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Subject: Ezra Chapter 10 DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is coincidental and unintentional. This story contains sex between a man and a teenage boy. If this is illegal or offensive to you, please stop reading. This is a work of fantasy. In the real world, don’t do such things. And always remember to play safely. This is a novel that I started during NaNoWriMo and kept going. It’s not all smut all the time (but there is plenty of smut, don’t worry) ((It’s pretty much smutty from here on out!)) Comments, questions, chat? Hit me up at ail Be nice. If you are able, please donate to Nifty to keep it fty/donate.html copyright 2019-2020 Kenai Grayson Chapter 10 Ezra jolted out of bed. It sounded like someone crashed through the back fence. He looked around, but Coach wasn’t there, so he grabbed his pants and ran out into the back yard. The fence was almost entirely gone. And more of it was coming down. But it hadn’t been because of a crash. It looked like a small bulldozer was there taking it down. A group of men were standing around it and moving the pieces as they came down. The metal posts were the last to go. It looked really strange to see the yard looking so big. “Ezra! Good morning!” Coach’s voice called out, and it took a minute to find him amongst the men. “Morning… What’s going on?” “We have to remove the fence to get the equipment in here.” “Equipment for what?” “Digging.” “Ok, digging for what?” “Not for anything. It’s so we can have a pool.” “Oh, you were serious about that!” “Of course I was!” “Well… That’s nice! What about your flower beds?” “Yeah, they’re going to have to go for now. I’ll replant something new once we’re done. I’ve been wanting to get something new going anyway, and this is a perfect excuse.” Ezra smile and started back into the house. “Ok, well have fun!” “Will do, boy!” Coach said with a wink. Jackson came in later and found Ezra. “So… our fence is gone now?” “Evidently. Apparently, it has to go so we can get a pool.” “He was serious about that?” “That’s what I asked.” “I wonder how long it will take to get put in.” “I didn’t ask that. You can ask him later when he gets back in.” “He’s out there working too?” “Is that surprising?” “No. Not really. I just thought that he would have let the people he’s paying do the work, but he is a bit of a control freak.” “I just thought it was because he likes to show off…” “Was he naked??” “No, of course not. Just shirtless and wearing those shorts of his.” Jackson rolled his eyes. “Oh, Lord have mercy… Yeah, he does like being the biggest in the room. You should see him when someone else his size is in his vicinity. You can taste the testosterone.” Ezra grinned thinking about that. “C-can I ask you a personal question?” Jackson asked. “Are you sure you want to?” “Yeah, this isn’t about dad. Just you.” “Of course you can. You don’t have to ask permission.” “I know, that was really more of a warning that I was going to be asking something unprovoked.” “Haha, ok. What do you want to know?” “Have you ever had sex with anyone besides dad?” “No.” “Not ever?” “No… When would I have done that?” “No idea. I was just curious.” “No, my first time was here, and I haven’t wanted anything else. What about you?” “Yes, of course I have. Lots of times. Just not here. Why?” “Why did you want to know about me?” “I was kind of wondering if dad had gotten you involved in like a three-way or had you sleep with another guy or something.” “Really? That has never come up. Is that likely to happen?” “No idea. Never asked. I’ve just seen his internet search history… Does that bother you?” “That you’ve seen his history?” “No, that that’s the kind of porn he likes.” “I haven’t really thought about it before. I don’t really care, I don’t think. I haven’t really thought about him watching porn since we’ve been… you know…” “Fucking?” “Yes, that.” “Well, I don’t think he’ll do anything like that without talking to you first. And if you don’t want to, it definitely won’t happen.” “Do you think it would make him happy?” “I think he’s already happy.” Ezra smiled at that. “Look, don’t worry about it. If it comes up, just talk it out. He’s not doing it because he thinks you’re boring or whatever. I really also just wanted to know if he was your first.” “Yeah, he sure was.” “Ok, well, enough of that.” “Haha ok.” “You have plans today?” “No, I don’t think so. Why?” “It’s my turn to pick up our comic subscriptions. Care to join me?” They took off and let Coach know they were leaving as they went out of the garage to Jackson’s car. Coach slipped them some spending money for the trip and gave Ezra a big, sweaty, shirtless hug. He tried to with Jackson too, but he was having none of it. “I can’t believe you let him do that…” “I don’t think