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Big Dicks

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will contain descriptions of sexual interaction between adults and minors. All characters and scenarios only exist in the author”s imagination. If for you this type of story is not allowed by law or some other reason, please stop reading.

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13-year-old Italian American Nino got initiated in the adult world of pleasurable sex the previous night by a motel guest called Mike. This morning Nino got intimate with a black dildo he found in one of the motel rooms. At his gymnastics class Jesse, one of the coaches, gave him a blowjob teaching the boy new techniques. In returning the favour, Nino got his share of cum from Jesse”s bend cock.


Discoveries on Saturday Part 4


As I walked into the gym, Coach Carter came up to me and asked me in front of everyone why I was late. With a blush on my cheeks, I told him Coach Jesse had asked me to pick out the new competition leotard I was wearing.


“Discipline is a key factor for success, young man. And to remind you to always be on time you”re gonna help me clean up after training.” he told me.


This wasn”t the time to object so I let it rest. I was worried about the appointment with the hairdresser though. There was only half an hour between the end of gym class and the hairdressers.

Training was intense but satisfying and ended ten minutes early so all went well. Because of my discipline measure I was the last to hit the showers and by the time I got back to the locker room everybody was gone. I just sat there on the bench in front of my locker for a moment. Taking in the mixed scent of shampoo and deodorant together with boy”s sweaty socks and damp towels. God, I always loved boy”s locker rooms. This time I missed out on all the dicks on display, unfortunately. Better luck next time.


I hurried to make it to the hairdressers on time.

However, when I arrived, I was told to take a seat and wait my turn.

Claire, the African American hairdresser, had an open face, teased hair, huge breasts and an ass big as a dancing Disney hippo. She was the older sister of my classmate Robin, a shy skinny girl with short hair and the sweetest eyes I”d ever seen. Robin had an artistic talent for drawing and sketching. Wherever she went, she always brought her sketchbook along with her. At thirteen she didn”t have any indication of breasts growing yet, so basically, she was pretty flat at front. Robin was a type of girl who I”d never seen wearing a dress or a skirt. And when I went swimming with all the kids from school at the local lake, she”d only be wearing her bikini shorts, because she didn”t have no breasts anyway. So, she was more or less non-sexual and I”d never given her any thought in that way.


Claire took her time talking to her clients and serving them thea and coffee while cutting them in the meantime. My God, that woman could talk!

Sitting and waiting my turn I looked around. Facing the wall opposite the restroom door was one of Robin”s pencil drawings. I clearly recognized Danny in it as the ten-year-old boy with straight hair. I still hadn”t talked to Danny about all that happened last night and thinking of him got me warm and tingling. To cool off I decided to unbutton my shirt.

In artclass Robin would choose one of the kids to draw and he or she”d be her model. She”d picked me more then once, touching me, feeling my bone structure as she was drawing. “To get more feeling into the sketch.” she”d always say. I wondered if she”d squeezed Danny for this drawing.

Next to the big mirror was a poster depicting of a very hot guy with a smashing haircut. I decided I wanted to get my hair done like that. Rummaging through the pile of old magazines I found an old comic of Wonder Woman and started reading. Every now and then I checked out the guy on the poster.

I had been waiting for over an hour when Robin came walking in from the back. Today she wore a wide light blue shirt and a white lace band around her neck. The moment she saw me she gazed at me, said `Hi” with her eyes focused on my bare chest. She blushed a bit took a broom and started cleaning the floor looking at me from time to time.

I greeted her and focused on my comic again.

Now suddenly her sister Claire got in a big hurry and raffled off her last client, getting rid of her. Then she turned to me and invited me into the barber”s chair.

I was a bit grumpy by then, making me wait that long while I had an appointment. But with Robin in front of me I put on a smile and walked over to the chair.


“Hi, I”m Claire, Robin”s sister. You”re in her class, aren”t you, cutie?” Claire asked me.


I had a feeling I was being set up for a second time in two days but this time someone was trying to hook me up with her little sister.


“That”s right, Robin and I have been classmates ever since kindergarten, I guess.” I answered looking at Robin for confirmation.

With her eyes looking down to the floor Robin nodded.


