A Wonderful Summer Ch. 2

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A few weeks past by and I saw still seeing Joe. We hardly had time together, but when we did, it was great. Since Joe was known well around town we were never permitted to be able to just go out and date. We did, however, spend marvelous nights at his cabin.

The Fourth of July was fast approaching, and I didn’t expect to be able to spend it with Joe. Surprisingly one day Joe called me and told me that we were booked at his cabin for a four day weekend. I was so happy! We were actually going to be together on our own lil mini vacation.

The days passed by quickly, and before I knew it I was pulling into Joe’s driveway. I entered his house and was instantly greeted with a long kiss and a nice rub on my ass. “Hey Honey! I didn’t ever think you would get here.” “Sorry Joe, there was a road block.” Joe played with my hair and said, “Well Honey let’s get going.” We loaded my Jeep and set off on the road.

The scenery was wonderful. I had passed by on the exact same roads numerous times before, but it was totally different this time. Maybe it was the heat of the hot South Carolina day, but I believe it was because I was sitting next to someone I loved.

We arrived at the cabin in the late afternoon, and Joe decided to go for a walk while I started supper. It felt really natural to kiss him and send him on his way. I cooked supper and served it when Joe returned. The supper I had cooked brought me many comments, that I all loved.

Joe started a fire, and laughed at me when I asked him what the hell his problem was. I mean it was the beginning of July, and hot as hell. “Honey you are such a traditionalist! Live, Honey, live!” Well, sure enough it got hot as hell in there. Being my devilish self, I decided to be a lil devil. I walked to the front window and started to peel my clothes off. “Honey, not that I am objecting, but what are you doing?” I responded quickly, “Well, I am hot, so I think I need to remove my clothes so my skin can breathe.” After I stood nude in front of the window a minute, Joe walked up beside me and started to loosen my hair the had been hanging in a braid down my back. Then he whispered in my ear, “Honey, I think I need to teach you a lil bit more about the outdoors. Follow me.” With that he lead me outside and onto the deck.

Joe hugged me closely and then reached down and pulled his shorts off. Then he lifted me up onto the picnic table that was on the deck. He kneeled down and suckled on my breasts. Then he slowly licked a line from my breasts to my pussy. I was already aroused, so when Joe pulled my pussy lips apart he could see them shimmering in the moonlight. After a few minutes of expecting my pussy he started licking me with no abandon. Soft moans escaped my lips, and soon I was screaming with pleasure. After my first orgasm I didn’t want to ever let go of Joe, it just felt great to hold him.

After a moment of cuddling Joe raised my ass up against the edge of the table. Slowly he inserted his bursa escort rock hard dick into me. Slow and steady – we rocked back and forth slowly increasing the rhythm of our movements. I sensed myself about to cum, so I grasped Joe’s head and looked deeply into his eyes. We watched each other cum, and saw how we brought joy to ourselves. Joe carried me inside and we fell asleep on the bed. As I fell asleep I wondered what tomorrow would bring……


I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and the warm July sun seeping in the window beside the bed. I reached for Joe, but saw that a box had lain in his spot. I decided to open the box to see what it contained. I found a note on top of the first layer of tissue paper. On the front, my name had been scripted in Joe’s handwriting. The note said:

Good Morning Honey! I hope you slept well, I surely did. As you know by now I have a gift for you in this box. It is a bikini for you to wear today. In honor of the Fourth of July it is one of those bikini’s made out of the American flag. I admit it may be a wee bit snug, but I bought it for my benefit as well as yours. I am down at the dock, I’ll come up for a late lunch later.


I had a devilish thought and jumped into the bikini where the top was probably two sizes to small, and the bottoms were nothing more than a thong. I decided I would walk down to the dock where Joe was and give him some lunch … me.

I started on my way, and when the dock finally came into view I noticed there were two people on the dock with him. I saw one of them was a man, so I figured one of Joe’s friends had stopped by to say “Happy Fourth.” The closer and closer I came I felt more embarrassed about the way I was dresses, but I felt safe because Joe would still be tempted whether other people were there or not. When Joe finally saw me heading toward the dock, he called out, “Ellie baby! I am glad you finally got up! It is damn near about noon!” I smiled and then was shocked to see that the couple that was with Joe was the Jacksons.

My mind went into a whirl! I knew our secret was safe with them because Joe and I had our first time together at their house. Somehow I was still embarrassed though because Mrs. Jackson was only my English teacher 2 months ago. I swallowed hard, picked my head up and stepped onto the dock. I went directly to Joe and kissed him on the cheek only to be caressed on my cheek and devoured by his warm lips. Blushing, I turned around to greet the Jacksons. “Why hello Mrs. Jackson! How are you?!” She seemed calm and cool as ever, but I thought I would die of embarrassment since my ass was hanging out. “I am just great, Ellie. And you can call me Kathryn now, you aren’t my student anymore.” With a laugh she sat down in a lounge chair that was placed on the dock. I went to sit next to her and started a conversation.

