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Big Dicks

Subject: Jon’s education. Part one. for Adult/Youth section. This story is fiction but uses a few happy memories from my boyhood. It is only for your enjoyment, so if you don’t like it, then don’t read it, but most of us do enjoy these tales on Nifty which is why we are here. Nifty would appreciate it if you can help by making a contribution to their expenses. Part one. My name is Jon, I have just had my thirteenth birthday. I am of medium build with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and am very keen on sport, particularly swimming and running. I also have growing fantasies about sexual happenings, and will wank off to them every day! They seem to be becoming more and more demanding of my time! If I could get the chance I would like to read, particularly about bondage and sex acts, but I have only ever had the chance once, and that was visiting Mum’s brother, my young uncle, who had left a magazine lying around. I still do not understand what much of what it is about, and I really want to find out so that then I can imagine taking part in some of it! This story is about how I started on my learning curve! So having explained all that, you can imagine that it is maybe the reason I always had a burning curiosity about the adult sex shop that exists down a side street in our little coastal town, and often I would go and hide in the book shop opposite to keep watch on it, and to see what sort of people went in. The front of the shop was painted matt black with no window display, but just a small notice saying, “Private, over eighteens only,” so imagine my amazement when I saw my favourite sports teacher from my own school approach, and furtively push in through the front door. When I had waited for at least half and hour he finally emerged with a brown paper package under his arm, before he hurried off! So I crossed over the road to be a wee bit closer and peer at the doorway, when suddenly it opened, and a friendly looking man, seeming around middle aged to me, said “Hi, and what do you think you are looking at young man!” ! must have gone a bit pink, and stuttered that I had always just wondered what was inside his shop, and why only adults were allowed in! He laughed then, and eyeing me up and down said, “If you really want to know my boy, come on in, but be quick while no one is looking!” and he opened the door for me and I was in there like a flash, with no further thought! “Listen up boy,” the man said, “If another customer comes in you must go quickly through this door, which he pointed out to me, and into the back room, or else I will get into real major trouble, and i can’t afford that!” I promised I would do as he asked as i quickly started to look around at some of the items that were laid out for inspection. The very first things that caught my eye were a selection of sexy little g-strings in shiny bright colours laid out on a table and with a picture behind of a hunk of a man wearing one! I had always had an urge to wear such things and even my speedo was as brief as I could persuade Mum to buy for me! Below these was a shelf showing some steel rings and assorted leather straps. He saw me looking at these and I felt his arm come around my shoulders. I asked him what they were for, and he explained it to me, before chuckling and telling me that they would be a bit big for me but that he might be able to fix me up with boy size ones if I wanted! By now my cock was as hard as iron. I have to say it’s usual state for these days! ‘Look boy, before we go any further I need to know your name? I obviously should not have let you come in here anyway as you well know, but I have always liked the look of you when I have seen you watching my shop from opposite, and this gives me the chance to get to know you better, so if you want to know more about what we sell, then come on into the back room now, before anyone else comes in. If I do have to go out for another customer for goodness sake keep quiet.” He ushered me in through the doorway into a large room painted in black like the escort exterior of the shop, and the first thing I noticed was the several large full length mirrors fixed along the wall. “I told him my name was Jon, and that is what I liked to be called, and I then, rather cheekily, asked him what his name was!” “Well young Jon, my name is Johan, but I am quite happy if you call me Sir for the time being, so lets see how it all works out eh?” As I stood looking down at another g-sting display, he came to stand behind me, and I felt his hands first caressing my shoulders, before he ran them slowly down my sides to my hips. I stood transfixed and of course getting madly excited. His hands slowly roamed downwards, then round to my tummy, then to my crotch as I stood passive and willingly making it quite clear that I was enjoying the attention! I felt him undoing my belt and pullingl the zip of my jeans down so that his hand had direct access to my thin cotton bikini pants and my now throbbing cock. I felt his breath on the back of my neck as he kissed and nuzzled it, so I twisted round then to give him a quick grin of encouragement. “I think before we go further boy, you should take off your shirt and let me see a bit more of that delightful young body of yours,” and his hands started trying to pull my shirt from my jeans! Although I had always dreamt of this sort of thing I suddenly felt that