An Athlete’s Wardrobe Malfunction

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Amy loved track and field. She was hugely competitive and enjoyed keeping fit. But there was a third reason she liked the sport so much. It gave her a chance to show off her body.

The 19-year-old always wore the skimpiest shorts she could get away with and combined them with the tightest cropped top possible.

Occasionally Amy’s choice of attire would get a negative remark from a competitor or even a teammate but these were well offset by the feeling she got when she spotted a spectator, official or another athlete ogling her.

She’d always liked being the centre of attention and found the thought of people staring at her body with sexual desire to be a huge turn on. After most training sessions or competitions, Amy would go home and masturbate while thinking about the latest person she’d caught checking her out.

Sometimes she’d be so horny that she’d have to pleasure herself in the locker room showers. She quite liked the idea of being caught doing so but that had never happened and her more rational side had always won out and stopped her from ‘accidentally’ letting it occur.

It was Saturday morning and Amy was eating breakfast while scrolling through her phone looking at her various social media feeds when an email notification popped up.

The subject was ‘Seen this?’ and the email was from her best friend Rachel. Opening the communication, she found it was a link to a website message board.

Amy trusted Rachel enough to know it was safe to click on the link so she did and found the message board was entitled ‘sexiest athletes.’ It was a collection of pictures taken at various sporting events of female competitors with people commenting on their looks.

She scrolled down a couple of entries and there was a photograph of her at a track meeting from a few weeks ago. The picture had been upvoted by 104 website users with only one thumbs down. There were several comments remarking on how hot she was with some more lurid remarks focussing on particular parts of her body especially her ass.

Amy felt a warm rush of excitement flood over her. She was thrilled to know so many people found her attractive and what she read next made her even more delighted.

An user nicknamed ‘On The Lookout’ had written: ‘That’s Amy Reynolds. She’s a fucking babe. If you want to see more of her, check out my tribute fan page for her.’

‘A fan page!’ Amy said to herself as she clicked on the link.

And there it was. An entire gallery of photographs and short videos of her from various events in the last year all under the heading ‘Amy, Her Amazing Ass and More.’

Amy giggled as she read the captions on the images and she could feel herself becoming quite aroused the dirtier the comments became. Many of the commentators had made it clear they’d love to see her naked while others had given suggestions of things they’d like to do to her.

She knew she should be appalled and embarrassed but she simply wasn’t. No, she was quite the opposite. She loved it and before she knew it she had grabbed her laptop, rushed upstairs to her bedroom and was furiously fingering her pussy all the while reading the comments these anonymous strangers had made about her.

After one of the best orgasms of her life, Amy regained her composure. Just then a text pinged through on her phone.

It was Rachel. ‘Did you see it?’ read the message.

She was obviously referring to the message board link she’d sent earlier. Before she could reply a second text came through saying: ‘It’s disgusting. So sexist. Sorry but I thought you should see it.’

Amy laughed. Rachel and her had been best friends for eight years but they had very different outlooks on life. Rachel was very much a feminist whereas Amy was far more laid back on that sort of thing.

Knowing her friend wouldn’t understand her true reaction, she texted back: ‘Yeah. It’s not great but what can you do?’

Almost instantly Rachel replied: ‘I’m writing to the domain host to complain. Did you see the other site? The one all about you? I’m going to get that took down too.’

Amy didn’t want either site removing but she knew better than to argue with Rachel so simply sent a thumbs up emoji in response before screenshotting some of the ruder comments for later use.

Sunday was league meet day and Amy’s team was hosting the event. She was scheduled to compete in the long jump. As she did some light stretching and jogged up and down the trackside, she found herself staring into the crowd and wondering if any of her online fans were there.

‘You’re up next Miss Reynolds,’ said one of the officials, snapping Amy out of her daydream.

‘Get in the game!’ she said to herself under her breath as she peeled off her tracksuit.

With her concentration and competitive spirit fully back, she found her mark on the runway before sprinting down and leaping into the waiting sandpit.

As sarıkamış escort she got back to her feet following her jump, she wiped the sand from her legs and instinctively went to straighten her shorts which, as always, had ridden up between her ass cheeks.

