My Sexual Awakening

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I had just graduated high school when I met Jack. He owned the ranch I went to work on, when I decided not to go to college. The ranch job wasn’t by choice, but rather strongly suggested by my parents. They were pretty upset about my not attending UGA, especially after I received an academic scholarship, so they threatened to cut off my financial help if I didn’t at least give it a shot.

Jack owned a ranch in Montana, where he lived alone. He would hire summer help when he needed an extra hand and since he was an old friend of my fathers, I ended up getting the job. It wasn’t a working ranch but more of a very large sprawl of land that required some summer upkeep, so I thought it couldn’t be all that bad.

From the pictures I had seen, it looked beautiful with streams and meadows and pine trees everywhere. His home looked more like a lodge than anything, log cabin style but very modern with pretty much everything you could imagine, right down to the saltwater swimming pool.

As I packed my bags, I wondered about my decision. I went through all my cute little dresses and thought about the spring break I’ll miss with my girls, and all the parties. I folded all my jeans and tucked them in my suitcase, along with most of my tank tops and flannel shirts.

Looking down at my clothes, it began to sink in what I was doing. I had to remind myself that it was just for one summer and maybe fall. I could live with that. Besides, his place was pretty amazing. I was sure I’d be needing my bikini, so I tossed two of them in my bag. Just before I zipped it shut, I grabbed two of my favorite summer dresses just in case.

The drive took me two days to get there. When I was 5 miles away, I called Jack to let him know I was close. It was perfect timing since the last two miles are on unmarked dirt roads that I’m sure I would have missed. Cell phone reception was terrible but he was able to guide me the rest of the way until I saw a large steel gate with a crested arch that bore his initials, “JW.”

The driveway was a quarter mile long and bumpy, so I slowly made my way until I could see his home. From a distance, it was amazing and I began getting excited. I pulled my car up next to his truck, which was parked right in front. Jack was standing on the porch, with a glass of tea in his hand as I got out. He looked to be about 6’4 and well built in his jeans and t shirt. He smiled and waved as I walked towards him, his boots clunking deeply as he made his way down the porch steps.

He was my father’s age but didn’t look a day over 50, which surprised me. I had envisioned a burly old cowboy type, which he was, but very easy on the eyes. We shook hands as I got closer and he took my suitcase up into the house. As I followed him up the steps, I couldn’t help but admire his physique, as his outfit left little to the imagination. His jeans were snug and his t shirt clung to his back and chest like it was wet.

“Well”, he said, “I’m glad to finally have you here. I was afraid you might have changed your mind.”

When he spoke, my heart fluttered a little bit. His voice was deep and soothing, with almost a hint of Texan. I shook my head and assured him that I was here to work and wouldn’t let him down. He laughed softly, telling me that he was sure I’d fit in just fine, and we walked to my room.

Jack left me to unpack and suggested I join him out on the deck when I was finished getting straightened away. The room was huge, probably twice the size of my room at home. I had my own private bathroom with a small balcony off of it, that overlooked one of the creeks, a massive king sized bed and nice flat screen tv on the wall. I explored my new home a little and then began putting my belongings in the closet. I took my small bag to the bathroom to unpack my shampoos and such, trying to make it feel as much like home as possible.

When I was finished, I decided that a shower would be a good idea to refresh and clean the road dust off. I wanted to make it quick so that Jack wouldn’t wonder about me, so I just soaped up and rinsed off. My hair could wait till tonight. Wrapped in a towel, I went to my closet and picked out my favorite yellow summer dress. For all I knew, this might be one of the few times I get to wear it so I better not miss the chance. I’ll admit that I wanted to look good for Jack, and my summer dress was a good combination of cute and sexy. After tying my hair up with a bandana, I slipped on my sandals and went out to the deck, snooping a little bit as I walked.

Jack was sitting in a large cushioned lounge chair beside the pool as I walked out. The sun was just beginning to set and the sky looked magnificent, so I walked out to join him.

“Pretty impressive, huh?” He said. I could barely speak as I watched the sky turn from orange red to purple. I just sat there staring, and occasionally looking at him. Once the sun had set completely, Jack got up and walked over to an outdoor kitchen area, switched on the landscape lighting and the pool escort antep lights.

