Becoming Cassie Ch. 04

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The next week was hard for me to concentrate on my school work and sports. I was loving being Cassie, even if only for a few hours.

I had those amazing memories of what I looked like as Cassie replaying over and over again in my head. I could not get over what like to be a girl. I was really beginning to enjoy this. The whole world was beginning to look different.

And I was so glad the phone didn’t ring for this next weekend for any other babysitting gigs. I needed to get back and focus plus this weekend my Aunt Mary was having her 50th birthday party.

It was going to be a great time to see all my cousins again. Our last big family get-together was over a year ago and big parties were always fun.

Aunt Mary was the aunt that had my only older female cousin, Kate. For some reason, given all the experiences I had over the last three months with the Warrens and learning more about who Cassie was, I actually couldn’t wait to see Kate. Not sure I was going to share anything, but I know I had some good early memories of hanging around with her.

But at the same time, I knew I’d feel a little guilty because growing up I had raided her panty drawer and hamper more than once and actually “borrowed” a few items. Hopefully, I was past that now and those urges wouldn’t come back while I was there.

The birthday party was early Saturday afternoon and would be over by early evening event. I wanted to do something different a little different since I hadn’t dressed at all in a week. This might be a fun time try out one of the gifts from the Warrens.

After I showered on Saturday, I went to my little stash at home and put on one of the pair of panties Mrs. Warren gave me. They were black, soft, and of delicate lace. And with the flowery embroidery on the waistband, they were not only classy but I thought a real good choice for a 50th birthday party where black was often the theme color.

My whole family piled into the car and we headed out. When we arrived at the party, it was one of those partially catered affairs with all kinds of food brought in. Because it was still mid-October, some of the activities were inside and some outside. There had to be 50-60 people there.

We all sang Happy Birthday, gave her gifts including some prank 50Th birthday gifts, and then began hanging out with each other.

My older cousin Kate had grown up so much in these last few years. She was the designated greeter and I watch as she greeted so many of the adults, talking that adult language. I almost forgot she was once a kid like us.

And she was radiant as she greeted and played with the younger children as well. I loved watching her.

I found out that she was in her second year of college, was studying nursing and loved college life. She was just a year older than me. Somehow that didn’t seem to be that much of a difference any more.

She was so well put together. Kate was wearing just the right amount of make-up and her selection clothing made her a daughter any mom could be proud of. I could now appreciate that a lot more than ever before.

When she and I finally got a chance to talk one on one, I started off by saying “Kate, you look so nice in that dress.”

“Wow, a compliment from my cousin on how nice I look. I’ll take that any day. I actually got this dress just for Mom’s party and I am flattered that you like it. Seriously, thank you for noticing.”

“I think being at college, even just these two months, has made me aware of a lot of things and growing up a bit helps a bit, too,” I replied.

We had a chance to share some college stories and then parted ways to hang out with other people at the party.

As the afternoon turned to early evening and families began to leave, I noticed that there were still a lot of items outside. I asked Aunt Mary if I could help move some them in, especially the tables and chairs as it might rain soon. It was getting that heavy feeling in the air.

My aunt said, “We would love the help”, and I began by moving the chairs down into the basement.

My mom saw what I was doing and thought that was sweet, but told me she needed to get my little brother home because he wasn’t feeling good. She asked if I would be able to catch a ride with someone.

“Sure, no problem, Mom”

I didn’t realize it was going to be that much work when I offered. And I was shocked that no one else offered to help. But I didn’t complain. It was just another workout like at college.

The sun was slowly setting and I picked up the pace.

After about 20 minutes of collapsing and the moving chairs to the basement, Kate joined me in the yard. She had just said goodbye to the last of the guests and had changed into a pair of jeans and a nice top. She now looked more like the Kate I remembered, and she looked great even in just jeans.

She and I started picking up things left by the kids in the yard, as well running the rest of the food into the kitchen as a light mist began to fall.

Within a few minutes we cleared most of the yard of all the little things and then we began moving the longer tables to the basement. The mist had now turned to a light rain. We had to pull about ten tables inside and we only had half of them done.