it was too soon to be going headlong in this way, so I stopped him as he tried to pull my shirt free, and he, in turn, and quite obediently, hesitated for a moment before reaching out to ruffle my hair! “But Jon, surely this is what you want, and anyway, I was also beginning to have the feeling that perhaps, if I ask you nicely, you would like to be a model boy for me in my photography business? Anyway, I have something to show you now.” He went over to a desk on one side and fired up a desktop computer that was standing ready. “Come and see these pics I have taken of some of my boys who come to model for me, and maybe you will realise just how much I would like you to pose for me, especially wearing one of those little g-strings you so obviously admire. With a body like yours it would make a wonderful addition to my range!” I stood zipping up my shorts for a moment, and then asked him. “But sir, how do you know my body is beautiful!?” Without a pause he answered me, “Because dear boy, I have watched you on many a day down at the harbour in those little blue speedos of yours and you are one of the best boys on view, with your lovely tan and smooth body just beginning to firm up and grow stronger muscles! Does that answer the question for you!?” The computer meanwhile came to life and as i watched he showed me the pics he had taken of young boys in various poses. They were nearly all in small sexy costumes, one or two were taken of them playing with lengths of silvery chain, and they had wrapped it around their legs and briefs and were obviously enjoying showing off, while in another even better pic for me, a lad was shyly holding a multi tailed whip to dangle across his bulging briefs while another boy watched him apprehensively but was also showing a well hidden but fairly obvious erection in his tight fitting shiny shorts. But for me, more than that, and although I could not see the second boys hands, he had them right behind his back, and it looked to me as though they could well be tied behind him! This caused an imediate excited and delightful reaction in my cock that pulsated into a series of twitches! But really none of the shots were too daring or too erotic and perhaps this is why he wanted me to show off in a tiny g-string, or had he maybe something further in mind I wondered? So then I thought, well why shouldn’t I pose for him, and what harm could it possibly do? I could not argue with his commments on my body as I realised he must have been part of a small group of men who were always watching us boys fooling about off the quay and diving into the water. He stepped back to stand in front of me and izmit escort bayan again put his hands on my shoulders but not after he had ruffled my hair again in that very affectionate manner that I rather liked. “I would like you to pose for me boy, and I think you would like the experience, but you are probably right that now is not the best time. However, my shop is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays to make up for what is always a busy weekend, and if you want to go ahead with my offer you should come to the garden gate entrance that I will show you in a moment. Be there at 0900 on Monday, and spend the day with me rather than doing your normal swimming with your mates at the harbour. What do you say to that Jon?’ “Well Sir, as I think you already know, I live with my single Mum on my own during the holidays, and she works all day, so for me that is okay!” “Right then Boy, it is entirely up to you now! I will leave the garden gate unlocked on Monday morning, and also the back door to the shop. If you want to come and see me and do some posing in complete privacy, then come on Monday morning, and I will be waiting in the kitchen for you to arrive! It is for you to decide!” I stood passively still in front of him and felt his hands creep down again to my raging erection to which he gave a few friendly squeezes. “I think I could show you a thing or two as to what to do with this excited little fellow as well!” again that chuckle before he leant forward to plant a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Now be off with you before anyone misses you, and be sure that if you want, I will be waiting for you on Monday in two days time!” The weekend seemed to take an age to pass but I tried to relax and enjoy my swimming just as much as usual, and although I scanned the small group of men watching us I could not spot Johan. Hopefully I thought he is getting ready for spending a day with me on Monday! But eventuallly of course, Monday did arrive, and I was up early for breakfast wondering what to wear before I realised that it did not much matter since I would probably be wearing next to nothing as I posed for Johan in the shop! Anyway, I wanted Mum to think that I was going to the harbour with my mates as usual and I did not want her noting anything amiss with my normal routine so I settled for my usual comfy well worn white shorts and tee shirt, and decided to wear just my briefest blue speedo underneath! The garden gate was open as Johan had promised and I was quickly through it before anyone could see me. I shut the gate gently behind me before going slowly up the garden path to the back door, getting steadily more excited as I arrived to find it unlocked as promised. I entered what was a small kitchen which in turn gave access to the main room behind the shop and there, waiting for me, and smiling a