By the Light of the Moon

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The Vernal Equinox was tonight and the moon was full and bright in a cloudless sky. I was restless and wandered the gardens at a slow and hesitant pace. It was as though I were looking for something and waiting for something, both at the same time. Anticipation was lurking in the back of my mind.

As midnight approached, my excitement and restlessness grew. I even took a walk through the maze, exploring as I went. That was something I had not done since my childhood. The big heart shaped maze both thrilled me and scared the crap out of me.

The tall hedges that lined the paths made me feel small and closed in. Only to be spooked by the sudden openings and small formal rooms as I called them that were hidden within. The large heart shaped room at the center of the maze was grassy flat and open. At its center was a white heart shaped marble table and two chairs.

I sat in one of those chairs now, my feet six inches off the ground and I am a tall man. The table was chest high in front of me. I often wondered just how tall the people were that this grouping was made for. Or was it just some sculptors joke. I swung my feet like a child and grinned. I liked a good joke, even when I didn’t really understand it.

A sound in the grass from behind the chair caused me to turn and look around the high wide back. I froze as my eyes grew wide and my mouth dropped open. A young woman was coming out of one of the passages. She had a velvet blindfold over her eyes and her hands were out in front of her.

My shock was not from the unexpected young woman but from what she wore or the lack there of. Other than the blindfold, she wore shoulder length black velvet groves and thigh high, high-heeled boots of the same black material and nothing else. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the bright moonlight.

Her long curly blonde hair framed a heart shaped face and fell down her back. It hid none of her charms from the front. Her full breasts were slightly mashed together from her arms being in front of her but the dark circles under her nipples were clearly visible.

My eyes dropped down across her flat stomach to her sex. There was a blonde patch of hair on her mound but the rest seemed to be completely hairless. I felt my tongue run over my lips at the thought of how it would feel and taste to eat that sweet looking treat.

The young woman took slow careful steps, testing each foot placement as she went. Her hands moved slowly from side to side and up and down feeling for any obstacle. I wondered who she was and why she was in my garden. I wanted to ask but I did not want to scare her.

Actually, it was more a matter of my wanting to look at her. She was strikingly beautiful of both face and body. She was one that young men drooled over and old men sighed about, in fond memory. At the present, I was doing neither. I was just gaping at her like a fool.

She drew even with the table and paused. I tried to will her to walk on so I could see her from the back. From the side she was as awesome as she was from the front. A firm looking, high rounded ass in the back balanced her large firm breasts out. I have been an ass man all my life and here was perfection.

She slowly turned toward the table and cocked her head to the side. I held my breath and tried to slow the wild beating of my heart. She turned her head slightly and cocked it the other way. She seemed to be listening or maybe trying to sense where she was.

A moment later, in a high sweet voice, she asked, “Who is there?” She paused as though waiting for an answer and then said, “I know someone is here, please answer me.”

When I cleared my throat, her face turned directly toward me. “I’m Theodore Roberts and this is my garden you are wandering around in.”

“I’m Rebecca Aims and I’m glad to meet you. You can call me Becca if you like, everyone else does,” she said politely.

“Uh, can I ask why you’re wandering around my garden naked and blindfolded?”

She smiled sweetly and replied, “I’m the sacrificial virgin this year.”

“Uh huh,” I said and then asked, “Exactly who are you being sacrificed to?”

“I’m not sure but someone will come along to do the job. Maybe it’s you, since this is your garden.”

“Is this where the sacrifices are always made?” I asked to cover my embarrassment at her assumption.

“Since I’m not sure where here is, I couldn’t tell you for sure. I heard one of the other girls say that she sure enjoyed her sacrifice last year.”

“Was it the spring equinox or the fall?” I asked, suddenly very interested in what she had to say.

“I’m pretty sure it was the fall. The girl from the spring ended up pregnant and had to leave school.”

I gasped loudly as several parts to an old puzzle fell into place. My father had died of a heart attack right here in this very place at the fall equinox last year. The gardener had found him naked by this table and chairs.

Now I also had reason to suspect that the large chunk of missing money from his estate went to a certain young lady kartal otele gelen escort from the spring. “How long has this sacrificial virgin thing been going on?” I asked as my brain put pieces, places, and times together. A lot about my father became clearer.

