Beyond Hell and Back Ch. 05

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Doggy Style

Another milestone story, whose full title is “Beyond Hell And Back V: Full Seventh Circle.” It is now four Decembers following the original “BHaB,” and following part 2 as well. I was going to categorize this differently, but have circled back to simply Lesbian Sex. Here, as usual, are all the others under which this story could fall. Scary Christmas, lebbis and gentlemen.

ADDITIONAL CATEGORIES: BDSM, Group, Horror, Mind Control, Non-Consent, Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Taking The “Fun” Out Of…

Saturday, December 16th, 2017, 3:52 p.m.

Sigh. “Thanks for coming with me, Hol.”

“Aw, of course, babe. You’re my wife. I’d do anything for you.”

“I know…but I also know you hate funerals.”

Purrrrrrrrr. “Mrrrraaaoow.”

“Hey Hobbs, what’s up, buddy. Well, I usually just hate funerals when it’s someone close to me. Maybe it’s a little selfish or ironic, but I don’t really mind being moral support for someone else at all.”

“‘Selfish’…you’re the least selfish person I’ve ever known.”

“Awww…you’re just sayin’ that.”

“Yes, I am.”


“Okay, I’m not. I just wish I hadn’t been asked to give a eulogy. That was so embarrassing.”

“Sweetie, you are not the first person to whip up croc tears during a eulogy.”

“I just felt so sheepish and weird. Carla was a close friend, but apparently not close enough to make me cry at losing her. When I was eleven, I fell off the jungle gym, broke my arm, and couldn’t stop crying. Where’s the line?”

“Well…’s see. You came close when Simona accosted me in my classroom and you happened to pop up. And when I wrestled that last pack of ciggies outta your hand, crumpled ’em up and threw ’em away. But that night after the 7-11, that was the real deal. Maybe you only cry when you’re physically injured. And/or, something happens to your arm.”

“Maybe…I dunno. Then again, I also felt a little awkward being the only Jew in a room full of Catholics. Thank god we weren’t in a church, or I’d have burst into flames.”

“Oh, babe, don’t even joke about that.”

“I’m…sorry?…Oh well, Carla and her friends and relatives may be Catholic, but they were also extremely Semite-friendly. I told one person my maiden name, and they somehow managed to snag me an amazing kosher meal.”

“Well, if someone did that for me, I’d have a hard time crying too. But for serious, Rache, don’t feel bad. If anything, be glad Carla’s not suffering anymore. She was terribly sick. Now she’s in a better place.”

“…You really think so?”

“Absolutely. Now. I am gonna cheer you up, hot pants. The thermostat’s at 72, heat’s on, and the rest of tonight is all ours. So let’s put that delightful nondenominational fireplace log on TV, make some cocoa, snuggle up, and…see where it goes from there.”



“…Are you seducing me after we just came home from a funeral?”

“Do bunnies fuck like you do?…One thing doesn’t have to have anything to do with the other, my lovely nympho. Besides, sooner or later, there’s gonna be a first time after every occasion. Seems to me now’s as good a time as any.”

“Hmm. Well…you are kind of a natural aphrodisiac for me.”

“And, eh…Carla would’ve wanted you to get lucky this afternoon.”

“Y’know, I, uh…I think you’re right. She was a good friend.”

“Hee hee…c’mere. Gimme those lips. All four of ’em.”

“Mmmmm…Happy Hanukkah to me.”

“And this time, I’ll be the disobedient slave girl, and you can be the evil empress.”



Greentrees (How Wild Is This)

Saturday, December 16th, 2017, 5:09 p.m.

Already awash in sweat as her dildo-strapped bride shackled her to bed, Holly began wondering if she hadn’t set the thermostat a degree too high. She supposed if she got overly warm, she could ask Rachel to turn it down…but then faced consequences of the slave girl giving orders to the evil empress. Which, depending on Rachel’s mood and whims, could be a bad thing, or a very good thing.

Multicolored lights were strung around the bedroom, pushpinned at the corners where the walls met the ceiling. Having made sure—as they did each time—that His Hobbieness was engaged elsewhere, they began. A tremble shook the slave girl, as the evil empress stepped back to admire her bondage job. Holly didn’t want to let the “empress” know she was secretly intimidated. The Greentrees seldom assumed these respective positions, but often enough to maintain spice and spontaneity. Most of the time, it was Holly who cuffed Rachel up, lording luscious sexual power over her till Rachel couldn’t stand it anymore. And so when Holly felt gracious—and/or brave—enough to grant submission, Rachel asked herself a question she would pose to Pendik Escort Holly right now.

