The Write Stuff

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He Tai

It’s not easy being a cocktease.

Ha! Now there’s a lie if there ever was one! Men being what they are, slaves to their excited pricks, it’s not hard at all. All it takes is being born with the kind of body that men like – I guess I qualify – and an instinct for what they need. Then there’s nothing easier. When I left my apartment today I thought, “Oh shit, here we go again – gotta put up with all the pervs staring at me, getting obvious hard-ons when all I’m doing is walking down the street on the way to work – come on, guys, get over it!” Who am I kidding? To be honest, I’d be disappointed if I didn’t know that those guys will be jerking off tonight thinking about me, fantasizing about what they know they’ll never, ever get to have, these breasts, this provoking derrière. Really now, do I have to wear skirts as short as this to work, or sometimes “forget” to wear a bra under tight t-shirts? Come on, girl, who are you kidding? Well, I guess I just can’t help myself.

The fact is, it’s really hard trying NOT to be a cocktease!

I wonder sometimes if there’s something wrong with me. Well, not wrong exactly, but definitely unusual. When I was a freshman in college my girlfriends and I would sometimes hang out at the student union, watching some of the guys play video games – we especially liked to see them get all mad and frustrated when they lost. The thing is, there were other guys there, too, including some of the teachers, watching us. Most of the other girls didn’t notice, but a couple of my friends and I definitely did. As they stared at the girls, most in tight jeans but some in little shorts, these guys also looked frustrated, but in a different way – or maybe it’s the same thing, frustrated by what they can’t have. I was surprised to realize that I liked seeing men in that condition, and especially if I was the cause of it.

Anyway, the point is that I’ve always been aware of the power girls could have over men simply by holding what they want most just out of reach. Most women who have that power use it to get things they want from men. I suppose I’ve done that too, but with me it also has to do with my own enjoyment – I love thinking about what it does to a man when I tease him, how it must drive his cock crazy with frustration; in fact, it turns me on, it gets me hot.

I guess that makes me sound like a whore! Actually, I’m a writer. No, I’m not on the best seller list or anything like that, although I am working on a novel (aren’t we all?). I work for a small newspaper, an alternative rag in the large city I live in (never mind which one!). I write quirky public interest stories, interviews with politicians, film and stage reviews, things like that. Nothing terribly exciting, but it pays the rent. What’s a lot more interesting, though, is how I started writing, at least I think it’s interesting.

I’ve always enjoyed writing. When I was young I wrote a diary, and I loved to write poems that I thought were beautiful and deep but embarrass me to look at today. In school I was straight-A, a real goody-two-shoes who always did her homework, always wrote the best book reports and had my high school English teacher singing my praises. What I sometimes wore to his classes might have had something to do with his opinion of me, but that’s another story! The point is that I’ve always liked to write.

In college I went crazy, in more ways than one. I wrote up a storm – poetry slams, weird stories in the campus literary journal, brilliant essays for courses (at least I thought they were brilliant). I also became a party girl – I wasn’t a virgin when I started college, and it wasn’t long before I got the reputation as a girl who was open to all comers (and yes, that is a pun – a double one!) – a friend of mine used to say that she heard that the school infirmary had a whole shelf of condoms and calendar packs set aside just for me. She was just yanking my chain, of course … I think! My extracurricular activities might have been a problem if I hadn’t been such a good student – I put as much energy into my studies as I did between the legs of my lucky dates, both male and the occasional female. It was a large school, and very liberal – that may have had something to do with their indulgence; that and the fact that my stepfather taught there.

In my junior year I decided that I was tired of being broke. My folks were not rich, and the scholarships I was on only went so far; I needed to get a job. My roommate Jenna – Jenna my soul mate, love her so much! – she made a suggestion. Why not try a strip club? What? Really? Sure, she said. She’d done it a few times, and I remembered that she’d told me about it. They’re all over the city – they’re quite common here – and in fact a major boulevard near the campus is virtually lined with them. I obviously didn’t have any hang-ups about sex, so why not? So I did.

