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Andrew”s Misplaced Trust Chapter 20 – Is that cum on your face little boy?

There may be some real events that inspired parts of this, but I have to tell you this is fantasy fiction.

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WickrMe andrewmthomas

This story is an original work of fiction ©Copyright 2022 Andrew M. Thomas.

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Boys are to be loved, cherished and cared for. Never hurt!

Have you ever wanted to laugh, I mean really laugh, an infectious little boy belly laugh, just because? I need to laugh. It feels so good to laugh.

Chapter 20 – Explosion from Hell

Ethan spoke up and pushed the officer aside. “Officer, let me see what I can find out. He”s obviously been through a lot himself, and we aren”t going to get anywhere with you screaming at him and threatening him. Besides, you can”t take him anywhere until he”s fixed up.”

Directing his comments to Andrew, he huffed, “Fine, but you need to tell us now kid, your friend”s life depends on it.”

“Andrew, I can tell that you and Ricky are close friends. You can talk to me. Are you both living in the building? I don”t care if you are. I just want to help both of you.”

How did he know? “Um, no, we were just playing there.”

“When we arrived at the fire, there was an older lady that was in her bathrobe. She walked over to us and asked if the cute boys were still in the building. I asked who she was and she just said `Grandma”. She said she had seen a couple of boys go in and out a lot and figured you were living there. She was really worried about you, Andrew. She mentioned you by name. She also asked about Ricky, Jimmy, and Cole. She knew there were more, but those were the names she mentioned. I was talking to her when they called me to climb the ladder to get you.”

“Andrew, I want to help you. You”re safe here, and you can share your secrets. I”m not a cop. My job is to help you, not hurt you.”

“Um, you wouldn”t like me if you knew what I did.”

“Andrew, I don”t know what you could have done that would make me not like you. You can trust me, I won”t hurt you, I saved you, remember? Well, at least I tried until that building sent us on that wild ride. You have a great story to tell your friend.Let”s make sure he survives this so you can share it. I”m sure he won”t remember much of it.”

“Whatever.” He was trying not to explain why they were living there. Surely Ethan wouldn”t want to help out a rent boy.

“Tell you what, let me call my dad. He would love to meet you. He helps a lot of kids.”

Ethan could see Andrew tense up, and withdraw.

“Or you can just talk to me, man to man, buddy. I won”t call my dad. Just let”s talk, okay?”

“Well, we kind of live in the building. I guess you know that from Grandma. Does she know I”m okay?”

“I think she saw us take you in the ambulance, so she would have seen that you were hurt but not dead.”

“Ricky and the others, well, they were on the streets and they found this place. I”ve been living there for a while too. It was really nice until those people broke in downstairs.”

“Andrew, do you know if there were others in the building?”

“No, not with Ricky and me. None of the other boys answered when we got back, so I guess they weren”t back from their dates yet. I don”t know about the people downstairs, I don”t care about them.” He realized he had told Ethan what the boys did, but it didn”t seem to shock him.

“Good, I know they are looking for the others just in case. I can guess that you ran away or were kicked out of your house. I know a lot of boys that end up on the street were abused at home.”

“Yeah,” Andrew said, looking at the floor of the emergency room. Tears were forming and dripping on the ankara escort sheet they had over him. He didn”t know what he was going to do. He was worried about where he was going to go and how he was going to pay for the hospital. “Shit, I”m in even more trouble now.” he thought. All of his money was in his backpack, so he hoped that would be enough for him and Ricky.

He started breathing fast, his world started spinning, and the next thing he knew, he was being awakened by Ethan.

“What happened?”

“It”s okay pal, I think you had a panic attack and passed out. The doctors say you”re going to be fine, but your x-ray shows that you did break your arm. They”re going to have to set your arm and put a cast on it. Your leg is fine, just bruised badly.” Ethan was pushing Andrew”s hair out of his eyes. He had a damp cloth and had wiped his face. It felt good to Andrew that this hot man was helping him. His warm hands and the heat from his body made him feel at ease.

“But I can”t pay for that. I only have, wait. Where are my clothes? Where”s my stuff?”

“Andrew, it”s fine, remember? They are over there on top of your backpack. Buddy, it”s fine, don”t worry about things right now. But can you please trust me and help me with Ricky? What happened to him?”

Silence. He started to cry again. Ethan continued to gently wipe Andrew”s face.

“Buddy, it”s okay. I can guess, and trust me, it won”t shock me if you tell me what happened. I know you boys are on the street, and you have to figure out how to get money and food. From what I know, you can either steal it or work for it.”

“I don”t steal! Stealing is wrong and if I get caught, they”ll send me back.” Crap, Andrew thought he had said too much again.