you want to know why either.” “Did you like it?” “God yes. Every damn time.” “I bet he loves that you love that.” “Yup.” “You really are his boy…” Ezra shot Jackson a curious look. “What?” Jackson asked. “W-what do you mean by that?” “Nothing?” “Why did you use that particular word?” “Because you are not a girl, and you are very much like him?” “Oh… ok.” “Why?” “Why what?” “Why ask that. It’s an odd reaction…” “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” “Well, now I am worried about it.” “Well… if you must know… that’s one of the things he calls me… in bed…” It all dawned on Jackson now, and Ezra had been right. He hadn’t really wanted to know the answer, and it stopped him from replying. “Next time, I will definitely take your word that I don’t need to worry about it…” They got a laugh out of that. A few of the same people were in the comic shop and they all remembered Ezra and introduced him to the others who hadn’t been there. They browsed through new merchandise that had come in since their last trip. Jackson got Ezra to pick out some comics to read to see if he would get into them, and Ezra siirt escort took some time to pick. He usually felt rushed when he had to decide on something like this as he generally took his time to make up his mind, but Jackson didn’t pressure him at all. It was nice to have the time and space to make up his mind. He found some he thought he might like, and Jackson immediately went over to find the trade paperbacks of past issues so he could get caught up. They went to the counter and they had a stack of comics that the store had held for them to buy. They did this for customers who bought a lot and wanted to keep up with series as they went. They also got a small discount for being good customers. After that, they went to the mall to hang out and see what they could find. They ate in the food court and wandered around. They didn’t buy anything, but that was fine. It was like the old days again, just the two of them hanging out. Since it was summer break, neither of them had anything they needed to be up for, so they could stay out late. They left as the mall was announcing it was time to close for the night. Jackson gave Ezra his part of the comics as well as those for Coach when they got home. Coach wasn’t in the living room, so Ezra went back to the bedroom and found Coach sitting in his chair in there, naked, cock in his pump. Ezra closed the door behind him and gave Coach his comics. “Ah great! I’m dying to read these,” Coach said and set them on the small table next to the chair. He reached down to stroke the pump on his huge cock. “Have you been pumping?” “Yes sir, every day before summer break happened.” “And since then?” “Well, no. I’ve always been with you or Jackson.” “If you want a bigger cock, you’ve got to keep working at it…” “Do I need a bigger one?” “Need? Definitely not. But if you want one. Just like I probably don’t need a bigger one, but I still want one.” “Yeah, but you use yours for pleasing me. I don’t really use mine for that.” “Do you want to?” “Do you want me to?” “Not on me…” “Then no, I don’t want to.” “You’re sure?” “Yes. I don’t want to do something you don’t want to. I’ve never really had a desire to be on that end, but if you wanted to, I would try it out.” “I don’t like it… Tried it a long time ago, and it wasn’t for me.” “Mmmm I love it.” “I know you do, baby. And I love that you love it.” Ezra came over and pushed the release on the pump and pulled it off with a thwuck sound. He bent over to stroke the now swollen cock and to kiss his daddy. Coach pulled him down onto his lap while they were kissing. Ezra got comfortable lying across Coach like that and put his head on Coach’s shoulder. He took a deep breath and realized he hadn’t taken a shower yet, and he took another breath before licking his neck. “I did that just for you,” Coach said. “Thank you, daddy…” “Of course, baby boy. Anything for you.” Ezra then bent down further to breath him in more. He kept gently stroking Coach’s cock, which felt so funny when it first came out of the pump. They would have to wait a while to let it go down some before they could fit it in Ezra’s ass, but that just meant they got to enjoy a lot more foreplay. “Did you and Jackson have fun today?” “Yeah, they really do like you at the comic book store, don’t they?” “They should… We might be the reason they stay open with how much we spend there…” Ezra couldn’t tell if that was serious or not. It could very well be true. “We went to the mall too.” “I was wondering what kept you out so long.” “Sorry…” “Don’t be. I’m glad my boys are friends and like spending time together. The fact that Jackson liked you as a friend is one of the big reasons I liked you initially.” “It’s a little weird hearing you call him your boy…” “He is my