Favour for a Friend

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All characters are 18+

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“You’d really be helping me out Josh.”

A young man with chestnut brown hair sat back in his seat, his arms folded and his expression both frustrated and annoyed in equal measure. The girl sitting opposite him was doing her best to convince him to ‘look after’ her aunt while she was away for a week.

“You’re asking a bit much here Anna,” Josh said to her.

“Come on, it won’t take long,” Anna replied, “just pop in and say hi, ask about her day, maybe have a coffee or something, and then leave. That’s all that I do.”

Josh and Anna had been friends for some time, meeting first in college and hitting it off from there, but this seemed outside of friend territory. It was more like ‘family’ or at least ‘lover’ territory, and god knows they weren’t either of those things.

“Why does she even need someone to come in anyway, it’s not like she’s incapable of looking after herself is it? She’s what, 50?”

“She’s barely 40 Josh,” Anna corrected him, “and I get it, I really do. She doesn’t need anyone to come, but I promised mom when her husband ran off that I’d check in on her. She’s my mom’s younger sister and she’s protective of her, you know?”

“So how come your mom can’t go see her then?” Josh said grumpily.

“Because they had that big falling out, don’t you remember?”

Josh vaguely recalled hearing Anna talk about how her mom and her aunt weren’t on speaking terms after a disagreement over her aunt’s choice in men.

“Please Josh, if there was anyone else I’d ask them but there isn’t. I’ve been planning this holiday with my girlfriends for literal ages and I’ve tried to make my mom see sense but she’s being a real stubborn bitch about it.”

Josh still had his misgivings about it all. He’d never met the woman, didn’t even know what she looked like, and if Anna wasn’t one of his closest friends he wouldn’t even begin to entertain the idea.

“Pretty please Josh? I’ll love you forever…” Anna said, dramatically fluttering her eyelashes at him.

‘God damn it,’ thought Josh.

“Ok, fine,” he finally conceded. “But you owe me big time.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Anna beamed. “And don’t worry, I’m going to spend all of my holiday telling my friends you have a huge dick,” she grinned cheekily. “I mean hey, it isn’t a lie is it?”

Ever since Anna had caught Josh masturbating in his room one time at college, she’d constantly teased him about the size of his penis. He’d never been sure whether her teasing was ironic or not and he didn’t dare ask.

“I’ll consider us even if I get a blowjob out of it,” he grumbled, trying to keep a smile from forming on his face as he played along.

“Ok, I’ll write that down, ‘one blowjob and we’re even’,” she grinned. “You know you could have bargained for a higher price than that…”

“I would have been out negotiated,” he responded. “Clearly.”

* * * * *

Anna had texted Josh the address details for her aunt that morning before she left along with a few other basic instructions:

‘She’ll probably bring up her ex-husband, try not to let her dwell on it for too long if you can. If in doubt, talk about a TV show you watched recently or something.’

As he pulled up outside her house, he stopped in his car for a moment and sighed. He’d be doing this three times this week, roughly once every two days, but he had no doubt this first visit would be the worst. It was bad enough meeting someone for the first time, but doing so in their home, alone and with the knowledge they weren’t in the best of places would make it suck so much more. He felt a little selfish for thinking that way, but what else was he supposed to feel?

He walked up to her front door and rang the bell, waiting patiently for the door to open. He heard the click of the lock and prepared his best, non-threatening smile as it opened. There was no doubt the woman standing before him was Anna’s aunt, the familial resemblance was uncanny even down to the same blonde hair and frankly gorgeous facial features, just with a little more age to them but not much and not noticeably.

“Nicole?” he asked.

“You must be Josh then,” she said with a welcoming smile. “Come in.”

Josh followed her into the house and shut the front door behind him. Nicole was wearing a dressing gown and what looked like pyjamas underneath with a pair of fluffy slippers really completing the look. He followed her into her kitchen and she told him he could take a seat at her kitchen table. Not wanting to be an ungracious guest, he obliged.

“Can I get you a drink? Coffee, maybe something stronger?” she asked.

“Erm, coffee would be great thanks,” Josh replied.

Whilst a drink might have been what he needed to get through this, accepting one right away seemed like a pretty irresponsible thing to do, especially as he’d driven there.

“How do you take it?” she asked.

“Black, one sugar please,” he replied.

“Oh, me too,” she smiled.

