.To this end, he had departed for the capital some days before the day appointed for the virgin to be received. Bagoas planned to strike up a friendship with the Grand Overseer of the Royal Harem, and learn from him what palace politics he needed to know. He was well aware that life in a harem of over 200 women was far different from the small harem rooms at Ouarazate.Soon enough they were at the palace at Rabat. Bagoas presented his letters of authority and was directed to the harem. They walked through many chambers. Bagoas maintained his dignity, but Hamid could not control his amazement as he saw the variety of women and girls lounging about. Of course all the women ignored a couple more eunuchs. Most of them were nude, many were bathing in the numerous fountains, others were anointing their breasts or bellies or nether flowers with scents. Hamid was amazed to see several chained to the wall, completely nude and with their arms outspread. He wondered what they had done to be punished thus.Bagoas sought the chambers of the Grand Overseer, but that official was far to busy to deal with a mere provincial eunuch. However, recognizing the prestige of a virgin daughter of the Sultan, even one of the many, Bagoas was placed in the care of the Second Overseer, an eunuch of great presence and great ego. Bagoas promptly offered a gift, myrhh of the finest the desert could produce. He also offered to buy a flask of exotic fruit juices and expensive ice brought down from the mountains. Enjoying this treat, Mahmed the Second Overseer warmed to Bagoas and soon they were rolling dice like old friends.”Bagoas, my friend,” said Mahmad, “I have heard you are a Harem Master of great abilities. Reports from his majesty’s agents say that although small, your harem contains slave girls of the greatest talent, whether it be in belly dancing naked, showing off their flowers to best advantage, rubbing their glorious breasts on a man’s lips, in practicing the art of Firsheah, mouth congress, or in riding hard on the upright shaft of a man. It is said you have trained them well. It is also said that peace reigns in your harem and you seldom need to punish your slaves. Alas, here it is not so. Among my duties are maintaining discipline in the harem. Would you like to see the difficulties I face?”Bagoas murmured his assent. Hamid, sitting quiet as a mouse on the floor, was very interested in this new area of harem management. In Ouarzate, he had never seen slaves disciplined except on the one notable occasion that Durrah’s temper burst out. Since Bagoas had quickly sent him from the room, this area of his training he felt was neglected. If he was to become a harem master some day, he was full of curiosity about punishing unruly slaves. He had heard of restraints,whipping and worse. Would he now be permitted to observe it?”Come, Bagoas, and I will show you what must be done to keep order in a large harem,” said Mahmed. They went to a side room, long and narrow. Bagoas observed several girls chained to the wall, all of them naked. One was a fine Abyssinian who reminded him of Saiesha from his own harem. Her arms were tied to a hook high over her head, thrusting her large black boobs forward. Her rounded belly and high shaved pubic mound rolled down to the dark lips of her pussy. She looked at him pleadingly. Mahmed regarded her with disdain. “She is slow to obey the orders of the junior eunuchs,” he said. “Stretched like this from dawn to dusk with no food nor water gives her time to think better of her haughty ways.” Bagoas said nothing. This was not the way he ran his harem.The next girl was an Arab beauty. Her hands were bound with rope and she hung so that her feet were several inches off the floor. Her long black hair flowed down over her shoulders, and her dark pointed tits with large nipples were pulled upward by her position. She was straining, trying to get her feet to touch the floor to relieve her agony, and as she did her pussy lips were pulled open showing dark pink inside. Try as she could, she could not touch the floor. Mahmed merely said, “She will learn not to talk sharply to a senior eunuch after she has hung this way while the water bowl fills.” Bagoas knew that the pierced bowl which floated in a basin of water would take the time between two prayer calls to fill, almost half the morning.Next there was another Arab girl, with her arms stretched out in crucifixion. Her agonized face would have been beautiful if she were not in such pain. She had small but well formed boobs which were stretched almost flat by her position. Bagoas studied the arrangement of the wall for this punishment. He saw that there was a platform of wood just below her feet. By stretching her toes downward she could touch it and relieve the pressure on her arms. But it had a sharp upper edge which made it painful for her to do this. When the pain and strain on her feet made her relax them, her body would fall lower. Bagoas saw that between her legs was a rod which seemed to be carved from cows horn, pointed up. If she could not continue to raise herself with her feet or her arms, she was forced to let this horn penetrate her body, either her pussy or her anus. He stood watching as she moved up, then down, in agony whichever way she did it. The horn slid in out of her pussy and Bagoas saw that despite her pain, the pussy was wet and its lips engorged. Impassively, Mahmed said, “She is a new slave. She refused to let an eunuch insert his fingers to check the wetness of her nether flowers. She will learn there are worse things that can go in there.”The Second Overseer was obviously well accustomed to this hall of punishment. Bagoas, however, had rarely seen slaves treated this way. Some of his compatriots in the desert oases punished their slaves often, he knew, but not so horribly as this. Bagoas himself believed in managing his harem in a different way and had never treated Saiesha, Maria or Brigette thus.”These are trifling punishments, my brother. Today I have some more serious things to deal with. Will you watch as I judge the slaves?” said Mahmed. Bagoas nodded in assent. He glanced at Hamid and saw his apprentice was gaping in amazement. Bagoas made a small motion of his hand, and Hamid understood he needed to be silent and follow his master softly.Mahmed moved into the next room. Bagoas saw around the sides of the room a number of instruments, some of which he recognized, some of which he did not. He waited quietly to see what his fellow Harem Master did here.Mahmed seated himself in a chair, and had a stool brought for Bagoas. Hamid sat on the floor silently, hoping not to be noticed. Mahmed nodded, and a eunuch brought in a slave girl, leading her by a rope around her neck. She was a Nubian beauty, not so dark as an Abyssinian but of a deep dusky color. Her coarse black hair was braided tight to her head. She struggled against the rope, but was jerked into the room. Her boobs hung pendulously down, with large areolae and nipples of deep maroon color. She had a large round ass and strong thick legs. Her pubic mound was bare and dark cunt lips showed below it.The eunuch leading her bowed to Mahmed and said, “Overseer, this one dislikes having her lower hair plucked. She says it becomes inflamed.” Mahmed frowned. Then he turned to Bagoas and said, “Master Bagoas, that stripling who is your apprentice, does he know how a eunuch tests the softness of the lower mound?” Bagoas nodded gently. Mahmed gestured to Hamid, who jumped to his feet in confusion. Mahmed pointed the boy to the slave girl with a grin. Hamid, gulping hard, stepped forward. The eunuch guard roughly pulled the slave’s legs apart. Hamid, as he had been taught, knelt in front of her and applied his eunuch’s hairless cheek to her pussy mound.Then he stood up and approached Mahmed and Bagoas with downcast eyes. “Well?” snorted the Second Overseer.”My, My Lord,” stammered Hamid, “I feel rough stubble growing there, unplucked, My Lord. It rasps on my cheek.””Aha!” exclaimed Mahmed. “And tell me,little one, how would you deal with a slave with a disgusting mound such as this?” Sensing the apprentice’s confusion, Mahmed went on, “You shall learn, beginner, you shall learn.” Mahmed gestured to the eunuch guard, who was joined by another. The slave cried out in fear but they ignored her.Leading her to the wall, they swiftly bound her hands behind her back. Then one grabbed her feet and the other caught her as she started to fall backwards. They harshly turned her head downwards, spread her legs, and clamped each ankle into a ring which stood there ready. In this position, no matter how she struggled, her pussy gaped wide open and she could not pull her legs together to protect it.”Now, observe, the punishment that fits the offense,” said Mahmed. He nodded at the guards.One of them lit a candle. He carefully moved it between the slave’s legs, and let it burn a bit to accumulate hot wax. Then he tipped it so the hot wax dripped down, directly onto the girl’s sensitive pussy. She screamed and writhed as it did. The eunuch continued to let it fall, drop by hot drop, moving the candle closer so the wax was hotter as it struck her pussy lips.”So this is how to remove that disgusting hair if she will not pluck it,” commented Mahmed. The eunuch began to let the flame touch her pubic mound, scalding it as a chicken is scalded to remove the pinfeathers. The hapless slave screamed with each lick of the flame. Then the eunuch turned to Hamid, and held the candle out to him. The confused boy did not know what to do except to accept it. He glanced at Bagoas, but his master’s face was impassive. The eunuch held his hand and brought it to the crying girl’s mound, and moved Hamid’s hand around to scorch the remaining short hairs. The pussy mound was now clean, and reddened by the flame, but not seriously burnt. Only the fine lips still showed a slight shadow of hair.Not trusting a beginner with this delicate task, the eunuch guard took back the candle and carefully applied it directly to the most sensitive part of the slave’s pussy. Now she screamed and shook in her bonds, but finding that this forced the flame against her even harder she soon stopped, and simply quivered as the eunuch carefully finished his task. Roughly her legs were freed and she fell to the floor, lying there with her legs spread to prevent more pain to her cunt and sobbing. Mahmed gestured and she was pulled to her feet and led out.Hamid was shaken by this punishment, and stood there white-faced and gaping. Mahmed gave a little chuckle and said, “The youngster has much to learn about punishment, does he not, Harem Master?” Bagoas, struggling to hide his own disgust and shock, gave a curt nod as his only reply.Another girl was led in by two eunuchs. She was light of skin, and Hamid recognized her as an Egyptian girl from the upper delta. So many foreign soldiers had ravished this area that they left their light skin behind them, and the light colored girls were deemed particularly beautiful by the