“I was told it’s been a tradition for around a hundred years or so,” Becca replied.

“A hundred years?” I said sharper than I meant to. That would have been when my grandfather first bought this place. There were family rumors about him being connected to a cult of some sort. Witches, warlocks, and virginal sacrifices played a big part in the rumors.

Becca had moved closer in my direction and her hands found the table. “Is this table heart shaped?” She asked excitedly.

“Uh, yes, it is.”

“Good, then I’m in the right place. I was told to find this table and then to climb up and lie down on it. My prince would be along to take my gift before the moon set.”

“Uh, what would happen if he didn’t show up?” I asked.

“It’s never happened before that I know of. Each year two girls make the sacrifice and twice a year our school gets a large check to cover expenses. That is what I was told anyway. My name was drawn for this spring.”

I licked my lips at the thought of ravishing this beautiful young thing but in the back of my mind, I wondered if I could really do it. My grandfather had been a brutally mean asshole and my father was not much better. The beatings from my father had nearly driven all the man out of me.

“Would you help me up onto the table?” Becca asked as she felt along its edge.

Without thinking, I slipped down off the chair and held out my hand. I shook my head and frowned as I realized the mistake I had made and reached for her gloved hand. I pulled on it gently and said, “There is a chair right here you can climb up on.”

Her free hand found the arm of the chair as she moved in my direction. I put the hand I held on the seat and let go of her. I took a step back and sighed deeply as I go my first look at her ass. It was gorgeous, even more gorgeous than the ass of our upstairs maid.

My dick stiffened even more than it already was at the thought of Queenie, the upstairs maid. She was my one encounter with the female sex of a sexual nature. Everything I knew and had ever done had been with her. I had loved and lusted after her for five years.

Then my father had found out about it and fired her. I came in from school to a severe beating and no Queenie. That had been the end of my childhood and the day I started to truly hate my father. It was also when I realized why my mother had left for parts unknown. I still wondered why she had not taken me with her.

I watched the moonlight play on Becca’s skin as she felt around on the chair. The subtle play of muscles sliding under her skin made me shiver at the memory of my hands on Queenie. She had been tall and lean with muscles from the hard work of scrubbing and cleaning. Memories of the slide and movement of those muscles under the skin on her back as she rode me hard in the linen closet, made me tremble long and hard.

“I think I’ll need a boost, if you don’t mind,” Becca said as she tried to lift her leg far enough to get her knee on the seat of the chair. “Either I got smaller or this chair is too big.”

“It’s the chair. They and the table are out of scale toward the large side.” I told her as I stepped closer.

I swallowed hard as my hands hovered over her ass for a second and then I moved them up to her waist as I tried to figure out the best way to help her without helping myself too much. My hands were shaking as I touched her waist.

Becca jumped and giggled. “Your hands are cold. Cold hands, warm and loving heart, they always say.”

There was no love in my heart, warm or otherwise. My father had killed any that had ever been there. My mother had carried the rest off with her. I sighed as I tried to lift the young woman. I could not get a good enough grip, without hurting her.

I moved one hand to her far hip and cupped her closest ass cheek with the other. Becca gasped at the touch of my fingers so close to her sex where her leg was raised. I lifted her until her knee was on the seat and then I took my hands away.

Her warmth had startled me for a second and now my face was even warmer than that as I stared directly into her pussy as she climbed up into the chair. I was close enough to see the fine dusting of blonde hair on her outer lips and the bright pink of her slit. The darker pink rosebud of her anus was something I had never seen the likes of in my life.

Queenie had been dark brown back there and had forbidden me to touch her asshole in any way, shape, or form. For all of her slutty, wanton ways, Queenie was very prim and proper in most ways. I was a quick welcome fuck from time to time but she was always respectful. I think I was a way of getting back at my father for her.

Becca held onto the chair back as she got to her knees istanbul kartal escort and then used the arm for balance and security as she turned around. I stood by to catch her is she happened to slip and fall. She then used her free hand to search for the table.

“It’s higher up.” I prompted.

