Bound by Blood

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Author’s note: This story contains incest and non-consensual sex. *To put it short, it’s about a guy getting raped by his sister, who has a dick. Do not expect any romance or affection, as this story is quite cruel and miserable, at least in the first chapter.

*(I realize I should have put this warning up earlier, to prevent people from wasting their time with something that differs a lot from the content that they are used to seeing on this website. Oh well.)


Finally weekend. After five days of near non-stop studying, it was finally time to enjoy a well-earned reward for his hard work. Perhaps eat some takeout? Go see a movie? Buy some booze and throw a party? Maybe just stay at home and play some video games?

Lucas chuckled to himself as he walked up the staircase to his apartment. “As if,” he mumbled, amused by his own wishful thinking. As if he had money for any of those things. He knew damn well what awaited him in his apartment: Empty floors, broken heaters, a pantry with nothing but instant noodles. And of course, what didn’t await him was any form of entertainment. Not even a TV. Yup, this was going to be yet another weekend of nothing but studying, not because he was a model student or anything, but rather because there was simply nothing else to do.

Life as a poor student was hard. A part-time job could only cover so many expenses, and being forced to continuously buy a bunch of expensive books for his studies meant that there was no way for him to save money for other things he desperately needed, such as a computer and internet connection. He did have a cell phone, an old, crappy thing that he had stuck with for several years, but his two gigabyte data plan was barely enough to get him through the month.

Sighing heavily, Lucas turned the lock to his door and opened it with a tired tug. As light flooded the living room when he flicked the switch next to the door, the sad sight of the near empty apartment almost made him wish he was back at school. At least he would have someone to talk to then.

He dragged his feet over to his bedroom, threw his backpack on the bed and plugged his phone – which had been dead for a good hour – into the charger, before making his way to the kitchen to boil some water for his depressing noodle dinner. So far, this friday had played out like any other day. Go to school, talk to friends, learn a thing or two, have a surprisingly decent school-provided lunch. And then come home, which should be the best part of the day for any student, but not for him. The word “home” didn’t mean much to him. In truth, it never really had.

As he poured the boiling water over the cup of noodles, he could hear the sound of his phone going nuts with vibrations in his bedroom. Probably as a result of his friends posting pictures in their group chat of themselves out drinking, like they seemed to do almost every friday. They had invited Lucas as well, they always did. They had even offered to pay for any food or alcohol he might want, knowing how poor he was. But like always, he declined. After all, who wants to be that one guy always mooching off his friends?

Lucas glanced at the clock, noting that it was only 7 PM. Could they really be partying this early? Perhaps the vibrations were caused by someone trying to reach him? But who? His friends knew he wasn’t coming, and his family… Well, that was unlikely.

Nevertheless, he brought his cup of noodles with him as he went to have a look at his phone. It had stopped vibrating for the time being, and as he unlocked it, it was made blatantly clear why, to his great distress. Three missed calls. Four text messages. All from the same person: His mother.

The notifications weren’t from a couple of minutes ago, like the vibrations had suggested. They were from an hour to thirty minutes ago, and had been queued up while his phone was turned off. Without even reading the text messages, he knew that something had happened. The last time he had spoken to his mother was more than half a year ago, and they hadn’t exactly left off at good terms.

With a gulp and a bead of sweat running down his temple, he set the cup of noodles down on his nightstand and read the messages in the order they had been sent.

Lucas, please answer! I need to talk to you NOW!!”

I understand if you’re still mad at me, but this is important!

It’s about Rebecca, she’s coming over to see you!

Call me as soon as you can, alright sweetie? Love you…

Lucas stared open-mouthed at the messages for a moment, in complete disbelief to what he was reading. “No, no, no, no, no!” he squeaked to himself. He started pacing around in his room, with his free hand pulling his own hair in panic. This has to be a joke he thought. Please, let this be a joke! Merely reading the name “Rebecca” was enough to practically induce a panic attack for him.

With shaking fingers, he searched through the contact list on his display, suadiye escort clicked on the little phone symbol next to his mother’s number and brought the device up to his ear. “Pick the fuck up, come on…” he mumbled, struggling to keep his breathing at a relaxed pace, listening to the stress-inducing beeps of the ringing tone.

