Forc to be Female2

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Forc to be Female2forced to be FemaleCHAPTER FIVEThe next few weeks seemed endless. I still did my exercises with Ann, though now it was to keep my figure in shape. I continued to learn all sorts of female pastimes, like knitting and flower arranging. They were all designed to make me as whole a woman as was possible.I still used the dildo regularly and I had told Ann about my night with Eric and how much I had wanted him to really make love to me. She had smiled and said,”Just a little longer, Susan. And then I am sure Dr Knowles will say you will be ready for full intercourse”I had asked her several times what would happen to me when my treatment was finished. Would I be allowed to go my own way?. But then of course what would be my own way?Ann had told me not to worry and that eventually I would be able to start to lead my own life as a woman. Legally everything I had owned as a man was still mine but now it belonged to me as a woman called Susan.”We know that you are quite well off, even rich. But once Dr Knowles accepts a job he always finishes it. It just means that you are now a wealthy woman instead of a wealthy man” said Ann.I asked too, about who had arranged for my treatment and why, but Ann just said that all would be revealed in time and that it had never been the intention to harm me, just make me become a woman.All she would say about the person who had paid for my transformation into a woman, was that I would be very surprised when I did find out and even more surprised when I found out the reason.I was examined by Dr Knowles regularly and it was strange but now I was even embarrassed at undressing in front of him. Dr Knowles said that this showed just how good a job he had done in making me in to a girl.It had been nearly three months after my operation that Dr Knowles examined me for the last time. I had stripped to my bra and panties and Dr Know;es had examined my vagina and asked me if I had experienced any problems using the dildo. I replied that I had not and he smiled at me.”Well Susan, my dear, I think from now on you only need to use the dildo for pleasure. Your vagina has healed nicely and I am quite confident that you can now experience full intercourse as a woman without any problems”I smiled back at him. I knew that this time would come but the fact that I was now officially capable of sex as a woman made my head spin. There would be no more playing at sex, I could now have sex with a man and he could use me like any other woman.Dr Knowles smiled at me again and said in a low voice,”All that remains now is for you to lose your “virginity”. I will ask Ann to make the arrangements and hopefully you can do that tonight”I was a little surprised at the quickness with which I was to have sex for my first time, and yet quietly thrilled at the idea.I left Dr Knowles’s room and returned to the lounge wondering if it would be Eric that would make love to me for the first time. I had been sitting there for a little while trying to get used to the idea that I was to lose my virginity (again), when Ann came up to me and grinned.”Well Susan, Dr Knowles tells me that you are ready for your first time with a man. I have made all the arrangement and all you have to do is to get yourself ready to go out for 7 o’clock. I would suggest that you wear a basque and stockings, it will make things easier for you.” Ann said.I was full of questions of course, and asked Ann if she knew who it would be. Would it be Eric, I asked.Ann then proceeded to tell me exactly what would happen tonight and also what would happen to me for the next three months. This came as quite a surprise, not to say a shock.Ann told me that in addition to my treatment to change me into a woman, their client had also insisted that once my change was complete I was to be made to work in a brothel for three months. “Work in a brothel?” I asked incredously, “Why on earth would they want me to do that?”Ann explained that the client wanted me to experience at first hand what it felt like to be used by men in whatever way they wanted. I was to learn to become completely submissive to men and to all their desires.Ann also pointed out that it would only be at the end of this three months that I would be given the antidote that would make me free of the capsules. Until then my cooperation was ensured.I could not argue, Ann made that clear to me. I had to accept that for the next three months I would be a prostitute!”Mind you, Susan. It is a very good club and you will really learn what it is to be a woman in a man’s world” said Ann.It appeared that I would live at the club for the next three months. The Owner of the club would have a supply of my capsules but did not know why I had to take them. I would be expected to be available when ever I was wanted and any money I earned would be paid to Dr Knowles. This was all part of the agreement with the client.I really did not know what to make of this turn of events. I had no choice, of course, but even so I had only just got used to idea of being a woman and now I had to become a prostitute!Ann said that all Eric would take all my clothes over to the club the following afternoon. The club would supply me with “working” clothes and also give me some pocket money to spend. Things like hairdressing, make up and perfume would all be provided by the club. I returned to my room trying to come to terms with yet another shock. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time. I would experience sex as a woman tonight for the first time but after that I would be having sex all the time.That afternoon I had a bath and arranged to have my hair done. My hair was now very long and styled. Ann said that it made me look like Farrah Fawcett out of Charlie’s Angels and I think this was a compliment.At 5.30 pm I stared to get ready. I did my make up and following Ann’s instructions I put on my white basque and stockings. My dress was of white chiffon with a low neck line and lace around the hem of a full skirt. Underneath I wore a layered white petticoat. White shoes with 3 inch heel completed my attire.At 7 o’clock Ann knocked on my door. She came in and looked at me and smiled.” Well Susan, Tonight is the night!. Soon you will be a fully functioning woman.”I half smiled at her. I did want to have sex as a woman and yet the thought still scared me. I knew from the way I felt using the dildo that it could be pleasurable, but to have a man actually putting his penis inside me might be different. And then what of afterwards? I would have no choice but to be a prostitute, what if a did not like having sex with a man? Would I be able to act so like a woman that men would not wonder about me?Ann looked me up and down and said that I looked fine. She then told me to follow her out to the car. I did so knowing full well that I would not be returning to the clinic.The club was the other side of the town and I was surprised to find that it looked just like a large country house. Ann explained that it had at one time been just that and that I would find staying there really quite pleasant.We drew up outside and Ann led me in to the club. It was still early and there was hardly anyone about. Ann went straight up to the bar and spoke to the barman. Within a few minutes a woman came out. Ann introduced me to her.”Julie, this is Susan. Susan is ready to start work for you straight away, I think Dr Knowles has already spoken to you?”Julie, who apparently was the owner of the club smiled at me and shook my hand,”Welcome Susan, my what a pretty girl you are. You will have no problems settling in here.” She turned to Ann and said that she had spoken to Dr Knowles and understood that I was there for three months.”Dr Knowles said it was a kind of therapy. I will not ask what the problem was, Susan, Dr Knowles has assured me that you need to have regular contact with men and I am sure I can provide you with that” she smiled as she spoke and her meaning was quite obvious.I was told to go upstairs and I would be met by one of the girls, Linda, who would make me a cup of coffee and help me choose something to wear. I did as I was told and was met at the top of the stairs by Linda, who turned out to be coloured. She grinned at me and took my hand.”Hello Susan, you will like it here. It is a great place and the customers are really good.” said Linda as she led me into a lounge. I was introduced to several other girls all of whom were wearing only underwear underneath silk dressing gowns. They seemed to be very friendly and were eager to ask me how I had come to be starting at the club.Of course I could not tell them the real reason, so I simply said that I had led a sheltered life and was eager to have some fun.The other girls seemed to accept this and went on to tell me that new girls at the club had a special introduction to the customers and that tonight would be my night.Linda explained that I would be dressed as a bride and that I would be introduced to the members of the club, one of whom could have me for my “honeymoon” night.”If you are lucky, Susan, it can be just like the real thing. Some of our customers can be very expert lovers and will treat you like a virgin on her wedding night. It makes it more fun for them too”.Linda then took me to her room which I would be sharing with her. My bridal gown was already laid out on the bed for me and Linda said that I should get changed and that she would help me.I undressed, the first time in front of another girl other than Ann. Linda smiled at me and said that I had a wonderful figure and the gown, which had been selected because it was my size, Ann had given them details of my measurements, would look lovely on me.With the gown were items of underwear and shoes. They were all designer items and quite expensive.Linda said that my make up and hair were fine and handed me the basque and stockings.I put on the white satin and lace basque. The basque was heavily boned and it pulled my waist in so narrow that I bet Eric would have been able to circle it with just his fingers. Even so it was comfortable to wear.With the basque I put on the delicate pair of panties that went with it and a pair of sheer white silk stockings. There was a white silk garter with a small blue rose to match the basque and stockings.I felt so excited as I put on the net petticoat. It was full length and so full. I twirled and felt the layers of net swish as I moved. White silk ribbon was woven into each layer and the hems were all trimmed in white lace. Linda helped me to slip the dress over my head and zip me up. It fitted so perfectly!The dress itself had a white satin bodice with a low cut neckline trimmed in lace. It had padded shoulders giving way to three quarter length sleeves in matching satin. The whole bodice was decorated with diamante and it sparkled in the light. The full skirt was of matching white silk chiffon and it rested easily over the net underskirt.White satin shoes with 3 inch heel completed the ensemble.Linda looked at me and smiled. She said that I looked so beautiful and that any of the members would die to have me for the night.She then helped me put on the white veil which was held in place with a headband of flowers.I looked at myself in the mirror and was thrilled at how I looked. I looked like a bride and felt so like a bride. I was still standing there when Julie came in. She looked and me and smiled,”Very pretty, Susan, very pretty indeed. Now has Linda explained what will happen tonight?” she askedI nodded and added that I would be “sold” off to be someone,s bride for the night.Julie smiled and then said gently,”I know that this is your first time, not just at a club like this but with a man. Even so I am sure that you will be OK. Our members are all well known to us and when I say that you are a “virgin” bride, whoever you end up with will be gentle with you. Heck it will even make it more fun for them. Mind you they will still expect you to do what they want and” Julie added, “They will have you for the whole night. I do not think you will get much sleep and you will certainly lose your virginity. And by the way, our members do not use condoms. They are all clean and I keep the girls that way too”Julie then informed me of some of the ground rules for girls at the club. The were only two rules, first of all, the girls had to call Julie “Madame”, and the second was that türbanlı yalova escort the customer was always right and had to be obeyed without question, no matter how kinky the request.I nodded that I understood and then asked,”When will I actually go downstairs, Madame?”Julie said that she would take me down in about half an hour, when the club had started to fill. I would sit on the stage for about an hour so that the members could have a good look at me before she would start the bidding. The bidding itself would take no more than 10 minutes and then I would be off on my “honeymoon”.Linda took me back to the lounge where the other girls all said that I looked very pretty in white and that my dress really suited me. I sat down on a straight backed chair to wait. I felt quite nervous, I knew that in a few hours time I would be having full sexual intercourse as a woman and with a man that I had not yet met.The thought made my body tremble, both with apprehension and anticipation. In many ways I probably felt like any girl on her “wedding” day.Linda and one of the girls called Cindy returned to the lounge dressed as bridesmaids. Linda explained that they would also be auctioned off with me. They wore long pink silk dresses and had a garland of flowers around their heads.As the minutes ticked by I became more and more nervous. The Julie came in carrying a bouquet of flowers which she gave to me.”Well Susan, I think you are ready to meet your “husband”. Follow me and we will get the show on the road”I stood up and Linda and Cindy adjusted my veil and then fell in behind me as Julie led me downstairs to the club. My legs felt wobbly as I walked down the stairs, clutching my bouquet of flowers in front of me, to be sold off for sex.Julie led the way and motioned for me to wait as she went up on to the stage. She clapped her hands to attract the attention of the men in the room and they all fell silent and turned towards her.”Gentlemen” she said in a loud voice, ” As you know tonight is a very special night. We have a new girl coming to join us and when you see her I think you will agree that she is very beautiful indeed” Julie waved her hand at me and Linda whispered to me to walk on to the stage.I trembled as I walked from the shadows and in to the light on the stage. Linda and Cindy followed me and as I neared Julie she took hold of my hand and guided me to her side. I glanced out at the crowd of men, aware that they were all staring just at me and knowing that soon I would be bedded by one of them.Julie spoke again as some of the men gave me a wolf whistle.”This is Susan, and as you can see she is a very pretty girl. As most of you will know it is the custom at this club to mark the occasion in a very special way. You will all have the chance to bid for Susan and the lucky winner will have her as his “bride” for the night. And Susan does make a lovely bride as you can see.To make the night even more special, I should tell you that Susan has not yet slept with a man and what you will be getting is a real virgin bride.”Julie then told me to sit on one of the chairs that had been brought out on to the stage for myself and my “bridesmaids”. We sat as Julie then reminded the men that whoever put up the greatest bid would have me for the night as his bride. The second and third highest bids would take Linda and Cindy. The men had to write their bids down and hand them into Julie within the next hour.I sat there on the stage as the hour slowly passed by. Some of the men would come up to the stage and look me over and I could sense that I certainly appealed to most of them. Linda would laugh and joke with those that she recognised and so would Cindy. I smiled nervously if they tried to speak to me and blushed when they made comments as to how good they would be at helping me lose my “virginity”I felt both terrified and yet aroused at the thought that soon I would be taken upstairs by one of these men and that they would use me as a woman. I glanced at some of the men and tried to imagine what it would like if it was them who won me. I could see the clock on the wall opposite edge round as the hour finally passed.Julie came back on to the stage and clapped her hands. There was immediate silence from the men in the room. She had three sheets of paper in her hands and as she sorted them into order she spoke”Right Gentlemen, I have your bids and I am pleased to say that the bids have been very high tonight. Well, I must admit, Susan is a very pretty girl and I am sure she will give one of you a wonderful “honeymoon” tonight”She glanced at me and smiled. She then proceeded to announce the three highest bids in reverse order. As she called out the names of the men that had just bid too low, they each came on to the stage and put their arms around Linda and Cindy. Then it was to be my turn and I felt my heart pounding and my knees tremble as I waited for her to announce who it was that would take me to bed with him.”And the man who is to be the lucky groom for such a lovely bride as Susan, is” she paused and the men went silent. “And the groom is Peter”I could hardly look as a man leapt up from the floor and on to the stage. But terrified as I was I had to see who was going to make love to me.Peter stood in front of me and as I raised my head I found that he was tall and I had to look up in to his face. I was in for a pleasant surprise for Peter turned out to be quite handsome and young. He had blonde wavy hair and he smiled down at me in a pleasant way.Julie announced that it was time for Peter to kiss his bride and she raised my veil as Peter bent over me and kissed me full on the lips. The affect was amazing. Nervous though I was I felt my body respond to his touch. Peter swept me up in to is arms and carried me from the stage to the cheers of the rest of the men.I heard some of them shout, “Give her one for me, you lucky bastard”I was carried upstairs to a room which had been designated as the “bridal suite”. Julie, Cindy, Linda and the men with them followed us in to the room. Julie told Peter to put me down so that Linda and Cindy could make me ready for my “honeymoon”As Peter and the other men watched Linda and Cindy took my bouquet of flowers from me an