Getting Closer to Sister

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Leanne is the youngest of my two sisters at nineteen years old and while Becky is closer to me in age, I talked more and just generally got along better with Leanne.

If I had a problem or I needed to talk about anything I would go to my youngest sister, if I went to Becky she would immediately turn anything I said to her benefit and use it to make fun of me. Going to one of our parents was never an option, as my mother would make a huge deal about it way more than was necessary and given the fact I had very limited contact with my dad in the first place standard casual conversation between us is strained at the best of times.

It was during one of my weekend visits to my mothers house that me and Leanne started drifting closer than ever before. It was the week before valentines day and she had broken up with her boyfriend two weeks ago. I had not liked the guy, during conversations I had heard between my mother and Becky, I had learned about what he was like.

According to what I had heard, he was known for being a hypochondriac about everything. If there was anything slightly wrong with him he had to go to the doctors this apparently happened on a regular basis. He could also be very critical of everything that happened from work issues, that he would blow out of proportion to his college course problems, of which he was currently repeating the first year for the third time. On top of all that when it came to spending time with my sister he would regularly go out with the guys instead of spending time with her, even when he said he had no money to do so.

I walked into the house at about twelve o’clock on Friday, my mother the only one home at the time. After hanging up my coat I walked into the kitchen to say hello to my mother who was currently cleaning dishes I figured she had probably just used for her lunch.

“Hi mom, just finished your lunch?”

Turning towards me, she shook her head. “No, late breakfast. I stayed in bed a bit later today, it being one of my rare days off.”

“How did you manage to get a day off? You are normally working non stop.”

“They are doing some renovations this weekend, office is closed.”

“Fair enough. Where is Becky at?”

“Still sleeping, she is going out tonight.”

Finishing with the dishes my mother turned around. “I am heading out soon, got some shopping to do. Don’t annoy your sister, she is in a mood?”

Rolling my eye’s, I looked at my my mother with a are you serious look on my face. “You know Becky, just looking at her wrong when she is in a mood can set her off. I will just stay out of her way as much as I can.”

Turning around I headed into the living room I grabbed the remote and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv I started to flick through the channels görükle escort trying find something interesting to watch. Leaving the kitchen a few minutes later my mother headed up the stairs.

About twenty minutes later my mother came back downstairs ready to go out, she picked up her purse opening to make sure everything was in it. Looking to me she spoke, “I am on my way out, won’t be long. Do you want anything?”

“No thanks.”

“Bye then.”

At two o’clock Leanne came in, after hanging up her coat she turned toward the tv noticing it on. She then saw me came over and sat down next to me. “Hi Kevin.”

I heard the sadness in her voice and looked at her. “You okay?”

Cuddling up to me, she simply said. “Bit bummed about being single for valentine’s day.”

“Yea I know, it is a bit of a downer. But I am glad it is over between you and Simon.”

“Whys that?”

“He was no good for you, you deserve someone who really cares for you, is going to put you first and love’s you unconditionally.”

“Not sure anyone like that exists.”

“I am sure you will find him someday.”

Smiling at me, she kissed me on the cheek. Getting up she then headed toward the stairs, before heading up the stairs she turned and called to me. “At least I will always have you. Be back down in a minute got to change out of my work clothes.”

I was glad I could make my little sister smile she was beautiful when she smiled. Leanne was 5″4′ to my 5″8′, wavy black hair, petite, cute face and a perfect figure. She could look amazing in whatever she wore, and when she went all out Leanne was absolutely gorgeous.

There was a commotion upstairs not long after she had gone up my sisters were arguing. It was to be expected it was an often occurrence when Becky was in a mood, I knew better than to interfere that could only cause more problems. From the little bits I could hear, Becky was upset about something being missing and Leanne was repeatedly denying knowing anything.

It wasn’t long before Leanne came back downstairs, she immediately came and sat back down next me. Laying her head down on my shoulder she let out a huge sigh.

“Becky?” I asked.

“Yea.” she sighed. “She thinks I took her new jeans, I have no reason to take them. We wear different sizes, she probably put them in the wash and forgot.”

“Yea, they were most likely mixed in with her other clothes and she didn’t realise.”

“Yea, How long you staying for?”

“Sunday evening, maybe Monday haven’t decided yet.”

“Did you bring any DVDs with you?”

I always brought a couple of DVDs with me, I had a significant collection and always brought a handful with me when I stayed over. So I replied “Yea a few.”

“Well I got bursa escort bayan a text from mom, she is planning on going out tonight. Its just you and me tonight, lets make a night of it and order a pizza.”