The answer came after only a few seconds, but to Lucas they felt like an eternity. “Hello, Lucas?” he heard his mother say.

“What’s going on, mom?” he pressed impatiently.

“I couldn’t stop her, Lucas, I’m sorry…”

“What the fuck are you talking about?! Why is she visiting me?!”

“She’s…” his mother began, after which a painful silence followed.

“She’s what?!” Lucas shouted back.

“She found out that I helped you move, and that you and I have stayed in touch… I tried to talk her out of it, but she was adamant about visiting you…”

Lucas let out a sigh and covered his eyes with his hand, trying his best to calm down despite the dire situation he was facing. Suddenly, the thought of spending the weekend alone with his textbooks didn’t seem too bad. But now, that was all in shambles, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“How did she get my address?” he asked, his tone as collected as he could muster.

“I… I gave it to her.”

“Jesus christ, mom…”

“I was scared, alright?” his mother whimpered in response. Though in all honesty, Lucas couldn’t blame her. After all, resorting to violence wasn’t out of the question when it came to Rebecca.

“Well, what does she want from me? Is she gonna… hurt me?”

“Of course not!” his mother assured him. “She would never harm you, you know that.”

“I hope you’re right… When will she be here, anyway?”

His mother went quiet for a second, breaking out in a stumble as she looked for words. “Ah, well… she, um… she took my car, so… any minute now…”

Lucas couldn’t stop himself from chuckling faintly in disbelief. She took the car, he thought to himself. Of course she fucking did. This was getting worse and worse.

“Well, I better get going then,” he said, eager to prepare himself in any way he could for the imminent visit.

“Alright… Call me later, okay? Oh, and… I’m sorry Lucas, I…” Her words came to a halt, but the despair in her voice was palpable.

“… What?”

“Nothing… I love you, sweetie.”


Silence crept through his apartment once again. Lucas remained in the middle of his living room, his phone still held against his ear as he pondered what that last part of the call was about, and how to deal with his “guest”. But mere seconds later, as if right on cue, he heard the sound of his front door being unlocked. He froze in place as he watched the door knob turn around, realizing right then and there what an idiot he was for thinking that he would be notified of her arrival with a ring of his doorbell, or just a knock for that matter. It seemed that his mother had given away more than just the address to his apartment.

The door swung open, slowly. Little by little, Lucas’ anxiety gave way to pure fear as the dark silhouette standing outside his apartment was lit up by the light from his living room. Her tall figure, slender and athletic build, arms covered in numerous scars, and her trademark beautiful blonde hair styled into a mohawk dutch braid that flowed out in a ponytail.

The girl cast Lucas a judgmental gaze, eyeing him from head to toe. “Long time no see, big bro,” she suddenly said, almost completely without emotion, aside from what seemed like a tad of hostility.

“R-Rebecca…” Lucas stammered, his lip quivering as he spoke. “I… You… What are you doing he-“

“Shut up,” she commanded. “You know damn well why I’m here. We have a lot to talk about, you and I.”

“Listen, Rebecca, I-“

“I said shut the fuck up!” No sooner had the words left her mouth than she began slowly walking towards her brother. “I’ll give you one chance to explain everything that’s been going on during the past year. All of the things that you and mom have been talking about behind my back. I want to hear it all. Now.”

Lucas was practically shaking as Rebecca got closer and closer to him. She was as intimidating as ever, and from having seen what she was capable of, it was perfectly reasonable to fear her. He knew that if he didn’t play his cards right he might end up like his father did all those years ago. Not that Lucas was in any way similar to that abusive piece of shit, but whether or not Rebecca recognized that remained to be discovered.

“Alright, I’ll… I’ll tell you everything. Just promise you’ll try to understand, okay?” Now face to face with her, he could clearly see the two big scars that tarnished her nevertheless pretty features. One of them ran diagonally across her left eyebrow and continued over a portion of her forehead, while the other was a yakacık escort vertical line between her upper lip and the right side of her nose.