unzipped my dress, which fell to the floor leaving me standing just in my underwear and veil. I stood there with my eyes lowered feeling very nervous but slowly raised them to look at the men.I could tell from the look on their faces that I pleased them standing there in my basque and stockings. I turned to look at Peter. His face also showed that he liked what he saw and the bulging in his trousers revealed even more to me.I trembled at the thought that that bulge was caused by his dick and that soon he would put it inside me. He was so tall and I wondered with some trepidation if his dick was just as big.Julie took hold of Linda and Cindy’s arms and led them and the other men out of the room. As she left she turned to Peter and said,”Now Peter, its time for the happy couple to consummate their wedding. Susan is very nervous so please be gentle with her. I would suggest that it would be best to give her a good shag straight off, it will help her to relax and then you will have the rest of the night to try some thing more special.”I gulped and trembled as I her Julie telling Peter to take me quickly, and yet, I wanted to be shagged and to feel as a woman feels with a man thrusting in to her. I heard the door close and then looked up to see Peter come towards me. My heart raced as I waited for his touch.Peter raised my veil and pulled me to him. He kissed me hard and long and I felt his hands on my breasts. At his touch my body responded instantly and I felt my nipples harden and my body ache to be joined with his. I could feel his hard penis pressing against me and wanted it inside me.Our lips parted and spoke”I think you had best take your shoes off, Susan” and I quickly removed them, eager to obey and yet still almost terrified at what was to come.He led me to the kingsize bed and laid me on it. I lay back as he gently removed my panties, giving vagina a little stroke with his hand as he did so. He tossed my panties away saying that I would not be needing them again that night and then he stood before me as he undressed.Terrified as I was I was also eager to see what lay behind the bulge in his trousers. He removed his shirt, shoes and socks and then unzipped his fly. His manhood almost came tumbling out as he took off his trousers and then his shorts.My eyes widened as I saw his penis in all its glory. It was so long and rigid and soon it would be thrusting in to my vagina.”Now I promise I will be gentle, sweet Susan” he said as he eased my legs apart and gone on top of me.I braced myself and my breathing became very light as I waited for the touch of his penis against my thigh. And then I felt it as Peter used his hand to guide his penis to the lips of my vagina. I was about to become a real woman!I could feel his penis, hot and hard touch my labia and then felt Peter’s body move as he trust it into me. His penis slid past my clitoris and I gasped loudly. The feeling was exquisite! And then I felt his penis thrust deeper and my head began to whirl with pleasure.I lay my head back on the pillow as Peter began thrusting in and out. Each stroke of his penis inside my vagina was heavenly and I began to moan with sheer elation. Peter seemed pleased that he had brought me to climax so quickly and he began to fondle my breasts at the same time. This made my orgasm even more intense.Using a dildo had been nothing like this. My vagina was filled with a warm living penis and it stimulated my clitoris so much more than the dildo had ever done.I could feel Peter thrust quicker and quicker and then his body shuddered as he too reached a climax. For the first time I felt what it was like to have a man come inside me and fill my vagina with semen. To me it was heaven! and now I was truly all woman!Peter’s body shuddered as he forced the last drop of semen in to my vagina and then he collapsed on top of me exhausted. I was also exhausted yet my body felt so complete. I lay under Peter and revelled in the fact that I was no longer a virgin.Peter kissed me and I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back with fervour. He whispered in my ear,”Well Susan, how does it feel to lose your virginity?”I replied,”Wonderful. You made me feel so alive”Peter smiled and I could tell that he knew that I was so aroused that I wanted more. He said,”I will need a few minutes before I can mount you again, but seeing as you are so keen to perform your wifely duties, you can suck my dick, but first I think you should get undressed fully so that I can see your lovely body”I quickly undressed as Peter lay on the bed watching me and then I lay on the bed with my head in his lap. I took his penis in my mouth and began to lick and suck it with enthusiasm. As I did so Peter began stroking my vagina with his fingers and this was enough in itself to bring me to climax.I was quickly learning that as a woman my orgasms just grew and grew as long as my cunt was being touched. Having it touched by a man made my orgasms even more intense and I knew that I could not live without such pleasure.After only a few minutes sucking Peter’s penis I could feel it stiffen in my mouth as Peter came aroused again. My heart leapt at the knowledge that soon he would thrust it inside my body again.Peter motioned for me to stop sucking his penis and for me to turn my body way from him. I realised that he intended to take me from behind and I showed my willingness by going on to my knees and hands and raising my bottom up for him.I felt Peter use his hands to spread my legs a little wider apart as guided his penis between my legs and in to my vagina. As he thrust it home it made me start. The feeling was even more intense this way as he began to thrust and thrust. Peter had his hands around my breasts, fingering my nipples as he pulled my body on to his thrusting penis.Peter was able to really pull my body on to his penis and it penetrated my vagina so deeply that I could really feel him deep inside me. My vagina was perfect and I felt the most fantastic orgasm as Peter shafted me harder and harder.I realised that I was groaning with sheer pleasure and türbanlı yalova escort bayan thus made Peter thrust even more energetically. The rest of the night passed with me being fucked