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Subject: Johnny grows up new life part 6 Welcome back everyone! I have some editor’s notes to go over: it has been brought to my attention that Johnny seems to speak with language far beyond that of a 9 year old. I would most definitely agree but then when was the last time you had a conversation with a 9 year old that had complete control over as many men as Johnny has! I do switch from first to third person a lot, however every scene that I’m directly involved with its always first person! Lastly I am Johnny, I don’t apologize for that! It has always been my fantasy since growing to old to please a boy lover any longer! I don’t think you can imagine what its like being a boy in love with older men and then becoming to old for them! It’s a tragedy that only my fantasy can fix! So I become Johnny so I’m not to old any more! Ok enough of all that! Hopefully there’s at least one reader who can understand who and why I am! Happy reading and as always happy wanking! Oh ya its business you know! We have to help keep going! Where else can you go and find such diversity in stories all designed to help you find pleasure in pleasing your cock! So before you get too carried away with wanking that wonderful cock of yours donate to this awesome forum! Dad, Tom and I found out Daddy’s rich! I’m so glad we found Daddy and Stevey not because they’re rich, although that doesn’t hurt, but because they’re amazing! We had an amazing night that started with heavy petting and passionate kissing! Stevey and I settled in to a long 69 session ending with explosive cums! We cleaned up and cuddled up for the rest we really needed! The men worked themselves in to a cock chain with Daddy sucking Dads cock, Dad sucking Toms cock and Tom sucking Daddy’s cock! There was a lot of moaning coming from their bed that’s for sure! It wasn’t to long before the eruptions happened! All three had their fill of cum and settled into their usual sleeping positions with Daddy in the middle! We woke the next morning to a beautiful sun rise from behind the mountain! Stevey and I got up and went to the men’s bed to see if they were up. Tom was still in bed sleeping so we jumped him! Stevey grabbed his cock and started yanking it! I sat on his face and started wiggling my butt into his nose! “Hey!” He said muffled by my butt! “Wow that feels great Stevey! How about your mouth instead of your fist!” he said as he lifted my butt up off his face! Stevey complied and began an amazing throat fucking of Toms cock! Tom turned me around and took my cock into his mouth! “Ooo Tom, your mouth is so warm on my cock!” He began to milk my cock like drinking from a straw! The suction created sent tingles throughout my body! Before long I was Cumming into Toms mouth! The suctioning his mouth gave my cock was overwhelming! As soon as my cum hit Toms mouth he unleashed a torrent of cum into Stevey’s throat! We collapsed into each other! “A nice way to wake up!” said Tom as he licked my cock clean. Stevey cleaned up Toms cock and we layed in each others arms. “Where’s Steve and Eric?” Tom asked. “Haven’t started looking. We saw you and got sidetracked!” said Stevey “Sidetracked huh, so I’m a sidetrack now!” he said while grabbing Stevey into a playful headlock followed up with a skull rubbing! “Hey that stings!” cried Stevey as he struggled to free himself. “Dad gives them to me all the time!” I said laughing! “One of these days he’s gonna get one from me!” “Ok lets go find them.” Tom said as we opened the door and stepped outside. “Wow what a beautiful day!” I said as we began looking for our dads. We found them sitting on the beach cuddled up drinking coffee. “You guys are so cute together!” said Tom. They turned around as they heard Tom speak “Well good morning there sleeping beauty!” said Daddy. “Slept well I hope!” said Dad “Ya right up until these two jumped me!” said Tom laughing. “I’m sure you enjoyed every bit of it too!” said Daddy laughing. “Ya kinda did at that!” “Ok so is everyone up for breakfast? I think pancakes and bacon sounds good! But first coffee!” Tom said as he headed for the trailer. “So what are we up to this morning?” I asked. “Well as promised we’re taking Tom to the track! I’ve already called Sam Kroger and he’s willing to take a look at Tom! “Who’s Sam Kroger Daddy?” asked Stevey. “He owns the Kroger racing team out of Bangor.” Said Daddy. “Wow a real racing team! You think Tom will do OK?” I asked. “Sam has promised that Billy Smith will be giving Tom some pointers, Billy is Sam’s rising star and the lead driver on his team! And he’s only a babby at 20 years old!” “Wow Toms gonna love that! Hope he’s good eye candy!” I said grinning “Ya Tom would like that wouldn’t he!” said Stevey laughing. “Ok so lets eat and get dressed!” said Daddy as we headed up to the trailer. Tom made an amazing breakfast, we all had seconds of both pancakes and bacon! “Wow Tom that was great!” said Dad “We’ll clean up Tom, while you get dressed.” Daddy said. We all chipped in and had all the dishes washed and put away when Tom came out of the bedroom dressed to kill! “Wow handsome! Got a hot date? Who’s the lucky guy?” I said grinning. “Johnny stop making fun of Tom and get dressed!” Dad said as he slapped my ass! “Owe that hurt!” I said rubbing my tail and laughing. We all finally managed to get dressed and we hopped into Daddy’s car. We got to the track just outside Bangor in less than 40 minutes. We got out of the car and Sam came out of his office to great us. “Hi Steve nice to see you again! Its been what, 6 years now since you gave me the startup money to get my team off the ground!” “Ya its real nice of you to give Tom here a chance at driving one of your cars!” “Hey it’s the least I can do! Hey Billy come out here!” Sam shouted towards the office. The door opened and all our jaws dropped at the same time! God was he gorgeous! “Hi I’m Billy Smith!” as he put his hand out to shake Toms hands “Ah Hi I’m Tom Hart!” as he stumbled to get his hand up to shake Billy’s hand. We could see a bulge forming in Toms crotch as their hands met! Billy’s eyes wandered to the sight before him and smiled. “Sam says you want to give driving a try.” “I probably won’t do well but Steve here seems to think I’ll do great!!” “Well lets get you suited up and see.” Tom and Billy emerged from the office with the racing teams suits on carrying their helmets. We all walked over to the track and the Kroger team pit where the car was parked. Billy slid into the drivers side and Tom got into the passengers side! They drove onto the track and Billy explained everything he was doing to Tom. They did about 5 laps with Billy doing the last one at top speed! They pulled into the pit and Billy got out. Tom switched to the drivers side and strapped in. Billy leaned in to make sure Tom was properly strapped in and said “Ok Tom easy on the first couple laps then as you get comfortable increase your speed!” Tom took off and by his 3rd lap he increased speed. “He’s looking pretty comfortable in those turns Billy, you did well showing him what to do.” Sam said. By his 5th lap he was at top speed and handling the turns smoothly. Sam let him do a couple more