boy.” “But not like I’m your boy…” “What do you mean?” “You and he haven’t had sex, have you?” “No, of course not. First, I’ve never had that inclination. Second, he’s straight.” “That’s what I mean…” “Oh, right. But you are both boys and you are both mine.” “I know… It’s still just weird to hear, especially in the context of me playing with your dick.” “You’re my only baby boy, that’s for sure.” “Ok good,” Ezra said, giving him a quick kiss. “You have far too much clothing still on boy, get naked!” “Yes sir!” Ezra said, getting up from the chair to pull his clothes off. Coach sat in the chair, legs spread, stroking his cock, watching it all go down. Coach stood up and came over to Ezra just as he was dropping his jockstrap, getting completely naked. He picked the boy up like he weighed nothing and Ezra wrapped his legs around Coach’s waist. This way, Coach could carry him around easily or fuck him standing up, or both. Usually both. Ezra held on tight and kissed Coach and rubbed his cock between their stomachs. Ezra felt Coach hit him in the ass with his cock and then begin to put it in. It was still bigger from pumping and it took a bit of stretching before it fit. Ezra felt extra stuffed as it slowly made it’s way deep inside. Ezra began to ride it to get Coach even harder and deeper. Coach held him close, never getting anywhere near dropping him. He could carry his boy around for hours and only feel it in his dick. One of the joys of fucking in this position was when Coach would cum, it would always leak out down his cock. It meant Ezra got to taste it when he finally got down. He would always hit the ground quickly to lap it up, which always led to Ezra chowing down on Coach. Ezra knew all the right spots to hit and could do this thing with his tongue that always got Coach leaking. Ezra also loved trying out new things. Really, the boy just loved sucking cock. He loved the way it tasted, even before Coach would shoot. And it got his nose right where Coach smelled the best. Ezra licked down Coach’s shaft down to his hairy balls. He lapped at them before trying to suck them in his mouth. Like everything else, they wouldn’t fit all the way in Ezra’s mouth either. But sincan escort he tried hard anyway. He then began to rub Coach’s cock on his face and bury his nose in Coach’s crotch. Coach caught on quickly and took over rubbing himself all over Ezra’s face. “Yeah, boy, you like daddy’s scent, don’t you?” “Yes, daddy,” came the quick reply. “Good boy. Get it all over your face. I want to mark you, make you smell like me forever. Let everyone know who’s boy you are.” “Thank you, daddy.” “You’re more than welcome, baby boy. The pool will take a little while to put in, so your daddy will be putting a lot of hours in the hot, summer sun. You’ll get lots more of this coming up. Now, get your mouth back on my dick, boy. Daddy’s got a nice load coming for you.” Ezra quickly got back to trying to deep throat the man. He didn’t want to miss it if that meant he was about to cum. It wasn’t, and that suited Ezra fine. The boy could tell he was getting close. Ezra was stroking his own cock down below. Right before he was about to cum, Coach told him not to swallow, so he didn’t. The cum quickly filled his mouth and began to leak out down his chin and onto his body. It made it to his cock and he used it as lube to keep stroking himself. When Coach finished, he asked Ezra to show him, and he did. Then Coach asked if the boy was close to shooting. Ezra nodded with his mouth full of Coach’s load. He almost swallowed when he felt Coach’s mouth on his dick. Despite his own size, Coach could take it all in. Ezra loved how Coach’s beard felt on his nuts. Coach worked his mouth and throat like Ezra did and soon Ezra gurgled. Coach pulled back to let him shoot in his mouth too. When the boy was finished, Coach crawled up over him to kiss him deeply. Their loads mixed together in their mouths and it made a nice flavor. Ezra whimpered into the kiss and pulled Coach closer. Coach spread Ezra’s legs wide and pressed himself inside. Coach began to wipe up his cum and put it in Ezra’s mouth before kissing him again to share it. Ezra came again, and Coach added it to the mix. Coach added to his load in Ezra’s ass once it was all gone from their mouths. Coach was lying on his back with Ezra on his chest as they caught their breath. Ezra lazily ran his hand across Coach’s stomach, and he loved it dearly. Coach’s cock was down, but still had the firmness that meant he could go again at any time. Ezra was still hard. “Ok, boy. Don’t you think it’s time we hit the shower?” “Do we have to?” Coach thought about it. “No, not really, if you don’t want to. I’m not going anywhere tomorrow.” Ezra turned his head over so he could see Coach’s face. “Really?” “You really like