“Let’s see…how much sweet suffering do I wish to impose upon you today?”

Holly gulped, whimpered, and leaked a first trickle of pussy love. Rachel noticed, fastening her hand around her dick and beginning to “jerk off.” Her other hand slid beneath, rubbing her own cunt. Her smile spread as she licked her lips.

“Mmmm…you’re mine, slave.”

Holly feigned fright. Her arousal was visibly evident, as her nipples hardened and wet pussy swelled with blood.

“Wh-what’re you gonna do to me, O Great and Powerful Empress?”

Empress Rachel’s brows arched downward, coloring her grin sadistically wicked.

“I’m gonna make you fuckin’ scream for mercy, bitch.”

Holly quivered once more, though inside she was already blazing with lust. Then, like one of the fucking bunnies she’d earlier referenced, she scrunched her nose. And made her paws into the halves of a ‘T’ had she been able to put them together.

“Time out a second, sweetie.”

“‘Sa matter?”

“My nose itches. You wanna take care of that for me? Just, right on the tip?”

Rachel chuckled, sauntering over to grant the favor. Holly sighed in relief.

“Ahhh…better.” She opened her eyes and coyly gazed up.

“Now my clit itches.”

Rache chuckled louder, this time opening her (mouth’s) lips to bare her white pearls. She altered her approach, placing one knee between Holly’s thighs, sinking atop, and seizing her captive bride by the forearms. Holly gasped.

“Oh, gosh.”

Rachel seared her (mouth’s) lips with one first smoky kiss, forcing Holly’s head deeper into its pillow. Holly inhaled, through her no longer itchy nose, and let her eyes flutter shut again. Her chest heaved up against Rachel’s. Rache eventually broke the liplock, resuming by Eskimo-kissing her. She threw Holly the same fish-eating grin.

“I’ve got your itchy clit cure right here.”

Rachel pushed up, licking her right fingertips. She reached back between her own legs and began vigorously rubbing Holly at the cuntal anterior. Holly’s eyes and head rolled backwards as her jaws opened with moans. Rachel shifted position, placing all of herself to Holly’s side, far enough upwards that she could still just reach her pussy. She then took advantage of Holly’s yap being ajar. She leaned up and over, gripping her dildick.

“Now suck my cock, slave.”

Barely able to process the words, Holly squealed as Rachel forced said cock into said yap. Rachel unhanded her”self” and massaged her own coochie, in just the same pattern she did Holly’s. She echoed Holly’s groans, as fiery goodness consumed her as well. She grabbed Holly’s nearer tit and dug in her digits, holding tight for balance. She felt Holly’s cunt wet her fingertips.

“Thaaaaat’s it, bitch,” Rachel smirked, getting a kick out of dominance. “Worship the empress. Surrender.”

Holly winced, feeling herself redden and stiffen where it mattered. Keeping in mind the dildo was only just that, she bit it. Rachel noticed she could no longer shove it back and forth in her mouth. She gasped in indignance.

“Ornery slave girl!” Rachel seized Holly’s chin and gave it a shake. When this didn’t dislodge her dick, Rache leaned back, pressed her thumbtip against Holly’s swelling clit, and jammed two other carpals in the slave girl’s womanhood. Holly’s head went back yet further, letting the latex cock slip out.

“FUCK!” Holly croaked. Her cuffed hands clenched, giving the restraints a series of yanks. Her digits lapped in angry fists, turning her knuckles white. Rachel went on finger-fucking her moments more, her day made by the beautiful restraints on her wife’s limbs. She was elated by Holly’s such desperate fervor to free her paws, to no avail whatsoever. So many, many times before, the shackle had been on the other foot—figuratively and literally—and Holly had assumed the domme position. Rachel had endured sweet sensual torture under Holly’s unforgiving will, pushed past her limits of tolerance, suspended over the edge, and harshly, mercilessly drawn back again. Her pleasure was in Holly’s hands, and Holly put her through hell for it. And vengeance…was sweet. Today, Holly’d handed over the power, and it was Rachel’s to wield. Now then, what was the most delicious way to make Holly pay for it?…

As Rache watched her bride’s sweaty, lust-contorted kisser, she abruptly extracted her fingers. Holly gasped.

