A Brave New Stacey Ch. 04

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Stacey met with the sales managers, all four of them, all of which were men. Oh, this will be TOO easy, she thought. She knew how to work a group of men — maybe this is why she was sent here in the first place. They were not bad-looking, but then again, who cares what they look like when they’re eating your pussy, right? ‘OMG! I can’t believe I just thought that!’ thought Stacey. She couldn’t help it though, she was REALLY horny, and since Ted was no where in sight, and she’d left her vibrator at home, her thoughts would have to console her for now…

“Ok, so I will be working with Rob’s group tomorrow, and then we’ll get back together on Friday morning to see where to proceed from there. If there’s nothing more, I say we call it a day,” said Stacey in her most business-like tone.

As there were no objections, she headed out to her hotel. The pool was definitely calling her name!

It felt like such a relief to take her hair down, take off the business garb, and get into something more comfortable. She gathered her towel, suntan lotion, book and sunglasses and made her way down to the pool. When she arrived, she knew she’d have to find some sexy fella to rub her down… with lotion, that is… at least for now. She looked around and finally found a tanned hottie sunning near the hot tub. Perfect!

Stacey made her way over to the chair closest to him. “Excuse me, would you mind giving me a hand?” she asked in her sweetest tone.

“Sure — no problem,” said the hottie. “I’m Bobby, by the way.”

“Hi Bobby, I’m Stacey, nice to meet you.” said Stacey, making sure to give him her most seductive smile. He seemed unphased though. He did, however, begin rubbing lotion onto her shoulders and back, as requested.

They continued making small talk until a dark-skinned hottie came over to join them.

“Hi, I’m Paul — Bobby’s boyfriend.”

Ouch — so much for THAT. Stacey pretended to read her book to mask her disappointment. She peered up over her book and noticed Rob, the sales manager from her earlier meeting. He was walking with someone who looked vaguely familiar… the dark hair, tanned complexion… OMG, it’s Ted! She quickly hid her face behind her book, trying to think of her next move. After all, she hadn’t really talked to Ted much since that night, convinced that she’d been just another one-night stand to him in the end. “What if he’s staying here too?” she thought. “I’d be so embarrassed to see him right now…. wait a minute! Why should I be embarrassed? If he wants to play the one-night stand game… well, two can play it! I’ll show him!” she thought to herself with purpose. The minute she saw the two men walk back into the hotel, she followed them to the front desk while they got their room keys. She made sure to listen out for what room Ted was in…oh wait! The front desk personnel aren’t going to announce what room he’s in… damnit!

“Hey Rob, what room are you in?” Ted asked as they headed towards the elevators.

“I’m in 205. You?”

“I’m in 828 — I always have to have the top floor,” Ted said, trying to hide a grin.

Rob caught on to his innuendo. “I get it, you like being on top.”

She ducked away before the men saw her. She made a mental note of Ted’s room number… 828… got it!

* * * *

Stacey made her way back up to her room, where she had a voicemail on her cell phone. It was from her friend Christy — she wanted to go out tonight. Sounded like a good idea — the girls could help her formulate a plan to seduce Ted again!

* * * *

Rob and Ted went to Happy Hour at the hotel’s bar that afternoon. They were soon joined by Eddie, another sales rep on the team.

“Hey guys, I heard about this place we just HAVE to go tonight,” said Eddie with excitement in his voice.

Ted was curious, so he bit. “Ok Eddie, where’s this place we just HAVE to go tonight?”

Eddie went on to explain. “There’s this strip club that’s having it’s monthly ‘All Male Review,'” he started, but then noticed the cross between confusion and disgust on his co-workers’ faces. “But after the male dancers, they are opening the club up for guys — they are having some kind of ‘Girls Gone Wild’ wet t-shirt contest. You gotta think — these are gonna be women who have been watching male strippers all night — they’ll be horny as HELL! So, are you guys in?”

Ted thought about it, then answered. “Sure, why not?”

* * * *

“Christy, where are you guys taking me?” Stacey pleaded.

“You’ll see when we get there. Trust me — you’ll love it!” she said with excitement in her voice.