I found out that Joe had told them they could use the cabin anytime they wanted. Well, bursa escort bayan Kathryn called his house and since there was no answer assumed he and his family were all out of town. So, she and John (Mr. Jackson) decided to come down for the night to celebrate the fourth. I welcomed them to stay in the guest bedroom, and then Kathryn and I decided to go make a few sandwiches for the guys.

We headed up to the house and started on the sandwiches. I set up a cooler, and pulled a six pack of beer out of the fridge and put it in along with the sandwiches. Kathryn offered to take the cooler to the guys. When she returned, she sat at the table with me and sipped a beer. She looked at me and said, “You know you aren’t supposed to be drinking that, your only what, 18?” I started laughing and replied, “Yes, I am only 18 but I am mature beyond my years.” We both laughed at my small joke and preceded into light chit chat.

At about 4:00 pm Kathryn and I saw the guys heading to the house with their newly cought fish. We decided that they should be grilled along with the burgers and steaks. I pulled out the steaks I had marinated last night out of the fridge and gave them to the guys along with a tray of burgers and the fish. Joe carried the plater away and before long we started to smell the delicious scent of cooking food coming from the grill. Kathryn was put in charge of making potato salad, while I made macaroni and cheese, and finished icing a cake a made earlier.

Around 5:00 Joe popped his head in the door and said everything was set up outside on the wooden deck. We ate a lovely supper and then finished it all with a few beers and my cake. Joe saw that our beer supply was going low and offered to run to the store and buy some. John said he would go with him, and they set off in John’s black chevy. Kathryn and I cleaned up all of the food and dishes and decided to go back out on the deck.

We sat outside on the deck drinking all of what was left of the beer. We talked about this and that, and what my college plans were. Soon our conversation turned to sex, and Kathryn was curious of how Joe and I were doing since our first time at her home. “Well, Kathryn, I don’t know what to say except it hasn’t done anything but gotten better!” She let out a hearty laugh and said, “Well, when I was your teacher I couldn’t exactly tell you this, but since I am not anymore I can say it. Sex partners are like wine…” “they only get better with age!” we both said at the same time. We were laughing so hard I hadn’t realized I was resting my hand on her thigh. I lifted it and mumbled an apology, only to feel Kathryn pulling my hand back down to her thigh.

Kathryn was so beautiful. She always had been. She was my teacher in high school for three years. I used to talk horribly about her to other students so I could hide my secret attraction to her. Now was my chance to let her know how I really felt. She stood about 5’6, because I was only slightly taller escort bursa that she. She had soft, short, richly dark brown hair, and beautiful, large almond shaped brown eyes. Her breasts were about a C cup I imagined, and had not sagged much for her age. Then I thought about her lovely ass. I remembered her wearing short skirts to school so the boys in my class could try to imagine those soft globes. After I looked at her body from so close, I could only image she was thinking the same thing about me. Making an assessment and trying to capture this moment. I was 5’7, and had long black/brown hair that reached halfway down my back easily. I had a matching C cup, but my breasts were perky with youth.

Before I knew it, Kathryn leaned into my face and kissed my lips softly. I moaned lightly when the kiss broke, and I said to her, “Kathryn, you have no idea how long I wanted to kiss you. I have imagined you kissing me ever since that first year in your class.” With that I leaned in a kissed her passionately letting my tongue fight a loosing battle with hers. “Ellie, I was your teacher and I couldn’t do anything then. I have always admired your boldness and love for literature. I waited to do this too, so please don’t stop me.” I replied, “I would never try to stop you.” With that Kathryn took my hand in hers and walked me over to the patio chair on the deck.

She instructed me to sit down in the chair, and then she stood above me and started kissing my neck. I just moaned my approval because my neck has always been my “hot spot.” Kathryn licked a trail from my neck down to breasts. She pulled the bow from around my neck and caused my breasts to fall from the bikini top. She lowered her head to suckle them, and sent me into pure bliss. Her tongue flicked lightly over my nipples teasing them then she sucked them hard. When she came up for air I unhooked the top from my body and laid it on the deck. Kathryn kissed me again deeply on the lips then she kneeled in front of me. “Ellie, spread your legs Love.”

That one simple command sent my mind spinning. I did as I was told, and soon she was lapping at my sopping wet pussy. Kathryn slowly teased my pussy lips with soft kisses then she separated them with her fingers. I felt her tongue go inside my pussy and lightly dance around my walls. Kathryn then slid her magical tongue to my swollen clit and started nibbling it gently. My mind was a just a flash of bright colors that showed what I felt. Soon my legs were wrapped around Kathryn’s head and I was actually screaming in pleasure. When I had climaxed I brought her lips to mine and kissed deeply. That is when we heard some clapping coming from inside the house.
Joe and John had been standing there watching us after Joe discovered Kathryn eating my pussy on the deck. I just stood up and hugged Kathryn, who had somehow grown nude.

After that the rest of the weekend continued with Kathryn and I putting on shows for the guys and then swapping partners. When we went home, I continued to see Kathryn on a personal and mentoring level. Joe and I remained friends, but we only had one other sexual encounter. My life went on, and so did his, but it was a wonderful summer.

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