several times and by the morning I was exhausted. Peter had left me alone in the room and once I woke I lay there thinking of the night before. I was no longer a virgin and even more startling was the fact that I was so eager to be fucked all over again.Julie came in to the room at about 8am and told me that I should get up and have some breakfast. “Well Susan, What is like not being a virgin any more?””Wonderful” I replied unable to get the grin off my face.Julie told me that I would be on call from noon and that I should get bathed and do my hair and make up.”There is no point in getting dressed, Just put on a basque and stockings. You can wear panties until 12 but then you may as well take them off ready”I did as I was told and wearing only basque, stockings and panties with a negligee over the top I joined Linda and Cindy in the living room. They too asked me how I had felt at losing my virginity and I repeated that it had been wonderful.Us girls just sat around the living room reading and talking to pass the time. Linda told me stories of the different men she had had sex with and the variety of positions that it was possible to be fucked in. She also told me more about how the club operated. except for week ends clients usually just came to the club anytime between noon and 2 am and chose a girl to take up to one of the rooms. Occasionally a party would be booked and of course the girls were all included in the amenities.At weekends Julie would sometimes arrange special evenings, like my “wedding night” or organise some games.Julie gave me an example of one of the games called “musical chairs.”Apparently about a dozen men would sit on chairs in the middle of the room. They would have removed their trousers and underpants and would watch an equal number of us girls walk around them naked while the music played. The idea was to arouse them in to getting an erection so that when the music stopped, the girl could sit on a man’s lap facing him and impale herself on his penis. The last girl to get her man to climax would be eliminated. The whole process would begin again with one less man and one less girl. If any man was unable to get a hard on while the girls danced around, he was replaced with some one else.”Usually the substitutes have got a real hard on by then and there the easiest to get to come” hinted Julie.The game was finished when there was only one girl and one man left. The winner, it was always the man, was then allowed to take the girl away for a good hours shagging free of charge.”I was the last girl once when we had started with 18 chairs. The man who won had come on as a substitute when we were down to only two. Which of course meant that when he took me away for an hours shagging, he was still fresh. I was so exhausted, what with 18 fucks in the game and the hour with him afterwards”At 12 o’clock Julie came in and told us to take off our panties. Seeing the other girls with their vagina exposed made me realize how perfect my looked. It was exactly like theirs.After only a few minutes a man came in and after agreeing a price with Julie took hold of Linda’s hand and went upstairs. This left only Cindy and I. The next man looked at each of us in turn and then pointed at me and said,”I have not seen her before, What’s her name?”Julie told him I was called Susan and the man said he would have me. I took hold of his outstretched hand and went upstairs with him. Julie had said that he had paid for an hour and I was to do anything he wished.Despite my experiences of the previous night I was still a little nervous. The man seemed to like this and told me to lie on the bed while he removed his clothes.The rooms all had wardrobes in which all sorts of sex toys were kept. The man opened it and took out some silk cord with which he tied my hands and feet to the four corners of the bed. I could not resist him as he was so forceful.Next he took out a battery operated dildo and easing my thighs apart inserted it in to my vagina and switched it on.”I just want to warm you up, Susie” he said as he sat back and watched me tremble with pleasure. He left me to experience the dildo for nearly five minutes. My body shook with pleasure and I could see his penis becoming more and more erect. Finally he came over to the bed and removed the dildo and put is penis in instead.I was already climaxing and so the feeling of his penis penetrating me only served to keep me on a high. When he had finally come himself he got off me and without a word replaced the dildo and switched it back on.He kept repeating this for the whole hour which meant that I was kept in a state of orgasm all the time. By the time his hour was up I was exhausted and my vagina felt as if my orgasm would never fade.”Well I enjoyed that Susan”, he said as he untied me and helped me to my feet. I could hardly walk without climaxing, so sensitive had my vagina become. I was still smiling when I returned to the lounge.Linda looked at me and said that I looked flushed and I told her what had happened. She laughed and said that he always did that to the girls he picked.”You will find your cunt will be so sensitive now for the rest of the day. I bet we will never get the grin off your face. Well Susan, now your learning what its like to be a prostitute. What ever they want they get and we girls just have to lie back and take it”I only had 10 minutes rest when I was chosen again. This time I had to suck his dick first and then he shagged me from behind. I was told to bark like a dog as he howled. While he rested waiting to become hard enough to shag me again I was told to suck his dick.The rest of the day went on like that. I was lucky to get even 10 minutes between men and each time they all wanted to fuck me in their own peculiar way. I was fucked with them lying on top of me or with me on top of them. I was fucked from behind, tied up and fucked.I told to suck their dicks and some even sucked my cunt after first shagging me.We had a short break to have some food at 6 o’clock but even then I was whisked away to be shagged. Julie had some work men in to re-carpet the lounge and she even offered the three men a free fuck of Linda, Cindy and me. I was learning quickly that