He Said, She Said: The Massage

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Will it be a man or a woman? That’s the first thing I wonder when I’ve been booked in for a full-body massage. Of course I hope for a masseuse. The idea of a woman running her hands all over my body holds vastly more appeal than a man doing the same. It shouldn’t make any difference, I know, but, well, it does. I haven’t had many full-body massages (I really should have more) but those few were all given by women. And on the occasion of my last massage, my hopes were not disappointed. * * * With a few taps on my iPad, I checked my appointments for the afternoon. Oh, how I loved this gadget! All the scheduling and client information was at my fingertips — a very good thing for a masseuse, I thought with a smile — so I didn’t have to trudge up to the main spa in the resort proper between sessions. Instead, I could remain ensconced in my cocoon and still learn everything I needed to know. Well, almost everything. The computer could only relay information the client had provided; it couldn’t fill in such items as “ulterior motive for wanting a massage in a totally private facility” or predict which of the male clients would suddenly remember a sore groin muscle when they saw that the massage therapist was, indeed, a decently attractive woman. Short of those unpredictable entries, the electronic tablet told me the necessary particulars of my next appointment: male, mid-40s, lean (if he hadn’t lied about his height and weight), no medical problems, coming in for general relaxation. * * * I was staying at a resort where one of the indulgences was the use of a spa treatment room, a private building separated from the main facility by a short, winding path. When the time for my appointment arrived, I was greeted at the door by a surprisingly small woman, over whom I towered. The masseuse had smile lines that creased the corners of her sparkling blue eyes. My face broke into a smile when I saw her, and I wondered if the relief on my face was evident. * * * Uh-oh, I thought at the sight of his grin, he’s going to tell me about the groin injury he forgot to mention on the booking sheet. Nevertheless, I returned the smile and greeted him warmly. “Welcome, Mr. …” I glanced down at the iPad cradled in my arm, pretending to be looking for his last name. It’s an old trick I use to see how clients introduce themselves. Generally, those who offer up a first name tip better than those who stick with a surname, Kurtköy Escort I’ve found. “Please call me Simon,” he replied. Good. A generous gratuity might be in the offing. “Welcome, Simon. I’m Kate,” I said, extending my hand to him. “Now, I just need to confirm a couple of things before I show you to the changing area. It says on the form you filled out that you don’t have any health problems and that you’re not currently experiencing any muscle pain. Are both of those statements correct?” “Yes, they are.” Hmmm, a potentially big tipper who wasn’t overtly hinting at receiving an “intimate” massage. This was getting better by the minute. * * * The introductions and preliminary questions out of the way, she led me to a changing room. “You can get changed here, Simon. Take all your clothes off – but it’s up to you whether you remove your underwear; do whatever makes you most comfortable. You will be under a towel the whole time. There’s a robe for you to wear here. When you’re ready, come out and we’ll begin.” She left me, closing the door behind her. I could hear her making some kind of preparations outside while I got undressed. Underwear or not, that was the decision. Would Kate see me at all? I decided I didn’t really care if she caught a glimpse of me. But could I be completely naked and not get aroused? I know I’m not a teenager who gets an erection at the drop of a hat, but I also respond to touch and if I was already naked… On an impulse, I slipped out of my underpants and pulled on the robe. * * * Ten to one he ditches the undies, I thought; they all do. This one seemed like the sort who would give the matter some consideration, but when all was said and done, he would emerge sans briefs, I was sure of it. The ease with which I had arrived at that conclusion kept me smirking with amusement as I set up the massage table, retrieved towels from the warmer, flipped on the stereo system and prepared the foot bath. Men. So predictable, so simple. So simply predictable — or should that be predictably simple? * * * Kate met me outside of the room I changed in, and led me to her work area. Ambient music was playing, and a natural aroma of flowery scents hung in the air. I saw a chair with a large shallow bowl on the floor in front of it and a massage table covered in towels. “Sit down and start relaxing,” she said. “Put your feet in the warm Kurtköy Escort Bayan water. It’s not too hot, is it?” I tested the water with my foot. “No, it’s fine,” I