that, don’t you, boy?” “Mmmm yes, daddy.” Ezra buried his face between Coach’s pecs and inhaled deeply. It made him light-headed in the best possible way. Coach’s grin spread as his cock rose to full staff. “I tell you what, boy. Ride daddy for a while. If you make me sweat, I won’t clean up until somebody tells me I need to.” Ezra eagerly climbed up on him and lodged himself onto Coach. He rode him good and hard and was rewarded with another load. And Coach’s sweat. By the third day, Ezra stayed in the room all afternoon. When Coach came in for the day, this time he found Ezra in the chair with his dick in a pump. Coach dropped his shorts and jock in one fell swoop and stood over Ezra, rubbing his sweaty cock all over his face. Ezra nuzzled it gladly, closing his eyes so he could enhance his other senses. He had to pull off the pump to keep from.cumming. Coach reached down to bounce it around in his hand. “Yeah, my boy’s got a big cock!” “Just like his daddy…” Ezra said when he came up for air. They stayed at the chair until Coach fed Ezra and Ezra shot his load in Coach’s hand. Coach told Ezra to get in position but didn’t give the boy any room to move. Ezra had to slip between his legs to get out. As he was getting into bed, Coach began to stroke himself, lubing himself up with Ezra’s load. He was about to turn over to his back when Coach pounced on him and grabbed him tightly. He started rutting against him until he found the spot and could dive right in. Ezra’s cool skin felt good against his still hot body. Coach grabbed his jockstrap off the floor and rubbed it in Ezra’s face. He had worn it now three days straight. Ezra clenched hard on Coach and the man kept going. Ezra could smell something else in the pouch. Coach had been leaking a lot during the day, and it was all still there. Ezra put it in his mouth to taste it, and this drove Coach wild. “Yeah, boy! Clean daddy’s jockstrap. I was hard all day thinking about how turned on you would be. And I was right.” Coach was relentless. He made Ezra cum twice and he was still pounding away on the boy. His back started to feel raw from the hair rubbing against it, and it felt so good. They were both sweating like crazy. Coach roared as he came, and Ezra thought they were finished. Coach turned the boy over and put his hands on either side of him. He pushed back again and began again right away. Ezra rubbed up and down those flexed arms. He would sometimes use them to pull himself back towards Coach, or just hold on for dear life. Coach went down into a pushup position to kiss the boy and Ezra grabbed onto his biceps. They were so big and Ezra started moaning and whimpering into the kiss, saying he was getting close again. Coach loved his little noises. Coach had to slow down when Ezra came to keep himself from shooting himself. Coach pulled out after cleaning the boy up slipped his jockstrap down the boy’s legs. It was way too big for him and didn’t fit him at all, but Coach loved how it looked. Once it was on, he pushed his cock back inside. It was just enough of a break to let Coach calm himself down to go longer. He grabbed Ezra’s crotch and stroked him through the cloth. “I’ll get you covered in no time, boy.” “Yes, daddy! Please, daddy!” When he felt the boy getting close, he pulled out and shoved it into the pouch next to Ezra. He sinop escort grabbed ahold and began fucking the pouch. Ezra moaned out and bucked into his hand. They were both getting slick. “Cum with daddy, boy. I want to fill this up with you.” Ezra couldn’t talk but pulled himself up to kiss Coach hard. They didn’t hold on and started filling up his pouch. Coach used the fabric to clean his dick off before getting off the bed. Ezra lay there in the cum filled jockstrap. Coach had to the bathroom and pissed for a while. He came back to find Ezra in his spot on the bed, still wearing his jock. “Ok baby, you can leave that on tonight, but I’ll need it back in the morning.” “Thank you, daddy. Now come to bed.” Coach climbed in and cuddled his boy close. The next evening Coach came in to find Ezra in the tub. The water was still steaming, so he hadn’t been in there long. Coach watched him from across the room not saying anything. The lights were off and he had lit candles. He had found wood colored pillar candles while exploring the house and decided to use them. Coach massaged his crotch seeing his boy like that. Ezra leaned on the edge of the tub and beckoned him over. Coach walked over and Ezra slipped his shorts down. He gnawed on Coach’s crotch for a bit before getting him naked. “I love your scent, but now it’s getting too much. Get in, daddy.” Coach smiled and carefully got in and got settled. Ezra got in his place in his arms. They relaxed together and Ezra scrubbed the man’s body under the water. Coach made sure