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Chapter 224 � The Price of these Stars



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This story is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales and incidents are either the products of the author”s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is a free electronic story. No part of this electronic story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. If you are not of legal age in your location to view and read adult material, please close out of this story and delete any material you have downloaded or copied to your computer.




Aaron Munro � Ward of Shawn Walsh and Roberrt Berrill

Aiden Walsh-Johnston � Adopted son of Shawn Walsh and Stephen Johnston

Akihiko Ito � Lover and future partner of Tokugawa Kinugasa

Bhanubhakta Gurung � AKA “BG” Gurkha on assignment to Fort Connor by the British Ministry of Defense

Caleb King � Partner and lover of Thomas Worthington

Daiki � Crown Prince and Heir to the Chrysanthemum Throne

Gloria Angelus Worthington � Biological daughter of John Worthington III

Hikaru Jansson-Winter Masamune Yasumori – Son of Hito Janson-Winter Masamune and Jimmy Yasumori

Johann Emmanuel – Adopted son of Cardinal Dominic

John Michael Worthington � Biological Son of Gloria Angelus Worthington

Kichōna Mono Hashimoto � Grandson of the head of the Japanese Yakuza

Luke Michael Worthington � Biological Son of Gloria Angelus Worthington

Melech Leib � Adopted son of Uri Leib and younger brother of Michael Leib

Omoikane Kinugasa Ito � Adopted son of Tokugawa Kinugasa and Akihiko Ito

Omoikane Ryujin Hashimoto � Partner and lover of Tony Worthington

Ricardo Mendez � Colonel, U.S. Army � Protector of Omoikane Kinugasa Ito

Ricardo Mendez, Jr. (Junior) � Son of Colonel Ricardo Mendez

Rod Landry � 1st Sargeant (Leader of the Operations Center at Fort Connor)

Robert Berrill � Six Star General � (Commanding General of Alpha Zulu � Administration)

Shawn Walsh � Six Star General � (Commanding General of Alpha Zulu � Tactical)

Stephen Johnston � 5 Star General � Medical Director of Alpha Zulu

Tokugawa Yoshimune Meat-Goodman Kinugasa – Colonel � U.S. Army � Head of Worthington R&D


“Angus” (Name Classified) – (Son of a domestic terrorist in protective custody at Fort Connor)

“Biff” Jones (Name Classified) – (Son of POTUS and guest in residence at Fort Connor)

“George” (Name Classified) – (Senior head of the Worthington Brain Trust and Top Scientist in residence)

“Tod” (Name Classified) – (Teenage son of George and protectee of Alpha Zulu)

“PJ” (Name Classified) – (Teenage son of POTUS and protectee of Alpha Zulu)




Talking about hitting the ground running… LITERALLY! Not only is there no job description for being a Six Star General of Alpha Zulu… the Fort Connor Operational Manual is so out of date it only seems to be good for a desk paperweight. Once our aides are “on board” I know the perfect assignment for them to cut their teeth on and it will definitely help them to learn the operations of Fort Connor… A NEW UP-TO-DATE OPERATIONS MANUAL!


Looking at the 3D mockup of the new proposed Fort Connor it seemed impossible to reclaim so much area from the sea in the time frame allocated. An adult imp by the name of Omoikane took over the role of Project Manager and I swear he should be wearing a black handlebar mustache and carrying a bull whip.


Two great things came with having Omoikane on base so much… He really did a fantastic job as the remodel/update Project Manager… having the ear of POTUS, SecDef, his fathers and his knowledge of all the new military equipment that would be available for installation once Fort Connor had been updated. But what was the greatest was having Junior around to spend what time he could with his `ole dad. His primary role was to keep the little imp Omoikane in line by whatever means necessary and most of the time it was a very rewarding task. But the fringe benefit of sharing time with his overworked father helped my stress level as much as Rod”s “Black Python” did most nights.


I didn”t know there were so many Sea Bee”s in the Navy. At times there were more Sea Bees at Fort Connor than there were Alpha Zulu Soldiers. Gloria demanded six of her Executive Security detail from Worthington”s to be with Omoikane while he was on base. POTUS demanded Alpha Zulu security posted at the entrance to our office and residence 24/7 and four person armed security team for both Rod and me anytime we were out and about our base.