The entire back deck area looked like a greenhouse without a roof. There were ferns and flowers, along with some baby pines surrounding the cedar deck, with lights hidden among them and the saltwater pool right in the middle. He opened a bottle of wine and brought it over, pouring is each a glass.

“I know you’re not 21, but out here on my ranch, we live by Jacks rules.” He said as he handed me my glass.

I was relieved that he let me drink. I was a bit nervous around him and needed something to calm my nerves. We sat there for an hour or so, drinking wine and talking as the stars came out. Jack was extremely polite and friendly, not at all what I was expecting.

Jack explained what I’d be doing as far as work and after a while I began to feel like this was going to be more like a vacation. I was going to be in charge of the garden and plants around the main house, including the pool area. That was it. I couldn’t help but get the feeling that if I was a boy, I’d be put to work a bit harder than that, but I wasn’t about to complain.

Jack insisted that I’d be putting in at least 6 hours a day since the vegetable garden was pretty large and there were numerous other plants that I’d be caring for. Oh, I almost forgot, I would have Saturday’s, Sunday’s and Monday’s off and was free to use the pool anytime I wanted.

At this point I began to think I might just stay on all year, if the job stays this easy. He was paying me $400 a week but I had no way of spending it and all my needs were taken care of here. I had hit the jackpot. Jack finally said goodnight and left me alone one deck.

I was pretty exhausted from the long day so I headed to my room. The lights were dim as I slipped out of my dress and laid in on the chair. I climbed under the covers, naked as always, and laid there thinking about Jack. I kept replaying little things he said in my mind, and then mentally undressing him. I had intended on masturbating but instead fell asleep with my hand between my thighs.

The next morning around 6:00 am, Jack buzzed the intercom in my room to wake me. I climbed out of bed, which was probably the most comfortable bed I’ve ever laid on, and headed for the shower. When I finished, I threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top with my cowboy boots, pulled my hair back with a bandana and walked out. As I walked down the long hallway, I could smell coffee and cinnamon. Turning the corner into the kitchen, there was Jack with a cup of coffee for me and a plate of Danish treats.

“We do a light breakfast here, but the Danish are fantastic. My cleaning lady brings them every morning.”

“Cleaning lady?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah I guess I didn’t mention. I have a friend who lives up the road, she comes early every morning except weekends. She’s great, almost like a ninja, you’ll never see her but know she was here.”

I took a Danish and walked out to the back deck to drink my coffee. Jack came out and pointed towards the garden area. With the sun up, I could see where I’d be spending most of my time. It was pretty large but smaller than I had imagined, which was a relief.

When breakfast was over, we walked around the side of the house to where he kept his “run around” as he called it. It was basically a 4 wheel drive golf cart of sorts. We climbed in and he drove me out to the garden. I could have walked it but he wanted to explain exactly how he wanted the garden tended.

As we rode, I kept getting the feeling that he was looking down at my cleavage. We both had our sunglasses on so it was hard to tell, but a girl usually knows. My v-cut tank top was stretched tight so I guess I was showing a fair amount of boob, which hadn’t occurred to me until I noticed the attention. I’ll admit, I was loving the attention. I had never been interested in older men, until now.

There was something about Jack that made my heart race. I had dated plenty of boys through high school and had always gotten a lot of attention due to my large chest. I was used to it. Jack, on the other hand, made my heart beat faster.

After a quick tour of the garden and the tool shed, jack left me to work. The sun was hot and after several hours I was beginning to wish I had worn shorts. I decided that I’d have to make a few of my jeans into cut-offs before it gets really hot. As I stood there, arms covered in dirt, I saw Jack approaching on his run around. He pulled up and climbed out slowly, looking very serious as he stepped into the garden. I was immediately nervous.

“Wow, Sara, great job. The garden looks perfect.” Jack walked the rows and smiled, occasionally looking up at me.

“Well,” he said, “let’s call it a day. It is Friday so why not get the weekend started since you’ve amazed me already.”

As we walked to the run around, I was light as a feather. Feeling so happy that my new boss was satisfied with escort araban my work, and that I was about to have three days to relax. We rode back to the house and Jack pointed out different things along the way like the family of deer hidden between the pines and an eagle soaring above our heads. I was starting to love my new home, and Jack had an undeniable effect on me.

