An Afternoon of Delight

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Having just woken up after a mid afternoon nap I walk through the apartment to get a drink. I’m dressed in my customary sleep attire; one of your t-shirts and nothing more. I smile as I lean back against the kitchen bench, recounting the deliciously erotic dream you’d been starring in as I napped. I feel a tingle of arousal spread through my body like a lightening bolt. It spikes off and teases my nipples, making them hard before finally pooling between my thighs to leave my sex feeling hot and damp with desire.

I glance up as I hear your key in the door, then the distinctive sound of the door opening and closing. Your keys clattering onto the hall table is the next sound followed by your bag landing on the floor near the table. I know the first thing you’ll do is look for me, quietly moving through our apartment because when you left I told you I’d be napping. I bite my lip as I feel my hardened nipples brush against your t-shirt sending shivers through me. The arousal I’m feeling from the dream won’t be denied and you’re about to be the recipient of it.

I hear you go into our bedroom; probably thinking you’ll be able to wake me up from my nap in one of your usual delicious ways. Not today, I’m already awake and intend to be the one surprising you with something delicious. I know the next place you’ll look will be here so I stand to the side, out of your view when you first walk in. My hands itch to touch you as my mind runs over the many options for what I could do next. Why plan it out? I know as soon as you get involved we’ll end up where I want. Orgasming intensely together in that way that only you can make happen. That way that leaves me spinning out of control, spiralling şişli escort through the stars and around the moon until I’m crashing back to earth to lie breathless in your arms.

You walk in and before you’ve properly stepped into the room I grab your t-shirt and push you against the wall. As soon as your back hits the wall I slide my hands into your hair and kiss your mouth. Its not a soft kiss, nor is it tender or teasing. This kiss reflects how I’m feeling right now. It’s aggressive, hard and undeniably passionate. The sound of surprise you make is lost in my lips as I kiss you, my tongue stroking over your lips before dipping into your mouth to further assault your body.

I tingle as you growl with pleasure, that growl that always makes me so wet, so aroused. Your hands mimic mine and slide into my hair, as if you think I might move my head away. Well not today, not here and definitely not now. I want you too much to stop. I press my body against yours, loving the contrast between hard plains and soft curves. Moving my body sensuously against yours, sliding my torso, hips, thighs over yours. Feeling all those parts of you I know so well, the parts I’ve come to know as well as my own in the years we’ve been together.

My hands soon join in the caressing, moving over your body to begin to free you of your clothing. You growl again and I recognise that growl. It’s the impatient one that tells me you need me here and now and nothing will get in the way. I stroke my hand over your zipper and realise you’re rock hard, I give an answering growl to your own. Your lips slide from my own and move to my neck, kissing along my jaw to get there. I gasp as you bite levent escort me roughly, my fingernails digging into your hips as I feel those lightening bolts of arousal travelling through me once again.

You slowly back me into the kitchen table, so lost in kissing the teeth marks you’ve left on my neck that you only realise we’re there when my ass hits it and I sit on the edge. The evidence of your arousal is unmistakable as you press your hips to mine. I can’t help but grind back against the hardness digging into me, desperate to have you inside me and to have you fill me in the way only you can. You’re obviously feeling just as urgently aroused because suddenly I’m naked and your shirt lies on the ground ripped down the front. Who’d have thought the sound of clothing ripping could be so arousing?

Before I’ve had the chance to form a coherent thought you’ve turned me around and bent me over the table. My breasts press against the cool wood and I begin to rub my nipples against it, enjoying the coolness in stark contrast to my heated skin. I hear your zipper lower and close my eyes as I anticipate your next move. You move closer and this time instead of denim rubbing against my ass I feel your skin. I arch my back, moving my thighs against yours but you’re not having any of that.

You press one hand to the middle of my shoulders, gently pushing me back to lie on the table again. Your other hand is wrapped around your shaft I soon find out as you begin to caress the head of your cock over my sex, drawing circles over my clit with it. I moan as I writhe on the table, unable to do anything more as you gently press me to it. I reach my hands forward and grip the taksim escort opposite edge of the table, fingers curled around it as I pant for breath.

“Please.. please I need you..” I whisper into the table, alternating between being on tiptoe then flatfooted as I try to move my hips against you to get what I want. Your control seems to slip and with another growl you line your cock up with my sex and thrust hard and fast into me. I arch my back, moaning in pleasure as I feel you all the way inside me. You begin to slide in and out of me, hard and fast so I feel my hips dig almost painfully into the edge of the table. The pleasure outweighs the pain as you begin to jackhammer into me, harder and faster until we’re both panting and moaning together. The table slowly inches forward with each thrust and reminds me of how hot it sounds to hear the headboard on the wall as you fuck me this hard in bed.

I’m trying to hold back, trying to think of anything but this because it’s too amazing to have it end. I should know better. You seem to know me, can read my mind and you growl into my ear “No holding back!” as your hand moves to caress my clit. My hips buck against yours as the orgasm I had barely been suppressing begins to boil up through my body. I close my eyes and moan, arching my back and pressing down onto your cock as if I could close the nonexistent gaps between our bodies.

Your growled “Fuck..” in my ear is the only signal before you orgasm and begin to spill inside me. I moan loudly as I orgasm also, the spasms of pleasure combining with the warmth of your release. I melt onto the table, lying there panting for breath. You fall on top of me and I savour your hot weight against me, the sound of you panting for breath in my ear as you trace kisses over my shoulder. I close my eyes and only move as you move us, curling my body around yours as you pull out a chair for you to sit on and bring me onto your lap.

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