Josh waited as she made them, stuck in a weird Sahabet place between not quite uncomfortable and not quite relaxed. He thanked her as she brought his drink over and joined him at the table.

“First off Josh,” she began, “I just want to say how grateful I am that you agreed to come and see me while Anna is away.”

“Not at all,” Josh replied politely.

“If I know my niece she probably batted her eyelids and promised a favour or two in return?”

“Yes she… er, said she’d pay me back,” Josh said sheepishly.

“I bet she did,” Nicole chuckled. “But seriously though, I know that my darling sister gets on her back about it all the time, as if I’m some wasting widow that needs to be monitored or something. Her heart’s in the right place, but her brain is in her ass sometimes…”

Josh wasn’t sure if he was allowed to laugh at that so politely smiled instead.

“And I know Anna has been looking forward to this holiday of hers for ages, so whatever may or may not be happening between you two, it was very kind to agree to do this.”

“Erm, you’re welcome,” Josh said, “but I am just a friend, to kind of clarify.”

Josh had no idea what Anna might have said to her aunt, but if any of this was going to get back to her then he wanted to make sure things were made perfectly clear.

“So, what do you do Josh?”

“I work in the hardware store in town,” Josh replied, happily changing the subject away from his relationship with Anna.

“I do love a man who knows his way around his tools,” Nicole said with a grin.

Josh didn’t quite know how to respond to that. It seemed a naturally flirtatious nature also ran in the family as did the propensity to make slightly risque jokes. He knew how to react with Anna, but if he did the same with Nicole that could really land him in hot water.

“I’m just kidding with you Josh,” Nicole reassured him, noticing his discomfort. “Anna said you were a really nice boy and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable…”

“No, no, it’s ok,” Josh said.

“Oh good, I’ll continue to flirt outrageously in that case then,” she grinned again, looking him up and down as she did.

Josh was stuck once again between two states of mind: not wanting to be rude and wanting to end this visit as soon as possible.

“Um, so how about you? What do you do?”

“I work from home,” she replied.

Josh waited for her to elaborate, but nothing came from it. She just simply sat sipping her coffee and smiling at him, a little like a cat playing with a small wounded animal.

“S-so have you watched anything good on TV recently?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

“No not really,” Nicole said somewhat dismissively. “Got any recommendations?”

“Well it depends on what you like…”

“Hmm. Well it depends what I’m in the mood for really. I like period dramas and stuff like that but sometimes I like something a little more racey, you know? Something you’d not want to watch in front of your parents if you get my meaning,” she winked. “Know anything like that I might enjoy?”

She was clearly enjoying toying with Josh in the same way Anna seemed to, but Josh had almost finished his coffee and so saw a way out.

“Not recently, no,” he said quite curtly.

He downed the rest of his coffee and placed the mug on the table.

“Well, thank you for the coffee, I think I’m going to head off now,” he added, taking to his feet.

“Oh, ok…” Nicole said, her eyes lowering and staring into her coffee.

She suddenly looked very unsure of herself and vulnerable. It was like the facade of her flirtatiousness had been shattered leaving just a lonely woman in its wake.

“Unless there’s anything you need while I’m here?”

Josh couldn’t help himself. As much as he felt uncomfortable with her flirting, he didn’t want to completely abandon her if there actually was anything she needed help with.

“Well, I mean there is something you could do for me, or help me with rather, seeing as you’re here,” she said.

“Sure, what is it?”

“I’ve been bagging up some of my ex-husbands old clothes to throw out. You’ve heard about what happened between me and him, yeah?”

Josh nodded. He didn’t know all the details obviously but he knew enough. It was the reason he was there after all.

“I just need them dumping at like a local goodwill place or something. I mean don’t get me wrong, I can do it on my own, but if you’re offering?”

Josh was pretty certain he knew of one nearby and it might earn him some brownie points with Anna if he agreed.

“Sure, but won’t he be coming back for them at some point?”

“Not unless he’s going to fly back from Mexico…” she said glumly.

Anna’s warning about not letting her aunt get too deep into this topic flashed through Josh’s mind.

“Well in that case, sure, I’ll get rid of them for you.”

“You’re a star, thank you,” she smiled. “‘l’lI just go and get them…”

She disappeared upstairs and returned with two big trash bags full Sahabet Giriş of clothes. Josh took them to his car, squeezed them into the back seat, and then returned to the front door where Nicole was waiting.

