First Surrender

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The room with quiet curtains, her hand trembling on the doorknob. Step inside, the world changes. Choose to step inside. Choose.

He waits, just inside. A big, imposing figure, yet the smile is friendly. She hangs for a moment in the balance between yes and no, between her old life and new. She steps inside.

Yes, he nods, in approval. The first step is the hardest. She hugs her arms to herself, shivering. Removes her coat. His eyes travel across her body, the full soft breasts, the exaggerated roundness of her hips, her long solid legs. Take off your shoes, he says. She slips them off with relief. Easy. Wriggles her toes in the room’s carpeting. The first surrender.

Now the skirt, he smiles. She loves the way her legs feel under the skirt, breeze blowing up against her body as she walks outside, the freedom of her knees, soft drapes of fabric caressing her thighs as she sits. Loves the way it forms a concealing curtain around the roundness of her belly, the extra curves, no longer smooth, hiding the expanse of her body. Loves the waistband hugging her waist.

The skirt, he says, smiling a little less. She pulls it past her hips, lets it fall to the floor.

Because she knew she would come here … because she knew he would like it … she is wearing the black lace. The one-piece garment holds her breasts up firm and high, creates the desired cleavage, makes her chest magnificent. She is proud of her chest, clothed. Not the soft pillows of breasts she cradles while she sleeps. But this created breast, a soft shelf, adorned, which moves with each breath.

Unbidden, she unbuttons the shirt, letting it fall open, revealing the bounty of creamy flesh and rose-patterned lace. His smile is broad again. She can see the hardness begin beneath his robe. She longs to cross the room, lay her head on his chest. But she will follow his timing.

This is his game.

Beautiful, he says, you do not need to be shy with me. She sighs, stands a little straighter. Her eyes are afraid to meet his for more than a moment.

Come here. She leaves her clothing on the floor, steps toward him.

The hand around her waist is surprisingly firm. The other hand cups her chin, raises her eyes to meet his. Look at me, he says, unsmiling. Whatever happens here, it’s for both of us, for both our pleasure. But you are mine. Your time is mine. And you will do exactly as I say. Understood?

His sternness at once thrills her and alarms her. What might happen here? Could she escape even if she wanted to, half-dressed, against the will of this man who towers over her, commands her with his velvety voice. She shivers, nods. He tightens his grip slightly, and she relaxes into it.

His lips graze her ear, and she closes her eyes, awaiting his kiss. But he does not kiss. He whispers, right into her ear: I will fuck you. Because I want you, and you are mine. You will lie on the bed, he whispers. I will not tie your hands. You will lie obediently, because I command you to. Held in place by the sheer force of my will.

She walks to the bed with slow, dream-like steps, her eyes downcast, disappointment welling in her chest. No bindings. She had longed to be bound, with soft cords, elastic cords, wrists together, arms raised above her head. Longed for the surrender of offering her wrists to him for the binding, knowing with that symbolic act she forfeited any hope of escape.

He senses her sadness, addresses it at once. You regret this, baby girl? he asks. She shakes her head slowly. He smiles, lifting a cord from a drawer in the table next to the bed. You desire the bindings then? She smiles, and he traces her smile with a loop of velvet cord, then pulls it across her breasts, across the curve of her hip, the front of her thigh, the inside of her thigh, making her tremble as she sex hikayeleri stands.

On the bed, he says. She sits, and his palm against her heart presses her back. Give them here, he commands. She offers her wrists, feeling the first surge of wetness between her legs. His knowing eyes understand. He raises her arms, encircles her wrists, fastens them to the headboard. Steps back to admire his work, as she rolls slightly from side to side, trying to arrange herself in a comfortable position.

She fears the other devices which may be in that bedside drawer, metal clamps, tiny cuffs, long plastic cocks … She is curious, but fears their invasion. But he has closed the drawer. Only his body, now naked, feels like a threat.

He approaches with a pillow, and she feels a moment of panic. Suffocation? She is helpless now. One leg kicks out involuntarily. But he slips the pillow beneath her head almost tenderly, brushes the hair away from her face. Rests one hand on her pounding heart. Easy, baby girl, he says. I won’t take you anywhere you don’t want to go. Traces her lips with one finger.


Now this body … he says, and she winces, turns her head. Self-consciousness makes her blush, turn her face. She wishes it was a better body, a proud body, curves only in the best places, firm and young and desirable. She wishes …

Look at me, he says. This body is mine. You cannot hide it from me. I will know every sweet, soft inch. You cannot be ashamed before me. Because this is mine. I will enjoy it and appreciate it, and you will open yourself to me. Understand?