said, placing both feet in the warm water. Kneeling on the floor in front of me, she started gently touching the arches of my feet in the water as she explained the scents in the air. Her light touch was very relaxing, but it also felt very intimate. A hard massage where I was treated like a lump of meat I could handle, but these light caresses were a different matter. Naturally, as I looked down at her upturned face my dirty mind had to remind me what she could be doing to my cock lying inside my robe as she knelt before me. If the robe were to fall open… I had to look away from her eyes and focus purely on the pleasurable sensations her deft touch was producing in my feet. I tried desperately not to feel even the beginnings of any slight rise in my cock. Again, I hoped my thoughts weren’t betrayed by my face — or any other part of my anatomy. * * * It didn’t take long for me to spot his “tell” — the mannerism that exposes a client’s true desire. Like an expert poker player, I could glean a wealth of information from a single nuanced movement. Poor Simon. Subconsciously, he wanted me to service him sexually, to abandon all pretense of professionalism and offer myself to him so this could wind up like a soft porn flick you’d find at 3 a.m. on HBO rather than a general relaxation massage. But he didn’t *want* to want that, hence the quickly averted eyes whenever my touch caused such feelings to stir. I must say, I found his arousal at this early stage flattering, and his shyness about it sweet. If he thought it was difficult to keep a hard-on at bay now, however, it was about to become impossible… * * * Kate got up and walked behind the table, and held up a large towel in her outstretched hands, ducking her head behind it. “Now remove the robe and lie face down,” she said. I slipped out of the robe, hanging it over the back of the chair, standing naked momentarily before lying down on the table. With a deft little move of my hand, I arranged my cock in a comfortable position below me and put my face in the padded hole in the table. She draped the towel over me as my breathing fell into an easy, relaxed pattern. I felt another towel cover me, and was aware of her pulling one of them up over Escort Kadıköy my torso, and the other down to cover my legs, keeping me warm. “In a moment, I will ask you about what level of pressure you prefer, but after that I will stop talking; you can then let your mind go wherever you want.” “Oh, you can go as hard as you want,” I told her. I couldn’t imagine her small hands doing anything uncomfortable. She removed the towel from my back, leaving me covered from the waist down. I hoped she liked what she saw as my muscled back and shoulders were revealed. With a touch of vanity, I was sure she would enjoy massaging me more than some of the bloated old business men I had seen at the resort. For just a flash, I felt vulnerable lying prone with my face buried in the hole in the table, eyes closed. Somehow not being able to see Kate, or what she was looking at, made me feel very exposed, but the feeling quickly passed. She carefully folded down the edge of the towel covering my legs, leaving the upper half of my buttocks exposed. I could hear her applying what must be oil to her hands, and then felt her swirling hands working up and down my spine. The oil was warm, and her expert touch soothed and relaxed my muscles with just the right amount of pressure. She stood at the head of the table and ran both hands down my spine, starting at my neck. As she reached my backside, her hands slid down to the sides of my hips and pressed down before sliding up again. When she was fully stretched, reaching down to press my hips down against the table, I felt her belly lightly touching the top of my head. Over and over I felt her stomach padding up against my head as she pushed my lower back and hips down with long, slow strokes of her hands. The rhythm was too sensual for me, and I felt a little thickening in my cock pressed against the towels beneath me. Come on Simon, control yourself, I thought, and as her hands fell into a new pattern, I was able to arrest the stiffening feeling. * * * He’d done pretty well at keeping himself in check, but it was about to get even harder. Since Simon was still face down, I rolled my eyes and allowed myself a silent chuckle at my own inadvertent double entendre before getting back to the business at hand. Ha! I did it again. This time I had to bite my lower lip to keep from laughing. Sometimes I crack myself up. * * * When my back, neck and shoulders were done, they were covered with the towel once more. Rearranging the other one, Kate exposed my right leg as I lay on my stomach. I could feel her carefully arranging the towel to just cover my right buttock. I was sure that if she were to look she could see at least a glimpse of my balls between my legs.

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