Telemedicine Ch. 03: Malfunction

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CHAPTER 3: Malfunction

I resolved to make the best of the situation, but even trying my hardest, it was a tough 24 hours. After Dr. Popova ended our video chat, I did everything I could to take my mind off my situation: my junk was trapped in some diabolical medical diagnostic device. I was being blackmailed by a questionable Russian medicine practice in the middle of a pandemic. And all now that my chastity fantasies were starting to come true I was seriously in lust with my tormentor, Dr. Popova. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I was desperate for some relief.

I thought about calling Kat, my last…, well, not girlfriend exactly. Hookup. Work friend. Whatever. I thought about calling her to see if we could do some dirty FaceTime but then I realized I couldn’t show her any of the locks on my junk and I couldn’t cum regardless, so I gave up on that idea. I tried working. I tried Netflix. I tried ordering my favorite quarantine takeout. Nothing worked. I tried to sleep, but the sirens outside and the relentless pulsing of the diagnostic cuff and cage that held my manhood made that close to impossible. Finally I took some nighttime cold medicine and was able to pass out for a few hours.

As I neared the 24 hour mark, I was excited to complete the diagnostic tests. Dr. Popova had said she would be in touch when that happened, and I was eager to be done with this, eager to get the devices off, eager to see her, eager for my reward, though I was beginning to doubt that the doctor and I shared the same ideas about what my reward might be.

Twenty-four hours passed. Twenty-five. Twenty-six. All the while the machine was pulsing slowly on my cock and balls. The action was slow and steady. Firm enough to keep me aroused, never strong enough to tip me over. And I noticed something else: whenever I was able to master my mind and stop paying attention to my cock long enough to get a bit soft, the machine would change patterns, speed, pressure. I think it was determined to keep my attention on my cock.

I was going crazy.

When I hit the 27-hour mark, I couldn’t wait any longer. I went to my desk, opened my laptop, and logged in to Dr. Popova’s telemedicine clinic. As usual, I was greeted by the chatbot. No matter what I tried though, I couldn’t make the chatbot understand that I needed to speak with Dr. Popova.

I was just about to give up in despair when I saw an email notification: Dr. Popova has sent me a new message! Hurriedly I opened it.

Jonathan Barker,

Your physician, Dr. Anna Popova has requested that we notify you with a status update regarding your diagnostic procedure. We have determined that due to your particular anatomical configuration, we must send you an additional piece of diagnostic equipment in order to complete your assessment. We understand that this may cause some inconvenience to you, so we have taken steps to ensure the device will be delivered within the next 24 hours. We apologize for this unavoidable delay.

Please contact cloud storage us immediately upon receipt of the additional equipment so that we can proceed with your diagnosis.


Telemedicine Partners

I read the email again, digesting this new information. I now had an extra day to wait before I could have any relief. I felt desperate, but I was also without options. I couldn’t remove the device myself. I couldn’t get relief because I couldn’t get enough stimulation—and even if I did, I would expose myself to my blackmailers. All I could do was lie on the bed with my eyes closed, trying not to think of my cock. Trying not to picture Dr. Popova. Dr.Anna Popova. Trying not to picture her lips on my cock, her tits in my hands…


The next day, UPS brought me two more packages from Telemedicine Partners. I opened the first, a small padded envelope. The packing slip described the contents as “Magnetic Charging Cable, Telemedicine Diagnostic Cuff v.3.”

The second package contained another locked black box. I immediately logged on to the web site and told the chatbot, “Please tell Dr. Popova that the diagnostic device has arrived.”

Moments later, there she was, smiling at me from the video chat window.

“Hello Jonathan, you poor dear. You must be going crazy waiting for this procedure to be complete.”

“I am Doctor. I’m very glad to see you,” I said.

“Thank you Jonathan. Let’s not waste any more time now. Do you have the package and are you ready to open it?”

I was holding it, and I nodded and held it up to show her. Moments later, I heard the latch click and I opened the box. What I saw filled me with a mix of dread and excitement.

“Dr. Popova…” I said. “Is this…?”

“Yes Jonathan. It does look very much like an anal probe, doesn’t it? That’s because it is an anal probe. You will be required to insert it in order to complete the diagnostic procedure.”

I felt despair.

“Because of your specific anatomy,” she paused and leaned in with a smile on her face. “Jonathan, it’s because of your small American penis,” she laughed, “we needed to send a supplemental sensor, and in order for it to receive accurate readings, it needs to be inserted into your anal cavity. Now hurry off to your bedside and get your personal lubricant so we can get on with this.”

I looked more closely at the device. Black, smooth, silicone, it was most definitely a butt plug. And it was not small. A flexible tail extended from the back, which I held up to show her.

“That looks a bit like a tail, doesn’t it Jonathan? That would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it?” She laughed and waited for me to say anything, but I was silent, not meeting her eye. So she continued, “It’s only the connection to the cuff. It will wrap underneath you and connect to the cuff magnetically, and that will allow it to transmit sensor data.”

I paused to take this all in.

“Jonathan, go get the lubricant,” she prompted me again. cloud file storage

When I got back, she said, “Jonathan, I am going to tell you something important now. On our first call, you refused to show me your virgin pink American asshole. Do you remember that, Jonathan?”