Suddenly she remembered the websites and stopped herself. That flush of excitement was back and she decided to leave her shorts as they were. Instead, with the fleshy parts of her butt exposed as if she were wearing a thong, she slowly walked back to where she’d left her kitbag.

She made sure to bend over with her ass facing the crowd as she asked the official to show her where her foot had been on the take-off board. Amy could feel a slight moistening between her legs as she imagined the fan page owner capturing the image with their camera for the website.

Of course she had no idea if he, or she, was actually there but she liked the idea and even if they weren’t present she was certain at least some of the spectators were enjoying the view.

Amy repeated the same trick after each of her jumps and by the end of the competition she’d not only finished second but was horny as a dog in heat.

She really wanted to finger fuck herself in the shower but she also couldn’t wait to see if there were any new pictures on her fan page so she resisted.

Sure enough, as soon as she got home and logged onto the website there they were, a whole bunch of photographs from the day’s competition including several close-ups of her exposed ass cheeks.

The fan page owner had obviously been in the crowd and had enjoyed her show. The new set of pictures were entitled: ‘Amy’s ass and my camera zoom – a perfect combination.’

Amy was over the moon. She reached into her bedside cabinet and pulled out her favourite dildo. Hurriedly removing her tracksuit bottoms and panties she could almost hear how wet her pussy was even before she got started.

She lay back on her bed and within moments was plunging the dildo inside her pussy and fucking herself rapidly as she thought about what all the people who saw the pictures of her butt might be doing over the images.

It didn’t take long for her to cum and as she cleared her head all she could think about was how she could top the experience from today’s competition. ‘Dare she show more? Maybe a wardrobe malfunction?’ she thought.

If just showing her ass cheeks had been this big of a thrill then being even more exposed would certainly be a greater rush.

During the following week Amy regularly checked the fan page to read the comments about her and her dildo was kept quite busy as a result.

With the next competition fast approaching her imagination was running wild with how she could up the ante of exposure. She even tried to think of a way to end up fully naked but, although a total turn on, those ideas were extreme and would almost certainly lead to her being banned from the sport.

‘No,’ she said to herself, ‘I’ve gotta be subtle and make it look like it wasn’t meant to happen.’

She decided her shorts were the easiest things to tamper with. Plus her ‘fans’ seemed to particularly like her ass so why not show them some more of it? And if her pussy was exposed at the same time all the better!

Taking some scissors she carefully made small cuts in the waistband of one of her pairs of tiny, lycra shorts. Then she put them on and moved around seeing how much the cuts would widen with certain actions.

After about 10 minutes, and a few more cuts, she’d jumped and wiggled enough that at last the shorts ripped and fell to the floor.

Amy burst out laughing. She was sure she could get away with this happening at the competition without anyone cottoning on to it being done on purpose and oh what a thrill it would be.

It was competition day. Once again selected to do the long jump, Amy could already feel the cuts in her shorts becoming wider as she stretched and limbered up for her first jump.

Her heartbeat was racing and she could sense a tingle of anticipation across every inch of her body.

She scanned the crowd to see if she could pick out any familiar faces from the previous week in the hope of working out who her internet fan was but no luck.

‘Oh well,’ she thought, ‘there’s plenty of people here and lots of cameras and phones so I’m sure my clothing mishap will make it onto the site no matter if they’re here or not.’

Quickly removing her tracksuit top, she could barely control her excitement but did her best to act normally so as not to give the game away when ‘it’ happened. She was extra careful taking off her bottoms as she didn’t want to rip her shorts prematurely and spoil her fun.

Then it was time. She took up her position and started to run. Immediately she felt her shorts straining to come free but as her foot hit the board and she leapt into the air nothing!

Getting sarıyer escort up from the sandpit and dusting herself off she looked down and her shorts remained in place.

‘Fuck it!’ she said out loud.

‘Hey that was a good jump and watch your language too!’ shouted a voice from the crowd.

Amy smiled apologetically and returned to her kit bag. As she put her tracksuit back on she noticed the rips in her shorts were definitely bigger but obviously not enough.

‘Next jump,’ she whispered to herself.

There were only six girls in the contest so Amy didn’t have to wait long for her next go. In the meantime she’d been vigorously stretching to put maximum stress on her shorts.

