The Saint

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It was December in New Orleans. The French Quarter was dead because everyone was getting ready for Christmas and the Sugar Bowl season hadn’t started. Danny O’Reilly was off that night and was in the massage parlor on Royal St. It was part of a complex of three massage parlors owned by one man who was reputed to be part of the Dixie Mafia run by the Marcello family. The tourists all assumed it to be a prostitution outlet but it wasn’t. The customers were led to believe they would get sex from the girls but it never happened. There wasn’t a lot of repeat business but the owners apparently didn’t care.

Danny was in the back booth lying on a massage table on his back. Audry, a red headed girl from the mountains of Tennessee was sucking his cock. Audry was a petite girl with large tits. She had a tattoo of a devil on the right cheek of her ass and liked police officers. When Danny was really hard she got on the table on top of him and lowered her wet twat on to Danny’s dick. As she undulated her hips Danny kissed and sucked her nipples. She really liked sex and was very vocal when she was having it. “Oh My Lord Danny,” she cried in her thick drawl, “I’m going to cum soon Baby.” Then Danny felt her pussy tighten around his cock and he shot his load into it.

She put her clothes back on and washed Danny’s dick with a warm wet washcloth.

Then she said something that made Danny wonder if she was playing with a full deck. “Danny you know God gave me a gift. I think I enjoy sex more than most and when I go home next year I’m going to marry the preacher’s son and we’re going to have a bunch of younguns.” That just didn’t make sense to Danny. He knew Audry was having sex with at least four policemen that he knew of. Why would she want to go home and marry the preacher’s son?

Then she said something she knew would aggravate Danny. “Danny,” she said, “You have a fantastic dick but Sgt. Trawler made me cum three times last night before he shot off.” She knew Danny didn’t like Trawler and knew she shouldn’t talk about him but she couldn’t help herself. She was a shit stirrer and always had been. She had gotten in a fight with one of the other girls a few weeks ago and badly scratched her face. Danny wondered what life would be like with Audry married to the preacher’s son in rural Tennessee.

The manager of the parlor complex was a blond heavy set woman who had hinted to Danny on several occasions that she wanted to have sex with him but Danny knew she was married and didn’t like or trust her husband. Her name was Sally Peters and the girls called her husband the Saint. He was a mean nasty Mississippi red neck who could be brutal with the girls or customers if there was trouble. Once he broke a girls wrist Bağdat Caddesi Travesti when the girl held back a tip she had gotten from a customer. He was always trying to get the girls to have sex with him and none of them wanted to do it. Once in a while one of them would because they needed money or days off but they were never enthusiastic about it. Audry told Danny she had gone with him twice but pretended he was someone else. Each time he had given her a hundred dollars from the safe when they were finished. She had given him the ultimate insult when she told Danny he had a needle dick. Audry had a thing about well hung guys.


Three days before Christmas Leo Schultz a police officer on the Bourbon St. Promenade–a foot beat in the French Quarter got a call of a shooting at the Bourbon St. Massage Parlor. He was only a block away and was on the scene in two minutes. When he entered the lobby where the customers waited for the girls he found the Saint lying on the floor in convulsions. He looked a little closer and saw he had a gunshot wound to his right temple. Leo called for an EMS unit and got his notebook out. He couldn’t help the Saint but he could get the names of all the people there and take some preliminary information. Fifteen minutes later EMS showed up but the Saint was dead. Leo called for Homicide and Danny O’Reilly and his partner Pascal Melito were assigned the call.

When they arrived Pascal looked at the body and asked Leo, “Did you find the gun.”

“It’s under the body Dago,” he said, “We didn’t move it yet. The girls are all saying he was playing Russian Roulette and he misjudged where the bullet was on his third spin and it went off. Danny looked at the body and saw that familiar expression of surprise he had seen on so many shooting victims in the past. Leo said, “The coroner is on the way and so is the crime lab. We haven’t notified his old lady because no one knows where she is. We have five girls here and I told them not to talk about this incident among themselves. None of them seems the least bit upset.

Pascal said, “Danny let’s take the girls one at a time in one of the massage rooms and interview them. Leo watch the scene for us while we talk to the witnesses. We’ll do the entire report this time and treat it as an unclassified death. I’ll take the first girl. Danny you better let me do the interview with Audry. Is that OK?”

“Yeah you’re right,” he said. He knew it would be better if Pascal interviewed her.

Pascal took Audry into a massage room and they sat down. “Audry I need you to tell me exactly what happened tonight,” he said. She nodded and he started by reading her her Miranda rights. He explained that she Bostancı travesti wasn’t a suspect and he didn’t have to read her her rights but he liked to do it even with witnesses. He knew that sometimes witnesses became suspects and he didn’t like to stop and read them their rights because it often made them stop talking. If he did it first they usually told him everything they knew.