Jenna knew a lot more about the clubs than I did, so she made some suggestions. Ataşehir Yabancı Escort I decided to try a place a good distance from campus that she said was kind of unusual. For one thing, it was owned by a woman, very rare in that business; also it tended to be not as raucous as most places of the sort – the men who went there didn’t do it to drink and raise hell, but simply because they were desperately obsessed with sex. The girls who worked there tended to be smarter than the norm, and very good at feeding that obsession, making it worse. It sounded good to me, so I went and asked for a job – I hit it off immediately with Giselle, the owner, and I was hired even without experience. It turned out to be a match made in heaven.

At first I did the usual, taking off my clothes while the men stared and did their best not to drool or touch themselves. I learned a lot from watching the other girls; I was sexually experienced (obviously), but being a performer was new to me, and at first I tended to be shy on stage. I quickly came to realize that this was in fact not a flaw – I saw the men being drawn to my shyness, sensing vulnerability and innocence that they could watch being exploited as I slowly undressed in front of them. Shyness became a kind of trademark for me – I was the girl who pouted and looked uncertain as she started to undress, who bit her lower lip with worry about exposing herself to strangers, who timidly covered her pert breasts after removing her skimpy bra, but who finally gave in to her own arousal, licking her lips and caressing herself as she surrendered to the hungry gaze of her panting audience. It was an act, of course, but not entirely – I knew what it did to the men, and I liked that. You could feel the heat of a roomful of erect penises aching with need.

I got on well with the other girls. I’ve heard that’s unusual, but this was a good bunch of bosom buddies! Like me they all had their own put-on personas – Chantal was the schoolgirl brat, Françoise the nasty dominatrix, Kelsey the clueless blonde (she had amazing tits!), and so forth. I would watch their routines and started to imagine back stories for them. After a while I got into the habit of jotting them down, until I had a collection of vignettes, little mini-stories about each of their characters. Just for fun I handed these out to them – they loved them, and even made suggestions for changes to make the descriptions closer to how they thought of themselves.

It wasn’t long before Giselle got wind of this, and that led to a novel strip club offering: she had my little stories printed up in a sort of cast playbill like you see in theatre programs, each with a tantalizing picture of the girl in question. These were handed out to the clientele, who were encouraged to take them home to be used however they liked – “for reference,” Giselle called it. The hope, of course, was that their cocks would be referenced raw and they’d soon be back in the club to see their favorites in the flesh.

Giselle had another idea and called on me to help her with it. The idea was simple: each week there’d be a raffle, in which the prize would be one of the girls spending a half hour with the winner in private. What was to happen in private was never specified, so there was no question of breaking the city’s vice laws, which were vague and lax anyway. At-table dances for patrons had long been common – so-called “lap dances” – and as far as anyone knew the private sessions were just more of that. The lucky winner was encouraged to tip the young lady generously, and no questions were ever asked about what she did behind the curtain to earn that tip.

My role in this endeavor was to write the ad for the raffle – a different girl would be offered each week, and I wrote a story about her that expanded the vignette in the “playbill” into a more detailed description of her sexual inclinations and expertise, how much she was looking forward to pleasing the winner of the raffle whoever he might be. Each ad had to be different, and when the prize was a girl who had been raffled before the story about her had to be different too. This took some work, of course, and Giselle told me that I could cut down on the time I spent onstage to do it. For the most part I kept stripping, though, because I loved watching the men’s faces as I teased them.

Anyway, that was the first time I was paid to write, and I found that I really enjoyed it. Part of that was the unusual subject matter, but I also liked the challenge of finding the right words to best express whatever I was writing about. When I graduated I stopped working at the club, and found the job at the paper. It’s steady work and it pays better than stripping, except for the weeks when I was the raffle prize; I always got a big tip. Always.