I nodded.

“That was a mistake. I do not like it when people refuse to do what I ask. I determined then that you would show me your asshole, and now that is what you are going to do.”

I swallowed hard. The cuff and cage were still pulsing on my cock and balls. Dr. Popova’s threat scared me, but made me hard as well.

“Jonathan, I am telling you this now for your sake. Do you really think we needed extra diagnostic sensors? Of course we didn’t. I just needed an excuse so that I could get you to open your asshole for me, do you understand?”

I nodded.

“I will continue to ask you to do things for me, Jonathan. If you do these things for me, you will always get a reward. But if you do not—if you refuse me, you will make things harder for yourself. And you will end up doing the things I want in any case, because I will always find a way to get you to do what I want. Is that clear?”

I nodded again. The seriousness of my situation was coming into clearer focus. I had thought that this would be over soon enough. That when the tests were complete, Dr. Popova would release me and we’d each go on our way. But she’d just said that this was going to continue. And she was holding all the cards. I was stunned. Too stunned to say anything. Too stunned to move.

And for fuck’s sake I was turned on as hell.

“Jonathan, would you like me to tell you what to do next?”

I desperately did want that. “Yes Dr. Popova, please tell me what to do.”

“Oh Jonathan, it makes me so happy when you say that. Now, listen carefully…”

I followed her instructions. Lube the plug. Lube my ass. Turn around. Bend over so the camera can see. Put the plug in my ass.

That last part? Easier said than done. I placed the point of the plug at my back door and pushed. This was entirely new for me—Dr. Popova was right about my virgin American asshole. And she was going to watch as I lost my cherry. I pushed harder.

“Jonathan, are you having trouble?” she laughed.

“Doctor I’ve never done this before,” I tried to explain.

“Oh my god I was right!” she exclaimed. Was she clapping her hands? I couldn’t see her face, but I imagined her delight at my predicament.

“OK Jonathan,” she said, “just press down and slowly move the probe in and out. It will go in eventually.”

I felt the plug stretching me as I worked it in. I moved it back and forth. It felt weird and it felt good. It burned and it stretched. I started fucking myself gently with the tip of the plug, keeping time to the pulsing cuff and cage on my cock. “Oh god,” I groaned.

“That’s good, Jonathan,” she said. “Go slowly now. In and out. In, Jonathan. Out. Push just a little further each file upload time.” When it was almost all the way in she said, “Now, push it all the way, Jonathan. Do it!”

I pressed and felt the plug pop into place. I gasped.

“Oh Jonathan, how beautiful!” she said, sounding so happy for me. “Now, take the tail in your hand, Jonathan and connect it to the cuff,” she said.

I did, feeling the magnetic connection click sharply into place. And instantly, the probe sprang to life, pulsing gently in the same rhythm as the cuff and cage.

“Turn around and sit in your desk chair now, Jonathan,” she said. “I will explain the rest of the procedure to you. And I want to see your face as I explain your situation to you.”

Again, I followed her orders. I sat, feeling the chair press against the plug, pushing it deeper into my ass. Everything was throbbing now—my cock, my balls, my ass. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last.

“Dr. Popova, please!” I begged. “It’s been days. I’ve followed your instructions. Please let me remove all of your equipment. I’m begging you.”

“Are you done?” she said, suddenly cold again.

I said nothing.

“Jonathan, I asked you if you were finished with your little outburst?” she said.

I nodded meekly. The machines pulsed gently on my cock and balls. I was a wreck.

“That is good, because I have just been very very kind to you—taking your virginity so beautifully. That was a truly beautiful moment I just gave to you Jonathan. And what do you do in return? You whine like a little bitch,” she said. She paused then, and made a show of regaining her composure, squaring her shoulders, taking a deep breath.

“So now I guess we must get back to business. There will be no further reward for you today. I will simply explain how your new diagnostic probe works and then we will end our call.”

“Oh god, Doctor,” I said. I couldn’t help myself.

“Yes it is a shame,” she said, “but it can’t be helped.” She paused and then continued, “Your new diagnostic probe is similar to the cuff and cage that you are wearing. It measures certain vital body activity, and transmits data back to us. It is now beginning a cycle of measurement that should be done…” she paused and looked at her watch, “in less than a day.”

I groaned and she looked at me sharply. “I’m sorry, Doctor,” I said.

“Now this device is a little bit different than the other two. You may remove it whenever you wish and you may keep it removed for up to 15 minutes every hour. This will give you time to go to the bathroom, wash yourself, and then to reinsert the device. But I do have to warn you Jonathan, if you do not reinsert the probe and re-attach it to the cuff in a timely manner, the cuff will go into self-preservation mode. Do you remember how painful self-preservation mode is?”

I did. The memory filled me with horror. “Yes doctor, I remember.”

“Good,” she said. “I will be back in touch when the diagnostics are complete, probably within 24 hours. I will see you then.”

The screen went black. The cuff and cage pulsed slowly. The plug kept pace. My cock was harder than it’s ever been. I was leaking pre-cum all over the cage. This lockdown routine felt like it would go on forever.

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