“You”re Nino from the motel, right? When I told Robin you”d be here today, she insisted to know what time you had your appointment. “she said with a smile in her voice, not expecting a reply.


Robin blushed and was nailed to the floor.


“Let me cover your bare chest with this cape before my little sister burns holes in it with her beaming eyes.” Claire said and threw the cape around me, securing it at the neck.


Tears sprang in the eyes of Robin, she dropped the broom to the floor, turned around and ran off to the back, her hands covering her face. She slammed the door shut behind her.


“That was mean.” I told Claire.” Robin”s a sweet girl. She doesn”t deserve that.”


Claire picked up the broom and set it aside to the wall.

“Sweet as she may be, I”m her older sister and I feel I have to protect her for some disappointments in life. And one of those disappointments is sitting here right in front of me, in this chair. I totally understand why she has a crush on you. For a thirteen-year-old boy you”re down right gorgeous. But you”re more likely to end up in bed with the prom king then with the prom queen in the future. So definitely not with a girl like Robin. When she pointed you out to me the other day, I told her so, in these exact words, but she didn”t want to hear of it.

And whether you wanna hear it or not, I recognize gay when I see it. You tick all the boxes, my friend. You don”t fool me. I”m a hairdresser!” Claire ranted and she slapped her big ass to emphasize her statement.


Completely stunned I looked her in the eyes through the mirror.


“So, it”s that obvious, huh?” I asked timid. “I just kinda found out myself. Please don”t tell Robin I told you, ok? I do like her, but I don”t love her or anything, you know?”.


“Don”t worry, sweetie, of course I won”t. I”ll stick to the story that you”re way out of her league.” setting me at ease.

“Well, and now it”s time for your haircut. You don”t have to tell me what you want. You”ve been drooling all over this guy up here on the wall ever since you walked in. It”s a good choice. It”ll be the perfect cherry on your cute Italian top.” and she started cutting.


After about half an hour she was finishing up and she brushed of all the hairs from the cape.


“You mind if I get a fast picture of you with your new haircut?” she asked. “What I”d really like would be a big quality picture of you here in my salon. That would draw in lots of young clients, I guess. If you like, I”ll ask my boyfriend, he”s a fashion photographer. He can do a photoshoot. I”ll take one now with my phone so he knows what he”ll be dealing with.” and she took a picture.


Of course, I felt flattered and wanted to agree. What thirteen-year-old boy doesn”t like to be a model!? I got out of the chair and walked over to my sport bag to get my phone.


“It”ll have to be next week, then. Tomorrow I”m off to my mom”s for a week. I”ll call my father and ask him. I want to, but he has to agree also.”


So, I called my father and begged him to let me be a model for Claire”s hair salon. He asked me to hand the phone to Claire. They talked a while and finally she handed the phone back to me. Dad told me he or Rosario would have to be present at the photoshoot. He wanted to see all the pictures before they would be printed. And last but not least, he made a deal with Claire that I didn”t have to pay for my haircut. I was over the moon!

Next, he asked me if I”d done all the chores on the list. I still had to get the bus ticket and my new Speedo and so I told him. We agreed I”d be home by 18:30PM at the latest.


“Do you mind if I go and talk to Robin? I don”t wanna leave things like this.” And I opened the door to the back. Looking over my shoulder I added, “Oh, and Claire, you”re gonna have to explain my picture in your hair salon to her.”


“You go and talk to Robin. She”s probably working on one of her sketches of you as we speak. I”ll deal with her later about your picture. It”s the door that says `Robin”, but I guess you”ll figured that out by yourself.”


I walked up the stairs and turned towards the door that said `Robin” and gently knocked.


“Go away, Claire! I hate you! How could you embarrass me in front of him like that!? You know how much I like him!” Robin called from the other side of the door. “How will I be able to face him next time!?”


I very gently pushed the door open and remained in the doorway. All the walls in her bedroom were covered with separate sketches and drawings of Danny, me and other kids from school. But most of the sketches were of me…

Robin was sitting bend over at her desk karabük escort in just an unbuttoned shirt and a pair of red lace underpants, focused on her sketchbook. Through her shirt I could almost count the vertebrae in her spine, her shoulder blades slightly jutting out. Her narrow pelvis leaving to much open space in the wide desk chair. If I hadn”t known any better, I”d swear I was looking at cute a boy.


