Caught For the Last Time Ch. 02

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During the week, one of my wife’s Soma lingerie catalogs arrived in the mail. I tried not to look at her looking at it while on the sofa, but she knew better. She looked over at me and asked…”Have you ever been to Soma?”

I replied “Yes, but they are a bit pricey.”

“Well, Soma has these wonderful panties on sale right now. You been wearing those three pair of Victoria Secret so many times, I am afraid that you are going to wear them out and then start looking for other pairs on your own. Would any of these be of interest you?”

With that she showed me the pictures in the catalog and I have to admit the models would make any panties look great. It’s hard to tell from a picture but at 5 pair of panties for $35 it sounded like a good deal and just her offer alone was worth me saying I was interested. It was weird. We were both looking at a lingerie catalog for ourselves.

As she turned the pages with me, there were bras, gorgeous nightgowns and long summery dresses. “Have you ever had your own bra?”

My answer was “Yes, but they were pretty ill-fitting ones over the years, but never like these. In fact, I think you found one or two of them tossed them.”

“Oh yeah” she said…”bad question. Oh look, these camisole bras are quite nice.” I was shocked, but thrilled that there was some communication after weeks of absolutely nothing.

At that time, her cell phone rang, she closed the catalog and the conversation ended. I felt a bit awkward the rest of the night, not wanting to bring it back up but knowing we left the conversation hanging.

For the next two days I had trouble concentrating at work because I was not sure where this new discussion was heading. When I arrived at home on Thursday I was about to change when she did the same move of kissing me and reaching into my pants, only to find my boring guy underpants. “So you’ve been good I see?”

“Yes, I’m trying to keep Monday and Friday as the days I wear them to work. I told you the desire is not all the time, but it’s definitely still there a lot.” That at least gave me a little credibility.

I finished changing and while we were having dinner she said she had been thinking more about our brief discussion the other night and she had actually headed over to the Soma store at lunch.

She said, “I got to talking to one of the sales associates and found that it seems that a lot a men purchase Soma lingerie for themselves…more than I ever realized.”

She went on to say, “I tried to research it online, but you never can trust what you read on the internet that’s why I went in person. She told me many of the men are professionals like yourself, and they are regular customers. In fact the sales associate seemed to brush it off as a relatively routine event when I asked her more about it.”

She then continued, “So, I got to thinking. You have done exactly what you said you were going to do as it comes to wearing the panties, and I really appreciate it. I was afraid that you were going to be prancing around the house in them and I could use that as a reason to ask you to stop. That did not happen. I’m beginning to feel I can actually trust you even though it’s been only a month.”

“Here’s what I propose. I would like to offer you the option to buy some lingerie at Soma, but I want to know what it is you are buying. No sneaking around anymore. Here is a $100 Soma Gift card. Consider it an early birthday present. When you go there, I want you to ask for Carol. She is the person I spoke to and she will make the visit comfortable for you. She was very helpful in talking to me about your cross dressing.”

“But”, I replied, “the panties we saw in the catalog sale were 5 pair for $35. What about the other $65?”

“Use your discretion. When I consider all the items of yours I have tossed over the years, I am certain you can find something appropriate at Soma. I want to see how you use your judgment. You do not need to spend it all, but you can. Carol works tomorrow and the sale ends of Sunday, so I would head over there tomorrow.”

That really lifted my spirits. On Friday morning I happily put one of my three rotating pair of panties and headed off to work. When work ended I headed straight over to the mall where Soma was located. I was both nervous and excited, and walked by the store entrance about 5 times before I actually entered.

There were two sales associates on and only one other customer in store. I started browsing the items and was greeted by one of the ladies. She was slightly older than myself, but very nice. She asked if there was anything special I was looking for.

Even though she introduced herself, I could also see from her badge that she was Carol. I did not want to blurt out why I was here right away so I said, “I saw the Sale sign and wanted to look around.”

Carol said, “Feel free to ask me any questions at all”, and headed back to straightening the racks.