The one good thing about the massive assault on Fort Connor, Mercenaries were in short supply and few wanted to face off against Alpha Zulu after the results of the last attack was made known throughout the mercenary world.


The men of Alpha Zulu were ecstatic when Doc finally decided to take his Oath of Commission and started wearing his five stars. Doc still remained the old crusty hard ass we know and love and I would expect no less from him. I still wouldn”t want anyone else working on me or my family.


What Rod and I really missed was the quality time we spent with Gloria and the Worthington Clan. Rod and I both worked long hours starting before 0500 hours every day and never turning off the lights before 2200 hours any night. This truly was “on the job” training and we were most fortunate to have a cadre of experts available to us when we faced any major problem.


Just the thought of have 1,000 Alpha Zulu soldiers stationed at Fort Connor… I could only imagine where we would all fit and function. I had to trust a little former imp by the name of Omoikane that it was possible, feasible and would be functional.


One of the original meetings I had with Gloria and Luke after the initial decision to upgrade Fort Connor and increase it to Battalion strength was the selection of leadership, both NCO and Officers. These were key position both Rod and I wanted to be totally involved in selecting. Our aides, naturally. The OPS director, our Mess staff and five Captains and our “Bird” Colonel.. Because of the uniqueness of Alpha Zulu, we would divide it somewhat different than the normal Army structure.






Senior (NCO) Enlisted


Commanding Officer

40 squads

25 soldiers each

40 Staff Sergeants

20 platoons

50 soldiers each

20 Sergeants First Class

20 1st Lieutenant

5 companies

200 soldiers

5 First Sergeants

5 Captains

1 Battalion

1000 soldiers

1 Command Sergeant Major

1 “Bird” Colonel


Commanding General � Tactical

Rod Landry, General of the Armies of the United States

Ambassador at Large for POTUS


Commanding General � Administrative

Ricardo Mendez, General of the Armies of the United States

Ambassador at Large for POTUS


This is the first time in the history of Fort Connor and/or Alpha Zulu we had a formal Command Structure. Both Rod and I hoped we could keep the base and the men on an informal basis but even if it is possible, it will take time.


We were indeed fortunate, and God was with us during the last incursion… no damage was done to our Chapel which in itself was a miracle. The Worthingtons had given the men of Alpha Zulu a beautiful edifice in which to worship which was the envy of most of the clergy both in and out of the military.


Doc really fulfilled his wish list for years into the future. He ordered more electronic gizmos and items I have no idea of what they are, and I sure don”t want the experience of them being used on me. If it keeps Doc happy… SO BE IT! I (We) hope few items in Medical are ever used.


The entire perimeter of Fort Connor seemed to contain billeting for our soldiers. We now had 20 billets for the soldiers in addition to our VIP suites and billet for our Command Sergeant Major and our Colonel and 5 Captains. Rod and I considered ourselves most fortunate to inherit a renovated Mini-Mansion. Omoikane even had the marble slab emblazoned with our Six Star moved to the entrance of our Mini-Mansion. Electronic security of every variety provided beşevler escort us with as secure a residence as POTUS has in the White House. Every bedroom had a secure gun vault and a huge secure panic room which was embedded in the granite bedrock of Fort Connor.


Rod was so impressed with the new OPS center he seriously considered giving up his Office and working from the OPS center. I reminded him I knew how difficult it was to give up his “baby” … but we have to let someone else appreciate what now exists and hope they don”t take it for granted.


The majority of our Mess Staff survived our major incursion and only received minor injuries. The men returned to duty to face the nightmare of providing meals for our construction teams and our current and ever-growing number of Alpha Zulu soldiers. I”ll never know how they did it, but the quality of meals never changed except the menu was dictated by what wouldn”t fit in the portable freezers when supplies were received.


The swimming pool received an upgrade to its filtration system and repairs to any concrete damage it had received. Even the Sea Bees joined our men swimming ala natural after a long hard hot day of work.


The First item the Sea Bees completed was our 10,000 foot expanded runway. Rod and I were astonished looking at the finished project… it was far more impressive in real life than even the architect”s mockup. With the increase in demand for electricity… we were tapped into a mainland electrical grid and electricity was provided via undersea cable. We had emergency backup generators but day to day use was provided by the mainland power grid.