dark Moors. This girl was very small, not even as tall as Hamid’s shoulders. Her tits were small, round,and tipped with little flowers of pink nipples. Hamid saw her pink pussy lips, tightly closed, below her shaved pubic mound. She had a look of great fear on her face and her arms were bound behind her back.”This girl dared to try to sneak out of the harem one night,” said the eunuch guard.”Ah, since she wants to travel, we will let her try the horse,” said Mahmed.He gestured to the eunuchs. They led the girl to a peculiar structure, two upright posts with a beam between them They stood the girl next to the beam and made a few calculations. The adjusted the central beam to a height just above the girl’s waist level. She looked at it wide eyed. Then one of them grabbed her arm and leg on each side and roughly they raised her up until the beam was between her legs, and let her drop onto it. Hamid saw that the top edge of the beam was planed into a sharp edge, and the slave screamed as her pussy was split by this sharpmess. She strained downward with her toes, but could not touch the ground to raise herself and relieve the pain. She was indeed riding the horse in a very terrible way.Mahmed made a slight gesture. Horrified, Hamid saw each eunuch pick up a lump of lead with a rope around it. The loop in the end of the rope was passed over the girls feet. At a nod from Mahmed, each of the heavy weights was dropped at the same time. Hamid saw that they jarred the girl’s pussy lips hard down onto the beam. She screamed in pain as the weights fell, then dangled from her ankles forcing the sharp edge of the beam deep into her cunt.”Let her stay there until the muzzein calls again,” said Mahmed. Hamid knew that would be some time as it was only about half way from the third prayer of the day. The girl writhed in pain and cried out for mercy, but she was ignored.Now the eunuchs led forward two girls at once. Both were naked, and both hung their heads. Mahmed looked at the two. One, the taller, was a black Abyssinian. She had large soft melons with dark maroon nipples. Her belly was round and her shaven pussy mound was large and rounded. Dark pussy lips protruded from her slit. She was a beauty of her race. The other was Berber from the desert tribes, with wild black hair, pointed tits with large brown nipples sticking forward, and under her shaven pubis were the brown lips of a large slit.”Bagoas,” said Mahmed, “these two were reported by other girls, who have seen them alone in a side chamber in the act of pleasuring each other, as they should only pleasure their master. Do you have a problem with girls in your harem who would become lovers themselves, rather than objects for their master?”Now Bagoas was one of those harem masters who believed that what the girls did to each other in private could only teach them to better stimulate the men they serviced. His girls were not punished, but actually encouraged to practice the act of sex between themselves. He knew, however, that he was a rare exception to harem rules. Therefore he only gave a soft nod to Mahmed.”Here,” continued Mahmed, “with this many girls, who may see the Sultan only once or twice in a year, the problem seems to multiply. I have a way to deal with it that is effective. The black girl is called Keesha. Her Berber lover is Dunera. Observe how we shall teach them.”His eunuchs knew what to do. The two naked lovers were turned to face each other. Fearing what they knew was coming, they tenderly hugged each other in a final gesture. The eunuchs then pressed them together, face to face, tightly, their arms down to their sides. A rope of hemp bound their waists together, holding their arms down, and was pulled tight. It pressed their bellies into each other. Another rope went around their necks, pulling their faces cheek to cheek. Bagoas could see their boobs crushing each others. Then a rope went just below the rounded cheeks of their ass, pulling their pussy mounds together. Now Bagoas saw the eunuchs apply a complex maneuver. They pulled each girls legs apart, so they were straddling each others thighs. They interwove the girls’ feet with a rope in a figure eight, having the effect of pushing each girls pussy lips against the others thigh. Thus bound neither girl could move without moving the other also. Bagoas wondered what the point of all this was.A curtain was pulled away from the wall,and Bagoas saw in amazement that an array of sharp steel points projected from the wall, starting a few inches above the floor and continuing to about the girls’ shoulder height. The two girls were forced toward this torture instrument until Dunera was backed up against it, the points barely touching her back. Keesha stared in horror at the cruel spikes threatening her lover. A chain from the wall was hooked around Dunera’s neck, and around her ankles, holding her close to the spikes. She tried to move away from them but could only move her ass out slightly. Keesha pulled her even tighter against herself to try to comfort her.But then one of the eunuchs stepped forward, and whirled a whip through the air behind Keesha. Dunera could see it, Keesha could only hear it. Both shuddered in fear.”Now,” said the whip man, “I can control this whip to the inch. When you hear it whistle you shall see.” He swung the whip toward Keesha’s back. As it struck she flinched away from it. Since the slaves were tightly bound, her sudden movement had the effect of forcing Dunera back, against the cruel spikes. Each girl cried out in pain.”You see,” said the whipper, “if you move away from my whip you lessen its impact. But if you do that, you force your lover against the spikes. If she moves away from the spikes, she forces you to receive the full slash of the whip. What will you choose?” The girls faces reflected the horrible dilemma they had been forced into. Neither wished to hurt the other, but each had already faced their own pain. The whip man moved slowly. Dunera pulled away from the spikes,and clutched Keesha close to her. Then the whip whistled. Keesha tried to control herself and receive the blow, but as it struck her naked ass she could not help but surge forward, forcing Dunera’s ass against the spikes. Again each cried out.The whip man waited between blows. Tears streamed down Dunera’s face as she cried, “Avoid the whip! Let me take the pain!’ But Keesha pulled Dunera as close as she could, trying to get her off the points. Again the whip swung, striking Keesha hard on her ass. She stood it bravely and refused to flinch forward and push her lover onto the spikes. Dunera cried out as she felt what Keesha had done.Again the whip whistled. This time Dunera pulled her lover to her, falling back on the spikes as the whip struck Keesha’s back, but more lightly. But Dunera could not control her scream as she felt the points pierce her back and ass.Again and again the whip struck Keesha. When she tried to protect her lover, it bit deeply and left deep welts. When Dunera tried to lessen Keesha’s blows, she impaled herself cruelly. Both girls cried out in their agony but still the whip swung until twenty strokes had fallen.At last, Mahmed cried, “Enough. They know what suffering they can bring each other. I doubt they will try to find pleasure that way again.” The trembling girls were cut down and led from the room, clutching each others hands as they left. Bagoas wondered if Mahmed truly thought that these two girls would not try to comfort each other. He reflected that even now, with an assistant left in charge of his harem, Saiesha, Maria and Brigette probably had the carved camel bone which represented an erect male member buried in their various holes, pleasuring each other and learning thereby how to pleasure a man even more. He thought that his method of handling female lovers was better than Mahmed’s. He said no word to the Second Overseer, however.Still dispassionate, Mahmed turned away from the agony in this chamber. “It seems that the girls have little to do except argue among themselves, Bagoas. It has been becoming too much lately, and I plan to administer a lesson I hope will lessen it. Come with me into the center of the harem.” Bagoas followed Mahmed, with a shaking and white faced Hamid trailing behind silently. They found themselves in a large chamber. Around the walls, many girls reclined, most dressed in soft robes but a few showing bare boobs or even fully nude. Bagoas saw that, befitting the Sultan’s Harem, all of them were very beautiful.Seeing the powerful Second Overseer enter, they all sprang to their feet and bowed before him. He looked around the room at the beauty displayed before him. Bagoas knew that, as with himself and Hamid, Mahmed the eunuch felt no male interest in the beauty, the slender waists, the full hips, the round asses, the swelling boobs, the gaping pussy slits that he saw. They were only his professional charges.In a commanding voice, Mahmed addressed the harem girls, slaves, concubines, wives, daughters, all alike. “I am upset at the dissension and argument that goes on in this place. You are like a bunch of barnyard pigs, fighting for the deepest mudhole. I want you all to be warned that it must stop. Therefore we will have a demonstration.”The girls looked at each other in wonderment. Hamid saw fear on some girls faces and he surmised that they were the slaves, and thought the punishment would be visited on some of them. Other girls and women looked haughty, and Hamid thought that these must be the concubines, wives, and daughters of the Sultan who knew they were safe.Mahmed looked around the room impassively. Then he stepped toward one of the haughty girls. She was a real beauty, dark of skin, black of hair and eyes, with small tits whose nipples poked the soft fabric of her white robe. Hamid guessed she was about nineteen or twenty. The fineness of her robe marked her out from the slave girls.Mahmed bowed before her. “My lady Fatima, it is said that another of his majesty’s daughters has displeased you. Will you tell me who it was?”Fatima looked down her nose at the Second Overseer. “Mahmed, that cow Ameera has taken the best place on the cushions, just because she is older than me. I am insulted because her mother is only a concubine. I insist that she yield the best position to me as I am due!””Ah,” said Mahmed. “I understand your grievance. Let the girl who causes this trouble in the harem step here.” At this, Ameera moved forward. She was as haughty as Fatima, and dressed in the same rich robe. She was chunkier than the younger girl, with larger boobs under the soft fabric. She bowed to Mahmed. “Ameera,” he continued, “this youngster has a quarrel with you. Will you yield the place she wants?”Ameera spat on the floor. “Never, Overseer. It is not hers to demand!””Very well,” Mahmed nodded. Ameera smiled a smile of victory. But then the Overseer continued, “You know that I would not whip either of the Sultan’s daughters. You must work it out for yourselves.” Looking at both girls, he said calmly, “Remove