Soma is like a large boutique store. Imagine setting up fatih escort and having your very own lingerie room at home…that’s Soma.

After looking at nearly everything in the store, Carol came back over and asked again if I needed any help. Now that I felt more comfortable and oriented in the store, I mentioned that my wife was in yesterday and suggested I come by and see you. Carol said, “Oh yes, say no more.”

She immediately put me at ease by sharing some fun stories of other men who come in. “There are some regulars who show up for all the big sales and I know them by their first names, and then there are others who come in and say they are buying for their wives or girlfriends who just happen to be the “exact” same size as them. We really believe those stories! But, we respect their privacy and they are good customers too.”

“Now as I recall, we have $100 to spend, correct?”

“Good memory. Well, I have a $100 gift card but don’t have to spend it all.”

She countered with…”Now what fun would that be if we didn’t? Your wife and I went through the entire store and she first looked at the panties. So let’s start there. My guess is you are a size 7 and these are the ones on sale over here. Let me show you a few things. Many Soma panties have a band of elastic around the inside on the legs so they don’t ride up and don’t show a line. I love them. Why don’t you look through these for a bit and find some you like.”

Soma does make good quality. Within 15 minutes I had been through the entire display and found 5 pair that I liked. Carol returned, approved 4 of them and suggested one other pair for me. “That will be your five for now. Those are all wonderful. Now, let’s find a bra for you.”

“A bra, really? I was thinking that might be a little much for my first purchase.”

“Hmmm.” She replied, “Based upon what your wife said to me, I think she was expecting you to buy one. We just need to find the right one that fits you perfectly.”

I was shocked. “Carol, are you sure?”

“Yes, and we have a great sale on these camisole bras. They have lace in the front and do a nice job of covering up any little chest hair. While you were over at the panties, I looked for what I think your size is. What do you think of these?”

Carol had already picked 5 different styles. “Let’s try each of these one and let me see each one when you are ready. I want to make sure the fit is right.”

I was escorted to one of the last fitting rooms, removed just my polo shirt and tried on the first one. Carol asked to see each one so she could observe the fit. Some were tight on the straps, some seemed to cut a bit under the arms, and one style seemed just about right.

“Good, let me get a few variations of this style for as well as a few different colors. I’ll be right back she said.”

Of all the ones she picked I liked the black camisole bra the best but she said it was still just a little bit tight around the back strap.

“Here’s what I want you to do. Give me the black bra and I’m going to get a bra extender. Now, slip these black panties on…they are one of the five you are buying and I will be right back.” When she returned she handed me the bra over the door and I slid it on.

It now fit perfectly with the extender…who knew. I was now wearing a bra that was actually fit to me!

For the first time ever I was now seeing myself in a matching bra and panties…and from Soma. It nearly took my breath away. She asked me through the door…”Is it a good fit? Do you like it?”

“Oh yes. They are perfect.”

“Great!” She replied, “Now get dressed and we have one more thing to look at.”

This all takes more time than I ever imagined. I have now been in Soma for an hour and all I have to show for it is one bra and 5 pair of panties. I’m not complaining, I’m just saying. And I loved the attention.

Carol walked me over to the nightgowns and loungewear, sorted through the racks, held up a gorgeous long black gown against herself and asked “How do you feel about something like this?”

It was beautiful. The fabric was so soft and it hung graciously on the hanger. I told her, “I have only had inexpensive nightgowns from places like Kmart, never anything like this. But my concern was not over the idea, but over how my wife would take this.”

Carol confided in me that there were 3 categories my wife looked at with her while at the store…panties, bras, and loungewear. And like yourself, it was this area she felt uncertain as to how you would feel. I felt like Carol was now more of a friend than just some nameless sales associate.

As we looked through the items, they were simply too pricey for my $100 gift card so even though I loved them, they would not fit it in my budget. Then Carol brought me to the back of the store where the markdowns were.