Omoikane amazed us all as he coordinated materials arriving at Fort Connor exactly when needed to keep construction flowing 24/7. Omoikane quickly inherited a reputation that his abilities were equal to or exceeded that of his genius fathers.


The repair and upgrades to Fort Connor took over a year even with them being on a “no bid” basis and given military priority. What imps that didn”t return home to their families were being sequestered at Camp Phoenix and the men of Worthington Executive Security assigned to Camp Phoenix submitted the request for “hazard pay”. Executive Security just never had the balls to run an imp up the flagpole at Camp Phoenix.


What got me through the exhaustive challenges of facing project after project with the repairs and upgrades was my partner Rod and his intensive (if not downright brutal) stress management most every night. Fortunately, POTUS and SecDef really didn”t intrude but on occasion made a quick visit to check on the progress being made. (And of course, time it perfectly so they could eat in our Mess.) Even only having a portable kitchen our Mess produced some fantastic meals.


Omoikane was in tears as the project was coming to an end and he saw the condition of his beloved Soccer Field. It actually was so rutted from being a staging area it would be impossible to use for a formal retreat without breaking a tremendous number of ankles.


I expected it to be repaired but I was downright shocked when Omoikane had heavy equipment airlifted back to Fort Connor and the entire parade field (soccer field) was upgraded to artificial turf.


POTUS, SecDef and Mama Bear were happy when the project came in finished ahead of time and under budget. The senate committee only asked how it was possible that the project was completed for only $5,000,000,000.00 USD and not the $7-10,000,000,000.00 USD that was allocated. One word said it all… OMOIKANE!


When the dust of construction had dissipated, the Pentagon and the Senate Review Committee evaluated the detailed report of the incursion that destroyed so much of Fort Connor was finally completed… the Army awarded 75 Silver Stars (unfortunately… too many posthumously)!


Congress was so impressed with what had been accomplished in such a short period of time it also wanted to recognize the men of Alpha Zulu. Any soldier assigned to Alpha Zulu at the time of the incursion would receive a special limited edition Congressional Gold Medal. Congress also had one extra made and presented it to a little imp named Omoikane at the Memorial Day celebration at the White House.


Omoikane was walking on air and he knew how proud his fathers were of what he had accomplished with his first major project for Worthington Industries. Omoikane was speechless when Mama Bear, in front of everyone present, picked up the little imp and gave him a hug and a platonic kiss. Omoikane would receive many awards in his future role of being part of Worthington R&D, but the high praise he would cherish forever was the kiss given him by Mama Bear.


It took a few months of interviews for Rod and I meeting with the Worthingtons to make our selection for the 5 Captain vacancies and the Battalion Commander which is a bird Colonel position. We wanted our existing Command Sergeant Major to have major input when we selected this man. It had to be a good fit because they would be working as a team 24/7.


Rod and I were the first to acknowledge the fantastic job our HR Dream Team did selecting candidates to fill the positions of the soldiers we lost and the additional soldiers we needed as we expanded to a battalion size unit.


We spent a week grilling both enlisted men and officers before we decided upon the five individuals to fill our five Company “Commander” slots. We gave our Command Sergeant Major full autonomy in selecting the 40 Staff Sergeants, 20 Sergeants First Class and 5 1st Sergeants. With the new size of Alpha Zulu going to Battalion strength it definitely would necessitate us delegating more than any of our predecessors ever had.


Rod had a sixth sense and knew when I was reaching the point of professional overload. I never objected when he dragged me off to our luxury billet, stripped me naked and hammered my ass with his black python sending me to nirvana and turning me into a blithering idiot.


Doc put me on the “Sexually Disabled” DO NOT ENTER list a number of times during our 12+ months of construction. Doc always harassed me about “all things in moderation” and I always commented for him to wait until he had a stud in his bed every night who would win a competition with any Army mule for stud of the year. Then and only then will you understand the addictive nature of Rod”s Black Python. Doc always gave me his “dumb kid” look and commented “14 days in sexual purgatory”. (Stop at the commissary and buy a large tube of hand cream.)