your robes.”The girls stared at him in disbelief. “Do as I say,” he continued. “The girl who does not obey will yield the favored place to the other.”Each girl stared in hatred at the other. Then Fatima, in a single gesture, loosened the clasp of her robe and let it fall to the floor. She stood there in splendid nakedness. Tall, thin, with small round boobs whose nipples were standing up in the cool air, a flat stomach and a pink pubis with no trace of hair lying above pale tight pussy lips, she was a true Arab beauty, befitting a Sultan’s daughter. Her haughty look was still on her face and she stared at Ameera.The larger girl sneered, and threw off her gown too. She was of the voluptuous build prized by the Moors, large round boobs hanging down slightly with round areolae circling a pointed nipple. Her belly was rounded as befitted a belly dancer, and lapped slightly down over her clean pubic mound. Between her legs could be seen the slightly enlarged lips of a magnificent cunt. Nude, she glared at her half sister.Mahmed gestured to an attendant. “Extend your left arms,” he said to the angry girls. In bewilderment they obeyed. Fatima gasped slightly as the attendants brought a piece of rope as long as a man’s arm and tied one end to each left wrist. Now the girls were joined together, with about three arms lengths between them. Each of them looked at the rope. Then suddenly Ameera gave it a hard jerk, making Fatima stumble toward her. Fatima gasped again and struggled to keep her feet. Ameera gave a harsh laugh.Mahmed chuckled. “You understand how the rope joins you, I see. Now each of you receives a gift.” A eunuch came forward, and the girls, as well as Bagoas and Hamid, peered to see what they carried. Each girl was quickly given her prize — an evil looking coiled whip. As they stared in amazement, Mahmed said, “You now have the instruments to execute your hatred for each other. Unless one of you wishes to yield now?” Each girl glared at the other. Neither was willing to quit.”Very well,” said Mahmed. “I shall touch neither of you. The one who quits first loses her place.” Then he stood there, simply looking at them, bound together and equipped with vicious whips. The girls exchanged looks of pure hatred.Then suddenly Ameera jerked at the rope, pulling Fatima forward off balance. Her whip slashed out against Fatima’s naked ass, and Fatima cried out in pain. A nasty red weal marked the spot the whip had struck. Fatima swung her own whip and struck Ameera’s large boobs, also leaving a nasty mark. Each girl stepped back a pace but glared at the other. Fatima stepped forward to slash her whip at the large girl’s thighs. Ameera swung around so her whip caught the smaller girl on the back. They continued trading blows in this manner, red welts growing on their bodies but only hatred marking their faces.Soon Fatima’s small tits were criss crossed with the blows her half sister aimed at them, and Ameera’s broad ass was red and marked by the other girl’s whip. They were pulling the rope between them towards themselves, shortening it so they could strike harder, even if that meant taking harder blows themselves. The blows of the whips cracked as they contacted soft skin and the red welts grew.Meanwhile Mahmed stood and observed, his arms crossed and no expression on his face. Bagoas imitated him perfectly, struggling to maintain his outward calm at this display like none he had ever seen. Hamid tried to strike the same pose, crossing his arms like a true harem master, but his white face and shaking knees betrayed his inner turmoil.So far, neither girl had attacked the most tender part of the other one. But now Ameera, with a vicious sneer, swung her whip down and up to catch Fatima directly between the legs, smashing into the tender lips of her pussy. Fatima screamed with pain and fell to the ground, squeezing her legs together over her tortured femininity. Ameera moved forward and laid the whip into her shoulders, back and ass as Fatima curled up to try to avoid it. She screamed in agony.But then suddenly she pulled down hard on the rope, tumbling Ameera to the ground. While the chunky girl was off balance lying on her back, Fatima struggled to her feet and struck down savagely with the whip, slashing it painfully at Ameera’s delicate slit again and again. Ameera swung to the side, closing her legs but displaying her wide ass. Fatima laid on heavy strokes, leaving deep bleeding cuts on Ameera’s ass. Enraged and given strength by her rage, she pulled the older girl over, allowing her whistling whip to mark the large boobs and then to strike the fleshy thighs. Again and again she struck, and as Ameera tried to avoid the whip that large butt again took the blows. Ameera cried out and struggled to pull away but Fatima held tight to the rope connecting them so there was no escape. Whichever way Ameera turned, her thighs, her ass, her boobs or her back was receiving the reddening slashes. She cried out again and again and cringed on the floor.Fatima finally called out, “Yield, cow, yield or I will whip you to shreds!” Ameera cried in pain again, some incomprehensible sound.At this Mahmed stepped forward. “She cannot continue. Fatima, you have overcome. Honor of position is yours. Place your foot on the loser’s head and claim your right.”Panting, tears rolling down her cheeks, her ass, tits, back and belly marked with the slashes of the whip, Fatima stepped forward in her triumph and loudly said, “No one dares challenge my right of position.” She raised her leg to put one foot on Ameera’s head. As she did so, the cruel red marks of the whip which had slashed her pussy could be clearly seen. She swung the whip around her head until it whistled. Ameera lay on the floor sobbing, in pain and in shame. Fatima used the butt of the whip to spread Ameera’s legs, displaying her pussy crisscrossed with bleeding welts also. Then, the anger leaving her, Fatima sank to the floor where she was, still tied to her half sister.Mahmed looked down at both of them. Then he looked around the harem, where every girl and woman was staring aghast at the two who lay there bleeding and gasping. “Who else will bring an argument before me?” he said. “Who else has a grievance against another?” Total silence greeted him. He nodded in approval, and marched out of the harem. Shaking inside, Bagoas followed. Shaking visibly inside and out, Hamid weakly marched behind.Taking their leave of the senior eunuch, Bagoas made the way to the chamber assigned to him. Seeing his apprentice still shaking, he said, “You have never seen this sort of discipline before, lad?””My Lord,” gulped the boy, “the slave traders whipped me once, before you bought me for the governor. But it was light, because they did not want to mar my skin. Never have I seen cruelty such as I see here.””A harem of many girls has no need for care. If the girls are marked for months, others are available to serve the master. If they are marked permanently, even if they die, they are only one number to replace. They are like so many sheep or camels. I was taught to think of the slave girls as human, even as you and I, who are slaves too. I think the great pleasure the Governor takes in his harem, in MY harem, shows that I am right. Ah, well, let us sleep. Tomorrow we begin the arrangements for transporting the virgin to her groom. You have much to learn there, and I hope the lessons will be easier than today’s.”Bagoas luxuriated in having no urgent duties to call him out of his bed in the early morning. He lay back against the soft pillows and enjoyed the feel of the silk sheets against his skin. The soft bed, the tinkling fountains, and the soft noises in the hallway reminded him that he was not at home.Bagoas was a person of power in his own world. He was, indeed, Overseer of the Harem of Governor Glaouri in the desert oasis of Ouarazate. Naturally this meant he was a eunuch, but he had long ago accepted that fact. He had risen to power the way a eunuch can, by careful attention to his charge and to politics.He heard soft snores coming from the floor nearby, telling him that Hamid, his body servant and protegee, still slept. He decided to relax in his own bed, letting the boy sleep a bit longer. Hamid was, of course, also a eunuch. He was rapidly learning his trade and was of great assistance to Bagoas in overseeing the three slave girls who made up the Governor’s harem.Bagoas knew that everything changed today. He lay in this magnificent bed in the capital city of Rabat, indeed in the Sultan’s very palace. Not long ago, as told in previous chapters of this story, the Governor had stunned the entire valley by summarily divorcing his wife, Durrah, and sending her back to her father. Shortly after, the news spread that the Sultan had honored Governor Glaouri to the highest extent, by offering him one of the royal daughters to be his wife. Bagoas and Hamid had traveled to the palace to bring the bride to her groom.This would surely be no easy task. Even eunuchs were not allowed to see a royal princess alone. Bagoas knew that some old hag from the harem would be assigned as the girl’s chaperone, and that everything he did must be done through that woman. He was resolved to strike up a good relationship with her from the start. Bagoas and the old lady would share the task of preparing the virgin girl to please her husband. It would not be simple.Bagoas heard a tinkling of bells entering the room. He opened his eyes and beheld a beautiful dark girl, completely nude, bringing him fruit juice. He was gratified to be thus served, although he noted the beauty of the girl only in a professional way. A man awakened by this black slave, with large round breasts tipped with dark nipples, and a shaven pussy peeking from between shapely legs, would surely have other things to do than to drink his juice, but Bagoas of course had no such stirrings.Hamid jumped up from his soft pillows on the floor with a guilty look. “My lord,” he stammered, “let me serve you.”Bagoas waved a negligent hand at his young protegee. “No, Hamid, let her serve you.”Hamid was unused to such treatment. An uncut youth of his age would have been stunned by the nude beauty, but Hamid was not subject to such feelings. Instead he was awed by being the one receiving service instead of giving it. After a moment, he seated himself cross legged on the cushions and sipped his juice through the silver straw, just as if he had been doing it all his life. Bagoas was vastly amused by this.Bagoas then asked the slave girl to lead them to the harem offices. There, they waited patiently until they were admitted to the Grand Overseer of the Sultan’s Harem. His chambers were impressive, hung with the finest cloths and filled with carved furniture of costly woods. He himself was seated in a chair of mahogany, imported from great distances. Hamid bowed himself low before this august presence. Bagoas, however, gave only a slight dip of his head. He was, after all, a harem Overseer in his own right and was not going to bow