I was there to be used and used I was.It was only when I was back in my room after a very long day being fucked that I realised that I had lost count of how many men had shagged me. And this was only my first day of the three months. Julie came to my room as I lay there exhausted and gave me the capsule which I had forgotten all about. I was trapped here in the brothel!The next three months eventually passed by. I must have been shagged by at least 10 men a day for nearly 90 days making approximately 900 men who had used me. The number of times that I had been fucked was much, much higher as most of them were capable of fucking me 4 times in the session. So I had been fucked nearly 3600 times by the end of the three months.I took part in Julie’s special evenings and even won “musical chairs” on two occasions. Julie was very creative and on another evening she arranged a reconstruction of an historical event. This was where Messilina, the wife of the roman emperor, Claudius, challenged the leading whore in Rome to see who could be fucked by the most men, one after the other.I was selected by Julie to play Messilina and Linda played the Whore of Rome. We were led on to the stage and stripped naked by two men from the audience.Two four poster beds were then placed on the stage and Linda and I were placed on them with our arms and legs tied to each of the posts. For the rest of the evening all the men in the club were invited to fuck us repeatedly. As the club was full it meant that Linda and I were kept very busy. Once my orgasm started with the first man to fuck me I was kept in a state of ecstasy all night. I could feel the pool of semen gradually soaking the mattress below by bottom. By the end of the evening all the men at the club must have fucked Linda and I at least twice. In the real historical event, the contest finished when the Whore of Rome said she could take no more fucking. In our version neither Linda or I were allowed to say we had had enough. We just had to lie there and be fucked all night.Julie declared the contest a draw and Linda and I were untied and helped away. My legs ached and my vagina was rubbed sore with so many penis being thrust in to it. Even so I was smiling!On another special evening Julie again selected me for a special role. I was led naked on to the stage and tied to a bed with my legs spread wide apart. straps were placed over my waist and across my thighs so that I could not move my body at all.Julie then produced a massive vibrator which she invited a younf man from the floor to insert up my vagina. I gasped as he winked at me and gave it a little extra push.I lay there unable to move as Julie announced that for the rest of the evening I was to be “warmed up”. What she meant was that the vibrator was to be turned on and left to vibrate up my cunt for the rest of the night. Julie turned the vibrator on and I was soon graoning with pleasure that had no end to it.The evening wore on and I began to dream as my body was kept in a permanent state of climax. There were times when I thought I would pass out with sheer pleasure but some how I stayed awake.As if having a vibrator up me was not enough, Julie also encouraged men to come up and have me suck their cocks for them, or for one of the other girls to wamk them off so that they come all over me.By the end of the evening I was nearly delerious with ecstasy and covered in semen. The final act was when Julie switched off the vibrator and undid the straps about my waist and thighs but left me tied to the bed. I was then offered to any of the men who wanted to fuck me for free! I lost count of how many actually did fuck me but I was kept busy for another two hours at least.Not all the special events took place at the club. Occaisionally girls would be hired out for the weekend and would be taken to whereever the party was. One Friday afternoon Julie met me as I came down stairs after having had sex with 2 men at the same time (One had fucked me whilst the other had his penis in my mouth for me to suck)Julie told me to bathe and to dress in just a basque, panties, stockings and shoes. I had an hour to get ready.hen Julie returned I stood there in my underwear and Jule looked me up and down and smiled,”Very nice, Susan, now put this coat on you are going away for the weekend”Julie handed me a long fur coat which I put on and fastened. With the coat on it was impossible to tell that I was not fully dressed. I followed Julie out to a car and got in to the back seat.We drove for nearly two hours before pulling up outside a large country house. Julie told me to get out of the car and to follow her in to the house. I did as I was told.Inside the house Julie was met by a man whom Julie called Greg. I could hear Julie speaking with him and then she turned to me.”Take off your coat, Susan” she said and when I done so Jukie took it from me.”I think you will agree, Susan is a very pretty girl and I am sure you and your friends will find her very willing and will do everything she is told”Greg looked at me and smiled as Julie continued,”The case contains some little toys which you can use if you wish. Now do you want Susan dressed as she is or do you want her naked?”Greg said that for the time being he wanted me to stay as I was but then added,”Perhas she should remove her panties for now”Julie told me to remove my panties which I did and Greg grinned when he looked at my bushy cunt. Julie then took something from the case and fastened a collar and chain around my neck. She handed one end of the chain to Greg and said,”Well, Susan is all yours. I will come back on Monday morning for her. Just remember to feed her and of course she will need to use the toilet from time to time. You may watch her of course” she added.Julie left and Greg smiled at me as he led me down the hallway and up the stairs. I had no choice but to follow and was led in to a large bedroom were türbanlı escort yalova I was told to lie on the bed. Greg fastened the chain to the end of the bed and was about to leave when he looked back at me and grinned,”Oh what the hell, I may as well see what you are like before the other come”As he spoke he took off his clothes and climbed on top of