“Its okay buddy, so I”m guessing you work for it, and since you”re a young guy, there”s not too many places that will hire you, so are you running drugs for the people downstairs?”

“Um, no, I wouldn”t do that. I mean, we have been approached to run drugs since they go easy on kids, but I didn”t want to get caught.”

“So, then let me guess, you do modeling, right? You are pretty cute.” Ethan was trying to lighten the mood, He already suspected that the boys were doing tricks, especially with the injuries that Ricky had.

“Well, sometimes. I mean, yeah, guys do pay us to take pictures and stuff.”

“Oh, do you like it?”

“The pictures are fun, but they often want to do other stuff, but that is usually fun too.” Andrew cried again. He didn”t know how to help Ricky. He knew what they did was bad, but figured he should probably tell them.

“Was it the `stuff` that these men do with you that hurt Ricky?”

“Yeah, but Ethan, we did it cause we have to. I mean, it”s usually fun, but we need the money to live, and this guy offered us so much money that we wouldn”t have to do anything for a long time. Besides, once we went with him, it”s not like we could just leave. We don”t have a car, and this guy lived way up in the hills.”

“It”s alright. You don”t have to tell me everything, but why is Ricky bleeding?”

“Well, this man was raping Ricky, and then Ricky stopped breathing. He turned blue around his lips and eyes. I thought he was dead.”

“Oh, shit, er, sorry, then what happened?” Ethan was trying not to look shocked, but his swearing gave him away. His stomach was rolling and he was getting angrier and angrier by the moment. He knew the anger was starting to show, Ethan took a deep breath. Andrew could hear Ethan”s stomach making strange sounds. Ethan was sweating profusely.

“The man and his friend pushed on Ricky”s chest and nothing was working. They pulled out some stick thing and jammed it into him. They called it an eppy something. I was glad he was alive because I”m sure they would have killed me and dumped us both if he hadn”t woken up.”

“Then what happened?”

“They put his clothes back on him, grabbed me and brought us back near the building. They dumped us out on the corner behind WalMart. Ricky was bad. I had escort ankara to climb up to the building, then go down the stairs and help him up to our offices. I was trying to stop his bleeding, but he kept falling asleep on me and I was really scared and falling asleep too.”

“I understand. Based on your blood oxygen levels, you were both suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning from the fire, so you couldn”t help it.” Tears were now rolling down Ethan”s face. “Doc, come here.” Ethan whispered into the doctor”s ear, and the doctor looked at him with wide eyes. He ran off.

“What did you tell him?” I was beginning to worry.

“Andrew, I told him what happened to Ricky. He”s in surgery and knowing what caused this will help.”

“Are we in trouble?”

“No, of course not, but you need to trust me and tell me anything more you know. Do you know this man”s name? Where he lives, anything?”

“Well, we had to call him sir. He lives in a huge house on top of a hill. You can see the city below. The house has a sex room in it where we were taken and they were filming us. Oh, and he drives a silver Mercedes G Wagon, the one that looks like a box.”

Ethan had grabbed a pen and a pad of paper and was writing some things down. “I see. Now Andrew, I”m sorry to ask this, but did the man have sex with you?”

“Well, he shoved his cock in my mouth, but he didn”t fuck me. Sorry for saying fuck.”

“Buddy, it”s alright. Don”t worry about swearing right now. Just let me help you. I know this is hard.”

“How do you know? Did you ever have to fuck for money?” As Andrew was screaming in anger, he felt his face get hot. He was bright red.

“Buddy, Andrew, calm down. You”re right, I don”t know. I have never been in your place, but you are being very brave and trusting telling me.” Ethan was holding Andrew”s good arm.

“Let go of me. You tell me you understand after you”ve had a cock shoved up your ass against your will! Let”s see how you like it!” Andrew was screaming. “One of the old perverts squirted his cum all over my face and forced me to have sex with Ricky.”

“Doc” Ethan yelled, “come here.” He whispered into the doctor”s ear.

The doctor looked wide eyed and then ran off and grabbed a little tray and came back. “Son, this is a rape kit, I understand you had some man ejaculate on your face.”

“You mean cum? Yes, he did on my face and my hair, but he licked it up.” Andrew could feel his face turning red.

“Let me swab your face and hair. I am going to use this black light to take a look.” He got his swab out and wiped a few places. He was pretty quick and said Andrew was very helpful.

Just then, they came to take him to get his arm set. Andrew figured that Ethan would leave him alone now and go home. Ethan was trying to help, but Andrew still didn”t know if he could trust him.

“Andrew, I”ll be right here when you come back.”

“Don”t bother!” Andrew wasn”t sure what this fireman wanted. He was a bit suspicious about his intentions and didn”t know if he could trust him. After all, he knew that Andrew turned tricks for money. Maybe he was a boy lover himself.

