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Chapter 029 � A Father First & Foremost



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This story is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents are either the products of the author”s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is a free electronic story. No part of this electronic story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. If you are not of legal age in your location to view and read adult material, please close out of this story and delete any material you have downloaded or copied to your computer




Randy Best: Brigadier General, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Adam Mann: Brigadier General, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Robert Masters: Major General, U.S. Army Alpha Zulu Security

Gloria Worthington: aka “Mama Bear” Board Chair of Worthington Industries

(a major multi-national defense contractor)

Luke Worthington: CEO of Worthington Industries

John Worthington: COO R&D of Worthington Industries

Doug Meat: Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Steven Goodman: Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Magnus Savage: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 Medical Trauma Surgeon

Connor Best-Mann: Adopted son of Randy Best and Adam Mann

Randy Adam “RA” Worthington: Adopted son of Connor Best-Mann & John Worthington

Liam McIntyre: CFO Worthington Industries & Partner of Luke Worthington

Aiden McIntyre-Worthington: Son of Liam McIntyre and Adopted son of Luke Worthington

Logan Worthington: Biological Son of Luke Worthington

Mason Allen: Captain, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69

Jason Allman: 1st Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 Platoon Leader

Matt Longdick: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 Squad Leader

Billy Bob Vance: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog Handler

Beauty Malinois: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Rod LittleFeather: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog Handler

Maximillian (Max) Malinois: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army � Alpha Zulu 69 War Dog

Alex Goodman-Meat: Adopted Son of Doug Meat and Steven Goodman

Noah Goodman-Meat: Adopted Son of Doug Meat and Steven Goodman

Manuel de V�zquez: Physicist/Engineer – Worthington Industries

Juaquin “Jay” de V�zquez: Son of Manual de V�zquez

Ariel “Ari” Rebel: Captain, Israel Defense Force (Mossad Kidon)

Jacob, David & Uri Leib: Wards of Luke & John Worthington


The words felt like a knife to my heart. Between the tears and silent calls for help it appears Hayao and Noah were the victims of a carjacking. Everything was fine, they gave them the car, the keys and made no resistance or hostile acts. But, when they wanted to take Noah as a hostage Hayao went into “defensive mode” and attacked four “hostiles”. Two he killed outright, the third died in intensive care after weeks of suffering and the fourth managed to empty a clip of ammo into Hayao”s chest before he was subdued. He had a short brief moment of freedom as ever police agency (State, local and federal) was hunting for him and ever lead was followed up immediately. Hayao was in surgery fighting for his life.


I woke Steven from his restful sleep and as I continued to talk with Noah I had Steven put the base on a tactical alert. Then have OPS notify Camp Phoenix, the Penthouse detail, Logan”s and Alex”s detail, R.A.”s detail and have them locked down till we find out if this was just a carjacking gone bad or a kidnapping attempt. Have the jet fueled and ready for immediate takeoff.


As I got additional information from Noah I asked him who he had with him for protection. The minute the police arrived and found out Hayao was a Federal Marshall the police was coming out of the cracks in the pavement. OK, just get somewhere secure and wait for me. The jet is being fueled as we speak. I”ll contact you on your wrist com as soon as we are airborne.


As Major Allen came running into our quarters requesting to know what was happening I gave him an update as best I knew at the moment. Contact Generals Mann and Best and ask them to take command of Fort Connor at their earliest convenience. Until they arrive, this base, the men and especially the imps are your responsibility.


I”m taking a small security detail with me on our first jet, have a fully armed security team on the second jet and in the air immediately. Contact the Secretary of Defense and get whatever authorizations you need to make it happen.


Steven and I had no more than gotten airborne and Luke was on our com stating he had been fully briefed and up-to-date. The Pentagon has cleared you with military priority and your pilots have been told not to worry about the fuel bill, kick the engines in the ass and max them out. We”ll worry about the repair bill later. Mama Bear has the governor of the state on the phone and you”ll have a State Police escort waiting for you when you land. If you need anything, and I do mean anything, Mama Bear and I are as close as your wrist com.


Luke had no more than hung up and Doc was on our wrist com. He had pulled in a few favors from some of his old Army buddies who were now on staff at the Hospital which was caring for Hayao. Meat, I”m sorry to say it couldn”t be much worse. Hayao”s heart has stopped five times during surgery to control the bleeding but he is a fighter and keeps coming back. The hospital is dangerously low on his blood type. I asked Doc to contact Luke and if Luke and Mama Bear can”t find blood it just isn”t available. Doc”s parting words were: “Consider it done”.


Now came the worse part, the waiting, just the quiet of the plane racing across the sky not knowing if we were going to find once we reached our destination. Finally, the sound of the plane”s tires on the runway announced our arrival and our trauma continued. Military Police met us at our plane and we raced across the base to the main entrance. As we exited the military vehicles three State Police patrol cruisers were waiting for us and an Officer approached us saying he had orders from the Governor to offer any and all assistance required. My reply was one of a panic stricken father: “Just get me to the hospital NOW”! I quickly found out how fast a State Police car can travel, a hell of a lot faster than an MP vehicle. My stomach was again feeling the effects of high speed starts and stops.


I was brought up-to-date on Hayao”s condition and it was bleak and without much hope for a positive outcome. We were told to be prepared for the worse care scenario. I asked if Noah was under protective guard and we were assured between the Federal Marshalls, F.B.I, State Police and Local Police one would have to be suicidal to attempt any attack on him. I just looked at the Officer and informed him in my history when you think you have every possibility covered the insurgent has found a new way to penetrate your defenses. Hayao made no resistance when they demanded he surrender his new SUV but when they attempted to take the man he was ordered to protect he did what he was trained to do and protected that person even if it meant his life. Don”t take anything for granted In my line of work, we end up burying our mistakes.