me. Quickly he thrust his penis up me and began to pump. It did not take him long before he came and of course I began to climax too.When he had finished and had dressed again he smiled at me,”Very nice, Susan, You shag very nicely. Just as well, when the other arrive you will be kept very busy”Before leaving me in the room, he told me to spread my legs. I did as I was told and from the case he took out some more chains and straps and attached them to my ankles. The other ends he attached to the corners of the bed. With the chain around my neck and ankles it meant that I could not move very much and had no alternative but to lie there with my legs wide apart.I thought that was how he was going to leave me, but instead he took a vibrtaor from the case. The vibrator was electric and he plugged it in before sliding it up the inside of my thigh.”This will keep you warm for the others” he said as he slide the vibrator in to my vagina and with a wink of his eye swithed it on.As Greg left the room the gentle pulsating off the vibrators sent me in to a state of orgasm. I lay on the bed alone, my body being filled with sheer pleasure.I must have been left alone for some hours because it had gone dark by the time that Greg returned. By this time I had been kept in such a state of climax that my mind was wondering and I was groaning as each pulse of the vibrator made my body tremble with sheer pleasure.I was vaguely aware that Greg was not alone and that he and some other men were standing grinning at me as I writhed with pleasure. I heard one man say something about me looking pretty, especially if I was completey naked.The next thing I knew was that some one had taken hold of my head and something warm and wet being pressed against my lips.”Watch out she does not bite it off” some one said as I was made to open my mouth wide enough for a penis to be pushed in to it. Instictively I began to suck and lick it and I could hear graons from some one as if the were an echo of my own.Suddenly my mouth was filled with hot sticky semen and I had no choice but to swallow and as I did so I could hear laughter in the background.”Bring her in to the other room” somebody said and I felt the chains around my ankles being loosened. Then another voice said,”Get her kit off too”I felt my basque and stockings being removed and all the time the vibrator kept buzzing in my cunt.Suddenly it stopped and I was made to get up off the bed. Shakily I stood and was led off in to another room where I was made to lie on a lare settee. I could now see that I was in a room with about 8 men, all of whom were drinking and laughing.I was lain on the settee and my ankles were again fastened so that my legs were wide apart. As soon as I was settled the vibrator was again pushed in to my vagina and swithched on.Another of Julie’s special evening was prompted by the session I had had with the vibrator. Julie announced one evening that tonight was to be a special night and looking at me she said,”And I want you, Susan, to take part. Be ready at 7 o’clock”I was just about to ask what I should wear when Julie turned, smiled and added,”Naked I think, just bathe and put on some make up and be ready at 7 o’clock, naked”That evening I did as I was told and stood in the club completely naked. As the guest came in, I greeted them and had to put up with some leering looks. By 7.30 the room was full and Julie took hold of my hand and led me to the stage. Turning she announced me with the words,”Gentlemen, You will remember Susan, one of the girls who gave us such a good time with a vibrator. Well we have improved on that little vibrator.” she turned to the edge of the stage and contined,”Bring on the Orgasmatron”Two of the girls wheeled a machine on the stage. It was like a work out machine but it was wired up to the electrics and it had retaining straps all around it. I was soon to find out why.Julie motioned for me to sit on the seat of the machine. Obediently I obeyed and sat down in the middle of it. Taking my ankles Julie proceeded to fasten them on to little platforms so that my legs were spread apart. I was told to lie back and strech my arms out to the side where my wrists were fastened to two more platforms. My head was also fastened by putting a clasp around my throat, not tight but just enough to stop me from lifting my head.Julie turned a small handle and my legs were pulled even further apart. At the same time my arms were stretched slightly so that I could not move. The Julie came around to my front and I felt her spread some KY jelly around my vagina and inside my labia. I was all keyed up and the mere touch of her fingers on my labia made my body trembel.Next Julie turned another handle and I could see that a phallus was attached to the machine which was lining up with my vagina. Carefully Julie lined the phallus up with my vagina and then advanced it so that soon it was inserted snugly inside.To my surpise it was throbbing and expanding and contacting in girth. My sensations began to swim and I began to climax, the phallus was so real the way it felt. It was like having a real penis penatrating me. Julie finished her prepararations and turned to the audience. She smiled at me and said,”Soon you will see Susan sent in to the realms of sheer extascy as she has orgasm after orgasm, each one getting more intense. Will she last out? We shall have to see, w’ont we?”Julie turned to me and grinned as she picked up a remote control.She flicked a switch and suddenly I felt the phallus begin to move in and out of my vagina. As it moved it also changed in width, getting wider as it was slid out and then reducing in width as it entered only to widen again as it slid all the way in.At the same time the whole seat was moved forward on to the phallus and then eased back as it came out. I realised that my legs were being gently pulled so that they spread further apart then relaxed back.The pleasure was so intense that I began to moan with sheer pleasure. Julie flicked another switch and the whole contraption began to speed up. Faster and faster it went until thankfully it began to slow. My moans got louder and louder as it speeded up but when it slowed down the phallus stayed a its