First Date

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Cynder hated blind dates. She stared into the bay window of the restaurant. She could see her reflection in it and did a quick double check. Her long blond hair was held back in a fashionable ponytail, not that the latest trends had anything to do with it. It was practical as were her light spattering of make-up and the sun dress that she wore. She smiled at her reflection. At thirty-five, few people would guess that this single mother was on her first date since high school, and in some ways her first date ever.

She watched as people bustled along the peer, shopping or dining. The day was perfect. Its late spring warmth brought out the crowds to this popular locale. She glanced nervously at her cell phone on the table next to her. She had one new text message and feared that it was her date cancelling. It was in fact her teenage daughter, telling her that she looked great and was proud of her. She shook her head, a fourteen year old proud of her mother for going on a date.

“You have a lovely smile. It was the first thing I noticed on your profile,” the soft purr caressed Cynder’s skin and did funny things to her stomach. She looked up into the blue eyes of a stunning woman about her own age. Her profile photograph did not do this woman justice. Her skin shone with a natural Southern California tan. Her platinum blond hair framed her face and fell to below her shoulders. But two things grabbed Cynder’s attention, the woman was tall and the five inch heels she wore made her tower over almost everyone in the restaurant and the halter top that she wore strained to hold the largest set of breasts that she had ever seen.

She swallowed and forced her eyes back up to the woman’s pretty face. She saw laugh lines creasing the corners of her eyes, “It’s all right. You can look. When you pay this much for your tits that’s sort of the point.”

“I’m sorry,” Cynder stammered, even more nervous that she had met the woman who was to be her first foray into this new life.

“Don’t be. Like I said, if I wanted to blend in, I’d have kept the B-cup I was born with.” She cupped both of her breasts in her hand, pushing them up and together, which was not an easy feat given that they overflowed her small hands. “These babies are my declaration of independence.”

Cynder frowned at the words as she played them over and over again in her mind. “So do you mind if I sit down?” asked her companion.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry. I have totally forgotten my manners,” Cynder rose to greet the woman, waving a hand to the vacant booth across from her.

But instead the woman stepped forward and wrapped her arms about her. Cynder felt the heat and surprising softness of those breasts pressed against her. The woman smiled down at her then slowly lowered her head. Her soft pink lips covered Cynder’s, moving back and forth slowly. Her tongue teased Cynder’s lower lip until she opened just enough for her to sweep inside. Then she pulled back, “I prefer to get the first kiss out of the way at the beginning of the date and not the end. Oh and I don’t believe in the three date rule either,” she said as she walked over and took the seat across from Cynder.

Cynder returned to her seat in the other booth, “What is the three date rule?” she asked, feeling even more out of step with the times than she had before.

The woman laughed, Jenny laughed, or at least that was the name she used on her profile. Cynder’s friend had warned that sometimes people used different names on their profiles. She had thought about doing so too, but she figured that no one would believe that Cinderella really was her name. She cursed her mother once more for her cruel sense of humor.

“The three date rule says that you don’t have sex with someone until the third date. Supposedly, you don’t want to appear too easy. Slutty. Trashy. But I figure playing the good girl with these things would be false advertising,” she studied Cynder for a moment. “But you, sugar, have good girl written all over you.”

Cynder studied the menu that the waitress had left earlier while she blushed. Did it really show that much? What was she thinking?

She had married her high school sweetheart, the only man she had ever slept with. She had followed him around the country from one minor league team to another until he finally got his big break in major league baseball. But it had been short lived, a torn ligament in his knee ended his career almost before it had begun. But by then, they had two children so Cynder Ankara bayan escort had started a daycare in their home to help pay the bills while he worked construction. Eventually, he had built her own daycare center.

But they had not been happy. Something had been missing. In the bedroom. Cynder had tried, she knew that her husband would turn most women into mush, but for some reason she just was not attracted to him like that. Eventually, he had convinced her to give swinging a try. It offered him an outlet for his needs without cheating and perhaps she would find something that interested her. She had too, just not what she or they had expected. Other women.

From the moment that another woman approached her at the first party they went too, Cynder had found the sexual spark that she had thought simply did not exist inside of her. Threesomes had become the mainstay of their sex life. Most people might think that her husband would be in male heaven, regularly having two women in his bed. But the truth was that it had ceased to become about him. It was more like he was allowed to watch as his wife had sex with her partner.

Within six months, their marriage was over. Ugly accusations of her being nothing more than a dyke thrown in the heat of an argument. Cynder might have forgiven his lapse, it was likely true after all, but the fact that their children had overheard was unforgivable. So for the past eighteen months, Cynder had remained celibate, perhaps hiding from the painful truth about herself. In fact, it had actually been her daughter and ex-husband who had created the profile on the dating site as her Mother’s Day gift. How weird was that, she thought.

“So are you?” the woman purred interrupting Cynder’s thoughts.

“Am I what?”

“A good girl?”