Noah came running into my arms the minute I stepped off of the elevator. “Dad, he is bad, really bad… we can”t lose him!” I knew well what my son was feeling as I had the same emotions when I nearly lost Steven a few years ago. I just held my son in my arms and said Steven needs you right now. I need to get security up and running.


I immediately asked for the on-site supervisors for each of the law enforcement agencies present. I quickly and officially apprised them this was now a military Alpha Zulu operation and they could confirm with their agency heads that this directive comes from the highest level of our government. I”m not looking to step on any toes but my concern is the concern we all should have: 1 protect our attempted kidnap victim and 2 provide security for an injured comrade. Please make your men aware of this and if you have any questions I”m here to work out whatever you need to understand.


I then met with Hayao”s surgeon and the first thing he said was “Thanks for the blood”… Hayao wouldn”t be alive if it wasn”t for the massive amount of soldiers walking in to provide this rare type of blood. I understand we have over 100 men and women in line to donate blood for Hayao. It will make the difference in whether he lives or dies. Right now, the fact he survived the surgery is a good indicator but the next 72 hours will tell whether or not he will survive.


As an exhausted Noah finally collapsed in my arms he suddenly became alert and showed great concern in his voice when he said: “Has anyone told his parents”? The State Police officer standing by me whispered he would send a detail to notify the parents and escort them to the hospital. With so many agencies involved jurisdiction wasn”t my concern, notifying his parents in a timely manner was the priority. I”m sure by now with all the attention this hospital was getting, the shooting of a Federal Marshall and attempted abduction of a protected individual would be the lead story on every morning news. I didn”t want the parents to hear it from a reporter knocking on their door asking for a comment.


Our Alpha Zulu security team arrived on site and amid bent noses and ruffled feathers took over the security for both Noah and Hayao. Hayao spent a week in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and the nursing staff was happy to get rid of our security team when Hayao could finally be transferred to a normal hospital bed. We made certain the security remained tight but it was a more harmonious relationship with the new nursing personnel. We were able to work together and I was surprised after the turf wars we had with the ICU staff. They immensely disliked being told without hospital ID and a signed medical order they weren”t going near any protected individual. Any appeals can be made to the men in the hall holding the guns. (OK, I admit, I lack tact and diplomacy at times! That”s why I keep Steven around to keep me in check.)


When it was finally tallied Hayao went through five major surgeries and used over 100 units of rare blood every hospital in the world would fight to have a quantity on hand. I made an effort to meet the soldiers as they exited from giving blood and thanking them. I let them know they WERE the difference in Hayao surviving the attack on his life. I saw men and women of every branch of service giving blood. There were no service rivalries, just a willingness to help a fellow “brother in arms”.


I pulled up Luke on my wrist com and told him whatever you did to get all this blood you need to know it is the reason Hayao has survived so far. Luke in his conservative mode simply said all it cost was a decanter of Worthington Moonshine delivered to the Secretary of Defense. Luke kept the Alpha Zulu protectives on Lock Down for 72 hours until Worthington Intelligence determined it was a carjacking gone bad and not a kidnap attempt on Noah. I asked Luke to arrange for me to have five minutes with the one attacker that survived the attempted carjacking and I promise I won”t lay a finger on him. Luke reluctantly agreed to make a call.


The next day I was escorted to a police interview room and was assured all recording equipment was turned off and secured. We would be monitored through the one way glass but no one could hear what was being said. As the door closed behind me I took a chair opposite the man I wanted to give Max to use as practice bait. His cocky attitude changed when I told him I was the father of the man you tried to abduct and the man you shot is a member of my family. I”m not here to ask you any questions only to provide you with some information so you can make a good decision on your future.


The man you shot is a member of an elite team of special op soldiers. My men don”t appreciate anyone trying to kill one of them. The smartest move you can make is when the authorities ask you to make a confession you confess to everything you have ever done and agree to a life sentence without the chance of parole. No deals, understood. Because if you ever see the light of day outside of a prison wall I guarantee you won”t see the sunrise of another day.


I then simply got up, walked out and thanked the police for their professional courtesy. I advised them I believed the man they arrested was ready to make a complete confession. I was with Noah in Hayao”s hospital room when the evening news announced the man apprehended in the shooting of a Federal Marshall had made a complete confession and would be face being sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole. As I held the hands of these two men who were so much in love I could only remember the little Noah who would jump into my arms, wrap himself around my neck and cover me with kisses. In my heart he will always be my little Noah.


Luke had kept Logan and Alex up-to-date with all the information as it became available. No, I didn”t want them to get behind in their school studies and everything that needed to be done was being done. The best thing Noah and Hayao want for the two of you is to graduate and start your lives. As for Steven and me, a couple of grandkids would be great also.


The day finally arrived when Hayao could leave the hospital and I accompanied Noah to the hospital business office to pay for Hayao”s stay. I couldn”t believe the ream of paper their computer spit out and I only saw my 401k being destroyed. (I wasn”t planning on retiring soon anyway.) I was shocked when she handed us a billing invoice thicker than my base audit bornova escort and announced the bill had been paid in full. I turned to Noah and said you and Hayao owe Mama Bear a big hug and kiss the next time you see her. A Thank You to Luke and John wouldn”t hurt either.


Just when Hayao thought he had escaped the clutches of the hospital he remember the fun of rehab with Doc from his previous experience. And my security team reminded him all the way back to Fort Connor he had 100 brothers that would assure Doc his medical directives were followed explicitly. Hayao just turned to me and commented: “The guy in jail got a better sentence than the guy who got shot”.