his boy was clean too. After the water lost its heat, they got out and moved to the shower for a proper clean. Ezra would miss the scent, but he also smelled amazing after a shower. Coach fucked his boy slow and easy to keep from working up a sweat. It was nice and tender. They kept themselves pressed together until they fell asleep. Coach had worked hard and was tired. Ezra was still worn out from the night before. They kept this routine up, a few days without a shower followed by a long, hot session in the bathroom. Ezra would be sad when the pool was finished, if only for not having Coach be sweaty all the time. But it would be fun to have to pool. Coach put in a new fence that was higher and impossible to see through. Coach was the first one in, jumping in, cock flopping in the breeze. Ezra slinked down the big stairs to join him. It felt wonderful to be outside skinny dipping on the hot, summer day. Jackson didn’t immediately take to the naked part, at least around his dad. But soon enough, none of them cared. Some nights Coach would crank the heater so it felt like they were in a big hot tub. They would go out and relax after dinner. One morning Coach got Ezra up early and asked if he wanted to go to the nursery with him. Ezra agreed, not really thinking about what was going on. He wasn’t even really awake when they left. They got donuts first, and that’s about when Ezra woke up. “So tell me again where we’re going?” “I want to replant my garden, so we’re going to buy plants.” “Oh, nice! Do you already have a plan?” They got a box of donuts for later and he talked through his plans. Coach had lots of ideas, but he wouldn’t fully decide until he saw what was available and good to plant now. They walked the whole place deciding on what looked good with what. They paid, loaded it up in the back of the truck and got it home. Jackson was just waking up when they got back. “Aw, yes! Donuts!” were his first words that day. “Are y’all going to eat with me?” “We had some already…” “Well, have some more.” Ezra stayed while Coach unloaded the truck. Jackson had work, so he got ready and took off. Ezra went to go see if Coach needed help. He had already dug up the soil and was getting ready to start planting. He had also shed his clothes and was planting in his dirty jockstrap. He told Ezra he could join, but only if he wore the same. Ezra obliged and they got to work. They jumped in the pool to cool off in the heat of the day. There was a lot to do, and it was going to take a few days to finish, but they got a good start on it. The garden would be in the far corner where it had been, and there would be new bushes along the fence. There was still a long strip of yard between the pool and the fence. Coach and Ezra lay together on the grass to dry off. It was soft and nice on a summer day. Coach finally noticed Ezra staring at the pool. “Is everything alright?” “Yeah, it’s fine. I was just thinking we should have a party out here.” “What, for the new pool?” “Well, kind of. I mean, people should obviously swim.” He told his idea and Coach agreed. About a week later, Jackson was getting home from work in the early evening, when he heard people in his backyard. The fence had a door for a gate with a lock, and only three keys, so someone had let them in. He was wondering who would throw a party and not invite him when he opened the door and saw all his friends, half of which were in the pool already. The `Happy Graduation’ banner was hanging from the roof again. Coach was on the grill, so he looked for Ezra. Everybody cheered when they saw Jackson, and it threw him off his search. He found him helping with the food, so he headed that direction. “What’s going on, guys?” “Well, since your last party got ruined, we thought it would be fun to throw you a nicer one, with a pool.” “You’re serious?” “Of course!” Coach said. “It was Ezra’s idea. Now, the food is almost done cooking if you want to go change into your swimsuit and hang out with your friends.” Jackson grinned and ran off and came back quickly, jumping in the pool. They ate and swam and had a great time. Once it got dark, they asked if they could turn the heat on, so Coach did. It wouldn’t get to full heat, but it was still a warm night, so it was perfect. Ezra swam, but Coach stayed out and talked with the adults there. It was late when everybody left. Ezra and Jackson swam a bit more before Ezra got out. Jackson stayed in to be alone for a while. Ezra found Coach in the chair in his robe, reading comics. “Hello boy.” “Hi, daddy. They any good?” “Not bad. I think it’ll get better later. Thank you for today. It was a great idea to celebrate your friend.” “My brother.” Coach hugged him tight and kissed the side of his head. “Ready for bed?”

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