before another eunuch.The Grand Overseer noticed this, and a brief cloud passed over his face. Bagoas looked him right in his eyes, and softly said, “My esteemed colleague, it is indeed a pleasure to visit your harem. In the name of Allah, the Exalter, the Giver of Honor, I thank you for your hospitality. The fame of the Sultan’s wives, concubines and slaves has, by Allah’s grace, spread around the world. Your master is truly fortunate to have such a skilled servant to superintend his harem.” Once again, he gave that slight dip of his head.Suitably flattered, the Grand Overseer deigned to motion Bagoas to a seat at his feet. He turned to a subordinate eunuch and ordered, “Bring the Lady Uneefa in.” Soon, an elderly lady strode into the room, straight and erect and proud. Since there were none present except eunuchs, she wore only a light filmy veil. Her bright eyes at once sought out Bagoas.He returned her gaze steadily. Then, turning to the Grand Overseer, he exclaimed, “But who is this flower of beauty? I have seen many of Allah’s finest creations, but never one with the grace, the movement, the fine figure of this wonderful woman. Where have you been concealing her, mighty one?”From the corner of his eye he could see the old lady bask in his remarks. He knew he had hit the right note with her.The Grand Overseer chuckled and replied, “Bagoas, this is the Lady Uneefa, aunt of a second cousin once removed to His Glorious Majesty the Sultan. She goes with you as chaperone to the Sultan’s daughter.”Bagoas turned and bowed to the Lady. “Surely Allah, the All-Wise, the Loving, has smiled on me this day. What a delight the flower of the desert will be to travel with, my Lady. I know that we will work together well in caring for our precious charge.” He was carefully establishing them as sharing joint power over the virgin. He hoped it was working. He noticed that Lady Uneefa smiled and nodded at him.”Lady, take this eunuch to meet his charge,” ordered the Grand Overseer. With a wave of his hand he dismissed them both and turned to his other duties.Bagoas turned and followed the Lady out of the room. He did not fail to notice that two eunuch guards with large scimitars flanked them.Soon they reached another chamber within the harem, with two more guards standing before the door. With an imperious wave of her hand, the Lady ordered them to stand aside and led Bagoas and Hamid into the chamber.There, attended by two slave girls d****d in filmy cloths, sat a small girl heavily veiled. Her head was tilted downward and her hands folded. As they entered, she glanced up quickly, and then dropped her head again.Lady Uneefa bowed before her. “Princess,” she said, “these are the eunuchs who will escort us to Ouarazate to meet your husband.” She turned to Bagoas and continued, “This is the Princess Dahab, the Golden.”Bagoas smiled to himself. So Durrah, the Pearl, was being replaced by Dahab, the Golden. He wondered if Gold was more lasting than Pearl. Only time would tell.Bagoas bowed deeply. Behind him Hamid prostrated himself on the ground. The Princess raised her head and above her veil her curious eyes could be seen carefully studying this large and self important eunuch before her.”Bagoas is the Overseer of the Governor’s harem. You will get to know him well. For now, we will let him see the charms you bring to please the Governor,” continued Uneefa.She stepped forward, and dropped the girl’s veil. Bagoas saw a comely dark face, with large black eyes decorated with kohl to emphasize their beauty. Her lips were lightly touched with carmine. She gave a shy smile, and Bagoas returned it with what he hoped was an encouraging look.Next Uneefa removed the silk robe that covered the girl entirely. Beneath it were soft pajamas, carefully embroidered with geometric designs. The cloth clung to her young body, emphasizing its curves. Round breasts of medium size pressed against the cloth and soft nipples could be faintly seen.All her life the girl had been tended by eunuchs. In her eighteen years, she had rarely even glimpsed a whole male. Eunuchs to her were nothings. She was not embarrassed by being exposed before them. She expected no reaction. Bagoas examined her with professional interest alone. Behind him, Hamid gulped and tried to look small and unimportant.Hamid was abashed when the beautiful Princess turned her eyes to him. After studying him for a moment, she gave him a shy smile. He tried very hard to melt into the hangings of the room.”Governor Glaouri is a fine lover of female beauty,” he said to Uneefa. As yet he was careful to avoid addressing the Princess directly. “I am sure that Dahab the Golden will please him greatly.”The Princess dimpled and smiled at these words. Then Bagoas gestured Hamid forward. He took a step forward, his eyes to the ground. Bagoas went on, “This is Hamid, my trusted assistant. He is second in charge of the harem at Ourazate, and I know you will get to know each other well. He stands ready to serve you in every way.”Hamid threw himself on the ground before the Princess. He had not failed to hear Bagoas’ words, but could hardly comprehend their meaning. “Trusted assistant?” Never before had he been called anything but “my servant.” And even more, “Second in charge.” Bagoas was entrusting him with great authority. Between the presence of the Princess, and the words of the Overseer, Hamid was totally overcome. He lay on the floor almost senseless until Bagoas said, “Stand up before your mistress. Her every word is your command from henceforth.”Hamid gulped and stammered, “My lady, you have but to speak, nay to nod, and I will do it.” The Princess gave him a slight smile and a nod, which practically turned him to jelly.Bagoas was well aware of the situation of the Princess. Here in the Sultan’s Harem, she had been a minor personage indeed. One of many daughters, she had probably had to fight for space on a cushion and compete for her turn at the bath. What service she had received from the eunuchs had undoubtedly been slow and grudging. But now, as the Sultan’s chosen way to reward a trusted nobleman she had catapulted into a privileged position. He understood that the young girl, barely eighteen, was learning her new role slowly.Uneefa, on the other hand, was well aware of the sudden promotion she had received, taking her out of the back galleries of the harem. Bagoas knew she would revel in her power, and he would be careful to pamper and compliment her while holding hard to his position as the one in charge. It would be a delicate balancing act. His careful training of Hamid, beginning as soon as the boy had been cut, would now pay off in having a completely trusted aide.Looking shyly at Bagoas, the girl asked, “What sort of place is Ouarazate, Overseer Lord?”Bagoas gave her a slight bow and said, “My lady, please to call me Bagoas. In Ouarazate, that is title enough.” Dahab smiled, but from the corner of his eye he could see Uneefa and he understood that she understood how his words underscored his power in his own domain.Bagoas described the Oasis and the fort. He emphasized the flowing waters which the fountains brought. He described the fine food produced by the governor’s cooks. He tried to make his home sound attractive to the lady, although he knew it was far removed from what she was used to.Soon Uneefa cackled, “And what of the Harem, Overseer. Where shall we live?””Fair One,” Bagoas continued to compliment Uneefa, “the Harem is small but well appointed. The central room is comfortable, hung with fine tapestries and with pillows of silk and of camel’s hair to rest upon. There are four rooms. Of course, that facing the East, toward Mecca, is for the wife of the Governor. The Golden One will find it comfortable and spacious. There will be room for you also, Flower of Delight, for as long as you stay to chaperone.” Bagoas rather suspected that Uneefa would find it imperative that her duties be extended indefinitely. He thought she would be much more comfortable and command much more respect in Ouazarte than lost in the Palace of the King.”And the other three rooms, Harem Master?””There are three slave girls, Lady of Beauty, for the Governor’s pleasure.””Tell me about them, my friend Bagoas.””They are named Saiesha, Maria, and Brigette, Lady Uneefa.” Bagoas noticed that they were now on a personal name basis. “They are all well trained and obedient slaves. Of course the three slave girls will be prepared always to serve the master’s wife. They will assist in preparing you for those occasions when the Governor calls for you,” Bagoas continued. Looking sideways at Uneefa, he continued, “And naturally they will aid you also, oh Flower of the Morning, with whatever you need.” Uneefa looked gratified and nodded slightly.”And now, Golden One, we will leave you to prepare yourself for the journey. We leave after the muezzin calls for the third time,” he concluded.Bagoas and Hamid returned to their quarters. It took them only moments to gather their possessions. Then Bagoas seated himself in a comfortable chair and said, “Now I must give you instructions.”Rather than letting Hamid sit at his feet, Bagoas gave a slight wave of his hand toward a low stool next to him. Then he gave the boy instructions in the careful care that must be taken with the new flower of the Harem. He explained how to treat her with dignity and honor and still instil in her the duties she owed to her husband, especially in bed. It was a delicate task.Then they walked to the magnificent wagon the Sultan had included in his gifts to the Governor. Closely curtained, it would allow the Princess to travel in luxury away from the gaze of men.Soon four guards with scimitars approached, escorting two women heavily veiled in black robes. Bagoas knew that they would be Uneefa and Dahab. Nodding his head slightly before them, he assisted them to enter the wagon. Bagoas followed, and Hamid pulled up the steps behind him as he crawled in.In the wagon, the women removed their robes and veils, since only eunuchs were present. They relaxed on the cushions and the wagon began its journey. Bagoas spoke to Uneefa on various small topics.Yesterday, Hamid would have made himself small in a corner of the wagon. But today he was a “trusted assistant” of the Overseer. Boldly he sat cross-legged behind Bagoas, and even ventured to throw in some small remark now and then. Uneefa eyed him carefully, but soon accepted him as part of the group. She even once said, “Small but wise one, what do you think?”Dahab sat quietly in a corner. She had removed her veil, but kept her eyes downcast. She did not yet understand the power she held as the bride-to-be of the Governor.Bagoas decided it was time to guide the journey to important things. “Lady Uneefa,” he said, “we know that the wedding celebration will be lavish and long. Yet it remains to us to prepare the Golden One for her duties after the wedding. The Governor is as lusty as a bull and will want his new wife to be well aware of how to receive him that night.”Uneefa