She nods, still flush with embarassment. Lovely body, he says, calming her, his hands caressing it. You will enjoy how much I appreciate your body.

He strokes her long legs, and she feels them relax under his touch. My body, he says. Mine. To do with as I please. She nods, the warmth of his hand spreading through her lower half, causing her to throb inside her panties. She wills his hand to travel there, and can tell he senses that. But his hand instead touches the crease of her elbow, the back of her knee, the bottom of the big toe, the front of her throat. She shivers, feels her nipples grow hard. His hand brushes against them, pinches one gently, then more firmly. Pinches the other firmly. Slips one hand beneath the bra and lifts out a breast, kneading it with his hand, his thumb flicking the nipple back and forth, watching it contract into a tiny purple bud. Mine, he says, squeezing the nipple. Mine. The electric feeling travels to that sensitive point between her legs, and she squeezes her legs together.

Good girl, he smiles.

He brings his lips to her soft belly, lets his beard graze across her hip, his tongue leaving a warm, wet trail, dipping momentarily into her navel. Hands cupping and caressing her belly, the soft belly which had made her feel shy, now contracting with shivers of pleasure. She is glad the garment remains in place — and the instant she thinks it, feels him begin to tug it away, slipping it over her hips, flinging it to one side of the bed. He smiles at her appreciatively. Nothing to hide. Nowhere to hide, little girl. No way to hide from me.

He opens the drawer next to the bed, and she feels the apprehension return. He removes a blindfold. This will make you more comfortable, he chuckles, slipping the elastic band softly around her eyes. She struggles briefly to see around the barrier, underneath it. Then sighs and allows her focus to turn inward. It is comfortable, the warm darkness, the soft pillow, the stretchy bindings around her wrist… .

His hand has grasped her suddenly, hard, between the legs, and she lets out a little cry. Squirms to back away from the squeezing fingers, which clutch her pubic hair into his fist, one knuckle brushing her porno hikayeleri clit. She feels his beard tickle her ear. This is mine too, mine, he says sternly. You will open yourself to me.

Legs shaking, she tries to spread her knees. Shyness, fear keeps her thighs together. She feels his hands pushing them apart, lifts her head and strains to see. Seeing nothing, her head falls back on the pillow. Her knees sag in surrender. She can hear him laugh.

Yes, like that, angel, he says, stroking her inner thigh tenderly, releasing her hairs. She feels the smooth roundness of his shaved head brush past her thighs, then his warm breath against her. A luxurious feeling, making her sigh catch in her chest. She lifts her hips involuntarily, just an inch. Awaiting his touch. His smooth, firm tongue finds not the target she desires, the trembling eager bud, but instead probes deep within her. Her nipples harden again. She contracts, trying to pull him farther in.

A moan escapes her lips, as the tongue presses deeper, presses upward, until his face is buried, his nose pressing that sensitive spot.

The pleasure washes over her in waves, her hands absentmindedly pulling against her cords, her head tossing side to side, lost in the sensation.

Suddenly the tongue withdraws, sweeping upward, an electric shock of feeling that nearly lifts her from the bed. Then she feels nothing. Can hear him chuckle again, watching her writhe.

She is afraid to speak. Afraid to know what will come next, afraid the pleasure will never return. After a few moments, she wants to call out to him, but suppresses the urge. She hears nothing. Rests, feeling her heart beat in the throbbing between her legs.

Then she feels his finger on her cheek. No, it is not his finger. Hot and smooth, leaving a moist trail of fluid, he traces her face with his hard member, she feels it push gently into her ear, her neck, her hair.

She turns her head, lips parted, hoping to find it with her tongue. He rests the head briefly against her lips, nudging. She forms the wet oval eagerly, beckoning him to slide into her mouth, blindfolded, nodding. He slides in a little way, allows her a few firm sucks. Then pulls away.

He laughs softly at her disappointed moan. You want more of this? he asks. You will have it all. Everywhere.

He presses the head of his hardness into one breast, and thrusts firmly a few times, then pulls it back and forth against the hardened nipple. He pulls the other breast toward him, treats it the same. She shudders as one hand strokes her belly, traveling ever lower, lower, slowly.