Cynder frowned as she considered her answer. “I’m not sure what I am anymore.”

The woman nodded as she sipped the glass of water in front of her. “One of those. Curious about what it’s like to be with another woman?”

Cynder shook her head, “Actually, that I know,” she blushed, uncertain how to explain her situation.

“Ah, yes, they explained in that first email. You were married and your husband convinced you to try swinging to add a spark to things. Only he got more than he bargained for. Poor little boy,” she smiled over the rim of her glass. “So are you bi-sexual then?”

Cynder shook her head, “I don’t think so. My ex was an athlete and hot enough that he had more than his fair share of offers. He was also a pretty good lover. He honestly did his best to make me come, but it was never easy. And the other men at the swing clubs, they didn’t appeal to me either.”

“Just the women?” the conversation stopped at the waitress took their orders. When she left, the other woman looked up at her, “So what are you looking for now?”

Cynder thought about her answer, “Like I said, I’m not sure. This may sound crazy but I think the best answer is that I’m looking to find me. Where I belong. Who I really am.”

Her companion smiled, “Oh that’s easy, sugar. You are a mega hot lesbian and you belong in my bed.”

They laughed at the joke as the waitress brought their drink orders and the conversation after that took on more of an everyday feel. Cynder learned that Jenny moved to Los Angeles after high school to become a movie star, but had in fact only made it as far as the porn industry, which was where her breasts came from. She had been one of the smart ones, using her fleeting time in front of the camera to hone other skills. These days she was a make-up artist and not for the porn industry. She did special effects make-up, one of the best females in the industry. She had been dating again for the past six months after her five year relationship ended.

“I wanted kids and she didn’t, it was as simple as that,” she explained as she lifted a forkful of the decadent chocolate brownie surprise to her full lips. A bit of cream hung to the corner of her mouth and Cynder reached across to wipe it away with the pad of her thumb, but lingered as their eyes locked.

“Would you like to take a walk along the beach?” she asked. Jenny nodded and waved to the waitress for their bill. In moments, they were walking along the broad walk, their conversation took up from where it had left off. Until a teenage skate boarder almost ran into Cynder, Jenny had grabbed her arm and puller her out of his way, but even when he passed she had held onto her hand.

It Escort bayan Ankara was a new sensation for Cynder. She was more than familiar with the mechanics of making love to another woman, but dating and relationships with one was another matter. But she was discovering she liked it, at least with Jenny.

Cynder slowed as they reached a set of stairs leading up the street above where she lived. She was uncertain how to approach the subject, but considering Jenny’s earlier boldness tried some of her own. “Would you care for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine? My apartment is just up there,” she motioned with her head.

Jenny smiled, “Wine and you would be nice.” She stepped forward and placed her hand at the back of Cynder’s neck. She drew her forward slowly, studying her face and eyes as she did. This kiss was not as timid or polite as the first had been. Passion broke over them just as the waves was breaking against the sand. Her tongue danced against Cynder’s for several long moments. Her breasts brushed against her arms several times until they were both moaning into the kiss.

“The wine may have to wait,” she whispered against Cynder’s swollen lips as she drew back. Cynder smiled and squeezed her hand as she lead her up the stairs and across the busy street. Her apartment was just one street over but the walk had never taken so long. She was a nervous wreck, not since she had given her virginity to her ex after he won the state championship had she been this nervous. She fumbled with the key until Jenny had taken it from her and the door sprang open.

Cynder cringed as she looked around her apartment. She had not thought how it might look to a lover. Her daughter’s school bag was still sitting on the couch where she had thrown it after school yesterday. Her son’s sports bag was open on the floor in front of it, where he and his dad had rifled through it looking for the things they needed. The whole place looked more family hour than seductive but then again Cynder had not thought she would be bringing anyone back here. “I’m sorry for the mess,” she mumbled. “Can I get you that wine?”

Jenny shook her head and stepped forward, her hands slowly caressing down Cynder’s arm, “No, I said we’d do the wine later. The only thing I want to taste right now is you,” she whispered as she covered Cynder’s lips once more with her own. They kissed until they were both breathless.

Jenny’s other hand came up to caress Cynder’s breast through her sundress, she took that as her license to do what she had wanted to do since the moment the woman walked up. Her hands moved over those perfect tits. She was surprised at how wonderful they felt. She had always heard that silicone boobs were hard, but the only hard about these were Jenny’s nipples that were pointing straight at the ceiling.

Cynder let one breast go long enough to reach up and untie the halter top, releasing the bounty to her more thorough exploration. Her hands returned to kneading and squeezing them and her mouth soon joined in the fun. She smiled as she buried her face between her date’s tits and moved her face side to side.

Jenny laughed, “Motor boating? I don’t think anyone has done that since I quit dating men.”