I was really embarrassed when anonymous tubes of hand cream started appearing unexpectedly on my office desk. Rod only gave me his best innocent look and commented not to blame it on him. He would never “kiss and tell”!


As sore as my ass was at times everyone on base knew Rod had destroyed my ass AGAIN just from watching me limp to retreat and gently lowering myself as I sat to eat my food with the men. The Chaplain offered to say a prayer for a fast recovery. I thanked this man of God and told him I had no one to blame but myself. I married a stud and I”m still in love with him.


I knocked quietly at the office door of our Cardinal Chaplain and asked if he had time to chat with me. This man of God smiled and invited me into his office. “Sit or stand whichever is the most comfortable and least painful.” (Et Tu Brut)? I didn”t think I”d ever be embarrassed about anything sexual here at Fort Connor but I guessed wrong.


“Chaplain, once we have Fort Connor finished… I would like to renew our wedding vows and set the tone for the old and new men at Fort Connor.” A simple quiet affair if one can consider a church service with 1,000+ members of Alpha Zulu present SMALL AND INTIMATE?


The Chaplain graciously offered to officiate unless I wanted to offer the Chief Justice or His Holiness Pope Domonic the privilege of officiating.


On a more official nature… Is the Chapel large enough to accommodate our enlarged staff of over 1,000+ Alpha Zulu soldiers? The Chaplain assured me the Worthingtons had been very proactive when they did the last renovation to our Chapel. One Thousand Plus will be a tight squeeze but considering there still will be men on duty stations we will be reaching our maximum amount we can seat comfortable.


Little did I know the minute Mama Bear found out we had reached the maximum seating for our base Chapel… the Worthington architects were instructed to designs “wings” off of the main altar area to provide additional seating. Once completed, Alpha Zulu and Fort Connor would be honored by His Holiness the Pope designating our Chapel a Minor Basilica.


Knowing the Catholic Church still works in mysterious ways but everyone from an Alpha Zulu private to POTUS was in shock when His Holiness the Pope quietly advised POTUS that Roger “Worthington” was being canonized a Saint and he would do it at the rededication of the new Basilica at Fort Connor. When Gloria beylikdüzü escort heard the news from POTUS she fainted. We all knew the dedication our little angel had and all the good work and downright miracles he had performed. “The Basilica of Fort Connor” dedicated to Saint Roger. That has such a beautiful sound. Now to find, recruit or have on loan someone who can play the organ and can demonstrate its exquisite quality… and contribute to the beauty of Roger becoming a Saint. This is definitely a first in any branch of the United States Military.


It had been months since I was able to leave Fort Connor due to the construction workload and the need for some decision being made on the spot. Finally, Rod and I were able to accept an invitation to Mama Bear for dinner in her Penthouse. She was beaming with Pride with the revelation of “Saint” Roger being canonized at Fort Connor. Gloria only commented if this service is by “Invitation Only” she hadn”t received her invitation. I smiled at Mama Bear and assured her she never needed an invitation to visit Fort Connor.


Gloria had consumed too much champagne and definitely needed to go easy on the Scotch tonight. When Luke and John came out of her home office carrying two oblong rosewood cases… Rod and I knew we would be receiving our gem encrusted sabers in recognition of our leadership of Alpha Zulu and Fort Connor.


Gloria was all smiles as she informed Rod and Me: “You didn”t hear it from me, but you will be on an around the world junket for POTUS as soon as you get the imps settled into Fort Connor this fall.” When we opened the Mahogany Cases, we were in awe of the beauty of the gift. Yes, between our Ambassador Uniforms and our Gem Encrusted Sabers we probably look ostentatious. But, even in the past the leaders of Russia and China were captivated by their beauty.


Mama Bear had Rod and I directly where she wants us, and she now went “in for the kill”! “No one in Washington had any doubt about the love you and Rod share.” It is time you two lovers become fathers. We knew the routine as she handed us five folders. “Take as much time as you need but your Jet is grounded until you make a selection.”


A shocked Rod took my hand and walked me to a quiet corner of the great room. As Rod held my hand tight, I quietly whispered in his ear asking if he really wanted to be a father and have a son. Smiling at me Rod told me if I had any doubts about how much he wanted to be a father just to reach between his legs. Rod and I knew we soon would have a son to raise to nurture and to love forever. I definitely hoped Junior would understand my need to have another son.