We worked a little faster as the rain came down harder. By the time we got the last one in, we were completely drenched. Her beautiful wavy hair was now in ringlets and she and I were soaked to the skin. We kind of laughed at each other and said this would be a party to remember.

As we headed upstairs I could see from the windows that is was now dark, dreary and raining hard outside. And being October, it turned raw and chilly with the rain. We made it just in time.

My Aunt Mary, being an aunt had towels ready for us and said, “You both need to shower and warm up. Come.”

I told her I was fine but she insisted. “I don’t need you catching a cold and dying on my birthday!”

I told Kate to take the first one and I could wait a bit. I chatted with my aunt with a towel draped over my shoulders. We talked about her party and how nice everyone seems, especially now that we are a bit older.

Kate was done in about 10 minutes and my aunt said “I’ll make you both some hot chocolate.” and scooted off.

When Kate came out of the bath she had on a nice fluffy robe, her hair wrapped in a towel and her wet clothes in her hands.

“OK, your turn. And don’t worry, I left you some hot water!”

I went in and started to change when I heard her say, “Toss me your wet clothes and I’ll throw them in the dryer.”

I was all set to that and realized that I was wearing the black panties I got from Mrs. Warren. Oh crap, what was I going to do?

“Just a minute”. I decided just to pass out just my shirt, pants and socks out the door to her.

“Is that everything?” she asked.

“Yes, that’s it”

“What about those cute black lace panties with the flowery waistband?” she asked, “Aren’t they wet as well?”


“Matt, I saw them when you were bending over helping me in the yard. It’s OK, I kind of knew anyway.”

I slowly opened the door and passed them to her through the opening. It was so stupid of me to wear them. I thought it’d be fun to wear them to a party. I was so wrong.

I took an extra long shower and was so embarrassed I didn’t even want to come out.

When the shower stopped and I started drying off, I heard Kate say from the hallway, “Hey Matt, I left you some dry clothes outside the door. Yours are not dry yet. Feel free to pick what you want to wear.”

I heard her footsteps as she walked away and slowly opened the door. I was real depressed. I looked down the hall and when I confirmed that no one was around, I picked up the stack of clothes.

In the stack were a pair of her jeans, a sundress, two different tops, two pair of panties and two bras.

This was not what I was expecting. I knew Kate was an only child and that her dad had left years ago, but I really thought she might be able to find some guy clothes around to wear. I was not sure if this was a joke or not.

Still, these were pretty sweet clothes. I first put on the pink panties and they fit perfectly. I then tried on the flowered print bra with the rose in front and I loved the look of it with the panties together. I slipped her sundress on and it fit as well. In fact, everything fit.

Within 5 minutes there came a knock on the door and it was Kate. “Hey cuz, did anything fit?”

This was tough. I had been hiding this for years and now she was giving me things to wear. I quietly told her, “Yes. Actually, everything did.”

“Great, let me see.”

This was even harder. With a deep breath I slowly opened the door.

I had on her jeans, her pink panties, her cute navy tee shirt and her black bra. She nodded her head and calmly said. “Those look great on you, now let’s get some hot chocolate.”

“Slow down a bit. Before we go, how long have you known? And does your mom know?”

“Oh, for a while now, maybe two years, but we can talk about that later. And yes, she knows. She’s cool about it. Let’s go.”

“I’m sorry. I am not going into your kitchen wearing your bra and panties in front of your mom. The skinny jeans and baby tee are bad enough. What will your mom think??”

“Matt, who do you think put the stack of my clothes together for you while I was changing and drying my hair?”

“Aunt Mary?”

“Yes, your Aunt Mary and my mom.”

This was going way too fast for me.

Kate said “Come on silly,” and took me by the hand and dragged me into the kitchen. Aunt Mary was at the stove warming up the hot chocolate and simply said to me as I walked in, “I am so glad the clothes fit, come over and get your hot chocolate.”

OK, this was now weird. The three of us are now sitting at the kitchen table, I’m wearing her daughter’s clothes that she just gave me and the only who seems to care about it is me.

“Now, isn’t that better now that you are nice and warm?”, my aunt asked.

I just couldn’t think of anything to say.