“Oh, SHI—” she began to exclaim, before Rachel stuffed the same two digits into her mouth, cutting off her expletive. Holly squeaked again, forced to taste her arousal. She fought with defiance, gurgling through Rachel’s fingers. Rachel ordered her to suck them off. Now a bit humbled and humiliated, Holly was coerced to obey. But humbling humiliation was kicked Pendik Escort Bayan to the back of her mind, the fore taken over by what happened next. Rachel culled her open, grabbed her cock, adjusted position, made proper alignment, and commenced penetration. And yanked her fingers out of Holly’s mouth just in time.

Holly’s jaw slammed shut like an unpropped window. She bared, gritted and gnashed her teeth, this time scrunching her whole face. A pit of fire opened in the mattress and consumed her, as her cunt hungrily gobbled Rachel’s dick. She found herself dying to rip her arms off. She also found herself remembering that it wasn’t for the first time. So this must’ve been something like what Rachel felt, virtually every other time they were bondage-intimate. Including, but hardly limited to—

—the time Holly bound Rachel to bed bottom up, straddled her, and performed a spirited bongo solo on her ass cheeks

—the instance she dribbled chocolate syrup down Rachel’s ass and pussy, ate her halfway out and decided she was done

—the day she chained Rachel over the balcony, spread her ever-starving ladyhood and teased her with a peacock feather

—the night Holly dangled the vibrator above her coochie, made Rachel push upwards for it, then pulled it just out of reach

—the stint she teased Rachel’s nipples to diamond-hardness with ice cubes, then abruptly placed them…ELSEwhere

—the occasion she blindfolded Rachel and Violet-Wanded her at random moments, in random sensitive sweet spots

—the occurrence she vibed Rachel to oblivion, brought her to the edge and suddenly tickled the living hell out of her

—the evening Holly used Rachel’s “taco” as a tortilla chip bowl…after smearing her labia with extra spicy hot sauce

—and a wild, impromptu romp involving two lovely words: itching powder

Not to mention my cruel habit of laughing at her while she’s going nuts…okay, yeah, I’m a cunt. ‘Course, I learned from the best…I am a literal Devil’s advocate. I deserve whatever she’s gonna do to me. Probably shouldn’t have gone along with this, but I deserve it. I’m a kinda little devil too, but a good one. I really am a good girl. Except of course when I’m a cunt.

Sometimes, thought Holly, being savagely fucked like the animal she was, she wondered how or why Rachel put up with her antics. Maybe Rachel just loved her beyond all bounds and limits, there was all there was to it, and their marriage was to last forever. Holly was thrilled with that arrangement. Or maybe she was such a libidinous nympho, Rachel actually liked being toyed and messed with in such devious ways. Or maybe she was saving it up for moments like this, when Holly agreed to play the submissive party. And Rachel was about to put her through an ordeal the likes of which she’d never known.

UH-oh. Holly gulped. Her pinched-shut eyes began to water. She clenched and flexed everything to the max: her mitts into fists, her toes into balls, her now drenched red pussy on Rachel’s cock. For Rachel’s part, she felt flattered. It was always a nice ego boost to drive Holly so hog-wild with her charms and prowess. The girl loved her. And vice versa. Rachel may have been a hardcore sex-a-holic, but no other “sex-a-hol” dealer could give her such a high from the drug but her own bride, Holly Greentree. Not that Rachel wished to see, or “buy” from other dealers. Dick firmly ensconced here in its semi-frequent home, Rache went on thrusting, slinking simultaneously up to lap Holly’s body. Unbeknownst to the Holly-doll, Rachel actually did enjoy being so wickedly tormented by her. But still vowed revenge. She just liked to extract it in her own special way. As one of their favorite ’90s songs (by the divine Kathryn Dawn Lang) stated, it was time to unleash herself upon her, and free the hounds of chastity. Thrusting still as her own pussy reached the drenching point, Rache grasped Holly’s tits, pressed her fingers into the lively ripe flesh, and assaulted her lips with a kiss.

Caught off-guard, Holly groaned into the liplock and forced her tongue through. Both mouths opened, and the kiss turned French. Rachel had her pinned down by the tits, and Holly loved it. Rache’s own girls wanted some love too, so she positioned them to dance with Holly’s, and curled her feet under Holly’s calves. Doing best to maintain her penetrating love, Rachel finally palmed Holly’s stiffly flexed biceps instead, and settled in.