As we read the files of the five boys Mama Bear selected, it was obvious to me which imp Rod would select to join our family. A young biracial imp who was as beautiful as Rod. It took us less than two hours to make the selection and Mama Bear was smiling as she commented it was the imp we Worthingtons felt you would select.


Gloria advised she pulled in one of the many favors owed to her by POTUS and SecDef and we were on a two-week vacation to meet our son and hoping he wants to be part of our family to get him kitted out and for the three of you to get to know each other.


Right on que, the Director of the Worthington Foundation walked in, opened his laptop and indicated where Rod and I were to sign. (Finally, they digitized the adoption paperwork and only one signature was necessary.) Mama Bear announced we would be leaving at 0600 hours TOMORROW to meet our son and hopefully the young man would want to be part of our Alpha Zulu family.


Asking OPS to connect me with Junior… within minutes we were conversing, and he was all smiles as he had heard through the imp mafia we were adopting a son and he would have a brother. RIGHT ON KIDO! Clear your schedule and we”ll pick you up on the way to Andrews. Junior all but had a temper tantrum when I told him we would pick him up at 0630 hours tomorrow. Dad, it is my day I get to sleep in! “Your complaint is falling on deaf ears!” Go get as much sleep as you can. DISCONNECT!


A very tired and semi-conscious son joined us in the limousine at 0630 hours the next morning muttering words no one should be sharing with their father. Junior paid the price as he was walking to Alpha Zulu Actual from our limousine my hand made firm contact with the cheek of his ass. Yes, the scream brought a few members of the security team running but realizing the source of the noise they only commented: “Carry on Sir”!


Junior was bitterly complaining it wasn”t fair… he was an adult, married, and old enough his dad shouldn”t punish him. I only assured Junior as I had told him all of his life, he would learn manners one way or the other. It isn”t my fault you have a big mouth and chose the painful way! DAD!


A short time later we landed, security unloaded our two security vehicles and our armored Range Rover. Fifteen minutes later we were greeted at the door of the orphanage. I asked the orphanage director if Junior could meet the young man and hopefully an imp to imp chat can help to prepare him to meet his new fathers.


As Junior was taken to meet our new son, Rod and I adjourned to the Director”s office to refill our caffeine levels and discuss our new son. Our son was made an orphan as the results of a home robbery gone wrong. His parents were shot and died enroute to the hospital. He has no living family and is deeply depressed about his being all alone. Yes, bringing Junior along was the right decision even if it was made for the wrong reason.


As Junior and our new imp chatted as old friends his soon to be new brother shared with him everything Roger had been telling him about his new fathers and even his new brother. Junior had heard rumors about a mythical imp named Roger but he never realized the gossip was based on fact.


Finally, the question that Junior wasn”t prepared to answer. “You”ve told me all the good things about your father… what is the bad side of him.


They will make you do your homework. Be in bed on time. Shower more than once a day if necessary. Eat your vegetables. And he has a wicked “PAW” which hurts like hell when it impacts your ass cheek, but I must admit… My mouth is my worst enemy. I”ve never gotten swatted that I didn”t deserve it. But there were still nights growing up I had to sleep on my stomach.


The worse thing that can happen to an imp at Fort Connor if they really act up is to be placed on garbage can detail. A ripe garbage can in the summer heat should be a violation of the Geneva Convention for the use of toxic gas. Overall, the good far outweighs anything bad about Fort Connor. And, you haven”t enjoyed swimming till you go skinny dipping with them men of Alpha Zulu. It is never sexual unless you want it to be.


The men of Alpha Zulu will never turn down sex with an imp just so the imp initiates it and is mature enough to know what he will be doing. In the history of Fort Connor and Alpha Zulu there has never been forcible sex with an imp.


It doesn”t matter if you are straight, bi or gay… the men of Alpha Zulu will respect you for what you have between your ears not your legs. You have a vast variety of men who will teach you any skill you want to learn. All you have to do is ask and be serious about learning.


We have an electronic classroom taught by some of the finest educators in the world. And, if you are looking to go to college, you”ll probably end up with a full scholarship offer from numerous renown organizations.