maximum width and for several strokes it slowly and with great effect made me climax as if a man was coming inside of me.Julie grinned at the sight of me having orgasm after orgasm. She turned to the men and said,”Well Susan is certainly a game girl, Should I switch it off or should I leave it a while longer?”The men eagerly said to leave it switched on. The sight of me racked with pleasure would arouse many of them and so I had to grin and bare it. In all I was on the machine for the rest of the night and when I finally was released I did not know where I was. Linda came up to me a led me to my room where I slept until it was time for the club to open again.Thankfully I did not have to use the orgasmaton every night. The other girls took turns but I still hold the record for the longest time on it. As the three months neared the end I wondered what Dr Knowles would say to me. I was sitting in the lounge one day, resting after being shagged all morning by a man who had paid for my services for the entire morning. He was home on leave from an Oil Rig and I must have been on the receiving end of a whole months shagging.I looked up and saw Dr Knowles. At first I thought that he was going to speak to me but he spoke to Julie instead. The next minute Julie had turned to me and told me to get upstairs with Dr Knowles. Obediently I did as I was told.In the room Dr Knowles studied me. I was standing there wearing only black lace stockings, high heels and a basques.”Very nice Susan. Very nice indeed. Julie has been telling me how cooperative you have been these last three months and I have heard reports that you have become a very good whore”I was unsure what whether he had come to talk to me or what, when he began to undress. He motioned for me to remove my basque which I did immediately. My three months had taught me to respond immediately when a man told me to do something.”I just wanted to find out how complete a woman I made you. Now lie on the bed, leave the stockings on and spread your legs for me.” Dr Knowles spoke very softly and I obeyed. I was the totally submissive whore now and I lay back on the bed and spread my legs wide for him.Dr Knowles lay on top of me and eased his penis in to my vagina. Three months training made me instinctively help him by wiggling my pelvis until his penis was comfortably inside me. He smiled and called me a good girl as he began to thrust in to me.I began to arch my back with each thrust of his penis and my orgasms began. My head rolled from side to side and I moaned with undisguised pleasure.Before he could come he rolled me over on to my face and took me from behind. His hands cupping my breasts as he pulled me on to penis. This time he came and collapsed on my back.”Very good, indeed, Susan. And I see you enjoy it too”He lay back on the bed and said,”Now I am going to tell you what happens now that your three months is up” He paused and then added,”Be a good girl and suck my cock while I talk” I obeyed and wrapped my lips around his penis and began to suck.Dr Knowles started to speak but I could tell that my tongue on his shaft was giving him pleasure.”It is now time to tell you why we were asked to transform you. I will not tell you the person’s name and it would do you no good anyway. All the documents you signed say that you wished to become a woman and I can produce witnesses to say that you signed willingly.”I could hear his words but the taste of his cum dribbling from his penis was of even more interest to me.Dr Knowles jerked as my tongue explored the tip of his penis, but he carried on.”You once insulted this woman, so I am told, you acted very dominant and chauvinistic towards her. Well she came in to a lot of money and decided to get her revenge. She wanted you to learn what it is like to be so submissive, It was my idea to transform you in to a woman and the idea of making you work in a brothel was my idea also and I think it has worked very well. It really showed how submissive you had become. Now Susan bend over while I shaft you”I obeyed without hesitation and felt Dr Knowles part my thighs and plunge his penis into me.As he thrust he spoke, his voice somewhat out of breath.”As far as she is concerned the revenge is complete. She really was tickled pink to hear that you were working as a whore and I sent her a video Julie made of one or two of your nights of passion. She can see for herself just how submissive you have become”Dr Knowles then told me that since my operation I had never needed the capsules at all. The female hormones in my body were antidote enough, he said. As far as he and the woman I had insulted were concerned I was now free to lead my own life.He smiled at my dazed expression. Free to live my own life. Not my old life, of course, but my own life as a woman. I was wealthy too thanks to the lottery win. It was all too much to take in and all I could think of was that Julie would be expecting me to return to the lounge in case any more men came in.”If you are finished, I have to go back downstairs, there may be someone waiting” I said still stunned by what he had said.Dr Knowles waived his hand as if to say he finished with me and I put my basques and shoes back on and went downstairs. There was someone waiting and Julie sent me straight back upstairs with him. I passed Dr Knowles coming down the stairs and he looked at me and shook his head.”Susan, you can stop now, if you want. You do realise that?”I replied quite simply that Julie expected me to do my job as I entered the room to be fucked again.Dr Knowles’s treatment had been so totally effective that I had become a completely submissive woman and a prostitute. It took several days before I realised that I no longer had to work in the brothel, days during which I was fucked, over and over again.I really did think about leaving, but where to and to do what? I had become a whore and I could think of nothing else but being fucked day in day out. That is why I still work at the club. I am not quite as submissive now and have even bought a part share in the club. But old habits die-hard and when Julie tells me to take a man upstairs, I obey instantly! ??

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