Other than the ominous, stern expression on her scarred face, his one year younger sister’s six foot one frame loomed over his half-foot shorter one, requiring him every bit of mental fortitude he possessed just to speak to her in a calm manner. As for her however, calmness had never exactly been her forte, so his expectations regarding where this conversation would end up were understandably low.

“Whatever,” she muttered, crossing her arms under her perky breasts, lifting them up slightly and distorting the black skull depicted on her white tank top. “Talk.”

“I-I’m not sure where to start…”

“You can start by telling me why you left without saying anything.”

Lucas gulped. “… It was mom’s decision. She wanted me to leave.”

“Uh-huh,” Rebecca replied nonchalantly. “And why did she want that?”

“Because…” he began, looking down at the floor, yet still feeling his sister’s stare burn holes in him. “… She wanted me to be safe…”

“Safe from what? Me?”

“Well… yes,” Lucas admitted, mentally preparing himself for a potential violent outburst directed at him.

Rebecca clenched her teeth in anger, and the vein appearing on her forehead seemed almost ready to pop. “That fucking bitch should have known that you are the one person I would never hurt. Up until now, at least.”

Lucas looked up at her, the fear on his face increased tenfold. “Are… are you gonna hurt me now?” he asked, his tone low and meek.

“Depends. Are you gonna side with mom, like you did in the past? Or are you gonna side with me?”

“Please, Rebecca… Why are you like this…?”

“You know damn well why I’m like this,” she scoffed. “But you’ll never understand what it’s like to be me. You’ll never understand how it feels to have a father who hates you just because of the way you were born. And to have a mother who just sits there without giving a fuck.”

“She was afraid! We were all afraid of dad, there was nothing she could do! She…” He had to pause in an attempt to hold back the tears threatening to stream down his cheeks. There were so many things he wanted to tell her, yet none of them seemed likely to make her calm down. Perhaps her mother’s feelings were the most important thing. “She loved you, sis… I bet she still does.”

Rebecca eyed him silently for a moment, before breaking the quiet with something unexpected. “Do you love me, big bro?”

Stunned by the sudden inquiry, Lucas stared right back into her eyes, slowly processing her question and subsequently his answer to it. “O-of course I do, Rebecca!” he finally managed to squeak.

“You hesitated,” she muttered in response. “I should have known. You’re just like mom and dad. I’m nothing but a monster to you… And it’s all because of this fucking thing!” Suddenly, she grabbed her crotch, causing a jaw-droppingly large bulge to be made visible within her denim shorts.

Lucas’ eyes were immediately drawn to it through sheer fascination. It had been several years since he had seen his sister naked, but the thought that it could have grown so big since then was baffling. It was almost freakish. That is certainly how their father would have described it at least. Perhaps even as a “curse”.

Born with the body of a female but with the genitalia of a male, Rebecca was certainly an odd being. But that wasn’t the only thing that stood out about her. Her parents and older brother were all short, with rounded facial features and dark hair, almost to the point of it being pitch-black. Rebecca on the other hand was the polar opposite, tall, a narrow face and nose, and with bright-blonde hair. From whom of their ancestors she had inherited her looks was a mystery, but she was indeed 100% blood-related, much to her father’s dismay.

During their childhood, Lucas and Rebecca spent a lot of time together, with the former doing everything in his power to keep his sister happy in spite of how their parents treated her. He was the only one who was able to make her smile in difficult times, and they loved each other dearly. But his love for her wasn’t enough to save her from what she would eventually become.

At the age of 13, the effects of the abuse had begun manifesting, and the way she was treated only worsened as she shot up in height during puberty. She took up boxing as a way of venting her frustration and anger, but the anger only built up as she kept training. The sweet and kind little sister Lucas had known previously was slowly being transformed into something else.

At 16, when her father had one of his far too common outbursts directed at her, she decided that she had had enough. And as it turns out, it’s a rather bad idea to go after someone who not only towers over you by half a foot and outweighs you by a significant amount, but also şerifali escort happens to be a skilled boxer. Needless to say, after her father returned from the hospital a few weeks later, he never bothered her again. In fact, his shame and hatred for his daughter brought him so far as to leave the family entirely. Though frankly, nobody cried when he left. Their mother was devastated, not because of her husband leaving, but rather from the messed up situation they now found themselves in, and from what her daughter had become.