She raised her hand a foot and found the edge of the table. She smiled down in my general direction and said, “It certainly is high and out of scale, isn’t it.”

“Can you get up on it from there or should I come up and give you a hand?”

“I’d feel safer if you came and gave me a hand,” she said softly as she let go of the chair arm and brought her hand up to the tabletop. “I’ll have to step on the arm of the chair to get high enough to climb up.”

“You could take off the blindfold,” I said and then regretted it. What if she did and saw me? Would she run away screaming? I did not want that to happen.

Becca giggled and shook her head. “I’m not supposed to take it off until the sun comes up. If I do, then it’s supposed to be bad luck for everyone involved.”

I sighed in relief as I climbed up on the chair beside her. “I guess it was a stupid suggestion. I make those quite often.”

“You don’t know the rules is all,” she said softly.

With a chuckle I whispered, “You don’t know the half of it, believe me.”

With the two of us in the chair, it was close quarters. When she turned her upper body towards me, she swayed as if she were losing her balance. I put my arms around her for safety sake. She stiffened slightly and then relaxed.

“Thank you, I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered softly. “I was really scared until I met up with you.”

“You don’t know me. How can you feel safe with someone you don’t know?” I asked in confusion.

“It’s a feeling I’ve gotten around you. You are a good person. I just know it. I think you are the one,” she said slowly, as her head tilted forward against my arm.

I hugged her a little tighter and touched my lips to her hair. It smelled of lemons and fresh mowed grass. I marveled at that.

With a sigh, she straightened and then whispered, “I’m supposed to get on the table with my head toward the point of the heart and my feet at the curved end.”

“We’re at the curved end, so all you need to do is climb up and lay down.” I told her quickly.

“You will need to steady me and guide me as I do,” Becca whispered.

“Ok, you hold onto the arm of the chair while I stand up.” I told her softly. Her faith in me seemed misplaced but it gave me a newfound sense of faith and confidence in myself.

Once I was in place, I helped her to her feet and then guided her foot to the top of the chair arm and helped her balance as she stepped up. I held her hips as she bent over to lean on the tabletop.

Her ass was right next to my face and I could smell her warm soft skin. She had a fresh clean smell, which was very unlike Queenie, who always smelled of polish and cleanser. This smell was vibrant and alive. As she lifted her knee to the table, a heady, sexy odor was added.

I leaned closer to her and took a long deep breath through my nose. The sweet musky scent came from between her thighs and made my mouth water. Queenie had tried to teach me about oral sex but I had been more into straight fucking back then. Suddenly, I wished I had paid more attention to what she tried to teach me.

With her leg spread wide by the reach to the table, I could see that Becca’s sex had a slick shiny look to it. I had noticed it earlier as she climbed up on the chair. Now it was much more pronounced. I had to force myself to resist the urge to lick her there. It seemed like something I needed to do desperately.

She pulled forward out of my grasp suddenly and was on all fours on the table. She used one hand to trace the edge of the table on one side and then did the same with the other hand on the other side of the table. Satisfied that she knew where she was, she twisted sideways and sat down.

With a hand on each edge of the table, she centered herself. “Scoot a little this way.” I told her.

Her feet were on the edge in front of me and as she moved toward me, her knees opened wider. I loved the view of her from the rear but this was a truly wanton lustful image before me now. She continued to move forward until her ass cheeks touched the edge of the table at the center of the V in the curved end.

“That’s good, now you can lay back,” I said as my eyes ran hungrily over her naked fully displayed body. She had moved her feet wider apart and now her knees were spread wide. Her hands still held the edge of the table and her head was in the point on the far side. Her sex was open and right in front of my face.

I took a long shaky deep breath and let it out slowly. “You are so beautiful laying there,” I whispered afterwards.

She giggled and whispered, “I feel so naughty and….” She paused a moment trying to think of the word she wanted. Not finding it, she went kartal rus escort on, “I can feel you looking at me. I can feel you wanting me.” She whimpered softly.

“Kiss me, kiss me down there.” She pleaded suddenly.