Every off duty man on base was waiting for us when our plane landed at Fort Connor. Doc had a wheel chair waiting as Hayao deplaned down the ramp and wouldn”t accept any discussion as to its use until he personally had done a full evaluation of HIS patient. First Sergeant Allman, always the professional, clearly stated I had a call from the Secretary of Defense as soon as I could be transported to my office. I could only think: “The “party” is over now the fun begins”! As I pondered my doom and demise I was ready to accept the responsibility for any offense I had committed. I”d try to protect Steven as much as possible. There was no reason to ruin both of our careers.


Adam and Randy said their “good-by” as they boarded their jet and returned to the political wars of the Pentagon and Washington in general. They are truly a gift given by God and their love is an example for which we can all hope to obtain in life. They both wished me the best and assured me your commitment to our program and your men is an example for us all to strive to attain. As they boarded their plane they couldn”t help but to remind us to take care of THEIR Fort Connor!


Security transported me to my office and as the conference screen came on indicating a secure conference. The Secretary of Defense was jovial which for him was most unusual. He was extending an invitation for both Steven and me to be his guests at a reception he was hosting at his home next month. He hoped we both would accept his invitation. (Like, we could refuse?) Some invitation in the military carry the same weight as a direct order and this one definitely fell in that category. We were advised dress uniforms were acceptable for the evening. He”d arrange our billet at the Marriott and I”m assured you”ll enjoy a few days with Mama Bear. I”ll email you all the details. As for now I have a meeting with the President. Thank you for so graciously accepting my invitation.


Steven finally got Hayao settled into Medical with Doc and I knew Hayao was in capable hands. Even if my recent actions meant the end of my career I couldn”t have been happier than when my “little Noah” who is now 6″3″ tall came into my office, wrapped his arms around my neck, kissed me and told me he wouldn”t have never made it through the past few weeks without me being there. I held him tight and kissed him back as I told him he and Alex were the greatest gift God had given to Steven and me. Now go take a shower and get some sleep, we both know you are exhausted. Major Allen advises me your old room in our suite is ready for your occupancy.


Steven and I dismissed our security detail and started to walk hand in hand to our quarters appreciating the beauty of the night sky. I turned to Steven and asked if we could make a slight detour and go to the chapel. Steven understood my need even more than I did at the moment. We walked across our parade grounds and never failed to appreciate the beauty of this chapel which was given to the men of Alpha Zulu by the Worthingtons and which was rebuilt by the men of Fort Connor after being destroyed. A night sentry challenged us and immediately snapped to attention once he saw his two commanding officers. He welcomed us back and was so earnest in saying we were missed.


Steven and I quietly sat in the back of the chapel each in his own thoughts giving thanks for the strength to meet our recent challenges. Suddenly we realized our ever stealthy Chaplain joining us and also giving thanks for our safe return. The three of us held hands as we three knew we had chosen a life wrought with dangers. The best we can hope for is when the times comes for us to leave this world we can truthfully say it is a better world than when we entered it.


As we walked hand in hand to our quarters the night sky ablaze with its beauty we remembered the day we met, the purging of my broken heart at losing Connor and my realization that Steven was the man given to me by God to fulfill my life and destiny.


Hayao received another purple heart and a second Silver Star for his action in protecting Noah and saving his life. A soldier never deserved these honors more than the man who shares the life of my son. Doc had his hands full with our uncooperative patient and more than once I had to order Hayao he wasn”t released for duty so get back to bed and listen to Doc. I finally warned him if he continued to misbehave and challenge Doc I would put a security detail on him and they would make him do what he was told. Reluctantly, our dedicated little soldier admitted defeat and acquiesced to Doc”s demands.


At least the change from hospital food helped to improve Hayao”s disposition and the Mess staff made certain that every meal was a gourmet feast for our injured warrior. Doc had to finally issue nutritional guidelines to the mess staff for Hayao”s meals. Max was most displeased at the decrease in quality of leftovers he could mooch from the mess staff.


As exhaustion finally overtook Steven and me we crawled between our sheets oblivious to all around us. Sometime during the night Noah crawled between us and as dawn approached he casually commented we may want to go to the bathroom and take care of those hard weapons between your legs. Then get your beautiful asses back here for some quality cuddle time.

It was already 1000 hours and Steven and I had slept through flag raising. We crawled back into bed with Noah as sleep overtook the three of us again. The next thing we knew Major Allen was wheeling in brunch compliments of the Mess staff. 1400 hours arrived with Steven and I still in bed, we were indeed “brain dead”. Doc has put you on bed rest for the next 48 hours so your beautiful bodies aren”t to be seen around camp till he says you are released. Don”t make me post a security detail at your door to enforce his medical decision. Max is ready and in need of some fresh practice bait.


My thoughts turned to busting an annoying Lt. Colonel Doctor down to a lowly private but Steven read my mind and told me Doc was right and our minds and bodies needed the time to recover from this trauma.


Later that afternoon Ari stopped by and told us his three imps were hounding him to come see Steven and me and let us know how much they wanted us to be OK. I just told him to bring them by after our evening meal. Doc had Steven and me under house arrest and we were stuck here until he granted us parole. Steven and I now shared Hayao”s understanding of a power hungry Doc who was far too much enjoying the power he now held over us. The best action for all three of us is to admit defeat and do our penitence.