Other than daily physical conditioning nothing is ever forced upon you. If you don”t understand why something is being offered… ASK! Just be prepared for an honest answer.


I”m married to a wonderful man who just finished designing and rebuilding Fort Connor. We live off base but I try to visit my dad as often as possible. I still love the man as much as I did before he joined Special Operations and ended up traveling the world on classified missions.


The men of Alpha Zulu are most understanding but even they have a breaking point. You”ll know you have gone too far when a number of hands take you out of bed at sunrise, strip you naked and run you up the flagpole. It is almost a tradition for any imp to join the imp mafia. And, I have to admit… at times we imps get out of control and need to have our actions toned down.


We have a dedicated guard dog named Adela who will be so jealous of you. Actually, our War Dogs are a Wolf Shepard mix. You never want to be on the receiving end of their fangs. Anyone on base whether two legged or four legged will protect you with their lives. As for Adela the secret is a big box of doggie treats. Always keep one on your bedside table.


I have to be honest with you… It is my fathers that are adopting you as their son but I really look forward to having a “little brother”. My fathers bilecik escort aren”t a push over, but they will do everything within their power to give you the best life and future possible.


As Rod and I joined Junior and our potential son I kiddingly asked if my “Alpha Zulu Recruiter” had impressed the young man. “According to Junior you should be elected “Fathers of the Year”! We take it you are interested in joining our unique family? HELL YES!


I only commented this time is a freebee. The next time you use such language in public you”ll find a big paw print on one or both cheeks of your ass. You have been warned!


Junior only chimed in: “Been there, done that and it isn”t anything you want to experience”. I added to the comment my son has a problem of engaging his mouth before he engages his brain. He has spent many a night growing up sleeping on his stomach and even he will admit he deserved every time and even a few times when he got away with his poor choice of language.


Even as a married adult you”ll find my paw print on his ass from this morning and his poor choice of language. No matter how old you are or what you are doing you”ll always be my little boy. The love Rod and I offer is unconditional. We only ask you don”t abuse it, us or Alpha Zulu. You have resources available to you few imps could even imagine. To get respect you have to give respect. You can always ask us fathers anything and we”ll always answer you truthfully.


You”ll have available to you a five-star Chaplain and a five-star Doctor available 24/7. A resource few imps will ever have. Our Cardinal Chaplain is truly a man of God and respected by all the men of Alpha Zulu. Our curmudgeon `ole Doctor has a terrible bed side manner which is only exceeded by his lack of skill in giving shots. But, he has saved countless lives of soldiers and imps. Alpha Zulu would be hard pressed to function without him.


Fort Connor just received a major renovation and we Generals were moved into a small mansion overlooking the Ocean. And, if you ever decide to run away… know we have the biggest and best fed sharks in the northern hemisphere patrolling the waters around Fort Connor.


Now that we have shared the “good and the bad” of Alpha Zulu and Fort Connor we have to ask if you still want to be our son and inherit that former imp who calls himself my son as your brother? A tearful imp wrapped his arms around the three of us and told us he would be proud to be our son.


Advising our new son to go pack his belongings and then meet us in the administrator”s office. Exiting the orphanage, we faced a pack of reporters wanting a sound byte for their local evening news. The one thing both Mama Bear and POTUS has taught me are the words: NO COMMENT!


As Rod, Junior and I were walking our new family member to our secure transport… I heard someone yell SNIPER and then the world blacked out. Rod was cool under pressure as he threw Junior and our new son into our armored vehicle and ordered one of the security vehicles to get them to Alpha Zulu Actual and in the air back to Fort Connor.


As Rod advised OPS of a medical emergency… we have General Mendez “down” requiring immediate medical attention. Activate the closest SWAT unit and State Police. Any military assets we have in the area will be appreciated. We are in a firefight and declaring an EMERGENCY!


You would think with a minigun firing 6,000 rounds per minute and a detail of special forces men with Uzi Sub Machine Guns and Sig pistols… apparently there are a few insurgents left that have a minimum of brains cells and are paying the price for their stupidity with their lives.


Finally, the State Police arrived in mass and the gunfire dissipated. SWAT contained the area as a military medical chopper landed close by and I was airlifted to the closest trauma center. Rod made it clear unless someone at the scene was the President of the United States he was going to the trauma center with me. Rod never left my side and my security team greatly annoyed the nursing staff with them constantly requiring proof of ID and written medical orders to enter any area I was in.


