Dogboy Blues Pt. 01

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His last shift at work had left Ryan completely drained. Not only that, but the weather was God awful. He had a coat, at least, but his jacket’s hood did little to shield him from the heavy rain. That, along with his now soaked socks, was making the evening even peachier.

A quick look over his shoulder told him he was alone. He briefly considered singing, but decided against it. This particular opportunity of being alone would have to go to waste- he was just too tired.

“I better not get sick….” he grumbled.


Ryan froze. “Hello?” he called out.

No answer.

He continued his walk, listening carefully to the rain’s rapid pitter patter. It sounded like a dog, but that didn’t make sense. He never had dogs- but he supposed when an animal had to go, their owner was forced to oblige. It’s one of the reasons he preferred cats.

He was thinking about his own pet, Ms. Shadow, when the sound repeated.


“What…?” Up ahead, he could see a moving shape by a telephone pole. “Fuck, don’t tell me….”

He quickened his pace, fast enough to be a quick walk but careful enough of slippery puddles not to be a full-on run. When he saw a tiny black dog by himself, his suspicions were confirmed. There was no tag on the collar- just a chain linking the poor thing to where it currently stood.

It was a Monday- meaning the dog could’ve been outside all weekend as far as he knew.

When Ryan bent down to double check for a tag, the dog sat down obediently. “Good boy,” he said. He slid out of his backpack straps to fish out his Mersin Eskort

pocketknife from the front pocket. He was currently studying abroad, so he saw abandoned animals pretty often- just not like this.

After being cut loose, the dog kissed his fingers. At that, Ryan couldn’t help but smile. The dog panted and wagged its tail, then gave Ryan a thank you bark before sneezing three times in a row.

“Awww, little dude. C’mon, go find your owner. I need to get going.”

With that, he gave the mutt a few reassuring pats before leaving the pole. He wasn’t far from his apartment- but he was cold and hungry.

After a couple blocks, he turned back to see if the dog was still there, only to realize he was lagging behind with an obvious limp. Upon stopping, the puppy caught up to him, wagging his tail triumphantly.

“Son of a bitch.”

With a sigh, Ryan hoisted the dog up to his chest. “If Jing is allowed to do this, then so am I, damnit.”


It turns out, Jing was off at his girlfriend’s- which was cool, since he wasn’t in the mood to be called a hypocrite. Ms. Shadow was nowhere in sight.

He slowly let the dog down on the ground, who immediately shook himself off. He held a palm up, wondering if the little guy was trained. “Stay,” he said in a firm voice.

When he returned, Ryan had two towels- one around his shoulders and the other one in hand. “Good job!” he said. The dog let Ryan wipe him off, too, including his paws- much to his surprise.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.


Ryan giggled, then scoffed. He was Mersin Escort Bayan trying to act more masculine, as he was paranoid about his sexuality causing him trouble. Now in pajama pants and an oversized tee, he padded barefoot over to the fridge. “I have ham… Can dogs have ham?”

He turned around to see the dog sniffing around the mud room.

“I think I remember Evan cooking eggs for his dog, so I’ll make you some of that.”

About fifteen minutes later, he had two eggs plopped into a bowl. He put some ham on top for good measure before placing it down on the floor. As expected, the dog basically inhaled it. For himself, Ryan took out some honey mustard and with it, finished off the rest of the cold ham.

He put the dishes in the sink. “Ms. Shadow?” he called out. His eyes narrowed, wondering if Jing left a window open again. Luckily, a few minutes of searching ended with him finding her beneath the couch. Her yellow eyes stared into him in what was definitely a dirty look. “Awww, baby!” said Ryan. “I’m sorry. This’ll be over soon, don’t worry.”

Little did he know, things were just getting started.


“Let’s get back together,” said Evan, his knee gently resting on Ryan’s cock. They were at the beach, Evan’s envious body glistening with seawater and sunlight. His muscles were as sexy as ever, and he was currently pinning Ryan down into the sand.

“I- We can’t,” he stuttered.

The sound of a school bell cut him off. “Fuck, we have to go to class,” said Evan. They were no longer at the beach, but both boys were still shirtless. Mersin Escort

“Fuck!” Since when were they back on campus?

“Who’s this?” said a confused-looking Jing, gesturing a hand at Evan.

Before Ryan could get a word in, he responded. “I’m his ex,” said Evan.

“But you’re a man.” Jing turned to him- everything was happening so quickly. “Ryan, are you gay?”

“Shit, I-“

The sound of his ringtone started to play over what he assumed was loudspeakers. As he regained consciousness, the last thing on Ryan’s mind was where he could get a shirt.

“Punctured bicycle on a hillside desolate. Will nature make a man of me yet?”

Ryan turned off the alarm and groaned. He registered the smell of something cheesy, along with the scent of freshly-cooked sausage. Jing never cooked- so, was his girlfriend over?

With a yawn, Ryan equipped his glasses. He’d put his contacts in after breakfast when he was more awake.

“Jing?” he called out. Crap, I forgot to tell him about the stray!

Once he saw what was in the kitchen, he didn’t take another step. Frozen in place, his jaw dropped.

In front of him was an unfamiliar person- a home intruder? – standing naked in the middle of his apartment. Ryan’s heart rate skyrocketed as he audibly gasped.

The figure turned around- he was undeniably gorgeous, with a body similar to Evan’s but a few shades paler. His smile revealed a set of straight white teeth- everything about him was perfect except for two obvious things…. Was he some sort of stripper?

When the tail started to wag, Ryan felt physically sick.

“Master! You’re awake!” he sang out.

…… “What?” he croaked.

“I made breakfast,” said the stranger, proudly.

And for a handful of seconds, there was silence- as though the earth stood still.

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