They were having a “Girls’ Night Out” – all 5 of them. She’d been told to dress in her sexiest dress, wear lots of makeup and get ready for a long night. “But not too long,” she’d warned them, “I have meetings güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri in the morning.”

They arrive at the club, and since they’d done some “pre-gaming” before the club, she was too intoxicated to care where she was at this point. Stacey was having fun! They entered the club — the music was pumping, the dancers had already begun the show, and yes, the drinks were still flowing! After the dancers had finished their individual dances on stage, an emcee announced that the women could bid on their own one-on-one dance on stage with each dancer. The highest bids would win.

“Oooh girls, we should TOTALLY bid on these guys,” shouted Stacey in her most sober voice she could muster.

“But we can’t top the other bids,” said Kim, a buxom brunette in the group.

“Don’t worry. I just got a HUGE bonus at work, and I’m not afraid to spend it,” said Stacey as she downed another shot of Patron.

Eventually, the 4 ladies had a dance on stage with a stripper, each one with a different routine — and a different way of getting them turned on. Then it was Stacey’s turn. She’d bid on — you guessed it — a sexy Italian fella… who reminded her of Ted. She approached him on the stage, trying to look as sexy as possible. She couldn’t remember much of the routine, as she kept seeing Ted’s face in this stranger. All she knew was that she was getting VERY turned on… and thinking about paying a visit to room 828 tonight…

Once the performances were finished, the emcee made another announcement — that there would be a wet t-shirt contest! All of the girls, Stacey included, signed up immediately. Backstage, t-shirts were passed out, women removed shirts and dresses, added makeup, etc. The show was about to begin.

* * * *

Ted, Eddie, Rob and a few others from the team, made their way into the club, where some women were leaving, some looked like they were ready to pass out — and others were on the prowl! The guys made sure they got their places as close to the stage as possible — they wanted to see as much action as possible tonight!

A server came around to hand out squirt bottles to the audience in preparation for the contest. Then, the music started and the host of the contest came onto the stage.

A handful of intoxicated, yet mildly unattractive women, made their way out onto the stage, met by a fury of water being sprayed at them.

“OK girls, this is it — too late to back out now!” Stacey announced as she danced her way out onto the stage. She played the audience of men, lifting and parting her legs to reveal nothing under her wet t-shirt but a pair of black thongs. This, of course, drove the men completely wild. Stacey then made her way to the other side of the stage, where, even despite her intoxication, she immediately recognized Ted and Rob in the audience. She played up for them for a few seconds and then deftly made her way off the stage, hoping that her new hairdo and makeup had fooled them for the moment.

* * * *

Ted saw her coming out onto the stage. “I must be dreaming,” he thought, “because that looks just like Stacey….nah, can’t be her. But that chick is totally hot!”

Through the course of the night, and many wet beauties later, Ted found himself intoxicated, totally turned on, but totally without the barrage of horny women Eddie had promised. Eddie and Rob, of course, found some willing and able-bodies to take them home that night. “Oh well,” thought Ted, “I’ll just go back to the room and beat off.” After all, he had a big meeting with an auditor in the morning, that alone could make him go limp.

* * * *

Christy came to tell Stacey that her and Kim would be leaving — they’d met these two incredibly hot, rich guys and they were going back to their hotel rooms with them. Of course, when Stacey saw who they were referring to, she noticed that it was Rob and Eddie, respectively.

“I’ll call a cab, no big deal,” Stacey said.

“Are you sure? We can give you a ride.”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

With that, she walked outside to the parking lot. She found a cab, and walked over to see if he was waiting for a fare.

“I am actually waiting for someone. Where are you headed, maybe I can take you too?” he asked, with a smile that indicated he thought he’d get more out of it.

“The Hilton on West Elm.”

“Oh well, that’s where my fare is headed. You can ride together.”

At this point, she didn’t care. Her buzz was definitely killed when she saw Ted in the crowd, and then again when her friends went home with Rob and Eddie. “This has been such a great night — for everyone else!” she thought. “Maybe it’s just as well — I should get some sleep — I have a long day ahead of me in the morning,” she mused as she propped her head up against güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri the window and drifted to sleep. This didn’t last very long — 2 minutes later another person was in the back seat with her — it was Ted!