And from that moment on, Rebecca was the one in charge. Her mother was as meek and spineless as ever, just like with her husband, and allowed her daughter to take over their home and do whatever she pleased with it. Without their mother even realizing it, Rebecca had held a grudge against her for many years, for all those times she had sat in the corner during her husband’s abusive episodes. Furthermore, Lucas, the one person she had always depended on, was becoming increasingly distant, for reasons she couldn’t fathom. The thought that he might oppose her rebellion didn’t even occur to her.

“I see the way you look at it,” Rebecca growled, causing Lucas’ gaze to shift from her bulge to her eyes that were narrowed in anger. “You think it’s disgusting, don’t you?”

“N-no, I-“

“Maybe I should give you the same treatment I gave to mom,” she interrupted, placing both hands on her hips. “That’ll make you get used to it.”

Lucas stared at her curiously, praying that she didn’t mean what he thought she meant. “… What treatment?”

An evil smile formed on her lips. “I forced her to suck me off,” she said, clearly amused by the thought. “Pried her mouth open, shoved my cock down her throat and made her swallow my fat load. Several times, in fact… Fuck, I’m getting horny just thinking about it.”

“You raped her?!” Lucas exclaimed, almost threateningly taking a step closer to his sister but quickly deciding that it was a bad idea.

“Yup,” Rebecca stated casually. “I raped my own mother. And she deserved it.” The smirk on her face suddenly died out, replaced with a death stare right into Lucas’ eyes. “I’m thinking you might too.”

Any sympathy for his mother was quickly replaced with fear for his own safety. “Rebecca, please…” he begged and took a step back, but there wasn’t a trace of wavering on his little sister’s face.

“You left me, Lucas. I thought you’d always have my back, but you threw away our relationship.” She followed Lucas as he continued to walk backwards, feeling a stirring in her shorts that was getting difficult to ignore. “I’ve made up my mind, so get on your knees. Right now.”

“Rebecca, I’m begging you,” Lucas said with tears starting to form in his eyes while he held his hands up in what looked like a half-assed attempt at keeping his sister away from him. “If you do this, there is no going back…”

Rebecca scoffed, unaffected by her brother’s pleas. “I have nothing to go back to anyway. You and mom made sure of that. But if you’re anything like her, you’ll end up enjoying it before long. Now, this is the last time I will say this. Get. On. Your. Knees.”

In that very moment, Lucas’ whole world came crashing down. He could feel his warm tears begin to run down his face as he now came to realize that there was no escape. If he tried to fight back, his skinny, short build would without a doubt prove to be no match for Rebecca’s tall and athletic one, and running away was out of the question for the same reason. Indeed, there were only two outcomes as far as he could tell: Submit to her big, fat girl-cock, or get beaten into a bloody pulp. Both options seemed equally awful to him, but one of them at least had the benefit of satisfying his mentally deranged little sister. Hopefully she would leave him alone after.

With a gulp, Lucas wiped away his tears and slowly kneeled on the floor, putting his face at level with Rebecca’s crotch. Though his vision was still drenched in constantly flowing tears, he could see a sadistic and satisfied grin on her face, one that clearly signaled that she was victorious. It seemed like no matter what the circumstances or where she went, she would always be in charge.

She began unzipping her shorts while closing the remaining distance between them with a determined step. “Wise choice, big bro,” she said in a mocking tone. “Let’s see if you’re as good as mom at sucking cock.”

Lucas let out a deep sigh, trying his hardest to come to terms with the task at hand. “Will you leave me alone afterwards…?”

“Depends on whether or not you do a good job.” She pulled her shorts down half way down her thighs but left her black panties on. “Come on, bro. Get it out of there and give it a nice sloppy kiss, won’t you?”

Lucas stared at it for a moment, practically stunned by just how filled out her panties were. Not that panties were made to hold penises in the first place, but this was just ridiculous. He could see almost every detail of her cock through the fabric, its semi-hard length bent to the side inside its tight confines, the big, round balls almost spilling out of the leg openings, and the thick base of her cock visible above the waistband.

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