Cynder blushed and looked away, but Jenny simply turned her head back towards her and smiled, “I didn’t say I don’t like it.” She tenderly brushed a strand of hair back as she continued, “You know what I discovered right after I decided to come out as lesbian? That sex got so much better. Not jut because I was with women, but because I was finally being me. So, Cyn, that’s all I’m looking for, just relax, be yourself and enjoy whatever happens. Okay?”

Cynder smiled and nodded, “I think I’m just a little nervous because,” she hesitated for a moment. “Well, technically this is my first time. I mean really being with another woman. All of the others, well, it was always a show for my ex. Sort of, anyway.” She admitted with embarrassment.

Jenny’s eyebrows raised and lowered in a bad Groucho Marx imitation, “Hmm, I like. I’ve never been anyone’s first.”

Both women laughed until the tension dissipated. Cynder took her friend’s hand and led her down the hall to her bedroom. She paused as she opened the door and stood back for the other woman to enter. “I think we’ll be more comfortable in here.”

Jenny crossed to double bed and sat on the foot of it. “You know just because I don’t have a three date rule, doesn’t mean I won’t respect yours. We don’t have Bayan escort Ankara to do anything you don’t want to, Cyn.”

Cynder sat next to her on the bed. “Thanks for that, but I do want to. Like I said, I guess I’m just a little nervous.”

“How about we make out a bit, see where it goes from there?” asked Jenny.

“I’d like that. You’re a great kisser.” Cynder moved in towards her lover slower, but Jenny was bolder, closing the distance much more quickly. Her fingers laced through Cynder’s ponytail and tugged her head back. Her mouth moved slowly, sensually over Cynder’s. It was as if the woman were sampling fine wine, coming back time and time again for tiny sips, deepening the kiss then backing off again.

Cynder was whining and whimpering with need by the time that Jenny laid her softly back upon the bed. This time it was the other woman, who hands sought out her breasts. Cynder’s nipples pebbled instantly as she ran her nails across them. She arched up seeking more, much more. Jenny knew just what she wanted, her hands brushed the straps of her sundress off her shoulders, then tugged the top down to her waist. She broke the kiss and licked slowly down her throat to suckle at one turgid peak while her nails pinched the other.

“Yes,” cried out Cynder. Her own hands reaching for Jenny’s breasts as much for an anchor in this sea of need as to stimulate her partner. She felt a soft almost tickle at her knee that became bolder as her new friend ran her hand along the inside of her thigh. When she reached the scrap of thin lace that covered her bare mound, she made no attempt to remove it. Instead she drew it up, tightened it against her wet core and used it to frame the hard nub that peaked between its intricate webbing.

Then Jenny was sliding to the floor. She pushed Cynder’s thighs open wider and smiled up at her. “I want to taste you,” she murmured a moment before dropping her platinum head between her thighs. Cynder cried out instantly at the open mouthed kiss that Jenny placed over her clitoris. She followed it up with a slow lick along the lace clad surface from where Cynder’s ass rested on her bed back up to the swollen and throbbing button. She circled her clit slowly several times until Cynder was moaning and pumping her hips up to her lover’s face.

Then she pushed her fingers inside Cynder as far as the lace would allow. She sharp nails were a new sensation for Cynder, but rather than intense pain it was more a light scraping that seemed to augment the sensation of fullness. She pumped her hips faster, trying to draw more of the woman inside of her, but the lace barrier impeded any progress. “Please,” she whimper.

“Are these panties special to you?” asked Jenny against her clit. She leaned back just enough to blow warm air across its surface.

“No, why?” Cynder started to ask, but the sound of tearing was all the answer she needed as suddenly her hole was filled with three fingers pressing up to find her magic button. Jenny’s teeth nipped at her throbbing clitoris as she cried out. She arched up as she came harder than she ever had, flooding Jenny’s face with her cream. The orgasm went on and on for several long moments. When she finally came back around, Jenny was laying next to her on the bed. One hand toyed with her erect nipple while the other was still buried between her legs, making slow in and out motions, spreading her juices.

Cynder reached up and drew her down for a kiss. Her tongue invaded Jenny’s mouth, wrapped around the tongue that had brought her such pleasure, tasted herself on her lips. “That was amazing. But I think it is your turn now,” she said with a wink.

The rest of the day was spent in bed. Cynder was anxious to try it all. Experiment with everything that she had read about, all the things she had been too timid to try under the watchful eyes of her ex-husband. And it was all even more amazing than she had imagined. The women fell asleep, exhausted in one another’s arms several times, but always seemed to awake hot and horny just a couple of hours later.

In the end, they continued to date for several months and remained best friends long after their sexual relationship was over. Cynder had done the whole marriage and kids things in the hetero world, she had no interest in repeating it as a lesbian. But Jenny wanted nothing more than a partner and babies, which she finally found a couple of years later with an old friend from hometown. Cynder was her best woman and their first son’s god-mother. It was appropriate considering her ex-husband was the god-father…and more.

…and they all lived happily ever after. Each free to express themselves in their own unique way, which is the best that any of us can hope for in this life.

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