They rode to the hotel in silence, paid the cabbie and she walk/sprinted into the hotel, hoping Ted wouldn’t see her face. She made it to her room — and noticed the half bottle of wine still chilling. She got an idea — but she needed to get her buzz on again!

* * * *

Ted couldn’t tell if the woman in the cab was hot or not — she didn’t say anything, and she’d run away before he could see. Oh well! Maybe he would purchase some in-room entertainment and take care of himself tonight — who needs a woman, when you have five friends?

* * * *

Stacey polished off the bottle of wine, gussied up and headed up to the 8th floor, specifically to room 828. She had a small bag with her, containing her tools for seduction this evening…

She checked herself in the hallway mirror outside his room before knocking. Her blonde wig in place, her sunglasses on… she was ready!

(Knock, knock)

* * * *

Ted had just begun to search for an adult program to indulge in when he heard the knock at the door. He looked out the peephole — he couldn’t believe what he saw! A totally hot blonde chick was standing at his door… she must be lost…

“Can I help you?” Ted asked.

“I’m looking for Ted?” she asked in such a seductive way.

“I’m Ted.”

At that, this strange yet sexy woman pushed Ted back into his room, up against the wall and forcibly kissed him. This wasn’t what he’d bargained for, but he’d take it!

* * * * As Stacey forcibly kissed Ted, she remembered not to get too wrapped up in it — she didn’t want to give herself away! She backed him up towards the bed, kissing him the entire way there, then pushed him down onto it. As he laid flat on his back, she took out a blindfold and waved it up in the air.

“What’s that for?” Ted asked, with a hint of nervousness.

“Close your eyes,” Stacey ordered him. He did as she ordered, and she tied the blindfold around his head. She then leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “No peeking — I want you to experience my body with all of your senses but sight.” She then nibbled on his ear and traced a path with her lips and tongue down his neck, down to his chest, making sure that she took her time, making her way down his upper body.

“Suck my cock,” he moaned.

“Patience is a virtue. Now because of that, I’m going to start all over,” Stacey teased. She then went to his other ear, kissing his neck, then his mouth, his chest again… taking ever more time. Of course, she knew the affect she was having on him — she could see the growing bulge in his boxer briefs.

By this time, a full 15 minutes has passed, and she can tell that he’s getting antsy — and about to take off the blindfold.

“Oh no you don’t!” Stacey snapped, reaching into her bag to pull out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. She then slapped these around his wrists and seeming pleased with herself, continued her task at hand.

“Oh come on, blindfold AND handcuffs? What kind of freak are you?” he yelled.

“Shhhh — you’ll wake the other guests. Now come on Ted, you have to admit this is fun so far, right?” Stacey mused. She knew she was having fun, that was for sure.

Before giving him a chance to answer her question, she went down to his boxer briefs and began playing with the waistband. She could tell that he was anxious for her to take them off — he kept trying to wiggle out of them himself!She figured she’d tortured him enough, so off went the boxers and down went her tongue to the tip of his fully erect penis. He was apparently very turned on — there was already some precum for her to taste. Slowly and methodically, she licked her way around his cock, making sure not to miss any spots. She then took in the entire length of his swollen cock deep into her throat, allowing him to fuck her mouth the way she knew he liked it.

“Oooohh yeah baby — oooohhhh that’s just how I like it — don’t stop, please don’t stop!” he begged.

She continued skillfully using her mouth to bring him closer to orgasm — she could feel him getting there. Without warning, he shot his load off into her mouth. She swallowed what she could, then she took her breasts and enveloped them around his pulsating cock to squeeze more out of him.

* * * *

He didn’t know who this mysterious woman was… maybe a girl Rob or Eddie had put up to this. But whoever she was, she was turning him on in ways he couldn’t have ever imagined. First the blindfold, then the handcuffs… well, she was definitely prepared, that’s for sure.

As she was sucking güvenilir bahis şirketleri his cock and deep-throating him ever so skillfully, he felt that he was about to cum — hard! Should he warn her? “Nah, let it be a surprise for her,” he thought to himself with a grin on his face.