Willing his hand again to that most sensitive place, she feels his forearm now press lightly against her, and she raises her hips to meet it.

Where do you want to feel me? he asks. Here? His thumb presses firmly between her legs, and she gasps at the intensity of the sensation. Here? A long finger strokes her. She realizes how wet she has become, how eager. Here? The finger pushes inside her, and is greeted with a spasm, the first shudder of orgasm.

Oh, no, no, he smiles. Not yet, baby girl. The hand pulls away, and the next spasm is soft, fading away to nothing.

You will find release when I say, not before. Understood? She nods frantically, biting her lip. Squeezing her thighs together. He pets her lower leg soothingly, calming her.

All parts of you belong to me, he tells her somberly. His fingers pinch her ear lobe, her ankle, her buttocks. Behind the blindfold, she waits, wondering where she will feel him next. One finger tickles the back of her knee. Then the curve beneath a breast. Then the nape of her neck. She sighs, smiles. But the next pinch, on her nipple, stings a little. Then at her waist, pinching firmly, twisting slightly. Her smile fades.

Her seks hikayeleri mouth falls open in a gasp as he dips one finger into her wetness, then brushes it against her lips, coating them. Her tongue shyly tastes the slippery, salty liquid. Then he presses his lips full against hers, kissing the moisture away. She moans a dreamy sound, smelling the scent on his breath. With another kiss, he has pulled away.

He dips the finger back between her legs, then slides it suddenly underneath her, and up inside her. The brief pain is followed by tingling, then a comfortable soft feeling. He wiggles the finger, to bring the pain back again. But soon, there is only the pleasant, tingling feeling. She rocks forward a little, rocks back against the finger that impales her, riding it in tiny increments.

His other hand presses two fingers deep into the wetness, slowly, to take advantage of her movements. She rides both intrusions now, raising and lowering her hips a little faster, reveling in the fullness, feeling her orgasm begin to build again.

She moans, longing for him to touch the spot that throbs between her legs, create her release.

She feels him lean in, bringing his tongue again to her, feels him tracing upward from his own hand, now deep within her as she writhes, upward by tiny fractions of an inch, her anticipation building.

She moves her hips more desperately, willing his tongue higher. He sweeps it upward again, circling, and her sharp intake of breath makes him smile. She feels the smile against her trembling. He circles again, and again, allowing the orgasm to build, his hands probing, tongue teasing.

He stops, fingers buried within her. Only when I say, remember? he says. But his voice is kind.

She speaks now. Please. Please what? Please, sir. Please.

In reply, he plunges his fingers deeper, flicks the tip of his tongue across her swollen, craving places. He speaks the word directly inside her.

Yessssssss, he says.

The vibrations push her over the top. He presses his tongue now flat against her, his fingers wiggling, letting her ride atop the orgasm, wave after wave, her hips pumping frantically, sighing ah ah ah ah, nipples contracting again into shivering buds, perspiration wetting her skin.

She loses track of time, loses herself in an orgasm which goes on and on, carrying her into unconsciousness.

She awakens feeling cold. The blindfold is gone, but her hands remain bound. She raises her head, and sees that her ankles are now bound as well, to each corner post of the bed. Sir? she calls. He is sitting in a chair across the room, watching her.

That … was wonderful, she says. He smiles. He rises and walks to the bed. He has dressed. He sits beside her, smiling.

Untie me please, she asks, straining against her wrist bindings. His smile remains unchanged, but he does not reach for the cords.

You asked for these bindings, you wanted them, remember? he says. She nods. But now I have to go home, sir.

No, you have nowhere to go, baby girl, he replies. And all this — his hand sweeps along her body — all this is mine. It stays right here.

Her smile fades and she pulls against an ankle binding. The elastic cords have been replaced by rope, tied firmly.

I don’t think that’s going to work, he says, chuckling. But … I do enjoy watching you try.

She twists against the ropes, feeling the pain as her wrist cords dig into the flesh. This was your choice, he reminds her. You chose to come here, to submit to me. And now you are mine.

She closes her eyes tightly. Wills herself to think. Memories of the sensations, the overwhelming sensations, keep nudging other thoughts aside. But she must think.

Was I gentle with you? he asks. She nods slowly. You enjoyed my taking you gently? he asks. She nods again, watching his eyes.

You will enjoy this even more, he says.

Her eyes widen as she watches him pull instruments she has never seen from the bedside drawer, metal clamps, tiny cuffs, long plastic cocks …

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