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Subject: Heatwave in the City Chapter 18 This is a work of fiction. Everybody in it is entirely my own creation. Don’t even think of suing me for putting you in a story, because I haven’t. If you happen to be resident in one of the places mentioned, or to belong to any of the institutions mentioned, don’t even think about telling me I haven’t portrayed them accurately. Work of fiction. The name of the institution only occurs because it is common knowledge so I couldn’t get away with pretending it was otherwise. If I’ve borrowed your Church, school, police station, laundrette – I haven’t. I’ve merely used the name on the building because people walk past and see it every day. Work of fiction. None of the people in the story exist, so none of the things that happen in the story can have happened to them. The world, however, is the one exception to this – the world which has in it so many wonderful people that writing fiction of this sort becomes an obligation – for me; not for everybody. You’ll have found your own place in the scheme of things, and can be wonderful in your own way. This is a story of love. It isn’t a story of sex, though that might get mentioned. There is no pornography here. Some of it is cross-generational, but it isn’t about perverted love either. Some is what nowadays is termed “gay”, but the same applies. If you think you might be offended by that, the time to go and read something else is now. Still reading? Then enjoy, and remember, you don’t pay to read these stories, but it does cost Nifty money to bring them to you. Please consider donating to Nifty fty/donate.html Heatwave in the City by Jonah Chapter 18 Wednesday morning was hot and sticky, but we should all have been used to that. Various boys had joined us, but opted to sleep on top of the covers, making it hotter and stickier for those of us underneath them. I still had my little limpet clinging to me. I really must give some thought to breaking him from that. Trouble was, I enjoyed sleeping with Luke, so I probably wouldn’t be making a lot of progress anytime soon. The usual whispered command brought the usual hurried exodus. Kori was up and had taken charge. I slid out and made for the shower. I had a meeting with Ben Murchisson in Montague at eight-thirty, and Jake was dropping me off there on his way to take the boys somewhere. I was dressed and on my way to make tea when the usual streak through the kitchen took place. A naked Kori returned momentarily to say, “I’ll be back to start breakfast in a few minutes Jonah – hey – nice suit.” “Your’s isn’t looking too bad,” I told him, causing him to blush before he disappeared again. Well it didn’t take long for the rest of the household to rise, and Kori and Simon soon were serving breakfast. It was barely half past seven when we were ready to load into the minibus. Once we were all loaded, we set off I tried asking Jake where the rest of them were going, but he simply placed a finger to his lips. Obviously he intended to surprise the boys. That or it was somewhere that Kori would get excited about if he knew. It was a pleasant drive through the usual New England woodlands to Montague. I had only been to Ben Murchisson’s house once before but it was not difficult to recognise – especially as it had the gentleman himself standing outside it. “Luke,” said Jake, “can you move into the back seat please. Ben has things to discuss with Jonah.” Luke obligingly slid into the back seat while Ben Murchisson slid into the seat beside me. “Morning Jonah – Jake. Morning boys!” he said, recieving a ragged chorus of “good mornings” in return, as Jake got us under way again. I did feel overdressed as Ben had come in slacks and a Hawaian trabzon escort pattern shirt. I said as much to Ben. “Just leave your jacket in the ‘bus ‘n lose the tie. You’ll be fine,” he said dismissively. “I brought a few layouts to show you,” I said. “Done by Luke in term-time?” he said, “We’re going to need to think about that. His education has got to come first.” I was suitably chastised. “H&H are sreious about doing a good job for you, you know,” I said. “H & H have values very much like our own,” he replied. “That’s why I don’t think a big business from New York is for us. I know what sort of values those people have. I just need to swing the rest of our board, and I think, this morning, we might do it.” “In Boston?” I asked, having noted which interstate we appeared to be headed for. “Jonah, your family are on holiday,” he said. “I can’t keep robbing them of you. Remember those values I just said we shared. We mustn’t lose sight of what’s important.” I lapsed into silence, concerned about putting my foot in it again, and happy to let him talk. He did talk, but not a lot to me. He wanted to know all about the boys, both Jake’s and mine. He had a pretty good grasp of what young boys are interested in, and you’d have thought they were chatting with a favourite