laps then waved him into the pit. Tom got out and took his helmet off. He had the biggest grin on his face! “Wow that was awesome!” Tom shouted Billy was laughing at Tom shouting “Gets pretty loud in there doesn’t it Tom!” Billy said laughing and patting Tom on the shoulder! “That was damn good Tom! Are you sure you haven’t raced before!” “Not unless you count watching it from the stands!” “Billy, what do you think? Does he have what we’re looking for on the team?” “The team!” shouted Tom. “I think he does!” said Billy laughing at Toms enthusiasm. “Damn Steve can you believe it!” Tom said as we walked over to him. “Mr. Kroger are you really offering me a spot on your team?” “Billy thinks you’ll be a great fit and he said that after your 3rd turn where, by the way on his first run, he flipped!” Tom went to Billy and gave him a big hug patting him on the back. Billy returned the hug but held Tom tight! “Looks like they’ll be great friends.” Said Sam We all looked at each other and gave a knowing smile and nodded our heads. “Yup great friends!” We all said grinning. “Ok everyone I’m thinking a BBQ is in order! How about it Sam want to come to the lake with us?” “Steve that would be a great idea! let me put this clipboard in the office and I’ll get my car and meet you here.” “How about you Billy?” “Sounds really good! Give me directions and after I’ve changed I’ll head that way!” “No need for directions Billy I’ll change with you and ride in your car to show you the way!” said Tom very enthusiastically! We all got in Daddy’s car as Sam pulled up next to us, Daddy went to Sam and told him we’d be stopping at the market to get the steaks and fxens for the BBQ. “lead on Steve I’m right behind you” “Do you think Tom might put a move on Billy?” I asked “Does a bear shit in the woods!” said Dad laughing! We all laughed and discussed how we thought he might do it. “He knows about that abandoned cottage on the way!” I said. “That’s my guess!” everyone agreed that would probably be the place! “So Tom you liked driving?” Billy said to get the conversation going. “Ya it was really cool man!” “I like you Tom!” Billy said reaching over to pat Toms leg. “why don’t you slide over here so I don’t have so far to reach!” Billy couldn’t hide his growing bulge as Tom scooted over. Tom had a pretty big bulge as well! “You know you can set that animal free! I promise not to hurt it!” said Billy as he was rubbing Toms crotch! “Not wasting any time are we!” said Tom as he started loosening his belt and unbuttoning his pants. He pushed his pants and underwear down to his knees exposing his rock hard 7″ cock. Billy took hold of it and started to stroke it “My Tom you are hung!” Tom reached in and kissed Billy on the cheek and nibbled on his ear! “Its not fair that I’m getting all the attention here!” Tom said as he started to undo Billy’s pants. “Wow, Tom babby we’re going to have to pull over or we’ll have a wreck!” “There’s a road just up ahead leading to an abandoned cottage! It would be a perfect spot!” “Ok let me know when we’re close” “its just past this turn on the right by an old lamp post” Billy let go of Toms cock to down shift as he made the turn when he saw the lamp post. They drove down the camp road until they got to the cottage. It was completely overgrown with trees and shrubs. They got out of the car. Tom pulled his pants up so he could walk and they headed to a small clearing on the lakeside of the cottage. “Wow you really move fast!” Tom said as Billy was pulling him in for a kiss. “Shut up Tom and kiss me!” Tom broke free from the kiss to take a breath “God Billy just where did you learn to kiss like that! I’ve had tongue before but never like that!” “Tom, how long have you known you where gay?” “Just recently really! I know I liked looking at boys but never thought to approach one for sex until of course I met Johnny and Eric! Now that’s a story! When I saw Johnny my heart stopped! I was working with Eric and met Johnny at a job site, I couldn’t take my eyes off him! He was, no is the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen! Soon after that Eric became Johnny’s guardian after his parents died in a car accident! That was only a couple months ago! “Wow Tom that sounds so familiar! I lost my parents when I was just 10 and my Dads brother Aaron raised me! We lived in upstate NY near Buffalo! Uncle Aaron’s a writer, and a damn good one too! He has a very dedicated following!” “So Tom have you had sex with Johnny?” “Billy I have to tell you if you had said to me 1 month ago that I would be enjoying sex with a 9 year old boy, I would have probably belted you and run for the hills! I never would have approached a boy that age for sex! But the funny thing is, it was Johnny that approached me, no attacked is more like it!” “I think I m going to like this Johnny! I remember Uncle Aaron loved to read to me. He would make up funny stories with me as the main character! It would be bed time and after getting my sleeping pants on I’d snuggle up in his lap! Uncle Aaron is rather slim so snuggling in his lap meant that even as a small boy I took up his whole lap! I never wore a shirt, it always felt uncomfortable in bed. I loved it when he would rub my back and Belly when he read to me! Even though I was 10 I still liked being in his lap. I loved the way he smelled and felt so warm! I would cuddle and most times wiggle around a lot trying to get new sensations from his lap. My favorite story that I loved to hear night after night was Billy’s Goat’s Gruff! I know that sounds weird but I just loved it when he would make goat sounds and tickle me. “I remember one day he was reading with me in his lap and fell asleep with his book open and me snoozing. I woke up because he was snoring. He had the neatest snore! Anyway because I had been shifting around a lot in his lap there was a bulge in his pants that made me real curious.” “I moved so I could feel it with my hands, it felt really neat. Looking into his eyes to make sure he didn’t wake up I unzipped his pants! It took some doing but I was able to get his cock out! It felt really soft and warm and was very hard! Just then his eyes opened! I thought I was in real trouble but no he just smiled and asked if I was enjoying myself!” “I nodded yes and he just said go ahead its yours and layed his head back and closed his eyes again. Of course this time he had a big smile!” “We enjoyed a lot of lap sessions after that and I asked him later to show me more and the rest is history!” “Wow Billy that’s quite a story! So you’ve known you where Gay since you where 10?” “Yes, now look are we going to do anything or just talk because I’m horny and want your cock!” said Billy “Sorry Billy its just that’s a really nice story! Now about my cock…..” Sex with Billy was like a dream come true for Tom and they both enjoyed multiple orgasms! “I hate to break this up” said Tom after recovering from an awesome blow job, “but we better get going or they’re gonna be sending out search and rescue!” They got dressed and headed to the cottage. Meanwhile back at the cottage… As soon as we had arrived to the cottage we invited Sam to join our little nudist colony and he accepted quite enthusiastically! “I