Doctor’s Visit

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I stared at the small red dot that I’d discovered at the base of my cock. It wasn’t any STD that I was familiar with and I hadn’t had any contact with an unknown woman either. It didn’t itch. It wasn’t sore. There was no sign of any pus. Guess I was going to the doctor. I called Dr. Chang’s office and made an appointment. I hadn’t been there in years and was surprised how fast I was able to get in.When I arrived at Dr. Chang’s suburban dermatology office I found the waiting area jammed. It sure looked like she was keeping busy. Dr. Chang and I had a special relationship, going back over ten years when she was working in a city hospital. I checked in and found a seat next to a young mother and her child who was still secured in a car seat.It wasn’t long until my name was called and a nurse escorted me into a room in the back of the front desk. She had my file clutched to her chest. She closed the door to the room without asking me any questions, which surprised me. I waited for about five minutes when the door opened. A young Asian woman, maybe twenty-five, walked in carrying my file. She wore glasses and had her hair cut very short, in a bob. She was slim, but had breasts that made her lab coat swell at her chest. Underneath she wore surgical scrubs. Chang was stenciled over the breast pocket.She sat the file on the counter and turned to face me. She stuck out her hand. “Hi, I’m Dr. Chang.”I stammered, “Not the one I was expecting.” I stood and took her almanbahis hand. It was warm and soft, though it was firm, with strength underneath the smooth flesh.”Please, sit,” she said as she sat on the wheeled stool. “I am her daughter, Liliana. It is good to finally meet you.”I nodded. She must’ve seen my puzzled expression. She grabbed the file off the counter, placing it in her lap.”We lost mom about. . .a year and a half ago.” She opened the file. On top of the charts was a square red envelope encircled with ribbon. It was greeting card size. “She left this for you.” She held up the envelope.I didn’t know what to say and sat there speechless. Her mother, Dr Rose Chang, was older than me, but she wasn’t that much older. I was surprised that she had a daughter in the work force, let alone a medical school graduate already in practice.”I’ve taken over her practice,” Liliana said. “Every once in awhile I find a patient that has one of these envelopes in their chart. They’re from my mom.””I. . .my address hasn’t changed, I wonder why she just didn’t mail it to me?”Liliana giggled. “I think we both know the answer to that question.”Now, I wasn’t going to say anything. This was dangerous territory.”Have no fear,” Liliana said. “Your secret is safe with me.”I sat back in the chair and tried to decide whether to feign stupidity. I guess it didn’t matter if she was being honest.”I’m sorry for your loss,” I said, finally feeling the sense of that loss almanbahis yeni giriş start to creep up my spine. “Your mom was a very special lady, not to mention a first rate doctor.””Thank you,” Liliana said. “She was.” She tapped the card on her knee. “She spoke of you and your family often. I guess you wouldn’t know that. I doubt she shared that with you.””Really?””I suppose she didn’t want to freak you out.” Liliana returned the card to the chart and sat it back on the counter. “I also knew that she loved you.””I. . .””Don’t worry about it,” she said. “She loved my dad too, but it was very special between you.””I. . .””She never would’ve told you, so please don’t feel bad. My mom kept a lot to herself.” She clasped her hands around her knees. “She finally confessed to me a little while before she passed.” She giggled again. “Sounded like a school girl when she did too and included a lot of details.” Liliana blushed.I shook my head and a smile crept across my face, not to mention a blush of my own. Rose had been a devious woman. No one would argue that point.Almost eleven years ago I had been brought into a trauma center on the city’s south side. I’d been shot and exposed to toxic chemicals. I had bullet holes in my chest and burns on my back, stomach, and legs. Rose stayed with my wife and kids after her shift ended. She’d already spent hours focused on pulling shrapnel from the explosion and hand rinsing my skin from the hazardous almanbahis giriş chemicals. My partner had been killed outright by the gun shots when we unwittingly entered a meth lab with the cookers still present. I’d killed three men, or maybe they gotten blown up. It didn’t matter.The months that followed had me going back to Dr Chang for follow up. Some of the chemicals had burned through my uniform pants, which were practically plastic anyway. I had some minor burns that descended around my crotch area. When I first visited Dr Chang, she would sit and ask about the family. She wanted to know everything. She was older than me, but was always a very attractive woman. She was thin, had long black hair, and strong slender fingers.Anytime she examined my private area I would blush and she got to the point where she was teasing me pretty heartlessly. One time, she called the department and told them I had missed an appointment and that it was important I come in right away for my visit. When I showed up an hour later, she told the nurse to cancel her other appointments. I was confused to say the least.She ushered me into an examination room and closed the door. I apologized, though I didn’t think I had an appointment. She turned her back on me and told me to strip and hop up on the table. Usually when she was going to examine my private area she’d leave the room. As I stripped, my cock started to swell. Usually I remained flaccid, and she usually had something to say about that, one time even saying that her Asian husband’s cock was bigger than mine.”Lay back,” she said.I lay back and grabbed a paper towel to cover my growing cock. She remained with her back to me, then turned and stepped over.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32