“I TOLD YOU TO GO A…”Robin shouted. The moment she turned around, she stopped.


“Wow, that”s a lot of sketches, Robin.” I said calm, my eyes still wondering `round.


She wrapped her arms around herself and turned facing her desk, bending her head in shame. Her shoulders were shrugging. I walked over to her.


“Robin, I think it”s cool to see all these pictures. You show a lot of talent.” I said and tried to get her out of the chair. In front of her was a sketch of me with unbuttoned shirt reading Wonder Woman like I”d been doing down in the hair salon.


“Thanks, that”s so sweet of you to say.” and there was a faint smile. “But tell me Nino, is it true? Is it true what my sister said, you being gay? Usually, she has a good eye in these matters, you know?” Robin asked.


“Funny how other people seem to know, way before I got to realize it myself. Yeah, I”ve been focused on boys lately. And very recently I found out I have a strong taste for cock too. I”m sorry to bring it to you like this, but I guess honesty is in order here. Girls don”t do it for me.” I replied and smiled at her.


I pulled her towards me and opened my arms to give her a big hug. She put her arms around me while sniffing a bit. With my shirt still unbuttoned too, our four uncovered nipples rubbed on eachother. After a while I felt Robin”s hands sliding down at my back and entering my shorts, squeezing my buns.

I slowly released our embrace but Robin kept her hands in my shorts and continued the squeezing. She lifted my shirt and continued feeling and squeezing all over my body.


“I hardly dare ask, but will you be my model today, Nino? Like nude, you know? Now that you told me you”re gay, my feelings for you are more or less pointless, I realize that. I”ve made sketches at the beach of you and Danny and other guys, but you were always wearing swimsuits or trunks or whatever. I”ve never worked with a nude model before. I can do a sketch in five or ten minutes. Will you let me, please?”


I grabbed Robin by her hands and kept her at arms length for a moment.


“How can I resist you, sweet Robin? You can do a couple of sketches for all I care. “and I took of my shirt. “Where do you want me? Do I sit or stand or hang around on you bed? You”re the artist, you tell me.”


I sat on the bed and took of my shoes. I rose to my feet and without hesitation I unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them to the floor ending up butt naked in a matter of seconds. Like I wrote before, I have no problems with being naked in front of others.


Robin however had clearly not been in the presence of any naked boy before and I saw her little nipples getting hard as pebbles, her eyes focused on my boy-jewels.


Realising she was staring she snapped out of her gaze and said “Wow, great! You know I usually work, right? I need to touch and squeeze the parts that I draw? You don”t mind if I touch you, right?”


“As long as you don”t squeeze to hard you go ahead. Anything for the best results.”, and I lay myself on her bed underneath the window, feeling the wonderful warmth of the afternoon sun on my bare skin.

She told me to lay stretched out, my head on the pillow looking out the window. She positioned my left hand behind my head. I had to lift my right knee and she pushed my leg towards the window side. My left leg swung alongside the bed, my right foot underneath my left knee. The entire composition was focused on my jewelry right in front of her, so much was clear to me.

Every now and then she repositioned me slightly and every time I tried to look up, she gently pushed my head back in position.


“You”re sure I can tough everything…?”She asked.


“Absolutely. Just be gentle with it. It”s the only set I got.” I joked a bit nervous.


Robin let her hands slide from my knees to my penis and scrotum, lifting it, weighing it all in one hand. All with the most graceful touch.


“That”s quite heavy stuff. I never realized that.” she said to herself, very gently brushing over my circumcised dickhead with one hand and feeling my testicles with the other.


“It could have been heavier than that.” I told her calm.


Her hands stopped fondling. “What!? You and Danny, right? I knew it.”


“How much I love it to have been Danny, but no, someone else. It was fantastic, I”ll tell you.”, I said, still looking out of the window.


“Tell me, I wanna know!”, Robin said and gently started fondling my jewelry again in her enthusiasm.