Then Aunt Mary said, “You two sit here for a minute and I will be right back.”

Kate was smiling and said…”See, she’s fine with it.”

I just shook my head and said, “Kate, this is awkward.”

“I know, but wait until you see what mom has.”

Aunt Mary brought in a box of photos and said, “When I was getting ready for this party, I went through hundreds, no, thousands of pictures. I want to show you some.”

Great, this was going to be worse than watching home movies. Kate moved over beside me. Aunt Mary sat in front of us with the pictures.

“Here is a picture of me when I was five. And here is a picture of Kate when she was five.” I was shocked at how much they looked alike. “Wow.” I said as I picked it up.

“This is me going out on a date when I was 18.”

“Aunt Mary, you were a babe…I mean you still are…no, that doesn’t sound right either.”

“Thank you for the compliment Matt, I know what you meant.”

“And here is a picture of me with my husband on our honeymoon. My husband is your mom’s brother.”

We went through about 25 pictures and there was a story about each one. The longer I sat there and listened to the stories the more interesting it became and the more comfortable I was sitting there in Kate’s clothes.

Aunt Mary then said, “I also have some of you and Kate together as well. This really got my interest.


“Yes, you two spent a lot of time together when you were little. We lived much closer together back then and your mom would frequently drop you off in the afternoons.”

“Here’s one of you and Kate playing at one of her birthday parties. Oh, and here is another one of you two at the beach.” There were dozens of them. We laughed at ourselves in the pictures. I had never seen them. The laughter was good and the pictures were great.

“And here is one of you two in our little backyard inflatable swimming pool.”

As I looked closely I asked, “What am I wearing?”

“One of Kate’s bathing suits. You were young and when your mom dropped you off she probably didn’t pack your bathing suit. So when you saw the pool in the backyard and wanted to go in, I just gave you one of Kate’s. It was really no big deal.”

I kept examining the picture and just could not believe it.

“How old was?”

“Maybe 5.”

“Here are some more. This is one of my favorites.”

“I’m in a two piece??”

“Yes, but which one is you?”

Looking closer I said, “I’m guessing I’m the one on the right, the taller one.”

“No, you’re the smaller one on the left. Kate was about 4 inches taller than you then. I think she was 9 and you were maybe 7?”

I was amazed at how much I even looked like Kate then. She had short hair and mine was almost the same length. We were both blonde and we both had slight curls. I just kept staring and staring at it.

“Here are few more too.”

“And here are some from the time you spent a week with us. I think you were 8 or 9 at the time.”

“I spent a week with you??”

“Yes, we rented a cabin at a lake in the mountains and you came with us.” She then passed me the small stack of pictures.

“I have no memory of this at all…no, wait, I do have a memory of this. Was the cabin on a little hill?”

“Yes, and it was a little walk down to the water. I think you’ll get a kick out of some of these.”

There were lots of regular pictures of Kate and myself, and then a few when I was clearly wearing her clothes.

“Did I do this a lot?”

“Not really a lot, but you never really had a problem with it either. We were in a cabin, not a lot of laundry facilities close by, so on certain days when you were out of clothes, you simply wore Kate’s. Like I said, it was really no big deal.”

There was even one where she and I were wearing sundresses and hugging each other while smiling for the camera.

“And If it makes you feel any better, she wasn’t wearing a bra yet.”

I turned and asked, “Kate, do you remember this?”

“Only a little. It wasn’t until mom brought out these pictures a few years ago that I really remembered.”

I was just stunned.

“Do you remember the fashion show you two put on?”

“Fashion show??”

“You and Kate put on this big production when you visited with us for a whole weekend. I think you were about 10 then because we still lived in the old house.”

She pulled out about 5 pictures of both of us clowning around in oversized dresses, high heels and wigs.

“I do remember this but I thought it was all my imagination.”

Kate jumped in and said, “I definitely remember it. We raided one of the wardrobe closets upstairs and I dressed you up in all kinds of outfits. Mom had nothing to do with it. That one was all me. And you did wear a bra for it, but it was huge, like the dresses.”

There I was sitting with stacks of pictures of me and I was even more confused.

“Are there more pictures?”