Noah thought he could be stealthy enough to sneak into Hayao”s room after Doc left for the evening. Few quarters around base were kept locked and we all had panic buttons on our wrist coms. Noah had barely slipped under the sheets with Hayao then Doc appeared with a security detail. Noah was escorted back to our quarters with the comment Doc would discuss the infraction with us once we returned to duty. A security detail was posted at the door of Hayao”s room guaranteeing there would be no more chances of any romantic interludes between the two lovers until Doc felt his body was ready for such intense interaction. Noah apologized for any problem he may have caused Steven and me and we assured him Doc wasn”t on our best loved list at the moment anyway so don”t sweat it.


It was a warm welcome when Major Allen arrived in our quarters and notified us our “house arrest” was terminated at 0400 hours the next day. He”d see us at morning assembly and flag raising. The men were so exuberant as Steven, Noah and I walked in for morning breakfast. They were so happy their leaders were back in residence. Steven and I were the ones they considered the “father figure” in their lives and they would give their lives to protect us as well as any imp in residence.


After breakfast I asked Noah to accompany Steven and me to my office. I asked him to have a seat in Major Allen”s office while we had our morning staff meeting. After our normal business was done for the day Doc arose and said we had to discuss Hayao and Noah. Hayao”s condition was dire and tenuous. He wasn”t ready to give him a medical discharge from the Army but he also wasn”t ready to have Hayao die on his watch. You all need to make the men aware of Hayao not being allowed to do any exertion and having sex with Noah is on the top of that exertion list. Make our men aware of the condition and I know as they always do our men will rally and help Hayao in every way possible. Now looking at Steven and me we have to share this bad news with your son and I”d rather walk over broken glass then tell him what I have to tell him.


Our meeting was dismissed and Major Allen asked Noah to join Doc, Steven and me in our conference room. We locked the room do to security mode and Hayao knew the news wasn”t good. Doc took the lead and said very bluntly he knew how much Noah loved Hayao. You have to understand how serious the injuries were to Hayao”s body. Between the Emergency Department, Surgery and the Intensive Care Unit his heart stopped nine times and fortunately they were able to start it again each time. As much as you two love each other and I”m not the one to stop young love, I have to tell you having sex with Hayao at the moment could very easily kill him.


Now, as for you sneaking into Hayao”s room and trying to break the order I gave you… I also believe as do your fathers the punishment should fit the crime. So, till further notified you will help Hayao into a wheelchair and take him around the base twice a day… 1000 hours and 1400 hours. He can”t exert in any way and I”ll have him monitored every minute he is out with you. Do you understand the risks? Are you willing to accept the responsibilities? I was so proud of my Noah when he said he would never stop loving Hayao and if that meant never being able to have sex with him again. He would still love him till the day he dies.


Doc in his medical wit simply told Noah he already missed his 1000 hours assignment for today so he would see him in medical at 1400 hours. Steven and I held out our arms to our Son and the three of us shared the pain he felt for the man in whom he loved with every fiber of his being.


I had flashbacks of losing Connor and nearly losing Steven… I needed to make an appointment with the Chaplain or I wouldn”t survive this latest trauma in our lives. We parents can”t prepare our children for every tragedy they will face in their lives we can only help them and support them and let them know the love for them is unconditional.


As I sat alone in the Chapel, my hands folded and in deep contemplation our stealthy Chaplain quietly sat beside me, took my hand into his and asked what is troubling my heart today? I”m not fit to command! I would put the needs of my children over the needs of my soldiers. That is a disaster looking to happen. The men I command deserve better leadership.


The Chaplain grasp my hand firmly and simply commented my soldiers would follow me into hell because they knew I would be leading them from the front. I”d never ask any of them to do something I wasn”t willing to do myself. They care for Noah and Alex as much or even more than their own families. You are only feeling those thoughts that every man on this base is having at the moment. You are one of the most impressive leaders of men I have ever met in my life and the day I didn”t believe that I”d be putting in for a transfer. So, get your act together and start being the leader we know you are.


WOW… talk about a hard ass counseling session. He might just be worse than Doc when it comes to patient”s feelings. I guess if I want someone to feel sorry for me I better pick up a box of doggie treats from supply and bribe Max.


Looking for Max I found him on puppy duty with Uri as Ssgt Rod actually had a hot date for the evening. I was happy for this young man and I had no difficulty in sharing Max with Uri. It was nice to have a carefree youngster who wasn”t shy about touching, feeling, kissing, sharing his feelings. This might just be better therapy than the Chaplain.


I asked Uri where Jacob and David were and he just commented they were off somewhere having sex and they thought he didn”t know about what they were doing. Older people always forget about the little guy and just take us for granted. (Oh, truer words were never spoken!) Uri said he had another hours to “puppy sit” Max before Sgt Rod would be back to pick him up. It was time for Uri to take a shower and head to bed so Max was all mine till Uri came back to have Max join him in snuggle time in bed. I needed that big furry mooch to just lick me and love me. I knew I was in arears with doggie treats for his previous “counseling sessions” but Max knew I was good for the doggie treats I owed him.


As Uri scampered back only wrapped in a towel he kissed me almost causing him to lose his towel and then called for Max to head to bed for some cuddle time. I sat there looking at an empty room as Ari appeared out of nowhere. I looked at Ari and commented “I best leave”. “Everyone seems to have someone to share their bed tonight except me.”


Ari”s words were firm and filled with concern: “Steven is in your quarters with Noah waiting for you and they both are concerned. Don”t give me any reason to believe I should take your gun away from you! In the short time I”ve been here bostancı escort you have become my strength to move forward with my life and have my respect and even my love. Don”t do anything dumb. Go home to your loving family”.