welcome, was Johan! “Hello Sir, I decided to come!” I stuttered out, as I went over to him. Johan looked so different out of his normal day shop clothes, and was wearing loose black swim shorts, with a tight black short sleeved shirt and looked a lot younger and more athletic dressed like that. “Good boy, you have made the right decision then, and now that you have, I am looking forward to getting you dressed for your first session of modelling. Come on into the main room and let’s see how you look in this. He then showed me a boy sized silvery g-string and told me that he had selelected it for me as even better than the ones I had liked when I first came in last week! He ushered me ahead of him and I saw immediately that the room had been set up differently since I was last there. There were a couple of tripods with cameras facing a wall that could be fitted with various backdrops. The room was very warm, and I noticed as we entered from the kitchen that he locked the door carefully behind him. “Ah, you noticed that Jon, and yes, we are totally secure and no one can get in without me letting them, so let us get on with the show as they say!” He went to a central table on izmit sınırsız escort which he had laid out a few items as props for the pictures he was planning. He shook out the silver g-string to show how it was made with a small pouch gathered on a shiny ring which was held central on the tummy by a simple waist string. The silver material had elasticated sides and would lie snug on either side of my genitals even if I was erect, and the silver cloth was gathered again under the crotch to a string to go between my legs and up tight inoto my butt crack! “Strip now boy, I want to see you naked, and then this sexy little number goes on you right now!” He waited for my response, so I just smiled at him as I turned to face him and slowly peeled off first my shirt, then kicked off my sandals, and finally my shorts to stand just in my small blue speedo, and already my unruly cock was twitching in anticipation and pushing out a tent in the bit of slack material in the front of my speedo! He stepped across to me then, and very gently undid my drawstring which I had left hanging outside, and then took hold of each side of of the waist band before pulllng them down, only stopping for a moment to ease the waist part over my rigid cock. He could now see for the first time that I was uncut, hairless, and very firmly erect. I stood there totally naked, excited, but wierdly actually even feeling slightly shy, while I waited to see what would happen next! He guided me over to the table, still naked, and he stood again behind me as I looked at the items on display. There were several seperate small steel rings, and one set that had a sort of leather strap arrangement that I wondered about, and he told me he would show me later. Even more exciting to me though was seeing several lengths of thin nylon cord laid out, the sight of which immediately started my ever present thoughts on being tied, and being in bondage and that had my cock again twitching as his hand slid round my hip to take hold of it. I heard him chuckle quietly. “I think I can feel from your reaction that you like what you see my boy, but let’s get you on stage so to speak for some starter shots! He picked up the silver g-string and leaning down held it for me to step into. When I did so he pulled it up into place, tightening the string around my hips so that the ring was sited just above my smooth rampant cock and he could smooth the silver cloth with the elasticated sides to lie either side of my gentials before pulling the crotch string tight up onto my butt crack! It felt fantastic as he guided me over to stand in front of the cameras he had already set up. He had arranged a drop cloth showing a sandy beach, palm trees, and distant sea and was soon instructing me on how to stand in different poses but these soon became slightly boring, and my cock started to soften even in the sexy silver pouch, but all that was about to change! “Right boy, the next shots I am taking are imagining a scene where you have been captured by local natives!” and he went to the table and returned to me holding a length of the thin shiny cord! “Turn your back to me boy, hands behind you, and cross your wrists!” I did as he told me and felt my dick throbbing and twitching as he started to bind my wrists tightly. He stepped back looking me over as I stood quietly in front of him hands now tied firmly behind me and the little silver pouch now stuck out in front of me by the sheer excitment that I had so often dreamt of! He gave another chuckle, “You like this boy, I can see you do, and I certainy like to see you this way!” and he gently caressed the shiny folds of cloth holding my excitement before smoothing his hands over my totally exposed smooth boy butt! Then stepping even closer he gave me a friendly sexy hug, ruffled my hair again and told me how much he cared for me, while for my part i felt that I wanted to do anything to please this man! I was experiencing so many new things, and loving it, and was rapidly becoming a slave to this man’s obvious desires. End of part one, and I hope there will be more episodes to come because both Johan and Jon clearly have leanings towards rather more. Please do send feedback and ideas for any future action, as it makes it easier and more fun to go on with! ail

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