Thinking of last night would probably get me hard so I tried to shift the conversation back to Danny again.

“So, everyone thinks Danny and I are already a couple? Apparently, I was flashing it around, I heard from several people. But Daniel? He”s as straight as an arrow, if you ask me. He”s always been my best friend but he never let me on to believe he was interested in me like that.”, I said.


Having let go of my boy-jewels and starting to rubb and squeez the rest of my body Robin replied.

“Oh, c”mon, Nino! Don”t be so na�ve! You boys have been like puppy”s ever since last summer. You”ve been focused solely on eachother showing no interest in any of the girls whatsoever. And you think nobody would notice? Every girl in our class is either in love with you or with Danny. That I get no attention from boy”s, that”s something I am used to by now. I know I”m not really girly. But all the girls like Amber and Jessica, they”re noticing it too. Both of you boys haven”t responded to any of their advances.

So yes, I”m sure Danny is queer too. Don”t wait for him to make the first move. Go and tell him how you feel. I think you”d be surprised by his reaction.”


I let her words sink in to me for a while looking out.


“You”re not the first one today to tell me that. You”ll never guess who the other person was…”


In the reflection of the window, I saw Robin raising her eyebrows and she waited for me to tell her.


“It was Daniel”s own mother…”


Robin snorted loudly ending in laughter. “Really!? Well, there you go! So, what are you waiting for?”, and she tapped me on the leg for attention.


I turned my head and said with a smile. “I”m laying butt naked on your bed, waiting for you to start sketching, Nosey Parker.”


We both couldn”t help but laugh out loud. I turned my head to look outside again.

Robin got her sketchbook and crayons and got to work. Every now and then she”d come over to me to reposition me or feel the texture of my muscles or my skin. She never touched my jewelry again that afternoon. Halfway through our session I heard Claire entering the room and taking a deep breath. The scratching on paper stopped and I heard Robin make a very dim shush-sound. Next, I could very distantly hear Claire mimicking `WOW!!!”.


Without turning my head, I said, “Your `little” sister is a true artist, Claire. We”re trying to keep things professional here, she the artist, me the model. And yes, I know how she works. She had to feel and touch everything. I”m cool with that. If I can help her improve on her skills, I”m more than willing to display myself here like this and be touched.”


“I was wondering what took you so long. But honey, professional or not, if you were my muse, I”d be all over you. I”m having a hard time restraining myself right now, seeing your sweet little nakes ass like that! Your gorgeous tanned body spread out like a puppy on its back. Just Delicious! Hm-mm!”


Fooling back, I replied, “Keep your pants on, sister! I like to live another day.”


Robin intervened. “When you girls are done, I”d like to continue to work, please.”


Claire left and Robin finished her first drafts. Getting dressed I looked at her work and I was really amazed by the quality of it all and praised her. Robin modestly shrugged and said these were just rough sketches and she still needed a lot of practice. Then she made a remark that she wouldn”t mind if I”d take Danny along with me next time. She looked expectantly at me. We agreed I”d come over for more sessions soon and ask Danny to come along. We made a deal the sketches and drawings would remain at her room but she let me take a picture with my phone of one of them. I choose a sketch of my head and upper torso, where my gaze out the window was a bit gloomy.


“Perhaps I”ll send it to Danny.”, I opted.


Standing in the doorway, ready to leave she called me by name.

“Nino, go and talk to Danny. You guys are a perfect match. It would be a waste if you let him slip through your fingers. Sometimes you just need to go for it. I know you have nice balls, so have the balls to take this leap.”, sending me off with a wink.


I left Robin”s bedroom and went down the stairs. Claire called me over to the kitchen of the house because she closed her hairdresser”s for that day. She had taken my sports bag and it hung on a kitchen chair.


“So, I guess I”ll be seeing you more often then. Knowing my sister and looking at her bedroom walls she doesn”t want to leave it at the one session. You guys be careful with her sketches and drawings. You don”t want them end up on the internet.” Claire said.


“Don”t worry,” I answered, “we talked about karaman escort that already. Everything stays at her room. I just took a picture of a great sketch she made of me, looking out the window. Look.”, and I showed her the picture on my phone.