cackled her delight at Bagoas’ delicacy. “Bagoas, my friend, from what I hear of your Governor his cock is ready to split her pussy for hours after the wedding. Indeed we have to prepare her to be poked in all her holes like a proper wife! Let us begin by telling her more about these three slave girls who pleasure the Governor, and how they do it. Thus she may begin to learn.””Very well, oh Flower of Delight. I have no doubts that you pleasured a man well in your day also. Your instructions to the Golden One will have much value.”Uneefa cackled again and gave a lecherous grin.Then Bagoas continued to describe the three slave girls of Governor Glaouri’s harem.”Pah. Tell me more about them. Be explicit, Bagoas. The Princess Dahab may begin her training already. Describe the girls, and their skills and duties for her,” cackled the old lady. She gave Bagoas a conspiratorial grin as she did.”Very well. Saiesha is a Nubian girl, dark of complexion and large of build. She is heavy in the bust, with large dark maroon nipples against her black skin. She is of the faith, and her pubic hair is carefully plucked. She excels in the belly dance, either clothed or nude, and often entertains the Governor’s guests by dancing, and then privately continues the dance for the Governor in his bed chamber. Her nether moons are large and soft, and the congress from behind , El Kebachi or The Posture of the Ram, pleasures our master.”Bagoas glanced at Dahab. She sat impassive. Such talk was common in the Harem, he was sure, even if she did not fully understand what it implied.”Go on, Overseer. Tell us more about how Saiesha pleases the Governor when she is called,” demanded Uneefa.”One evening I watched from the eunuch’s chair as Saiesha worked her arts in the finest manner. It was like this:”Governor Galouri had spent a long day in the Judgement Hall and was tired from his labors. She swirled into the room in her filmy belly dance costume, her finger castanets making an erotic rhythm. Moving close to the Governor, she first bent toward him so that her large tits, shiny with oil, pressed over the top of her costume. Then she bent far backwards, thrusting her pussy under its filmy covering toward his eyes. She spun around and bent over, pulling aside the dr****g fabric covering the dark moons of her ass. All her erotic parts were displayed and I could see from my dark corner that my master was becoming hardened.”Then the Abbysinian girl began to remove her costume, one piece at a time. First her top came off, loosing her round dark nipples. They were standing hard and erect. Then she removed her pajama bottoms, leaving only a small piece of silk covering her nether lips. Thus almost naked she danced and whirled, faster and faster. She came to the master and lifted his robe, exposing his magnificent shaft. She sat in his lap, twisting her fine ass against his hard cock.”Then she turned and let her big boobs engulf his rod, rubbing up and down against it. His hand went to her crotch, and he deftly removed her last covering. This left her dripping pussy free to his touch, and he rubbed it well, bring his fingers to his nose to smell the juices on it.”As I told you, Saiesha excels in fucking in the manner of the Ram. She dropped to all fours, presenting the round moons of her dark ass to the Governor’s delighted gaze. After slapping them a few times, he quickly entered her and began long hard strokes into her wet cunt.”It was not long before he reached his peak, shooting his semen into her depths. Then, tired, he rolled onto his back and Saiesha pressed her tits against him and softly stroked his rod until he fell asleep.”As I led her back to the harem, tired but happy, I gave her a small gold coin for this magnificent performance.””Wonderful!” cried Uneefa. She looked hard at Dahab. “Do you hear, Princess? The Governor is a man who likes his pleasures. It will greatly enhance your position and your power to delight him properly.”Bagoas saw that Dahab’s eyes were glistening after his description of Saiesha’s skills. “I will try,” she said, barely above a whisper, “but I am not sure I know how.”With great boldness, Hamid spoke up. “Do not fear, my lady. WE will teach you. The slave girls will help.”Bagoas glanced at his assistant, smothering a grin at the new found authority with which the boy spoke. It was for this that Bagoas had spent years training him.”Then, Hamid,” he spoke, “you may continue the instruction by describing Maria to the Golden One.”Hamid was watching Dahab out of the corner of his eye. He knew that she was surely a virgin, but she seemed to well understand Bagoas’ references to the Governor’s pleasure. Hamid hoped she understood that Bagoas was creating a catalog of just a few of the Governor’s pleasures that Dahab would soon have to satisfy. The leering grin on Uneefa’s face assured him that she well knew.”Maria is a fiery Spanish girl of considerable beauty. She excels in the spinning dances of her home and tantalizes the Governor’s guests by slowly removing her gown as she dances. She is as active in the bedchamber as she is in the dance. The Governor sometimes delights in having his scribe Ahmed read to him from The Perfumed Garden of Sheik Nafwazi, and choosing one of the many positions described there to practice with Maria. Her versatility is wonderful. She is particularly good at El modefeda, frog-fashion and Dok el outed, driving the peg home.” Uneefa cackled. “Frog-fashion! It sounds strange, but I know that it is a fine way to pleasure a stud. Describe it for the girl, lad.”Hamid went on, “Maria performs her fiery Spanish dance to arouse the master. When she is fully naked she comes close to him. Then he pushes her on her back between his legs. In this position he likes to rub her cunt softly until the juices flow strongly. Then he pulls her legs around him, bringing his hard shaft to the entrance of her pussy. With her between his legs he thrusts into her, and she moves her butt so that his entire shaft is stimulated.”In this manner, they spend a long time in congress. He strokes her with short strokes, and she rotates her pussy and ass with each stroke. Her round boobs are exposed to his hands and he likes to squeeze them and caress the nipples. This position provides the man as much visual enjoyment as direct stimulation to his hard cock. The Governor will begin to stroke faster, and he shifts position slightly so he can deliver longer strokes.”As he nears the climax he will pull her up close to him, so her tits rub his chest and her pussy is forced down hard on his shaft. After being tantalized for so long in this position, he climaxes hard and long. Maria is long experienced at the many positions of the Perfumed Garden, but this is one of the ones the Governor likes best.”Hamid had his eyes on the Princess as he spoke. He saw her eyes widen, and as he described the encounter he thought that he saw her clench her thighs around her sex. Wonderingly, he asked himself if she was becoming aroused at the talk.Then he looked over to Uneefa. She also had her eyes on Dahab, and then she turned her attention to Hamid and with a lecherous grin, nodded slightly. Her hand crept into her own crotch and rubbed it gently. Of course, in front of mere eunuchs she had no modesty.Bagoas was, as he always was, impassive. Hamid could never read his face. Had he noticed also? Quietly Bagoas continued his instruction.”And the third is Brigette. She is a girl captured by pirates, coming from the far off island of Ire-land. She is very different from Arabic girls, or even the lighter girls from the Nile delta. Her skin is of the palest color, and her small breasts are tipped with little pink rosebuds. She is not Muslim, but Ker-lis-ti-an, and sometimes makes strange signs over her chest when she thinks no one is looking. Alone among the slaves, she is unshaven on her pubic mound and her sex is lightly concealed by soft hair of an amazing red color. Being small and flexible, she will often mount the Governor from above, as in Kalen el miche, the interchange or Rekeud el aiir, the race.”Uneefa was eyeing the virgin carefully. Suddenly she said, “Come, girl. Take off those clothes, and let us see what you think of this talk.”Dahab looked startled at the sudden order. Bagoas was also surprised, but he waved a hand toward Hamid to assist her. Soon the beautiful girl was sitting naked in the wagon. Bagoas noted that her nipples were hard, and he saw a tiny drop of pussy juice between her legs. He realized that she was anticipating what she had heard so much talk about among the harem girls at the Palace.”Come, girl,” Uneefa cackled. “I know you rub your pussy. Show it to us, and show us how you excite it.”Again Dahab looked startled. However, being used to obeying orders, she spread her legs and began to rub herself. After a few moments, she closed her eyes and gave herself up to her masturbation. She found her clit and let her fingers circle it slowly. Finally with a soft moan she climaxed. Then she opened her eyes and looked at her companions.Bagoas was impassive. Hamid looked away, unable to meet her eyes. Old Uneefa laughed heartily and said, “Well done, my dear. I knew you had it in you. You will do well for your noble husband when it is his cock instead of your finger that is doing it!”Bagoas smiled slightly. He understood what a help this old woman was going to be. She did not beat around the bush or use circumlocutions with the girl. If Bagoas was trying to do this alone he would have to be much more indirect, but Uneefa was making it easier.Uneefa poked Bagoas in the ribs and gave him a conspiratorial grin. “Harem Master, I know you have a bag of tricks about you someplace. Do you not have a shaft for demonstrations?”Bagoas was really beginning to like this old lady. He laughingly accepted the casual treatment she was giving him. He produced a bag of embroidered silk and handed it to her. She opened it and withdrew a shaft of camel bone, shaped like an erect penis and polished to a soft glow. She waved it about and cackled.”Girl,” she exclaimed, “Let this be the Governor of Ouazarte in your mind. We will show you how to render the service he expects from his wife. The first lesson is Firsheah, mouth congress.” She held the model prick out to the Golden One. “First lick it from base to tip, up and down.”And so it went. During the days of their journey, the virgin was introduced to many ways of sexual congress. Of course care was taken not to violate her virginity. Uneefa made the necessary inspection and reported that all was as it should be. Within that restraint, the girl learned quickly and showed a true desire to please her husband.Bagoas felt that things were going well. He and Uneefa worked together and shared authority over the girl without friction. Hamid and Dahab, perhaps because of their similar age, had a free and easy way with each other. Each of them was finding the benefits of their new position and power in their own way. The journey was comfortable and productive and Bagoas was