suppose Billy has etiler escort convinced Tom he’s gay by now and they’re probably fucking like rabbits!” Sam said laughing. “Billy looked like he had the hot’s for Tom as soon as he laid eyes on him!” “Trust me Tom had the hot’s for Billy too! I could see him drooling as soon as Billy came out of the office! Actually we all were!” Daddy told Sam “Ya he’s a real looker that boy! I think I fell for him as soon as we first shook hands! Haven’t tasted him yet! I think he likes the younger ones! Oh well maybe some day! I can always dream!” said Sam with a dreamy look in his eyes. Billy and Tom pulled into the yard and got out of the car. “Now this I like” said Billy as he saw everyone naked! It didn’t take them long before him and Tom were naked too! “So did you boys have a good time!” Daddy said with a smile. “Oh ya we did!” said Billy giving Tom a kiss on the lips! “Well we can cook the steaks now, then enjoy a swim.” Said Daddy as he lit the charcoal. There was a lot of fun banter between us as we got to know Sam and Billy more! Daddy did an amazing job with the steaks and Dad is showing off his newly learned cooking skills with amazing baked potatoes and green salad! We all had our fill and was lounging around by the trailer allowing our lunch to settle before a swim. “Johnny do you think Billy’s sexy?” asked Stevey “Of coarse! Don’t you!?” “Lets see if he wants some boys to have fun with!” “Ya that sounds really good!” “Billy hunny would you like to play with us?” I said grinning while playing with Stevey’s cock! “Right here in front of everyone?” Billy said looking at everyone grinning back at him. “Can’t think of a better place Billy! We like an audience! That doesn’t bother you does it?” I said approaching him with Stevey. “No can’t say as it does! You boys definitely look ready! Damn you’re cute!” “So what do you think Stevey, you want his Pussy or his mouth?” “Mmmm let me think, I’m thinking his mouth and you got his pussy!” “lets get the blanket and a couple of pillows from the trailer so he will be comfortable, or we could take this to the bedroom! There’s plenty of room for everyone and would make it more comfortable!” I said “What do you think Billy?” “I almost feel like I’m part of a sex movie boys, who’s the director by the way!” “That would be me!” I said cheerfully “Now places everyone!” I said laughing “Ok ok it’s the bedroom then!” “Wow talk about being the center of attention! Tom babby, Uncle Aaron would be grinning from ear to ear if he saw this happening! Ok boys lets get this sex scene rolling!” Billy announced! “Hey that’s my line! Action everyone!” I said with authority! Stevey and I positioned Billy on the bed with his head over the side so his throat was opened for Stevey’s cock and I placed a pillow under his hips to lift his pussy for easy access by my cock. Everyone stood by the bed anticipating the show. Stevey stepped up to Billy’s mouth and offered his cock. “Billy, I know all this seems a bit weird but I really am excited to have your lips on my cock!” Stevey said as he put his Cock into Billy’s mouth. “Mummm Billy your mouth is so warm!” Using both hands on Stevey’s Bum Billy began to pull Stevey further into his mouth until it hit the entrance to this throat! “Stevey won’t last long, I promise you! Billy’s throat is like magic!” Tom commented. As Stevey was putting his cock in Billy’s mouth I climbed onto the bed and put my lips to his pussy and began to kiss and lick his love hole! “Mumm Billy you taste really good!” sticking my tongue in as far as it would go! I began to tongue fuck Billy’s pussy as he began to take Stevey into his throat! “Mummm Mmph!” was all Billy could say as Stevey and I pleasured his mouth and pussy! Billy had Stevey’s cock deep into his throat and was swallowing to give Stevey the maximum pleasure! I lifted myself up and lifting his legs up to my shoulders and lined my cock up to Billy’s pussy! With one movement I entered his man Pussy and pushed all the way in! “Mummmmmphh!” Billy called out as he felt my cock penetrate his love star! “Oh My God Johnny his mouth and throat are amazing! I don’t know how long I can last!” cried Stevey as Billy had not pulled back on Stevey’s cock! He kept Stevey’s cock deep in his throat and was using his throat muscles to milk his cock! Billy was able to breath slightly thru his nose so didn’t have to pull Stevey’s cock out which was sending Stevey into a state of ecstasy! I began to piston my cock into Billy’s Pussy while hugging his legs tightly to my chest, doing everything I could to match the intensity he was giving Stevey! It was a race and I wanted Stevey to hold out long enough to get Billy’s orgasm timed with Stevey’s! I was pummeling Billy’s Pussy with all my strength which was rocking the bed violently! The pounding I was giving Billy’s pussy was causing his throat to go deeper onto Stevey’s cock! Stevey was wincing as he cried “God Johnny Hurry I’m not going to make it much longer!” the intensity in his face told everyone witnessing that Billy was giving Stevey the throat fucking of his life! I had finally met my match! Billy was a true Boy lover and showed us all just how good he was! I doubled my efforts on Billy’s pussy and with sweat pouring out of every pore of my body my cock rocketed into his love hole! I was a blur as I hugged his legs tightly to my chest and with strength I never knew I had, I smacked hard into his pussy! With a roar Billy clamped down hard on my cock and released rope after rope of cum onto his face and chest! Stevey seeing this and feeling the increased pressure on his cock as Billy roared began pumping all the boy cum he had deep into Billy’s throat! Billy’s pussy clamping down on my cock sent me way over the edge and with an animalistic cry I erupted in Billy’s pussy! Every ounce of cum I had went shooting into his love canal! Everyone was silent as they witnessed a sex scene worthy of an Oscar! “Wow” “Damn! I’ve never witnessed anything like that!” said Sam as his cock was throbbing in his hand! Stevey and I collapsed into Billy and after swallowing all Stevey’s cum pulled us in for a kiss! “Now that’s why I love Boys!” said Billy. “You can have my body ANY TIME you want it boys! That was Amazing! Stevey your cock was one of the most delicious treats I’ve ever had and Johnny, for a little guy you sure can fuck!” Every one was so horned up watching the sex scene it wasn’t long before cum was flying everywhere from cocks being yanked! After everyone started breathing normal Dad said laughing “Well lets clean this up and go for a swim! Don’t want dried cum all over the place!” We all helped and while sharing the globs of cum that hadn’t dried yet, finished the clean up! We all ran to the water and jumped in! We played all sorts of games which ended in major grab assing and just fun man/boy pleasuring! Needless to say Billy was the center of attention for Tom, Stevey and I! “Looks like we’re second fiddle to Billy!” Daddy laughed as he held Dad tight! “Its great to see Tom looking so much in love! Sorta the way I looked at you! Remember Eric!” Dad leaned into Daddy and gave him a very passionate kiss “Yes Steve! And I’ll remember that day for as long as I live!” Tom had Billy in his arms