I”m beginning to think everyone on base knows about me except for me. Guess I should be happy the security threat is extremely low at the moment. Noah scampered off only to return a short time later with a big bowl of hot buttered popcorn (Compliments of the mess staff). I was told to pick the movie from our collection of DVDs and tonight was a popcorn and cuddle night at our home. Tomorrow would be a popcorn and cuddle night with Hayao but tonight I”m all yours.


Yes, tonight was a night of love and healing. My love of the family which whom I had been blessed and the love Steven and I shared even when we were apart from one another. The next morning as I was kick starting my body with its first injection of steaming hot caffeine… OPS announces I have a video call from Worthington Industries. (Luke doesn”t even get out of bed at this hour so I quickly wondered what was going on.)


Luke sure wasn”t Luke this morning as he greeted me: “Hello, my old friend!” Oh, shit… I”m getting fired raced through my mind. “It has come to my attention the stress of the past few months have really taken its toll on you and now even on your men.” “You are taking some time off and as soon as you finish with SecDef in Washington. You and Steven will board your jet for two weeks in Hawaii. Don”t force me to have you put on that jet in handcuffs.”


I knew when to admit defeat and the young man I helped to raise was truly now a master at resolving personal problems. (At least he didn”t tell me to drop my pants and bend over his knees!) So, it could be worse. I thanked him for his gracious offer and assured him after dealing with Washington politics Hawaii would be a welcomed respite.


Steven entered almost immediately after the video conference concluded and my first question was: “How many of you are in on this conspiracy”? I should have been shocked at the reply: “Every man on base”! I smiled at him and quietly admitted I hope we still were in the Army after our meeting at the Pentagon with the Secretary of Defense. The smile on Major Allen”s face told me he knew more about this meeting than what he was telling us. When I asked him later what he knew about this meeting that he wasn”t telling us he simply said: “It was on a need to know and Steven and I didn”t need to know”. “With all due respect, Sir!”


I see Luke and Mama Bear conspiring and I knew I was lost before the battle ever started. My remaining question was if Steven was part of the conspiracy. I guess I have two weeks in Hawaii to recover from whatever event they have planned in my life.


I kissed our three imps goodnight and said Steven and I would be gone for a few weeks. Ari would take care of them and Major Allen was always handy if Ari couldn”t handle their problem. We flew out right after breakfast and were surprised when the Marriott Manager announced we would be staying in the Penthouse with Mrs. Worthington. With the gracious manners of the woman she was, Mama Bear welcomed us into her home and said it was long overdue for Steven and me to get to know her and the General. We had a casual lunch and just talked about our families and what our children were doing. I was so proud of Alex and Noah and the fact they both had found someone which they loved deeply. I thanked her personally for all the assistance she provided in the recent emergency with Hayao. “What good is power if you can”t throw it around occasionally!” “I”m glad I could help.”


After lunch Steven and I had time for a few hours of cuddling. Sex in Mama Bears Penthouse just seemed so inappropriate.


All too soon Steven and I had to face our destiny and see if we still had careers in the Army. Mama Bear was dressed to “kill” in formal attire blazing with diamonds and on the arm of HER General, the man she truly loved. I had to look twice when Randy and Adam greeted us wearing the four stars of a General. I quipped: “You should have warned us so I could have brought sunglasses”. Randy responded: “Yeah, they surprised us at the Pentagon this morning. But, tonight is the big event”!


As the evening festivities progressed everyone seemed to be knowledgeable of what was happening tonight except for us. As the room darkened and a big screen lowered the closed circuit conference showed a secure connection with the White House. When the video feed went live it was the Oval Office with the President of the United States behind his desk. He first apologized for not being able to be present in person tonight but he was certain both Steven and I knew the fun of juggling multiple responsibilities at the same time. As he continued: “Tonight, I am privileged to do something that hasn”t been done in the United States Military in over 100 years. The Senate in closed session has approved the rank of General of the Armies and we have two Colonels present who are now out of uniform. Ladies and Gentlemen may I present to you Generals of the Armies General Doug Meat and General Steven Goodman. Now will someone give these men their proper rank. Please excuse me as I have a few other irons in the fire tonight.” Logan and Alex came forward, removed our Colonel insignia and put on the insignia of a six star General. Congratulations abounded and both Steven and I were speechless. The Secretary of Defense finally got us aside and filled us in more on our promotion. It came with the status of Ambassador at Large for the President and the hope we can expand our Alpha Zulu program to any protected child in need of any country friendly to the United States. I”ll have a transition team ready for you when you return from Hawaii in two weeks and there will be a briefing book (for some light reading) waiting for you on the plane for you to peruse on your vacation.


As Adam and Randy again said their congratulations and left the party as Mama Bear and the General returned us to the Penthouse after our night “down the rabbit hole”. I knew we had to video conference with Noah if he was awake and share the news. Whether he thought it was good or bad existed in the back of my mind. My little Noah was as supportive as ever. He reminded us once again both he and Alex accepted our lives in the military when they became part of our family. He was only proud of what was done tonight and proud to be the son of two such impressive men.


Hayao had an exhaustive day and was sleeping soundly but wanted us to know he can”t wait to see us in our new uniform and insignia. The entire base was in on this conspiracy and how they kept it from us I”ll never know. Major Allen may just be as sly and sneaky as Steven.


Sunrise was “wheels up” and a long flight to Hawaii. News in the military travels faster than gossip travels in the hills of West Virginia. A non-ending stream of Emails congratulating us sent our Email box to full and nearly crashed the mail server. As breakfast was being served at Fort Connor Steven and I knew we had to thank the men who made all this possible. As I had OPS bring us a secure video link we were projected on the big screen in the dining hall. A deafening applause erupted as our faces appeared on the screen and no one was in a hurry to issue the command “As you were”.