Kate continued, “No, that’s it. We just had to show you.”

“And then your uncle and I ran into some, say, marital issues. He got a promotion at work, traveled more and started having affairs with his new found success. I did all I could to hang on to him, but the more I tried the more he resisted. We divorced when Kate was 13 and moved to this house just to get away. I guess we were kind of embarrassed about the divorce and wanted a new start.”

“But I did get a nice divorce settlement and still receive substantial alimony payments from him, but it was nasty. It was also difficult because he was your mom’s brother and that created tension between her and me.”

“You stopped coming over, partly because of the distance and partly because of divorce. And it wasn’t your fault, just selfish adults.”

“Kate kept growing up becoming even more of young lady and had to make new friends in a new school. You kept growing up and hung out more with your guy friends.”

“It really wasn’t until several years later when Kate said let’s have people over again mom that I realized she was missing her cousins, aunts and uncles. It was a challenge, but things slowly healed.”

Then Kate picked up the story. “The about four years ago, I noticed that one of my pair of panties was missing. I was only sixteen at the time and they were the matching set to one of the bras that I wanted to wear that evening to a sweet sixteen birthday party for my friend. Mom and I looked everywhere. We never found it.”

“Then about six months later, I was missing another pair, and with only mom and me in the house, it was like a puzzle. At first I figured the washing machine ate them, but then I noticed a few months later that after one of the family parties over here, something was amiss in my lingerie drawer. Not missing, just moved to the wrong place. That sort of isolated the field of suspects to anyone at the party.”

Great, just what I needed to hear. I was beginning to get very warm…

“That’s when mom brought out the pictures and showed me. I asked her, “Do you think it’s Matt?””

“Looking back, it was funny because I think she already knew, or at least strongly expected.”

Kate continued, “I wasn’t sure how I felt. Mom and I had some long talks and the gist of it was, if Matt still wants to wear your clothes, is really all that bad? It’s not like it as the first time he has worn them.”

“Mom really made it more of a positive thing and I was beginning to agree.”

Aunt Mary then added, “Nothing else ever went missing but we had suspicions that maybe you were still trying things on in the bathroom, but you were only over her once or twice a year.”

Kate then jumped back in, “We had not really thought too much about it until today when you arrived. We had been so busy readying for the party, plus most of my clothes and lingerie were at college.”

“We noticed that during the party you spent a lot of time with me and your cousins, and never once did even get close to my room. I was almost disappointed.”

“It really wasn’t until the end of the day when you and I were outside in the mist and you bent over to pick up some of the yard games that I saw you were wearing panties. The black lace and that cute waistband was a big give away.”

Kate continued, “I said to myself, wow, he now even has his own panties. And they even look better than mine. Major bummer. He’s obviously moved on.”

“And then the rains really came. That’s when mom put together a real quick plan. It was a gamble, but, well, here you are!”

Then Aunt Mary broke the tension and said, “And for my 50th birthday, I now have a new niece.”

“Mom?? Really.”

“Well, growing up Kate you had mostly boy cousins and Matt was the nearest to your age. I always wanted you to have a female cousin around your own age. Now you do.”

Kate just shook her head.

It was now after 9:00 and I said, “I should really let you two enjoy the rest of your birthday. I’ll just change and Kate, could I ask you to drive me home?”

Aunt Mary chimed in, “Oh, didn’t I tell you? I called your mom and asked if you could spend the night, especially since it was such a miserable night out with the rain and all. We can drop you off tomorrow.”

I looked at Kate and who was smiling and asked, “Will you stay?”

It was hard to say no, but I had just one question…”Kate, how in the world do I fit into your jeans and top?”

Kate laughed and said, “The Freshman 15. It was a tough first year and I had to buy a lot of clothes in the spring semester. I’ve got it under control this year though, don’t you think?”

That brought a big smile from me.

Aunt Mary said, “You can stay in the guest room and we would really love the company. It’s lonely having your little girl at college.” She then excused herself to leave me and Kate alone to talk.

For the rest of the night we talk about the past and I promised her that I only ever took those two pair of panties. But I readily confessed to trying on lots of her clothes in the bathroom.

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