standing in the water kissing him! “Billy would you consider moving in with me here with Steve, Eric and the boys?” “Oh Tom I was so hoping you wanted me! It would be a dream come true to live with you!” Tom took Billy By the hand and walked up to Dad and Daddy. “Billy and I would like to announce we are a couple!” Tom said with a lot of emotion! “That’s awesome guys! Steve and I were just talking about how much in love you two looked!” said Dad We all heard and came to them with hugs and kisses! “Looks like I’ve lost my little boy!” said Sam smiling. He leaned into Billy and gave him a great big bear hug and kissed him square on the mouth! “If I’d only been younger Billy my boy!” “I love you too Sam! Besides my Uncle Aaron, you’ve been the Dad I’ve needed!” “Now, so do you guys need a honeymoon or anything!” Sam said smiling. “No Sam we’ll be at the track tomorrow bright and early! Won’t we Tom!” “You bet, can’t wait to learn more!” The rest of the afternoon went by like a scene from a `and everyone lived happily ever after’ movie. Sam got dressed reluctantly and headed for home leaving us with warm hugs and kisses! “Alright, looks like we’ve got to rethink our building plans!” said Dad to everyone. “Tom could you be a dear and get the layout drawings we presented to the board last week so we can make the changes needed?” “Sure thing Eric!” he went to the trailer with Billy in tow and they came out with the drawings, the architects table and pencils. “I’ve been thinking, I’d like for our little cottage to become a large two story cottage fit for Kings and Princes! What does every one think!” “Eric my love I like the way you think!” said Daddy “Ya we could have three huge bedroom suits with on suite baths with huge walk in showers!” I exclaimed. “Yes, we could have one behind the main living area to the back of the main floor and two above on the third floor!” said Dad as he was furiously making notes on the current drawings. “What do you mean, third floor Eric hunny!” “Well to support our mansion/cottage we will have to excavate under the whole main floor! If we’re going to do that I’m thinking after support beams are put in we could turn that level into our beach house of sorts!” “ya with a glass front facing the water!” I added. “a continuous spiral stair case would go from the beach house room to the third floor near the front of the cottage!” added Stevey. “I would love a modern spacious kitchen so we could entertain!” added Tom as he added to our wish list. “Hey slow down guys I can take notes just so fast!” said Dad as his pencil was a blur on the paper! “Ok caught up! What’s next?” Stevey chimed in “How about a wrap around Deck on the second or main level! Say around 10 foot wide with stairs on the north side from the deck to the beach!” “We could put in a large 6 person hot tub and Jacuzzi built into our new deck!” said Daddy. “We’d have to put in additional support beams for the deck, but I don’t see a problem with that!” said Dad. “Ya and we could increase the size of our lawn to accommodate a large party with maybe a large gazebo!” added Tom “The main living area would be open plan with a large rock fireplace in the center with wrap around sofas for lounging!” said Daddy “Ok that sounds about it then!” said Dad “Sorry Hunny but that’s not all yet!” said Daddy. “The winters get really bad and the snow drifts terribly around here! We are going to need a large garage with bays for our now 4 vehicles along with a large snow cat for plowing!” “And don’t forget ski-doos for fun!” I said! “One for each of us!” “Hey how about dirt bikes! Hondas would be a lot of fun too!” Stevey added “Lets not forget we are on a lake! How about a 20 foot square floating dock with a draw bridge ramp from shore. And boat house attached to moor our speed boat!” said Tom “Ok I think that about wraps it up!” Dad said. “Just one last thing! We’re going to need a road side entry house at the entrance to the boulder road so we have a place to stay if a storm hits before we can clear the road for travel! With a 2 bay garage!” added Tom “Ok besides needing major ground work , a new power drop and septic lift station we’re done here!” said Dad “You know Billy you haven’t said a word throughout all this! Do you have anything you’d like to add?” Tom asked “Ah what bank are we robbing to finance all this?!” We all started laughing “We’re rich!” “multi millionaires to be exact!” exclaimed Stevey Billy’s jaw dropped! Tom pulled him into a hug and said “Steve has a huge family fortune and he has adopted all of us as his family! He wants us to be happy and comfortable so we can share that happiness with others! He quoted a very famous author to us “If you can’t help the person in front of you, what good are you!” “Hey I’m pretty sure I know that Author!” exclaimed Billy “Uncle Aaron wrote that in Transitions! Eric Murphy said it to his adopted boys!” “Wow you know his works?!” said Billy to Steve. “I think I’ve read just about all his books! I love how he describes the love between a loving man and his boys!” “We’ll have to sit down sometime Billy and you can tell me more about my favorite Author!” “Ok everyone all this construction is going to affect our three neighbors that share our access road! I think we should throw a catered beach party for them to smooth any possible ruffled feathers! I think smoothing out and widening the boulder road might make them a bit more accepting as well!” said Daddy. “Alright then I’m going to be up late finalizing these drawings so I’ll need some alone time! Steve hunny it might be a good idea if you could give Bangor Hydro Electric a call and see if you can persuade them to expedite the new power drop to include a drop at the entrance to the road.” “We’re going to need to get the septic company out here to put in the new lift station before excavation works begins under the cottage! Also we need to grease some major wheels on the planning board so we don’t have to wait for ever to get the go ahead!” “Your right Eric, Summer’s going to be over soon and I want this compound ready to move in to before the first snow!” said Daddy We gave Dad the space he needed and Daddy spent the next hour on the phone. “Hey guys what do you say we get back in the lake and enjoy the sunset with a swim!” Tom said Tom, Billy, Stevey and I left our Dads to their projects and we went for a swim! Watching the sunset across the lake made for a very romantic moment! Tom and Billy embraced and held each other tight as they kissed with the waning sunlight washing over them. Stevey and I looked on as the new lovers embraced touching our hearts. “They’re so beautiful together!” Stevey said as he hugged me and with great passion kissed me! We stayed in the water until the evening chill drove us into the trailer. Dad had completed the plans and Daddy had finished the calls he needed to make! “Bangor Hydro said they’d be out tomorrow morning to scope out the new drops and my donation of two new pole trucks guaranteed the project would be completed by the next day! The septic company, which I happen etimesgut escort to own, will be here bright and early to increase the lift stations capacity. And with a sizable donation to the local school, the planning board assured me there would be no delay in approving our plans!” said Daddy Now we were left with a problem. We wanted Tom and Billy to have their own room to spend their first night together. So Stevey and I looked at our Dads and asked them if they didn’t mind sharing their bed with us! “Stevey, Johnny, we would love that very much!” they both said. It was like old times me pairing with the original love of my life, my Dad! “Remember the first time you made love to me Dad?” “Son how could I ever forget!” “I remember saying to myself `if I were to die right now my life would be complete!’ Right then I fell truly in love with you! My whole world, my entire existence revolved around you!” Dad said holding me “I remember we kissed, and I lost all sense of where I was! There was only one thing that existed and that was your mouth! I desperately tried to get more of you into my mouth, I was crying and pushed into you! I was quickly falling in love! I didn’t really understand love then but I did know that you where the one who I wanted to always be with! You broke the kiss after what seemed a lifetime to catch your breath and you looked at me and said `Johnny, I think I’m falling in love with you! I’m truly and passionately wanting you! I want to make love to you for the rest of my life! I always wanted to have sex with you but I never in a million years thought I would feel this way about any boy your age, but I Do!’ I remember telling you ‘Eric I think I feel the same! I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach when we kissed that made me tingle all over and if we parted I would be completely lost!’ I gave you the first throat fuck of my life and remember how wonderful your cum tasted, and how sore my throat was!” I said smiling. “Then I enjoyed the most memorable fuck of my life! I couldn’t possibly forget the time I took your cherry! I remember I thought I was hurting you and started to pull out and you literally screamed `No Don’t Pull Out!’ Son I don’t lie! That was the most wonderful fuck of my life! It will never be topped!” Dad exclaimed! “Dad fuck me know please! I miss your cock!” Dad complied and he very slowly and sensuously fucked me to a wonderful climax! We both came and stayed in each others arms for the rest of the night! “Stevey lets make love!” “Oh Daddy” Stevey said “I thought you’d never ask!” Stevey and Daddy cried in each other’s arms as Daddy entered Stevey’s pussy for the very first time! It was a privilege to witness their first father/son love making! It ended with them both cumming! They both stayed in each others arms and fell asleep as their cum dried where it landed. No sound came from Tom and Billy’s bed so we guessed they were probably tuckered out after a long day. They actually fell asleep in a 69 with cocks in their mouths like a babby with his thumb, they told us later! The next morning came with excited anticipation for the projects ahead. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast that was prepared completely by Dad! “Wow Dad you’ve really got the hang of cooking! The omelets were fantastic and the bacon was done perfectly not burnt!” I said. Everyone agreed that Dad had really improved! “Well I won’t ever be Julia Child but I’m feeling more comfortable in the kitchen. Can’t wait to use the new one in our new home!” Billy and Tom left for the track and the rest of us went to the beach to finish our morning drinks and discuss the order of business. “I’m thinking we better plan our neighborhood party first because bringing in the kind of equipment we need will sure raise some neighborly concerns!” said Dad “Ok, Johnny and Stevey here’s where you two come in.” said Daddy “Ill put together three letters of invite and you boys deliver them with your usual charm.” Daddy wrote the invites for tomorrow. He included that it would be a catered buffet and that presents would be presented to our new neighbors! Stevey and I began our deliveries with our closest neighbor, the Beans who’s cottage was about 100 yards nearer the main road from us. They were a nice couple in their mid 60’s from Boston. They thought Stevey and I were very cute and told us to tell our Dads that they would be delighted to come. The next cottage was around 100 feet from the Beans on a side road off the boulder road. They were a small family with a girl about 11 and boy around 15. They were the Stinsens from up the coast of Maine near Calais. After asking a ton of questions about who we were and where we were from and about Charley and Florence, my grandparents, they finally accepted. The last cottage was further down the side road from the Stinsens and was another young family with a boy and girl around 3 years old. I’m pretty sure they were twins. They were the Bakers and were really nice! Mrs. Baker tried to get us to eat some cookies but we said we’d just had breakfast but thanks any way. They were happy to meet us and gladly accepted the invite. We returned to the trailer to find Daddy talking with the caterer. We got his attention so he asked the caterer to hold for a min. “Daddy there are 4 kids coming, two are 3 and the others are 11 and 15. Make sure there’s age appropriate foods!” “Thanks Johnny, I’ll let them know.” He finalized the menu and promised them a substantial tip for the last minute effort! They were the same caterers that did the wedding reception! Meanwhile at the track…… “Tom my boy I know I said this yesterday but you are a natural! Billy what do you think?” “Sam, besides Tom being the sexiest man I know! Yes he is a natural! It took me a lot longer to get where he’s at today!” “You guys flatter me too much! I just love being behind the wheel!” “Tomorrow I want you two to go head to head! We’ll bring the rest of the team in for more of a pack!” “Billy you know I love you right?” said Tom “Tom hunny, you have nothing to worry about! It will be my honor to race against you! And I mean this! May the best man win! I love you Tom and would feel proud if you bested me, so you drive your heart out! “Now that was spoken like the boy I raised!” Billy turned and saw a very familiar face come out of the office towards them! “Uncle Aaron!! When did you get here!” he said with tears of joy on his face as he ran like a little boy and jumped into his beloved Uncles arms! “I missed you so much Billy I just had to come and see my boy!” said Aaron “We’ve been talking for some time now and I’ve finally convinced your Uncle to come and stay with us for a while!” said Sam “Oh, can you stay Uncle Aaron!?” “For a while anyway, my publisher thought it was a good idea since I’ve been so distracted since you moved here to join Sam’s team!” said Aaron “Oh God Tom I can’t wait for everyone to meet him!” “Ok I think training is done for the day!” said Sam “Ill give Steve and Eric a call to let them know Uncle Aaron will be staying with us!” said Tom to Billy “Wow that’s great news Tom!” said Daddy. He got off the phone with Tom and Billy and told us the great news! We were in the trailer making plans for our neighborhood block party when Daddy had answered the phone. “Listen I’m going to call my construction team and have them get a double wide out here Asap! Lets get ready for