“Is that everything?” he asked.

“That’s everything,” she smiled back. “Thank you again, and sorry if I made things a little weird earlier…”

She looked to be quite sincere and unsure of herself. Her flirtatious sense of humour was clearly a bit of a front to hide how she was really feeling and it struck Josh for the first time that she may have been every bit as nervous meeting him today as he was meeting her.

“That’s ok. I guess I should have expected it, knowing how Anna is…”

“Ha, yeah, I’ve been something of a bad influence on her over the years,” Nicole smiled sheepishly.

Josh smiled back and was about to turn to leave when Nicole stopped him.

“Listen, Josh, I know you gave Anna your word but if you have other stuff you need to do or don’t really want to… what I mean is I’ll be ok for the rest of the week.”

This was a potential out that Josh needed, one he would have jumped at not 20 minutes ago, but ultimately he knew he’d feel way worse if he took her up on that offer.

“No, no, I’ll be back,” he smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Besides, Anna would kick my ass if she found out…”

Nicole laughed, her face lighting up once again.

“Good point. And if you’re not into that kind of thing, it’s not really worth it…”

Nicole suddenly looked a little embarrassed. She’d done it again.

“See you on Wednesday,” Josh said, letting her off the hook slightly.

“Yeah, same time?”

Josh nodded and went to his car.

* * * * *

Anna had rang Josh later in the day asking how things went. He told her what had happened and she simply laughed.

“Hey, it isn’t funny,” Josh protested.

“Oh come on Josh, a hot older woman hit on you and you want me to have sympathy?” Anna replied.

“She’s not that old…” Josh said.

“She’s just a tease that’s all. If she was actually hitting on you, you’d not have made it out of that house unscathed,” she laughed.

“Yeah well, I’m going back on Wednesday so I’ll talk to you again after. You enjoying your holiday?”

“Oh yeah, I am 5 margaritas in and ass deep in dick right now… no wait, that came out wrong…”

* * * * *

Wednesday rolled around and Josh pulled up at the same time as before. Knowing what to expect this time, he was prepared to be a little more relaxed and cut Nicole a little more slack. He walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

“Hi Josh,” Nicole said as she opened the door. “Come in!”

Gone was the loungewear today and instead Nicole was dressed in normal clothes, a relatively form fitting t-shirt with a band logo on it Josh didn’t recognise and a pair of jeans with a similar fit. Josh couldn’t help but take a moment to notice her figure, more exposed now than it was the other day. She was similar to Anna in most respects but just ever so slightly larger in her bust, hips, thighs, all of the areas women naturally got bigger in as they got older Josh reasoned. He tried not to pay too much more attention than that at the risk of looking like he was staring.

He followed her into the kitchen once again and there was already a coffee waiting for them both. She must have planned around his visit today, hence the change in outfit.

“How have you been since Monday? Did you manage to get the clothes dropped off?”

“Yes, there was a place not too far from here. And I’ve been good, thanks, you?”

“Better for having rid of that stuff,” she smiled.

“Good. I imagine having it around was just reminding you of him all the time?”

It was against Anna’s advice to indulge in this talk, but as Nicole seemed to be in a better place today Josh thought it would be fine.

“Oh completely,” Nicole said. “It was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.”

“I’m just impressed you hadn’t burnt them or fed them through a shredder or something,” Josh said with a pleasant grin.

Nicole laughed.

“It was so, SO tempting…” she giggled.

“Well done you, in that case,” Josh laughed, happy he could get a smile out of her.

There was a short silence as she seemed to be in thought for a moment, looking over at Josh very fondly.

“Although I will say one thing…” she finally said.


“For as much as I hate the bastard for ditching me like he did, I haven’t been able to fit in these jeans for years but now thanks to a little depression fueled weight loss, they fit like a glove again!”

Josh wasn’t sure what to make of that comment. It was distressing to hear she hadn’t been eating properly but she seemed to have found some sort of silver lining or at least some form of self-deprecating humour about it.

“Um, yeah they look great,” he said.

“Do you think so?” she asked.

She stood and turned so her back was facing him. Looking over Sahabet Güncel Giriş her shoulder, she spoke to Josh.