delighted with the way his new world was shaping up. The next step was a successful wedding night.The WeddingBagoas stood in the courtyard of the Taourit Kasbah and drew in a deep breath. Bagoas was a powerful person in the Kasbah, being Overseer of the Governor’s Harem. Today had been the wedding day of his master, Governor Glaouri of Ouarzarate. The Governor had celebrated his marriage to a daughter of the Sultan, Dahab the Golden. The Kasbah had been full of guests, and it had been up to Bagoas to shuttle the heavily veiled bride and her chaperone, Uneefa, here and there without disturbing her modesty.Now the last guests were departing. The bride and groom had hosted a feast for the most honored of the guests, and Bagoas had been able to leave Dahab at the Governor’s side under the watchful eye of Uneefa for a short time. He knew, however, that his most important duties were just about to begin. After savoring this last moment of snatched peace, he headed toward the Harem rooms.Two eunuchs with scimitars stood at the entrance. They salaamed as Bagoas approached. Besides being Overseer of the Harem, Bagoas was also Chief of the Eunuchs. This meant, of course, that he was himself a eunuch. Unlike many eunuchs, however, he exercised regularly and watched his diet so that he still had a strong fit body. He was an imposing figure as he entered the harem.He stood in the doorway, noting with satisfaction that his orders were being obeyed. He saw the three slave girls standing naked, grooming each other and anointing each other with the scented oils, preparing to entertain the Governor’s most favored guests.Saiesha was a tall Abyssinian girl, with large boobs accented by dark maroon nipples, an ample belly which she used to good effect in the belly dance, round black moons of her ass, and her clean shaven pussy. Maria was a fiery Spanish girl, with more pointed tits, a tight butt, and a shaved pussy whose lips were slightly engorged as Saiesha rubbed the scented oil into them. Brigette was a small girl from the far country of Ire-Land, white of skin with small tits whose nipples were like little rosebuds, and a patch of hair over her pubic mound which matched the blazing red hair of her head.The girls carefully rubbed the precious oils over each others bodies. Bagoas, with a knowing eye, saw that they lingered on the soft tits and caressed the erect nipples gently. He also saw that they paid special attention to each others pussies, causing their cunt lips to engorge slightly and open up. Bagoas encouraged this sort of thing. He believed that allowing the girls to bring each other to a state of mild sexual excitement enhanced their performance with the men.Bagoas was amused to see, sitting behind them, young Hamid cross-legged on the cushions. The boy was Bagoas’ protegee, recently reaching his eighteenth year after eight years of training under Bagoas’ tutelage. Ever since he had been cut, he had been taught the duties of a harem eunuch. Recently, Hamid, who had always been called Bagoas’ “servant”, had been amazed to hear the Overseer refer to him as “trusted assistant.” Clearly he was basking in his new dignity, watching and supervising the slave girls rather than joining in helping them prepare.Of course neither Bagoas nor Hamid took the least erotic interest in the naked bodies before them. Their watchful eyes were solely professional. A male in his full vigor, if he had penetrated to the harem at the risk of his life, would have had a rock hard cock at the sight of the girls caressing each other.The girls, and Hamid, looked up as Bagoas entered. They waited for his orders.”The guests are departing,” he said. “Soon Dahab and Uneefa will return, while the Governor entertains in private the five other governors of this region, and his chief scribe Ahmed. He will require the services of all of you. First you will dance, and then each girl must service two of the men. The Governor himself, of course, will rest and prepare himself to receive Dahab later. Hamid, you will attend the slave girls while Uneefa and I prepare the virgin for her wedding night.”Charged with this important duty, Hamid immediately began the task of seeing the girls dressed in their dancing costumes, and then bundled into the heavy robes and veils in which they would cross the courtyard. Accompanied by the two eunuchs with scimitars, they entered the small room adjacent to the audience chamber.Peering through the small peep hole, Bagoas whispered, “All except the favored ones are departing. Uneefa and Dahab will come to us.” The door opened and the two heavily veiled women came into the compartment.Again peering through the peephole, Bagoas saw the governor, sitting on the cushions with six men, give a slight wave of his hand. Bagoas pointed to the door. Hamid gulped, then pulled himself up and with authority led the three slave girls into the audience chamber. As the Governor was taking leave of his guests, and offering them the pleasures of his slave girls, Bagoas and Uneefa hastily took their charge across the courtyard and into the harem chamber.In the audience room, Hamid and the slave girls were greeted with delighted looks by the five Governors and the favored scribe. Maria and Brigette flowed onto the cushions where the men sat, rubbing their bodies against them. Saiesha, meanwhile, whirled into the belly dance of the desert. As the slave girls caressed and stroked the favored guests, Saiesha dropped first her bra and then the filmy cloth around her loins until she danced totally naked. She bent backward with her legs spread so that her pussy flashed before the men’s faces, and pumped her belly as if she was fucking them.Hamid, having slid softly into the eunuch’s chair in a secluded corner, watched with approval. He knew the girls were to be trusted to entertain the men well. Dispassionately he observed the tenting of each robe as their hardons grew under the girls ministrations.Now Saiesha moved onto the cushions and Maria arose and spun into a fiery Spanish dance, dropping her gown as she did so. Her boobs whirled and her legs flashed, and each kick displayed her engorged cunt lips. Saiesha was sprawled across three men now, one fondling her tits, her ass rubbing another in the crotch, and the third fingering her pussy.Maria dropped back onto the cushions, disporting herself much as Saiesha was. Then, to Hamid’s amazement, little Brigette stood up and began to dance. It was a strange hopping dance, turning this way and that. As she pulled off her filmy top, her little tits bounced with each step, and then as she dropped her loincloth her pretty ass cheeks moved with an enticing rhythm every time she hopped. Finally, she turned and gave a series of kicks which showed off her pussy under the small patch of flaming red hair on her pubis. It was a dance like none ever seen in the desert, but Hamid noticed that the noblemen had actually stopped fondling the other girls to pay attention as Brigette danced.Then she also dropped to the cushions again, and slowly each girl separated two men to her particular attention. Saiesha was famous for her fine buttocks and one had his shaft rubbing up and down between them, as she bent forward and captured another man’s cock between her big boobs. Both shafts worked back and forth hard and their owners gasped with pleasure.Maria was riding on the upright cock of one of her men, and sucking the dick of the other, with a steady rhythm. Each time she rose on the one cock, the other went deep in her throat, and then as she lowered onto the standing rod her lips came out to tease the tip of the other. It was a fascinating rhythm and Hamid grinned with approval.But little Brigette, the newest girl in the harem, fascinating to most Muslim men because of the little patch of pubic hair, was entrancing the final governor and the amazed scribe Ahmed. Rarely was Ahmed’s long faithful service rewarded in this manner and he was taking full advantage of it. His tongue was buried deep in that pale pink pussy and the red hair tickled his nose. Meantime Brigette was licking and teasing the cock of the other man.Hamid kept a professional eye on this whole assemblage. He was delighted to see the governor’s guests so well treated. After some time, each of the men had shot his load with full satisfaction, and they lay back exhausted on the cushions. Quietly Hamid led the naked slaves into the preparation room. There, giggling, the girls showed him the pieces of gold that each had been given in appreciation. Brigette pouted a bit that Ahmed had only given her a small silver piece, but Hamid assured her that the favor of the Governor’s scribe might turn out to be worth more than gold to a slave girl.As this was going on, and the Governor’s servants were preparing him for the wedding bed, Bagoas and Uneefa were undertaking one of the most important tasks they would ever perform. Dahab must be prepared to satisfy her new husband.On reaching the harem room, Uneefa removed her heavy veil, and then ordered the girl to strip. She stood there naked under their gaze, not concerned that a eunuch saw her nudity.Uneefa adjured her, “Now, girl, you make it all worthwhile. Make him happy, and all will be happy in the Kasbah, and especially in the harem.” Here she chuckled, knowing that her place as chaperone to the princess would be a sinecure if the girl satisfied the Governor.Bagoas added his counsel, “Indeed, Princess, you must pay honor to your husband in the bed tonight, and it will be an auspicious start to your marriage. Remember all we have taught you.”Bagoas knelt before the girl, and rubbed his smooth eunuch’s cheek over her pubic mound. He was delighted that he felt no trace of roughness there. The Princess had seen this test performed on other girls many times and was not surprised.Then he and Uneefa got out the precious ointments and anointed the girl’s slim young body in all its secret places. Softly Bagoas circled her nipples with oil of myrrh, smelling the musky scent. He knew that intact men would find it arousing. Uneefa meanwhile softly stroked her pussy with the same ointment. The girl wiggled slightly under her touch and Uneefa smiled. Several times she had seen the new bride masturbating in the wagon during their trip here, and she knew that the girl was capable of a fine orgasm when stimulated.The girl’s butt and asshole were similarly anointed. Bagoas knew that the Governor seldom chose the nether entrance, but he wanted to be prepared. Henna was applied to her eyelids, her fingers, and her toes, as well as an intricate design on her belly. Carmine paste was applied lightly to her lips, her nipples, and the lips of her cunt, just sufficiently to highlight them.Uneefa and Bagoas stepped back to admire their handiwork, just as the door opened and the three slave girls burst into the room, laughing and celebrating. As they saw the Princess, they quickly became quiet, first in fear but then in silent admiration. Their eyes checked out her nude body from top to bottom, and found no