Audry said, “Officer I was there when it happened. I think it was God’s will. Praise the Lord! The Saint came in about 9:30 PM. I had just finished with a customer and was sitting in the chair at the desk. Saint went to the safe and opened it. He was going to put the extra cash we had in it and then he found the gun. He had been drinking and started playing with it. He took all the bullets out except for one and spun the cylinder. Then he looked at it and saw where the bullet was. The idiot put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. It just clicked. SusieQ bet him ten bucks that he couldn’t do it again. He did and SusieQ said she wanted to go double or nothing. He spun the cylinder again and when he pulled the trigger it went off. I tell you it was God’s will. He was a no good son of a bitch and got what he deserved.”

Two hours later the body was gone and the gun had been recovered. The position of the casing in the cylinder corroborated Audry’s story. The gun turned out to be stolen from a recent auto burglary. The girls said someone came in and sold it to Saint a week or two ago. They were just about ready to leave when Sally showed up. She looked at the detectives and the blood on the floor and asked, “What happened here?”

Danny told her, “Sally the Saint was playing Russian Roulette and shot himself in the head.”

“Is he dead?” she asked.

“I’m sorry Sally,” Danny told her, “He was dead when we got here. The girls can tell you all about it.”

“Can we clean up this mess?” she asked.

“Sure,” Danny said, “We were just leaving.”

Sally looked at the girls and said, “SusieQ, Audry y’all go get the mop and some water we need to clean up this mess and get back to work.”

Back at headquarters Danny and Pascal compared their notes and Pascal said, “You know all these statements are exactly alike. Usually there are a few discrepancies but not tonight. They probably got their stories straight before we got there.”

Danny said, “Dago they all hated him. He was a nasty redneck and took advantage of everyone. I’m willing to bet he was skimming money off of the top and sooner or later the Dixie Mafia would have found out and put a stop to it. That is if they haven’t already done so. You’re right these statements are all alike right down the line. Even his old lady wasn’t Kartal travesti surprised or upset at his death.”

Pascal thought about the situation for a few minutes. “Danny,” he said, “This guy was pretty stupid and I think he made a mistake that we are all taught at the Academy to avoid. The gun was a Smith and Wesson and the cylinder rotates counter clockwise. A Colt’s cylinder rotates clockwise. Do you think it’s possible that he got the two confused?”

“Dago you might be on to something,” he said, “Let me talk to Audry later tonight and see what she’ll tell me when she’s away from work.”

“OK Danny,” Pascal said, “Why don’t you call her now and set it up. She gets off at midnight and she might be ready for a drink and whatever then.”

At 1:00 AM Danny was lying in a hot tub of soapy water with Audry lying on top of him. He had just had sex with her and she had been hotter than he had ever seen her before. She had had a rare multiple orgasm and Danny knew she was ready to talk to him about what happened earlier.

“Baby,” he whispered in her ear, “Tell me what really happened tonight.”

She smiled and said, “Danny we all told you what happened. You don’t think we would lie do you. Lying is a sin before God and I could never do that.”

“OK. I believe you but what else happened that you didn’t tell us. I know the Saint was skimming money off the top and Sally knew it and sooner or later the Dixie Mafia would have figured it out.”

“I swear Baby it happened just like we said. He was a little drunk and SusieQ was egging him on. She needed some money last week for her mother back in Texas and borrowed a grand from him. He made her suck his dick before he gave her the money and she hated him more than most of us. Danny, she told him that there wasn’t a hair on his ass if he wouldn’t play Russian Roulette with her. She did it first and then he did it. The third time they did it he shot himself. She told me later that he didn’t know the difference between a Colt and a Smith and Wesson whatever that means.”

“OK Audry then tell me why Sally wasn’t upset even a little.”

“She’d been married to him for ten years and I think she’d had enough. She was having an affair with the old man who owns the club on the corner and she told me tonight that she knew sooner or later he would wind up dead and that she had a big insurance policy on him. Danny this really was a stupid accident. I tell you it was God’s will. When I go home and marry the preachers son I’ll know all about sin and the ways of evil and will be able to help him in his fight against the devil. The Saint was very close to the devil and deserved what he got tonight.”

Danny knew she was telling him the way it was. He could tell Pascal in the morning that he was right about his theory about which way the cylinder revolves in different guns. Now his dick was getting hard again and it was time to take Audry in the bedroom and do her one more time before she really did go home and marry the preacher’s son.

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