Before I could stop myself, I planted a kiss on her neither lips and then took a long slow lick right up the middle between them. She gasped loudly and lifted her hips. My tongue found her hot liquid center and plunged in. She gave out with a soft yell and then sighed deeply as I rolled my tongue around.

Her taste was heady and sweet. I lapped at her depths and groaned when she did. My hands found her hips and I dove deeper into her treasure. She pressed herself tighter to my mouth and probing tongue.

“Oh yes! Oh God, yes!” she yelled as her hips jerked and twitched. I could not believe what I was doing and even more, I could not believe how much I was enjoying it. My hips moved like hers and I could feel my hard manhood rubbing inside my pants. I moaned loudly and tried to hold my hips still.

A moment or ten later, her hands found my head and pulled it up away from her opening. I saw the bright pink bud at the top of her slit and realized she was directing me there. I gave the bud a lick and then sucked on it as I flicked it with the tip of my tongue.

From the way, her hips jerked and the yell she let out, I thought I had hurt her. Only the force that her hands exerted holding me in place let me know that this was right and that she was all right. I looked up along her arched body. Her nipples were so hard they were crinkled at the base. The only things touching the table were her feet and the back of her head.

I marveled at the way her hips jerked and flexed so fluidly. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she rode my tongue, guiding me to the right place and applying the right pressure herself.

I was in awe, as she seemed to have one orgasm after another as she moved my mouth from her clit to her opening and back again. By the time, she pushed my head away from her sweet sex, she was breathing hard and fast, and her body was covered by a light sheen of perspiration.

There was a big grin on my face as I licked my lips and let my eyes wander over her beauty. The wonder of sex filled me once again. It had been such a long time since I had felt it. My body felt more alive than it had in several tens of years. I wanted to rip off my clothes and join her on the table.

I knew that she wanted me to but I couldn’t. I remembered the pregnant girl she spoke of and I did not have any sort of protection. I did not want her to fall to a similar fate and have to leave school. I knew the importance of an education. My lack there of had limited me tremendously.

With a deep sigh, I sat down on the arm of the chair. My grin from earlier had become a soft smile as I watched Becca relax and her body and breathing calmed. My memory relived times of lying between Queenie’s thighs and the long slow lovemaking sessions we’d had back then.

My hand found my swollen manhood and I rubbed it slowly. A shiver ran up and down my spine as I did. How would this virginal beauty compare with my memories of Queenie? I felt my face grow hot with a blush for even considering such a thing. This young woman was half my age.

“Are you coming up to finish?” Becca asked.

I came up out of my thoughts in shock. She was still lying on the table but now she was up on her elbows and looking right at me. Well, not looking at me exactly, since she still had the blindfold on. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I was at a lose for words.

“Have you undressed yet?” She asked softly, shyly.

I shook my head and then frowned at my stupidity. “No. No, I haven’t.” I replied.

“Then please do and hurry, I’m finding it hard to wait,” she whispered breathily. “My hand keeps wanting to explore myself after all those orgasms. You’d think my body would be satisfied but….” She shivered instead of finishing the sentence.

“I don’t know if I could do that,” I whispered softly, speaking more to myself than her.

“You must,” was her quick sharp reply. “If you don’t then there will be bad luck for all involved, plus my sisters at school will know I failed miserably.”

“I…. Uh… I….” I stammered.

“We must uphold the traditions,” she said softly and then sighed. “I have steeled myself for this day for months and now that it is here, I could not bare for it to pass without it happening.”

“I’m to inexperienced. I would hurt you.” I blurted out.

She laughed and whispered, “The blind leading the blind. You will be gentle and kind. You were earlier when you gave me so much pleasure. Surely, you can control yourself now. It is a simple thing or at least I think it is.”

“What about the chance of you getting pregnant?” My major fear tumbled out.

She giggled shyly and whispered, “I’m on birth control. I may be young and crazy but not that crazy. I’m going to finish school and get my degree, one way or the other.”

Becca sat up and held out her hands. “Undress and join me. We’ll take things as they come.”

My hands were on the buttons of my coat before I knew it. My body fought with my brain for a few seconds and then I was undressing like a madman. I was mad all right, mad with lust and longing. I had shunned physical contact for all these years and why?

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