it boys! I want Billy’s Uncle Aaron to feel special!” said Daddy as he picked up the phone to call! “Great, that’s Awesome! We’ll be ready! You remember where the boulder road is located?!” Daddy said to the driver that brought our original trailer to the site. “Great see you in an hour!” “Ok everyone lets hustle and clear out everything from this trailer and move all the vehicles out of the way!” said Daddy “Wow we’re going to meet Billy’s Uncle! I’m so excited especially with everything Billy’s told us!” I said. Billy, Tom and Uncle Aaron pulled up to the boulder road just as the two trucks pulling the two parts of the double wide arrived. “Lets park here on the side of the road Billy and walk in.” said Tom “Looks like Steve is anticipating our family growing!” “You guys want a ride in?” asked the lead driver. “No I think we’d enjoy the walk!” said Tom. “Its only about a mile!” “leave your bags in the car Uncle Aaron! We’ll pick them up later!” said Billy as he took his Uncles hand. They arrived at the site as the old trailer was being attached to the lead truck. “Everyone, I’d like you too meet my Uncle Aaron!” said Billy proudly. We all introduced ourselves to Billy’s Uncle and gave him hugs! “Wow!” Aaron said as he was overwhelmed by the reception he received. “Billy you’ve found yourself a wonderful family! I’ve missed having you close but I can see that they have filled your life with the love you needed!” “Uncle Aaron, I want too share that love they have with you! You can see from their faces they are genuine!” said Billy With tears forming in his eyes his Uncle Aaron embraced Billy and said “Nothing would please me more!” “As soon as the trailers are swapped we can move in!” Daddy said “In the meantime lets go for a swim!” said Dad. “Billy son, I don’t think I could get naked in front of the boys! I’m ashamed that I’ll probably be hard all the time, and besides I’m skinny and not very good looking!” “Oh Uncle Aaron you always were hard on yourself with your looks, look at them, do you see anyone looking judgmental! And as far as getting and staying hard! How could you not get hard!” Billy said as he was sporting a major woody! “Come on in Uncle Aaron! The waters great!” I said. “I hope its ok to call you Uncle Aaron?!” “Oh my Billy, where did you find them?” said Aaron as he began to get undressed with Stevey’s and my help. “Uncle Aaron, I hope you stay! You would be great fun! And you have a real nice cock!” I said while stroking his hard on! “But its so small!” said Aaron “Just perfect for us!” said Stevey and me as we shared squeezing his cock. We all made Billy’s Uncle feel like part of the family as we playfully stroked him every chance Stevey and I got! We could tell he was enjoying himself as he stayed hard the whole time! The trailers were swapped and the new ones were being joined together! Power and water needed to be hooked up ! While all the work was going on Daddy suggested we take Uncle Aaron into Ellsworth for lunch and to show him around. Dad stayed with Daddy to supervise the goings on and after Billy and Tom retrieved Billy’s car Tom, Billy, Stevey and I loaded up Uncle Aaron into Daddy’s Town car and headed into town. We had lunch at Dells with Uncle Aaron treating. “Great down home cooking boys! I like this restaurant!” said Uncle Aaron. We drove to where I used to live telling him my story of tragedy and love! “Some day Johnny, I’ll write a story about that if you don’t mind!” said Uncle Aaron. We drove to Mount Desert Island and drove the loop road around the park! We had an early Dinner at the wharf restaurant and headed back to the lake. “Nice tour guys, I’ve really loved getting to know this area! I think I’m really going to like it here!” said Uncle Aaron. We got back to the site and found the new double wide in place! “We’ve got a big day ahead so its shut eye time!” Dad said as we walked into the trailer. “Can Uncle Aaron share our bed!” asked Stevey and me. “If he wants to that would be fine with us!” said Dad “Will you Uncle Aaron? Please!” pleaded Stevey and me. “I think I’d like that!” “Billy tells us you like to tell made up kid stories while they sit in your lap! Would you tell Stevey and me one?! We’d really like that.” “Ok boys but first put on your sleeping pants then come and join me!” “But we sleep in the nude Uncle Aaron!” “Sorry it’s a rule, no sleeping pants, no story!” “Stevey, I want him real bad, lets get pjs on!” I said After locating our pj bottoms we jumped into Uncle Aaron’s lap! “Let me see, a story for Stevey! Hmm, ok I think lve got it! Now Stevey had one leg shorter than the other which caused him to weave as he walked! So everyone called him Weavy Stevey because when he walked he weaved back and forth. Everyone loved Stevey but couldn’t help but giggle when they saw him walking!” Weavy Stevey would mow his lawn but instead of straight mow lines his were curvy! People talked about how it looked so unique having curvy instead of straight lines! Weavy Stevey got a plan and told everyone they needed a lawn with more character so he went into the lawn mowing business leaving everyone’s lawn Weavy instead of with strait lines! He learned how to make intricately designed lawns! It caught on and everyone in town wanted him to mow their lawn!……. “Wow that was really cool Uncle Aaron!” said Stevey smiling “Hey what about me Uncle Aaron!” I said “Ok lets see…. Ok now I’ve got it! Scrawny Johnny!” “Scrawny Johnny was so scrawny he could slip in under a closed door! His escapades got noticed by a private detective and was hired to spy on people that were always hidden behind closed doors!” “He became famous amongst private eyes and soon opened his own agency! The Scrawny Johnny private detective agency!…….. We were giggling so much we were shifting in Uncle Aaron’s lap! “He’s really hard Johnny!” Stevey whispered as Uncle Aaron laid his head back and fell asleep! “He’s snoring now, Lets see if we can get it out without waking him!” Stevey said. We kept an eye on his face while delicately pulling his cock out of his pants! We got it out and liked the soft, warm but firm cock in our hands! “Are you enjoying yourselves!” We froze, and said “Yes Uncle Aaron! Is it ok?!” “Its Ok boys its yours do what ever you want!” We played with Uncle Aaron’s cock and took turns putting it in our mouths! Before long with a deep sigh from Uncle Aaron we were rewarded with his cum! It was a wonderful mixture of sweet and musky and we licked it all up sharing what we had with a kiss! We gave Uncle Aaron a big kiss and led him to our bed. Needless to say Uncle Aaron came away from that story telling episode with two very happy and willing boys! We cuddled up either side of our new Uncle and we all fell asleep. We woke up the next day to new adventures! The neighborhood block party was first on our list! “So who does the cooking?” asked Uncle Aaron as we woke together! “Hopefully its not Billy! He could never cook!” “Daddy and Tom etlik escort do most of the cooking, but Dad is learning and lately has done a great job!” I said “So Daddy is Steve’s Dad and Dad is Eric?” asked Uncle Aaron. “Yup you got it” I said “You’re so cute Johnny! Tell your Daddy if they would like some help cooking, I’m