I’m basically satisfied with the way my life is going at the moment, at least for the present. I may go back to school Ataşehir Yeni Escort at some point for some graduate work – in psychology maybe – but I’m not ready for that. Work is interesting enough, and my love life … well, I enjoy it, though I’m not sure if my lovers do. Oh, they do for a while, no doubt about that, but I’m not exactly what’d you’d call a one-man girl. You might say I enjoy spreading the joy (as well as my legs!) as wide as I can, and if some men can’t deal with that, well, tant pis, as the French say! I suppose you could say that I have control issues – I like having it. I do love pleasure, giving and receiving it – I mean, it’s so satisfying seeing a man’s cock buck and spurt in my hand after I’ve edged it for an hour, listening to him beg and moan – but sometimes it’s more fun to just leave him hanging. Aw, so frustrating, I know. Still, it’s amazing how many men keep coming back for more suffering; they crave it, I guess, poor guys. Well, happy to oblige!

I don’t remember when I first got the idea of writing erotic stories. I was certainly writing about a lot of things for my job, but there was a nagging sense of something missing, a lack of piquancy, of personal involvement. I found myself thinking about the little vignettes I used to write for the girls at the club, intended to worry up their fans’ hard-ons. What if I extended them, making up stories about the girls that went beyond the teasing little tidbits I used for the club hand-out? That might be interesting; in fact, the raffle itself might be fun to write about, especially if I included details about what went on behind the curtain when the lucky winner was alone with his favorite girl. That would be fictional, of course, but so what – just as long as it caused an itch that needed to be scratched.

So that’s what I did. For my first story I chose bratty Chantal, whose onstage performances tended to feature ultra short skirts, licked lips, and the word “No!” When the eager but nervous winner of her raffle is led behind the curtain he finds himself in an empty room with a single chair. Soon Chantal appears, dressed in a schoolgirl uniform with a white blouse and a very short pink and purple plaid skirt. She’s sucking on a lollipop, and for the first few seconds she doesn’t say anything, just leans against the wall with one foot pressed back against it, staring at the man and slowly swirling her tongue around the lollipop. Then she stands up straight and puts a hand on her hip; “Sit,” she says, pointing at the chair.

She begins a tantalizing strip tease, walking around in front of him, giving him little peeks up her skirt, flicking her tongue on the pop. When she’s just removed her blouse and is fondling her breasts in their skimpy little bra she notices that he’s gotten hard and he’s touching himself. She frowns and kneels in front of him and reaches forward to unzip his fly. When she’s gotten his semi-erect penis out in the open she stands back up and points at it. “Don’t touch!” she orders. She then strikes sexy poses as she smiles down at him, noticing him flex his fingers as he struggles to keep his hands away from his rising cock.

Finally, when she’s stripped down to just her sheer white cotton bikini panties and he’s fully erect, she kneels and makes love to his cock with a slow, gentle, tantalizing blowjob. I describe in detail how and where she lightly licks and kisses his hard penis, how she keeps him on the edge of orgasm, looking into his eyes and smiling wickedly as her tongue flicks knowingly around the head of his cock. Then, when a single lick more would have sent him over the edge, she stands up and hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her panties. She slowly pushes them down, one side and then the other, until she’s completely naked. She stands straight, leaning back a little, letting his eyes feast on her sweet little pussy, which she keeps as smooth as a little girl’s. His erection is stiffly vertical, begging for more, and she seems positioned to lower herself onto it, letting it sink into her warm, wet, welcoming cunt. But instead she drapes her panties over the head of his desperate prick and whispers in his ear, “Have fun with those at home!” as she turns and disappears through the door.

Fiction, but you know, just the sort of thing I can imagine Chantal actually doing!

I found my new hobby fun, and I wrote a few more about the other raffle girls. This was strictly for my own enjoyment, and the only person I told about it was Jenna, whom I had stayed in contact with after graduation. It was her suggestion that I put them on the Internet, but I was doubtful. I mean, I said, they’re not exactly fine works of literature, I’d be embarrassed. She just looked at me. You know who’d be reading them don’t you? They’d be oh so popular with some men, oh yes, at least those who can read, who’d have one hand on the mouse and the other on their cocks as they drooled Ataşehir Masaj Salonu all over the keyboard! That’s what you’re really after, isn’t it? I had to admit that that had crossed my mind.