Jack pulled up to the house and dropped me off, saying that he was heading to town for a few supplies and that I should clean up and relax. I climbed the steps to the back deck, sat in one of the lounge chairs and pulled off my boots so as not to track dirt everywhere. Looking myself over, covered in dirt, I decided to use the outdoor shower since jack was gone. It had a privacy wall made of stones but was still open enough that anyone out there would be able to see me.

I looked out over the pool and saw the dust from Jacks truck in the distance as he drove out in the dirt road. Confident that I was alone, I began to undress and walked into the shower. I turned on the hot water and stepped under the huge shower head as it rained water down on me, rinsing away the dirt and dust.

I didn’t realize how exhilarating it would be to shower outside. I don’t know if it was the fresh air or sunshine but as I soaped up my body, I was immediately arroused. I began running my hands across my skin, from my hips to my hard sensitive nipples, as I stared through the ferns into the meadow.

I was becoming arroused to the point that I knew I was going to need relief soon. Leaning against the stone wall, I slid my finger down my stomach to my pussy, and began gently tapping my clit. My eyes were closed tightly and I began to feel an orgasm building up deep inside of me. Biting my lower lip, gently sliding a finger inside my slick folds when I was startled by a flock of doves flying over. I shut off the water quickly and wrapped a towel around me as I listened for signs of anyone. I was met with only silence.

I sat there on a lounge chair, still wrapped in my towel, staring at the pool. My heart was still racing from my little scare so I walked to the pool bar and poured a beer. The sun was beating down on my skin as I drank, and I let my towel slip lower as a soft breeze blew across the deck. I suddenly realized that it wasn’t the shower that had turned me on so much, it was the fact that I was naked outside in a strangers home.

Standing there with the beer to my lips, I let the towel fall to my feet with a whisper in my head, “oops.” I took a deep breath and finished my beer, then poured another as the sun warned my skin. I looked out over the meadow at the long dirt driveway, as I contemplated a naked swim. I was sure I would see Jacks approach and have enough time to run inside and get dressed.

Starting at the shallow end, I stepped in and slowly made my way waist high into the cold water. The chill caused my nipples to tighten up to the point where it almost hurt. I was a bit intrigued by this since I’ve never had it happen before so I ran my fingers across the left nipple and gave it a gentle tug. My knees almost buckled as I pulled on my nipple, sending little shock waves through my entire body.

I gasped softly as a smile grew across my face. Two or three more gentle tugs had the same effect, and as my other hand started trailing down between my thighs, I saw the trail of dust from Jacks truck as he returned. I must have looked like a kid who has been caught doing something wrong as I quickly made my way out of the pool, grabbed my towel and ran for my room.

I could hear Jack in the kitchen as I sat on my bed, trying to refocus and get my mind off of trying to have an orgasm. My closet was open so I sat there looking in, trying to decide what to wear.

I decided to kill a little time and make some cut off shorts out of one of my jeans, and then wear my bikini underneath so I could swim later. One of the pairs of jeans was several years old and too short, so I went to work cutting the legs off. I didn’t measure and probably should have since they ended up looking like daisy duke shorts, which would only button half way since they were not only short but tight as well.

I grabbed my black bikini and hesitated for a moment. I had never given much thought to how skimpy it was until now. It wasn’t a thong by any means, just smaller than the average bottom, with plenty of exposed cheek. Shrugging my shoulders as I tied it in place and then pulling my jean shorts over it. This took a little bit of work, and I ultimately had to roll the belt loops down and leave my side ties hanging out.

The boob exposure my bikini offered was out of my hands. At a 36d, this was just a fact of life I had gotten used to. There was no hiding them, and I had the feeling that Jack wouldn’t mind the view.

When I walked back out, I found a note on the counter from Jack saying he was at the pool so I went to find him. He was sitting in gaziantep arap escort bayan one of the lounge chairs as I walked out and said hello, and I realized I had left my dirty boots right there beside him. His face lit up a little bit as he saw me, a slight grin and nod and he said “Well, hello there darlin. Aren’t you the picture of beauty.”

I smiled as I reached down for my boots.