Steven and I genuinely and profusely thanked the men and let them know from our hearts they are the ones who made this happen. Only their hard work and dedication to the Alpha Zulu program brought this small insignificant base of the United States Army to the attention of the “powers to be” in Washington. We have helped many imps over the years and you have the promise from both Steven and me that together we will help many more in the future. Thank you again and now I have orders from the President on down to take a vacation. Steven and I will see you in two weeks.”


I looked at Steven and the realization suddenly hit me… “You know, as General of the Armies there is no retirement… we are on `active duty” status till the day we die”. The realization was gradually sinking in of what was happening to our lives. I then turned to our “Briefing Book” which took both hands to lift (Light reading be damned!) and started to peruse the future that awaited us when we returned.


Things like Adjutant, Chief of Staff, Communication Director, Security Team, scheduling of events… policy clearances, reports to the oversite committee… it just went on and on and every page just made us wonder if this was a promotion or a sentence for some infraction or upsetting someone of authority in Washington.


I video conferenced with Luke while we were flying for our “vacation” and he assured me it wasn”t as bad as all the reading would lead us to believe. The President already has bi-partisan support and the public committee sessions are the equivalent to a “meet and greet” for the Military and the Public. Just be your charming self and win them over. There has never been as much support in Congress for the Military as there currently is for the two of you. And, relax in knowing Mama Bear and I are always available to help you through the political jungle. Mama Bear is an old pro and I”ve developed a fast learning curve. Now, you two have orders to be on vacation so I don”t want to hear from you for another two weeks.


Major Allen came on our com and assured me he would take care of our Emails so don”t worry about them. If anything requires your immediate attention I”ll contact you directly. (Oh, am I getting even with that man. I turned to Steven and told him I had the perfect candidate for our Adjutant.) Steven just smiled and mentioned how evil I am. Major Allen would soon become Colonel Allen, adjutant to Six Star Generals of the Armies. And, I couldn”t think of a better Chief of Staff than First Sergeant Allman.


I brought Luke back up on the video conference and simply asked him to get his prize planning team to Fort Connor and figure out how to add housing for an additional 100 men and a total of 69 imps. Then figure out where to put office space for General Goodman and me plus our staff. Get Randy and Adam off their “soft asses” and get them hunting for those additional 100 soldiers for Fort Connor. Yes, you conspirators are now paying the price. Many thanks and we are officially signing off and heading for the surf and our vacation.


The creativity of Army soldiers never fails to amaze me. When we landed in Hawaii we were met by the commanding General and commanding Admiral who both wanted to host a party in our honor. We thanked them but we were under orders to take this as vacation time for our mental health. I was kind of surprised to find an Executive Town car with a front six star license plate waiting for us. The Master Sergeant opened the door for us and as we proceeded to the Marriott he informed us he was assigned to assist us while we were on vacation. Just let him know if we needed anything.


Steven and I got settled in our suite of room and decided we”d video conference with Logan, Alex, Hayao and Noah after their evening meal so we didn”t screw with their lives too much. I turned to our Master Sergeant and asked where he planned on staying while we were in Hawaii. He had just planned on getting a chair to sit on outside of our suite. “That isn”t going to happen” came across in my authoritive command voice. “Are you married?” Yes, I have a partner who is also in the Army. “What is your pistol rating?” Expert “And your partner?” Also Expert. “Any children?” Not yet. OK, Master Sergeant here is what is going to happen. If you are going to be my driver and aide you are going back to base after you give me the name and serial number of your partner and he”ll be told to pack and be ready for a two week assignment assisting you as my aide. Sign out two side arms from the armory and you two are joining us in our suite. There are two extra bedrooms in our suite and after living in an Army barracks I think you will enjoy this change in duty.


I contacted Alpha Zulu ops and asked them to notify the base authorities of my “request”. (Time to see how much authority these new stars have.) I was shocked when OPS changed our voice authorization to “Alpha Zulu `Actual””. I”m certain they”ll remind me of the change when I blunder and use the old authorization.


Steven and I decided to lay down for a nap and wait for the Master Sergeant to return. When we heard the outside door open and he knocked at our bedroom door he announced his return and was there anything he could assist us with. No, just get settled and we”ll be out shortly to meet your other half.


Both men rose to attention as Steven and I entered the room. I was introduced to the Master Sergeants partner and both men thanked me profusely for the opportunity to be of service to the two of us. They told me they were the most envied men on base at the moment. You know you two are famous. Every news channel in the United States is carrying the announcement of two six star Generals. The first being appointed in the Military in over 100 years and that you are both gay married partners. You have a mob of reporters in the lobbies wanting comments from the two of you and I doubt if the two of us will be adequate to control that large of a crowd.


I walked to the phone and called the hotel managers office. I simply told him if he had any difficulties with the number of reporters invading his hotel I had no problem with him calling the police. I”d hold one press conference while I was here on vacation, no more. I contacted Major Allen and asked him to have the local public affairs officer set it up and contact me to go over the ground rules. Just get them away from the hotel so I can have a vacation.


When the public affairs officer contacted us he was against two novices having a press conference with blood hungry reporters. Trust us, they can”t be any worse than Mama Bear. We scheduled it for the next afternoon as our new dress uniforms were scheduled to arrive by noon the next buca escort day.


Immediately after the press conference I got a call from Major Allen who said I had an Email in my in-box from POTUS. You need to read it now. Shit, did I put my feet in my mouth again.