As he began to cum, he could feel her swallowing it all… oh yeah! But she’s stopping…. “it feels like she’s running my dick up against something… but what?” he thought, very puzzled. He was too caught up in the pleasure he was experiencing to really ponder on it too much longer.

“Do you like my tits squeezing your big cock, Ted?” he heard her say.

“Oh yeah, let your tits fuck my cock, baby — get me off again!” he said, not really sure where this was going, but he was having fun so far.

“Oh no, tonight’s not about you, Ted. Besides — it was VERY naughty of you to cum in my mouth without at least warning me. Now you’re going to pay,” mystery girl said as she brought herself closer to my face — I could sense her breath as she got closer… smells like… some kind of fruity wine… amazing how your other senses are heightened in a situation like this.

“I’m going to take the handcuffs off, but only if you promise to keep the blindfold on. After all, that makes it more fun.” she whispered in his ear.

“I promise,” he answered. Besides, the cuffs were really starting to hurt his wrists.

* * * *

Stacey found the key and removed the handcuffs, but not before making sure that the blindfold was securely in place — he couldn’t have untied it even if he’d wanted to. Once his hands were released, he put his arms around her and rolled her onto her back — a move she wasn’t expecting, but definitely liked. He began by doing to her what she’d done to him: nibbling on her ears, kissing down her neck, making sure to make a special stop at her breasts along the way. He squeezed and pinched her nipples until they were hard and erect, then flicked his tongue across them, slowly at first, then quicker each time. He then took one at a time into his mouth, sucking each one, thoroughly enjoying it.

Her head was back, taking in the pleasure of the moment. He had such a talented tongue, but it needed to be elsewhere right now to bring her to a more heightened pleasure.

As if reading her mind, he began working his way down to her thighs, spending a few moments toying around her most-sensitive area. She wondered if he was doing this on purpose — as payback — or if he was trying to find his way. She opened her legs wider, just in case it was the latter. His mouth made its way to her clean-shaven pussy, his tongue feeling around for her clit. He then used his hands to separate her lips so that he could suck on her clit — alternating sucking and licking, slower then faster, bringing her to a swift orgasm. She grabbed onto the comforter on the bed, but it was no use. He then inserted his index finger into her wet pussy as he continued to lick and suck on her clit… then two fingers….

* * * *

“Oh man, she tastes so good!” he thought as he licked and sucked her clit. But he wanted to make her erupt big-time… so he decided to use his fingers to bring her to orgasm. He started with one, feeling his way as deep as he could… then went on to two…when he felt that it still wasn’t enough, he decided to skip three and go straight to four. His licking and sucking went faster as his hand was pounding in and out of her soaking-wet pussy… he wondered why she wouldn’t let go…he could feel her legs shaking… then it happened… she came all over his face, and he licked up every bit of her juices. “Ah yeah, this is much better than beating off to porn!” he thought to himself.

* * * *

Stacey couldn’t take it anymore — she needed to have his big cock inside her.. NOW! His fingers were no substitute. Once he was done cleaning her up with his tongue, he made his way back up to her mouth and kissed her full-on. She wanted to just take him and throw him onto his back, but he was too strong for her. So, she did so gently and astutely. With Ted now on his back, she straddled her legs on both sides of him and made her way down to his waiting cock. Sure enough, he was rock-hard again, waiting for her next move.

She positioned her pussy right above the head of his cock, taking him in ever so slowly. She slowly lowered the force of her body down onto him, and just as swiftly back up again, then down again. She decided to quicken the pace and ride him, just the way she knew he liked it. She squeezed her pussy tight around him as she began to ride, faster and faster, harder and harder.

* * * *

Whoever this woman was, she knew he liked a girl to take charge and ride on occasion. However, he didn’t want her to get too “cocky”… so he sat up while she still rode him, and he pulled her body towards him. She had no choice but to wrap her legs around him. He kissed her mouth long and hard, allowing her to sense how much passion he felt at that very moment. He used this as his opportunity to roll her onto her back… after all, he did like being on top!

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