not bad in the Kitchen!” “Did I hear someone else likes cooking?!” said Daddy as he overheard our conversation. “I’ve had my share of compliments for my cooking skills!” said Uncle Aaron “He sure can!” exclaimed Billy as he came out from their bedroom! “Very good! You’ll get your fair share of the cooking chores for sure! Would you like to chip in to cook breakfast?” asked Dad “Point me in the right direction. Does Biscuits and Gravy sound good to everyone?” said Uncle Aaron. We all thought that was a great idea and weren’t disappointed when we joined in to enjoy the end results. “Ok its official! Aaron is now one of our cooks!” Tom said as he rubbed his belly. Billy and Tom said their goodbyes for the day and headed for the track. Tom was a bit nervous knowing he was going head to head with Billy but Billy eased his mind. “Tom, my love, please don’t worry! You’ll do great! Just do what you did yesterday! I’ll probably be eating your dust!” Billy said as he brought Tom in for a passionate kiss! “Alright everyone its party time soon! Our guests should be arriving within the next couple hours and the caterers will be arriving soon!” said Daddy “Cloths are required as we’re not sure nudism will be accepted by all.” Said Dad The caterers arrived soon after and a large tent was erected on the lawn. The newly drawn plans were placed on a table to the right of the buffet. Daddy talked to the caterers and made sure cloths would be worn until it was obvious they weren’t needed! The Beans arrived first and went to the bar and asked for a cocktail! “Welcome!” said Daddy. Mr. Bean ignored Daddy, he noticed someone he was sure he recognized, “You’re the Author aren’t you! Let me see, Transitions and Accidental Paradise! Your picture was on the back cover!” said Mr. Bean. “You flatter me!” said Uncle Aaron as he shook their hands. “Maybe you could come by and sign my copy of your books?!” asked Mr. Bean. “I’d be delighted!” said Uncle Aaron. “I’m not sure about Mr. Bean” Daddy said to Dad. The other guests arrived shortly after. The Stinsens came and introduced their 11 year old daughter Sarah and 15 year old son Ben! The Bakers arrived with their 3 year old twins Gary and Suzanne! Daddy gathered everyone together. “Welcome everyone! I’d like to introduce my extended family! Meet the newest member to our family Aaron Smith, Author and Uncle to Billy Smith, the star of the Kroger racing team! And to my left Eric Brown my partner and Architect of the family! And those two fine boys, whom you’ve already met are Stevey Wilson and Johnny Brown and my name is Steve Wilson. Tom Hart and Billy Smith are presently at the track preparing for an upcoming race!” “We have invited you so that you can see first hand what all the hubbub is about! Eric has drawn plans of our hopes and dreams for your viewing pleasure! We realize you’ve come to enjoy this wonderful spot on Beach Hill Lake as a peaceful getaway! We have and will for a brief period in the near future, disrupt that peace in order to make our dreams a reality! As you look at the drawings of what we are planning, you will see we have quite a substantial undertaking! With the disruptions we are offering a gift to help ease the inconvenience, If you will graciously approve our efforts. We would like to offer you several gifts! First, during the widening of the boulder road it would be our great pleasure to relocate you temporarily to any destination of your choice for a week, the expected duration of the road work! All expenses including transportation will be covered! Secondly we would like for you to enjoy any modifications or remodeling to your current cottages, fully funded with our thanks! Charley and Florence Cates have graciously given us this property to make into our dreams! We would like to offer the same to you! If you are not happy with our plans, we are prepared to offer you 3 times what your cottage is worth and purchase for you a new property of your choice!” Daddy explained “So let me get this straight! You will finance any modifications to our cottage we ask for, no questions asked, and you will give us an all expenses paid vacation for a week if we gave our approval to your plans!?” stated Mr. Bean “You are absolutely correct! And I forgot. A $1000 cash gift today regardless of approval!” said Daddy “Wow, I never knew he was going to be that extravagant!” Stevey whispered to me. “we’ve always wanted to visit Cancun Mexico!” Exclaimed Mr. Bean. “I have one question before I approve your plans and generous offer.” Said Mr. Bean “Is everyone in your family gay?!” “Hunny you promised you wouldn’t ask that!” said Mrs. Bean as she poked him in the side. “Fair question.” Said Daddy. “The simple answer is yes we are all gay! We believe every one should be free to express themselves regardless of whom they desire to love!” “Question for you Mr. Bean. Does us being gay cause you any alarm?” “No it does not! You should be free to express yourselves any way you wish and especially here on your own property! You’ve not infringed on our privacy nor caused us any harm since you’ve been here! And removing that eye sore of a boulder was long overdo!” said Mrs. Bean glaring at Mr. Bean, daring him to open his mouth again! “We have one more thing to add since we’re opening ourselves up to you. We believe the natural body to be a blessing that we share openly with one another! We enjoy our nudity and are not ashamed to show it. So if you decide to visit, you are by the way welcome to visit anytime, be prepared for our nudity!” said Daddy Mrs. Stinsen spoke up, “Mr. Stinsen and I certainly have no problem with you being gay or nudists! And while we’re bearing our souls to one another our family have, since I can remember as a child, enjoyed nudity in our home! Sarah and Ben looked at each other and smiled at what their mother just shared and with a knowing look began to take their cloths off. “When in Rome!” said Mr. Stinsen and he and his wife began taking off their cloths as well. The Bakers, long time friends of the Stinsens, joined in and removed their clothing as well! “Well there you have it!” said Mrs. Bean to her husband. “We are not going to spoil this wonderful party by being stick in the muds! I know those books you love so much by Mr. Smith are about gays and men who love boys! You cant hide it any longer! You’ll get undressed right now and stop hiding your being gay! I’ve known for years you where gay! I have no problem with you desiring another man or boy! As long as you always come home to me!” “Oh Hunny, I’m so ashamed of myself for judging others for what I enjoy myself!” “Mr. Wilson, can you forgive me?” “No forgiveness necessary! I’m just glad you are finally setting yourself free!” said Daddy “OK, Lets get this party started! Everyone welcome to the Wilson, Brown and Smith nudist colony! The buffet and bar are open! Our servers, who have already disrobed, will do anything to help you enjoy this day to the fullest! And they mean anything! I remember caviar on cock was a wonderful delight!” announced Daddy as we all shed our cloths. “This is so cool!” said Ben to his sister Sarah. “Hey guys we’re really happy to meet you!” I said as Stevey and I took their hands. “So