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Subject: A Neglected Boy Chapter 45 Please support Nifty to keep these stories fty/donate.html This is my first story at Nifty. Thanks Nifty staff for all your help. Your comments are always welcomed and appreciated at jacoblion@tutanota Please remember this is fiction and all the characters names are simply fabricated. **Note** All locations are accurate including mileage, A Story of Love Please enjoy; A Neglected ota . . . Chapter 45 . . . We were all in the truck and off to New Haven, Connecticut and Yale. It is not far but at this time 80 miles can be 2 or 3 hours with traffic and maybe more. Kori has the boys excited about the Clarion and the indoor pool and has already told the boys about Professor. What Kori doesn’t know is that I called Kevin and he along with Kyle, Justin, Kent, and Aaron will be there to greet us. I suspect this will be an exciting reunion. Before we left I made sure the boys all had Speedos packed. As expected the traffic was horrible and slow with construction in several places. We pulled into the Clarion at 6:30 with this driver aggravated and 4 boys asking 1,000 times when we would eat. I had text Kevin when we at we at a light so he and the boys were hiding when we pulled up. The boys got out of the truck and walked to the lobby door when Kyle, Justin, Kent and Aaron opened the doors like the welcome person at Wal-Mart. Kori nearly went crazy and he and Kyle were dancing all around. Garret, Liam, and Peter were a bit confused till Kevin and I let the boy’s in on what was going on. There were handshakes and hugs and talk about pizza and the pool. As soon as I picked up the key card the boys all ran to our room to drop their bags while I filled Kevin in on who was who. It was time for a pizza party. We piled in Kevin’s van and in 10 minutes we were seated and ordered at Frank Pepe Pizzeria. So 8 boys and 2 adults (age=adult / brain=teenager) we ordered 3 bursa escort extra large pizzas and I let the boys have soda. As we had finished the 2nd we knew a 4th pizza would be needed. These boys were starving and apparently had not eaten in a week . . . well not really. We arrived back at the Clarion and what did the boys want, swimming. Ok the pool is open till midnight so they had about 3 hours if Kevin and I let them stay that long. It was amazing to see how quickly they changed and were under the shower at the pool. Hmmm Eight boys in Speedos and some of the boys had grown in just the past 3 months and more than just height. They seemed to make friends so quickly and were having a great time in the water. It was so obvious who liked who. It was Kori and Kyle, Peter and Kent, Garret and Justin, same height and same build, Liam and Aaron and Aaron is the smallest of Kevin’s boys. There were other people in the pool some younger some older and some old. The boys remained polite and very respectful of everyone. About 9:45 everyone had left and it was just our 8 boys, and let the games begin. First it was the diving competition, and then it was an all out race from one end to the other . . . . . surprise Garret is a swimmer and had all the boys by a full body length. I thought it would be either Justin or Peter because they are taller. Damn doest Peter ever look good in that Speedo. Kevin and I sat and admired the boys and it was unmistakably apparent that Kevin thought his boys are sexy in those swimsuits. I noticed a slight swelling at the front of his shorts. I also had noticed that Justin hangs on Kevin about the same way that Kori hangs on me. The boys had all made friends and were extremely playful. The very next thing we watched was the swim between the legs competition. This is even better than when we went camping or the last time we were here. The boys lined up at eh shallow bursa escort bayan end of the pool. Each boy was standing an arm’s length in front the next boy; then placing their hands on the shoulders of the boy in front to help keep balance. The last boy in line had to swim in between all 7 boys without touching legs. It was fun to watch as each boy took his turn, sorry to say there was lots of touching and more than legs that got touched. When the boys had all done this several times they came out to take a rest. It was an amazing sight as each boy came out of the pool and turned so we could see them. Each Speedo left nothing to the imagination it was a perfect outline of each penis and its size. Garret, Peter, and Justin won the category for longest. I think Kori and Kyle had the cutest well I guess they were all cute. Now Kevin wasn’t the only one with a bulge at the front of his shorts. Kevin noticed my shorts and said . . . “I see you like the boys in those Speedos too.” I turned slightly red and had to agree. The boys walked over to Kevin and me and asked how much more time they had and we said about another half hour. Kori looked at me and said . . . “Jake this has been exciting and we’re having the best time, thanks this is the best birthday ever.” I told Kori he looked excited and to go have more fun. Kori knew what I was referring to and said . . . “It happens Jake, it’s just mother nature.” he turned red and returned to the other boys. Kevin laughed and commented . . . “Jake I think it’s going to be a frisky night.” We let the boys play keep away with the pool ball. At 11:40 we told the boys to shower off and dry best they could. It was time to get ready for bed. We decided to have breakfast here and lunch at the dining hall at Yale. We all said goodnight and the boys were hugging and high fives. We heard a lot of “you’ll be sorry tomorrow you don’t stand a chance, you’re escort bursa a bunch of wimps” and they laughed all the way to our room. As soon as we entered the room Kori said . . . “Jake the pool had a lot of Chlorine and we should shower and he and Peter would go first.” Then I said . . . “wait that shower is big enough for three and Garret can go too and then me and Liam next.” Kori gave me one of his looks but all three boys did go. It seemed it took longer than that it should for them to shower. I knocked on the door and said . . . “hurry up” Kori answered that they were done and just drying. When the boys came out they all had a rather sheepish grin and were slightly flushed. Peter looked at me and said . . . “Jake we feel much better and we’ll sleep good tonight, now.” I looked at Garret and his face told me that all three boys had taken care of things. I winked at him and he got all embarrassed. It was time for me and Liam to grab a “quick” shower and hit the bed. Tonight was a little different and quite a surprise. Peter and Kori were in bed together with Liam. I guess that makes sense and Garret was simply pulling the covers over for me to get in. We started out back to back and sometime in the night I felt Garret hug up to me with his hand on my stomach. We slept just fine so I think there long shower must have relaxed them. Morning came too quickly and it was up dress and meet up with Kevin and his boys. Breakfast was really good and again they had the best coffee. The boys were our servants and it was great for Kevin and I, it was waffles and maple syrup and we both enjoy being waited on. Kevin, Kyle, Justin, Kent, and Aaron were going to the mall and we would meet them for lunch at the Yale dining room. On our way to the campus Kori started in giving Garret, Liam, and Peter the tour and he again sounded like a history scholar. Kori began telling all about Durfee Hall . . . “The first four floors have twelve – foot ceilings and wood-paneled walls. You know like we have seen in those “Harry Potter Movies” well it kind of looks like that . . . Now get this, “Peter are you listening?”

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