I was shocked when he congratulated us and commented we were naturals at handling the press. Job well done and we did select the right men. I was starting to feel more secure about facing an open Senate hearing on our appointments.


Steven and I were finally relaxing in our suite and offering some aged Scotch to our aide and his partner. Hayao came up on the secure video channel and wanted us to know how proud he was of being part of our family. He said he was improving much and hopefully he can escape this prison in a few weeks. Suddenly a strange voice commanded: “Tell whoever you are talking with that you love them because either I kill you or they kill my mother.” We heard a shot ring out and the video call disconnected.


I immediately called Major Allen who assured me a fully armed security team was already on their way to medical. I ordered him to double the security team on Logan, Alex and R.A. Noah was to be on lock down with the imps in the bunker till further notice and find out what is happening and get back to me immediately.


Within minutes Major Allen was back online advising me of one fatality. Hayao was safe but the assassin was one of our new soldiers at Fort Collins. In a search of his quarters we found a letter saying if he didn”t kill Hayao our old biker friends said they would kill his mother. Doc put him down with a single kill shot to the head.


I asked them to get a security team to his mother”s residence and put her in protective custody and provide her with the same courtesy as they would my mother. She is not to know why or how her son was killed.


Doc decided moving Hayao to our residence and making “house calls” was less of a risk to his life than staying in Medical. He made Hayao and Noah promise NOTHING SEXUAL! You both know what is at stake here and I”m not ready to sign another death certificate again for a while.


Noah was elated to be able to have cuddle time with Hayao just so they only cuddled. There were two armed MPs in our quarters and four stationed outside to both protect them and make certain Doc”s orders were followed verbatim.


I turned to Steven and said I don”t know how much more of this vacation I can stand. A normal work day isn”t this stressful. We had committed to a “meet and greet” dinner the following night with the local base officers and I was surprised when we exited the hotel not only our Lincoln Staff Car was present but two cars of MPs with exposed side arms carrying automatic rifles escorted by a cadre of local police vehicles to and from the base. (Steven and I were getting a glimpse of what our life was to become.) We suffered through the “meet and greet” and I felt like Max by the time we left that evening. (Not enough booze and too much finger food!) I think I learned the art of being non-committal from Randy and Adam pretty good.


I video conferenced with Luke that night and as much as I appreciated this vacation Steven and I needed to return to Fort Connor and to be with our family. We would depart this evening as soon as the plane can be made ready.


After we had packed and sat comfortably waiting for our pilots to tell us our plane was ready, I turned to our two guests and asked what they thought about joining our team. I couldn”t promise a transfer but I can promise you an interview with a four star general who will evaluate you and explain the program fully. What you saw the last few days is not the exception it is a normal day in our lives. Just let me have your complete name, rank and serial number and I”ll forward it onto General Masters. We started the selection process for 100 additional men for the Alpha Zulu program yesterday.


Steven and I complimented the pilots on keeping busy while we were vacationing. We looked upon our new Jet and saw a lighted Stars and Stripes on the tail. “United States Army” down the length of the passenger compartment and the Army Insignia on one side of the door and our six star emblem on the opposite side. The interior appointments were truly worthy of a six star general officer. It still was difficult to believe this is the life we have considering we started as Sergeants with only 50 men and two imps.


Every time we had to stop for fuel we had a base general that wanted us to share a meal and address his men. (Note to self: What does it take to equip this plan for mid-air refueling?) I think Max and I will be sharing these same treadmill for quite a few days. The requests for a personal appearance were non-ending and I knew a public affairs officer had to be a top priority. I sent off a quick note to Randy and Adam to see if they could pull this “rabbit” out of their hat.


When our plane”s tires finally sounded our landing at Fort Connor I was ready to get away from a vacation and back to the zoo of our normal hectic life. We were quickly processed through security and delivered to our residence. Our first stop was to see Noah and Hayao who obviously were obeying Doc”s orders but from the size of their erections it was obvious it wasn”t doing much to resolve their sexual desires. Hayao, I have something for you. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the insignia of an aid to a six star general. You are the first person in the history of the United States Army to wear this insignia and I can”t think of a better person than you. (He finally lost control and the tears erupted as his floodgates opened!) Steven and I quietly left, thanked our security team as we headed for a restful night of sleep in our own bed.


Luke and John flew in the next morning with that evil grin on their faces I knew they were up to no good. Mama Bear and the General did this for Randy and Adam when they accepted the posting as head of the Alpha Zulu program. I”m proud to continue the tradition for two such great friends.


I opened a heavy mahogany case to find a beautiful hard carved gold inlay 9mm Glock pistol specially made by the company as a presentation from Worthington Industries to the newest six star Generals of the Armies. The hand grips were carved black onyx with the Worthington “W” insignia inlaid in Gold above Six specialty cut diamonds below in the shape of our insignia.


After we quit drooling over our gift they handed us a long box which could only be a saber. And, what a saber. Hand scrolled, gold inlay, hand wrapped leather jeweled pummel and our six star insignia woven into the guard. These are gifts from my friends who I consider family. I can only imagine the bribes from people who want to use my influence. The jeweled pummel was more dazzling than Mama Bear heading out for a gala. Red, White and Blue Sapphires and Diamonds.


I looked at Luke and John thanking them profusely and apologizing the only thing I could offer them in return was lunch with the men. They readily accepted. It turned into a working lunch and Luke commented they would have a CAD presentation ready for us tomorrow showing the proposed renovation of Fort Connor. We need to do as much of this as possible before the hurricane season is upon us. (The one thing we can”t conquer… the weather!)