grandfather. As we got into the city of Boston he finally said quietly to me, “Jonah, I’m going to have to ask you to forgive me. I had no choice but to spring this on you, since I couldn’t have explained to you what I wanted to do, but I sense I’ve upset you.” I protested that he had done nothing of the sort. “Well maybe ‘upset’ is too strong a word,” he said, ” but you’re not comfortable with what we’re doing, and that’s my fault. I probably took a bit more for granted than a friend should.” I could see that I was going to have to make an effort to play the game his way. “No way Ben,” I replied. “On the contrary I’m grateful that you’ve gone to all this trouble.” Jake was steering us through the city and eventually we came to the waterfront. Finally Jake turned the bus into the huge Harbour Car Park. He’d obviously done this before because he already knew that the bus would fit within the car park’s 6’6″ height clearance. “There’s just a couple of people we need to meet here,” said Ben. “Then we can get down to serious business.” The huge building said “Aquarium” on top, and so it was. “The New England Aquarium” was not somewhere you could overlook. It was on its own jetty, jutting out into the harbour and as we walked onto the jetty a tall, good-looking man with two young boys in tow shook hands with Ben then turned to me. “Jonah,” said Ben, “this is our commercial manager, Duane Pope, and these are his two boys Harry and Chett.” I shook hands with all three, the boys being very polite. Harry must have been about ten and Chett probably eight. Ben did the rest of the introductions. “Teddy must be about here someplace,” remarked Ben. “He’s just taken Junior to the rest-room,” said Duane. “He won’t be long.” “Ben!” exclaimed a dapper looking little man behind us. I turned in time for Ben to say, “Teddy! Jonah this is Edward Towney I, Edward Towney II is the six year-old trying to hide behind him. Teddy is our Director of Finance.” “I’m very pleased to meet you,” I said, holding out my hand to the boy. Suddenly everybody fell about laughing. “I told you you’d like him,” said Ben through his laughter. “That makes five adults and eight children,” said Edward I. “We’ve got concesssions on the tickets, and I’ve got them all here. Let’s go have a looksee boys.” We turned and processed to the aquarium building. As is his custom, Kori availed himself of a programme, enabling tunalı escort him to suck up all the information, and then dispense it to all and sundry. It isn’t possible to take Kori somewhere that he won’t find interesting, but the really amazing thing is his ability to make it interesting for others. Everybody first trooped to the big tank where, to my surprise, I found the hitherto shy Edward II holding my hand. “Hi!” I said. I got a smile in return. “How long have you been a finance director?” “About as long as your boy’s been a graphic artist,” said his father. I turned to him. “Sorry Mr. Towney, ” I said. “Just my little joke.” “My friends call me Teddy,” he replied, “so that’s what I hope you’ll call me” “I’d be very proud to Teddy,” I replied. Harry Pope seemed to have fallen in with Liam and Peter, while his younger brother clung, limpet-style, to Luke. It amused me to see Luke getting a taste of his own medicine. Both of the Popes had black, wavy hair like their father. They also had matching Hawaian shirts. I was holding onto a somewhat tubby, blonde boy. The big tank contained thousands of species of marine life – mainly reef dwellers, and we were able to observe them at close quarters. We also found exhibits where we could inspect small sharks, shellfish, crustaceans, turtles and many other species. A large building housed the fur seals. The boys would have stayed the night but Duane knew a magic word – well two magic words to be precise. Ice Cream. Outside we found Ben and Jerry’s ice cream parlour and our boys were anxious to relieve Ben and Jerry of any surplus they might find on their hands. It didn’t take long. When everybody had their fill, it was back to the aquarium. The Imax theatre attached to it showed movie footage of much of the wildlife that the boys had been admiring, and they sat fascinated. I sat with a six year-old boy on my lap. It would be hard to say what proved most popular. Liam and Harry were particularly impressed that they had been able to stroke some of the smaller sharks. Kori and Simon had found the movie fascinating. Everybody loved the big tank, and we finished up wandering round the Harbour Walk that surrounds the Jetty, watching out for the sights of Boston or, more specifically, of Boston harbour. A great deal of shipping was moored at the adjacent Long Warf, or anchored out in the harbour itself. In the distance the Nantucket Lightship could be seen. Kori wanted us to hire a boat and tour the harbour, but I pointed out to him that there were too many of us, and it was getting late in the day. Duane surprised me as he said that he was sure that his eldest, Harry, was