flaw.Bagoas looked at the three girls, almost naked now that their veils were off. “Behold your new mistress!” he said. “Is she not a wonder of beauty?”The slave girls bowed low to the Princess. Learning her new role, she gave them a gracious nod, but followed it with a kind smile.Uneefa cackled, and said, “She goes to serve her new husband within the hour. You girls have helped over the last days in her training. Do you have a final word to say to her?”The slaves hesitated, but Bagoas gave them a slight nod. The new bride looked toward them, her eyes wide but welcoming.Saiesha spoke first. “Remember how I showed you to shake your ass and tease him with it.”Maria said, “Don’t be afraid to put your mouth on his shaft. He likes that.”Brigette took the bride’s hand and said in a low voice, “You are small like me. Being on top of him is hard work but it will be very satisfying to both of you.”Dahab, usually so quiet, giggled and said to the girls, “I know your advice will help me. I have no other goal this night but to please my husband, your master. Your good wishes encourage me.”Bagoas glanced at Uneefa and nodded in satisfaction at this appropriate speech. He could see friendship growing up between the mistress and the slaves, but tempered with a proper respect. This boded for peace in his harem and he liked peace.Now the three slave girls d****d Dahab in a beautiful robe of soft silk, which hugged her body. They showed her how it was carefully tied so it could be released at a single motion to leave her naked. After they dressed her, she gave each a soft kiss on the cheek.”Come, my lady, let us go and await his pleasure,” Bagoas said. With Hamid’s help he d****d the Princess in the heavy black robe and veil needed to cross the courtyard. From the corner of his eye he saw Uneefa pick up her veil also, but he turned and glared at her, and humbly she dropped it. She would remain in the harem this night.Bagoas and Dahab entered the antechamber. He seated her on a stool while he put his eye to the observation slit cut in the tapestry hangings. Soon he saw the Governor, dressed in a soft flowing robe, enter and sit on the cushions. The master turned and made a small motion with his hand.Bagoas took Dahab’s hand. He felt it quivering a bit, but he saw that her eyes were bright and her chin firm. They walked into the presence of the Governor. Bagoas bowed deeply, and softly backed away until he reached the chair in the unobtrusive corner.The Governor slowly let his eyes rove over Dahab’s body in the soft silk gown. He motioned for her to turn around, and let his eyes rest on her fine round ass. As she faced away, slowly he rose up, and let his robe slide off his shoulders. He moved forward and placed his arms around her waist. Gently he pulled her to him, his hard shaft rubbing against her soft ass, and his hands moving up to clutch her firm round tits.After a moment she moved slightly forward, and turning toward him released the single knot holding her clothing on. The silk slid down off her body, leaving her naked before her new husband.He allowed himself a moment to enjoy her beauty, and then pulled her toward him. His hard rod ground into her pussy mound and his hands clutched her nipples. She put her little hands on his ass and pushed him into her. Then she slowly knelt before him, running her body down against him, her tits traveling over his chest, down over his belly, and then meeting his cock.Softly she rubbed her nipples over his dick. He pressed forward a little and moaned softly. Then kneeling down fully, she let her tongue come out and just tickle the head of his cock, then run up and down the shaft. Slowly she took the end of the dick in her mouth, then flicked it out again. Gently she teased him, never letting the full length of his shaft go into her mouth, but only licking and softly sucking the tip.Bagoas watched with interest. Of course he took no excitement from it himself, but he knew that the Governor was enjoying it well. He realized that the Princess had indeed been paying attention to the slave girls’ advice, even more than he had thought.Now she was letting him thrust his cock deeper into her throat. He held her head, and pumped in and out of her mouth. Abruptly, he pulled out and took her to the cushions, where he lay on his back. She understood well, but apparently remembering Saiesha’s advice, first turned so her ass was presented to his view. Softly she moved toward his cock, and let her pussy lips engulf it. Then she stopped momentarily. The Governor suddenly gave a quick thrust and buried his dick in her wet tunnel.The girl gasped, and Bagoas smiled with pleasure. He knew that he would find the small spot of blood on the sheets in the morning and be able to display it in the Kasbah. However, he also knew that Uneefa was prepared to kill a chicken if assistance in obtaining a drop of blood had been necessary.Now the girl began to pump herself up and down and wiggle her ass on the Governor’s throbbing cock. After a bit, she turned around, and now faced him, allowing him to play with her beautiful tits as he fucked her. They developed a beautiful rhythm together, and it was not long before the Governor raised his hips up in his orgasmic spasms.As he did so the girl gave a little moan and twisted her hips in time with his. Bagoas knew that she could reach orgasm easily, but he wondered if it had indeed happened or if the slave girls had coached her in even this part of the act.The Governor lay on the cushions, holding his new bride in his arms and enjoying the warmth of her body next to his. After some time, he sat up and glanced toward Bagoas sitting in the corner. “Come to us in the morning, Bagoas, I shall sleep in the arms of my bride.”Bagoas departed, seeing his Master slumbering happily with his head cradled on soft tits and his hand resting on a firm ass. He threw some cloths on the floor of the anteroom and slept there that night.Next morning he was at his post early. Soon the Governor rose from his sleep, and gestured toward him. Bagoas came forward quietly, raised the girl and d****d her silken robe around her. He bowed to his master, and was surprised to hear the Governor say softly, “I am well pleased with my bride.”Then Bagoas and Dahab left the room. Bagoas prepared the girl, led her across the yard, and up into the harem. When they entered, Uneefa, Hamid, and all three slaves were sitting on the cushions awaiting them. All five of them jumped up and stared at Bagoas and his charge.Dahab lowered her eyes. Bagoas stared at the waiting group for a moment, and then softly said, “Our Master is well pleased with his bride.” Congratulatory grins went all around the chamber. Bagoas nodded to Hamid, and they quietly made their exit, seeing the girls all crowding around the Princess as they left. Bagoas knew that they all, especially Uneefa, would want to hear all the details, and he knew that the young girl would talk much more freely if he were not there.That afternoon, Bagoas was summoned to the Governor’s presence. Wondering what comments his master would make, he entered respectfully and bowed to the Governor.”Bagoas,” Governor Glaouri said, “I am well pleased with my new bride. The honor the Sultan does me by giving his daughter to marry me is more than matched by the beauty of this girl, and the delight she brings to me. I know that much of the credit for her skill goes to you.”Bagoas bowed again and said, “In the name of Allah, the Loving One, the Giver of Life, I am pleased that your marriage has such an auspicious beginning. All of us in the harem are most happy to welcome your bride to live among us.””Yes, Bagoas, that is what I want to talk to you about. With this new honor and the prestige it gives me, I expect that I will have many more visitors and important persons come to the Kasbah to consult with me.””My Lord, I will see that the slave girls are always ready to welcome them …” Bagoas began.”Yes, Bagoas, I am confident of that. But my point here is this: So many guests will require larger quarters. I have given orders that a new guesthouse be built next to the palace, with accommodations for many. My builders start work today. But you know that we have always had a few rooms suitable for high ranking guests, adjoining the audience chamber. In fact there are six rooms, with their own small garden and fountain pool.””Yes, My Lord,” Bagoas replied, not sure why the Governor was telling him all this.”Bagoas, you and the girls deserve a reward, and my wife deserves nothing but the best. You shall make the guest rooms into your new harem chambers. Prepare all that is necessary, and you can move in immediately, as I do not anticipate any important guests until the new guesthouse is finished.” Bagoas was stunned by the implications of the Master’s words. He had only seen the rooms in question a few times but he knew well that they were vastly larger and more sumptuous than the small chamber which was now the harem. He could visualize his charges’ delight at having these luxurious quarters.”Allah, the Giver of All, be honored for this great gift, my Master. I know that all in the harem will not cease praising your generosity and compassion.”Bagoas bowed again and prepared to take his leave.”Oh, Bagoas, one more thing. Please tell young Hamid, who is now fully established as your assistant, that I am pleased and he shapes well in his control of the slave girls.””My Master, your words will be more valuable than fine clothes or gold to the boy. I will tell him what you have said.” Then with a deep bow, he withdrew.In the courtyard, Bagoas saw Hamid sitting under a tree. He motioned to the boy and together they climbed the stairs to the harem rooms. When they entered, they saw all five women sitting on the couches chatting.The Governor’s divorced wife, Durrah, had seldom associated with the slaves, and then only to give them orders. Dahab and Uneefa, however, came from a much larger harem and were used to seeking the company of other women. Bagoas heard laughter before he entered, but as he and Hamid came into the room all became silent.The women all looked toward Bagoas. “I have just been summoned by our Master,” he announced. To their amazement, his impassive face slowly changed, and they saw something very unusual. The Harem Master was actually smiling! “What he said to me is very good.”The women looked at each other in delight, savoring this good news.”First,” said Bagoas, “He mentioned Hamid.”Hamid gulped and stared at Bagoas.”Hamid, he said to tell you that you are shaping well as my assistant.” Again, Bagoas let his face break into a large smile.Hamid, overcome, stammered a sort of an answer. He was even more flustered by the exclamations of joy from his charges. Brigette even clapped her little hands in delight.”Then,” Bagoas continued, “he told me that his honored guests all spoke well of their entertainment.”The three slave girls cast their eyes down for a moment, trying to appear modest, but their happy grins could not be hidden.”My