They rolled Andrew down the hallway to a room where they were going to set and cast his arm. They asked him what color cast he wanted and showed him a few colored rolls. He picked purple.

“This is going to hurt kid. Just bite down on this.” The doctor said as he handed Andrew what looked like a dog chew toy. He lifted the broken arm and it hurt really badly. Andrew was wincing in pain. He grabbed Andrew”s arm by the elbow and then his wrist and pulled a bit. Andrew saw stars and screamed out, “Fuck! That hurt!” dropping the bite bar out of his mouth.

The doctor laughed, “I would have said the same thing! It”s all done now, Andrew.” And then they began to wrap his arm. They put a sock over his arm, began wrapping it up, and then it got warm. Andrew was thinking it was really fun to watch, but it did hurt a few times while they were wrapping it.

They rolled him ankara escort bayan back to the emergency room, where Ethan was still waiting.

“Dude, that”s cool, a purple cast. Your friends are going to love it.” Ethan”s face turned white as he realized maybe Andrew didn”t have any friends and didn”t know how to walk it back. He brushed Andrew”s face with the back of his hand and smiled. Just then, a lady walked up and tapped Ethan on the back. Ethan jumped and turned to see his friend. He turned to Andrew and said, “Andrew, this is my friend Sarah. She”s here to help you.”

“I don”t need any help. I just need some clothes and my bag. I”ll be fine.” He was getting scared. He scanned the room to see how to get out. The other boys told him to always be aware of his surroundings when with a John so he was used to finding an escape route.

“Hi Andrew, I know that you think that you don”t need help, but where will you go? The place you were staying is gone. Let me help find you somewhere to stay. I can find a nice family that will keep you safe.” Sarah seemed nice, but Andrew didn”t trust her. He couldn”t trust any adults after what had happened to him over the last year or so. Maybe if he could get back to Pastor Green, he might help him, and he really did like him. He knew he couldn”t mention the pastor in case he gave away what the man had done to him.

Andrew was not about to do whatever this lady wanted. Ricky told him about his foster family and he didn”t want to go to something worse than he had when his dad kicked him out. “Lady, I know what you people do. Several of the guys I live with have been in foster care and group homes. It”s all bullshit!”

“Andrew, please calm down and call me Sarah. I”m really here to help you. Do you have any family that you can go to?”

“No, my dad is a fucking rapist. I don”t ever want to see him again.”

“What about your mom or grandparents or aunts and uncles?”

“My mom let it happen, so she can just let the bastard beat her like he did me. My grandparents died, and I don”t know any aunts or uncles.”

“Andrew, I want to help you, and we can find somewhere for you to go.”

“Yeah, right. You don”t care. I”m just your job.”

“Andrew, I need you to trust me. I”m not like the other case workers that your friends had.”

“Do whatever, lady; I”ll just run away as soon as I can.”

Sarah realized that he wasn”t about to trust anyone, but she saw the trust building between Andrew and Ethan. She was thinking that she could use this to her advantage. “Andrew, I want you to trust me, but if you threaten to run away, we have to put you in a secure group home. You don”t want to be in one of those. The boys there are big and mean. Most of them are there because they cause fights or get into so much trouble that nobody will take them. We can”t risk them running away, so we put them in there. I don”t want you to have to go through that.”

“You mean jail.”

“No, Andrew, it”s not quite jail.”

“Can I leave if I want?”

“No, Andrew, you wouldn”t be allowed to leave without supervision.”

“Fine, put me wherever. I don”t care anymore. Ethan, I wish you hadn”t rescued us. I wish I was dead.”

Ethan jumped up. “Andrew, you don”t mean that. I risked my life to save you!”

“That”s your job. If you don”t like it, then get a different job.” Ethan was shocked to hear that from this boy. He loved his job and loved what he did.

“Andrew, we went through that explosion together. We are bound by that. I really do want to help you. When we fell, I thought we were both going to die. That didn”t happen, and I know there is a reason for it. Let me help you. I trust Sarah and you can too.”

“You don”t care, you”re just like them. You probably want to fuck me just like Sir did.”

End of Andrew”s Misplaced Trust – Chapter 20 – Andrew Thomas Published stories

The Gingerbread Boy Gay: Adult/Youth https://www.//gay/adult-youth/gingerbread-boy/ Splashing in the streetsGay: Young Friends https://www.//gay/young-friends/splashing-in-the-streets/ JiuJitsu BoyGay: Adult/Youthhttps://www.//gay/adult-youth/jiujitsu-boy/ The Test DriveGay: Adult/Youthhttps://www.//gay/adult-youth/the-test-drive/ Nifty Author fty//authors.htmlandrewthomas

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