So that’s what I did. I posted the Chantal story on an Internet site that Jenna told me about, one that has a comment section, and then I waited. Each day I checked the site for any comments from people who may have seen the story. It took a while, but finally there was one! This guy said he tried to read the story, but he couldn’t get through it. What? Was it that boring? Did I use words that were too big? What!? I was very disappointed, and mad at myself for getting my hopes up. But I checked again the next day, and there was another comment from him. He said he tried again and he finally got through it; he said he kept having to stop to jerk off and that’s why it had taken him so long! And when he finally got to the end he had to get his cock out and masturbate again. Oh my – yes! This is what I was after – yaay! After a while I posted another raffle story, and then other kinds, but not too frequently. I’d often leave a comment of my own, saying I’d be posting another one in a day or so, but didn’t until a couple of weeks later, just to be a tease.

As time went on other men made similar remarks – one described in detail how he touched himself, how he teased his own cock while he read about how Chantal kept the man right on the edge of coming with little flicks of her tongue, another told about how he had an orgasm reading about Kelsey, who sat facing her man on his lap, straddling him with his cock deep in her pussy and holding her voluptuous breasts up to his face while he slobbered all over them, frantically sucking her nipples, right, left, back and forth, as he ejaculated deep inside her. Another guy begged me to tell him where the strip club was so he could be in the raffle – he actually believed it was all true!

As I read these comments I suddenly became aware that my hand had drifted down between my legs and I was flicking my clit through my panties – I was so turned on! It seemed that I was developing my own kind of obsession, addicted to having men tell me about how my words drove them crazy, how it teased their cocks and made them have to masturbate over and over. I loved it! I also liked hearing angry men complain when I didn’t let a guy in a story get what he needed – those comments gave me a giggle. The first man who read the Chantal story actually went out and bought a pair of girl’s panties to jerk off with, so he could pretend he was the raffle winner. Jenna said I should get a commission from Victoria’s Secret, since he was probably not the only guy doing that! From the way he described them, though – thin cotton bikinis with little hearts around the waistband – I suspect he probably just got them in an ordinary department store.

One thing I really didn’t expect was receiving photos from some of the guys – I had provided an email address in a comment of my own, and soon my inbox was flooded with them. These showed them masturbating as they read my stories – at least they said that’s what they were doing as they jerked. They never showed their faces, but had extreme close-ups of their stiff cocks as they stroked and fondled them, some even while coming. I’ve saved all these pictures – they’re my trophies! I can’t say that just seeing naked penises turns me on particularly – I mean, I’ve seen plenty of male junk in my day! What I enjoy is seeing a sexually frustrated guy masturbating, knowing how helpless he is in his arousal and excitement, needing that pleasure so much, never able to get enough; it’s what’s going on between his ears that piques my imagination while he’s busy between his legs.

After experiencing all of this I’ve started to wonder about men I see throughout the day, men at work, in stores, on the street – who are these guys who read my stories, who send me pictures of themselves masturbating because I’ve gotten them so excited? They could be anyone, really; the guy who’s always staring at my tits in the copy room might be the one jerking himself off on my laptop screen, my boss might be the one who bought the little panties; I really have no way of knowing. What it says to me is that all men are potential targets for cocktease, and whenever I meet men now I find myself becoming more sensitive to their lust and hidden desires, and to my own need to exploit them for my own pleasure – I always get a little tingle when I see the telltale bulge in a man’s pants.

Jenna says that I should be careful lest I become as much of an addict as the guys I tease with my stories! Not to worry, I tell her, I’m in control, it’s just for fun – my fun, anyway, since they’re the ones who suffer – but then, they love it. We have a kind of symbiotic relationship: I tease and worry their cocks with my stories, they get me wet by showing me what it does to them. A fair exchange!

Well, it’s late and I’d better get to bed – early day tomorrow. I’ll just take another peek at the picture of the guy coming in “Chantal’s” panties. I hope he’s imagining that those are her hands on him, stroking , teasing – or better yet, mine. I won’t be long – my vibrator is handy, fully charged!

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