are you two lovers?” asked Sarah “Yup, Stevey just recently came out to me and we became married! Well not officially of course but we do have lots of fun sex with each other and our Dads to!” “Wow that’s cool! Sarah and I have shared the same bed for 2 years now, ever since Sarah turned 9! Mom and Dad showed us the safe way to enjoy each others bodies and we’ve been doing it a lot!!” said Ben, now holding his sister close! “Ok everyone I almost forgot!” shouted Daddy to bring everyone in close. “We ask that you list your vacation destinies on the pad next to the plans! My secretary in my office in Bangor will see to all the arrangements! Now we expect to begin road work two days from now so that would be the time line for your vacations! If for some reason, work or personal, you cant break away at this time we will put you up at a local B&B we have had the pleasure to stay at! They are very accommodating and very discreet, if you know what I mean!” Daddy added. “You can be free to enjoy our offer of a weeks vacation at any time it suits your schedule.” “Oh and last thing I promise, my lovely partner Eric will meet with you at your convenience to draw up the plans for the modifications you’d like done to your cottages! There that’s all the business! Now have fun!” Mr. Bean came up to Daddy and with a shy smile leaned in to give him a kiss. “Why Mr. Bean that was really nice!” “Fred, my name’s Fred, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to set me free!” said Fred with tears in his eyes. Daddy brought him in and gave him a big hug and returned the kiss “I’m glad you’ve found your freedom, and if anything I did helped that along I’m glad for it. By the way do you like Caviar?” “Never had it!” said Fred “Lets try some!” said Daddy as he took Fred by the hand and led him to the Buffett. The server, whose cock was hard put a small spoon full on his cock head and turned to offer Daddy his Hors d’oeuvre. Daddy leaned down and took the servers cock into his mouth and slowly sucked the Caviar from his cock, giving it a lick afterwards! “Now its your turn Fred!” said Daddy. “Make sure you linger to savor every morsel!” The server placed another spoonful on his cock and turned to offer the treat to Fred. Fred got down on his knees and took the servers cock full into his mouth and began to suck more than just the caviar! He was moaning as he moved his mouth up and down the servers cock sucking on it like it was an all day sucker! He continued sucking the servers cock taking more and more of it down his throat! “Mmmmmmmm Godmmmmm!” was all we heard as his suctioning increased to a fever pitch! The server placed his hands either side of Fred’s head and began to fuck his throat! It only took the server a few more thrusts before he was serving Fred a much more delicious delight! “See Hunny I knew you where gay! Did you enjoy that server? It sure looked like it to the rest of us!” said Mrs. Bean as she leaned down and gave Fred a kiss on the top of his head. Fred was blushing all kinds of red as he got up and ran his tongue around his mouth to get every drop! With a shy grin he looked at Daddy and then the server. “Thank you, that was the best Hors d’oeuvre I think I’ve ever had!” The server who was grinning from ear to ear said “It was my extreme pleasure! I’m sure the other servers would enjoy serving you as well!” “Go ahead Fred, enjoy yourself! There’s 5 more servers who would love to treat you!” said Daddy. Before the party was over Fred was drooling Cum all over himself! The party was a complete success. Everyone went swimming and enjoyed some lite sex play! It was so reassuring knowing we had nothing to be concerned about with our neighbors! Stevey and I became fast friends with Ben and Sarah and promised to see much more of each other. Dad repeated the open invitation to join us anytime. Billy and Tom showed up later in the afternoon and joined the party! “I’d like to announce that Tom Hart, the newest member of the Kroger racing team has won top spot in next weeks race at Kroger racing Park!” Billy announced as he lifted Tom into the air! “Oh Billy, now you’ve really embarrassed me!” “Tom hunny I’m the proudest partner in all of racing! Besides being the sexiest man alive that I love with all my heart, you’re a genius on the track! I’m proud to take 2nd spot beside you!” Everyone cheered for Tom and gave them both hugs and kisses! “So Uncle Aaron, are you still happy you’ve joined us!” said Billy “Billy boy I couldn’t be happier!” “I guess you could consider this party to be a success!” said Uncle Aaron to Daddy. “Not to embaress but all this must be costing a pretty penny! Are you bank robbers or something?” he said grinning. “No Aaron we’re not bank robbers! I own a few banks along with other holdings. My family has a huge fortune that I am in charge of administering! My own net worth even after all these projects is well ever 50 million. The family’s fortune is in excess of 120 million! I don’t say that to brag, just to set your mind at ease that we aren’t going broke anytime soon!” “I’ve been meaning to ask!” Said Daddy “Would you consider moving in with us? I know Billy would love to have you closer and the boys have really fallen for you! We would build and in-law suit above the garage for you to stay in which would give you privacy when you want to write!” “I admit I’ve really fallen for your extended family! And I know Billy would love to have me closer! And what can I say about the boys! You know I’m a boy lover! I’ve never been interested in sex with men. Those boys of yours are a delightful treat and if I could be free to enjoy them I’d consider moving in!” “The boys call their own shots, if they want you, they’ll invite you in, and it looks like that’s happened! You can enjoy sex with them as often as they want! Eric and I trust you not to force anything on the boys they don’t want. And that list is so small I don’t even think it exists!” “One last thing. I pull my weight around here! I’m not going to hang around and wait for everyone to do for me when there’s plenty I can do to chip in!” said Aaron “You can count on that! There will be plenty projects to go around.” The Beans, who we now consider friends, will be going to Cancun! The Stinsens are delaying their vacation for a month so that Mr. Stinsen can arrange for time off from work. They’ve decided on Disneyland! The Bakers will be joining them! Everyone accepted the $1000 and after discussing it amongst themselves decided that in the spirit of giving that Daddy had instilled in them decided to donate the $3000 to a local charity to Feed the less fortunate! Daddy was so pleased to see that, he gave them an additional $2000 just for being kind souls! Daddy put the Stinsens and Bakers up in the same B&B we spent our Honeymoon night at and informed the owners to afford them the same level of privacy and discretion we enjoyed! The same limo service will be used for all transportation needs. Well everyone that concludes this part of my `New Life’ series. Its been great fun telling you my story and look forward to many more adventures! Thanks for reading! And as Always…HAPPY WANKING!! Johnny

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