‘This time they’re coming off!’ she muttered quietly as she stood at her mark ready to begin her run up in round two.

And she was right. As she leapt into the air and stretched her legs forward she felt the left side of her shorts rip and fall away. As she landed the right side twanged and dropped too.

Adrenaline pumped through Amy’s body. Trying to act like nothing unusual had happened she stood up and for a moment there was silence. Then she heard gasps from the crowd and some laughter.

She looked down and saw her shorts had completely come off and the torn remnants were laying in the sandpit. Instinctively she put her hands down in front of her exposed pussy and tried to look shocked.

Every eye in the crowd was honed in on her and dozens of cameras and phones were pointed in her direction. Amy could feel a trickle of moisture from her pussy against her right hand which was clamped tightly in front of it. This was amazing!

One of her competitors rushed over to her with a towel and, still trying to keep up her act, Amy grabbed it and wrapped it around her waist.

‘Shit Amy,’ said the girl, ‘You ok?’

‘Errr yes,’ said Amy, maintaining her embarrassed persona, ‘thanks for the towel.’

‘No problem,’ replied the girl, ‘look at the state of these things.’

She’d picked up what was left of Amy’s shorts and was examining them closely.

‘They’re really old ones,’ explained Amy, ‘I picked them up by mistake when I was packing my bag. I was running late.’

The girl didn’t look entirely convinced but nodded and handed the material over as the pair walked back to Amy’s belongings. She put on her tracksuit using the towel for cover then told the officials she was withdrawing from the rest of the event.

‘Oh so sorry. That must’ve been embarrassing honey,’ said a sympathetic female official.

‘Yes, yes it was,’ answered Amy, ‘I really can’t continue after that.’

‘Of course,’ said the woman.

Amy packed up her stuff and made her way towards the locker rooms. A man in the crowd whistled at her as she walked by which only made her feel even more excited but other than that she just heard a few claps and consoling comments.

This time she couldn’t wait to get home to see if there were any pictures of her latest escapade on her fan page. When she got in her car after quickly showering and getting changed, she logged on using her phone.

‘Oh my goodness!’ she said as she scrolled.

There were photographs and plenty of them. Clearly several different people had submitted them as they were from a range of angles. Her naked ass was visible in most of the pictures and in several you could make out her pussy as well.

The best one had obviously been taken front on with the long jump pit as she stood up and in it her most intimate area was clearly on show.

That was enough for Amy. Without thinking she put her hand down her pants and felt for her pussy. It was warm and very wet. She slipped a finger inside and began to play. A second finger went in and she was well away.

Her eyes closed and thinking about nothing but the exposure of earlier and wanting to cum fast, Amy was in a world of her own when there was a knock on her car window.

Shocked she opened her eyes and withdrew her hand from its work. There was a man standing outside the car staring in with a grin on his face.

‘Sorry to interrupt,’ he said motioning for her to wind the window down.

Amy did as requested not knowing whether she was more annoyed at being stopped from finishing off or worried by what the man wanted.

‘Again sorry to interrupt,’ he said still grinning, ‘I’m a big fan of yours and was hoping for a selfie with you but you’re obviously busy.’

‘What did you, I mean what do you think I was doing?’ she replied.

‘Well it’s pretty obvious,’ he said, ‘just like your little mishap earlier.’

‘What?’ she said.

‘Come on Amy,’ he said, ‘I’ve been watching track and field for years and never seen that happen. You made it happen and now you’re, well shall I say you’re reaping the rewards.’

‘Bullshit!’ said Amy, ‘it was an accident and a humiliating one so….’

‘Hey şarkışla escort I think most people will agree with you,’ said the man cutting her off mid-sentence, ‘but I’m not most people. I’ve taken a lot of photos of you and I’m sure those shorts were sabotaged.’

‘Are you some sort of pervert?’ asked Amy.

‘Just a fan that’s all,’ he answered, ‘and you obviously appreciate my work.’

The man pointed to Amy’s phone which was on the seat next to her still displaying a picture from the website.

Wait,’ said Amy, ‘you’re the fan page guy?’

‘That’s me,’ he said, ‘so how about that selfie?’