“Sounds like fun.”

Hugging her to my side, I said with a smile. “More time with my favourite person.”

She just looked at me with a curious look and kissed my cheek before moving to sit back in the chair and watch the tv.

It was one of the things we were both aware of, we didn’t let others see us cuddling or being as close as we liked to be and we knew Becky would probably be downstairs soon. Letting her see us like that would be the cause of a major issue. Our closeness had been talked about by our mother and sister before, I had overheard their conversation and let Leanne know.

It was back when I was still living at home, the two of them were in the kitchen talking, I was about to walk in when I heard my name and then Leanne’s. I decided to listen and heard;

“They are always cuddling its a bit weird.” Becky said.

Mom replied. “I didn’t notice.” “Your not at home as often as I am. They are always in the living room watching tv and cuddling, I have even seen them holding hands a few times.”

“Ok that is a bit weird, maybe I should stop them doing it, if anyone else saw them they might say something and who knows might happen then.”

I later talked to Leanne about what I had heard and we agreed between us to keep it to a minimum in front of them. We enjoyed the closeness we had and didn’t want to stop it completely.

It was later that Friday after Becky had left and mom had come back and left again, I had just put the DVD in and the pizza had been delivered about five minutes ago. I called up to Leanne letting her know.

When she came downstairs I was slightly shocked at what she was wearing, all she had on was a long t-shirt that was just past her hips and I could see that she was wearing cotton panties.

“Wow, sis.”

Blushing, she said. “I know, I wanted to be comfortable.”

“I am not complaining sis, you look amazing as always.”

“Thanks. Come on lets watch the film.”

We sat down again as close to each other as we had been earlier, but maybe a bit more self conscious than earlier given her clothing. Eventually we drifted into each other holding each others hand, while we weren’t eating or drinking.

After the first movie was over, Leanne got up to put in the second while I cleared away the food and refilled our glasses. I decided to lay down on the sofa, she turned around from the tv saw my position and gave me a small smile then lay down in front of me. With my head on the armrest of the chair we could both see the tv easily, I put my arm around bursa escort her waist and pulled her closer. She just giggled a little and held her hand over her mine interlacing our fingers.

The second film we were watching was a family comedy and there were a couple of romantic moments when these came on I sighed a little and rubbed her hand with my thumb. In response she just held tighter and moved back against me. After the movie ended the credits were rolling Leanne turned over so that she was facing me, she moved into me put her hands around me and gave ne a tight squeeze. When I looked down into her eyes I could see a few small tears, so I asked.

“What’s with the tears sis?”

“Was thinking about valentines day coming and wondering if I will ever find happiness like in the movie’s we watch.”

“I think you will find your own kind of happiness sis, you are kind and caring and you deserve it.”

“Thanks Kevin” moving her head she looked in my eyes before giving me a small peck on the lips.

I looked back at her and gave her a smile before pulling her closer to me, she realised my intention and we both moved together. Bringing our lips together we kissed repeatedly before opening our mouths to each other allowing our tongues to intertwine. We continued to kiss with increasing passion, holding each other tighter and tighter. When we broke apart we were both breathing still looking deep into each others with huge smiles on our faces.

Breathily she asked. “Did we really just do that?”

“Yea. It was amazing.”

She giggled.

“I just made out with my cute little sis.”

Giggling again, she replied. “And I just snogged my big brother.”

“I love you Leanne.” I whispered in her ear giving her a peck on the lips.

“I love you too Kevin.”

We quickly moved together and started kissing again, I held her tight to me moving my hands slowly up and down her back, eventually moving my hands under her top she moaned at my touch and did the same, just as she was about to take my top off my phone buzzed.

We both sighed at the same time, given the time we both knew it could be only one person. After Leanne handed me my phone which had been on the table I could see that it was in fact our mom, letting us know she was getting takeaway if we wanted anything. I quickly text her back no. I looked to Leanne she smiling at me knowingly, we both sat up and held each other.

“What now Kevin?”

“Hmm, what u doing next Friday?”

“Nothing.” She laughed giving a small punch in the arm. “You know that”

“Yea I know, its valentine’s day and I thought I should take my beautiful sister out on a date. What do you think?”

With a slight look of shock, my sister replied. “You serious?”



“Yes, sis.”

“Ok, but what about mom and Becky?” Leanne asked with a worried look on her face.

“No need to tell them and we can sort out all the details tomorrow. For now I just want to kiss you again, that okay?”


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