College Laundry

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Kindra dropped the correct change into the last washer and hit Start. She had two weeks’ worth of clothing to clean. This was a several hour affair, but it was a Friday night after dark and what else was she going to do, really? In fact, she already had her activity ready. Out came her tablet, preloaded with pirated movies. She didn’t bother wearing earbuds. The noise of the washers drowned out the sounds of her device, and no one else was around. Up? Probably. Around? No way.

Not for a while anyway.

About twenty minutes into her first movie, she noticed someone else walk into the college dorm laundry room. “Oh. Sorry!” she instinctively said. She looked up. It was a tall, thin boy, probably her age (19), and with unkempt but short dark sandy blonde hair.

“No, no, it’s fine,” he replied. He moved around her to the free washers, dropping in his load, then the detergent, and finally his change. He moved to the opposite side of her, leaning back against a dryer after fiddling with his phone.

Kindra went back to her movie. This was awkward, but that was college life for you, wasn’t it? Wasn’t this supposed to be the “college experience?” Meeting new people? Forcing opportunities to meet new people, if that wasn’t really your thing? Like Kindra’s? She noted his loose-fitting clothes and lanky figure, and then sort of ignored him.

“What movie is that?” he asked.

Crap, Kindra thought. She forgot to put in earbuds. “Uh, just a flick,” she half-lied. She was silent for a little bit. “What are you listening to?”

As a response, the boy pulled out one earbud. The music was a genre Kindra didn’t particularly enjoy, but certainly could respect. “That’s pretty cool,” she told him.

“What are you studying?” he asked.

“Chemistry. You?”

“Mech E.” Mechanical Engineering. So they shared maybe one class – Chem 101 – and she already tested out of that her sophomore year. …Of high school. No chance of seeing him around campus.

The next twenty minutes passed in silence. A buzzer went off, then another, and a third. Kindra moved her clothes to the dryer Ankara escort and deposited her next round of change. She went back and sat in front of the washers. “I’ve, um… I’ve seen you around before, I think,” she started. He looked up. “What’s your name?”

“Wallace,” he said.

“Kindra. Nice to meet you,” she smiled.

“Nice to meet you too,” he smiled back.

It was only a week when Kindra went back to the laundry room. She learned her lesson this time. She only had a load and a half, so she made two mostly-full loads and started the washers.

Not five minutes passed when Wallace walked in with a load of his own. “Hey!” he exclaimed. “Happy coincidence!”

Kindra blushed a little. That was a cute gesture. “How was your week?” she asked.

“Good. Quizzes on Tuesday, test on Thursday. I had most of today off.”

“Shouldn’t you be out partying with your friends?”

“I don’t really have many yet. I see a bunch of guys in study groups, but that’s purely academic,” he joked.

She nodded.

“What about you?”

She blushed a little harder. “Oh, my roommate has a boyfriend who likes to… uh… occupy the room?”

Wallace laughed. “Wow. So you’re kinda relegated down here, huh?”

Kindra laughed back. “I mean, I guess!”

Before they knew it, the buzzers went off. Kindra moved her loads over and Wallace moved to sit next to her. “Mind if I watch?” he asked courteously.

Kindra hesitated for a moment. Not out of fear – nothing about this boy sprang any red flags. She just wasn’t expecting it. She nodded and looked down to hide her blush.

The next week, the two of them found additional excuses to go do laundry. They hadn’t exchanged numbers yet, but somehow they knew the other would be there. Kindra and Wallace grew closer together as they moved closer together in the laundry room. To his credit, she noticed, Wallace didn’t make any move on her. She hadn’t had a really successful relationship in the past, but she wasn’t opposed to her first collegiate flirt being this boy.

It Ankara escort bayan was another Friday when she made her move. She packed up her dry laundry and waved goodbye. “Catch ya next time!” she smiled cheerily. Wallace waved back.

She went up one floor and entered her room, stuffing the clean clothes under her bed. Her roommate wasn’t present, thankfully. She didn’t care where; just so she didn’t come back till much later.

Kindra waited at the door expectantly. She was nervous. She had always been shy. This was a big leap for her. But… “college experience,” right?

Wallace knocked at the door. “Uh… Kindra? Are you in this room?”

She waited a few seconds before opening the door.

“Oh, uh…” Wallace started, “You uh… left this-” he held up one of her socks. He stopped when he noticed she was in a jet black hoodie but not any pants. She grabbed the outstretched arm and pulled him into the room.

She embraced him and inhaled deeply. He hadn’t showered yet. His young musk emanated off him. Good. She wasn’t brave enough to look up at him so she just hugged him closer.

Wallace was dumbfounded. “Um… Hey, I-” He didn’t have a clue what to say. His body began moving on its own, and Kindra was fully consenting to it.

Kindra looked up and her face appeared, her long dark hair flowing behind her, her pale barely-pudgy skin soft as her oversized hoodie. She stood up on her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. That was all he needed. He leaned down and smooched her lips passionately. She walked backwards, leading them both to the bed. Kindra was by no means unattractive, but she didn’t exercise – at all – and she was still very self-conscious about her body.

Besides; this oversized hoodie was very comfortable.

Wallace leaned into her as she parked her butt up on the bed. She obediently lay down on her back, letting him tower over her with this long body. Her small height made that easier. He moved his kisses down her neck and began fondling her breasts. She touched his jean zipper. “You have a condom?” Escort Ankara she whispered.

He nodded.

She nodded back and immediately opened his pants. She couldn’t see him but got her first feeling of him. His penis was erect, rock-hard, molten hot to the touch of her fingers. He shivered at the gentle brush of her soft fingertips. His skin felt smooth over the hard muscle. She guestimated maybe six inches long. Her second hand reached beyond and touched his leathery scrotum. His two balls were full and low-hanging. Good signs.

Wallace’s own hands acted now. They pulled at her striped panties and they slid off both legs. He withdrew the condom from his pocket and handed it to her, kissing her soft white skin all over. She fumbled to get the condom on his bulging member though neither seemed to mind, or notice.

She finally got it on and stared into his dark hazel brown eyes. He returned the stare into her pale green eyes. Wallace slowly dipped his throbbing member into her waiting vagina. She didn’t have a hymen to push through. His penis slid in satisfyingly, snugly, fully. She moaned. He grunted. And the work began.

He slid in and out of her. His hot cock pressed against her insides, and her insides responded by covering him in her love juices. Her arms and legs wrapped around this thin body. She needed his companionship so bad. She’d had no idea but it was true. Here he was, on her bed, on her, inside of her, making love to her.

Wallace pushed himself up to look at her. Her body recoiled, a little bit, but all he saw was soft, quiet, hidden beauty. All she saw was the chiseled set of abs and loose-fitting shirt of the tall man claiming his newest conquest. Oh God, but did his cock fill her up! He was so big she couldn’t contain her moans of ecstasy! And his own grunts, oh, they sounded so manly and urgent and brutish! He needed her, she needed him!…

“I’m cumming!” he whispered.

“Outside!” she ordered.

He pulled out. His fingers slipped on the condom, it was so wet. Once he got it off he started stroking vigorously with a whole hand. Kindra panted and watched him work it. His moans crescendoed into a deafening silence as his semen spurted out. It landed in ropy globs on her soft, black hoodie. Finished with his release, Wallace sat back. Both of them panted heavily.

“Well…” she said happily. “Guess I have more laundry to do.”

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