I knew something was up when Doc and Major Allen walked in my office and asked to close the doors. Doc was giving Hayao a medical release to enjoy sex with Noah. Oh, I could see two very happy young men tonight. I told Doc he couldn”t have made them any happier. I then turned to Major Allen and asked him if he could have the First Sergeant come to my office. Conspiracy was abounding at Fort Connor this day. I asked 1st Sergeant Allman if he could change my living quarters and Noah”s bedroom into a romantic setting if I kept our two lovers occupied after our evening meal. He assured me he had a team of master sleuths who could do it in a couple of hours if they could be excused from evening retreat. “PERMISSION GRANTED”


Next up was our Master Sergeant in the mess and he was more than happy to participate in this conspiracy. He”d have an orgy delight of sexually arousing delicacies waiting for them when they arrived back this evening.


I ordered up the chilled champagne to go with all the tantalizing food and then called my master conspirator to see what I failed to consider or address. Even Steven was proud of my efforts and only did a little tweaking until he said it was perfect.


Everyone on base knew why our evening meal was long and drawn out. Announcements seemed unending and they could only smile knowing there were conspirators renovating our quarters and making it a love nest for our two heart broken “brothers”.


The mess hall was alive with anticipation and I couldn”t hold back any longer. As Steven and I got up to leave with Noah and Hayao the men erupted in applause and praise which quickly became evident when I whispered in Noah”s ear Doc was giving him the green light to enjoy sex with Hayao. Your chariot awaits you as we opened the door to security waiting with our Land Rover to escort them back to our quarters.


Two security guards were posted at the door to our quarters and smartly opened it for our young lovers and returned to attention. Our young lovers were astonished at the candles, flowers, finger food, delicacies that Max would be running a few hundred miles to wear off the leftovers… They knew how much the men loved them and wanted them to be happy. The last thing I whispered to Noah was No world records tonight… just enjoy the moment and try not to put Hayao through too much exertion and stress.


Our brother conspirators had a pounding surf DVD set on auto repeat showing on our huge wall TV. It just set the mood for our two combined with the aroma of fresh flowers and the taste of finger food that was guaranteed to produce the desired effect. (I really doubted if either of them needed much assistance in getting an erection.) Oh, how right I was. Noah barely touched Hayao erection and he was covered in a cascade of hot Army cum. Noah just smiled from ear to ear and was happy he could have this moment with Hayao to remember the rest of their lives. Noah was still supporting a massive erection as Hayao kissed him passionately and slowly worked his way down his body leaving love nips as he went down inch by inch. Suddenly he engulfed as much cock as he could as his mouth filled to overflowing with the explosion of his partners balls. They were so happy together. Noah wouldn”t allow himself to abuse the trust Doc had in his judgement so a full night orgy wasn”t even considered. But, a lot of kissing and cuddling sure was and when Steven and I finally relieved the guards on duty we noted Noah”s bedroom door being closed and we silently went to our bedroom so we could joined them in slumber.


Both Noah and Hayao knew the reception they would be given as they entered the mess hall for breakfast. He then asked the Chaplain if he could join him in prayer and give thanks for this wonderful family he had here at Fort Connor. Doc slyly slipped me a tissue as my eyes started to water. I was so proud of my sons and their partners.


Breakfast was extended this morning so Noah and Hayao could go to each of the four squads and thank them for all they have done. Everyone knew Hayao still had a long road ahead of him to reach a total recovery but we knew he”d be walking that road with Noah at his side every step of the way.


It took over another year before Doc would give Hayao a full medical release and return to full duty status. Hayao spent every free minute rebuilding his muscles that had atrophied during his long confinement. The day Doc gave him a full release a shy Hayao knocked at my door and asked if I would sell him a bottle of my 20 year old single malt whiskey. I trusted this man with my life so I guess I can trust him with a bottle of my prize whiskey. I notified commissary that Hayao would be there shortly and I was authorizing his request. Please be discrete.


As Hayao quietly knocked at the door of Doc”s office he entered and asked permission to speak to the doctor personally. Hayao commented what a pain in the ass Doc had been and one of the hardest taskmasters in the Army. But, he never would have made it back without him at his side every step of the way and he thanked him for giving him his life back. He placed the bottle of scotch on Doc”s desk and asked to be dismissed. I was so proud of my son and his partner I”d make certain their talents were well utilized by the Army and Alpha Zulu regardless of the charges of nepotism.


Yes, Hayao and Noah enjoyed the option of having sex but they just appreciated the opportunity to cuddle and be romantic as Hayao healed and returned to his normal self.


Few people had the access to bypass my adjutant and have direct access to Steven or me. Luke and Mama Bear were on that short list. As OPS announced a secure video call from Mama Bear I knew “Resistances was futile” even before I accepted the call.


Mama Bear was always the professional with the correct gestures, inflections, emphasis and mannerisms that showed her status as the Matriarch of the Washington Social Circle. She casually asked if Steven and I could join her and the General as their guests in the Penthouse… Casual attire, no uniforms necessary. Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. I assured her we could adjust our schedule and looked forward to joining her. As we had to appear before the public Senate confirmation hearing on Monday we decided to pack our uniforms and just stay in Washington to face the music and try to get our life back to as normal as possible. When I asked Mama Bear if she had any pull to get us a room on such short notice so we could just stay over for the congressional hearing on our appointment she said “Nonsense, you can just stay with the General and me.”


Steven and I resigned to accept our fate regardless of what she asked of us. In all the years we have known her she has never asked us to do anything unreasonable. Then why did I feel like I was walking to the gallows as I boarded our Jet and our trip to Washington.






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