We went to the large and XL part of the rack and there were probably about 10 different items that were çapa escort there. This was now more difficult because of my budget and their limited availability. From the rack we were able to select 4 possible items. 2 babydoll style nighties, one chemise and one longer outfit with pants.

Back to the dressing room. The first baby doll nightie was simply too tight around the chest and was a no go. The second baby doll was very flexible on top and was a definite possibility. The chemise was cut so well and hung perfectly, and the loungewear outfit with pants was simply elegant. And, any one of the three would keep me under the total budget of $100.

“Carol??? I need your help.” She was standing relatively close and came right over. Now other than helping me with the bra fitting, Carol had not seen me with anything on so this was strange. When I called her I was wearing the loungewear with pants.

She said, “Let me see what the fit looks like.” I opened the door and she looked at me head to toe…nodded and said she loved it. She said the fit was perfect, and she liked how the flow of the long top and pants worked well with my shape. She adjusted the shoulders a bit and checked it out one more time and said…that will work perfectly.

“Now let’s see the chemise.”

I quickly changed to the chemise in its rich blue colors, and she loved that one too. The chemise not only hung well but had a nice flare at the hips. She said, “The flare makes it look more feminine on you even though you have no hips. See how it gives you balance and shape? Watch for that if you ever buy one in the future as well. Now, let’s see that baby doll.”

I carefully removed the chemise and slid the babydoll nightie on.

“Wow” she said, “the baby doll does fit extremely well and you look sexy in it. But, it may be a bit too much, or better yet…too little, for right now. Sexy may not be the look you are looking for today.”

She had a good point. I was getting excited just trying it on!

I tried on each item one more time for myself, looking in the mirror from all different directions, wanting to buy them all, but finally deciding on the loungewear top with pants.

Reluctantly, I got dressed and when we settled up it all came to $96.

Carol said, “I really hope that you can come in again…we always have sales…and I know your wife will be pleased with your purchases. And if I am not in, just tell any other sales associate that I helped you and they will all be just as nice.” I kept the receipt and walked out with my Soma bag in hand.

As I was getting close to the house, I started getting all nervous again, but a different type of nervousness. This was nervousness as to uncertainty. She had given me the card to spend and I was nervous that she might not approve of what I bought.

As I walked up to the door, I got even more nervous. Would she want me to hide them away and never see them herself? Would she want me to just show them to her? Or would I have to model them? I had no idea.

“Where have you been for so long? I cannot believe you spent more than two hours at Soma!” I stood there shocked and in disbelief.

Then she laughed and said…”I’m just kidding. Shopping is quite an experience. Now you know what I go through all the time. I’m starved, let’s a have a quick bite to eat and you can tell me all about it.” She was more upbeat that I expected, so that was real good.

I put the bag down and we had a nice salad and some wine. I gave her a complete description from me arriving at Soma and being totally nervous through my finally checking out, and now feeling a bit nervous all over again. Then she said…”Don’t be nervous…let’s see them.”

I reached for the bag and started to take then out she said, “Oh no. These are now yours and if you are going to wear them, I want to see them on you at least once so I know what they look like on you. I only caught a glance of you that time I caught you in those little Victoria Secret panties. I need to know what these look like.”

“Are you sure? It would be faster to just show you them here.”

“Nope, go put them on. And let’s see the panties first.”

I brought the bag into the bathroom, stripped down and put on the panties. I decided to start with the most conservative pair. I selected the simple white pair first which had a cute lace pattern along the waist band.

It’s funny, except for the black pair I had never actually tried any of these other ones on at Soma. They looked as good as I hoped they would. I slowly opened the door and asked…”Ready?”

She said yes but I was not sure if I was.

“Come on, let’s see.”

As I stepped out I could see her struggling to offer a comment. She was now seeing what she must have been visualizing for years. I was not quite the model in the catalog, and to be honest, I was not feeling as comfortable as I thought I would…I was standing here modeling just a pair of panties. sarıyer escort I may have even been a little red faced.