growing up gay. “Isn’t he a little young to be sure of that yet?” I asked “That’s what his mother says, but I know,” he replied. “He’s ten, and, if that isn’t old enough, it’s not far off.” “Are you concerned about that?” I said. “Let’s put it this way,” he replied. “He needn’t be concerned about it. He’s got a family that will support him however he wants to be. I’m concerned that other people won’t think the same way.” “Not much you can do about that.” “”Just be there when he needs us, and we’d do that however he turns out.” I nodded, “If it gets hard mate,” I said, “I’ve got three boys, and one of those is gay, and Jake’s got two, one of whom is gay. We’re always happy to talk.” “Thanks,” he said, “We’d better find the others.” We found Ben proposing to take us to eat. “I’d go somewhere upmarket, but with all these small children, we’d be better doing fast-food.” “Macdonalds sounds fine to me” replied Jake. It was so. Having eaten we took our leave of the Popes and Towneys, with many promises to keep in tunceli escort touch. We climbed into the Church Minibus and set off for Montague. There Ben took his leave, leaving us to crawl back into Ashfield at about eight in the evening. I had to say, I quite liked Ben’s idea of a business meeting. Jake said that he had horses to excercise before bedtime, though I couldn’t imagine Neil wouldn’t have done that while we were away. “I’ll do that, Jake,” Kori volunteered. “You did all that driving. Why don’t you sit down and Liam will get you a coffee?” Now I have to say that, in Jake’s shoes, I’d have been suspicious right then, but Jake simply shrugged and said, “Go right ahead Kori.” Kori didn’t punch the air – didn’t breathe a triumphant, “yes!”. There was no little dance of glee, but you could sense it in his attitude. “Coming Jonah?” he said over his shoulder as he made for the mudroom. There was nothing else for it. There was no excuse I could have made. To have refused would have looked wimpish anyway. We spent a little time in the stable where Kori was engaged in saddling Dusty and Eric. Finley he simply turned out into the paddock. “Jonah, do you think Harry’s gay?” Wow! I’ve been a father only just over a year and already the big questions. “Don’t know Kori,” I returned. “His father thinks he is, but don’t forget – you’re already spoken for.” “And then some,” he said with a grin. I waited to see what was coming next. This was Kori, so there had to be a point to the question. “It’s just,” he said at last, “I think he might get trouble over that.” “Do YOU?” I asked. “Not really,” he replied. “Jake looks out for me a lot, and I’ve learned to deal with it. Harry’s more on his own.” “And he might turn out straight yet,” I pointed out. Kori was the second person I’d tried to sell that line to, and he wasn’t buying it either. There were no words – just a look that told me I’d just said something incredibly stupid. He swung himself into the saddle and then took Dusty’s leading rein. “Up you get,” he said. “Remember not to try to rush him.” I had no intention of rushing either of us. The few moments’ conversation with Dusty was pleasurable, and I would have been happy for it to last. Eventually I moved round to his side, patted his flank gently, then swung myself up. Kori moved us off down the field. I had got myself seated properly without being told and I could sense Kori’s approval. I even remembered how to ask Dusty to negotiate the tree, though he’d probably have followed Eric anyway. A partnership of horses and humans has been a powerful thing throughout history. it is also a beautiful thing, and you can feel that beauty as it goes right through to the soul. Kori and I chatted as we rode down to the bottom of the field. It had been a good day. It was a beautiful evening, and here we were astride two beautiful horses. How could it possibly get any better? Too soon we were back in the stable and bedding the horses down for the night. I spent a lot of time telling Dusty how well he had done. I’m not sure whether that was for his benefit or mine. Certainly I wanted to do it. Back in the house Kori had already started making cocoa all round. Nobody was going to be late going to bed. That was for certain. TO BE CONTINUED If you’ve enjoyed this story, you’ll probably enjoy other stories in this series by the same author. This is the latest in a series that includes “A letter from America”, “Stranger on a train,” “Marooned”, “the Boston Tea Party”, “Immigrant,” and “A Cantabrian Operetta”, all the foregoing are on Nifty’s Adult/Youth site. “The Pen Pals” is on Young Friends. You might also like “A Neglected Boy”, by Jacob Lion, also on Adult/Youth. You can find links to all these stories, as well as some illustrations on Jacob Lion’s website bly/jonah-stories.html My thanks go to Jacob for providing this facility as well as for his kind and generous support without which I would never have written any of them.

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