“Yeah, she”s really good, isn”t she? And this sketch doesn”t even show your boy-parts.

So, I called my boyfriend Rick for your photoshoot and he”s ok with it. He”ll call you next week to make an appointment. You”ll probably have to visit me first so I can fine-tune your hair. And I guess Robin will want to work with you as well, so keep next Saturday afternoon free, ok?


I left her my phone number and we said our goodbyes.

After that I went to Walmart to check out what kind of swimsuits they had but I got very disappointed, it was all Chinese made junk, no quality at all. Because I hadn”t paid Claire for the haircut, I had some extra money to spend so I went to the big sportswear store.


As I entered the store, I was greeted by an assistant who introduced himself as Steve. He looked at my sports bag which had the name of the local gymnastics” association printed on it. I didn”t see any other costumers inside the store and way in the back was an older guy, probably the store manager. The very sporty looking assistant told me the store would close in about twenty minutes, so if I”d tell him what I was looking for, he”d help me out.

I told him I was looking for new swimsuits or perhaps a Speedo or boys bikini pants. As I spoke these last words, I saw a flicker in his eyes and a twitch in his pants. He directed me upstairs with a broad smile on his face.


“It”s in between the department with all the fitness gear and the toilets. You can”t miss it. I”ll be right up to assist you. “He said as he walked over to his manager. I noticed the assistant was in his twenties and had a very nice ass.


The stairs in this store were wide and open and as I was rummaging through the racks of swimsuits, I heard the assistant talk to his manager.


“You remember Jesse telling us this afternoon about that Italian boy at his gym almost sucking his dick off? Well guess who just walked into our store…?”, I heard him say.


There was a moment of silence and the manager spoke.


“You go upstairs and help and stall him, while I close the store and let down the blinds. If what you say is true, we”re in for a treat. This is gonna be a very nice way to end this dull week.”


I”m no fool. I knew what was going to happen next.

So first I went to the toilet and emptied my blatter and my bowels. After that I walked over to the section with swimsuits and picked out a couple of nice swimsuits and Speedo”s and took them into one of the fitting rooms. For the sixth time that day I dropped my pants. Maybe it would be easier to wear no pants at all, I thought grinning. Taking off my shirt and shoes left me naked once again and I tried on the first pair of Speedos. I watched myself in the mirror and wasn”t quite happy the way it looked, especially from behind. Stepping out of the fitting room I bumped into the assistant who, surprise, surprise, had taken off his shirt, and was left wearing only a tank top and some jogging pants.

Acting like I didn”t notice he was suddenly partly undressed, I asked him what his thoughts were of the Speedo”s I was wearing. He hummed something unintelligible.


“I”m not over the moon with these, my backside doesn”t come out well. I think perhaps I need a smaller sized pair. And see if those are in white? Can you get those for me as I try on the next pair?”, I asked hooking my thumbs in the waistband and pulling the Speedo”s down right in front of him. Bending over forward I showed my naked ass to the manager who just came walking up the stairs.


“Now that”s a nice ass you got there, young man. Thank you for showing that with me.”, the manager said with a friendly smile. “I”m Ralph, the manager. Steve and I are the only personnel left for today. I just closed the store early so we can give you our full attention and you can take all the time you need to fit new swimsuits without being interrupted by other costumers. How”s that for service?”


I smiled at Ralph and handed my Speedo to Steve who was checking me out, his eyes glued to my bum. Butt naked I walked over to the fitting room and tried on the next example of the swimpants I just got from the racks.

By the time I got back out, Steve still hadn”t moved but Ralph had taken off his shirt and tie. Every time I went back in and came out, they had taken off another piece of clothing. We agreed on a pair of Speedo”s and a pair of baggy swimpants.

Lastly, I choose a star spangled tiny red-white-and-blue one with white shoe laces on the sides I had to tie. It had two triangular shaped patches with the stars on them, one in front that hardly covered my boy-jewels and one little patch perfectly gracing half of my buns. I tried to readjust the shoe laces but couldn”t quite manage. Both guys were quick to respond getting on their knees and tying new knots covering my hips, meanwhile feeling all over my body. Fingers were squeezing my backside, my thighs and `accidentally” fondling my jewelry while trying to tuck it behind the small piece of cloth that was meant to cover it all.