For the first few years of their coupling, Holly held out for as much foreplay as Rachel was willing to kick in. Holly was truly partial to the dance, as it were, the calm before the storm. Rache required thorough satisfaction and intense orgasms on a daily basis, and was content to skip right to the main event. Holly highly relished making her wait and work for it, knowing Rachel loved her far too much to Escort Pendik disobey. And she always delivered when it was finally time. In fact, the more she got away with, the further she pushed the proverbial envelope—in part just to see how much Rache could handle, and in part because it was such great fun. After one session of particularly intensive teasing, Holly waited to see if Rachel complained at all, or expressed disapproval. It never happened, so Holly kept going, further and further each time. She was genuinely curious and intrigued. She figured Rachel’s libido had to have a “breaking point,” and couldn’t help wondering where it lay. At the same time, she knew she had to be cautious. Getting up to too much mischief might actually cause a rift in their heavenly union.

Right now, she could focus on naught but the relentless pounding inside her. She tried to clench with her pussy, but her autolube rendered it too slippery. Like holding bar soap in the shower, trying to keep it from squirting loose. And, speaking of squirting…

Holly hadn’t a great deal of time left before she’d be brutally forced to cum. The situation and fate thereof were out of her cuffed, clenched hands. And frankly, she didn’t mind. She lay all but literally on fire. Rachel was pretty lit up herself, digits in her own pussy frigging herself, hot on Holly’s metaphorical heels. Not minding, though, didn’t mean Holly wasn’t fighting like mad to get free. She screamed and flailed all over the bed. This made Rachel more and more ecstatic. She relished the hell out of giving “doctor” Holly a taste of her own medicine. It was only out of need for breath Rachel refrained from drowning her in vengeful taunts: “So how do you like it, sweetcakes?!” “Little different on that end, ain’t it, honey bun?!” “Let’s see how much cum-control YOU can stand, baby doll!”

While she absolutely loved wielding the power this time, Rachel planned no orgasm abuse or denial for Holly today. She wanted to make and see Holly cum like a geyser, and follow suit. There were two reasons. The first was self-evident. The second was more ulterior and underhanded. It seemed to Rachel her playmate was expecting some form of torment, like those doled out with the roles reversed. But Rachel opted to forego such admonishments. Being bound up and teased or castigated might not be fun for Holly, but would at least make sense. Rachel wanted to play this yet sneakier, and mess with Holly’s mind. She’d skip the teasing, shove her right over the edge, make her cum like never before…and thereby keep her wondering just when true revenge was to come about. This way, Holly was not—perhaps never—abreast of whether in the future she’d be pampered, tortured, or allowed to cum.

Tonight there’d indeed be an Earth-cracking orgasm in store. Holly would not be mistreated, or exactly coddled like a baby either. Rachel gave it all she had, fucking the hell out of her, and sure enough, Holly’s appreciation grew. Her face morphed through a dozen contortions of sweet agony, as Rachel draped atop, kissing her, caressing her skin with the hot perfume of her breath. She had to be careful, though, what with Holly whipping her head back and forth, the rest of her body congruently jerking about. She shrieked to high heaven and back, sweat leaking through every pore, soaking the mattress. By her reaction, her wife may as well have been electro-shocking her at dangerous voltage.

There was no real “ouch” factor in play. Neither girl was extremely into pain as a kink, and while Holly’s pussy was a bit tight and tender, it could handle their sizable latex phallus. Her cunt loved the full, thorough penetration, and her brain loved that her betrothed Rachel Keri was on the other end. She couldn’t imagine doing the deed with anyone except Rachel, and also couldn’t imagine life without her. She was Holly’s everything. While right now giving her coochie everything it could take.

The wildest passion Holly could pluck from recent memory raged through every cell. Her dark red pussy began to spurt like a leaky hose. She spat a series of swears in and around pleas for final release. She needed to cum. She was dying to cum. Rache’s dick almost felt as if it were a real cock, “cumming” fiery sparks inside her, hitting every billion-dollar spot. She failed to discern how desperate Holly was. She’d forgotten just how devastating an effect teasing and denial had on her. If Rachel decided to be spiteful and take her orgasm away, Holly wasn’t sure what she’d do. She’d probably cry. For about a week.

What Holly didn’t know was that she had zip to worry about. But thus unbeknownst, she kept struggling like crazy against the cuffs. The illusory sparks from Rachel’s cock picked up intensity, flying through Holly’s cunt like protons in particle accelerators. She was about as close as could get while still on edge. If Rachel wished to know how much she could withstand, she’d be about to get her answer. Rache pressed her mitts into the mattress, panting and sweating all over Holly’s torso as well. She fulcrumed up, to maintain control of her dildo ramming, just in time to see what happened next.

She could not believe her eyes.

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