“See I used to not be able to fit them over my ass,” she said in a quite matter of fact way, “but with a little bit of willpower I managed to squeeze it in,” she added, squeezing her ass cheeks as she did.

Josh tried to avert his eyes after catching himself staring for too long. He had to admit the jeans did wonders for Nicole’s ass… but he wasn’t Anna, and he couldn’t make a flippant comment like that, particularly when it would mean acknowledging that he’d looked and maybe a little too long at that. She was being accidentally flirtatious again, that’s all it was.

“And the t-shirt too,” she said turning back around, apparently oblivious to Josh’s attempts not to look, “I haven’t worn this t-shirt since college. Although this one was a bit more of a struggle, my boobs have gotten way bigger since then,” she laughed, giving her chest a little wiggle and sending her breasts jiggling in the process.

Josh tried to smile politely, but his mind was telling him that her breasts weren’t just a little bigger than Anna’s, they were much bigger, the faded band logo stretched wide across her bust and the bottom of the t shirt riding up a little and exposing the subtle pudge of her belly. As much as he tried to seem disinterested, his eyes were betraying him. He must have looked like a deer caught in headlights because Nicole suddenly stopped.

“Oops, sorry Josh,” she laughed sheepishly, wrapping her arms around her chest in a move that just seemed to make her breasts bulge even more rather than cover them up, “I guess I’m just used to talking about all this stuff with Anna…”

“Errr…,” Josh said as he tried to think of something to say, anything that would make him stop staring at her breasts, “I-I’m glad you’re able to wear the things you want to again,” he finally came up with.

“I’m sure you are,” she said with a grin as she sat back down. “Although speaking of eating, I have a real craving for pizza right now. Would you like to stay and have lunch? My treat?”

Still acting on autopilot, Josh said yes.

“Let me go find a menu for the place I usually order from, they are so great because they open from midday…”

She went to one of her kitchen drawers and picked up the menu for a local pizza place Josh wasn’t familiar with.

“Have a look in here and pick what you like, I’d recommend…”

She paused. Her eyes had trailed off to just behind Josh. He turned around to see there was a pile of clothes in front of her washing machine. Upon closer inspection, they were almost all bras and underwear of some kind.

“God damn, I thought I’d put those in to wash,” she laughed sheepishly, “you keep looking and I’ll just sort them out.”

She moved towards the pile and Josh looked over the menu trying to decide what the cheapest option he could get away with was so as not to exploit her kindness.

“See anything you like the look of?” she asked.

Josh turned around to see she was bent over packing the clothes into the machine, her ass spread wide and clearly stretching the jeans as much as they would go. They’d also ridden down a little bit, exposing the top of what was clearly a black, lacey thong. He tried not to stare and was aware he was leaving way too big a gap in between her question and his answer, but it was difficult not to look.

“Errr, whatever you like, you choose,” he finally said, turning back around.

“Ok then, let me get my phone and we’ll order…”

* * * * *

Talk remained relatively uneventful whilst they waited for their food, barring the odd suggestive comment from Nicole here and there. It was a sweet mercy for Josh as it meant he could get the image of Nicole basically flaunting her ass and breasts (and then ass again) at him earlier out of his head, but also meant he was able to get to know her a little more as a person. She enjoyed dancing and nightclubs, her celebrity crush was Chris Hemsworth (‘the things I would let that man do to me’ she’d said whilst mercifully not elaborating) and her favourite pizza topping was double pepperoni with extra cheese. Josh agreed to sharing one big pizza between the two of them so he didn’t feel bad about her buying him his own.

After the food had arrived, she also asked a little about Josh and how he and Anna met. Feeling a little more relaxed with a slice of pizza in hand and a few more already devoured, he went over the story of how they became friends in college and had stayed close ever since and predictably Nicole asked whether there was or had been anything between them.

“Not in that way,” he’d told her after taking a bite, “I mean don’t get me wrong, I know she’s really hot, I mean I have eyes, but at this point it’d be like trying to date my sister. Besides, she’s sort of my unofficial wing man,” he chuckled.

“Is that so?” Nicole asked.

“Yeah, she constantly bigs me up to her friends in the hope one of them will get with me. I think it’s a terrible idea myself, I mean what if we broke up? Then she’d have to choose between me and her friend and I’m not comfortable with that…”

“Well aren’t you chivalrous,” Nicole grinned. “Sure you’re not just scared in case it makes her jealous?”

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