I really loved these bikini shorts and I could tell by the horny look in their eyes they did as well. Slowly but surely all the fondling and attention got me hard and there was now way to hide anything behind the little piece of cloth anymore.


“I guess I”ll have that one as well, please.”, I said as I pulled the laces to untie them and dropped them to the floor.


Ralph was still on his knees next to me, and picked them up. With the bikini shorts in hand, he started to gently fondle with my scrotum.


“I can see you really love these last ones, don”t you? Well, guess what? I”m gonna make a deal with you. A little birdie told me today you”re an excellent cocksucker, am I correct? You wanna make a trade?”

I realized Ralph had me also proverbially by the balls. Of course I was willing to trade!


Ralph was by now in his tighty whities. He must have been in his fourties, was fit and had a lot of chest hair and a treasure trail leading into his briefs. On his arms and legs were tribal tattoos. He got up and dropped his briefs.

Out came a 9″circumcised tube and a stretched scrotum containing huge balls that hung really low, at dickhead level. His dickhead was pierced at the rim.

Now it was my turn to gaze with my mouth open.


“Wow! That thing is huge! Is it gonna grow even bigger when you get hard?”, I asked.


“Come closer and you can find out for yourself.”, Ralph said to me.


Moving towards him solely focused on this big cock, I did notice from the corner of my eye, Steve was getting undressed in a hurry, also. I bend over and reached out my hand. I started to pet this huge veiny tool up and down while it still was hanging passively. The circumference must have been almost 1.5″.

Slowly it came to life and raised itself only growing an extra inch or so.


“Did that piercing hurt a lot?”, I asked while trying to get my small hand around his tool, trying to make my fingers meet.


“No more than my tattoos. It”s a delicate place to have a piercing but gives me extra pleasure while having sex. But not when you go down on it. You think you can handle this new friend in front of you?”, Ralph said while he took out the piercing.


I felt Steve”s cold hands on my hips and with his thumbs he spread my buns apart. The warmth of his breath on my little pink crater made me shiver.


“You”ve been fucked earlier today, haven”t you?”, he asked. “It”s still a bit swollen and red up here. Our birdie told us you didn”t want it up the butt.”


I looked over my shoulder telling him, “Your birdie misinterpreted. There was no time for your birdie to fuck me with his banana-shaped dick. That”s not the same as not wanting to be fucked, right? I had a big black dildo up there this morning.” I smiled at Steve. “Show me what you”ve got and perhaps you may enter where no real cock has entered before. Up until now I only had a guy”s fingers and my black dildo up in there.”


Immediately Steve rose to his feet and proudly showed me his 7″ slightly upward bended cock with a big red mushroom at the end. The circumference was about the same as Ralph”s.


I turned to face Ralph again who”s cock was standing full mast by now. Grabbing his scrotum between his big balls and his body I could actually get my hand get around it, with his big testicles hanging low underneath my hand! I tugged a few times. I stuck out my tongue and licked from the base of his cock all nine and a half inches up to the top of his dickhead. I opened my mouth as wide as possible, covered my teeth and easily took in the first couple of inches. I let it slide out and looked up at Ralph.


“I think we can make a deal. It”s doable to get it in, but is there somewhere I can lay down on my back? A bench press bench or something? If I stretch my neck, I”ll probably be able to get it in all the way.”, I asked while still tugging his big scrotum gently.


“I”ve got a better idea.”, Ralph said and he threw off all the swimsuits that were hanging on one of the chromed coatracks nearby. Then he took another coatrack and threw all the swimsuits aside from this one as well, telling Steve to get some special fitness equipment.

Steve ran off and came back with four fitness-upside-down-training-shoes they both attached to my wrists and ankles. Next, they lifted me up up and hooked me on the chromed coatrack with me facing up. I was hanging there like game and I suppose I was to them.

My ass kars escort was hanging exposed towards Steve, while tilting my head backwards I was looking upside down at those two huge hairy balls in Ralph”s scrotum and his massive cock I was about to swallow. Ralph took his big cock in hand and slapped me in the face with it a couple of times, just to tease me.