Amy didn’t know what to say. She could tell the man had seen right through her story and, now she was over the initial shock, she was kind of excited that he’d caught her pleasuring herself.

‘I took a couple of pictures just now too,’ he said, ‘before knocking on the window I mean. They’ll be on the site soon.’

‘What?’ said Amy, suddenly feeling panicked.

‘I couldn’t miss the opportunity,’ the man replied, ‘I’m sure they’ll be popular pictures.’

‘You can’t post them!’ shouted Amy, ‘I mean please don’t.’

‘Ok,’ said the man, ‘I’ll do this for you. I’ll delete the photos but I want something, or should I say a few things, in return.’

‘Like?’ she replied.

‘I want those shorts from today,’ he said, ‘and I want that selfie with you.’

‘Sure,’ Amy responded grabbing the ripped shorts from her bag and handing them to the man.

Holding his camera close to her the man deleted three pictures he’d taken of her masturbating. Amy opened the car door and got out. She stood next to him and smiled as he took a selfie with her then she got back into her vehicle.

‘Oh there’s one picture left,’ said the man.

‘Delete it too then,’ said Amy.

‘Ok,’ he replied, ‘but I want something else and I think you will like it.’

‘What?’ she said impatiently.

‘I want you to finish what you started and I want to watch up close,’ he replied.

‘No way!’ said Amy, ‘fuck that.’

‘Very well,’ said the man, ‘I’ll just upload that photo to my site right now.’

‘Wait!’ she yelled.

‘Yes,’ said the man.

‘Get in, shut up and no more pictures right?’ she said.

‘Absolutely,’ responded the man hurriedly making his way to the passenger side door and getting into the car.

‘I can’t believe I’m going to do this,’ said Amy.

Neither can I,’ he said, ‘but I’ve dreamt of seeing this for a while and now here I am. Lucky old me.’

‘Yeah lucky old you,’ retorted Amy, ‘now put the camera away and just watch quietly.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ he said, placing his camera on the dashboard.

Amy put her hand inside her pants and began to rub the outside of her pussy. She was still very wet and horny. In fact, having this guy watch her was making her even more excited.

‘Erm Amy,’ said the man, ‘sorry. I know I was meant to be quiet but any chance you could let me see it?’

Realising there was little point in arguing and keen to cum, Amy sighed and without answering she slipped her pants down her thighs exposing her pussy.

‘That ok?’ she asked.

‘Perfect,’ he replied.

Amy’s hands resumed their work. She rubbed on her clitoris with one hand while two fingers from the other slid effortlessly inside her soaking wet pussy.

She glanced across at the man who was attentively watching with his eyes firmly fixed on her private parts.

This made Amy all the more excited and she thrust her fingers deeper inside her pussy moving them at a rapidly increasing speed.

It was only a matter of minutes later that she felt herself on the verge of orgasm. She had a quick look across at the man who was still totally transfixed then she flung her head back, closed her eyes and with a stifled murmur she came.

A wave of pleasure rushed around her body as it spasmed with multiple waves of ecstasy. By the time she was finished she was barely able to breath and she felt quite dizzy.

She opened her eyes and turned to the man. He showed her as he deleted the last picture then got out of the car.

‘Thanks Amy,’ he said, ‘I’m an even bigger fan now. Do it again sometime?’

‘I don’t think so,’ she replied.

‘Well I’ll be around the track meets if you change your mind,’ he said, ‘or maybe if you fancy having some more fun exposing yourself I can help and be there to capture it for posterity.’

‘I told you it was an accident,’ she said.

‘Yes you did, didn’t you?’ said the man.

With that he closed the car door and walked away leaving Amy to pull up her pants and fully regain her bearings.

That night as she soaked in a hot bath, Amy considered what had gone on during the day. The wardrobe malfunction had gone perfectly and was a huge buzz. Being caught playing with herself and then masturbating in front of a stranger hadn’t been in the plan but it had been a thrill. Perhaps an even bigger thrill.

‘Anyway,’ she said to herself, ‘It was all fun and I’ve got it out of my system. There’s all those pictures to remind myself too and now I can just get back to normal. Yes, normal. No more public exposure. Well maybe…’

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