“Sorry, Jack, I didn’t mean to leave these laying around,” I told him.

“Not at all, young lady. Doesn’t bother me I bit. But that won’t stop me from letting you gather them up,” he said with a wider grin.

As I bent over to reach them, his eyes followed me, well, followed my breasts as I leaned down. There was no mistaking it this time, he was definitely looking. I felt a blush flow through my cheeks as I stood up and walked to the steps to set my boot down. When I turned, his eyes were still on me. I suddenly felt giddy, almost shy as I made my way back towards him and took a seat.

“Pour us a beer, would you honey?” He asked.

I had a pretty good idea what he was doing when he asked me that, so I smiled as I stood up and walked slowly, deliberately swaying my hips towards the bar. Taking two cold mugs from the freezer, and then leaning forward as I poured beer from the tap, letting it overflow just enough to drip on me while I walked back.

The cold beer dribbled down my belly as I approached and my nipples did what I expected, poking straight out through my bikini top that was stretched tight around my breasts. As I handed him his beer, I had to wait a few seconds before he realized that I was waiting. He looked up into my eyes and laughed a little laugh as he took the mug.

“Sorry, honey, I guess I was off in my own thoughts.” He said. “It’s been a while since I’ve had such a pretty young lady around here.”

Jack watched me as I set my beer down, hooked my thumbs into the loops of my shorts and began tugging them down over my hips. He sipped his beer quietly as I adjusted my bikini bottoms before picking up my beer again and sitting in the lounge chair across from him. We both our sunglasses on and as we chatted, I was sure his eyes were scanning my body as mine were scanning his. Every time I took a sip of beer, the condensation from the glass would land on my stomach and my nipples would react.

After a little while he noticed that the towel from the outside shower was gone and asked how I liked the big shower head. I laughed as I recalled the doves and told him that, at one point, I thought I heard someone walking around.

“Hmmm,” he said. “Well, I’ll go back and review the cameras just to be safe. Wouldn’t want anyone lurking around while you’re out here showering.”

My heart jumped out of my chest as he reached over for his iPad to pull up the camera system. The thought had never occurred to me that he had cameras out here, but I guess it should have. I could feel myself turning beet red as I saw the screen light up, while he typed in his password. He glanced up at me and said “Don’t worry, darlin, the cameras aren’t in the shower.”

For a moment I was relieved as he watched the footage, knowing he wouldn’t see me masturbating against the rock wall. Then I remembered the pool. Time seemed to be slowing to a crawl as he stared at the screen.

“Yep, well there goes your flock of doves, and there you are in your towel. No signs of any lurkers,” he said with a smile. Just as he was about to set the iPad down, he stopped himself and looked again. His eyes grew a little wider and I knew exactly what he was seeing. I could barely make out the screen from my angle but the pool was definitely in view. A sly little grin on his face as he sat forward in his chair.

“Yes ma’am, we did in fact have a lurker. A streaker no less,” he let out a laugh as he handed me the tablet. As I looked at the screen, you could see me from the back as I entered the pool, naked. I was relieved that he stopped watching when he did but was sure that other cameras must have gotten a better angle of my solo action.

I was still blushing as I handed back the iPad, shaking my head and trying to have a sense of humor about it. I was a bit embarrassed and Jack knew it.

“Sara,” he said, “I want you to be as comfortable around here as you like. There are very few rules so just do what makes you happy. Hell, I’ve been known to go for a midnight skinny dip when the weather holds up.”

“Ok, but I’m still just a little bit embarrassed,” I told him. “I mean, I technically just showed my ass to my new boss. Not that you hadn’t already seen most of it,” I said as I stood up and playfully smacked my bikini covered butt cheek.

Jack chuckled as he stood up and said “It is Friday, and that means I’ll be opening up the whiskey at some point, so you’ll likely get a peek at me if you stay out here long enough. But for now, let’s lighten you up a little bit. Get in that pool and I’ll bring you something.”

I waded into the pool while Jack went and poured himself a beer and made me a mixed drink. I didn’t pay attention to what he made but it was strong and sweet and full of ice, so I was happy. We ended up floating around the pool until the sun began to set. Jack turned on the grill and proceeded to make dinner for us, and asked me to set the outside table.

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