All she could muster up was, “They are a good fit and they were pretty.” It was like hearing you had a nice personality.

The peach colored ones were next and they also had a little more lace and were fairly conservative as well. I think by the second pair the initial shock for both of us was over. She said, “The peach color looks good on you. That was at least an improvement.

I then modeled for her the pink ones with the lace panels on the side and a cute bow. She actually perked up and said, “I love the bow on the front. It’s cute.”

“I like it as well”, I replied.

They were then followed by the red pair. These were relatively simple but the fabric was much softer and the legs had a lot of lace on them.

She actually asked me to come closer so she could examine the lace and the fit. These got the best response. “You look really good in those.”

I saved the black pair for last. When I asked. “Do you want to see these with the bra as well?” she said “Of course.”

This was the big build up. I made it through showing her the pink and red panties so this should be easy. But this was the first time she would see me standing there in a bra and panties. Waiting until now to put the bra on was a good idea. I had built up at least some courage. A model I am not.

When I walked out, she actually complimented me on the combination. She said, “Having the bra and panties on together make you look better…kind of completing the look. You seem more balanced. I actually really like that look on you.”

She asked me to come over so she could see closer. I had to turn around for her slowly and she commented that the fit of the bra fit was very good as well.

The last item was the loungewear. It was also black with a little gold trim. I decided to keep the bra and panties on to keep any excitement down, and then slid on the long pants on and then the top. I checked myself out in the mirror and straightened out the top like Carol did.

Before heading out I tried to stand up straight and keep my shoulders back. Strangely, the outfit I felt most uncomfortable with buying was now going to be the easiest to show her. I now felt like a girl!

As I walked out with my hands lightly clasped in front of me and my shoulders back, there was no response from her.

She had me turn around and finally asked, “Does all this really make you that happy?”

That was a real downer. As happy as I thought I would be, I was not feeling that way at all after she asked me that.

I responded as nicely as I could, “Yes it does and I thought I did a good job of shopping and buying nice things.”

I was now so glad I did not buy the baby doll nightie. That could have been a nightmare. I returned to the bathroom and changed back.

When I put everything away in the bag and came out she said, “OK, here are the rules. You may keep them in your dresser, but all in one lower drawer. You now have a lot of things. You may wear the panties any time you want except to bed. You now have plenty to go around.”

“As to the bra, please wear it only when you are at home and please wear it under some shirt or sweater. Try to be subtle. And when I am out of the house, you may wear the loungewear. You don’t see me prancing around the house in my lingerie so I don’t expect you too either. Are we clear on this?”

I tried to smile, but I still felt like I was someone who had been caught all over again. I told her that I totally understood.

I was now getting the freedom I was hoping for and now had to work on being about as normal as I could. This was not going to be easy but it’s a challenge I was looking forward to. I went upstairs and moved a few things around in my dresser and folded up everything neatly in the bottom drawer.

I was so happy that at least tomorrow was Saturday. This was going to be the first time I could wear a bra at home.

On Saturday I got up at my normal time, showered and wore my black bra and panties under one of my looser dark shirts and pants. Heck, I couldn’t tell I even had it on as I checked myself out in the mirror.

I went downstairs, made coffee and waited for the wife. After a bit, she made her way downstairs and I could tell she was taking glances at me from different angles…is he or isn’t he wearing the bra? But she would not say a thing.

Seriously, after about an hour of starting laundry, cleaning up some bills and putting things away, I forgot I had a bra on and I think she did too. I wore it through until dinner on Saturday night and decided that 8 hours in a bra was more than enough for the first day.

And when I changed and looked in the mirror, I actually loved the telltale signs of the bra straps on my shoulders and back…that was so cool.

And again, like before, not a word from her.

Anticipation for the new week was now growing. I now had 8 pair panties to choose from and my own bra and loungewear. Each day I got up and selected an appropriate colored pair of panties, got dressed, had a light breakfast, said goodbye and headed off to work. But I did not underdress every day, but I did many for many of them.

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