Worthington Executive Security met Alpha Zulu Actual as it landed at Andrews. Advising Junior, Omoikane was waiting for him in Mama Bear”s Penthouse, and she had dictated we were all staying with her till this situation is resolved.


Our newest family member was still in shock and only asked for a hot shower and a bed to take a nap. Omoikane showed him to a vacant bedroom and advised him we would let him know when it was time for dinner. Usually around 2000 hours.


The trauma team working on General Mendez wasn”t happy receiving harassing calls from POTUS wanting constant updates. Finally, POTUS made it known they could either keep him appraised of any changes in the General”s conditions or plan on practicing medicine in a Federal Super Max. The surgeon turned to me and only commented “He is kidding”? POTUS HAS NO SENSE OF HUMOR… HE MEANT EVERY WORD HE SAID.


Finally, Rod realized that Junior had no idea of what happened with his Father and was entitled to a Sit Rep. Gloria wasn”t taking any chances and after making a few phone calls she had a world renown neurologist in the back seat of a fighter jet flying at Mach 3 to offer assistance. This was one request POTUS was happy to make possible. SecDef gave the flight military priority and had a helicopter waiting to provide transportation from the Airfield to the hospital Helipad.


The surgeon had little sense of humor when he arrived at the hospital. “I”m here under the direct orders of the President of the United States. I need to see my patient and have a consult with the medical team providing care. We can do this the easy way or the hard way… the hard way being you leaving this hospital handcuffed and in the custody of a federal Marshall. I suggest you choose wisely.”


Finally, the reality of the situation hit Junior, and he broke down in a torrent of tears. Omoikane consoled him and helped him into a shower and then into bed to rest. Junior needed to be held by Omoikane and it was something Omoikane was more than willing to do. He also loved and respected General Mendez and this is not the way anyone wanted to start the family life of a new imp.


The Command Sergeant Major was smart enough to know there would be a black ops detail of Alpha Zulu soldiers out for blood if they could get off of base. The Command Sergeant Major locked Fort Connor down tight. No one could arrive or leave Fort Connor till further notice.


Finally, 24 hours later both Generals were advised this bullet didn”t have General Mendez”s name on it. It cracked his skull but followed the bony contour and exited in the posterior region of the General”s skull. He has a major concussion and probably a “headache from hell” for the next few days. The General can be released provide he isn”t left alone for the next 96 hours and seeks immediate medical attention if any symptoms develop.


Ricardo would do anything to get out of this Hospital from HELL! Rod signed him out and provided the insurance information for the hospital. A month later when he contacted the hospital asking why he hadn”t received a bill for the services they provided… the accounting department only commented the bill had been “PAID IN FULL”! (Mama Bear strikes again!)


A few days later POTUS requested permission to enter the Penthouse and talk with General Mendez. Advising Ricardo and Rod the initial findings were indeed shocking. One of the surviving assassins spilled his guts telling the FBI the contract for the hit was against your new son not you. You were just collateral damage.


Mama Bear went into Executive Mode and started dictating what would now happen. Our friendly tailor would be making a house call to measure our new son for a couple of suits and dress slacks and shirts.


Junior could help the new addition to shop online and buy the necessary clothing and personal items he required. Just put it on your “Worthington Black Card” and have the items shipped to the Penthouse.


As soon as we get all of the necessities completed… you need to go back to Fort Connor to assure your men you are OK and to protect your son with the finest in protection.


Whatever you need… I”m available to you 24 hours a day and I have no reservations about getting POTUS out of bed in the middle of the night to help us. He sure has ruined more than one night of sleep for me.


Who would want to kill our new son and why? I read every copy of material which was in his orphanage file. I actually asked POTUS to have the FBI do a background search and attempt to find out what was happening and why. And if all else fails, Rod and I will need to sit down and simply ask our new son to trust us. He isn”t going anywhere without a squad of Alpha Zulu soldiers providing him with protection.


My father told me often when I was growing up, I would pay him back when my son pulled stunts on me. Somehow, I doubt if my father could ever fathom what our new son now faced.







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