“Boy, are you in for a treat today!”, Steve said. “Let me first grease you up a bit. There”s no lube here, so my saliva has to make do.”, and he spread my buns again spitting at my little pink crater. Steve spread my legs a bit wider so my ass rose to his groin level. I could feel his fingers rubbing and subsequently entering me. The forceful penetration took me a bit by surprise and I opened my mouth to take in a short breath.

That was the moment Ralph was waiting for and he quickly stuffed his cockhead in. I had no room to manoeuvre being tied up like that so I was beginning to play with my tongue around Ralph”s dickhead suckling on it.

Steve”s fingers stopped playing with my bum-hole and he lined me up sticking his dickhead up my bum.


“I”m all set to go.”, he said to Ralph.


“I hope you”re ready for some force feeding both ways, cause that”s what you signed up for, son! Keep your mouth as wide open as you can.”, Ralph said.


Then they both started pushing in their cocks, one in my mouth, the other up my ass. I had a feeling there was no end of cock I got shoved down my throat. Inch after inch got pushed in untill my head was between Ralph”s legs with his big balls nestled in my eyesockets. At the other side I got stuffed way up to the point I felt the warmth of Steve”s legs on my butt and hamstrings. Then they both slowly retracted allowing me to take a breath and relax my sphincter.


“This is fantastic! Look at this boy taking in my cock.”, Ralph said. “This was just for testing you and lubing my cock. You almost took it all in with the first try, so with a little extra push, I”ll bet you can take it to the root. How are you doing back there, Steve?”


“I”m ok, nice and tight up here. I was afraid he might have stretched himself to much with the dildo, but he”s young so his ass muscles are still sturdy and tight. You ready for some action, Nino?”, Steve said, and started pushing in his cock again.


Simultaneously Ralph fed me his warm tool and this time he pushed it in all the way.


“Oh my God, that”s so horny, look at that!”, Ralph said pointing at my neck. “You can see my cock going up and down his throat, pumping. That”s the coolest thing ever!” He reached out and touched my neck to feel his dick through my neck as he retracted to let me breath again.


From that moment on they both concentrated on their own job at hand, feeding me their pounds of meat over and over again. Steve grabbed my upper legs with both hands so he was able to push himself in better. Ralph did the same, but by holding on to my arms. I arched upwards every time Steve”s cock brushed my prostate, which allowed Ralph to enter me just a half inch extra.

My boy-juice was leaking out of my hard dick onto my stomach, creating a little milky puddle in and around my bellybutton.

After about twenty-five minutes of being relentlessly fucked hard by both men, I realized this could go on forever if things didn”t change. The next time Ralph pulled out, I put massive suction on his cock, like I knew how. Immediately I got the reaction I was aiming for. He moaned loudly and he slightly lowered himself, bending his knees. My neck got stretched backwards to much and I coughed out his cock.


“I”m sorry buddy, but I got lost there for a moment. You putting your suction mode on, really send me out there.”, Ralph said apologizing, while Steve was still frantically pounding my ass and started to lick my feet and suck on the little toes which were right in front of him.


“Just don”t…bend your knees,…please… You”ll break…my neck!….When you cum,…I want it in my mouth,…I wanna taste it,…ok? Now feed it…back to me,…we”re not done …till you fed me…properly… And you back there,…spread my legs some more…so I rise…That”ll feel better…for both of us.” I said in between Steve”s humping thrusts, trying to take charge of the situation a bit more. I hung my head back and Ralph offered me his cock again.


“Wow, you really love it, don”t you?”, Ralph said looking down on me with a big smile.


Smiling was hard with his big cock in my mouth but I gave him a “Hm-mmm” and a thumbs up.


I so love the feeling of warm hard cock sliding in and out of my mouth and going down my throat. From the first time Mike offered me his, I was hooked. And being fucked by a real cock for the first time simultaneously was totally exhilarating. Both men granted my requests, one spreading my legs and lifting me up a bit, the other not bending his knees again.

And I got back focusing on what I love doing most: sucking cock.