Lady,” Bagoas said, bowing to old Uneefa, rather than addressing the bride herself, “he also spoke nothing but compliments about his bride and his pleasure in his marriage.”All of the slave girls turned toward the Governor’s wife, and she reached out her hands to them to receive their joy at this news.”Of course, Lady Uneefa,” he said, looking at the old lady, “this reflects well on you and on myself. Many thanks are due to you.”The old lady bowed slightly, but her smile could not be hidden.”The Governor then told me of the plans he has to reward all of us for pleasing him,” Bagoas said. Then, deliberately, he paused.All the inhabitants of the harem looked back and forth at each other. What reward could they expect? Sometimes the slave girls received a small coin for their work, but that was the only reward they usually looked forward to.Slowly, Bagoas said, “This harem is well appointed, but somewhat small.” The girls looked around them, nodding in agreement. “The Governor has told me that soon, we will be moving to more luxurious quarters, with larger rooms, a small garden, and a fountain pool for our enjoyment.”Everyone gasped at this news. They could not contain their excitement, and six voices all babbled at once with questions for Bagoas.”Quiet, quiet!” he roared. In the silence that followed, he went on with his announcement. “I will arrange for us to visit the new quarters, which are empty at the moment. We will do so this afternoon.”Nodding to Hamid to follow, Bagoas turned and left the harem. Behind him rose a tumult of voices as the women discussed their good fortune and speculated on their new living arrangements. Restricted as they were for most of their time to the harem quarters, it was very important to them to be offered this new luxury.Soon, they had their first look at the new harem. It was not easy to move five women heavily veiled and heavily guarded across the courtyard, but Bagoas and Hamid managed to get them all to the door of the former guest quarters.They stepped into a small garden, in the middle of which a beautiful fountain threw a spray into the air. The water tinkled down into a small pool, with a rim around it which would permit them to sit and enjoy the water. Bagoas and Hamid removed the heavy veils, and they all rejoiced in their beautiful new living area.The slave girls were in their soft gowns, low cut in the front to show their cleavage to advantage, and slit up the sides so that their legs flashed as they walked. Dahab wore a beautiful gown of golden colored silk, which covered her fully but clung to her body, showing off her feminine curves. Uneefa was also in a luxurious gown, but in the case of the old woman not so clinging. The five women made a delightful picture as they looked around at their unexpected luxury.Bagoas directed their attention to the rooms around the courtyard. “Of course,” he said, “Dahab will take the room of honor, in the East, toward Mecca. There is a chamber off of that room which will be yours, Uneefa, for as long as we are graced with your company.” Dahab smiled with delight, and from Uneefa’s look Bagoas was sure that the Princess would require Uneefa’s attendance for a very long time. This was luxury that even the Sultan’s harem had not provided to minor figures such as they were there.”The rest of you may choose from the five remaining rooms. One of them will become your common area, and in fine weather of course you can gather around the pool. For the moment the windows have been covered with heavy tapestries and wooden barriers. Those will soon, of course, be replaced with iron bars. But the sunlight will stream down into the garden and onto the spray of the fountain for you. I will now leave you to arrange yourselves as you like.”Bagoas and Hamid left the women alone in their new home. Motioning Hamid to silence, Bagoas led him to a spot just beyond the door where a small guard chamber stood. Here the wall was decorated with a quotation from the Koran in beautiful gold calligraphy on a blue background. Bagoas touched the word “merciful” and slid it quietly aside. Hamid saw that there was a spy hole, covered on the other side by a silk hanging which was thin and transparent from this side. A good view of almost all of the courtyard was offered this way. Bagoas motioned Hamid to put his eyes to the peephole, and then he retired to the courtyard to sit under his favorite tree and relax.Hamid watched with professional care as the girls, who he now regarded as his charges, ran hither and yon about the courtyard. Dahab was escorted by Uneefa into the Eastern chamber. The three slave girls darted in and out of each of the remaining rooms and then gathered in the courtyard to chatter excitedly. Hamid saw each girl choose a chamber. Clearly they already regarded it as theirs.Then they sat around the fountain on the raised lip. As they relaxed, Saiesha raised one foot to put it into the cool water. Doing so pulled up her gown and revealed her shaved pussy. Hamid saw Maria looking at the soft lips, and gently reaching out her fingers to caress them. Saiesha threw back her head and gave a soft moan.Brigette came around behind the Abyssinian girl and put her arms around her, caressing Saiesha’s large boobs and her erect nipples. Softly she pulled down the top of Saiesha’s gown until the full beauty of her dark tits was exposed. Brigette’s fingers encircled Saiesha’s nipples and Saiesha arched her back to press into Brigette’s hands.Maria pulled the dark girl’s gown down over her hips, and tossed it gently onto the grass next to the fountain. Wholly naked now, Saiesha gave herself over to enjoyment of the caresses of the other two slaves. She moaned softly as Maria’s fingers entered her wet pussy and jerked in and out.Hamid watched all this calmly. An uncut man of his age would surely have found it exciting and began to pull his cock, but Hamid was not affected that way. He knew that Bagoas felt that letting the girls pleasure each other helped them learn sexual techniques and kept them on edge for the Governor’s demands. It was not the first time Hamid had watched the girls in their activities.Now Saiesha dropped her head back until her lips could reach Brigette’s tits. Pushing the Irish girl’s gown down she sought out the little pink rosebuds and sucked them eagerly. Hamid could see that Brigette took much pleasure from this.Maria now dropped her own gown and interlaced her legs with Saiesha’s. Their wet pussies rubbed against each other and their clits received most of the stimulation. Their hips pressed faster and harder against each other and rocked back and forth. Each had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, and moaned softly.Then Hamid saw through his peephole what they could not. The Princess and old Uneefa emerged into the courtyard and stood near the fountain, watching intently. Soon Dahab reached a hand up, and began to rub her own boob through the silk cloth she wore. Uneefa glanced at her with a lecherous grin and stepped back slightly, leaving her alone.The action around the fountain became more entwined. Now Brigette threw a leg over Saiesha’s face, and the Abyssinian’s tongue probed deep into the little pink pussy. All the girls were moaning and jerking their hips as they came near to their orgasms.Hamid saw Dahab raising her dress, and beginning to rub her pussy. He had seen her masturbate before so he was not surprised. Her long delicate fingers found her clit and rubbed round and round it. She gave little gasps as she watched the slave girls pleasure each other.Saiesha climaxed first, giving a small scream as her pussy contracted. Her reaction impelled Maria to her own orgasm, and she moaned softly as their hips jerked together. Saiesha thrust her tongue deep int Brigette’s wet cunt and brought the light skinned girl to orgasm too. Then all three collapsed into sort of a heap, exhausted.Shortly, however, they opened their eyes and beheld with trepidation the Governor’s wife standing there watching them. They were not sure that she understood that Bagoas sanctioned their pleasure, and did not know how she would react.Dahab returned their gaze with confusion. She knew that in the Sultan’s harem, such actions were punished, but she also knew that many of the girls carried them on. She had obviously found it very exciting, but now her hands dropped to her side.Behind her, old Uneefa gave a cackling laugh. “Oh, well done, my beauties! Bagoas is an enlightened Harem Master and you have pleasured each other well and skillfully. But, what of your mistress? You are her slaves. Is it not your duty to give her the same pleasure?” She leered at the slave girls with a lecherous grin.Dahab turned to stare at Uneefa in amazement. The old lady said, “Go on, my lady. Your visits to a busy man like your husband may be far between. You deserve the same pleasures the slave girls enjoy, do you not? Why rely on your own fingers when such skillful ones wait for you?”Dahab turned and looked at the slave girls. They cast their eyes down as befitted slaves. Dahab contemplated their nude bodies for a moment, and then drew herself up to stand straight and said slowly, “Yes, Uneefa, you are right. Let my slaves assist me to find my sensual heights.” She was learning her role in the harem.The three slaves were delighted at this command. Gently they came to surround Dahab, and caressing hands removed her robe leaving her nudity displayed in all its beauty. The Princess felt soft lips nuzzling her nipples, hands moving up and down her body, and a light touch on her already wet pussy.Carefully the three slave girls lowered her to lie on the grass of their new home. One of them poured scented oil from a vial onto her stomach, and another began to massage it around. Her massage moved down to the pubic mound and then skilled oiled fingers probed into the bride’s waiting pussy.Under the ministrations of the three girls, Dahab felt her arousal growing. Her hips rose up to meet the fingers probing her cunt. She rolled her boobs under the sucking lips. Supple bodies met hers in warm embraces. She gave herself over to enjoyment of the sexual pleasures.Soon old Uneefa gave another cackling laugh as Dahab climaxed long and hard. Her pussy dripped juices and her hips tossed with her orgasm. She gave a deep moan and then lay still. The three girls held her in their embrace as she came down from her climax.Hamid observed it all through his peephole. Soon he slipped away, and found Bagoas under his favorite tree. The youngster reported to his master all that he had seen. Bagoas was impassive, as always, but he quietly said, “Hamid, this bodes well for peace in the harem.”Bagoas settled back under his tree and contemplated the Kasbah, busy with many activities. He was a privileged person here, well regarded by all in the Governor’s employ. His charges were at peace, his assistant was loyal and useful, and all was right with the world of Bagoas, the eunuch, Overseer of the Harem.

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