Both of them upped their tempo fucking me hard and I had to adjust my sucking intensety to keep them entering me at the same time. God I was in heaven.

Every time I put suction on Ralph”s huge cock, my sphincter tightened around Steve”s retracting cock keeping it rubbing my prostate and so I could my piece of heaven with the both of them. Both men moaned at those moments of strangling pleasure I inflicted upon them. The dribbling of the boy-juice coming out of my dick gradually overflowed the puddle on my bellybutton and found its way down my sides to my back, dripping on the carpet floor.


“If you keep clamping your ass like that, it won”t be long before I fill you up, buddy!”, Steve moaned.

I decided it was time to finish them off and get my rewards. I was getting pretty tired of controlling my breathing and was downright ass-numb after thirty minutes of having the guys pushing and shoving their cocks in and out of me. So, I applied maximum suction on Ralph keeping his cock inside, while pinching off Steve”s rod with my sphincter and keeping him clamped down my ass.


“Oh my god, YESS, I”m cumming!!”, Steve moaned loudly and for a final time he retracted and forced his cock into me. I could feel his warm juices being ejected six or seven times, deep into my bowels.

I released the restraining force on both cocks because I was cumming myself too. The first stream of cum shooting out of my dick hit Ralph right on his hairy chest. The second one too, just a bit lower.

Ralph pulled out his own cock and started to masturbate in front of my face while Steve also pulled out and got to his knees to examine whether my boy-hole was staying open and leaking his cum.


“CUM-FEST!!”, I shouted and while cumming all over myself, Ralph was filling up my mouth and covering my face with his spunk. Still with my head hanging upside down some of his cum ran in my nostrils making me cough it out, on his cock and into his pubes. It also made me squirt out Steve”s juices, out of my ass on to his face.


We were all covered in cum somehow and Ralph let me clean his cock like a huge lollypop. Several times he wiped his large, by now somewhat deflated, tool over my face scoping up the cum and feeding it to me. He made sure I cleaned him good by positioning himself to my side, lifting my head horizontally and sliding his cum-covered cock over my pouting lips. His cum tasted less bitter than Jesse”s this morning so I did my best to eat as much as I could. He even rolled his cock over my belly, covering it in my own cum, and feeding it back to me. My own jizz was even sweeter in taste.

After that the three of us were completely worn out.


“Jesus fucking Christ, where in the hell did you learn to do that, little guy? For a minute there I thought you were really gonna suck my cock off. I”m fucking exhausted! “, Ralph said while sitting down on the floor.


I was still hanging in the coatracks, face, chest, stomach and back more or less glistering of cum-residue. My ass leaking Steve”s lukewarm sperm, dribbling down my cleft to my back where, together with my own juices, it dribbled down on the floor.

The two men were too tired to help me but I managed to unhook myself and get down. I was really glad to see both of them wasted on the floor, trying to regain their strength. I really loved to see them wasted like that.

I whiped my face with my hand and licked it off my hand. It was getting cold by now, which didn”t do any good for the taste. I could feel the cum running down my spine back to my cleavage. I took off the two fitness-upside-down-training-shoes on my wrists. As I bend over to get the shoes off of my legs, my worn-out ass opened and more cum ran down my legs.

I looked around for a towel or something and decided to wipe myself off with the towel I used after my gymnastics training. I gathered the swimsuits I picked out and dressed myself.


Both of them were still watching me as I prepared to leave.

“I think we all had a pretty good deal today. I take it you both got your money”s worth. And I did too. Perhaps your little birdie should have warned you things could become messy. Can you give me a receipt for all my items, please?”


Ralph got up and said, “Little man, if you ever need any new swimsuits, you come to see us around closing time. We”re always open for such a deal. Steve, help him with a receipt, will you? I”ll clean up this mess.”


After getting me my receipt Steve showed me out the store.

“Don”t be a stranger now, you hear?”, he said.


When I walked into the early evening sunlight, I had the feeling of exiting the cinema, squinting my eyes. I”d had enough cum for one day, I figured. All I was left to do was go to the greyhound bus station and get the bus ticket for the first bus in the morning.

If I hurried, I”d get home for dinner in time.

Not saying I was very hungry though…







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